Pastor Alph Lukau's Outstanding Prophecies at Alleluia Ministries International !

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I'm looking for you I'm looking for you stand up how are you doing you okay don't be afraid I'm here to bless you what is your name my name is Claudette snob sorry Claudette Nava do you want it back [Music] do you want your husband babe yes I want to pick all right so we're speaking the same language it cannot carry on like this how many children do you have I have two children you have two children yes and you want to abandon you you want to go because I am seeing you sometime last year you're going through the phone of your husband you realize that if your husband is working for himself and is flying and moving all over the place is that correct instance it goes here it goes to Cape Town it goes to Durban because it's a self-employed now it's always out of the house I am seeing you going to the phone and you have found a message that he has been a conversation between him and Hazel is a correct is it's great you find that message and you decided to do something instead of speaking to your husband you got the number and you call as oh you met with a soul you confronted a soul and instead of a blinking she looked at you and say who are you to confront me this man is mine now and I will deal with you is that correct yes it's correct but it was after I beat ARP she took matters into her own hands and decided to do physically with her husband's mistress so you did not just confront her do you now beat hello I've eaten up you beat her up yes and ever since she's been calling me using private numbers and sending me anonymous sms's and telling me that no no man woman on this face of earth is gonna be able to help me in this situation cause she's Shauna and she knows what she's doing she said to you no man no woman on the face of the earth will be able to help you she lies clearly hazel is not familiar with the power of God she lied she lied [Applause] one bedroom do you come to church here no it's actually my first time today oh this is your first time let's also have place after the very so this you can I wanted to say if you're part of the church the CCO came but let me tell you there is a guy in bedrooms that you also want to see but before you went to the see this man has I went to see this man his name isn't perfume perfume you don't / foo I know him through one lady that I met at the baby clinic a lady that you met in the public clinic refers referred to you to puffle but I'll be known to you before you went to Peru when this lady has been bitten by you and threatened you she went to puffle so that I'm perform a deal with you people took this woman on a symmetry and put put her lay her down on a tomb I can see the person in that tomb was buried 20 years ago and it went around with a ritual to excell swell around it mix it with things and met a drink for her to drink she drank it and prophesy from now go and sleep with a man the man will live her will come to you when that happen is then that Oscar started moving far away from you but you have two children as see Chantal Chantal yes that's my fist is your first daughter she's your first daughter because she was born on the 13th of January 2006 and there is no pummelo no boo Malala is my six-month-old total your six-month-old daughter robot Shia you say this is your first time this is my first name to me you don't have your friends here I know but let me tell you ask you a simple question do you want Oscar back to be honest wanting big I'm not going to stay here and act as if I'm perfect in all of this but I've loved that men for the past 14 years for the past 14 years you loved your husband yes I can bring him back this is no ordinary man this is a fluke how I can bring him back good night beloved tomorrow is too far it'll happen just as the man of God declares it if I have never met you I'm telling you the details of your life is because God has already set it all I'm doing is being a point of contact are you hearing me even him Oscar his brother I'm seeing he has a brother in this route his name isn't Winkler this guy is very sick as I speak they had put poison in his food his that is correct is that correct yes but I haven't seen him ever since he could see I just had you just heard that it's very sick tell him that you went to center in a church called air mine you met a pastor is name is a new power by here is carro Borgia hmm Guerra be Shia how many are you in the family here six us seeks peace there is has a pray for you call the United States of America there is your sister Audrey all countries my youngest sister your sister Audrey day a hat is fitting she got married on the 31st of July 2016 is that correct that is she got married on the 31st of July 2016 yes but we see she feels that she has grown as a big woman but still no child before marriage or even in marriage to tell her you walk through sentence you find a church called Emma you met a man of God his name is Earth and this man same as a pray for you now who opens up in the name this woman is not even in the service yet God in His mercy has located her if the Lord is a Baba sitting I am your brother