Our visit to the Florida State Fair! 2022

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hey guys look where we are at today we are at the florida state fair 20 20 what's the year two lots of twos this year yeah 2022 we're at the fair look over there chris do you see mighty mouse way in the distance yeah and over there you can see like the circus tent way over there and if you leave a little bit closer right here in the water there's a turtle head the turtle's just peeking out it's even trying to get some of those smells it's like i smell food man right when we walked in from the convention area it like the food smells just hit you right in the face you smell like all the fair foods it smells so good yeah crystal's like yep that's the fair that's definitely the fair so first thing i think we have to start off with is some food because i'm pretty hungry it's almost lunch time actually i don't even know what i want i'm gonna look around oh i have no idea what i want either oh yeah i have no idea what you want no i actually do know what i want and it's right here behind me so i'm gonna go get that real quick and crystal has to find out something that she wants in the no um the program thing that they gave us it actually has it looks different than previous years because before it used to be like a fold-out map right and then this year yeah but the cool thing is on this one it says a fair food tour and it has some like i guess new foods and so there's like a cookies and cream funnel cake interesting bacon caramel apple that's pretty interesting deep fried um banana pudding that's it yup a cookie dough explosion like that looks pretty normal a donut dog oh heck no oh yes i don't know what crystal's going to get she usually gets like fries or something to start off but we do want to try more today than we usually do and that tornado potato fry thing that she always gets is huge so hopefully she doesn't get that because i don't really want to share with that because i want my stomach to kind of go a little bit longer today but we're going to be here a while so let's go ahead and get started up first a corndog i kind of already started eating on it but the batter on this thing is like a pancake it's on this corn dog crystal here try okay i'm sorry i have stuff in my mouth guys just don't stab yourself in the inside your mouth with that stick isn't it so soft oh my god like the actual threading breading corn or whatever's on the dog it's actually super super airy i'm telling you it's like you can't have any more sorry it's like really good it's like there's a pancake on there right all right crystal hasn't found anything she's gonna eat yeah we're still looking around yeah but i'm gonna finish this one crystal's looking chug chug chug oh chug god is that so little it's like a mini jug yeah it's like a gallon sized jug but i don't know if anyone yeah it used to be a dollar for not this size yeah but for like just a refillable one well not not refillable but just a normal cup yes now it's two bucks yeah so i got this for six it's only a dollar to refill it yeah i think we will use it six times today i hope so i don't know but i didn't want to keep throwing away a cup uh one of the styrofoam cups so we got this check out the size of this yeah we don't ever get lost if we if we do get lost just come over here right we know we actually need a step of planning do if we get separated we need to find out where we're all right so okay well we're right there i don't know why we get separated okay um so let's say we'll meet i don't know oh yeah yeah that we definitely know everybody knows that you can see it from any part of the actual um state fair all right so yeah we can meet up at the uh sky eye do you see it on the map yeah right there bearish somewhere yeah so we are going to end up going over there a little bit later that's where all the carnival games are super fun stuff yeah that's what the rides at the midway right here like this area there's always like a lot of food oh yeah so we're definitely gonna check that area out for sure to get some food oh yeah who remembers these the giant cheese sticks so i didn't realize this place is actually called angela's so if you guys are ever looking for the giant cheese sticks here at the florida state fair just look for angela's it says real big right there in red pizza and it says giant cheese sticks on the side crystals in line ready to get one because we're gonna share this i think they look they look kind of small but they're pretty giant i guess i don't really remember it's been a few years since we had it but crystal was like giant cheese sticks we gotta get it oh yeah that thing is so big it's so much bigger than i remember i think it's like the size of a corn dog [Laughter] yeah so crystal can put her hand right there she can see how big it is look at that for a size reference she doesn't have a really big hand but that thing is the size of a corn dog are you ready for this chris she's gonna dip in her sauce there all right and then it's so big compared to your face no no and so you didn't do the cheese thing you have to do the cheese thing or it doesn't count so if it doesn't work oh you're pulling it off the stick there it goes there go pull it pull it pull it pull it oh that wasn't much of a cheese pool i think it could be warmer