'Our Thing' Season 2 - Episode 6: It Was Never The Same

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my wife said what's the matter you're changing what happened i said my best friend is dying he's melting he's rotting away while he's alive that's what's the matter don't ask me [ __ ] question i keep telling you that don't ask me nothing isn't that enough that day i got the gun with the sounds i sat in my bedroom [Music] alone [Music] put the sounds around the gun [Music] i prayed to god forgive me [Music] for not what i'm about to do [Music] for the first time ever sammy the bull gravano tells his story this is our thing [Music] bensonhurst brooklyn peruta was waiting for me a little while later my wife came to the room there's a phone call i think it's eddie i got on the phone is everything ready no no sammy did you hear what happened what what happened peruta took a turn for the worst they called an ambulance he died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital my god i don't have to kill him but i failed him [Music] he didn't die the way he wanted to die because of me because i procrastinated because i asked john gotti [Music] because i didn't want to break a rule [ __ ] these rules [Music] i talk to god again maybe you're more mad at me now that i didn't do what i'm supposed to do as a man and as a friend maybe you're more mad at that than the fact that i was gonna kill him we went to the funeral it was over i lost stamey louie was no longer with us and now i lost peruta [Music] but i guess it's life life goes on you gotta pick up just go on with it and go forward his daughter came to me and said peruta and his wife had a small little italian deli on bathtub they had it for a lot of years the landlord wanted them to move but he was afraid of peruta and he just let them stay there now he asked them to move he wanted to stall that's what he told your mother and you yes okay get ready to move but not right away i'm gonna go talk to him i'll buy you a little time i went to see him all graceful on bath avenue he knew who i was and i talked to so i said how come you didn't want to take the store back when peruta was alive he said well you know he was there and i gave him a break and then i know why you didn't want to take it back you're afraid of prudence and you let them stay there so now the wife and the daughter don't have peruta you want them to move well sir it's not like that well it's a it's acceptable to me they'll move [Music] tell me what month and what day you want them to move and i'll get them out that same day will be the end of your life [Music] i'll tell them to move i'll help the money-wise to move and i will kill you that day so tell me the month and the day that you want them to move oh no no no no say that i could stay there i know of at least four or five years later they still had the store they never moved he never enforced any kind of law or anything to make them move barbara and the whole family always remained friends with me and vice versa that old man peruta he looked he wasn't really all that old he was 59 he looked decrepit all the time good personality hated the whole world but us left a mark on me more than any family member could ever simon peruta a crew of crows i was dangerous i was tough but i owed it to them this crew these guys most people don't even know their [ __ ] names or who they are or what they were if i would have told peruta to walk in a police station and shoot the head sergeant as insane as that sounds he would have done it knowing he could never get out of the police i shouldn't even have died there that's what kind of loyalty i never would ask him something like that it's just an example but that's how [ __ ] loyal he was stymie was so now it was time to go on there was a lot of other things happening now there was a lot of problems with [Music] paul castellano with john gotti frankie chico there was things going on all over the place i grieved for them not only peruta but prudence timing occasionally i would talk to them when i'm alone i think there's a war that's going to be started and i don't have you guys i feel naked but i'll join you save me a seat at the table see you soon [Music] so that's it as far as micro there's more to tell there's more things to happen michael the bat was still around and there's so many other things to talk about as i go on with this podcast i'll do as much as i can some of these stories like this with stymie peruta maybe i'm getting old but i get very emotional their wounds their deep setted wounds in my body i don't open them i'm opening them now in these videos and it hurts i feel it i feel this pain in my arm i feel that womb womb opening up again i feel them their presence i see their face when i talk i see their smile and they laugh and talk [Music] i miss it so much the crew it was never the same stymie was gone peru was gone nicki cowboy was gone louie was gone in a whole nother [ __ ] world with whatever he was thinking of doing eventually he gets killed but it was never the same [Music] and i was never the same i don't think i think a piece of me died every time somebody died it's not something i liked or i enjoyed i it's part of the life i understood it but every one of them was a scar for me some are very deep peruta stymie they're very deep a lot more than other ones but uh no the crew never re recovered we went along and a lot of things happened and uh but i still had my family responsibilities friends like frankie chico and people who depended on me my daughter was getting older my son was getting older [Music] so you got to go on not only for yourself but for other people who are depending on you your time will come your time will come but i wasn't ready i still had things to do bensonhurst brooklyn me and louie molito we grew up in the same neighborhood we were close for a very long time we used to go hunting together when we were younger fishing all different kinds of things um i had a very good relationship with him he was with the gambino family i was originally