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boys oh boys oh boys we have a problem Oh boys we have a problem we have a big problem we have a big problem please Roar please raar oh don't destroy the house you dick oh we've got to go in we got to go in here oh a dick come on we got this boys right hey everyone how's things going oh please no one die please no one die please no one die we've got this we've got this it's just an alpha Raptor we can handle this we got pack bonuses is we're going to show that we we deserve to live here oh my god oh okay okay we're fine right who got the kill there's my moist chops um who who got the kill then and who got all the stuff because we just killed a freaking Alpha Raptor boys obsidian good have some health uh didn't mean to put weight have some melee other Raptor have some health have some melee Tron did you get the kill come here stop stop stop uh you did there is our first Alpha wrap to kill boys we got some stuff um have a bit of weight and a bit of stamp cuz honestly that's what we use you for okay Marlo stop running around right I was not ready to record I was just getting sit up and prepped for the episode oh my God we've now got a there as well God damn it um that's a 130 he sees me right um boys you're not going to be healed for that are you oh he's going to come isn't he for God's sake um right I guess we're just going to have to go for it oh yeah he's there um all right I guess let's just go in boys he's in the water he's fight a turtle let's go oh all right we got his Raptors right we got oh yeah he's blood oh the Raptors are op uh there's piranha in here okay Munch Munch Munch Munch Munch Munch Munch Munch come on no one die I believe in you all and here we go boom mummy the mammoth got it all right everyone let's go stand over there oh all right anyways hi everyone how are we all doing today I was going to do like a big reveal and show off the new base camp we've got um I for a second there there's there's no way there's no way where did you come from I was going to show off the new house the new little log cabin in the new area because yeah we decided to build here last episode and it's just freaking gorgeous um I spent all of last night building this and didn't have a single running with a dyo actually no I lie there was one singular Raptor on its own that came out of the Jungle but now like we get on this morning and there's Alpha Raptors and rexes everywhere God damn it all right well let me show you the L cabin so yeah we decided to move here because look at that view imagine waking up sitting on this bench cup of tea or a cup of coffee in hand literally I've got my cup of tea right now I could sit and just like just look at it all it's just so beautiful God damn but um yeah I decided to build like a sort of Log Cabin Vibes in the woods I think this looks really cool so if we come up here have a look we' got a little is this a balcony is that what that's called I'm not sure with the little bench we come on inside we got our Doos who I'm thankful are all safe uh we've got some storage we've got a Smithy we've got windows so a certain synac can't keep throwing his monkey in my house and stealing my hat I know he stole me hat I know uh my videos are just a little behind than his he records like during the day and then releases it on the same day or the day after I'm like a day or two in advance when I record so yeah um I'm aware that syntax stole my hat I seen all the comments um so yeah we've got all of the forges we got a little table underneath we've got a freaking fire which looks amazing and just listen to it ah it's so relaxing and peaceful and then we've got a little bedroom which is just a bed at the minute but I do want to whack an artifacts uh do I want the artifacts in there or in here somewhere I'm not sure but yeah pretty much I I managed to get everything moved over we've got like all of our Blueprints and whatnot and stuff which is all pretty neat so yeah we have a cabin in the woods um is another move I'm sure that's a pretty good movie isn't it cabin in the woods but uh yeah look at that I think it looks pretty decent so yeah it it was really peaceful here the past few days I'm not sure what happened man um also I do want to have a look at this bad boy nice uh we don't care for them too much I guess we'll bring one with us put the other stuff away so plan of action today is I want to go see if that 150 max level scorpion is still knocking about uh remember we saw him uh last episode we got like a little sneak peek of him uh what do they eat they they will eat Prime right actually no they eat spoiled meat do I have uh spoiled meat somewhere I think I do I think the Raptor's got it so what we'll probably do we'll have a quick flight over there on our Pteranodon we'll see what what the Scorpions doing uh and then probably head over there on uh Crystal perhaps I think that's probably a good idea how hurt did you get oh I heard a tree get knocked down can you is that if that's the Rex can you not knock my trees down please I like this area I'd like it to stay that way please oh there's a Loot drop just here let's quickly