oh yeah so i noticed whenever crystal ordered it they put it like a microwave i think i think whenever we got it the first time it was like fresh but we are here first thing in the morning so i think they already had these pre-made does it still taste good at least yeah it's just it could be warmer oh no you're chopping the cheese crisp conserve all the cheese what the heck yeah don't eat that though don't think you're about to eat it let's see what the heck right behind crystal you can kind of hear it you can't really see it but it's the wall of death i want to go watch that we're planning to be able to see this one because we're going to eat this giant cheese stick but what it is is it's one of those things where they have the motorcycles in it that go around the walls they're like this you know like all the way like a like a cylinder it's like a cylinder in there and they're inside like driving around so we're going to see that later today we've got to find out what time the shows are are going on crystal's tearing that thing up crystal i thought we were supposed to share this yeah what's going on here are you sure something for me to have pretty good okay i gotta i gotta go ahead and eat something before crystal eats it all he's got the pool he's got the pool he's got the cheese pool [Laughter] oh my gosh he got it right dead center in the middle that's right you gotta really get a good bite yeah just pull slowly oh my god oh look the t-string oh my god that's pretty good i'm liking it we got here just in time to see a show called wet and wild so this guy has some of those uh like water foot jets i don't know what they're called they actually have a name i just don't know what it's called and look at it look what the heck is he doing oh wait wait here's another guy there's another guy what is that what's that little thing or one of those what is that it's like oh did he crash no he's doing that on purpose i think i'm not sure actually i'm not sure if you fell or not oh i like this like uh what is it called i've seen it before i don't know what the name of it is oh backflip oh my yeah cause you can actually do that places like um on the beaches and stuff yeah it's pretty expensive to rent we wanted to uh do it once it's like 200 a person for like only an hour but i want one of those what is that um yes that's exactly what it is what the heck and he's like and he's holding on to something too so if he uses his balance he has that so he gets the power from the jet ski itself and that's what it's like controlling it because he was actually just in the water like it looked like he was swimming and the jet ski was following him that was terrifying though oh imagine if you got up like that high and then for some reason you lost your balance and you go have you ever done a belly flop before i bet you've never done a belly flop from that height i can guarantee that so his friend left to change out what he had oh gosh what the heck yeah so he got rid of the little surfboard thing and now he has like a little uh jet ski oh man come on do some tricks do like a flip or something those are always fun he's building up to it here he goes oh my gosh how much look how much air he got on that thing it's a lot of build-up here it is oh there it is there it is oh man oh back-to-back triple what the heck here's the guy with the uh the other sea dude that's just like i told you was swimming earlier look it's falling he's like i'm coming don't miss me don't leave me behind yeah it's so cool though if i zoom out you can see how far away he can get from it oh there he goes he's going up he's going really high up how high do you think he is i'm probably about 30 feet you don't think that's 30 feet oh wow he's like he's pretty high up like i don't know if i would do that i'd probably get like three or four feet off the water i think i'd be enough yeah man this guy's just going back up at the back what is that like three or four all right so that wet and wild show was pretty cool but what about this right here this is called the high dive show you might be thinking oh let's see how high they could possibly die from maybe they're going to die from that board right there possibly right chris but if we go up a little bit there's another board right there but if we look really high way up there look there's a board right up there i don't know do you think that's a board or like a light no no that's not a light is it i'm pretty sure that's one of the platforms i think that black thing up there do you think they're gonna jump from one thing it's called a high dive show chris it's not kind of a little baby dive show the old texas tornado there it is all right ladies and gentlemen here it is take a picture of this one there she is posing for you that's right skip the whole thing we don't want to see it anymore confront somersault from our 10 minute cruise test [Music] ladies and gentlemen i'm perfectly executed trying to dive oh so those shows were pretty cool um the high dive was crazy it was actually 80 feet tall at the very top part and then the guy got way up there and was hanging backwards so he's probably 85 feet up there i don't know how he was and the jet skis are super cool right i know those jet skis were awesome i have to find out the name of those like feet jet propulsion thing i know it has