Raise a FLOPPA in Roblox!

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today we are taking care of our very own flopper what the flop is that oh it's a floppy bunny you don't know what a flopper is meet our flopper age zero hunger going down and about to die at rapid speed wait the flopper drops money oh this is why we take care of lapa only because fluffy is also getting hungry um how do we feed flop a flop come eat fill the ball how lapa dropped the money baby go to the pc oh guys um oh flop of food is fifty dollars do we have 50 expensive me too hey everything's free hey you drop something again come on okay keep putting you for money you need to get flop of food it's going down come on floppa oh nice oh that was free food is the people empty though it's empty let's go ahead and order some floppy food and boom there you go well you have roblox prizes yeah it gets delivered right away we just fill up the bowl what's up here i don't know but you guys that poster on the wall is that plop plopper's celebrity brush what oh yeah that's like a super buff super it's a flop it's what you're playing flappa is that what you achieved to be ah you just gotta get slapped so the only thing you have to do is feed flopper and like click flopper for money more money please and browse let's just do that okay i think we're good we should check out the internet what do we got roommate bug him for rent will give floppa three thirty dollars after each time blah blah blah oh there's we don't have 75 i guess we should start we don't have a lot of money free roommate right yeah yeah where's he at where's our room it was expensive oh whoa he gave you rent papa thank you oh there's our roommate hello how much is your rent my rent is fifty dollars well pay it out your rent's due yes are you not going to pay i'm raising your beer right uh i can't afford it right now maybe later is this what roommates are like horrible let's clean this wait pay right now dude give me rent poop rent's not due until tomorrow oh i remember this in the morning yeah i think he's totally watching running out of food is papa running our food already papa eat the food you need to get more food you eat so much isn't there like cheaper handful come on here yeah wait can you cook can you cook for free instead of like buying food what a waste why is there a we're not gonna is that a cat i don't know what that is is that a mouse so it looks like we can't cook ah okay come on stop eating oh flop is gonna eat again you gotta get more flop for food okay more money more money everyone i have raised the flapper before okay what was your plan and the easy way to raise a flapper is hiring a maid one maybe we can't afford that we can barely afford floppa food lunar how can we hire a nanny if we're trying to keep floppa alive at the same time take as much money from flapa hmm i told you we need a scratching post we need that thirty dollars fine we're getting thirty dollar boost come on more scratching post 75 bucks let's go more money please where it is if only this works with cats in real life imagine you just cut your cake you dropped my cat yeah we'll poke both of our cats and money hey you're not playing the scratching pose how i'm grateful just look around feels like a real cat it seems too realistic i hate it just poops you guys that ancient floppy disk it's sparkling why why a lot of money whoa we're rich guys that's not even that much money it is it's 30 bucks that's a lot wow yeah okay now nanny where's the nanny let's see miss frost papers what one thousand dollars that's too expensive but she buys wait no you need them nanny 2.0 it's five thousand guys you can't afford that point that's what it's time to ask for rent hey you next morning pay up right now yo it's time all right give me rent all right give it falapa has officially turned one we should get falafel a present happy birthday floppa cool yeah we should have the flop of the cool yeah but deserves a hat flopper do you like your new hat but you look great so cute wait did you never ask our roommate for more money yes hi yeah can we have more money now okay so each day we get more ready got it whoa what yeah that was a that was a lot keep flicking this game is like a tapper tap tap tap get your fingers ready what's the next thing we can afford wait can we use robux 500 dollars i think so we could buy flammable wife i think i think we should get miss flappa but you get annoying flop of babies hungry funny oh give us a flopper somewhere flop a food for you is what is this like taco bell this is rainbow's favorite taco bell i love taco bell okay after clicking and petting the floppa we have 600. um [Music] let's buy her home oh wait we need more food too now it's like double the mouth where is she someone knocking on the door don't think so hello are we gonna have guests uh i don't remember ordering that door what the the crystal ball for ten bucks sure yes so show us our fortune thank you