Our first time at HERSHEYPARK and it was SWEET!

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hey guys where do you think we are at I hear lots of happy kids I see something called home of Hershey's chocolate it can only mean one thing Hershey World yeah so we've never been here before but this right here looks super cool so apparently this is the Chocolate Factory what did they say it was called chocolate town I don't know we actually don't know but apparently that's where you go to see how they make the Hershey's chocolate and you get a free sample we're gonna do that a little later but first we have to get pictures with all the little mascots right here the Hershey's kiss the Reese's the Hershey bar the Twizzlers and then the Jolly Rancher dude at the end so we just realized that these are out here because if you are taller than the blue line I guess you can ride the corresponding ride inside the park Crystal you barely you can barely ride the Jolly Rancher you finally hit the gear well you're tall enough Chris you have to so if you don't want to measure yourself up against all the characters over there they have this wall with each section for each side I guess right there's a Hershey's Miniatures kisses Reese's Hershey's Twizzlers and then Jolly Rancher and again Crystal I think it's your hair let me let me see if I press down I don't know let me see I come up to about where do I come up Chris I can't I don't know if you guys can see me I'm barely yeah you're like right here if they had another tear up there I wouldn't make it it's time to go in and we're going to Hershey Park and we're in what the heck look at this roller coaster it has that Fountain looks like a Hershey's Kiss Chris do you say it actually says kisses up there oh this place looks huge there's so much to do we only have a little bit of time because it is a sundae and it closes at seven so enough talking whoa there goes a roller coaster oh it's about to come oh Chris are you gonna ride this one with me I mean looking at it it looks like one of the safer ones it kind of it kind of looks like it's going slow I don't see any loop-de-loops if you see any oh man over there a big drop are you scared oh okay so maybe Crystal won't get on that one with me but maybe there's another one that she will get on with so it looks like this roller coaster is called Hershey's candy money oh I'm so excited I don't think Crystal's gonna get on this for me because it is the first one of the date but I am definitely gonna get on it although right now it's a 90 minute wait so maybe maybe I won't even get on it right now yeah let's actually take a look around the park to see what we should probably get on because like I said it closes early today at like seven o'clock so yeah oh man I really want look at this look at that I really want to get on this drop is what really has me thinking the other one that's probably really close over there has a it's a yellow one it has a really like steep drop as well I gotta watch this guys oh my gosh I wonder if it hangs up there for a second before it goes down for just go straight into it oh it's doing it wait what bubble guts you mean butterflies oh my that goes really fast Crystal has a problem she has bubble guts look what they have it's the big one and it has Hershey's and Reese's Crystal loves Reese's it's her favorite it is dollars per play and we don't have a card yet but we're gonna find the card and we are definitely oh man this one right here [Music] this isn't a real arcade so I don't think they'll allow you to switch it out but they might if you ask I spy a really big fish do you guys see it oh no this water is really clear yeah that is a really big fish what the heck so we're right here beneath this roller coaster we haven't found out I don't think what this one's name is yet but this one does go upside down right here it goes and you're like hanging on it so the only way I can compare that to is like Montu at Busch Gardens where you're hanging and you're dangling I'm sure they have a name we're not big roller coaster people arcade this way okay we have found the arcade and looks like there's a carnival game right here we've already passed a few different carnival games but they're actually still opening up the carnival game so not everything's open yet it's another big one actually two of them no this isn't the kind of prizes we were wanting although it does say Hershey Park but it's still kind of generic you know but let's see what else oh it is actually a full arcade I was expecting just a couple games but whoa it's a big one arcade what they even have operation I was not expecting this size arcade here at Hershey Park oh man we are definitely going to do a video especially right now when it's empty Crystal we have to do a video for plush time wins oh my gosh look at all these claw machine oh man we're gonna have a great day today guys that's all I know we have to see are there any Hershey ones Axolotl Axolotl oh that's nice Hershey prices where are they at Chris no one cares about Barney and Baby Bum you hear about that we're looking for Hershey prizes Chris come on we're gonna find something here eventually I hope oh and wait is there no Hershey prize wait this could potentially be Hershey prizes is it it's not no that was okay this is the only one that is her theme come on we don't want the Chocolate Factory we want stuffed toys oh look at this you guys know that Crystal loves drop Towers they have a kisses a Reese's and then a Hershey's drop tower Hershey's is definitely the one that crystal wants to get on because she loves these are you gonna get on it yeah she actually hates uh drop Towers but those look so cool I've seen pictures of these in the past and I like I wonder how big they really are in person they're not the hugest ones I've seen before but they're not bad size either I am going to try to wait in line for this one I think as long as it's under like 20 minutes I'll probably get on it there's Angel he looks a little nervous so Angel is on the tallest tower of the three he's on the Hershey one and oh my gosh I don't think he knows what he got himself into because this is not a normal dog Tower and this is oh oh my gosh and then it drops you instantly down oh my gosh that is so scary I wonder if Angel is freaking out or if he's like this isn't even scary even up there for a long time oh my God this looks so scary oh