OUTBACK QLD AUSTRALIA, FREE CAMPING- Artesian bore baths, tourist hotspots & CAMP OVEN SCONES! EP.23

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[Music] [Music] all right so um we had to stop at woolies and we forgot nappies and that's an essential so i went and got there and me look where we're gonna go we're going uh back to the old school method of doing stuff now having one of these maps is great because you can just see everything but i think we're going to cut inland from brizzy and go chinchilla out to roma and then start heading up and then up into there so we'll do something different to what we've normally done on the coast so and uh we got to stop and get fuel and i think i'm going to fill the jerry can up for the diesel heater because i think we're going to need it we've had it on like the last heater on the last week we've yeah anyway we'll go fill up and then head out to rover or somewhere i guess see where we get yeah see if we can kill max on the ranges we're not um we're not city people brisbane's is not our our theme and it's hard to drive the caravan or you do have you got a sandwich big girl hey that parts are not just for the kids stop it where are we at we're at our first restaurant it's actually really cool it's really nice what's called bonneville rest area yeah the caravan mini so this is the rest area pretty cool and it's right next to a little river sort of creek thing so i've got some yabby pots and uh they're gonna have a little soak atlantic has already made the places no one can get in and out and finney what are you doing you're gonna come help dad let's go we're going to catch something mate what we're using for bait the old cat food this little cat food tin like 50 cents from cole's chuck that in there and um put it in the drink near some structure hopefully we can get some yabbies or something what do you reckon vinny yeah num nums ready to go finney oh this is the lanyard in the mist oh it's morning it was cold last night we had the heater going all right diesel heater so good so good probably burnt through a lot of uh diesel but uh boys are just having some brackie they're gonna go pick up those traps and uh we're moving on aren't we yeah we're gonna go check out some of the smaller outback towns it's actually really nice to be out back it's really cool really enjoying it already there's so many free camps and um you know they're not all bangers like some of them this is a banger yeah it's banger but um each of their own a we love it but we're moving on she's a big atlantic say [Music] overtaking a road train actually go there what's going on here fruit platter yeah i'm a domestic goddess oh yeah say this is camp for the night what is it um chinchilla where and this is a donation camp and um some of the sites even have power yeah sites have power it has a park people's playground yeah have boat ramp yeah and what else toilets so it's everything um yeah we're in the unpowered a little bit but uh yeah awesome spot the water's right there and um yeah all for our donation wicket fire pits everything stumble across here say this is well worth it we might stay here for a couple of nights eh yeah i reckon out by queensland [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys it is dinner time and i've decided tonight i am going to cook nick a very special dinner and you'll never get us what it is the idea and the recipe came from camo one of our patreons who has really challenged me with this but i reckon i can pull it off first step boil some water step two find a hunter and gather a little get you red core i'm stand corrected [Applause] that actually blew cool blue claw yabbies crush up your noodles nick are you excited for my cooking it's going to be special yeah i was going to say depends what you're cooking it's going to be very special okay just for you is it so would you be able to make the fire yes chucking your red claw blue claw chuck your packet mix in [Music] all right big boy gourmet cooking two men noodles classic we're gonna give them he did well you wouldn't get this is the five-star restaurant that's for sure yeah you know you wouldn't daddy yeah do you want to try at least yeah mmm what do you think oh oh man good on you mum [Music] we spent the next couple of days exploring some of the outback towns and driving into some amazing sunsets so so beautiful you love being out back again big boy yeah i do i do love it a bit cold anyway big mama's in the driver's seat scariest thing you'll ever see well then you're driving very well [Music] enough driving today gang yeah it's enough we pulled up i don't even know where we are just um waraga river i learned you're saying it's just out of what town are we just in charlieville charlieville um and we just pulled off the side of the road um because we've seen the river on the hema and uh yeah it's cool it's got like little camp spots everywhere um