with the columbo family when i had my problem in the columbo family he came down with the old man johnny rizzo and helped straighten it out then i got transferred over to the gambino family and we became closer we were both gambino associates at the same time and uh we did a lot of things together we were super close in 1976 taro who was a captain proposed me to become a made member in the family unbeknownst to me sally ebeneze in the colombo family was a captain i was with that crew originally he saw me in the bar i came over put his arm around my neck hey sammy how you doing how is it the old man toddler's a good guy i said i love it it's really really good he said let me ask you something bro you really was gonna kill shorty's brother ralph yeah and that's how i became transferred over to the gambino family there was a big decision between the columbo family the bosses right up on top and carlo gambino himself they thought what i would was gonna do was legit they wanted to kill ralph because i was right but they wouldn't because he was shorty's brother so the agreement was transferred and i went over there and i was close with louie so i get with taro and the old man johnny rizzo his captain is title ultimately louise with him as well that's how it works so i get made in 1976. [Music] after that they were going to make another batch or two a little while after not right away and i had asked taro are they going to make louie molito he did work with the old man rizzo he's been with them for a long time he says i'm going to ask the old man john i was standing right there when taro asked him do you have anybody that you want to propose to become a friend of ours now he had a son in the life he had actually a couple of sons but one of them could make the ranks and he had louis molino the old man johnny vigil told taro no i don't have anyone even my son is a scumbag i don't want to make him he didn't mention louie by name but i was completely thrown back because he was close with the old man rizzo i couldn't believe my ears i couldn't say anything to louie he congratulated me when i got back he knew i was getting made when boozy was there and people to congratulate him he stood on the side because he was on the associate he's not supposed to know but he knew he was that much in the mom congratulations bro thanks we went on the side after all the congratulations i went on the side it was talking with him and he said did they say anything about me the old man is they have any i was broken-hearted because i couldn't tell him what the old man said now that i'm a friend of ours now that i'm a made guys certain secrets have to die with us and i would be exposing secrets about friends of ours what they think what they say especially about getting made it's a very important thing it's not supposed to be discussed so i told louie you'll be all right i mean they didn't talk about you right then and there was a lot of issues a lot of things but you're gonna be all right you got the old man he's you know you're close with him and you got me now and we'll see what happens a couple of weeks went by maybe a month maybe two went by and it really was under my skin i was bombing and weaving i try to avoid conversations with louie about it and certain things and [Music] so i went to taro and i said taro i really want to have a talk with you what i said louie molito did work for the family he's a tough guy he's did everything he's ever asked he's an earner what more is this guy gonna do i mean i heard what john said but that's not fair could i propose him no you can't he's not with you he's your friend but he's not with you he's with rizzo it's his job let me ask you another question vizio's with you yes of course just like you are yes i know that everybody with me is ultimately with you right you're our captain yes so ultimately louis molito is with you yes through johnny rizzo yes why can't you propose them you could do what you want you're the boss of this of these crews you're the ultimate decision if johnny wants to make some money he's got to come to you not to pull to you if i want to make some money i got to come to you so you're the boss to us then we know where it goes i'm not saying that paul isn't the boss but you have a decision you could propose a guy you know him you know what he's about let me think about it an hour or two goes by semi get up take a walk with me i get up i go outside with i think i can do you really want this i know i'm all my life the guy's a man's man he's a tough guy in every sense of the word if he don't belong i don't know how the [ __ ] i got it and i don't know how anybody else would get it maybe there's a some axe to grind over there i don't know any of that but we're not supposed to carry an x when it comes to this you got real smart real quick somebody talking to you about this the life no no i just felt that way if somebody would have talked to you i would never say could i propose him now i know i'm not i'm not allowed because he's not with me i'll propose don't say not okay i left that thing with my tail wagging a mile a minute i was happy as a pig and [ __ ] i was getting my friend in sure enough his day came i wasn't allowed at the ceremony i didn't have that position i was just a friend as a mate guy but and just an associate and a friend of his and uh he got made [Music] and then the day he got made the night he got made i was driving around i knew they'd be gone for hours i was driving around i don't know what to do i was wanting to be there when he got back to congratulate him and be introduced to him as a friend [Music] when i was driving around i was on new trick avenue and there was a gay club on neutral cabin johnny rizzo had that club he owned that club one of his sons was gay and he owned the club ultimately john was the power behind the club and he would go there for meetings because you could go in there and kind of the fbi you know it was safe in a way but he would hang out outside he wouldn't hang out in the club he would hang out outside on the corner