a name i just don't know i think it's called water jet oh a water jet or is that a water pick i'm thinking about when you frost anyway it's time for more food i am getting a gangster elephant here how hip does that look what is totally cool oh my elephant here is the size of that elephant's ear because that thing is big all i gotta mine is just uh sugar and cinnamon what'd you say it's so pink it's huge that's what i'm saying like if our elephant ear is anywhere near that size i'll be happy crystal i think it's gonna get something melts but i'm gonna enjoy my ears oh my gosh that thing is big as an elephant's ear i think it is angel hence the name elephant ear you really can't see unless i get up here because crystal's kind of holding at an angle but look at that look at it oh my gosh he got tons of cinnamon sugar on top well i didn't i just asked for cinnamon sugar and that's what they did what in the world is there any butter on it hope there's some butter on it i don't know oh man maybe i was supposed to ask for butter on it i haven't had an elephant here in years so i don't know but i'm pretty much going to eat this myself i think crystal if i have a little bit yeah but she didn't really she's not a big sweet person you guys don't know that because i'm a little sweetie here so all the sweet i need i am it's because i eat all this stuff this thing is too big it's bigger than the plate it's over it's actually being held by my hand look at that oh my god [Laughter] oh my gosh tons of cinnamon sugar on there i think that's too much really too much for angel i don't know about that sugar like all i'm eating is straight like sugar i thought it was powdered sugar no this is actually like sugar sugar wow oh my god oh my gosh it's hot i need to dust some of that off oh my god holy moly don't let it fall on the ground because that would be so sad this is why i'm so sweet oh my gosh we're so this thing is so messy wow i can imagine it's just like flaking everywhere look what crystal found it's roasted corn she's so excited we saw this really big inflatable of corn and chris was like what a roasted corn food dedicated truck just for that so she has to get one it's only three bucks too so that's kind of the deal i saw them put the butter on it i was like heck yeah they didn't actually dip it in or they actually just like squirt like a um like yeah pump like they're making like a coffee yeah so here's all her seasonings they don't actually have like containers where you can just dump it yourself but you they ask you which ones you want and then you pick which ones you want so chris has pepper salt tahin and what's that um this is a lemon pepper oh and lemon pepper for it so it's not much you don't get much so oh you guys are just going to put the seasoning on me you can't eat me so what if you wanted more than what they have for more or another one okay yeah cause they didn't see all right that's one are you gonna put all of it on at once all right just the lemon peppers always said it was yeah all right oh my god what is it hot oh cause i know when i took it off and they took the uh husk off it was like very so delicious they put a lot of butter on there and that's what really makes it really good right you're eating all the like little fibers on it oh my gosh this is so good right this lemon pepper is do you want to tahim on it or you don't want to use it oh i guess i'm just going to hold the rest while she enjoys this eat at your animal eat it now now we're going to watch the wall of death i can't wait to see these motorcycles oh gosh i don't know what that is this is going to be cool check out the wall it's pretty big actually has quite a diameter to it oh man oh look go karts down there was that three motorcycles a go kart what so they're gonna actually be riding around the wall like so hopefully you guys don't get dizzy because i'm gonna be going like this oh oh things are getting scary now so now they're gonna drive around and grab the bills out of people's hands this is gonna be scary from vroom so crystal how scared were you i was so scared i was like oh my gosh here's crystal's favorite ride even though it's not a ride it's a slide won't say what oh the electric slide what am i supposed to say is this slide small yeah no it's i'm confused what is it oh my gosh what the heck i'm like literally so confused i'm looking at crystal like where's this going okay the big one slide does that sound better didn't it used to have multiple colors i don't remember actually oh my gosh look we don't come one year we forget everything right yeah so this is the big one slide you can see back there that's where they usually have lights you can't really see it oh someone's if we're here tonight we're going to come back and do this right now it's too hot like i don't want to walk up that and be sweating so we'll do it later when it's a little bit colder now we're headed into the greatest carnival on the planet that is the midway that's where all the rides will be and all the carnival games change of plans time to eat more food we actually did walk through the greatest carnival like that whole section over here it's actually this part of it and it is so hot that we're not going to do anything right now like take a little chill yeah while crystal eats this salty salty fries that she has here i