go snag that in case there's some goodies in it uh we safe no it's going to eat us all right sick all right anyways before I do uh get any further into it if you do enjoy today's episode make sure you do whack a like on the video make sure you're subscribing for more ASA content uh following the Twitter um anything else oh axeman hoodie everyone that bought an axeman hoodie thank you so very much like I appreciate it there is like is it like a goal or a dream I'm not really sure what the word is but I have always wanted to see someone in public like wearing an axan hoodie or hearing stories of someone that been noticed wearing an axan hoodie so like everyone just buying one it means we're one step closer to that goal right this is where the Scorpion was where all these wolves and sabes are I don't know if they eat scorpions day actually no wasn't he up this way he wasn't out there he was like over here somewhere right yeah yeah no he was definitely up around here uh scorpion there's a raptor where are you bro oh oh oh oh oh I hear him is that you come on come on oh oh it's really hard to move with you oh that's just level 100 um H you there was definitely a possible 150 right we all saw that last time out it was like towards the end of the episode let's keep searching a little more the thing is I'm sure it would attack the giant sloths and the rhinos and get ourselves killed uh we should have probably grabbed him last time I shouldn't have left it oh that might be on me um also how warm are we oh yeah by the way we've got pants now we got fur pants so we got fur um top and we got fur pants which just going to keep us a little warmer once we're once we're knocking about here I hear oh god oh oh hang on oh I'm not ready I was getting Stam what level were you were you the 100 that we saw earlier okay I didn't even see you in the ground there uh 85 um hm I don't feel like he's here anymore I feel like I just heard are you oh you might just be 85 we just saw maybe uh no found him there we go okay we got a in the end uh right I need to can I pick a scorpion up is that a thing uh are you big enough to do that Mr trodon is this going be too heavy oh no uh um I think I got him I'm not really ready to tame you can't shot off the backy right or am I do you think I could do some for actually no I am very close to death it is very cold I think a cold front's come in oh yeah it's- 21 it's minus oh can I bring him where are you is is this you sir come this way oh no no no no no hodon stop oh god oh we might lose him we might lose him oh god oh no did he win I think he won no he's being eaten by another Hon oh he's going to die uh right scorpion don't eat me eat the dogs they're eating you okay no are you good do want to follow me down here come on then oh I'm very close to death um I guess just come down here sir and I'll meet you at home oh yeah I'm going to die I'm going to die all right let's get home I wasn't aware of how cold it got all right it's 2 deges down here it's nice and warm all right uh I've been told that dinos are meant to follow you for a very long time so we'll see about that um okay I'm just going to quickly uh so if we hold r on this switched out to these Tran arrows okay can we just go stand next to the fire for a hot second which is already out amazing um okay guess we'll just eat meat right is is he likely to be coming okay I just can't go into the mountains right now until we're like warmed up a little bit oh there's an RG um are you going to be cool bro ah you're going to be annoying aren't you all right come then sir I will shoot you in your Noggin amazing come on then hey no don't go for the Pteranodon oh God now now you've done it oh no don't knock my tree down either cuz I like that tree sick all right I guess I'll just help out and shoot you okay Raptors eat that sick tron's going down there all right this is this is a whole disaster okay I've healed up a tiny bit so scorpion should be open around here somewhere right he's probably got himself into more trouble The Hiding ons probably aren't leaving him alone let's have a quick peek um cuz he was up here right or was he further up is he up one more oh this is going to be very difficult to find him was he up here oh should have aons um okay he definitely would have followed me down to this part right can anyone hear or see a scorpion let's land and see if we can hear him oh Rex in coming Rex in coming Rex in coming raptors raptors raptors you're all stuck in me oh God don't destroy my house don't Destro my house don't destroy my house don't eat my house don't destroy my tree don't eat my house God damn it is my tree standing still okay my tree is standing right I was about to say I'm just going to warm up here and we're actually going to head out on Crystal and have a look for this uh this scorpion uh we should be fine it it's going to get cold when it gets dark that's just what I'm a little bit afraid of um all right I guess I can knock down one of these trees get some wood W cook some meat up get warm oh man all right feeling are we a bit better now feeling a bit healed so Mr scorpion I feel like you would have definitely