we're the only ones here yeah that's us and then you can see that brown chocolate down there it's a river i might take you for a walk yeah so not a bad spot um just an overnighter we are going to get some firewood now lennox has been at me to get the chainsaw going and uh we're just gonna have a ripper fire sit back and relax um before tomorrow i think we're gonna go to a station so lennox lady should i get the chainsaw out oh dana yeah the big and chainsaw where you going oh you're getting firewood see you later now [Music] [Music] no you can't have one you're funnier [Music] i thought i'd give cooking a rest tonight so big boy has um cooked dinner don't know what he's cooked but we'll have a look it's in the campfire give him my um true opinion on this dinner hey do you reckon dad's going to cook better than mum yeah really what have you cooked big boy ah of butter chicken campfire butter chicken is it going to be better than what i'd do hopefully well you're ragging it's not very hard to beat lannick so my gourmet special that i made you the other day was pretty good yeah two minute noodles with a bit of a yabby on it ripper i need a longer shovel my arms aren't long enough oh [Music] dinner should be a couple of hours a couple hours an hour the way that fire's going what's your oven degrees i don't know cooked cooked or not cooked that's all there is all right so while we're waiting for dinner to cook i thought i'd ask elena a few questions lord i'm not prepared what do you like about outback queensland i love how you feel free and i love the free camping the sunsets are unreal what do you like me well i like it like you said the freedom it feels like absolute freedom when you're in this joint there's no one for kilometers yeah it's good yeah and i do like uh scenery change the coast is awesome but i do like coming out here don't mind the kids behind in the background but um can we sign an offer tonight i don't know no i've got a tasty dinner i said i'd give it a rating all right well after that we'll sign off all right it's ready [Applause] it's seven degrees this morning really i'm just saying thanks brother get that up yeah because it'll make you warm i'll show you lettuces little how did that go linux you love it look you're an absolute mess you're sitting on a timber chair on top of your toy box you're a mess yeah did you say lennox he's a big boy yeah big boy don't eat yours [Laughter] what did lennox come up to and say he said holy jesus all right moment of truth i'll see if he's any good i see if i'll keep him is it a packet that makes big boy yeah but i was pretty like um i didn't stick to the rules what it said to put in there well that's risky behaviour yeah no yeah anyway moment of truth i reckon i'm going to give you [Laughter] a i'll give him an eight it's pretty good it actually tastes like what you're buying yeah butter chicken it's really good anyway he did well i'm gonna enjoy dinner it's nice not cooking watching the sun go down yeah [Applause] that's another plus about outback there yeah beautiful and the stars love the struggles all right do you want to say goodnight to everyone [Music] good morning sunshine she's a bit cold isn't she freezing diesel is getting a workout dude last night where are we going today linda i don't know you never [Music] this is what i have to put up with her trying to eat me brekkie i'm just showing him to warm up help all right leaving camp as we found it and look who's driving again yay big mama we're off did you just put the car in reverse [Music] dear god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] back on the tar this is the start of our head north to uh the gulf country yeah gulf cafeteria [Music] another thing we do is collect the silo art ew so we pulled over for lunch and i just think it's worth mentioning eleni did very well driving she normally doesn't drive with the van on but i think it is a good idea for everyone in the car to drive with the van on don't you alanya just in case something happens to either of us we can both drive yes i'd love it if the passenger wasn't so picky though i was trying to get her to overtake a road train i wasn't comfortable just yet i'll do it next time i did well thank you what did we have to stop for big boy you want oreos well we're about five minutes off our destination but the kids are going crazy and wanting oreos they're killing me lara wetlands [Music] we're rolling on in a sign i think it's a sign it's a sign it's not an e-view it's not a catalyst it's just a sign yep just the same i told you there was evie's look at the evie [Music] oh they're running how's this for a spot it's beautiful look at this this is where we park we got that this is us for the next three nights lower wetlands it's uh 25 bucks as well yeah 25 bucks a night it has hot showers yeah um there's about four shower blocks four shower blocks uh artesian ball yeah playground