Our INSANE Day In Rural Saudi Arabia

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

They literally wen to tabuk right next to my mother's side of the family's house i even issued my id from alsnabil mall(السنابل) that they passed i know the subway they went too the indian restaurant and right after that they went to my father's side of the family city of alula i know hassan personally acquainted with him damn made me feel nostalgic

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/abd4llah0 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] previously on oscar and dan everyone we walked past is staring at us and it was the first movie theater in saudi arabia the new generation is so lucky all generations are also lucky to witness this [Music] good morning everybody we are on our way to the airport to catch our first domestic fight within saudi arabia and it's so freaking early it's 4 30 funny thing is that our new friend keith from yesterday is joining us from singapore we love these kind of spontaneous things [Music] oh and just like that we're at riyadh airport it's now 5 a.m our flight leaves at 6 30. so let's get checking in what are you doing [Music] i can't get over the name of this airline fly a deal i don't know there's just something so funny about that [Music] got our boarding passes we're both sleepwalking we will be very tired today but this is where we're going [Music] oh my god it's 6 00 am but we're getting the first bit of light which is gonna put our energy levels quite a bit higher i think so our friend keith is currently rushing to the airport hopefully he's gonna make the flight yeah we thought he was gonna miss it he said he would now he just texted us i'm on board we're like where are you how is he on the plane that we're not on the plane what i guess this is another example of singaporean efficiency like we were here probably a half an hour before him still he managed to get on the plane before us flying that deal [Music] we have landed in northern saudi arabia and here is keith you made it here starts the rental car adventure at this point the car rental isn't going great we've been waiting for 40 minutes no one really speaks english so we're trying to communicate about what's going on but we don't think they have our car or any cars despite being here before the reserve time so we're just hoping for the best that we get the price we reserve and just can get out of here soon because we have six hours ahead of us of driving today this is turning into the biggest car rental nightmare we've been here now for over an hour how are we doing well we're doing basically the company wanted to charge us double the price of what we had booked for online and give us a worse car in the end we managed to get a smaller car for an okay price we unfortunately had to stick to this company since our international drivers permit had just expired so no other company would allow us to rent this renting experience took us two hours keith has been in 151 countries what did you think of this right now please don't put this on youtube or i will need to charge you for money freedom ah pressure i felt like that was never gonna perpetual just cycle of problems guy from the other rental company came to the rescue not only in there but he got us coffee to apologize for the inconvenience that's so nice so sweet we were like fighting with him no let us pay for coffee i was fighting i thought he bought one but he bought three yeah i know three coffees what was the company called team deep there's countries that have no tourism infrastructure and embrace it and then there's this a country that's trying to attract so so many tourists marketing itself like crazy but there's literally no infrastructure for this whatsoever the guy from the rental told us to go out just behind dunkin donuts he didn't give us a key anything there's no one here there's no car here so now again we're just like what now a fun side note two girls are currently like waving at me and making heart symbols yeah interesting [Music] oh my gosh the gas here it costs like uh 60 cents per liter which is about a third of the price in sweden and most of europe but they don't take international carts so just gonna withdraw some cash here but this gas station is something else wow so we got 33 liters for how much was 73 reals which is about 20 dollars i think that is insane now halas but where do we go a restaurant when we landed i was like oh this is such a tiny place like this airport is so nice for the size of the city and now we just realized it's bigger than gothenburg our hometown it has 670 000 people and we're like where is everyone [Music] literally everything seems to be close every single place yeah literally everything is just shut oh my god you guys we can eat some blankets so we found about one open restaurant from everything that was supposed to be open on google maps we're praying for the best we should clarify it's friday so that's why today friday yeah now is there anything that should be running after non-friday yeah every restaurant serves only biryani no no veg so depressing conclusion we're gonna try subway well we found subway we are braying no oh look look look oh god it's uh 11 48. oh no it's not open keith will have snickers we'll have protein bars for the next few hours uh until maybe four or five people [Music] we eventually set out on our six hour drive to alula on the way we were planning to stop at wadi aldisa known as the grand canyon of saudi arabia we drove for two and a half hours without passing any permanent towns or villages only the occasional bedouin settlement so we're just driving and we stopped for a little pee break this is really really amazing we're in the middle of nowhere it's crazy just how barren it is how quiet it is there's okay now there's one more car but there hasn't been a car in several minutes after two and a half hours we finally passed through a village to our surprise we noticed a small store and decided to make a stop to finally buy some well needed snacks so we're stopping in this place it looks almost like the wild wild west to get from uh yeah we're gonna try to get some water this is really exciting wow it's a well-stocked store oh chips but this is so delicious they have olives oh they have juice this is so good oh hopefully that bakes this is really fun seeing the local grocery store that's when everything took a very unexpected turn we were just invited into the home of the people who owned this place so um we'll accept the offer and see what happens 16 year old hassan invited us in for coffee and dates so we've been invited in for a coffee by hassan who is famous on tech talk we're