Operation Lionheart 05-18 TFC Havoc 3-1-B Grenadier (506th IR RU Arma 3)

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all right task force Charlie welcome to zero five one eight of Operation Lionheart we are attacking counteth Nicholas where there is a a fob that was left behind by forces that Western forces that have a coded a long time ago it has been used as a training base I'm gonna let sergeant osco give you an s2 briefed on it but in general this is a big city is gonna take a lot of diligence and effort you need to move through it quickly and efficiently to clear it as you have been briefed and we're gonna watch but keep in mind we are initially going to line up in the birds as if we are gonna fast route because we are unsure at this point whether we're gonna be fast ripping or just setting down and deploying normally so let's plan as if we're gonna tap a bathrobe so let's have chalk leaders on each of the birds and figure that out now and count off as you go in we're sort of Tosca sort of talking you many of the breathing I got something before it absolutely all right guys open up your tactical maps can you guys please explain to me why I have to go through all six chat channels to get the map markings highlighted properly we got mat markings on global we got mat markings on side and then we got mat markings on blue guys need to make sure when you are putting mat marks down that they are on the same channel on the tactical map standoffs to be in your channels group is the exception on the same filter except for group obviously I didn't realize so a lot of this mark for group when I started talking but still this happens to all the time it's really aggravating that's it keep your briefing thank you sir alright gentlemen I want to try to keep this s2 brief kind of short I'm here to appraise you of current FSK a and isis movements and actions within your AO the FSK has adopted the defensive strategy and there's digging in as quickly and as deeply as they cant civilian engineering equipment is being requisitioned from the capital and a single defensive line is running from fob niska's to their eastern border the terrain is rough and the FSK is making every effort to hinge this defense this defensive line at bob miss cos against NATO forces to the north and Isis forces to their west their attention is to hold out long enough for diplomatic talks to yield the ceasefire deal in the UN which is currently being brokered between NATO and scovia stand with Iran and China acting as mediators to talk to Iran are ongoing but Isis the Taliban and al Qaeda will most definitely not abide by such cease fires to be brokered between regular forces but Bob meniscus is the key position in the FSK defensive line it's it's to the direct north of the lone MSR that supplies the FSK A's primary line units if it is captured by NATO forces it could render the FSK defense defenses to the east unmanageable but the town itself is being quickly fortified with sandbags dirt entrenchments and bunkers of several sizes helping this immense build up is the fact that the insurgents allied their allied with FSA a or headquartered headquartered in the formerly abandoned military fob the buildings of the town of Miss kiss are currently housing several hundred insurgents and newly arriving FS ka conscripts being shifted to other positions in the line FSA combatants and insurgents have been witnessed planting mines and IEDs north of the town along the road and in the dirt in the dried riverbed to its southeast I believe southeast and southwest s2 believes a tenuous alliance or truce exists between the FSK and minutes and the isis across the riverbed weapons weapons and vehicles sometimes make their way to Isis territory from Miss kiss and Isis has every reason to keep the FSK a forces to the north as their forces to the south continue pushing on the capital of Kedah who kiddo lastly the FSK forces and Sergent commanders in Miss kiss therefore must be are to be eliminated to Rifa Silla Tate infighting between Isis and the FSK any in all FSK officers are targets of opportunity and their maps and radios are to be confiscate and handed over to s2 intelligence for analysis that's what our report that the FSK has established a heavy triple-a presence over the AO do do the fob Miss gets a value to the FSK expect similar enemy air defenses and that is all fit yes to breathe thank you all right thank you sir Tosca take this it goes a long way towards breaking their backs let's get in it let's hit them and we'll set them hard having three load up that force charlie just get on the birds happy 3 lookin up sweet you this three three three northwestern side let's go let's go ahead line up left silent bird inside right side right which this one graduate there's gonna be a fast roping probably prefer to raise a fuel and forget about it but don't forget your numbers swishes - wahala ran your wine one on the white for the gun Vincent 306 manual 7 santoku guys manual three mic three own bike is loaded very large odd is it alpha interrogative shouldn't you be on the other gun not really you can come Petry Mike loaded three seven is it ah 3b sound off April check sollozzo white your hand please three three three seventy all in over earplugs check your boys check manual what number were you [Music] we're gonna go ahead hop off the gun I will get the guys from that tree tree get on it don't even cover then divert longer my smoke sensor [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 