okay what does that do what what was our fortune we just got scared hello magic ball tell us our fortune be sure to clean out the litter boxing lazy bug all right that is rude lacy ball we did not buy it for 10 bucks to get slandered yeah whatever we got to buy some more stuff um draco said we need a baby bowl for our baby [Music] do you even see a baby more food we're responsible owners yeah keep eating flopper you're like at the age of two when you've eaten the entire you gotta get our necklaces funny oh yeah yeah rents do time to pay some more rent can we raise the rent before you get it oh you should have raced it no rainbow rounds if he starts not paying yeah and then we'll have no money yeah that's true he's our source of income right now look i think the baby is a horrible name and flapper jr is also a very unoriginal name i feel like the comments can get a better name name the flopper baby go flu baby junior baby all right one thousand dollars let's go ahead and get divorce papers no oh let's see we can finally get the maid and she cleans up doo doo let's go ahead and let's do it you don't have to buy food ever again wait what oh yeah i love this amazing best investment ever wow now we can just click flap on yeah that's great getting a nanny would be the best okay well i guess we have to save now it's totally worth it wait um they're making a lot of babies oh it's a lot of babies it's okay the maid when it gets annoying oh it's going to be we have everything we need that's true i feel like the maid is just going to keep filling up the food should we buy another cannibal uh yeah you can buy another oh great we're bro oh no can i just say we're really good owners look at this beautiful family that has been created of flappas another baby bowl nope big bag you can buy one it's one at a time our next purchase is stupid bingus collects money we should just buy a bag but we do need a bed it's kind of uncomfy here one bed for our little floppies go enjoy guys it's in the corner wait will the crystal ball tell us anything anymore oh yeah crystal ball then ripped a saw do you have any other facts for us like something helpful when floppers die they detonate their built-in seafoam what they have a c4 in them um so are you saying the baby floppers are all uh danger explosives i'm kind of scared fair enough i'll double the rate it won't bring though [Applause] you're right because this ecosystem is quite expensive to live in right like look sprite now give it to us thank you nice that's right easy oh man this is the life we're quite persuasive excuse me are you gonna fill up the food bowl thank you we don't want any flapper to die working hard was worth it because look now we have the luxury the pain of clicking was totally worth it now we just need a bingus stupid bingus please help us collect the money oh wow bingo where's thing the money eats too fingers oh bingos is following flappa yeah yeah follow flapper let's see this is like the accountant give fingers the money i don't see you have to click on them funny guys wait where's our maid it's getting killed money please take care of that guys there's too many of them click click here we'll click oh we just click now look at this nice um they sleep very cute do you hear um is this our life now we're just and we're just gonna be floppa clickers it's almost knocking on the door again more people there i've been clicking all night just pay rent just give me a sec raising the rent i know i we just need money we'll let you in dude keep knocking what do you like oh my gosh what was that hello no they really want to go in what you again again oh cool fine what are you gonna tell those are my favorite sunglasses are those floppa are you wearing the new sunglasses we just bought from the strange man outs yep nice hopefully it makes you give us more money because we need it hello magic ball can the flopper make even more money like a million dollars miss floppa can spawn baby floppers too many babies can prevent your flopper from eating oh the baby floppers are dangerous oh no dude we have to divorce miss floppa no no no it's okay we have a nanny the nanny's doing a great job though oh they're eating the food it's okay we have enough food just make sure the food's always full okay don't worry mr flappa you will get to eat when you want to eat our next upgrade is 2500 the homie saga times two cash okay uh where's oh hey best friend is that our best friend where's our best friend oh right there oh it's the best friend oh he looks like a bengal give us more money please we need tons of it oh my gosh everyone's hungry wow floppers they're hungry hungry food that's a lot of food for them what whoa an amazon package what's our favorite it's real life what is it dear person reading this i forgot to send you your key to the house sorry about that here you go sincerely mere flop oh wait we can leave finally i think you should get another maid before you nah i think we're