for the kids you can use their own kayaks and bikes for the kidnapping yeah nice awesome anyway we're gonna set up and we're gonna the next three days we're gonna have fun maybe depends what mood you're in eh first night yeah good five picked out early morning swim boys hopefully it's hot yeah hopefully it's hot it's a little bit chilly this morning it's so [Music] this spot is awesome it's only a short drive from barcode and south um 12k is in off the highway and it's awesome it is 25 bucks get you all this she's got a playground this hot artesian bore yeah yeah and it is hot it is beautiful and showers toilets all that sort of gear firewood you can buy your own firewood yeah awesome awesome spot definitely recommend anyway we're going to soak up this uh this hot water it's nice to be able to swim in the outback it's been so cold but we're on our way north and it's getting warmer [Music] what are you doing buddy did you wear in the water yeah sure how's the walk back to the vehicle yeah good very scenic it is isn't it what's the plan today um not much now what are you doing a cooking segment aren't you i think so what are you doing i can't tell you yeah surprise well i guess hate the boys to get some firewood so it's probably a good idea to do it then when years aren't around good idea woohoo there is a million things i could probably do right now but you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do an elenia's cooking segment just for you guys we have no service out here so i can't even google a basic scone recipe i don't really know but i remember my granny making scones but this is like four or five years ago if you guys know me i have the worst memory ever so going off my memory is not the best idea but it's gonna have to do so we're gonna try scones okay we're gonna use self-raising flour a cup some milk and full cream milk and i'm going to cook them on the fire that i've preferred prepared earlier self-raising flour things about right next is our butter you know how they have their they're like estimates on the side of the butter now i've got to work it out um anyway i reckon we're gonna be on there just gonna do that i remember doing this bit it's not slightly soft but we'll work with it put it in and then you've got to like like crumb it like to like a little crumb thing so with your fingers you sort of do that of course this is a disaster already so i'll do this and i'll show you guys while i'm doing this do you know what like i don't i feel like i've gone deaf normally i'm fighting the kids away because they're into it all i have nick and me chattering on age i can i it's really peaceful [Music] i don't know if i'm lonely i feel lonely now but i'm going to enjoy it because i know they'll be back in maybe half an hour okay so yeah sort of do this with the flour and the butter until it looks a bit like a crumble and then you add your bit of milk so i'll just put a bit in all right i think i nailed it and i'm gonna get me scone cutter which i'm gonna use my yeti cup flatten this bad boy out make some cuttings turn around i don't know if you saw that that'll just spill the milk anyway the milk is to put a bit on the top so i'm gonna put it in this and put it on the campfire see how it go because normally nick's there to help me with the camp oven but i don't need no man i can do it myself so let's try and get him out i think i did pretty well oh look at mum go you're back he's into a vinny we made you spawn did they turn out do you want to have a look there's just some under there don't bring him back and onto me cooking space melania lee well you gotta try it first kill him oh we gotta get some jam and cream yeah i know bit of butter did you jam finny get out of it get into those boys what do we reckon good that is a scone that's cream how did i go you did pretty well darl that surprises me you surprised me with this why because they actually are pretty good lennix ready to go bust and move at happy hour hey mom thinking our dance moves yeah for sure i've heard kenny rogers over there [Music] [Music] this little dam's only two or three feet deep so thankful yeah we can stand all throughout how cool is this so cool this is an awesome kit for 25 bucks [Music] this is hilarious linux oh yes look at the commitment go liddy thank you joey yes [Music] you're a weapon you ready for this linux your first solo kayak you're on your own buddy another day another night down yeah the lara wetlands yeah another fire watching the sun go down over the wetlands and say goodnight finley
Channel: Elnick.Adventures
Views: 59,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australian outback, Lara wet lands, travelling families australia, 4x4 caravans, Qld outback, outback hot springs, fishing, van life, caravaning australia
Id: svtW6IrAwnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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