FEAR The GREAT Storm Paladin Build In Outward Definitive Edition

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yeah boy ladies and gentlemen we are back with yet another crazy fun build in outward this time around we are boosting our lightning damage to become the Ultimate Storm Paladin combine your runes together to create powerful storms compressed into small balls of electricity throw these across the map at anything that moves with loads of mana and excellent armor we can attack from really far away while also being decently resistant to attacks here is how you can become the ultimate champion of elat and finally put an end to those horrific Scourge monsters the three scale trees we want to take are rogue engineer wild hunter and Rune Sage Rogue engineer is needed for the Breakthrough allowing us to wear our backpack and still Dodge without being slowed wild hunter is for a much more aggressive gameplay with Predator lead we do get more Health with this tree as well which is nice but that Predator leap skill is by far the Highlight allowing us to jump into battle getting this started with high impact or finishing off an enemy with one last Fell Swoop Rune Sage will be needed as it's our primary source of damage we want runic prefix at the very top because it offers much more defense when using runic protection or blue than purple runes the lightning blast also gains more lighting damage allowing it to destroy monsters quickly you'll need to cast green then blue to get the runic Lantern and then green then red will send a ball of electricity across the screen it has huge range it can even be used without lock-on to devastate opponents nowhere near you this attack is the theme for this build considering it is a storm of lightning formed into one orb-like Mass for our helmet we want the white wide hat take a wide black hat bot from The Alchemist and Berg and place it into a legacy chest out comes an excellent hat that looks good and contains amazing stats we need it for the 10 lightning damage bonus and negative 20 Mana cost typically these wide hats have the best Mana cost reduction for hats and outward making this option really strong for us the chest plate we want will of course be silver armor bought in Monsoon not only is this one of the best armor pieces in the game as it provides excellent defense but it can also be enchanted with Spirit of monsoon granting us 25 more lightning damage it looks really good and is really hard not to use with any lightning build the boots we'll grab are the gold Lich boots you'll need to defeat the gold glitch in order to obtain these but a horror weapon makes that job a lot easier on top of this These Boots are insane for any mage build offering good defense to lightning and negative 15 Mana cost you will also want to enchant these with flux granting a small amount of movement speed and plus five percent lightning damage I forgot about this enchant when I made the build but since the stats are minimal the result will only be slightly improved the weapons for this build are lightmenders lexicon as it provides more lightning damage and some extra Mana cost reduction there is an enchant for this item granting it 0.1 Mana regen but unfortunately it's a Caldera enchant so rabbit if you can but very end game then we want a gold Lich mace this is an item you can easily craft early on if you use traps against those lightning Golems it actually looks like a pelvis if you really look at it which is kind of funny but there are several reasons to use this guy on top of this if you take the holy Mission faction Quest you will eventually enter a lotus flower to talk to some fnatic priests if they turn against you an NPC named Sauron will assist you in their demise he uses a two-handed mace and can teach you the skill for that weapon type but for some reason in this specific fight he uses a one-handed gold-lich mace since he is the most paladin-like character in the game literally stopping two armies from fighting each other it fits the theme it also has high durability which makes using Predator leap much less punishing and lastly it inflicts doomed this will weaken enemies to lightning damage by 25 after three hits applying this makes weaker enemies die instantly to one lightning ball and allows us to kill harder enemies efficiently with this ability as well our backpack of choice for this character is the light mender's backpack it offers 10 more lighting damage to the character while also having a really slick design when using this backpack you are unfortunately slowed with an impeded Dodge roll which makes it hard to use on most builds luckily we are taking Rogue Engineers so that we can keep the damage bonus during combat as that tree lets us use any backpack with an unimpeded Dodge roll at this point I'm sure you can guess how much Mana to use here three points is perfect giving us around 120 Mana in the end enough to use regularly but do craft plenty of Mana potions as no Mana regen will run you dry after several fights no Paladin build is complete without taking the holy Mission faction Quest it offers the most rewards to the player and honestly provides stats we cannot part with I'll display all the rewards on screen here but the big ones to notice are an extra 20 Decay resistance meaning Decay attacks do very little to us negative 10 stamina and Mana cost meaning we don't get any extra lightning damage but being able to cast spells more often and run around logger is more important to me infused light is also collected from this faction meaning you can buff your melee weapon pretty well if you want to melee more often the best thing about this storm Paladin build is that it's yet another very simple Rune build you'll be using the green then red combination ninety percent of the time to attack from far away additionally this mid to long range combo can get most enemies into a loop since we can infinitely Dodge thanks to Rogue engineer you simply cast runes until the enemy is close enough Dodge and then continue casting runes if you do this often enough enemies like shell Horrors will run at you with a quick lunge attack and that's all they'll do making it much easier to read attacks and get off your lightning in the process if you would like to maximize your potential here is the order in which you should approach combat activate the Decay Boon blessed Boon and enrage Boon this will allow you to be extremely resistant to any Decay attack it will also increase your lightning damage and give you the ability to use predator leap a major problem with the gold Lich maze is that it has low impact and is very slow which means you can't knock over enemies instantly to get around this we start the battle off with Predator leap follow it up with push kick and you'll be able to attack without needing to block you can also use brace if the enemy does attack you to protect yourself and impact them greatly the important thing to note here is that three mace hits is required this applies that 25 weakness to lightning once that's applied you can run back and blast with the lightning like I said it's not necessary because the lightning is so strong but if it makes enemies die quicker you might as well be using it runic protection will need to be up 24 7 to Grant you excellent defense and be there for a quick heal when you need it the lightning ball ability does require runic Lantern to use but funnily enough it usually shoots in a straight line so you don't even have to lock on and can line up the lantern with an enemy do this well enough and you can get two or three electric storms off before the enemy even gets near you it's actually quite fun to see if you can hit your opponents without the auto Target you get when locked on in caves this is less useful but in the open world it trivializes almost every enemy because they have no Health once they can actually attack you I wanted to make this lightning ball skill usable as a main ability since it is so ridiculously fun to use and really cool you can use it for an entire playthrough and never get bored additionally there are not that many enemies with lightning resistance making this quite useful if you are worried about facing lightning enemies you can always make a horror maze as backup being one of the easiest weapons to craft an outward and still holding its own until end game this is always an s-tier backup in fact it makes the light mender fight a joke seeing as he is so weak to Decay damage when you get down to it this is a magical Paladin with the power of intense storms taking two skill trees for support rather than only one offers something unique join me as one of many Rune Sage Fanatics and stormed the world with a power so pure it Rivals nature itself become the storm Paladin and never look back thanks for watching everyone and I will catch you next time foreign [Music] thank you
Channel: SheenShots
Views: 18,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Outward Tips and Tricks, Tips and tricks, Beginners Guide to Outward, Outward Beginners Guide, Outward 2023, Outward skills, RPG, outward best backpacks, outward rpg, outward puzzle, outward tips, outward builds, outward combat guide, best new rpg, Outward DLC, Outward secrets, outward quick guides, how to beat outward, outward, outward gameplay, Definitive Edition, Build Guide, best build, Build, How To build, FEAR The GREAT Storm Paladin Build In Outward Definitive Edition
Id: SND4TV9raAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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