Outdoor Time with Duggee | 40+ Minutes | Hey Duggee

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[Music] um my hoop doesn't work i know i use well i suppose you could use a hula hoop happy dick lift blue [Music] wow now that's a big bubble yeah it's beautiful beautiful yet fragile [Music] oh no where's it going it's heading towards the prickly bush it will pop [Music] out [Music] phew oh no the pointy cow um [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it's going to pop not today [Music] good blowing squirrels hey doggie what you doing oh woof they're leaves dougie collects them aren't they pretty yeah you must really like leaves a wolf yes dougie even has his leaf badge wow but where's that leaf doggie woof that's the only leaf duggy can't find what does it look like it looks like a rainbow yes happy that's the rainbow leaf it's a very special leaf and very hard to find can we help you find it dougie oh [Music] keep your eyes peeled for that rainbow leaf squirrels life huh do you mind sorry not the rainbow leaf i found it is this a rainbow leaf ducky a woof woof a wolf it's a tiger leaf oh it's still a very good leaf though come on let's keep looking yeah that's a palm leaf the biggest one i've ever seen i don't think that'll fit in the nature book dougie hmm [Music] let's go play hide and seek i got a purple jumper time and i would wear it every day as far as it loudly when he sometimes too warm one said i can't wear it all the time [Music] you only see a rainbow if it's raining sunny at the same time unless you turn the hose on and point it at the sky sorry dan said shoo so dad said it was a draw slash and mom's you couldn't wear it on your head so i had to get out of the cupboard my curtain is called eric and he's an alligator he's older than me i'm a little bit taller than him he's really funny though one day we all went on holiday to have a competition to see if we could jump in the most puddles but there weren't any puzzles ducky ducky wow we've all grown something wow never mind happy you can have some of my onion i don't like onions wow that's a massive strawberry [Music] shall we show dougie all the interesting things we've found yes tag you found a ball it's really bouncy hmm betty you found an interesting book yeah interesting and happy has brought a glass of water well he's brought us a glass he rollie has found a huh yes a rock whoa now nori is holding something very interesting yes i'm not interesting well i know what's interesting about you lady ladybird what your spots yes that is right nori ladybirds have lovely spots woof you have six lovely spots on your back ladybird one two three four five and six [Music] that's the same number of interesting things we found okay what's this wow a fossil um excuse me what's a fossil that's a big question roadie but dougie can explain a wolf because he has his fossil badge oh woof yes fossils were made a long time ago [Music] when primitive creatures walked the earth huh a woof woof oh sorry dougie you're right we should start much further back when the only living creatures were in the sea oh i do like to be beside the seaside and sometimes incredible things happened like blizzards or volcanoes ho ho oh great sandstorms oh oh and then that creature would be stuck for a really really long time oh boy so this was once a little creature woof and it's really old yes really really really old it takes millions of years to turn it into a fossil [Music] are there any more fossils oh yes snorri fossils can be made from any creature that lived a really long time ago ones that lived in the sea or ones that crawled out of the sea small ones that flew oh big ones that walked big ones that walked are you talking about dinosaurs yes betty dinosaurs came in all shapes and sizes oh i like your new lawnmower dougie a wolf [Music] doggy looks funny [Music] [Music] well howdy doody do squirrels my name's billy and i'm a dancing bug whoa a dancing bug what you doing in our garden billy well let me tell you squirrels i'm here to play the big bug ball ah and here's my band to help set it up squirrel let me introduce you to my band we have dilly hilly girly and millie and together we are billy and the phillies oh you've all got the dancing bug now [Music] wait a minute hey fellas where's the equipment for the big bug ball dilly where's all the latin really where's all the refreshments gilly what about the stage and really where on earth are the portable toilets what are we gonna do now everybody's coming and we have no stage no nothing oh no no big bug ball don't worry everyone oh woof doggy knows what to do he has his dancing bug badge well why didn't you say so yeehaw [Music] hmm hey you can't pitch here man it's right on our carrot patch guys sorry [Music] does this look like a good place to camp dougie woof hi