know i love french fries so much what is the name of the place that you got it from french fries no no what is the name of the it's in place letters like when you walk the floor are you sure it's called okay whatever chris was eating french fries french fries i don't know i don't know if that makes sense but we're gonna go with it but yeah we're taking a break in the shade gonna probably be here for a little while at least i want like we just need like three hours to just go by yeah i feel like it no i can see it really yeah i can see your little rosie i mean i don't see it there okay i mean maybe i just have color out here in the sunlight anyway oh we have refilled this thing twice now so we had the original one and then we refilled it twice with um normal normal three normal sweets we have to reiterate so many times i would advise you guys if you come here do not get the flavored teas oh my gosh that was so sweet sugar sugar yeah if you like if you like sugar and a little bit of tea probably get that even then i don't know if you got cheese there's no warm sugar right it was way like interesting yeah it was way too sweet i just need three hours to fly by already so i can already start the sun can start going down a little bit i know unfortunately we can't get we can't come back in that's what it says it says no re-entry but what happens if we win a lot of prizes either we're gonna have to do one or two things one give those prizes away to somebody or two we're gonna have to go take them to the corner because we actually win a lot of prizes if you guys don't know we win a lot of prizes when we're here at the fair we did see a few games are gonna play you know like ladder up of course they have two ring of ducks here yeah and they have two of the trailer full of claw machines they have two different ones with and they don't all have the same prices some of the prizes are similar but they're not the same exact prizes so we are going to play like all those claw machines so we're going to win a lot of stuff that's that's the problem well whoa that is true that is true we might not win anything we might just walk away empty-handed welcome to the robot zoo it's something that's indoors so we're going to check it out because it's too hot outside but first it's a robot platypus look at those eyes oh what does it do okay press the button oh you hold it down and it looks like it's feeding on the ground is there another button on the other side yeah what's this one oh look you're making it swim there's one more button okay this is pretty this is pretty cool yeah and it shows you like the insides i mean the lights are just there for i don't think any actual reason no that's that's not what a fireplace looks like in tigers this is a robot version okay i mean i guess it does have ribs what is that supposed to be the the light part i got that chris but thank you for um let me know is that supposed to be its heart though i don't know i think that would be like the heart of it right because i don't see anything else that would be the heart of it up next we have crystal hey look i can see myself over there okay oh this is supposed to be like iguana right or chameleon a chameleon yeah because it has joysticks down here so i can move the eyes to look at crystal oh make yours look all the way that way what in the world could you imagine being able to see like use your eyes like this no they can't go up no can you go easy to pull down yeah it's like inverted yeah oh this one looks cool it's a really big bat are there any buttons mechanical bags oh there's no buttons for this but look at this face it has ears that are moving it has a jaw moving there's a lot going on look that's what it looks like inside a bat chris the wings actually move too that's neat i like the uh the backdrop they have that looks really cool right yeah it does oh man i wish you could push some buttons make it like um scream at somebody or something crystal has a friend that hates grasshoppers this thing is huge so it's probably about right there is probably six foot and then it's legs oh my gosh it's hind legs this is really neat i love the display and how it has like the grass you can see inside as usual and then the face look at how many eyeballs it has i didn't realize grasshoppers have that many eyes that's so many and that's just on one side the other side has just as many what is this a marble i'm assuming that's a marble or maybe that's an egg it probably says over there but i don't have time to read all that but i like this i like these displays they're really cool here's a little game it's called swatch a flying it says can you react as fast as a house fly so press reset and press start and start so i think you want to hit it okay so every time she hits it it counts i don't know no i think i think you're only doing the ones that are lit up so hit it yeah and then get that one that one over there the left the left one that one so every time you hit it when it no this other one every time you hit it on time it would put it in white and steel it up oh okay guys yeah so let's try it again so as soon as it lights up hit it oh you're not hitting them fast enough chris there you go there you go you can do it i don't know these flies are getting away chris put your whole hand on it when you smack it yeah no when they're lit