downloading tech talk right now so we can check out his his page but first he proudly wanted to show us every inch of his family's farm what's in here oh whoa so big whoa that's a massive goat no food no okay here's the big reveal whoa tiny tiny [Music] [Music] i asked where your school is it's very far that way yeah whose room am i oh he's picking them for us i think it's just a nice gift okay [Music] irrigation oh okay it feels so so stable yeah oh wow there's so much so we found the water all real genuine yes right no problem i'm gonna hold your room i i don't know whether you think for real or not [Music] it must be sort of fun to just have some person from another world come to your house and be like so fascinated by everything that you find mundane that you just take for granted wow these are all olive trees [Laughter] [Music] that's so so nice this is fresh yes yeah homemade olive oil yeah visit this one olive oil this is really really one of those experiences that i think so many people just couldn't even comprehend i can't even comprehend this this is just so crazy to think that we're in saudi arabia getting shown around the home of some people living in the middle of the desert who invited us in i just feel so lucky that we get to have these experiences because who gets to see this side of the world like this is the type of stuff that you remember your entire life you tell your grandkids about and it's happening right now guys look at this they're building a new like water tank it is so deep [Music] [Laughter] yeah this is going to be the new tourist hotspot oh you jumping oh parkour [Applause] [Music] [Music] after the farm tour it was time for some treats inside hassan's home we're inside the courtyard so here's aha he was worried damn was getting cold such hospitality it's crazy he literally just saw us in the food store and he was like come to my house i feel like these are the kind of stories you hear about like oh they're so hospitable they're next country i'm like you can just walk on by and they will invite you to your house and this is probably the first time it really happened to us this coffee yes coffee coffee [Music] how does it taste great amazing yeah amazing amazing no the coffee there coffee level uh left hand and you need to like go do like the the motion upwards right good go come here he won he wants it to be higher higher oh oh it has to go like that good okay now we get tea as well it's so good perfect amount of sugar too after a few dozen dates and a couple of coffees tasa refused to let us leave until we came along for one more adventure this time in his father's pickup truck yes we're getting in the car we have no choice this is the life for the tick tock what is [Music] it makes you look like a baby you baby [Music] two hands two hands please we don't even know what this village is called but we're sightseeing yeah putting it over there now what is the big show we're going completely sideways [Laughter] [Music] that's how the tires end up on the road like this oscar you need to learn to drive with us okay now normal road good now no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no he wants us [Laughter] oh [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] no problem uh do you have water or something i think it just needs time too yeah it's motion sickness very bad so we've driven about 30 minutes now maybe this is it i hope because there's no road anymore oh [Music] it's a new perspective yeah never before seen maybe we can do just zip line down and oh yeah just why not do a sky jump i love that you're just holding no i know just keep spanking [Music] so after 30 minutes driving we got to an amazing above view of wadidiza what an experience everything hassan took us here the only problem was that oscar got very sick i'm feeling a little better but i still have tingling all over my face but this view is making up for us we're seeing the wadi varidisa from above which is how cool is this what other tourists have seen it from this perspective oh oh oh oh oh sandstorm [Music] hassan gave australia i feel like igor [Music] how long did we spend with hassan i'm not sure about two and a half three hours now [Laughter] he insists on giving us three olive oils which i have no idea what we're gonna do with this it's just color [Music] there's no saying no to anything we're each getting like uh maybe two three liters of olive oil not one [Laughter] before leaving there was just one more thing that hassan wanted us to do he wants to raise us now we we're one last thing now we have to race to the house and he's in sandals i didn't think we're working out now [Music] oh thank you i lost oh my god he threw his shoes off he just kicked his shoes off like this protecting my health now driving a bear for my target habibie when we were heading to the car finally it's like no we need to race [Music] so it ended up getting so late because we had a great time with hassan that we had to abandon our plans to go to aldiza which is so sad but we know from experience that these types of things feel even more sad in the moment when you're in this place and you're like no how am i gonna survive now that i've missed it but once we leave we'll sort of forget about it and i think the experience we had was a lot more unique anyway so on to alula [Music] so ready for it this has to be one of the craziest locations we've seen such a beautiful sun setting we're really in the middle of nowhere i keep having to remind myself that we are in fact [Music] just like that two and a half to three hours later we made it to our little sweet inn in alula we just need to show you like to end this bizarre and crazy day we're staying in the most ridiculously bizarre accommodation it's like being in a palace it feels like las vegas sort of it also feels like coming home to the antoinettes i don't know if this was how their house was this is very interesting this uh carpet the wallpaper here what is this choices and then the bathroom check this out two sinks hair dryer slippers different toilets for those who prefer different types of things as well as oh open shower so with that we say oscar good night and see you in the next video and until you hear from us again see you around the world next time on oscar and dance the sandstorms here are no joke the view is crazy two nights of van life is the maximum that we are gonna do ever saudi women are just so funny so talkative
Channel: Oskar and Dan
Views: 97,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oskar & dan, Oscar and dan, oskar and dan, Oscar & dan
Id: HHQE19tPgc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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