hello huh you can't camp here it's our home yeah keep up on sorry [Music] here doggie woof [Music] finished [Applause] oh dear your tent seems to be on the sheep's dinner where can we put our tent dougie hmm off jackie's got an idea ah at last nice and cozy in your tent yes i like camping me too but i can't sleep without sergeant smash [Music] smashy could i have a glass of water please ducky oh i spilt the water on me i need a towel duggy oh rolly you're in my sleeping bag maybe you're in mine oh that's tax towel doggy [Music] i just realized my top is wet nori can you do this yes can you do this [Music] i've got a good idea but i've got a good idea yes but i've got a good idea but i've got a good idea sorry sorry what shall we do i don't know and stop shouting i'm not shouting yes you ah oh woof but what was the horse doing there in the first place [Music] another biscuit [Music] oh more sort than you think you know i love splashing happy yeah i do it all the time [Applause] [Music] or not okay [Music] come and play [Music] i thought my hiding was really good no i think you will have the pleasure to find my hiding is really good who said that the tree no it is me cozy the chameleon you changed color how did you do that it is my natural camouflage what can i fly oh wow yes the big dog is right camouflage makes me blend in with my surroundings and makes me very hard to see see no you can't because i am camouflaged amazing can you do two colors cozy yes [Music] wow three colors [Music] but of course four colors did you doubt it five why not six easy not busy problem nine for sure ten i have never done ten before but i accept the challenge this calls for ducky's birthday jumper huh oh no too many colors too many cozy's camouflage is broken oh dear mother always told me not to show off maybe we could fix cozy how switch him off and on again huh hmm maybe dougie can help he has got his camouflage badge a woof so what would you like to know about well i don't like mess [Music] so i see do you love dancing not really do you go in the water when you're kayaking no the kayak goes in the water and you go on the kayak hmm no thank you i'm looking for a bird watching buddy have i tried to stay clear of birds you'll probably think what i'm looking for is ridiculous you're right it is ridiculous i like doing experiments did you know if you put easy i'm not all about chase table swapped [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] next you might think it's ridiculous but i just want to have big adventures how do mind-blowing stunts sound amazing shame my kayak isn't bigger [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and it's important to be safe so what are the rules when using them always hold them by their handles that's right fitter um keep them closed when you're not using them correct hold them down by your side good one tag don't run with zen very important rolly wear a helmet i think if we follow all the other rules we should be safe happy so with your clippers and bushes you can start small with tiny snips take your time and you might be able to do a ball just as good as doug is oh wolf can we only do balls oh no there are lots of shapes you can [Music] make finished oh i made a square an oval triangle star octa-decagon it's got 18 sides gosh the squirrels seem to be naturals at this dougie let's do some more yay i think i can work with this small is beautiful what to do with you [Music] i made a peacock a teddy bear [Music] you said we were going somewhere special yes this is dougie's special picnic spot oh well i suppose this is quite picturesque homemade jam sandwiches dougie sweet hmm yes these are very sweet ducky makes the best sandwiches hmm excellent blueberry juice too toilet toilet [Music] don't get so wet happy come in mum it feels lovely on your feet yes not too high nori betty are those blue bells big boxing birds well i've never seen them before what a spot i told you oh yes it feels lovely doesn't it die it's near bad [Music] oh doggie this really is the best day out uh woof woof oh doggie you are funny [Music] oh i did not know you could do that [Music] huh look doggy i found a lovely puddle oh woof yes maybe you shouldn't be standing in that bottle happy why what's wrong with it well dougie can tell you because he's got his puddle badge you see there's more to a puddle than meets the eye when a new bundle is made it's clean and fine to play in but as it gets older algae grows on it audi what's that it's a kind of water plant which can make a puddle a bit smelly yeah but also very attractive to lots of little creatures like me oh much much smaller than you happy are they invisible no just hard to see oh a lifetime of scientific research has suggested we need to communicate with this alien not fight with it we need to show it love