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hallelujah how to attract God's attention how to attract God's attention there are people who are able to attract God's attention as much as God is mighty he is a creator of Heaven and Earth he can be attracted by our activities here on Earth and I'm here to encourage you today that you can be able to attract God in one way or the other I want to measure on attracting God in a positive way not in a negative way because you can also attract God in a negative way the Bible says in the Book of Genesis Chapter 18 and verse 20 there are people who attracted God in a negative way and God came down the Bible says then the Lord said the outcry against Sodom and gomorra is so great and they are scene is so Grievous that I'll go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me if not I will know then the men turned away and went toward Sodom but Abraham remained standing before the Lord these are people who attracted God Sodom and Gomorrah attracted God because of their sin because of their wickedness attracted not in a positive way but in a negative way that should not be our portion and so it will not be our discussion today on attracting God in a negative way is there anyone who want to attract God in a negative way is there anyone who want to provoke God here praise the name of the Living God I believe all of us we desire to attract God in a positive way there are three ways that I'm going to share in this service on how you can be able to attract God into your life praise the name of the Living God I'm going to um narrow my message into three ways um that I've have seen in the scripture on how you can be able to attract God's uh attention into your life number one is doing something radical concerning your faith doing something radical concerning your faith or your belief in God I think the the main word there is radical radical this word radical means something beyond the usual or the ordinary something radical is something beyond the usual or Beyond I think beyond the usual beyond the ordinary they are going to attract God's attention let's take a few people in the Bible who did something beyond the usual or the ordinary uh in the Book of Luke chapter 19 it isord a man called zakus Zak Luke 19 uh from verse one the Bible say Jesus enter entered Jericho and was passing through a man was there by the name of zakus he was a chief look at that word he he was a chief tax collector was wealthy he wanted to see who Jesus was but being a short man he could not because of the crowd so he lay ahead and cribed a SE of Victory to see him since Jesus was coming that way when Jesus reached the spot he looked up and said to him zakus come down immediately I must stay at your house today [Applause] Hallelujah because praise the name of the Living God and because of that radical action he attracted the attention of the master praise the name of the Living God we must come out of the ordinary blr praise the name of the Living God we must come out of the ordinary if you are going to attract God's attention come out of the ordinary praise the name of the Living God praise the name of the Living God that was a radical action praise the name of the Living God there are quite a number of people we can see in the Bible we see the fall reers the four raapers in the book of Kings they were supposed to die because of hunger the book of 2 Kings chapter 7 from verse 3 now there were for men with Leprosy at the entrance of The City Gate they say to each other why stay here until we die if we say we will go into the city the Farine is there and we will die and if we stay here we will die so let's go over to the camp of the Arians and surrender if they spare us we live if they kill us we then we die at D they got up and went to the camp of the Arians when they reached the edge of the camp not a man was there for the Lord had caused the Arians to hear the sound of Chariots and horses and great Army so they say to one another look the king of Israel hired the H and Egyptian kings to attack us you know in life it's good to find something to die for attract God's attention because they attracted God attention that was a radical step they took anyone who takes a radical step to express their faith they attract God's attention another man we see in the Bible is bimas ah bimas was shouting Mark 10:46 then we go to Luke Mark 10:46 then they came to Jericho as Jesus and his disciples together with a large Cloud were leaving the city a blind man bayas that is the son of timas was sitting by the Lord's Side begging when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth he began to shout Jesus son of David have mercy on me many rebuked him and told him to be quiet but he shouted all the more son of David have mercy on me Jesus topped and said call him so they called to him to the blind man cheer up on your feet he is calling you throwing his clock aside he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus what do you want me to do for you Jesus asked him the blind man said Lai I want to see go said Jesus your faith has healed you immediately he received a sight and followed Jesus along the load this is bimas and we see he took a very radical step he shouted when no one else was shouting even when he was rebuked to keep quiet he still continued to shout this was a radical expression of his faith even when he went to Jesus Jesus told him your faith has healed you this was not just ordinary Faith he took a radical step to express his faith praise the name of the Living God praise the name of the Living God Messiah pass Luke 8:43 woman who had and a woman was there who had been subject to breeding for 12 years but no one could heal her she came up behind him and touched the edge of his clock and immediately her bleeding stopped praise the name of the Living God who touched me ah Jesus asked when they all denied Peter said Master the people are crowding and pressing against against you but said someone touched me I know that power has gone out from me because I not have that touch the H of His Garment that is why we can say she attracted God's attention because that wasal step expressing her faith God step Express their faith they do the usual and the ordinary things and when you do the usual and the ordinary things that everyone else is doing you may not attract God's attention praise the name of the Living God hallelujah remember the people who carried their on it was a radical expression of their faith praise the name of the Living God and because of that radical expression of their their faith the man on the matter was healed attract offerings because of the kind of sacrifice beyond the usual beyond the ordinary attract but what they did they did something radical in expression of their faith the question is have you ever done something radical in expression of your faith for you to attract God's attention me I have done it more than [Laughter] once Hallelujah remember when we prayed for our pastors praise the name of the Living God hallelujah a radical expression of your faith praise the name of the Living God there was a supernatural wave that came something Supernatural the presence of [Applause] God praise the name of the living God radical expression of your faith there are so many things I remember when I went and then finally for next was aadal expression of my faith government psychiatrist I have gone to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ it was a radical expression praise the name of the Living God a radical expression of your faith I've been attracted praise the name of the Living God expression it was aad expression praise the name of the Living God but expression of your faith can attract God into your life praise the name of the living God receive the grace to take a radical step from today to express your fav Hebrews 5 verse during the days of Jesus life on Earth he offered up prayers and petition with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death and he was hard because of his leverence submission praise the name of the Living God we are moving from the usual and the ordinary expression of our faith and we are enter into a radical expression of our faithed of your radical expression of your faith expression of my [Laughter] faith saki h praise the name of the Living God hallelujah doing something that is based on the word of God praise the name of the Living God not just based on your emotion that means praise the name of the Living God because Lana Hannah was expressing her faith in a radical way it was not the usual way for people to uh like today to go before the Lord it is until the cutting of the temple was turnor into two that all of us can go before the Lord praise the name of the Living God but Hannah expressed her radical faith that I know God you are merciful and you can hear my My Cry Praise the name of the Living God and take away my shame number two how can you be able to attract God's attention number two is uh your heart there lays a heart that can attract God's attention the Bible says in the book of Acts chapter 13 and verse two concerning David God is so much interested with the heart while they were worshiping not 13 21322 22 after removing Saul he made David their King he testified concerning him I have found David Son of Jesse a man after my own heart he will do everything I want him to do praise the name of the Living God because he is a man after my own heart you are heart can attract God's attention and that is why we we need to be mindful of the conditions of our heart because the Bible says in the book of Jeremiah chapter 17 and verse 9 that God searches our hearts ah the heart is deceitful above all things and Beyond cure who can understand it I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind to reward a man according to his conduct according to what his deeds deser when you carry with you a heart that is repentant before the Lord a heart that is there is no manifestation praise the name of the Living God there are hearts that attract God attention rejected I have rejected Saul what is the condition of your heart today can your heart attract God's [Music] [Music] attention [Music]
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Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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