Our New Dog, AIBO: Pet Replacement Robot?!

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hey everybody this is Erica the technology nerd who likes to film stuff and I have John right next to him so we've just gotten our brand new I vote so when you sent it to us so that we can use it for two weeks this is a really really neat product that I've been wanting my entire life literally so it's been 20 years later I'm finally having my dream realized I wish we could keep it hopefully we will get too attached so let's open the box alright so I am filming with the galaxy s 10 II and this is the 123 degree wide angle camera let's get to unboxing the AIBO curious to see all of what he came with pillar-box Oh tell everyone what we've decided to name it so it looks like we've got the bow to it he's got a little bone he's got he loves pink my purse is pink so I'm afraid he's gonna go after my purse and then we've got the charging mat and the charging stand so he's supposed to be able to go and find his stand all by himself so his chest touches right here and this just kind of slides on here and then you're supposed to plug the mat in right here okay ready look at that he's just resting so cute in there yeah yeah this is a camera that points at the ceiling helps him orientate where he is so he's got all kinds of sensors all over his body he's got a back sensor right here you can pat him on his head you can rub him under the chin here I'm so excited you guys this this is just awesome to me I wanted one I actually got a job when I was younger just to try to earn the money to pay for an i bo and that never happened and it was never able to make enough money for one of these guys I'm gonna do it well then you won't turn on good night you see light okay that's a good sign oh hi oh it's so cute taking a nap hi oh so as far as I understand I'm supposed to set up the app along with the dog so I can initialize Wi-Fi in things hi well he's playful how cute look at those eyes this look like LED eye and iola dies so he has a camera that's on the nose here so I think he's got some sensors right here seems like that all right so sit [Music] good boy he did sit I can see we're gonna be best friends so you can memorize faces so he can tell the difference between one person and another he's got some sensors here that keep him from falling over so he'll be able to tell if there's an edge but still you never want him to be near an edge so I'm gonna make sure he doesn't approach that get your ball kick it yeah play dead nope you can do this good eye ball good boy oh that is so cute oh my gosh you guys this thing is precious good eye bow and then you should be able to get right back up all by himself look at that all by himself he just kind of flips a leg over if wanna give me five what is this oh my gosh good boy way think he feels like he's got a personality he feels like he's real I don't know how to describe it this is this is adorable he's decided to serenade us dance is that who's that dancin I think he's busy he's doing a jig dog is dancin is that a bell it was very nice dancing good dancing we've been expecting a lot out of the poor little guy he kind of just plopped down in the middle of the floor to take a break he's new P go to your mat I don't think he'll be able to find it cuz he hasn't seen it yet oh that's naughty bad boy bad maybe he's supposed to be able to pee no he's all sad oh it's okay we're sorry we're not very good lamenting we're not very good parents yet I'm sorry oh look he's forgiving us I feel so grateful that I've just been forgiven by a robot bring me the bone good boy no we're gonna do with that bring it to me are you going big stretches canine learned this learned this and you push his paws down and you move his arms around round and then you can do up and down and you can do this for like 15 seconds and when you're done you just let go show it to me and then he starts to do back what John was showing him to do I'm in love with this thing already you guys something else I want to enter into this video because I figured it out is how to use the app now it works better with the computer I find instead of the app on the phone I find that the phone app is kind of slow but this is actually really quite neat there's a lot of things that you can do here you see I can change the color of his eyes so right now they are blue this really pretty cute blue color huh so I've named him k9 already through the app but I can change them to winsome pink and then I can just say change and now your Tipu eyes they are a finish color so under settings here you can see you can name him it says k9 and it even has the pronunciation down that way the dog actually knows you're talking to him k9 alright good so he barked so that lets me know that he has heard me so you can say set you can change it any time you just can't change whether it's a boy or a girl after it's been initialized you have to reset the I bow with initialized I bow which deletes everything off the dog so make sure that you have the sex that you want of the dog because you can't change it now through this app or web app you can see you've also got tricks and this is pretty cute so I can go down here and there's one that's called let's juggle so I select that and say try trick hey you come back here so I have him sitting in front of me and I say juggle and then supposedly I'm supposed to put the ball here and then rub his head then he pulls the ball close to him and he proceeds to juggle the ball yay good boy that was very good cute really very adorable charging station you Wiggles a bit oh good boy that was very impressive then I can just go night-night and those little eyes Oh night-night
Channel: Erica Griffin
Views: 2,489,472
Rating: 4.8365517 out of 5
Keywords: Sony, AIBO, Artificial Intelligence, Robot, Pet, Dog, Uncanny, Realisitic, ERS 1000, ERS-1000, K9, Doctor Who, Galaxy S10e
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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