Our Worst Shanks Fears CONFIRMED! (1086+)

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remember when Whitebeard said your face makes my scar given by that bastard ache again so he can be referring to garlic you know I do remember that when Shanks met Whitebeard in chapter 434 he said exactly that when I look at your face it makes my scarsick the scars I got from him and I'd always thought that Whitebeard was referring to Roger because he and Whitebeard World Rivals and then remember this is back in the day when we didn't know that Whitebeard was just a big old teddy bear at this stage he could have been a serious serious antagonist so it wouldn't have been at all weird for him to refer to good guy Roger in such a bad blood kind of way but theoretically both Garling and Whitebeard could have been on God Valley Garling because he was the god Valley King and Whitebeard as part of the Rocks pirates in fact maybe Whitebeard was defeated by Garling whilst Roger and GARP took down rocks and if so that would automatically Elevate Garling to insane levels of hype the man who scarred and perhaps even defeated Whitebeard with that said I would still ER on the side of Roger if only because it's hard to know how much wine beard knows about Shanks imagine his world Noble Heritage is probably quite secret or maybe not actually the thing is that we as readers know almost nothing about Shanks but maybe the whole figure name is public knowledge and it's just been kept from us also two other things I noticed going back on chapter 434 one is that Shanks asked Marco to join his crew just as he did after Wana so Shanks he really wants that Marco and also Whitebeard mentions haki by name which kind of blew my mind because haki has mentioned so much earlier in the series and I remembered Garling figlen's line of dialogue about protecting scum contrasts really nice against Shanks considering his fleet was made up of Misfits to protect them that is actually a brilliant point it goes a bit underrated because this was in the same chapter as Divine departure but shanks's Grand Fleet actually make me a much bigger fan of him it's your classic hero stuff but I like that he goes out of his way to protect the weak and thinking about it that could be a conscious choice to rebel against the principles of the world Nobles of which he was one and that would actually make shanks's story very similar to both having the blood of nobility but dedicating their lives to help those deemed irrelevant especially shanks's Fleet I don't even know how the world Nobles would react to them I didn't even think they would be deemed worthy of being slaves because realistically how much work can you expect from say grave tooth fuga at best I think they'd feed ribatini to their pet piranhas or something but I wonder if garling's line is a direct reference to Shanks a Crimson Stain On the figland family name and perhaps most guard was dealt with particularly brutally because his infraction reminds Garling so much of Shanks other than that Shanks I want to make it known that I also tried to construct a period joke because Garling he has a moon head and moons they follow monthly cycles and Shanks were abstained like there's a lot of elements there but in the end it just didn't work out shanks's daddy having Moon haircut is weirdly symbolic a satellite to the five Elder planets so to speak so at this point I think we're on the verge of stepping out of symbolism and getting much closer to just literal the five Elders obviously all represent planets and each of the ancient weapons are also named after planets and the only planet we have remaining to designate is Earth which is theorized to be emu and if Garling is the number one power guy within the world Nobles then it makes sense to have him as our satellite Moon then it would also be a nice subversion of Fate that Shanks went on to become the mentor of the Sun God given his moon-based Heritage then again the Moon is also very important for the ancient Kingdom side of things as well wano in particular has very strong Moon representation so as much as our metaphorical narrative solar system seems to be approaching completion we still don't really know how the Sun and the Moon play into things then again the one piece planet has multiple moons so we could have good moons and like oppressive evil moons also I don't have it here but someone did ask if Garland could use Armament haki on his Moon hair and the answer to that is I certainly hope so the end of the chapter felt like ivankov speculating about all the fan theories and I'm here for it I briefly mentioned this in the chapter review but yes ivankov went full YouTuber it is legitimately as if his dialogue was actually written by one of us given that we know how the opium up into me works that would indicate that it's definitely being used at some stage in the past and given that emu has the same name as one of the founding ancient Kings their names potentially unrelated threads simply must combine together to form the perfect double helix Theory structure and you know what as much of an in-world conspiracy theory as it is I think he's on the money that is why they wanted us to know the Eternal youth ability to tell us about emu I knew it Laura's not destined to die I uh I wish I had your confidence unfortunately law has two pretty terrible things going for him or against him because bad things don't normally go for you one of which is regardless of whether it's being used or not law does have chekhov's magical fruit and the fact that he does have an ultimate ability is still narratively begging for it to be used and secondly he's a d and things don't generally end well if you're a d it's almost as if many if not all of them are quite literally destined to die but die to fulfill a purpose it's a very bittersweet ending for every deed that we've seen die so far Bittersweet and early we have yet to see die of satisfactory old age and uh not gonna lie that's what makes me a little bit nervous about law due to being a d he is a piece actively being wielded by Fate he doesn't have the luxury of just sitting back chilling and going unnoticed quietly living out the rest of his days because as a d his job is to quite literally cause storms and storms are dangerous so I I just I don't know about law the mother flame sounds like the ancient civilization fuel source all right so there's a little bit of confusion about this because there have been a couple of different power sources mentioned on Eckhart Island and they may be the same thing but also maybe not so the ancient fuel source is the one that powered the big robot and in the series it's referred to by Shaka as the dynamic power source meanwhile Egghead Island itself is powered entirely by fire and Lilith mentions her theory of an undying flame that would allow them to create their own sun and actually going back on it in the official translation it's not clear whether or not this is actually a hypothesis or I should say it's not clear that it's still a hypothesis because the way Lilith said it could also be read as yeah I thought this idea would be cool and then we did it and that's how our cat Island works so this could be the Breakthrough emu was talking about with the mother Flames vegapunk's invention may not have been the actual device emu used to destroy La Lucia but instead the fuel