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So the plan for the next few videos is to get this car from where we are now back across to Broome and then I'll start my solo traveling again [Music] thank you had a drink at Pax at all and then the next place we're going to stop is tipperborough and then the one after that is Cameron's corner [Music] foreign [Music] hey guys welcome back to another video I feel like I have heaps to catch you guys up on so if you didn't watch the last video I was actually in New Zealand the last couple weeks and now I'm back in Australia but I'm actually on the other side of the country to where my car is so I'm currently around the broken Hill area but my car is over in Broome So the plan for the next few videos is to get this car from where we are now back across to Broome and then I'll start my solo traveling again and the reason why we're doing that is because that's Leon's car and he works away so he's at work for a few weeks at a time and it just makes sense for him to fly back to his car that's up north where I am so yeah that's sort of what we're doing we are actually going to go down to Silverton now and check out an Outback Pub and then we'll go and find somewhere pretty cool to Camp a bit later on so I thought I better show you the car so this is his Ram it's a 1500 and he recently got a fair bit of work done to it just to make it a bit better for full driving it's got a long range fuel tank in there from Brown Davis which we put in in Melbourne because you really need one of them with all these Outback roads fuel stations are few and far between and then ain't no rooftop tent but we do have an Iron Man swag that we have in the back as well and then everything's just sort of neatly packed in there foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] scoffed our burger for lunch so this is the town of Silverton and they actually filmed the movie Mad Max 2 here I haven't seen it but yeah this is where they filmed it all I'm actually going to head back into broken hill now which is only about 20 minutes away and yeah I'll show you guys around that area as well foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so one of the main attractions to Broken Hill is the Living Desert which is where we've just pulled up to now and there's heaps of sculptors around so go for a bit of a walk and we'll go and check them out [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] so that was Leon if you didn't already notice and we've actually got little text in the back too I'm not sure if you guys can see him but he's just living his best life but yeah with the brown Davis long range fuel tank you can actually save so much money so we thought that we'd fill up in town while it's cheap because as soon as you go our Bush it costs an absolute armor leg to fill up and the fuel tank in the ram is 200 liters so as you can tell with that it does cost quite a lot to fill it all the way up to the top thank you all right so we have just gone for a drive up to Broken Hill's mine site and this is actually the first BHP and if you don't know what BHP is it's actually one of the biggest mining companies in Australia and it stands for broken Hill proprietary but yeah this mine is actually really sad 800 people actually lost their life here so it just goes to show just how dangerous this mine site actually was so every single one of these roses is actually for a person that passed away which is so sad I actually did want to give you guys a little bit of information about broken Hill so there's 20 different minerals that they find here in this town which is the most out of everywhere in Australia it's known for obviously the mining but also for its art as well so there's 20 different art galleries in the town too and it is the first town in Australia that's actually been listed as a national heritage site [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] up at Stevens Creek and like always I find all my campgrounds off Wiki camp and this one's just a free spot there actually is a creek well it was a creek there's no water in it at the moment just there and you can actually camp on there as well but it looked real soft and you can actually drive your car down there too but we just didn't want to get stuck so I'm going to set up camp and yeah just relax here for the rest of the night thank you [Music] all right the sun is almost on its way down but yeah we've got the Iron Man double swag and we've also got this sleeping bag in there as well and it is super comfy we actually slept in there last night and it is really warm in there too because these nights do get pretty cold and then the days are sort of warm but like sort of not really we've got to get a little bit further up north until we start getting really nice weather Leon's having a lovely time making a fire pit at the moment and then also got the Iron Man chairs and the table as well foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] morning guys so we actually made our way back into town this morning it's only about 10 minutes down the road back to Broken Hill because we need a sauce just so we can cut up firewood when we get further out Bush and it was a really good excuse to get a nice made coffee as well but also this morning it was so cold everything was like severely frosted over so we thought we'd leave it all here to dry and then come back now to pack it all up so we're actually going to head further up North today and we're going to try and get to Cameron's Corner which is a point where three different states meet so yeah we'll pack this up and then we'll start driving up so as you guys know I have a power box in my car set up but it's actually portable so we put one in Leon's car too just we can charge all our things on the road see I thought I put my drone on charge while we pack up the swag so now the Drone is fully charged to take some epic shots while we drive [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so we just had a drink at Pax at all and then the next place we're going to stop is tipiburra and then the one after that is Cameron's Corner via Leon actually used to muster around some stations around here so he sort of knows this area pretty well we've still got a couple more hours until we get to the border and yeah we'll Camp around there tonight who's winning in my video [Laughter] oh you're cute come on [Music] foreign so we have just been chilling out in the town of tibubura and yeah we chilled out of the pub and the Sun is now almost on its way down so we're thinking we actually will just stay around here and camp and then we'll head out into cameras Corner tomorrow because there's still 140 K's down that road just next to me so yeah stick around if you want to see what that looks like it pretty much it's the corner of Queensland New South Wales and South Australia but yeah I will wrap up this video here for tonight so thank you so much for watching guys I really appreciate it and yeah I will see you in the next one which will also be out in the outback of Australia oh [Music] thank you [Music] thank you
Views: 256,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sZlVQx0RDlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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