How To Protect Your House From Dangerous Tree Limbs

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well here we are again with my favorite tree guy I have Kayla here and I have Dave here and we are going to do some more tree trimming today so I kind of feel like this is a public service announcement because taking care of your trees good maintenance is so so important and included in that of course is good tree pruning and I have a certified Arborist here who's going to tell us about those best practices now we did a video uh was that last last week you guys two weeks ago two two two weeks ago okay on doing some printing on my oak trees which which is fine on small trees some of you questioned that but on small trees believe me he knows what he's doing but today we have a different kind of pruning and that is getting some limbs away from the roof of my house and my garage now before we get started cuz so many people asked us four D's information I'm going to just stand away here gosh I feel like I don't know call us call us at 405 5685 anyhow that's how you can get hold of Dave you know how to get hold of Kayla if you need tree work or something so we are going to show you what it looks like before we have two kinds of trees that we're going to be printing on correct correct three three okay three excuse me okay starting with the soap Berry right so the soap Berry right there on the corner of the house um we've got a lot of low hanging limbs that are touching the roof line on the neighbors and on your house um what we're going to be doing is getting all of the stuff that is hazardous to the homes pulled back get the weight and the shape and the future growth pattern of the tree set the weight distribution um do some thinning and kind of promote the future growth of that tree and make it where there's zero hazards to your house your shingles your fascia things that can cause damage to your home okay and also for insurance company they will they'll be happy apprciate they will be happy okay yeah okay so right here steuart right here let's put a little bit of information about this native to the Southwest tree a soap Berry yes you can indeed make soap apparently out of its berries it is drought tolerant it's a great pollinator as evidenced by all of the flowers and I don't know do I guess Birds probably eat the seeds too and even though they're interesting and and The Littles in my neighborhood love to collect the soap berries cuz they look like little Amber Jewels uh little Amber raisins when they dry nevertheless it's kind of it's a little bit messy so by cleaning it up that will reduce some of the mess without taking down the tree which is providing much needed shade so I don't want to remove the tree in its entirety I just want to do some du diligence on on pruning it so what do you say let's get with it let's do it okay so first and foremost because it makes me nervous um all precautions have been taken all safety measures have been taken and and Ben definitely knows what he's doing we've got Ben and Hannah here and they are wearing protective gear and like I say they do know what they're doing Kayla you want to give us just an overview of how they're starting and then I'm going to have Dave talk about the particulars uh yeah right now so if you just kind of see up there he's he's just using a Handa they they can explain a little bit more about it because I actually asked him the question question okay um but he's just thinning out some of that small stuff we kind of refer to it as water growth okay or Sprouts um that's where he starting that's going to in my opinion um Dave will correct me here in a minute it's just going to expose part of the tree limb that is closer to the main trunk of the tree right um get some of that weight right in the center of it off and uh I'll I'll let Dave explain to you why he's doing that with a little Handa versus hand printers because on a job I asked Dave that one time and typically what we do is is it's not always feasible to get the the chainsaw up there and be swinging around in tight quars and there's certain applications where it's good for and certain where it's easier to do it with the Handa um that's probably a silky or a is that a silky yes sir so that being a silky super sharp saw um I'm sure that it was clean before we did this prune that way we don't transfer disease from One Tree to another excellent oh that was very satisfying that was that one was very satisfying um we um he'll go in and do the full interior trim a lot of people there's a lot of argument between trimming the Interiors out on trees and lion tailing and things of that nature um trees like this that are more it's more of a weed that grew into a tree is what ended up happening um you know making this aesthetically pleasing and making it safe in between these houses and such tight quarters is the most important thing the tree's health is important this tree is extremely resilient it can take any abuse that we give it okay and it's it's something I like to call Romancing the ordinary this is a native tree uh we sometimes refer to them as trash trees or trees that just volunteered themselves they came up but doesn't mean they don't have value especially for for our local pollinators and the fact that this is native is is another reason that we want to preserve it I love the fact that reducing all of just I don't know just all of the rubbish in between there really cleans it up and exposes the architecture of the branches especially in the winter time that's valuable because it gives great great Shadows great Shadows the other thing it will do is it will allow more light respectively into both of our homes you ever done yoga in a tree before I have not but it looks like Ben is doing it so talk to me about the safety equipment he does have so