source that powered that device for example let's say that emu did have the ancient weapon Uranus that's great but just like the ancient robot he may not have been able to use it without the right power source so vegapunk invents something eerily similar and all of a sudden he has Unleashed a whole new era of Destruction on the world or actually he's Unleashed a whole old era of Destruction on the world so again maybe ivankoff was onto something and if so I wonder if pluton functions on a similar if not same fuel source from a meta perspective the reason why this is a cool discussion is because vegapunk obviously takes visual inspiration from a certain Albert Einstein whose famous equals mc squared equation is the Breakthrough that made the atomic bomb possible so whilst not directly contributing to the project his work did lead to its construction and implementation which is very much what could have happened here but vegapunk how's the weather in Australia and all right I would say it's unusually warm for winter which is a bit annoying but then again I'm just glad anytime it's not summer summer too hot it's crazy emo really showed how cold he is since he was so willing to annihilate Lucia just because of it being close even the gorose was surprised but emu didn't care this is actually a really revealing conversation prior to this most people including me speculated that Lucia was targeted for a reason like a carefully assessed reason something that would be strategically beneficial but in the end it really was kind of arbitrary I mean obviously it was picked because it was one of the rebelling Nations but there were also like seven or eight other ones of those we could have chosen from so to think it was only chosen due to being the closest really puts fate into perspective that's why the elders were going on about how Sabo was so unlucky to have ended up there they weren't targeting him lorucia had no greater purpose in the grand scheme of things and so both Sabo and the Lucia were just kind of unlucky also in this chapter there's a technical explanation of how the world government thought was actually on the island because he used the telepathic snail equivalent of a VPN and I just wanted to point that out because it's cool to see the Revolutionary Army doing clever things at the moment I don't think we get enough of that they don't have the raw power required so they need to make up for that with intelligence I just love how there is so much build up for the reveal of the names of the elders just for them to be named stuff like Ethan I mean yeah in a series with names like rocks Deezer Beck and nefertari D Lilly you don't often expect a major character to pop up and go hi my name's Marcus I enjoy long walks on the red line brutally murdering traitorous nefertari scum and of course caring for the environment I mean the names do still sound quite grandiose like English old money but combined with their roles they also make the entire world government sound like a small to medium-sized business what's that sakazuki you have a problem with your pay slip this week we'll just go talk to Ethan in finance he'll sort you out speaking of Ethan though he actually has what sounds like a Japanese name in addition to the Ethan the noostura part so I wonder if his family have a connection Tawana he also does have what looks like the shodaikitetsu not that I can imagine him using it much in his capacity as Financial Coordinator ah you know what he probably does I bet he uses it like the oil dipstick in a car what he does right is Ethan plunges his sword into this like gigantic pile of money and then he measures how much money there is depending on how high up the sort of goes this is gonna sound cold but I don't feel any sympathy or sadness rather for most God bro laid down his life for the Fishman and he sought it to the end good for you bro you've thoroughly redeemed yourself I do feel sorry for him but I think it's only because we've never actually seen him do the horrible things that the world Nobles do that is a massive part about why most God is redeemable at all because Oda off-screened all of his previous horrible acts but I do think there is something quite nice about the idea of a world Noble sacrificing themselves for a mermaid given their specific factional tension and there's also something quite Bittersweet in regards to having otahime and most guard becoming Martyrs for both sides sort of like an astronaut goldfish for version of Romeo and Juliet just without all of the all of the sexual tension and most God's death is still unconfirmed at this point but if he does die I imagine that it would need to serve a purpose primarily because this is one piece so someone or someone's plural May then go on to inherit most God's will perhaps there's a faction of world Nobles that he's been Gathering that share his ideas who will spring into action I mean most goddess had 10 years since meeting otahime so I doubt that this Whole Decade has purely been spent on a journey of self-reflection is it possible that steli is inheriting emu's will when Steely saw the throne he immediately thought of wanted to sit there as well as the hairstyle of both characters seeming similar steli is definitely the person who displays the most characteristics of a world Noble despite not having their blood he's mostly a gross caricature of human evil and is often used as a gag but he is an interesting character and I think a point may come in the series where we need to draw a line between who can be redeemed and who cannot so the question then is will there come a point where steli even steli cannot accept the World Noble's decisions and actions and I don't have the answer to that all I know is if I were steady I'd be pretty damn careful because his kingdom is single-handedly responsible for producing most of the world government's biggest enemies all the Silhouettes lately are probably due to oda's eye problem meaning the next time we encounter emu in the story we should be able to actually see them so in case you didn't know Oda has some pretty bad astigmatism which is an eye problem and that's why one piece is taking a four week break so that he can have the surgery and have the recovery his message is pretty fun though because he says he hopes that after surgery he'll be able to fire lasers from his eyes and it's an interesting idea though the uh the Emu part not the laser eyes the idea that the worse Otis vision gets the more vague the character drawings need to be maybe to Odessa at the time these wacky Elder Silhouettes were perfectly and vividly detailed masterpieces so he'll come back from surgery look at them again and go oh god what have we been dry also it should be said that Oda might have already had the surgery before this announcement was made because the way manga is produced means that authors usually work about 3 three to four weeks ahead so while one piece is on break now oda's break may have started earlier and he may also be back at work sooner or not I have no real idea but I do wish odor a speedy recovery and if not granted laser eyes then at least a pair of nipple lights for good measure
Channel: GrandLineReview
Views: 335,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W0yOTQ28YFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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