let's just go take out i think the maid's got it let's just go ahead and take a look real quick i think we deserve a break next upgrade is catnip platform finally loves catnips where the cats love their catnip plant that's right enjoy it fertilize growing it with what poop i don't know fertilize it let's go outside finally fresh air see you later fish let's go fish we go fishing 500 bucks expensive um that one why do we need a sword i mean there's a pet house out here ten thousand dollars for a guard doge wait why wait yeah why do we need to get you guys have a feeling what's going to happen right yeah should be collective rent triple is rent raise it raise it triple it raise it you remember that rent ronnie you owe us you need it now more rent thank you i think now we're getting the sword right we should get the sword no fishing rod draco efficiently we need the sword i think we need a sword we got we can fish later i'm scared we must protect our the back room's door is now open what do you mean the back room no not this one the one behind you what is in there what's your picture of ben's ben [Music] wait why is your saddle going down what the heck um you have to leave as fast as you can okay you can't take too long go maze max mine's fine just gonna run through here yo don't take our sanity now we got floppy food whiskers oh yeah let's get to all the water i don't know why we bought this this is this feels like it's stupid is there a baby did we just lose no please oh you were not ready for that room no is it worth it though wasted like especially they took our almond waters yeah i wanted to drink that so um what's this altar do and then there's a mysterious cube you need the time cube all right we just bought an altar we don't know what does we offer a dollar to the flapper yeah all the way to 100 we literally just went from the back rooms and that wasn't pleasant at all no abandon raid has started funny dude all the money money oh the wrath of funny oh yeah we're definitely come on pvp did you save oh oh look at all the money oh oh it's a money booster this is enough money this is enough money for us to get a dollar lottery you have 60 seconds oh man the dogs are jealous they they hurt me play with us not the floppers i can't we gotta put the floppers guys keep flopping money does your finger hurt you have 60 seconds of money boost don't let it kill the waste we've been here for almost an hour we must take care of the flappers till the end that's right okay we got 18k let's go ahead and buy the guard dogs die from bandits this time thank you doge why is the mailbox glowing ladder all right we got a face reveal oh very cool i guess but i don't really care because the bandits are coming we got this and fishing it's not the top bathroom's door is now open no we're not going back in we're not ready should we no no we're not ready no no we're not ready we need lots of money we got to be rich we should fish for our flapper go got some fish fish oh dude what does that do give it to the flopper flop you want to eat this a treat guys where's the main cat that gives us money hello this is for you oh wait oh do we give it a bingus in the maze no you feed that you feed it hello okay it ate it do you like it that's all our friend is back with five hundred dollars this time for a ball of yarn why not huh who are you i don't know who he is but he's gonna make us waste all he's gonna have to play he's taking our minds you suck i love the mail that we get in this house it is the greatest meal of all time i guess we should go fishing oh wait we've been back yet can we grow vegetables back back there is that a mysterious mushroom i don't think there's anything back here is this farm why does it look like a farm for like an hour animals in there what the i just have a cauldron over there where where what behind that tree you don't see it the big tree oh lunar good eye um do you think a witch lives here oh it's a cat cat do you want this of course it's a cat wait minecraft potions oh this is for the background oh you used to get a mushroom oh we should buy it sanity no speed saturday yeah that's just plus 10. we need more mushrooms it's fine i think don't drink it yeah don't drink it yet but i don't want the mushroom over there please no bandits i don't think we're ready this looks so cool in roblox doge you guard the house we're just gonna pick up some more mushrooms so many mushrooms and if we look back there the back rooms is probably yeah it's not opened yeah so it's a rare sight okay so i think if you drink these they say forever no don't drink the sanity potion no yet uh oh well it's too late right now we can finally buy nekomete 2.0 the cooler babe wow uh double mage yep double picking up double feeding excellent and it looks like the last items we need to purchase is the mysterious orb which i feel like you have to give faith to this thing and then a time machine starts a banter braid it's okay [Applause] there's