to learn me to land me yes is your brother : you have a brother culture learning is I'm about to do something because God has your brother in mind your brother to Lonnie is married to no cipo these are correct is and then your brother and no Zippo and the wife your brother and the wife no support they have a job this chart is called route Sippel is the reason why the name the child routes simple is because the child was born on the 31st of July Zippo is the name of your grandfather who was also born on the 31st of July is a correct is that's why that's also my and it's also your father's name so the post office is dissecting this word of knowledge the linkage from the same 31st of July when the child was born it is when all three was getting married and roots is the name of your mother so that leaves the true root and Zippo but the message you should take to your brother is simple I am seeing him in any Jew do you know as I need youth is he leaves around that area in any Jew I am seeing him is running a course center yes he works for himself but I don't really know what he does but I just know he's in conferencing in conferencing is running a call center I can tell you more about your brother indeed this is the man who sits in the castle of God how can you know although you see the world may know the man upstairs is not mute if your card is dead come try mine a guard will open those for your brother in his business God will change your story but off your husband tonight beloved that man is returning by fire by Falls that has or wouldn't know then poor fool has no power true power is in God sangomas be Enders chance take us stretch your hands stretch your hands lift your hand lift your hand my daughter we break the yoke of the enemy whatsoever hazel did against her is arrested and destroyed in Jesus name true power comes only from God we declare her free in Jesus name be free in the name of Jesus it will not carry on like this the cycle of pain and struggle is coming to an end the spread of the Lord is in this place there shall be Liberty what's your name I mean what's your name this wagon echo do you love the Lord yes how much not a lot for how long have you been in this church last year January this last year January you've been here yes you see as you are here I'm seeing a woman an old woman cooking something cooking something I guess everyone in your family jealousy in the family and the reason why you are in a lot of pain yes you keep on crying yes master nothing is working no you see you've been coming here since last year January yes if you find somebody you want to attack ask the person fish what you name which church do you go to who's your pasta there are places when you he'll just run for your own life this is wickedness of the enemy against you a new family the plan of Satan everybody's fresh your hands to Odin now break the yoke of the enemy recommend the powers of the enemy to go this woman has a pray for you who's cooking this she's doing it every midnight that's why even when you have a bit of good news it's always turns bad your story is always a painful story but the day God is changing it they cannot carry on like this it cannot carry on like this we cancel every demonic work of witchcraft working against her in Jesus name the devil's reign of terror and her life is over Oh [Music] here a baboso koto bow [Music] universitary she passed off stops suddenly behind an elderly man and the Oracle of God speaks in tongues as the Spirit of the Lord gives him a prophetic review about this man's life - pushia I hear a man's voice pray all the way from formalin stander ZK a very opposite way today is July 3 2 to 9 July yes true life father we're sinful River for how long have you been this church two years for two years for two years you've been part of a linear ministries international yes you are my spiritual son do you love me too much [Applause] the water fight this budget together thank you Father why are you from a better-funded into malanga yes Father he is the man that wants the offered grains out of seeing a man praying in poo mallanna but it's many spraying is praying for his health this man is praying is praying for his health because and there is fear because if anything bad happens to me like it happened to her what will be of my children are afraid if it happens to me what about my children like ever you're asking if it happens to me if I die like her what will happen to our children it's true do you love mining yes I'm working at the L know America you're working for Anglo American as its coal mine is a coal mine yes vara you carriages and there is great grace upon your life I see cheese let me tell you nothing will happen to you Oh sickness can have no holes on him he will not die by the same sword because God is releasing healing is a healer he is healing you thank you light is healing you right I reserved it if even your blood pressure will be stable Thank You father's give him a problem or not so even your blood pressure that will be a sign that you see that your blood pressure is now fine do you know this person do you know her yes because I see an image of God pointing her as I'm speaking to you I'm trying to avoid