30 seconds third persons [Music] landing five touchdown [Music] I'm procedures girl she comes [Music] government Oh [Music] Mission Northwest and ten trees let's go [Music] probably laying it up on the house's left [Music] alright let's go ahead and step security here Bravo let's cover southeast to Southwest Rajat I think absolutely miss could take Southwest and you'll be I'll show looser cup of that be sure to clear your Safety's disconnected from your channel user joined your channel it was that copy that was a contract or i gen tlemen we're gonna be taking up the rear explosions off to my life a firm that was a friendly fire taking it up the rear copy yeah once the platooning that passes us we're gonna have fallen behind yeah your hand comes from the helicopter Bravo we're going to be taking the lead on from Alpha I promise time movement let's go push in 199 give me a strong wedge right actually a strong wedge left copy strong right left user in your channel timed out sure halt sir huh continue movement sure all we're gonna be holding here for a little bit it sounds like a little caught up there push past three three copy northwest side of the ridgeline we're pushing through their lines fire mission said now how is our space to by short-haul problem all sectors of security user entered your channel I'm still seeing a couple elements here in front of us stagnant [ __ ] all right pushing to five five let's go correcting the 277 inside the training camp work clear with all sorts of munitions but be careful in town because there may be civilians TCAPS Bravo get a little bit of a short haul little muscle cramp having trouble staying up there but uh hanging keep that up moving what a bird off to my right hey how's that cramped going it's hurt still lagging but UH one yourself copy that changing bearing two five zero so well spread out spread out punching out ten meters many more console Mike copy that back be advised we do have audio on some break IDF off to our Southwest copies move it let's push it fast I got a question and it's gonna slightly break immersion I have a technical difficulties I can still hear the radio and the bird how do I disable that [ __ ] oh that's a good question let me see if I can't get sergeant Larry Anya carjacked after our left as an RPG keep it nice and spaced out Bravo switch it Southwest let's go 200 copy to honor we rest in the base of the aisle change the 231 how we doing Bravo good taste good pushing to 4-0 all right pushing West we're gonna be patent pushing past three four we're pushing past the road let's go twist to 71 Shep anele anele da never mind never mind passing keep passing copy bosom you are you good holding so you guys can catch up yeah I'm catching up good push north push north all right change orientation push to 5-0 probably devilment now change the 1 9 0 Ephraim we're gonna be the lead element on this follow right element our side got hey there's a [ __ ] tower over to our West yeah copy that I set it up just mixed okay get in the draw and pull up let 3/4 past copy that we got our dude at weight one negative and that I've read in that destruction user in your channel timed out one nine zero la hostiles at 185 Bravo GB raids on that a firm working on 836 to that straight lady boppers copy that push to 3-0 let's go time now strong left strong left cop strong left turn south one eight zero copy south okay we're gonna push east here again into depression we're gonna follow this oh [ __ ] taking shots yep push up on the rock so what's up Mike I got eyes on one times individual in that tall [ __ ] tower keep pushing keep pushing he's on the left side of that [ __ ] tower we need to keep pushing forward - 5-0 Bravo will be pushing West West we got please compounds to 5-0 we're gonna be pressing this Ridgeline all right use the smoke let's go Bravo let's go ahead we're taking this building on our front let's go parind ak5c chill go ahead clear this building off to my southeast let's party looks clear going in hooking right make a quick team jeweler let's go miss Claire we're going that Bravo let's go let's go clear this once you two in there dude somebody get on the far side of the store I'll pop it open there's a [ __ ] BMT southeast it's just on the south end of that compound orient yourself on this window southeast let's go let's go probable push it fast mr. Piper let's go ahead teach you fly on the right side bro team one let's clear this first building I think this is a safe building we can get that second one cheap - we're on you it's supposed for okay give me some eyes we need to keep pushing us out check-ins Robbie you say southeast alright brother let's go east seemed to team one on me let's go to pierside teacher go ahead pushes the building up my southeast team one on me project rinse it on me nothing in Windows what's it left clear change your names okay go ahead and stack up on the far side Bravo we have friendlies off to our southwest okay we're gonna be pushing nice let's go mark ability screen all right I'll go ahead and push past this and take the lead on this I got friendlies up front [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] this gives a compound directly in front of us that I'll like me this poster I'm sorry fold those stairs team to first team one with me let's go come on problem push up push up and hold security bandaged up ended up and hold security Mike's in brown stand by back out look out I probably all set its immersive engine my legs