CUTTING EDGE PROPHECY. A woman’s future husband revealed in church, and he shows up after 25min

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God's ways are not our ways and a sultan times that which may not make things to the kennel mind considering the society we live in maybe the portal God uses to bless us what a pasta off look how prophetic you locate a young man's spouse who was not in the service beloved God is able watching be blessed unknown to this young lady God is about to surprise her or the rather unique miracle beloved it pays to wait on God what's your name today the Lord wanna change your life is giving your life back wherever you are receive your life back devil stole from you is coming back in the name of three high receiver Iowa City lift your hand say what is mine what is a receive it today I receive it in the name of Jesus what's your name my name is awesome oil you know what I'm looking at you the Lord is saying is giving your life Bank amen I see you come from a family of five people yes but now there is no progress everyone is suffering amen is that true that's true are you married I'm not married you have a child I lost my pregnancy in 2016 alright so you're not married are you in a relationship now I'm not even in a relationship you're about to be I've been so much shocked by this yeah you say you are not married you are not in a relationship you don't have a child because I asked do you have a child you say you lost your pregnancy 2016 in 2016 you were in a relationship somebody called sabelo yes is that true that's a bellow yes you had a two years relationship because I see your relationship with sabelo started in 2014 and when you lost your pregnancy it chased you out so it did not want anything to do with you anymore sibel oh yes and that this has hurt you even deep inside it's like your confidence has been shaken because this one left you you are 5 in your family yes but no one is married no Danny D your sister is in a relationship yeah you have a sister called Tandy yeah but the relationship is owners on and off the relationship is of on-and-off to children with this man no marriage a man two children no marriage and is on and off I'm trying to say the difficulties that you had with Sabol you came from your subs as a family what is hitting you is hitting them also in your family no one gets married and that this has been because the enemy came with for all kind of a spiritual manipulations to stop and block all of you to progress marriage may not mean a lot to you but you must understand marriage is an institution established by God that's right Jewish families should be built so when we prayed for marriage we are not merely speaking about you feeling good in winter indeed as a broader aspect of marriage than meets the eye it is in the mind of God in the thoughts of God family are you hearing me now God said to me I should pray for you because as we break this yoke the yoke on your sister Tandi will be broken on anybody in your family will also be broken those who open up again in your life she's still young she still young but she's struggling thinking oh god what will be MCOs will I be like dandy should I just compromise and settle with just anybody you have values and in your values you do not want to sell your body you say I will wait on the Lord and today God has remembered you somebody here it's pays to wait on the Lord I told you earlier on you're not in a relationship but I see that is somebody for you today beloved show you don't have to wait for a standard God is doing it today are you in a relationship all right don't get too excited because your husband is not here just in case you start fixing yourself well you are not in a relationship but I'm seeing a man close to you I'm seeing somebody that is the stand for you you have never met the person but the load is telling me I don't know how but a lot is saying you will need disposal today because your case is for now your miracle is for today how many of you believe God can do that is economy impossible I believe that you will surely do it may God chop you today [Music] are you ready for a relationship yes I am hundred percent more than hundred birthday this is the appointed time for her to meet her spouse somebody put you a miracle from heaven down you are receiving your miracle is not a matter of tomorrow your blessing is for today and is coming to you today day is today today is today look the reason man that the Lord is showing me that's why I said that that today you will have been a relationship are you hearing me as the Lord my God liveth and as my eyes as a servant remains open may I direct your steps to what God has set for you may the Lord use me as a lamp to bring light on your path amen that you may find the blessing and the miracle that is already prepared for you your miracle is already prepared for you through the prophetic may you find it may you discover you are not in a relationship but I am seeing a man very close to you even as I have my eyes closed as he is male in his suit standing next to you she begins to look around but the man of God is seeing this man in this bird she's so surprised that she's forgotten that God's prophet and said that this man is not in this place this is the prophetic and we don't know how good will do the heart belongs only to him I know this