the angel and is pointing her please stand out [Music] [Applause] how are you do you know to leave yes I'm sure you are to leave do you know him yes I do love him a lot you see I caught you [Music] is it God wanna do blessings you know release blessings over your life but I so far the reason why you have not seen the miracles of God as you're supposed to see it's because of yourself you have been the reason of the delay of your own blessing but God is saying truly truly truly if you were straighten up your life if you walk differently from this point forward I will open great doors for you because you see he loves you but even him in his heart is wondering is it the right one because he's afraid to make a mistake is a correct it's correct I'm not exposing you for trouble but in his heart is wondering should I carry on or should I stop I want to let you know God said if from today truly truly truly you will straighten up your life God is saying you know open a bigger door many people are the reason why the blessing did not manifest yet because this is some of the things that we do create delays Israel went on a journey for 40 years a journey that could have taken them just 40 days they kept on delaying themselves and turning around a break the vicious sake of delay over your life in the name of Jesus I released the grace of God over you in Jesus name I speak healing and speak healing and speak healing in the name of Jesus raaah mama sent a lift wanna say not unto us O Lord not unto us shade as we believe it not unto us O Lord not unto us but unto your name then unto your name give glory give so why would the nation say where is their God bless men [Applause] twice Wow if only everyone could receive prophecy with so much joy he's so overwhelmed this makes my heart so warm somebody expect God to do something for you [Music] I said to my wife when we came to church I said pastor Willie locaters you said to your wife as you came to show you're going to allocate us today there's no way oh no way and thank you are you a family yes pastor it's my tortoise you my son I'm your son papa for how long have you been here since last year I'm celebrating 16 years no not 16 years I'm here for one year oh yeah you celebrating 16 years because it is a sweet 16 so one full year here and you're my son I'm your son do you love me I love you so much Papa I love you more I love you so much less about to cry love me Oh God I'm a TV ministry partner no no if you lose God somebody ready to do business [Music] business sure I'm hearing ready to do business it's our business papa is that your business way to do business is calling I say ready to do business [Music] Thank You papa these are your daughters yes ma'am your daughter's likes accounting you love accounting is manicott my god but are you you why'd you hang around lawyers i am seeing some lawyers next you come you love accounting yes I do I'm SDA Jesus high five I love what is intelligent what is intelligent that trucks my mind like she's CA and she loves the Lord so where are you working I'm working as the audit manager at Aniston you see I see why are you around lawyers so you a wicked day alright alright it's your child the enemy wanted to mess up your child the enemy wanted to mess this child even as a child was still young you went to a lot of things men of God a lot it's because of the grace of God upon you that this child of yours who's a carrier of such a blessing is still here because I'm see like a stroke I am seeing problem proving like oxygen I am seeing development problems snow is that correct is very slow man of culture very slow and it breaks my heart it breaks your heart please when you will see a man in tears you know that indeed his grave Jesus you're my son [Music] Garcia you do not carry on like this of Jesus all of you come here my daughter a new toe the Lord is opening him and be faithful to God be faithful to God let your hand thank you and even greater opportunity will present itself as she receives this prayer [Music] you are special amen you are special can I have a hug kind of special in spite of all she may have faced a sucker from there is a special favor for this young girl you are special the grace of God and the blessing of God all over you is the name of Jesus pasta Autocar lays hands on this ankle and upon her sister releasing the blessings in the favor of God look at her I bless you my daughter I bless you you are working together and the blessings of God have located you from this day forward don't be afraid this word today was your word be the name of Jesus I bless you my daughter I bless you I bless you I bless you I bless you I bless you it is well done Lori to Jesus if you were blessed by this video be sure to subscribe to our channel you can catch pastor Affleck how on a my TV on the public bouquet or on our livestream on a my TV calm you can follow pasta also car on all social media platforms at of the cow
Channel: Pastor Alph Lukau
Views: 2,904,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #alphlukau, #pastoralphlukau, #jesuschrist, #prophecies
Id: XLc1VLyQ9Yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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