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[National treasure, the legendary actress, Youn Yuh-jung] May I call you ma'am? Call me however you want~ May I call you sis?? That's a bit too far~ But you are my sis~ You're the sister for all of us. My youngest sister is 69 now. [Absurd] The world is magic~ You are a good singer~ [Episode 173, Our forever sister, Youn Yuh-jung form the movie 'Minari'] [MMTG / Spread the new culture] [January 2021 @Gangnam-gu, Seoul] First, [Release House service 1. Minari bouquet] Second service is [Release House service 2. Awesome X banner] And the third service is, something that fits 'Minari' very well [Release House service 3. Fresh plants] Guess for whom we've prepared all these for? Come in please~!! [Youn Yuh-jung, Soonja from the movie 'Minari'] [(Welcome)] [(New type of decibel since her debut)] [The actress Youn Yuh-jung from the movie 'Minari', will be released on March 3rd] We.. It's quite something here~ [Like and Subscribe] We finally have Youn Yuh-jung on MMTG. She asked me what I do as a job as soon as she sat down to tell you a little bit about myself. You know how you entered the world of new job called the actress in 1966. I also have a new type of job called [Ordina-brity: half celebrity + falf ordinary person] [(Understood)] Oh~ An ordina-brity. I work for a company but I have schedules like this as well so I'm a strange person like that. Well done. [(Unexpected compliment)] I mean it's important to try new things Of course~ May I call you ma'am? Call me however you want~ However? Can I call you sis then? That's too far~ It's all sisters. You are my sister at heart~ My youngest sister is 69 or 68. [(An youngest sister about 40 years younger than the real youngest sister +1)] Mrs. Youn Yeo-soon. Yes. She is also a very cool. She was the first female director in LG. [(Real sisters)] But she's not that cool at home. Really? [(Youn family's small TMIs)] There is a saying 'Youn-sink' among the younger generation. I have no idea. [Youn-sink : Sinking into Youn Yuh-jung] Into me? Yes. They like me? Yes. That's good to know. I used to be the no.1 hostile celebrity. A lot of young people watch 'Youn's Stay' and they say "How could she be so trendy" I'm not trendy~ I don't even watch Youn's Stay. [Surprised] I announced to them I'm not watching. Oh my. They keep telling me to speak English at Youn's Stay. [Annoyed] Why would I speak English~ Choi Woo-sik is Canadian so he has to speak good English. And Lee Seo-jin went to NYU so they should really ask these two to speak English but they keep asking me to speak English I learned 50 years ago to survive Survival English It was survival English. So I told them I'm not watching it. [(Annoyed)] I don't want to look at myself there. So I never watch Youn's Stay. However, a lot of people are falling in love with you. So today, we're going to sink into you. [Subscribe and Like] [Release House review session. Youn Yuh-jung's filmography] In the review session, we're going to look through your filmography. First of all, your debut movie. [Legendary Filmography 1. Woman of Fire (1971)] [She played Myeongja in 'Woman of Fire'] She is smiling here but her lines were "Murderers always take a picture with their face covered" "Like this" [Creepy] It's actually a very scary scene. Oh~ You've seen it? Yes. The most embarrassing thing is that [Director Kim Ki-young for the movie 'Woman of Fire'] The conditions for the contract were for the first one or two months [Conditions: Meet 2-3 hours a day] 'Is this guy a weird man?' [Doubtful)] 'I have to see him everyday?' That is a bit weird. When we started filming and there are scenes like this, smiling or something [(directing)] 'Ms. Youn, remember the smile you had on when we were talking the other day? That's what I want" Wow~ That's crazy. "Remember that hand gesture? That's what I want" [(The director observed actress' actions)] I was embarrassed. Those weren't meaningless meet ups he actually caught the small details. [(Impressed)] That's amazing, seriously~ I thought he was amazing. But you started acting when the job actor was relatively new. But actually, she made it to TBC's official actors and actresses. They pick 10 people, and 3 of them can sign a contract. But you couldn't sign the contract. And they announce the reason why she couldn't. They were savages~ Do you remember why? [Reason for elimination / She doesn't say hi and she hasn't perfected her personality] You didn't say hi to anyone back then? It's because I have a very bad eyesight and I wanted to look like I have big eyes and pretty so I didn't wear glasses and I couldn't see anything so I didn't say hi. They were mistaken~! I'm so jealous of you guys. If this happens at a company people would start commenting and things would get heat up! Yes~ But we had nothing like that back then~ They said my personality is not complete. How humiliating. That's too much. I still remember their names but they are all dead now. [(What do we do)] [(It's all in the past)] After you made a debut you became a start instantly. [Youn Yuh-jung modeled for 'OranC'] Was this type of commercials trendy at the time? 