my gosh so how was it scary it was definitely scary I was not expecting the uh to go up real fast yeah I didn't even know it until I was walking up I was like oh my gosh this is a normal drop that's scary by myself I know you come down it's extra scary oh my God but I would definitely recommend doing this I know Chris wasn't like no way but I had fun on it so it's lunch time now and we are having what's called Spring Creek Smokehouse and we're having some ribs we love ribs yes we do so we got about 17 bones here and then we have some mashed potatoes and that is mac and cheese is that cornbread cornbread yes I did not know we were gonna get cornbread oh yeah so yeah we're gonna take a little break from doing uh exploring look was there something there yeah they don't have many um seats available so we have like the standing table everyone claimed all the seats but we're gonna eat all this food these ribs though they look so good look they're dripping flavor right there we're not sure who these characters are but that looks like a super rhesus and this looks like a super villain that has a nice uh Crystal what do you call those crystal rock candy sticks I don't know it's it's like a rock candy like sucker lollipop I don't know what they're called but yeah we had to come show these guys because they look pretty cool Angel's about to get on a scary ride this looks super terrifying oh my God I feel like I can hear Angels screaming there they go oh my gosh we are going super fast so I think this roller coaster is called Skyrush and holy moly I can see why that's the name I don't know if everyone else got to see you because it was really hard to record but I saw your hands were like spread out because I was screaming like crazy oh my God my voice on that one ride yeah oh man so that one's called Skyrush I believe yes I think I said Sugar Rush or something I don't remember what I said now I'm about to go on this ride right here it's this black one right here and there's actually two black ones right where I'm showing you there's this big one up here and then there's like there's black and blue I believe this black and blue one is a completely different one although it could be an upside down portion of it no no no it's completely different because you can see it that's like a slow down spot but anyway I'm riding that big one I think it's called Great Bear crystal is not gonna get on it with me [Laughter] oh my gosh we've been playing some carnival games if you uh can't tell oh and we got that as part of a prize for just playing anyway I'm gonna go get on that one I don't know how long the weight is but it's like it's the hanging one I was talking about earlier hopefully it doesn't have a long wait I think crystals are probably gonna stay right here to get a good view of it because you can't really get a great view anywhere yes this one is like everywhere like I'm excited to go now I'm gonna find out how long this line is yep that's a whole lot of note for me Angel's on there somewhere but oh my gosh this looks oh scary their feet are just dangling oh my gosh nope nope nope just hanging out with my little Hershey buddy waiting for Angel it comes the pork chop no not really yeah I was in the opposite side so you wouldn't be able to remember oh man it was so hard if you do here look at it it's like where's anybody like I said with earlier it was like kind of like Montu yeah hanging there I think I like the what was it Sugar Rush Oh Yeah I know like it was more like scary this one wasn't more scary with your feet no I feel like it wasn't but I was like a little a couple of rows back yeah I think the other one was like the second row so this one I couldn't really see what was coming next and that makes it more fun this is the view Crystal should have been recording from I know I should have been standing here I was like in the third row I think I couldn't see much of anything so this is what Angel was on guys I saw this point that's like it I saw down one time look at that guys there's a couple of times when it has like a corkscrew yeah right here on this I'm gonna walk around with these plus that's crazy yes long as much longer I thought and it like goes like everywhere check out Angel just chilling with this creepy bear Five Nights at Freddy's I know Angel's about to get on the Jolly Rancher remix and holy moly like a whole bunch of twists and turns on this roller coaster this ride looks crazy and I already spotted Angel's big head he's waving at us on the hood he's right there it's roller coaster looks like it goes super fast too oh man and they go backwards whoa there we go oh my gosh they're doing a loop here we go going down the top so the biggest sounds oh my gosh and then they go all the way up there and they're actually going to go backwards I think I'd be screaming my lungs out on that right there it goes I love when they go in the tunnel because they make those cool noises oh yeah that is awesome and then they go right here and that's the end oh man that was fun my voice no more talking for the rest of the video for me guys Angel you give the video a thumbs up I gave the ride a thumbs up you guys should give the video a thumbs up we're gonna play this disc drop until we get at least one of the name brand uh prizes over there so they have one of this one of this and one of this one they're small little versions of it but in order to get those you have to land on I'm number one only you get two discs per game though so we just need one disc to go into one of the ones but we're both gonna at least try once each so we might get two of them so Chris is gonna go first she has two discs she needs to make it into a number one all right there's two number ones on this side that are closer to each other not that I don't know if it matters honestly yeah all right so you can't she get it oh God use the other one to press it yeah there you go come on number one only number one wait it's going the wrong way which way are you gonna go left or right right like this right that way okay so she wants to go her right oh she got a number two it was okay you still that's the little name brand prize it has the Hershey Kiss all right she's going for this side it looks like there's more ones on this side yeah that side here we go come on she wants to go come on number one's only no wrong way all right so it's between a two and a four so what you're gonna go with you