he'll have on a harness he'll he'll be tied into the tree with a rope with a climbing rope um anytime you're trimming a tree that is alive that you are not removing you never use spikes or gabs so this is spikeless pruning and so what he'll do is he climbs he raises himself up and down just off of um his upper body strength on that rope and uh it allows him to navigate through the entire tree and um pretty awesome you know it's you don't ever if anybody ever uses spikes on trimming your tree they are not doing it correctly they're not doing it correctly okay let me ask another question so it's still unbelievably we've had so much rain we took that into account before he came out to trim he is working from a hard surface there's concrete below him the other thing is let me ask you this pruning does force New Growth so doing this pruning now are we going to get all sorts of New Growth that's going to come out on you will have new growth absolutely okay so any anytime you cut yourself you're going to heal mhm anytime we cut this tree it's going to push New Growth out okay do we need to be careful about what percentage of this tree we are cutting off to make sure we will end Tak less than 30% okay as a general rule yes less than 30% will it Go Berry crazy with what like no it won't produce more berries because of it will not well and it cuts down on the amount of stuff that wind can catch it cuts down on the amount of stuff come winter time that ice storm can grab to and damage uh there there's a lot of Pros to keeping your trees properly trimmed and it's healthy for them MH I mean mind trim you know when we have ice storms with we have windstorms when we have tornadoes when we have droughts when we have all of these things that's Nature's Way of of taking care of this stuff you know what I mean and so when we have total devastation before tree trimming was a thing these trees naturally pruned themselves they may not have been aesthetically pleasing but they did prune themselves they prun but over time it happened right absolutely it falls out yeah well we are we are going to leave Ben alone here um I think we got some pretty good footage of what he's doing oh absolutely um and we'll come back and hopefully yeah we'll check back and it'll look completely different completely different I do ask about the methodology of once he gets the little stuff out removing the big branches how how's he going to get out there to do that and what is he going to use to reduce the weight just the same way yes ma'am okay well it's a good thing he's flexible it is Okay so we've got a couple of other things on our tree maintenance agenda starting with some pretty nasty stubs that I've got on my trees in the back um and let's go take a look at those okay okay now these stubs STS whatever you call them on the tree to me they look like nice footholds they do if you wanted if you wanted to scale the tree uh but tell me the reasons that this could be worrisome and why we need to address it well not so much worrisome more along the lines of it's it looks better it's cleaner on the tree it allows the tree to heal over wherever those were instead of those dying off and getting rotten and getting infected and then it protruding into the the uh trunk of the tree it's good to get them cut off flat where they can start to heal and scab over as you can see is going on right there on that more um teardrop shaped cut right above that small wire um it's best to get everything cut close to the tree that way it can heal itself and and begin as if it never had it happened before and I think sometimes this happens also because we get so much tree damage in the winter time oh yeah and I think sometimes we just do the best we can absolutely to to just remove them and then you sometimes have to come back and do this kind of cleanup work is that a fair to say that is because when we get these bad I storms these guys are the most popular people in town which is another reason that I think it's always good you know you have your doctor you have your dentist um I think it's sometimes good to have your own tree arborist or the person that you can call in the event that we have one of the many apocalyptic events that we have here in Oklahoma because these guys are are just in indispensable now you also noticed over here in fact you've noticed it every time you've come and you've been itching to get your hands on it is this one limb that's hanging over the garage on this old hackberry tree another native Y and so what we'll do is we'll get that pulled back off the shingles and away from the house um typically being as close to the power line as that is as you can see the tree is very one-sided um that is from your very good friends at the power company that seem to think that um they have to completely destroy your trees in your backyard to uh keep their power line safe which they do have a job to do and they and it is required but a lot of the time once they come in and trim your tree it's not always left in the proper condition it needs to be so if in fact you have trees that you value and trees that you don't want to lose that are close to a power line it's always good to get somebody to come out and make sure that they made the correct Cuts make sure they left the tree in the proper condition to where it can continue to grow and you can continue to have that investment tree you know be what you want it to be coming forward in the future yeah I think a lot of times the utility companies are doing butchering rather chopping yes and you have come back and of your own harded is okay I mean you you want to have your electricity right and and they take a big load off of it that way you know cuz then the work you're paying for is minimal but it's also well worth the money and I try to tell my customers before the power