try to get to our position talk it up okay we're gonna be pushing Northwest through this building Jeff it's a good point it's the manual I'm with you Vincent and Tate you guys are team keep an eye on each other copy on with it happiness 300 should we clear the roof yes hold hold for that wait till Emmanuel I could link back up okay we're pushing back we're going out check and take what's your status Kade screen are you on first floor gentlemen we're going off the back side my mistake push it Southwest I don't think you can admit this the way we came in okay copy that let's go right go right go right i problem we're gonna be pushing past alpha we're gonna find an empty compound and clear it Bravo let's go we got contact south my legs [ __ ] broken user joined your channel [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oof [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] contact southeast McCoy there's a dude on the other side this [ __ ] wool manual I could use that skill less on me McCoy there's a [ __ ] guy all right Bravo I got bandaged up free pick up we need to keep clearing behind alpha so keep pushing behind outlook you good Vinson what's your status man I'm with McCoy we're putting out a compound to the south we're trying try all day we got off on right now I'm gonna go ahead consolidate on me to hold your position negative we need to clear that you need to move towards me get back and let's go okay let's go let's go let's go on clear trouble copies we have a lot of built [Applause] chief Qiu keep clearing with us permission to pick up enemy 80 copy let me check you should have mark everything gentlemen I think there's no enemy we're friendly stances so I'm not getting keep pushing for Bravo just disregard that I'm getting [ __ ] I'm getting matters less Bravo Bravo let's go push in the compound [Applause] and you'll do need you still need pain management friendlies in here top four [ __ ] where you okay let's go push that building then you go to the top stay low and you just clear that Oh problem we're gonna be pushing south let's go Bravo let's push this clear this building off to our southeast real quick once into the hole push it back down your channel time down interrogative Bravo we need to push last let's go stack up and push it wait one Bravo keep pushing West keep pushing West let's go get you honey we're upstairs upstairs quick I'm prostitution I moved back towards alpha we're gonna be pushing south and then pushing West let's go that's good be sure to paint the ground from buildings let's go Bravo we're pushing left Kate's got 650 rounds five six let's go Bravo be advised that breath mate off to our northeast coppy user in your channel timed out alright probable go ahead and check in probably when you get the chance tell Mike then I need CL s supplies your friendly Stewart north three-one it's three one is open around the building I just need morpheme in one of all right we're setting up here say again I could use one if you have it I got you thanks Mike you got a brother hey you're good Morgan good copy say it I'm I'm sure no worries so watch yourself probably get ready to move let's go pushing East we're gonna be pushing that compound off to our East oh this is alpha a we're gonna push past we've reconsolidated it can hold security outside of the first compound taking shots sounds let's commence our date teach you go left go left let's clear let's go Vincent painted Bravo pushing 1 3 2 user joined your channel holy [ __ ] takes down a stone he's up he's up user in your channel timed out currently bandaging over user left your channel problem we're gonna be trying it I found us man you'll see if you kick it eyes out that door and see who's field I'm covering your north take what's your status vantage I'll be out one much this one small building here everything check that let's go ahead and try clear take what's your status takes up okay meet me outside yeah Bravo when you get the chance I could use some life for pain management there's reinforcements coming off the south guys can we proceed onto the compound off to our East oh yeah probable copies two guys go ahead Far East as well as southeast B if I still treating out this time and check yourselves madly people yes I made us good copy that Mike's on his way he's treating awful right now we're friendlies forgot that compounds of the user friendly talking to our East over we don't if you see great we're gonna be pushing to that compound off to our East shortly or southeast southeast let's go let's go we're pushing let's go we have friendlies to the north that it looks like they're clearing out this compound just the northern end of it copy that let's go ahead what good is balcony outside ah [ __ ] let's go classify sure Tate's got securities downstairs 360 on the bullseye all right stairs is clear we got really good eyes up here they could not get a perfect for her position okay probably let's go ahead and go off this rooftop copy problem southeast let's go be advice problem we're gonna be the southernmost element go ahead get up our eyes on this wall real quick give me a cigarette a cigarette [Applause] all right give me a sitrep manual roughness southeast
Channel: Vince
Views: 11,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arma 3, Operation Lionheart, 506th IR RU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 37sec (4957 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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