up you don't gotta hit them only the flashing ones hit that one there you go and then this one there it is yay crystal's kind of fast as a fly look at the little baby shrimp they're little scrimps i don't think they're called shrimp though are they does it say anyway i'm being serious what are they look like little blue shrimp and so we made it to the fish tank little section i think what they do is they have like kids and i don't know what part what their what this is called it's uh oh it's the aquarium competition it literally says up there and these ages are like 11-13 oh what's the age for this one that we're looking at right here over here i don't really want to show their personal information because it has a kid's name i don't know i don't know how old the kid is but anyway someone put this together and look how detailed it looks and it has a lot i mean i can't really focus on these because it doesn't want to focus too well but it has a lot of those little blue look looks like shrimp looking strange yeah but i like this one this one is very good very well done this is a big one they come in first place yeah it's blue got blue ribbon that's first place look how big it is because those blue bubbles are pretty cool blue bubbles are like we have to give this a blue ribbon right there are a lot of fish in there someone look at these fish and then tell me what kind of fish is that right there because it's a piranha okay chris get out of here i actually don't know what kind of fish it is i'm fairly confident it's not a piranha though i don't know for a hundred percent but someone will let us know in the comment section that that thing is not a piranha check it out we're scrolling the youth area for like creativity whatever it's called over here and look at that oh my gosh how cool is that it spotted it if you guys know what this is you know what it is if you don't know what it is i'm not going to tell you what it is oh there's a um spawn not spawn sorry oops venom oh gosh venom sorry that's not spawning right below what is it who is that oh what that's a concealer yeah this section's awesome look at that stay pumped i was looking at this guy look at this no face that's just kind of creepy that is super weird but still cool at the same time look at this guys it is a base mobile it says right there base mobile but that's clearly a fish do you think maybe it has really loud music chris um yeah all right the only thing that makes sense in my head we just had to get another corndog oh my god she even gave me the dog bread she got all the corn none of the dog what the heck the bed is so good that's like the same we got the same one for that we uh what's it called how do we not know the name of it it's in the same spot every single time we come back to the fair it's in the same exact spot it's the best ones here it's right when you walk in past the uh convention little thing area i don't even like corn dogs this is so good but you like these corn dogs right yeah they're the thickest ones here there are other ones that are taller or longer i should say like a foot long and a foot and a half don't go with that one of these yeah i mean i can't believe we don't know the name it's in a past vlog from the state fair we put it in the video i'm sure we even named it but we don't even know the name we're still waiting for it to get a little darker it has cooled off a little bit we've been spending some time inside some of the buildings we've been looking around at things that we don't normally look at like uh we looked at the fish and wildlife didn't record anything there but saw some fish saw some alligators this is our third refill yeah so that's four total drinks one more and it breaks even anything after that we did a good thing and we saved a lot of trash and we got it like cheaper than if you were to buy them i'm gonna go ahead and eat some of this for christmas at all for some reason watching this ride makes me want to go to a casino it could be because the ride's called casino but i don't think that's it something about this wheel looks familiar oh yeah and there's a hard rock right over there and if you guys don't know we do have a slot channel there'll be a link down in the description go check it out so it's finally dark and it feels really good out here right now you might be able to see that i'm sunburned can you see all the red i don't know if you can tell i'm on the camera i'll tell you right now that red that's on my face isn't from any um game or anything i'm just sunburned yeah but we are back in the uh carnival not carnival what do you say great yeah greatest carnival section right yes we're over here where the rides are where the games are we have some prizes here there's gonna be in some future videos oh you don't have a champion prize oh i was supposed to show this was i oops so we're gonna probably play some games i might include some of the games in this video i'm not sure but we're gonna do at least one game in this video and that's there's this like shooting game right here i'm looking at we're gonna play that at least for this video i don't know if we're gonna put it in the main channel it's just for the vlog channel so let's go see if we can win a prize from that game so crystal's playing a game called cork gun what she has to do is use her gun that has corks in