company gets here out and butchers them have your arborus come out once a year yes if they're power certified yeah and look at the trees on your property and if you've got stuff that it it's questionable whether the power company's going to take it or not go ahead and pay your arborus to do it we know we're going to get que clean equipment being used on your trees the power company they jump from yard to yard to yard to yard y could care less and they could care less so it's also a testament to I guess being very observant after they do cut their trees um something else because so many of you and I am so sorry you have texted me you've emailed me there we have had such horrific storms this year and and many of you have lost prized trees some of you have even lost your homes I you know my heart my heart goes out to you um but I I I think it's one of these things that we want to do to preserve and protect not only our trees but our property one last question when it comes to insurance after things like that will Insurance sometimes cover services such as there are a lot of different things that that applies to a lot of the time doing prerequisite work to keep your trees in a healthy State away from your home away from hazards yes it's good to get that done that way that they can consistently reinstate your policy and a lot of time they won't they'll they'll send you a notice saying look we need this tree um Trimm out of out of any way it can fall on the home so you may have to get it removed in Louisiana they have a lot of pine trees and a lot of people are big about their pine trees down there being Clos their houses and the look and the shade on the home and and um they lose insurance coverage because the insurance company will write them wow and say we're not going to Ure your home unless you get this tree removed and so we've done a lot of stuff like that but when it comes to actual damage to the structure um if a tree falls on your home and it's it's attached to your living structure so for example you would need to have this building insured separately from your home if a tree fell on it because it's detached but if it is attached to the dwelling and a tree falls on it then I work directly with the insurance companies to get your tree removal and the cleanup paid for by the insurance company where you're not out of pocket at a large I have read and I don't know it's true these are all questions that you might want to ask your insurance agent uh for example at my former home that 100-year-old oak tree should I have ever lost that I'm a question to ask was okay this tree has provided significant monetary value to my home is it then covered and those are questions that you might want to ask and I don't know if you can get an insurance writer about that I I don't know but those are things that for especially now that we've have we're having these once every hundred year storms every other year I think these are questions that you should ask your insurance agents uh in in these precarious weather precarious weather times okay let's take a break here and let's go back and check on the process very good well he's just about finished and already it makes a huge huge difference by the way they did remove anything that might be damaged underneath they moved it out of the way with the exception of things that were in the ground but they are very careful about about doing that um one last thing that I think is important to point out when when we first moved into the cottage I had a consultation with someone about my trees it wasn't you it was actually a state arborist and we talked about the trees themselves care over time uh budgeting all sorts all sorts of things I think that's a good thing to do if you move into a new house and you have trees especially in the house if you have Monster trees you know we in Oklahoma we we cherish our trees because they're few and far between and they don't get that large but if you're in the Southeast if you are in the Pacific Northwest if you're in New England I know many of you uh many of my followers are from around the country if you if you need help with monster trees or whatever Dave would be happy to help you out but I think it's good to spend the money on maybe on a per hour basis or whatever to have a tree consultation absolutely and a lot of our tree consultations so we travel to you know any state around North America with our Crane and all of our equipment um and we can even do video video consultations so if you set up an appointment with me we can go over it via FaceTime or via Skype and look at the tree and kind of do an assessment and see what needs to be done or if anything needs to be done or you know well I know for a lot of you out there it's intimidating if you haven't had tree work done if you have just move it's intimidate intimidating you don't know and then I know it's sometimes frustrating because so many of the things I show are low local um so again as a public service if you guys want to want to talk to Dave or whatever then he can set up a consultation with you but I think it's so so important to take care of our our precious trees I know they are very near and dear to our hearts in Oklahoma because here on the Prairie they truly are Treasures but they're Treasures no matter where you live so let's do what we can to preserve and protect our trees and we'll just leave with that beautiful shot of of the after fantastic thank you very much MH [Music]
Channel: Linda Vater
Views: 9,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: potagerblog, Linda Vader, garden life, garden designer, garden landscape design, garden design, garden media, gardening, Oklahoma gardening, amazon affiliate
Id: edwy1vEmK1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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