$3,000 vs $300 Dog Challenge! (Blind Dog reacts to Robot Dog)

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(barking) (upbeat music) (calm music) - This is it. My new dog that I'm fostering. A robot dog. I've fostered a lot of dogs. I've never fostered a robot dog. Whoa (chuckles), it is so cool. When Tony said I could actually foster Aibo for two weeks, I jumped at the opportunity. It's not sponsored, but I mean, come on, who doesn't wanna foster a robot dog? And I thought, you know what? This could be fun because we could do a challenge, real dog versus robot dog. Now Sony's named this robot dog, I think all of the robot dogs Aibo . But I think we can actually program the name and I'll need your help. So stick around, I'll tell you how you can help me name our new foster dog. This robot dog right here is actually so advanced. It actually is programmed to learn what you like and don't like. But you would expect nothing less. It is over $3,000. I've never spent so much on the dog. (chuckles) That's not true. I actually spend a lot of money on dogs because (chuckles) when I get them, they're usually broken or hurt or blind or need a heart surgery. And this couldn't be better timing because we actually moved. We got a place with more space so that our blind dog kobe, could run around and not run into things. We got a bunch of other plans, but the reason I bring it up is because we moved into a mid century home where those were built, were built towards the future. And I feel like we are living in the future right now. All right, let's do this, the official unboxing of the robot dog. Wait, before we do that, if you love dogs as much as I do, make sure you hit that subscribe button. Turn on notifications. Even if you watch this channel all the time, are you subscribed? What are you waiting on? Here we go. Okay. So,I heard all you do to wake up Aibo , just press right there. Aibo , we're your new foster family, wake up. (playful music) (chuckles) (barking) Oh! Zoey's interested. Zoey what is that? Zoey wants to meet a new friend. Hey. Can you guys see those eyes? Aibo 's eyes? Hey Aibo ? Oh, uh (chuckles) Wow!. You just shake just like a regular dog. Hello Aibo , my name's Rocky. (barking) Oh, this is so cool.(barking) You do wanna play. This unbelievable. Okay (laughs) Real dog. Robot dog. Hi, can I pet you? Can I pet you? Oh, thank you. Oh, you like that? You do? Oh thank you. Wow It is so great. It is so great to meet you. My dog Kobe really likes this. What about you? Oh you like that, you like that? Oh, yeah. Oh, hello nice to meet you Aibo . Guys, are you seeing this? This is unbelievable, I mean this is this is too real. Aibo , would you like to meet? Would you like to meet my dogs? (barking) I think Aibo just said yes, not only does Aibo look just like a real dog, but I feel like Aibo can actually understand me. Aibo sit!. (barking) Whoa! Whoa! you gotta be so cool! Let's let the dogs meet Aibo and then let's run through some tests. And, the real dog versus robot dog. $3,000 dog versus a couple $100 dog adoption fee. (chuckles) Would you like to meet Zoey? Yeah! Yeah! Okay. Okay. Aibo , stay! No way. (chuckles) My dogs barely even do that. Zoey, this is Aibo . (barking) Zoey's running over to their mom. Zoey, come here. come here Zozo She's scared. But Zoey does this with other dogs too. Like this isn't a robot dog related. - Go get it - Aibo wants to play. - Go get it. Aibo `s, Aibo `s ready. Good dog. You're a good dog Aibo . You're the out of the gate, You're the best behaved foster dog we`ve ever had, you know, - Yeah definitely. - Mom treat right there. So its apparent, Zoey and Aibo out of the gate. Maybe not friends right away. - Yeah, she doesn`t have more I understand - Should we try one of the big dogs? - Yeah - Who next. Flip and then Kobe? - Yeah. - Flip is excited. I can feel it. okay. Gentle. lets go say hi to Aibo . Aibo .Aibo (indistinct) just like a real dog. Flip! Flip. Good dog Aibo , good dog. Flip no. No, Flip gentle, gentle Aibo is our friend. Flip's got this worried boxer face eyes right now. Aibo wants to do a trick, okay let's try that, Aibo shake. (laughing) yeah. Good dog. What do you think that was, like five seconds at most? - Yeah. Okay, Now let's try it. Let's try with flip. You ready? Okay. Flip, shake. (beep) So far on the shake test. Aibo one , Flip zero. Should we have Kobe meet and react to Aibo ? - yes. - Now, Kobe is blind. If you're new here, he can't see Aibo . So he's only gonna be able to sense and smell him. I say him or her Aibo , do we know if I Aibo is a boy or a girl? - I think you get to choose when you set him up. - Okay. Allright. We haven't done the set up process yet. Whereas Aibo going? Aibo . Where are you going? Where are you going Aibo ? Aibo that's a wall. You barking at the wall Aibo , in all fairness our dogs just bark at the wall sometimes too. (laughing) Okay. (indistinct) Its Okay. Good dog Aibo , good boy Kobe. Come here, you wanna say hi? Good boy. It's funny how they know to still smell the butt. That's crazy. - Yeah. - That's so funny. (laughing) One day they need to set up Aibo so that there's like a poo smell. (Laughing) Kobe what was that? By the way, this is the same sort of reaction Kobe does with a real dog. I hope on video. This is coming across, It's just like how surreal it is in real life. But you may go, no Kobe you're off just a little bit. Where'd he go? There he is. Nope, that's the camera. Thanks. Okay. Okay. Let's try some tricks. Okay. Kobe sit. Whoa. That was fast. That was fast. - That's a good one. Okay. Aibo sit. Kobe one , Aibo zero. - Yeah. - Let's do some more tricks with Aibo and the dogs, - okay - and see, cause right now we're Aibo 's one and flip and Kobe have one so they're tied. Okay. So I'm setting Aibo up right now on the app. You can actually name Aibo , Aibo is kind of the name for all of the robot dogs. What should we name Aibo ? - Why don't we let her fans decide? - Oh, that is a good call. Okay. Keep watching I'll let you know how you can decide what Aibo 's name's gonna be. Right now though ill set it for Aibo . Okay. Let's complete setup, Set is complete. Aibo Welcome. I feel like we did this already but welcome again, now you're a real dog. (barking) Yay.