so many of them it's okay wait dracula you're right my speed it's still pretty fast it stays forever the mushrooms respawn okay let's just get a bunch of speed bumps okay we're gonna drink potions but we gotta get rid of these bandits for us you're messing with the oh what's the slogan get the flopper out yeah wait what what what oh catnip farm this will make you so much money no draco that's like fifty thousand dollars wow it's so expensive back rooms is open we're ready it's time for sure wait wait wait wait get more money get a little more money okay because there's stuff to buy some more money we're going to take a drink of this at least 10. and we're running all right 10 jesus let's go ready enter drink go go you're supposed to drink it when you're lower percentage draco it's two oh i'm stressed out now [Music] does it matter you can't you have to get out we're gonna no come on no no no no we did it nice nice okay what did you even buy we didn't yeah we lost we got the baby destroyer and the almond water right hey what are we gonna do with almond water they're extra livestream and a baby destroyer why would we buy a destroyer because the babies are eating all the things bonk it away no what no wow [Music] did that make you feel bad at draco yeah yeah great all the babies are gone quiet and it's so lonely now yeah draco i liked it when there was a lot of baby floppers yeah yeah the random um person is back my gosh it's so expensive hey you wasted your wedding finally you sold something good for once that's great nice thank you now we don't have to suffer paint anymore can we send a letter back i don't think you need to prepare for your next oh i finished this up [Music] that's so much money we can finally get this what the heck whoa okay fishing is worth the last farm we need is farm a for catnip now that we have all our plots up we can finally collect money and yes go pray to the flop up because the flopper is asking for tons of money like 65 g's you're demanding a lot to face after two hours we finally have money to pray to you flopper all right better access like half a million dollars you better appreciate our hard work thank you how do we get a sense [Music] [Music] we bring you fish fish you know we have look at this inventory that's how long i've been waiting for hello flopper god you're so beautiful what's up i love your beard hola where am i between time and space oh cool who are you you speak to the elder flopper the og okay well what do you want bruh you came to my temple that's true that's true that's true what do we want this is kind of cringe not gonna lie so what's behind you yeah the time cubes no mortals allowed time cube good thing we're not mortal we're roblox binds all reality together can i have it give me give me give me what no hello what wait you sure nah jk you didn't have it sending us the mail i think so oh sweet thanks that was easy i'm trolling you it's impossible to get how so really it's guarded behind the knobby no that's nothing it's pretty hard i doubt you'll beat it no been playing this for two hours i'm not gonna let some better believe funny it better be it's gonna be an easy obby she's not gonna let go bobby is this this is oh no no no no no no it's a trap do not fail though i think they'll do do you think we jump on the red oh no no what the oh okay you don't know funny the obby max totally got the time queue what's this the broom it's a birthday oh we got it back yeah right this seems too powerful for us to have in our house um we got it okay do you want to back bonjour look what i found languages it was easy lol whatever you can keep it so what does it do i don't know all right so how do i leave go back the way you came i was teleported here dude oh yeah i'll teleport you back okay thanks don't come back i like you wait does this resort or a game wait what's that oh it's our flopper our flopper is an angel he's a legendary father now now with the power of the time cube we purchase the time we have one we only have one time here with it oh wait what do we do i don't do we buy the orb or the time machine i think the orb yeah okay i want to buy the orb wait we recommend you save oh oh okay okay let's go ahead and get the mysterious orb please what does it do what's this no it's a black hole in a black hole what what is the block okay what's happening this whole place is gonna disappear oh is that it is it something i'm sorry something's happening [Music] um hello did we just waste our whole million dollars what's that sound what this place is live never exists we just got a badge for uh residents whoa wait what happened outside what the heck destroyed the world think we entered the world did we do something bad can you teleport into a different dimension i think we did something i think i don't want to be here i think um i'm scared what the hmm oh it's teleporting you to different ways uh-oh no you have to be in the house no yeah thank you draco for