a little bit away from the club and i saw him out there talking with a couple of street guys and uh i went back by tyler's club sure enough for about 15 20 minutes title was pulling up and louie molito was in the car with him [Music] they got out he introduced louie to his son charlie boy as a a mega nostra a friend of ours he introduced louis the mayor's a friend of ours and a few other people [Music] i think boozy was there because boozy frankie chico's father was with taro i think he was there a few other guys so we walked away grammy says listen sammy i want to thank you so much you don't know me nothing bro you earned this tattle told me what rizzo said [Music] and taro told me what you did i know the story i want to thank you [Music] well being you know the story and i i i accept this thank you and uh you would have probably done the same thing for me i would assume yes i would have you know what i pissed by an answer given you by the club with the old man rizzo yeah he's out there standing out there with a couple of guys in the street you don't know you got me no i know get in the car he knows me as a friend he don't know you as a friend well walk over to him and i'll introduce you to him as a friend of ours what do you think he'll do nothing he'll go into shock he's afraid of both of us now we're both friends of ours what could he do title's his captain could he go over tyler's head and try to [ __ ] with this thing and go to pole title would fuel and then he's got to deal with me and you he don't want us walking around the streets with a heart out for him he was not going to do nothing let's go we're on our way there [Music] you're the best you're machiavelli [Music] why would you call me machiavelli bro i just did you a big favor nothing he says you made this all happen and now you're gonna take me to meet him you're the best and i don't mean machiavelli in a bad way you're super smart i always knew that of you you learned this [ __ ] life in three seconds on this end i gotta still learn it i know the life but it's one thing to know the life from the outside now i got to see it from the inside you knew what he said and you didn't say a word to me good that's the first example that you should know how much i love you and i didn't say nothing that's not machiavelli that's cause an orphan that's something you gotta learn there's certain secrets we have to keep sacred we pulled up to that club we got out it was like that movie high noon me and louie walking over towards rizzo and this other pack of guys street guys i don't think any of them were made but they were street maybe they would have their day in the near future but they were on that level [Music] so we walked over and the rizzo just knew me as a friend and that's the way the thing is even though louise with him the first thing he did was put his hand out to me hey sammy how you doing he went to let go to shake louie's hand and i held on to it he looked up at me in a weird way and i said john and i pulled him in close to me and louie and i says i want you to meet louie molito he's our mega nostra he's a friend of ours louie johnny rizzo your ex-boss is on megan austria he's a friend of ours and i let go of his hand [Music] he grabbed louie he hugged louie kissed him on the cheek congratulations it's so overdue louie did the right thing and took my advice hugged him kissed him thank you john showed no emotion or no ill will towards him that's dead that happened before you were a friend of ours it don't count or don't matter anymore it's dead that's goes in australia we don't bring old [ __ ] into this new life we were reborn that's what you said acted so it gives you an example how close we were later on i mean i did so many different hits plaza hit plaza sweet they blamed me for doing it off the record and i was in trouble and all these other things and louie started getting concerned that my name was becoming so big so powerful and doing things and a couple times paul did get mad at me seriously mad at me so what happened is he wanted to break up and this isn't right away this took a while and he wanted to go get one or two guys onto him and form his own crew i already had a crew stay in me peru to michael the bellam guys and they were with me my crew resented it a little bit because it was part of our crew to pull away wasn't anything that any of them were happy about matter of fact on occasion i would tell them he's still out front he just wants to go it alone [Music] and he drifted away from us i talked about when paul gave me an order to kill a bartender that worked for me jackie i never wondered i always wondered how that happened louie formed a sneaky relationship with paul castellano and tommy bellotti that really none of us were aware of it after the castellano hit d.b had told me and frankie chico that louis betrayed us i talk about that at another time i'm not going to talk about it right now so i understood what louis did [Music] frankie chico had died frankie wanted to kill him as soon as he got home i talked for him it didn't work frankie didn't want to hear it i bit my tongue and shut up frankie died after paul was gone he was coming out of prison louie i talked to john gotti and saved his life i also saved joey bulati's life and that's in the podcast you'll hear it at different times all over the place [Music] so he got home and he grabs joey blotti and says oh my god at this time i became the cozy head of family and i made big louis valerio take my position as a captain i put louie in under big load louis molito he went to joey blotti we're in the same boat sammy's becoming real big real powerful we're boating the same boat joey bloody told him no one we ain't in no [ __ ] same boat sammy saved my life i had a [ __ ] almost a fistfight with another made guy in another family sad save me sad for me save my life again sammy's my [ __ ] man don't ever talk to me about sammy don't ever talk to me about being in the same [ __ ] boat as you i'm not in that [ __ ] boat it came out i went to see him and i read