chased me from up there uh EV so two things could have happened number one them Hons did catch up to him and eat him number two he did jump down but maybe not as far as we thought or number three he's here somewhere and he's just hiding these dudes definitely camouflage very well uh and I don't want to give up cuz then this is like the seventh episode we've tried to tame a scorpion and we're not even going to use it that much he's just going to be chilling at the base we only want one CU we had a good saddle um any sign of a scorpion any sounds of a scorpion H I feel like he must be up there somewhere all right I think we're going to switch out to trodon again definely no movements H that is unfortunate I really don't want to lose this max level one God damn it all right um let's have one more look from the sky and see what we can find this is proven to be a bit more of a challenge than we thought it was going to be okay so let's retrace all of our steps so this is where we originally were here's the hodon all right I would actually like to fight you guys unless there a really high level one then I would like to tame one of you at some point come then oh wonder if HS could do babies that'd be amazing come then level 70 I would like to tame one you at some point you just going to run away from me um sort of they're just running into me right now there's one then might just fin the herd a little so we had him Chasers right he wasn't up this area was he he definitely would have jumped off the cliff we jumped off the cliff he have jumps off the cliff we all held hands jumped off the cliff or unless he got hit by hindon and turn around and started hitting them back I'm just going to stick close to the ground because I want to be able to hear his stupid little scream oh there is a do dick you know what I do need a do dick Hey sir you're level 35 though um it's not the I mean it is what it is bad that's that's kind of doable I have a very bad feeling that he's been killed caros Raptors oh man one day one day we will get this score scorpion I'm going to spend one more minute looking for him if not I mean do we just go and snag that do dick cuz that's just going to help us with stone and stuff all right I think we're going to call it I don't see him anywhere I have a feeling the hyon's got him I think they got him um all right that really does suck that really does suck ah you know what we it might be a running theme one day in this series we might get ourselves a high level scorpion but I guess what we can do is move on to oh oh oh hang on hang on right there's a scorpion right in front of his attacking a doic oh you're strong as sa to 62 damage for a level N9 te okay uh why are we doing 186 then hang on boys what level are you the 85 of course you couldn't have been the one we're looking for um will you you trying to kill the donic I wanted can everyone stop killing all the creatures I want to tame please don't go behind me cuz I can't attack behind me God damn all right let's get rid of you where are you going sir do dinos run away now when they're injured is that a thing sir I need you to come back here there we go all right um so we do have this very hard doic which we're probably going to kill now if we try and tame thanks a lot scorpion at this point I don't think we can get that doic I don't think we can find the Scorpion a hodon perhaps like is is there anything we can get let's have a look what's going on up here I think we'll probably have to whack one of these in a trap uh where did you guys go oh it's so hard to find dinosaurs of all this foliage oh I see hyon all right right I've got a hea done right what we're going to take one of these instead today um okay I need to make a trap for you but in the meantime I need you to just be somewhere safe uh or can I do you without a trap is that going to be a thing is that going to be a possibility at all right uh I'm I mean we probably definitely need a trap because if we do this without a trap te is going to be a long time right only level 25 I don't really care at this point let's see uh pet 7% okay like are you going to be spooked out with all of my creatures or are you going to be cool a trap is definitely way easier okay so no it says I wait F seconds how am I meant to know when 30 seconds is happening oh there we go oh God you got it real close to it four sorry need walked into your butt and pet okay it's 15% what normally happens with this uh if you do it like this is after like 20 ultimate per they just run off for some weird reason okay 15% so we we'll try it like this if not uh a trap's actually really simple to do as long as we don't lose you in the jungle I don't know if they've like redone this or rebalanced this at all because normally at this point I can't see dicks right now normally at this point they're really like skittish um I don't know like every everything in all stuff around is uh kind of like pisses them off they always go running crazy there also The Taming bar normally goes down if you don't pet them within like a second of them one to be pet right now we're we're chilling uh We've managed to get up to 40 % or close