one is next to you but not this one I said the one the Lord is showing me is not present but it's yours it's not here there is a man this man was born on the 12 the 12 of May 1981 this man is nine years older than you because you were born on the 20th of September 1990 amen is that correct correct have you ever spoken to me before here it is I see this young man came out share the 12 of May 1981 it comes from a family of four two girls and two boys he's the first one the firstborn he has a big birthmark on his back he has a birthmark on his back this man is a mechanic he worked for a man called oven oven oven oven has a garage in Cape Town and he works in kept down with Aven and he also works here in a garage in Julia Street this is profound this is the prophetic Wow as I speak to you he's watching me glory the gentleman will not be here physically but he's connecting fire our live stream it's amazing how God is maneuvering us relationships that help well he leave the place way is in camelina it is right now in rønneberg though you have never met but a month ago you began to speak his name is Sun daily face book look at her face as she brightens up the social media would be one of the channels used to connect her to a life partner God's ways are mysterious for close to a month now you've been chatting with sandal you accepted his friend request on social media is a correct it's true she could surely God cannot lie you know sandy Leigh yeah I don't know him in present but we are talking on Facebook now hear me sandy lee has no child is not married is not in a relationship he's working is well the attracting of the two of you he had no big intention it was casual but through the eyes of the Spirit I see the two of you walking together this prophecy reinforces the importance of the prophetic in our lives this man is the man the Lord had prepared for you is using that medium to just bring the two of you together you know son delay you have not spoken to anybody about this know now here is CSUN villa you are watching me for that told me you are watching me write down this address eight charles christen drama-filled Satan come here he had better leave Renwick and come straight to the given address immediately isn't beloved you need a prophet in your life and man that will establish the will of God in your life son be waiting sand dealer psychically the Prophet is calling you not for the preaching but for your god-given spouse social media so you started in social media yes now prophetically I'm calling him I will pray for you when it comes if it doesn't come it is this problem at least you know what I'm talking about amen if I would miss a blessing are you hearing but I pray that he may come it will come God just saying you will come amen no don't say you will come amen beloved it takes approximately 25 minutes to travel from Ryan Berg to cram of all time goes by and pasta office suddenly interrupted during a prophecy as son dealer walks in beloved God cannot lie bus al fey I am sadly as you prophesied to the young woman over there whose husband family Cindy Lee has arrived God has got a man this has got a playground every what the proceeds from the [Music] [Music] family give God glory he simply does not mention me any bother words I speak but he's measured by the full father and the manifestation of the prophetic where he has given us the ass word about the man's attire I cannot wait for him to confirm everything house may the world know that we serve the Living God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] God cannot be bounced family he takes that which is unlucky and he performs a miracle that makes no perfect sense to the kin of mine I am so happy mind you sent Allah and this lady have not made before I have no fear for God is the book is greater of this all bless the name do not stop praising him family [Music] is that God oh is that now God family your miracle will not delay see as they walk toward the man of God never having made before this is a very pleasing to meet your brother through the prophetic in a highly spiritual atmosphere good is good by God if God is not here well a second if God is not here way somebody a miracle manifested [Applause] [Music] say your miracle of manifested a Steven him come here come here come here my god know what to see God is doing something out of the ordinary are you Sundy Lee yes my name is sandy Lee suddenly I was here when I was speaking were you watching us yes I was watching actually I was in a text if I because I was here last week and then I happened to be late so I came when the service was done so I didn't make my way into church but by the time you have giving the prophecy to the lady I managed to hear and see everything the way so you saw everything yes so it is true that the two is all she's crying this is overwhelming for her family she's full of joy these are not tears of pain yet tears yes there was a feel upon her in her siblings but in the spur of the moment God will set her free and here stands a future spouse no wonder she's crying if your God is dead [Applause] if your God expired I'm try mine oh yes if he's weak and tired come try my God has remembered her this is her moment of turn Iran have so many mixed emotions God as good family is this the face you used to see on social media but you have never seen him before