it to hit the targets in the back if she hits the blue one that would be a automatic medium prize i believe oh she missed it if she gets the red peg up there that's automatic any prize that she wants in the booth which there's some pokeballs right here i believe the white one at the bottom is a small prize it's oh right there um white is a large blue is extra large and reddish choice all right she has three more i believe all right good luck going for that blue one right there in the middle oh that was way too high yeah you went way too high in that i forgot to mention if she shoots down cans she has to shoot a lot of cans down apparently but she could aim for the cans if she wanted but she wants to go for the instant prize that blue one oh that one was pretty close oh yeah crystal has to stand on the stove because she's too short all right is this your last shot all right all right here we go she's gonna get it let's see which way she goes a little bit too much oh wait you didn't shoot it did it take it okay maybe you didn't pump it all the way you gotta really pull that pump now you don't gotta take it over all right all the way down all the way up put the cork in the top push it nice and snug there you go and then aim right for that center blue one she's going for the blue one here we go good luck oh man you're so close every time now it's angel's turn and he's going for that red one right there yeah since then we're playing again they said we keep me on the wall even if i lose yeah if i go for the bread if i eat the bread i get anything in here so that is so awesome so let me know it's gonna go a little bit too much okay let me show you that oh she's aiming for it [Music] i don't either you're looking at the top left yeah i'm looking at that one all right you know i think it was actually below it oh okay first of all you're not helping me i'm trying i'm trying to get really close and long okay yeah i'm that was too far right all right so let me try again i got a few more shots okay honey to the right is it gonna go where'd that one go um that one went to the back okay so that was a little left yeah are you sure you're just making that up now we keep it up oh left left first i saw it that one was left yes all right i only have one left oh my gosh so i need to go right okay yeah it was to the left just by a little bit really yeah i hit my last one oh that was way off to the left oh what do i want i can pick any of those um let's go with we got avocado yeah they have the avocado jurassic world or something oh yeah they have the whale the snow cone whale with snowfall do you see it at the top one you want yeah is that a snow cone wheel is it hard field oh great we'll take that one wheel so then we got a prize that's pretty awesome she was really nice since we um played more than once she didn't even tell us ahead of time yeah we went to play again i was like hey sure i'll try some it's an ice cream cone no so i was pretty happy with that like i wasn't expecting to get it anyway yeah because normally they don't do that i think it's cause we had a camera honestly so it worked in our favor but i think that's probably the only um game we're gonna play in the vlog because i don't know if we're gonna do any other ones yeah but it's a really hard game that um shootie bang bang game what's a court gun that game is really hard maybe we will put some of the uh skee ball because we are gonna play skee ball for the main channel without a doubt we're definitely gonna play a skee-ball and it's always fun to put that um in both videos because i like that game and we went by there earlier today when it was when it was really hot yeah i was gonna say we saw they have some really cool prizes this year yeah i think we will we'll go ahead and put it in right after this it might sound weird how we put the um how it cuts in it might just say something weird just disregard that because it's for the main channel but we're giving you guys early access to that crystal has to get a very high score and then she can win any prize that she wants we'll show the prizes if we make it to that point how much do we have to score again is it 120 i forgot how much it i've already forgot we should probably figure that out before we start playing so give me just one second all right so it's 180 points that she needs can she do it oh that's not bad i just know that you have to get a few 40s because it only gives you five balls i believe all right so i don't think she can get this turn oh no you can you have to get all 50s all right that's a warm-up game it's a warm-up game it's okay we'll get a high score at least try to get 100. all right we're getting warmed up she's got 80 points one last ball she's warming up for those 50s for the next one all right so the first game is 100 not the best but not the worst i think with the worst we've ever done is like 50 points and that was but way before we started our channel all right so she's on her second game oh she got a tin that's okay she can still come back from that four balls remaining okay so now she has to get three of the 50s if she doesn't get a 50 right here then she can't get it this game that's okay though she can still she can still get warm up this is still a warm-up game oh there you go you see if she gets no matter what she gets here she should do more