enough everything's going fine I know I've jinxed it now but I just thought I'd say that okay pet um yep I jinxed it didn't I okay uh he didn't run far though I'm not sure what I did different to what I was doing but we're down to 22% all right I'm going to build a trap for it it's it's um we're down to 12 now but we've got a tracker on it so I should be able to see where it goes uh um trap is pretty simple to do uh I do forget what it looks like but I I'll have to go back to the cabulous okay he is dropping a lot um all right we know he's in that bit of jungle I'll be able to find him all right let me build some uh I'll be back soon all right if I remember correctly uh let's build it a little way from the main base um that's a TR God okay so he might not I don't know this this is going to be just annoying I know it is anyways right so we want uh this now normally we build this too high I wonder if we still need to cuz otherwise I'm not going to be able to reach them huh you know I'm going to leave it like that for now actually no yeah I am going to have to build it too high right cuz that's what we drop him into okay yeah set just doubting myself hang on okay boom boom uh that one goes up there go up here here so pretty much we trap them up top and we pet them from down below that's how this works all right trodon need you we're going to pick him up we're going to find him we going to Chuck him into there okay now the hard part cuz it's going to be dark um oh he's right underneath us here he is okay nice and we can keep this trap here here for future hodon tees maybe all right let's see how this works this is our first Trap Team of Asa he's in amazing okay uh before I do and go in there I need to get some water before I dehydrate all right let's try this then so can I pet you um no oh God uh [Music] right hm why are you howling I mean I could just drop you in here yeah I I can't reach you is it cuz you're big mad oh don't destroy my base I should have made this out of stone oh God TR no no stop stop where's passive which one's passive why are you doing that uh is that a verino at my base that's a kangaroo maybe I should get a kangaroo instead all right dog can you chill I might just need to place a wall here H right try done look you pissed everyone off now let's maybe get out of R actually if I get render he's going to un render from there yeah I should have made this out of stone he's just going hammer on me walls now sir I'm going to need you to relax excuse me sir Madam relax relax um H maybe maybe maybe we do make some a stone version of this all right we got some building pieces in here that's like all me stone gone and all me building resources so let's try this again so we'll literally have it Opposite to where it was so go like that and then we're going to build this around here like so uh see we can build this like that and then we place hatch frames like so let just make sure there's a wall on the front Okay uh no maybe uh there we are okay let's see if this one works we're going to pick him up and we're going to drop him into that one now all right Mr angry doggy come here we got you need you to go to time out in this place okay so there should be you in you can't destroy Stone right so does that like calm you down okay let me see uh so I can't get to you I also can't pet you through a hatch frame which we used to be able to do right interesting what if Ive move you what if I lock myself in the box with it is that going to be a thing I don't know if that's going to be big enough cuz he's just going to be like scared cuz the Box ain't big enough yeah we definitely can't get to him like we used to be able to H all right let me see what happens if we do can you fit through a door frame I can't if they fit through door frames I guess we're about to find out um okay let's pick up that can we pick this one up okay can you fit through here sir um is that a no can we not pet you through a door frame either interesting so can we not do anything with the Trap huh can I turn this into a door frame uh you watch him get out straight the way oh God you're in my face sir okay so he's big mad right can't like get to him or anything maybe we just pickle this up okay oh we picked the whole thing up oh that's amazing wait did we if you pick the foundation up the whole thing comes over please tell me that's not an alphao there's an alpha I I uh Crystal what is happen why all the alphas here today Crystal I'm just going to need you actually I've not seen an Alano how chunky are they um sir can you come through the actually you know what just stay there it's fine um okay why are you so he cuz I've got me building stuff right are you you have you calm down at all that's a know cuz you just barked right in your face all right so I can't let me live on you Mr hon no don't run into me get out the way we can't be friends if you start doing that um I want to open one of these walls but I really don't want him to get out you think I can do it quick enough boom no oh oh maybe okay oh oh there's a pet okay I know what's going to happen now we're going to nearly tame this guy by petting him and then Alcon is