'Hotpants' were a thing at the time. Did you practice those facial expressions and stuff? [(Clear)] They paid me so I do what they say. You're getting paid for this~ Exactly~ OranC! You should contact her again. [(Welcome)] They are still in business? Yes, of course. I was the first model. If I was the advertiser, I'll make sure I have you again. But you're not. [(Sad)] Why would you attack me like that with facts~ You never know~! People with bright ideas like you cannot become an advertiser. [(Turns out it was a compliment)] You have to fight a lot. I have to fight? A lot. Oh no~ [(Solution)] Just live as long as you can. [According to Yuh-jung, whoever lives the longest is the winner] [(With the movie 'Woman of Fire')] You received the Best Actress Award from The Blue Dragon Awards and the best Rookie Actress Award from the Grand Bell Awards [(After receiving the Best Actress Award with 'Woman of Fire')] Exactly 39 years later you received the Best Supporting Actress award from The Blue Dragon Awards. [Legendary Filmography 2. The Housemaid (2010)] [She played Byung‑shik from the movie 'The Housemaid'] I mean this movie is actually [The director Kim Ki-young's 'The housemaid trilogy' The Housemaid - Woman of Fire - The Insect Woman] a remake of the director Kim Ki-young's 'The Housemaid' that the director Im Sang-soo recreated after 29 years. At the time, the director Im Sang-soo, [The director Im Sang-soo from the movie 'The Housemaid' [Myeongja from 'Woman of Fire'] [Eun-yi from 'The Housemaid'] When you heard you are going to be starring in the same trilogy, how did you feel? I thought being able to play a part of a remake that I played the main role before because I've lived for so long is not something I should be ashamed of. 'Myeongja' from 'Woman of Fire' didn't have someone like 'Byung‑shik' you know. - Someone who could take care of her - Right, there was none. So I thought the role of 'Byung‑shik' in the movie 'The Housemaid' [Senior housemaid Byung‑shik and the new housemaid Eun-yi] Have you talked about the different roles with Jeon Do‑yeon? [(Joking)] I think Jeon Do‑yeon would hate me for saying this but she didn't want me on the movie. Im Sang-soo told me everything. [(It's funny how he did that now that I think about it)] I said "I can't be bother then" but at one point the director Im Sang-soo and Jeon Do‑yeon came to me. [Please work with us on the movie] Jeon Do‑yeon wanted someone that has a similar color to her on the movie. But I have a completely different color but Im Sang-soo convinced her and she ended up agreeing with the director. I wanted to give credits for Jeon Do‑yeon for that. Right. Then, they came to my house and she almost went down on her knees and asked me to take a part in the movie, so.. That's so cool~ [(Wait)] I mean she didn't go down on her knees. I'm not a gangster or anything. Right, I was a bit shocked when you said she went down on her knees. We were both sitting down on a chair.. [Please] "Please ma'am. I would love to work with you on 'The Housemaid" [(100% exaggeration)] I was very impressed and thought 'She is very serious about her movies' I admitted to that and I think it's great that we can openly talk about it now. Secondly. [Legendary Filmography 3. Actresses (2009)] [Youn Yuh-jung from the movie 'Actresses'] So the director Lee Jae-yong wrote the script and it says you also co-wrote the script? I wouldn't say I co-wrote it, but he gave us the situation [(Gave them the situation)] and told us "You guys can talk about the situation now" "About this topic" so that's why they say we co-wrote the movie. We didn't actually co-write the script. So there was no written scripts for the movie. There was nothing except for the given situations. [(Shocking)] Wow, so the director Lee Jae-yong basically got the whole thing for free? That's a good point. [(Youn Yuh-jung is serious about making fun of the directors)] You have this line towards the end of the movie. ["Rather than being the best actress, I would want to be someone they believe was the good actress to work with"] I don't like the whole 'The best' thing because there is no such thing. Acting is not a math problem, we can't be good all the time. There are ups and downs to this job. But if you call someone 'The best actress' that person has to be the best all the time. It's too harsh. - Right~ - So I would like to be called 'The worst'. That way, I would be more motivated. Like I would at least be 'The best middle!' 