than her last game well actually she gets a 10 and that's not better but okay you did better than your last game 110 that time one game remaining five balls to get 180 points can she do it we're gonna find out take your time chris no pressure we really haven't played ski ball in a very long time we didn't come to the state fair last year so so we're we don't even have the experience from last year all right four balls remaining all right that's okay you can still get it you should have three balls left oh no now you have two balls left i think yeah you just have two balls i think you put the coin in too fast earlier so let's see what you get here it might not even matter if you don't get a high one no yeah so she put the coin in too fast but she got 80 the best she could have possibly gotten was 130 so i guess it doesn't even really matter so we just wrapped up the carnival game video as you can see i have a big prize on my shoulders i will say this we did not do as well as we normally do and i'm pretty upset about it honestly especially since the people that we did like the games that we did really bad on they knew us i was like no they actually know us and we're doing terrible it was so upsetting because we both did terrible on it and i was like no i can't sell myself because i'm holding all of our winnings well yeah we have some wins yeah i'm just upset that we did not we both lost yeah you might know which game it is if you uh if you know we didn't do enough practicing i know that much yeah insider we didn't do enough rapture i'm so mad about that though like when i was walking we were walking between two different booths i was like i cannot believe i did not get that and you guys are gonna be mad too yeah i think y'all will be mad at us too but anyway guys i think we're gonna get some more food i'm probably another corn dog crystal wanted something i don't know what she's gonna get are you gonna try something she's gonna get some oh it's probably the food over here i can smell it it's like a mexican uh like sand stain right there it smells really good though it does smell really good but yeah we're gonna get some food we'll probably show it and that's gonna make us happy again i think i am gonna get some cotton candy oh we have to get the popcorn see we're gonna cheer ourselves up we're not gonna leave mad so we went ahead and got the popcorn we decided against getting cotton candy because by time we actually get to the vehicle it's gonna be shaking around a lot it's gonna compact a lot so we're not gonna get it this time we would get it if we didn't have these big prizes and that's like the main reason because carrying the big prizes and then carrying everything else will be very very hard yes because look at the size of that popcorn oh man it's only 10 bucks too heck yeah oh crystal decided to get a corn dog as well because she likes them just as much as me yes prove that it's not mine and prove that it's mine actually did i get one or did she take mine i got my own i have mine right here i don't think it's getting there but so this is our my third but you actually shared my first one and my second one come on a little bit only a little bit like little nibbles yeah it's actually called smitty's yeah sorry we uh we actually see smitty's or smithies smitty's oh yeah smitty's okay if you guys ever come to the floor state fair look for their corn dogs they have buttermilk that's the batter on it it's called buttermilk um corn dogs oh they're so good they're the best not even a corn dog lover and this is really good they're really good they have the ketchup and the mustard on the side too if you want to get it but i don't like it crystal actually didn't get it i'm surprised because you changed me you're welcome now you can actually enjoy enjoy enjoy you can injure it now you can enjoy the corn dog in its best state the fresh out of the grease and it's not so good out of that oil i think we're going to hit it in the vlog here because like once we're done eating this we're leaving the day's almost over i think it's like nine now or something like that and it closes that we have somebody who said he thinks 11 he doesn't even know what time it closes and i think we're done it's getting late we're ready to go home it's getting a little chilly i had to tell you something we didn't get on the big slide oh we didn't we thought about it after we won the big problem all right kristen we're going to the side and she's like oh what were we there for our stuff yeah so maybe next time maybe that's an excuse to come back i don't know hey do you guys really want to see us on that slide let us know hopefully i get this vlog up in time to actually let us know in time for the video otherwise we might have to get on it at the uh strawberry festival but that big one is not there at the strawberry festival you guys better let us know soon again i'm putting this video up very soon but anyway guys we hope you enjoyed the video thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Angel & Cris
Views: 116,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plush time vlogs, plush time wins vlogs, plush time, vloggers, florida state fair, florida carnival, florida state fair 2022
Id: qBdMDxitBGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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