not hate that plan's so crazy ace it might just work let's do this [Music] i hope that crazy professor is right about this the whole of mitch kind is counted on nice [Music] can you see them happy uh [Applause] kind of [Music] but it's a bit smelly i think i've had enough of puddles for one day dougie the green monster's leaving bye-bye green monster we love you i think that's everyone dougie oh have we forgotten someone oh surely i should be in the middle this composition is terrible i spread but are you gonna be in a picture talker a wolf dougie's camera has a special timer which turns around until it reaches the end then takes the photo giving dougie plenty of time to join you oh okay ready doggy ah might have to pull back a little bit hmm there's definitely someone missing yeah further little bit further further [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] this is excruciating [Music] that's who we forgot [Music] [Music] it's brilliant so what can we collect for the campfire duggy a woof sticks what kind of sticks oh dougie can tell you because he has his stick badge yes you'll need little sticks medium sticks and big sticks okay this one no that one's in bloom this one that one's possibly a bit wet [Music] i think that one's being used this one yes you can use that one because it's lying on the ground yes [Music] yes yes what eyes on a stick did you just say stick ha everyone everyone look what i found a stick yes rolly we've all been collecting those not like this it's special what an amazing stick a woof a woof woof it's not a stick squirrels it's a stick insect it looks like a stick smells like a stick it tastes like a stick stick you see if a stick insect gets scared of something and wants to hide it can look just like an ordinary stick [Applause] wow stick stick stick stick do you see dougie was going to speak but he stopped himself because he's being quiet now you try tag yes see what dougie did there tag oh yeah johnny good now everyone else excellent look dougie is saying he's pleased that you're all being quiet can you say things while being quiet you're saying you're cold you're saying you're warm you're excited i think you're thinking and you're going to be quiet are we ready to go snared spotting [Music] this is where your great grandmama last saw the snod [Music] oh sounds like everyone's hungry did you bring some of your homemade pineapple bread dougie [Music] oh my it's the snard what i'd really like to see is what real life is like for real locals like you us yeah the colors the day today of your lives the sides the sounds the smells the smells yeah like this what is head a sock rolly collects them but just the odd ones amazing show me more huh this is the rest of my collection [Applause] [Music] a box of sharks wonderful huh i like to park these all in a row just like real cars only very small this is our balloon it used to be even bigger i really like it now what else can you show me that's the doorbell and this is the door amazing look oh squeaky no this is the tap it's just like magic yeah i'm learning so much about your lives do you want to see more yeah show me everything yay this is enid she's a cat oh so cute these are the chickens this is our bucket this is a window and here's the roof oh be careful up there squirrels and this is a bird we don't know why he likes it here but he does that's so funny oh this is frog and what does she do ribbits this is outstanding this is my oh health and safety ruler that is very proficient riding there roley right squirrels time to harvest dig in as they say i picked a potato and it looks like ethel woof [Music] oops sorry won [Music] not exactly squirrels there's more oh but how can we collect all that don't worry squirrels dougie knows because he has his harvest badge [Laughter] we can use a tractor oh woof woof woof [Music] [Music] faster [Music] [Applause] oh yeah hmm can you fix it dougie uh a wolf [Music] hmm it looks like the animals want to harvest as well dougie can we pick more food why are we wait oh just time for one more thing [Applause] oh doggy hawk
Channel: Hey Duggee Official
Views: 1,162,729
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Keywords: hey duggee, hey duggee official, duggee, hey duggee video, hey duggee videos, hey duggee song, hey duggee full episode, hey duggee full episodes, hey duggee episode, hey duggee episodes, duggee full episodes, duggee full episode, hey duggee clips, hey duggee clip, duggee clip, duggee clips, cbeebies shows, cbeebies episodes, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, hey dugee, hey dugge, duggee hug, hey duggee badges, Outdoor Time with Duggee
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 22sec (2362 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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