him the riot act again we already knew what you did with tommy belotti and paul you betrayed us and frankie wanted to kill you i saved you now you're telling people what are you trying to make a crew behind our back or do something are you that stupid saving him twice [Music] then he gets into an argument with big louie you are nothing i'm the tough guy i belong being the captain i don't know why the [ __ ] he put you in louis did the right thing he went to john gotti said i don't like this guy i don't want him with me he's disrespectful he's not trying to get louie killed but he don't want him with him john says okay i'll move [Music] but john don't want to move him john decides to kill him enough is enough i'm told from john i know what you did you tried to save him with frankie then you came to me and you saved him then he jumped in with joey i made you take care of that now he's doing this with big lord captain i put in on your word i gave the contract to my brother gene he's gonna go john sammy don't john me it's done i accept okay i want to ask you one thing what is it now let me be there why do you want to be with the guy is dying because he's [ __ ] stupid and his [ __ ] balls are too big he did nothing dishonorable ever i want somebody to spit on him or kick him after he's dead i want him to die like a [ __ ] man i want to make sure that happens please they got the hit but you could be there with a couple of you guys that's the only reason i was there after they killed him they took him they took his body it disappeared disappeared to where he was buried i have no [ __ ] idea his daughter came to me my father hasn't come home uncle sammy he's probably tied up with something he'll be back relax he had his house was under construction his daughter told me and i already knew that i went there with contractors and my people spent 20 some odd thousand and finished the work so that they can live took care of the family the wife who was [ __ ] stock raving med and the daughter and the son but he had an injury and he was unable to walk or do certain things i did that for a long time nobody knew where he went the daughter or anybody once i cooperated i had to be part of the murder just by being there it's not that i killed him it's not that i wanted him that i wanted it for what i said and then a rumor as it went through the wife i always wanted to kill him i never wanted to kill him but and i didn't kill i saved him twice the third time's like baseball three strikes he was out it was over there's nothing i could do i did i what i thought i could do is make sure he dies without pain without suffering without torture without kicking spitting or doing anything not that they constantly do that they don't i'm not saying that that's what happens all the time and that's just i was so frustrated that i couldn't save him i just thought of that and wanted to be there now i wish i wasn't there it wouldn't even be on my sheet because i had nothing to do with killing him obviously i had everything to do in the other direction so now louie was gone and uh at certain times i lost other people my crew my top guys were louie molino stymie the old man peruta eventually they all went louis molito was killed stammy was killed the old man peru died of cancer i get a call by hulk you better come down sammy what happened now stymie's a little drunk and uh he's talking about some violent [ __ ] about killing somebody this guy's johnny san diego a puerto rican guy good looking guy i said all right don't let nothing happen i'm on my way i get down there and stymie is a little drunk and i take him put my arm around his neck come on let's take a walk tell me what's going on what happened he said sammy this [ __ ] is [ __ ] my brother's wife showed no dis he showed no respect for me my brother nobody i want to take this [ __ ] out now sexual things is not something i'm into as far as killing people they're not killing offenses as far as i'm concerned i mean if he would have said i want to punch the [ __ ] out of him i would say god but killing him i think is a little extreme when it comes to these things so i said all right listen shall we kill your brother's wife too i know what the answer would be no of course not but don't you think that she's part of it or did he rape her no he didn't write but they've been having an affair so that she's part of it [Music] should we kill him does your brother and her stay together does this solve their marital problems this time he was a little drunk and he was confused and i didn't want to get technical with him but i wanted to push this off until i'm able to talk to him when he's sober and right in the head i said all right listen if you want to kill him we'll do that i'll tell you right now we'll do it but down the road not now not now we'll put it on the side we'll talk about it at another time are you okay with that i'm okay with that okay good then leave it alone we left it alone for a little while i don't remember how long to be honest i don't remember how long it was and i get another call sammy but uh now he doesn't know how to say it he's trying to double talk i because we don't talk on the phones it's come down bro i'm on my way nothing else has to be said i know there's a [ __ ] problem he wouldn't make me drive to staten island to brooklyn if there was no problem [Music] so i go down stammy killed uh johnny san diego he killed him already yeah how he got in his car or something and he and he shot him in the head [Music] oh my god [Music] you
Channel: Salvatore "Sammy The Bull" Gravano
Views: 572,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sammy the bull, salvatore gravano, godfather, mafia, mob boss, underboss, mafioso, john gotti, carlo gambino, lucky luciano, paul castellano, al capone, gambino, bonanno, colombo, crime, true crime, mob, goodfellas, the irishman, roy demeo
Id: qPggGIrde-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 15sec (2415 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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