want to go with the one that has the Hershey Kiss or they're going to touch Hershey Park so she ended up going with the bear holding the Hershey Kiss Angel's up let's see what he gets I'm really hoping he gets the one all right [Music] second one oh yes yes looking good oh no it's now he got four up your pillow whatever yay the Crystal's going again guys we are gonna get one of those licensed ones I know it if you do just like me Chris I make it go all the way down find the right hole just just get the right one oh it's stuck again oh that's not the right way but it's okay oh you wanna she wants it to go this way oh come on come on oh you're one away no she got the five okay I think she's gonna go for this one now let's see I'm gonna watch where she drops it okay oh wait wait yes yes yes so now she gets the pig which one do you want Hershey's already Crystal loves what you said she got it our job here is complete yeah well we kind of got distracted playing carnival games and arcade games that we kind of ran out of time today the park is about to close but we still haven't done like a chocolate Museum part or the thing where you get to watch how they make chocolate and you get free chocolate [Music] yeah cause it's like 6 30 or 6 40. so we're gonna try to run over there really quick to see if we can still do it well it looks like this candymonium will have to wait until next time it had like a Non-Stop weight of like 90 minutes the whole time we were here so I'm not gonna get to do it today dang it we don't have time to look at all this stuff unfortunately oh Crystal's dropping it too but they had like a little merch store on your way out crystal saw this he goes oh yeah or as prizes at the carnival games but like this is like a whole thing oh my gosh Crystal look at these you either can get this or we can go find out if we can still do that thing yeah we need to find out there's so much cool stuff here so we don't know but it looks like people are still going in so hopefully it's open we think we found it I'm pretty sure it's the Hershey's chocolate tour but we don't know we think we found it but we don't know 100 it did say something about this is 15 minutes long but I don't we don't know even what we're looking for we just know the person on the tram told us when we were coming in that you can go do some experience and get a little treat at the end we're all about treats Crystal you're leaving me behind but the Chocolate World down there is crazy we we definitely have to come back just to look at this store right here they do have a lot of area here for like long lines I bet during the summer this place is so busy because look at this you can like queue up in multiple lines it's crazy how far we've had to walk so far they actually have some stuff over here after you're waiting in the line that it shows about different things but we don't care about that right now we just want to make sure we can get that tree crystal is like super excited oh my gosh she's leaving me oh look at that it's like a really big moving platform do you get a stand on that oh no no there's actually a little car okay I didn't notice I'm gonna get in the back Chris so we're actually in a recess cart guys that's a Hershey one there's a kiss of one and we're in Crystal's favorite the Reese's this is a jam guys oh is that a pig oh that's the best part oh man this looks pretty cool we're entering Hershey's Chocolate Factory now hey Angel I don't know where the camera's at but hello this is pretty cool it's going through like the whole process of how they start with the beans and then how it's going to eventually become uh chocolate now we're going to the roasting oh Chris you better cover your ears you don't want to start feeling bad after this roasting they're cooking this up actually it got warm in here we're in the oven hey we have that guy right there it is double but look at this that's a ton of chocolate look at this it's like white chocolate just funneling down and then they have the milk chocolate over there whoa that is so much chocolate how much chocolate do you think is down there two Talons there's one ton there's the other time whoa Crystal just needs to put her mouth on one side of that as it's spinning and go straight into her mouth this is Crystal side of the bedroom this is my side of the bedroom are those Hershey Kisses they are crystal give me a kiss so it looks like we came to the end of the little ride look at all those kisses bye kisses whoa this is cool what the heck that is so cool right this is like the funnel of awesome or the tunnel of awesome why did I say funnel I don't know that is so neat though that town with all the lights it's actually their 50th anniversary for Hershey's Chocolate World I didn't know that all right that's over but where's our free gift oh free chocolate thank you oh yeah I got double how many did you get Chris I got two more so it is officially past seven so it looks like most of this stuff in here is closed but it looks like they're still allowing people to get stuff and we found some enamel pins I think we have to get one of these 50th Anniversary ones because we didn't even mean to come here for the 50th Anniversary but gonna get that where's the one that you saw that you had what you were gonna get yeah because she found one that she wants oh look at this oh my gosh I think because I'm definitely getting this one for me for my boys I want this one for my board well guys that is where we're gonna end the Vlog of us here at Hershey Park yeah so we gotta catch the last tram back to the vehicle before we have to walk with all that stuff don't want to do that we did get our pins we got our free chocolate but we're gonna have to come back we didn't do everything we didn't do like half of everything store yeah because it was like I feel like the security was getting mad like people are still getting lines but anyway guys we hope you enjoyed the video we'll see you in the next Vlog thanks for watching guys [Music]
Channel: Angel & Cris
Views: 54,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plush time vlogs, plush time wins vlogs, plush time, vlogs, angel & cris, angel and cris, angel and cris vlogs, Angel & Cris vlogs, hersheypark, hershey, hershey theme park, hershey amusement park, HersheyPark
Id: 52ILcBU3lvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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