going to come and destroy the base pet no God damn it I pet you in a nice way go yeah this is going to be very difficult all right he runs whichever doorway I face to come and pet him he then runs towards that one um I feel like if possible I'm going to turn all of these into doorways all right what I need to do let's have that on there we go boom boom no stop God damn it okay right that's fine we'll go and get him back no don't don't throw you we good all right it doesn't help that it's now dark I will get this guy done all right door frame door frame door frame so now is just door frames why are you a large door frame how did I do that I don't know how I did any of this stuff really okay he so I feel like now I've just got like all these different ways to pet him and access him which is what we need right cuz what I do I run in through one way and it just I don't know he spooks he's just constantly on the Move uh also he doesn't have a tracker on him right now cuz I I can't be in there with him okay 12 I think it's just going to be a lot of trial and error to be fair trodon get out of here are you you're not mine are you go all right you know what I guess we'll just head shot you trying to like do stuff here are you going to try and eat him don't do that yep he's trying to eat the carcass good axe well done why have I got meat on slot one now how what what is changing how am I doing this okay so I can't pet you from here stop looking at me I've got to pet your book pet I guess it kind of works maybe I should take my compy off my shoulder as well you know what compy go over there it's just going to be me myself and his Hedon Oh my days there we go that oh that thing is way more difficult than it should be God damn and you didn't help Mr Sir you're only a low level can I get you in the face uh nope can't all right going run enough getting by the Alano okay uh doorway pick up dog come on uh really I just opened the whole side for you this way there we go we've got a little dog we got a little puppy look at him oh you look really cute look at all your fur and stuff can we pet you oh we can a we got a little Doo now amazing it's a crap level it came out of 37 though which is all right I think uh so I just want to try this again if I pick all of these up it gives me everything it was attached to bro that's so cool now I don't have to like pick up individual trap pieces and stuff oh that's sick um right doggo there's not space view well there is space view in the house but you can't fit through the door um so you're going to actually be an outside dog you're going to be a guard dog you're going to stay out here and guard us and protect everything let me just go and put all this stuff away cuz I'm very heavy right now but boys it's been an interesting day so we literally logged on to the server got attacked by Alpha Raptor and and Rex and stuff looked for a scorpion couldn't find one there's an alpha caros somewhere in the jungle that might be him all the way over there I'm tempted to go and fight him at some point but maybe I should just leave him alone I feel like we've had enough for one day we ended up getting a hyena done the Scorpion it will happen one day I'm sure oh man I just wanted to show off me cabin get us a scorpion it'd be a nice chill episode that was not the case oh man well there is plenty of opportunities in the snow for Sabertooth uh wolves megatheriums rhinos more mammoths perhaps and stuff um yeah plenty in plenty of stuff uh did that green drop disappear in the end I think it must have there's a white one over there that I don't care for as much all right well I need a name for Little Miss doggo here our little guard dog God yeah I mean the models haven't been updated in ASA but they've what is it is it the poly Count's been upped which just means the quality of them just looks a little better and you can kind of tell I mean I can definitely tell like in your face the fur as well yeah you can tell you can definitely tell all right um yeah trapping these awful tame no mountain in the wild awful I don't know how use Lots do it uh if you know a better Trap please let me know cuz I'm never using that one again so what we're going to do we're going to wrap it up we're going to call it a day there then so yeah if you did enjoy today's episode make sure you are whacking a like on it oh what is up with my leg make sure you're subscribing for more ASA content follow social medias getting an next and Hoodie joining the sausage party I'll catch you in a bit see you laters bye
Channel: The AxeMan
Views: 72,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AXEMAN, THE AXEMAN, AXEMAN ARK, AXEMAN TOP 5, ARK, EPISODE 1, ark new, ark episode, the axeman ark, ARK 1, ark, ark mods, ark dino, axeman lets play, axeman ark, asa, asa new, ark 100, ark survival ascended, ark episode 1, axeman asa, axeman ark survival ascended, ark unreal engine 5, ark new map, asa axe, ARK ASA, ASA CONSOLE, ASA AXEMAN, ARK ALPHA RAPTORS, ASA NEW ALPHA, ASA RAPTOR, ARK NEW HOME, ASA HOME ATTACKED
Id: AZ6crzG0-1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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