but I've never seen him in person you have not met him before this is the first time you're meeting this gentleman let me introduce you who better to introduce them to the vessel that God used to connect them that which is founded and God cannot fail the Sun delayed you were chatting with is right here continue glorify God this is the moment of open waiting for since this word was given Sun daily is this the face of the girl you in chatting with all social media absolutely absolutely absolutely now sis you saw everything you heard me I had seen this woman and you threatened for a month you are meant to walk the walk together now what could have taken you five years to realize I'm speeding up the process I this is the anointing of acceleration the man of God is speaking family he could have taken you five years to realize but I am speeding up the process yes are you a mechanic yes I'm a mechanic you a mechanic yes you work with Ivan I work for Ivan yes all right Ivan is my boss ivan is your boss yes you have find a family two boys two girls yes you are the first bone yes I'm the first one is that correct yes it's upon on the 12 million yes you have no marriage yes you have no child yes man of God is that true yes it's true no girlfriend yes no one better you you are hiding not your friend actually no girlfriend no girlfriend yes no but you've been chatting with her for a month now yes when you've been chatting did you like a face very very much you see don't put ugly photos on social media because God is able to open a door using the little thing that we need great yes I tell you what I say the rest is you the law showed me that this woman and you will walk together I'm choosing my work carefully because I don't want to impose it on you by the end of the day it must be your decision when I lead somebody to Christ and make him repeat a prayer but I still say that prayer unless it becomes is own it's a waste of time I don't wanna impose you but if you like the photo look at her just turn your look at her very shy and modest this is red I am singing very excited it's like that it doesn't need any convincing do you think it would work a relationship between the two of you I do think so it will work do you think it will work your relationship between the two of you you are not getting married you are sitting together are you hearing me yes I please know that even when heaven will speak with an audible voice for a relationship to work it takes two that's right you will learn to forgive each other understand each other if you mess up they don't look for me I've done my part you cannot get better guidance than that which comes from one sent by God this this is for the two of you the perfect will of God man Jesus are you hearing it's a perfect will of God for the two of you to be together that's why I'm revealing but the secret that keeps couples together is the ability that develop in solving their own problems that's right when days will come while you don't see eye to eye remember you need to go to the scripture and make it work don't abuse her or else I'll come to you [Applause] no abuse their relationship has officially began and cedilla is quite confident for us with them today as the prophet of god has revealed it isn't the one of God for them to be together the enemy cannot many have fallen into the wrong relationships many have compromised and settled for unions that were facilitated by the devil himself but this is not the story of these two one lot of perfect Academy often was the amiracle but would be under a strong godly anointing your miracle was surely manifest family a bless God for this day pasta help give them an opportunity to decide whether or not they would go through with this relationship and unless thousands of witnesses they could faced they believe this will work if you are asking yourself can this thing happen to church you have seen it yes if you may ask yourself can God do this that you have seen it aha there is nothing God cannot do let me tell you how I change my mood I will teach you how to get it yes I will encourage you to get it yeah if you still not get it out push this setback will not pass your miracle master body face saver whatever it is that you're trusting God for family the Oracle of God has declared to physically that the season will not pass you by remove the blanket of dart from your life that God is evil now switch your hands to order you set the relationship tried to know each other away from social media okay after here take care for lunch not in McDonald not pertinent it always works lift your hands Oh God our doubt is a good guy is a good guy there are no numbers to what God will do if you would believe pasta up now lays hands on them sealing that which has begun if God is not here then where is he Jesus name if you were blessed by this video be sure to subscribe to our channel you can catch pastor Affleck how on a my TV on the public bouquet or on our livestream on a my TV comm you can follow pasta also car on all social media platforms at of the cow [Music]
Channel: Pastor Alph Lukau
Views: 1,767,395
Rating: 4.7315378 out of 5
Keywords: #Jesus, #AlphLukau, #Miracles, #Prophetic, #AlleluiaMinistries, #ProudlyAMI, #DivineDirection, #GloryToGOD
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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