(laughing) Aibo 's so happy. Aibo definitely makes me happy. Like I know Aibo is a robot dog, but Aibo makes me happy. Okay. Let's get back into the contest of real dog versus robot dog. You ready Aibo ? Let's do this. Okay. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna line all the dogs up or kind of (indistinct) the dogs up, and have them all, you know, take a seat. So I'm gonna give the command. Okay. You ready? Here we go. Okay. Sit. - Sit. Kobe, Flip, Zoey. Aibo sit. (laughing) Aibo 's not listening. Aibo sit. - Aibo Probably doesn't know what's at stake with the T word. - Oh yeah. Oh, I didn't even know you had those. That's why, that's why these guys won. Yeah cause Aibo doesn't eat treats. Aibo sit. Well, there you go. There you go, okay but the dogs won now. It's still two to one, Two real dogs, one robot dog. Okay. I've got a trick that I think will be really good. - Okay. - Okay you ready? - Yeah. Okay. Dogs, Aibo , dance, (upbeat music) (laughing) Aibo 's dancing. Kobe dance, (upbeat music) flip dance. (upbeat music) (laughing)I kind of, I cheated. I knew that Aibo could do that. - Zoey can dance. - What, what? No. Let's see. - up. There we go, good girl. - good - Okay. All right. That's a one, one. So, so, so far real dogs have three points. Aibo has two points. I've got a another idea. - Okay. - Okay. Okay. Here's what we're gonna do for the next competition. Fetch. Now I thought Kobe would be perfect for this competition because I think a real dog can probably move a lot faster than a robot dog for fetch. And since Kobe's blind, I think it will even the playing field a little bit. Okay. Here we go. Aibo fetch. (barking) oh no, Aibo gave up, Aibo I know you can do this. I know you can do it, you gotta believe in yourself. Aibo fetch. Wow. Wow. Wow. Good dog Aibo , good dog. I mean, that took forever like I could've taken a nap between the time you started and when you fetched it, but just the fact that you're a robot and you can fetch something, Unbelievable. Good dog Aibo , good dog. Now let's see what a blind dog can do. We better move Aibo for this one it can get kind of wild. Aibo come here. Okay, here we go. Kobe, you wanna fetch? You want fetch? (barking) (playful music) What's happening? (playful music) (laughing) Okay. Okay. All right Kobe your turn. (laughing) Okay. You're on Fetch, buddy you're on Fetch. Come on. here we go,you ready? Good. Yeah. Good boy. All right real dog definitely won that took no time at all and he can't even see. It's that sniffer that a robot dog will never have. Good boy. You can tell he's proud of himself too. Good boy. I think Aibo knew, that they were gonna lose that round and that's why they shared in doing that little song and dance. Taking pictures of the dogs and sharing them with you guys is one of our favorite things to do. So we're gonna see which dog is most photogenic. All right, Kobe sit. one, two, three, and okay. There's that picture. Okay, Let's see how Aibo does, Aibo let's pose. That is pretty good. I don't know guys comment down below, which which dog do you think did better on the, the Instagram photo contest there. But I think this might be where robot dog beats real dog, because rumor has it that Aibo can actually take pictures for you. Aibo take my picture. (beep) Okay. I think, I think it happened let's see. So check this out Aibo actually took our picture, Watch this. Whoa. That's what we look like to Aibo , that is so cool. I know a lot of people would say, well, why a $3,000 dog? Why not just a real dog and real logs are fantastic, but there are actually situations where a dog like Aibo would be fantastic. You agree? For example, if you live in a place where you can't have a dog, Aibo is a great companion. If you're a senior and you can't always feed a dog or you don't have as much mobility, Aibo would be a great companion. Or what of your immune compromised or allergic to dogs. There's so many situations where Aibo could give great companionship and really give you that joy of what it's like to have a dog. Nothing replaces adopting a dog, fostering Aibo has been such a fun journey. I need your help naming Aibo . Here's what I want everyone to do, go follow me on Instagram, I will do a post on Aibo and I want you to suggest a name. What should it be? I'm gonna use your suggestions to pick ibos new name. And if you haven't subscribed to this YouTube channel, what are you waiting on? Hit that subscribe button. 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Channel: Rocky Kanaka
Views: 782,648
Rating: 4.9157825 out of 5
Keywords: rocky kanaka, dogs, dog, dog rescue, rescue dog, homeless dog, animals, animal video, robot dog, challenge, sony, sony robot dog, aibo, foster dog, adopt, foster, dog adoption, fun, blind dog, cane corso, pawonder, flip, kobe, kobe the blind dog, zoey, boxer dog, 24 hours, family friendly, challenges, family, new, react, dogs react, puppy, my dogs react
Id: 5g5vl_9Ue2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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