the tip it's too late thank you all um we went to space [Music] i want another ending uh we'll still collect a rent though rent is always here [Music] hi what does this thing do it's very it's very mysterious indeed [Music] are we back to normal now no this doesn't look normal nothing's normal anymore what is this let's leave all the floppers in the desk or it's just changing yeah wow okay we're in a meat world so it's literally just like the most random things you wouldn't expect is this your domain expansion yes infinite food domain [Music] i don't like this here go outside go outside we're being watched wait whoa we got home award it's floppaholia what is this it is magical in here papa do you see this eternal hunger never hungry flopper you're free now we've raised you so well and now you must leave the nest wait a minute is that you're a king there's a king hello king papa we returned one of your minions i think and we also use this catnip farm yep it looks like we got the good ending but now we have to try the other ending okay i reloaded the game let's go through the other dimension which is the time machine yes toilet an outhouse okay what the is this safe so we just went to the washroom and we're transporting don't tell me restarts you're telling me toilets are the ultimate time travel machine we got a badge and it looks like we are here this one's cool we're like bugs hello lions um hey you give me that time cube who gonna need stick first uh what's a stick me best stick lost you find ha no give me the cube dummy me trade cube for stick don't call them all right where's your stick somewhere that's like me when i lose stuff okay okay fair enough we're gonna find you your stick and hopefully it's somewhere around here stick we found stick somewhere fantastic all right let's walk back with ooga stick because i don't know why he didn't search for it himself thank you yeah we need that to go home booga yes ooga booga stick use your stick booga oh he's excited okay oh nice bye are you still talking yes um yeah you're very happy let's not return back to that dimension can we go home thank you [Music] oh is it broken nope time to go back thank you another bad future bat what an all-out nuclear war led by bingus oh um i knew bingo did you skip history class or something i'm from the past you don't understand that's cap you can still say machine is right there that's a toilet anyways can i have the cube thingy remove it and it'll detonate the bomb oh be careful though okay chill negative human stand back nah i don't think so i'll shoot go ahead little flopper do you even [Music] hands it over whatever it's deactivated anyways then why did you make this debate why'd you cap it looks cool right here this falapa is literally just trolling us i have to check what's in this building though oh do you see what happens space spun her buns never it's her space buns again another yup f in the chat for me can we go home yet for real this time i don't want any more adventures time traveling because it'll bring you to another dimension how many badges does this game have oh no white spaces floppy god oh it's konichiwa you again problem yeah kind of well i dc you are under arrest wait what for what time travel is illegal in this dimension then why would you give it to me i thought you were just borrowing it that wasn't why do you think we would borrow it yeah what was the deal again i don't know there was no deal but it wasn't that no matter enjoy your stay in time prison wait where is that nowhere uh you're confusing me there is nowhere the void the abyss this place sucks that's the worst better getting used to it you'll be here a while fine how long tell me one or two one or two what one or two eternities guys i think we actually got punished for time travel no no there's a cue zoom out zoom out there's gotta be a cube somewhere there oh gosh guys there's nothing we got banned for real impossible there must be an escape hole how far can we travel from that toilet until it looks like i'm not going any farther it's like an invisible wall or something oh i think i think we're actually okay well we're trapped here forever because we time traveled which is very dangerous if you guys enjoyed our efforts please leave a like we've been in here for like two hours and a half now and we would appreciate it if you did other than that thank you so much for watching we are crew and we'll probably be out for you later yeah probably bye bye [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 2,938,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, funny roblox game, roblox funneh, roblox raise a floppa, raise a floppa, raise a floppa in roblox, raise a floppa on roblox, floppa, roblox floppa, floppa roblox, floppa game, roblox floppa game
Id: 0_dqof6-VEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 13sec (2173 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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