Our new MTB Trail Machine is a GAME CHANGER!

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welcome back to Berm Peak I'm Seth and today  we're going to be doing something a little   different but kind of the same I have sitting  beside me the biggest game changer on Berm Peak   since we got the gator and this little  rc excavator is holding the key to it this is our brand new mini excavator so yes we bought a mini excavator and for a while  we were renting one that was going really great   and we could afford to do that however we  could not afford to let it sit there and   unfortunately the weather is not good always  sometimes we're working on something else   sometimes we're editing whereas this one sits  there doesn't accumulate hours and holds value   probably holds value better than cash  which uh I hope that's an exaggeration so yes this is a CAT 302 it's very  slightly wider than our rental machine   and it's significantly heavier it's also a lot  more powerful anything we point this at grab at   pull out push at it's just gonna do it and that's  a little bit scary and so we're gonna have to be   kind of careful with this machine  but with that extra size and weight   and power comes something else even more  important and that is the tilt coupler it allows us to not only tilt the bucket forwards  and backwards but also left to right so that we   can cut and pack angles so before we go further  and I show you all the little details about   this machine I want to demonstrate how the tilt  bucket works so this section right here on the   gravel road is not backsloped and you can see  how this kind of hangs off the side eventually   stuff crumbles and falls down that's why we don't  leave it like this but in this case we did and so   I'm going to show you how we can cut this nicely  with the blade in one swoop no hand work okay so   if I were to try to cut this with a normal blade  in a normal machine as you can see it would just   kind of like cut away from the top but like I said  we have a tilt coupler so now I can cut an angle perfect back slope so we've now created a mess  because we already had a gravel road here but   when we're roughing out a trail in the first place  we can have all this shaping done this is going to   minimize the amount of hand work we have to do  and just really increase the usefulness of the   machine but why did I choose an excavator in the  first place there are many different types of dirt   moving machines and front loaders and things that  we could have bought well I'm going to show you   the main reason that we bought an excavator is  you can put it wherever you want skid steers   front loaders they have tracks you can drive them  up pretty much anything but eventually it gets   too steep or too abrupt for it to just climb up I  mean look at this rc excavator which has all the   same functions of a real one we're going over here  and yeah see it it doesn't want to go up that but   you can move the excavator around so let's say  if instead of just trying to drive straight up it   we move this excavator over here we move the  arm out and then we put it down up here now we   have the weight over the front I can now lower the  arm and actually help drag the machine up the hill   and even though this is a very cheap amazon toy  I'm able to actually execute this so with a real   excavator especially a really powerful one like  we got we can put this anywhere on Berm Peak we   want no matter how steep no matter how janky  it is and that makes it useful in more places so I wasn't going to show this in the video but  what the hell this machine has a feature that   allows you to move the tracks in and out so you  can fit down a really narrow pathway like let   me show you how it works so the first thing I  have to do is get this machine on flat ground   and I have to actually rotate it sitting backwards  so now I need to actually lift the entire machine   up in the air now how am I going to do that what  I'm going to do with the blade and the boom so   first I'm going to put my blade down and I'm going  to lift the back of the machine up in the air okay so now it's off the ground  now I'm gonna lift up the front okay so now the machine is completely up in  the air I can actually make the machine way   narrower now it's not going to be as stable like  this I don't think we're going to ever use it on   the trails like this but Berm Peak is not the  only place we're going to be using this machine   we want to help out in the community we want to  help out on other people's projects but for now   we need to prepare for a future project by getting  this machine up into Moonshangle thickets and it's   not going to be easy might be a bit of a learning  experience in itself so let's start moving it inch   by inch so what I'm going to do here is position  the machine over here I'm going to position the   boom down this way so that there's no way the  machine can flip backwards and I'm actually   going to use the arm to push the machine up  on here so now I'm up on the ledge or almost   again always a learning  experience oh this is not good uh are not ready to go beyond Berm Peak oh yeah and we are up here that was uh it's  kind of harrowing I got to get better at this so I'm driving the machine up behind the big  berm that we built now luckily we did a pretty   good job building it and so I don't think  it's going to damage it that much and I get   to fix it with that tilt bucket does not  want to turn maybe Kubota doesn't do that   the stick is in the track I know if it gets  in between the track it's not going to be good okay so far so good so just driving up the berm  itself is just going to leave some track marks   not a big deal i've got to put the machine  right down there which is pretty harrowing   so how do we do this I say we start by putting the boom down to keep us from flipping  over so now we want to try and set her down i think I'm over made it over the berm and so  this is where we're gonna start bench cutting   next time we work on thumb bucket but for now   I think I'm gonna try and fix the berm from here  because I put some pretty serious track marks in   it maybe this would be an opportunity  for me to test out the tilt coupler all right little learning curve that didn't quite  save us from having to do hand work but I got to   put in another thousand hours with this thing to  really get the hang of that tilt coupler and so   we're really excited to integrate this new machine  into our workflow we're gonna have to name it maybe uncle terry I don't know let me know what  you think we should name the machine the comments   and thanks for riding with me today i'll  see you next time I think these are dry thing literally can't pick up okay perfect here we'll just drop it off right here
Channel: Berm Peak Express
Views: 449,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: do it yourself, diy, tools, home, backyard, mountain biking, cycling, outdoors
Id: sgmasCH2byc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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