'The best middle'. I just made that up~ [Shy] Don't abuse that phrase~ I want to! I heard you always took sleeping pills on the night before the shoot. I heard you had sleeping pills. I did. Because let's say I was reading my lines from the start to the end before going to sleep. Then if I forget the line, I get out of the bed and look at the line again. So I couldn't go to sleep. Your passion is... I heard you try to maintain the tension of the first shooting. You compared to "The reason the first ticket is sold most expensive in Broadway is" "because of the tension." Yeah, right. People don't go and watch the ending show much. Professionals do. Because the first show must have most tension after practicing for months. This should be a famous saying. "Do as if it is the first show every moment" [(Ban over reaction)] It's not a famous saying but I heard it. [Lovey dovey] -That's not a famous saying~ -Any way~ Anyway~ It surely is a famous saying~ [Dumbfounded] Lastly it is a masterpiece. [Legendary Filmography 4. Canola (2016)] ['Canola' Gyechun role] It is a story about meeting a granddaughter 'Hyeji' in 12 years who was lost in the market when she was young. I heard that after looking at the scenario you weren't going to participate because you thought it was an independent film but you decided to participate after hearing it was a commercial film. I thought 'this is an independent film' and I said I won't participate because independent films don't pay me. But they said "No, this is a commercial film". So I said "Really? Then do you pay me?" I am an easy person. [(Laughing)] When we look at the interview here. When Jeon Do-yeon and Kim Hyesoo said "Please take care of Goeun" to you, you replied something like "Do you think I'm going to hit her?" "Do-yeon, did you hit her?" But you actually said "Kim Goeun wasn't that affable" "So I liked her" Look. It was my first time meeting Kim Goeun and as I'm old, it can be awkward. When I was in Jeju island, a younger one made lunch for me. Because I hate food truck meals. When I was eating that Goeun came to me. She didn't like to have food truck meals as well. So we got close. Slowly. Naturally. Yes, right. I remembered because I liked it so much. Bae Doona also said a similar thing in 'Sense 8' before. There was a scene when she said "I can't act this scene because I don't understand the emotion" Yeah, she said "I don't know how to express this scene" I think she likes natural things. Yes, being natural is the best. Right. [(Surprised)] -But.. -Am I a bit artificial? [Too much] Am I a bit artificial.. Doesn't your hair get damaged? It does~ It gets damaged even though you don't do anything when you get old. If you mess around with your hair like that~ [A mess] [(Worried)] It will get damaged quicker. [Jaejae's words: My style is a mix of Kim Goeun and Bae Doona] [Subscribe Like] Not only from 'Canola' but from 'You've Come All the Way Here' and 'Can You Hear Me' 'Keys to the Heart' and etc. You usually acted mother or grandmother roles and I heard that once you said that 'It would be great if I could choose my role' As I am a livelihood actor, I thought it would be great if I could rest and work when I wanted to but that was when I was 65 to 70 years old. So I heard you are living luxuriously. Yes, that's my luxury. Right. I can work with a writer who I like and when a producer who I like gave me a role and even didn't pay me but I did it because I like it. That's living a luxury life. That's volunteering. Volunteering. [(Yuh-jung who enjoys donating acting talent)] I heard you didn't get paid from Kim Chanhee who produced 'Lucky Chan-sil' I nearly didn't get paid. I used my money. [(Surprised)] Production cost was only 200 million Won and how could she pay me? You're very loyal~ I don't do that to anyone. Right. You are Mother Teresa if you do that to anyone. Right.. Next we will talk about legendary fashion. [Bonus legend Legendary fashion leader] We can't wear like that. You just have to wear it and brag about it. Why do you have to look good~ I pay for it and wear it~ Oh, your own money? These are all my own so it's okay. Oh~ Really? It's not that I refuse sponsorship but I don't get it. [(Unexpected)] Why? Because if old people wear it people don't buy it saying "I am not that old". What do you mean. What do I mean? [Yuh-jung's words There are diverse sayings] Oh, many sayings. [(Learned a lot)] Oh, there are many sayings. Then do you wear your own clothes when you work as well? Yes. I wear my own clothes in TV programs. When I go abroad, if I buy the clothes and if I wear it when I act as a housewife, If I wore it when playing a role as a housewife, it'd be a different type of a housewife. Don't you think? You know.. the mom character with permed hair like this having a meal while crouching. You know, using a brass bowl to eat. Using a brass bowl to eat. My mind is like 'Can we take a step forward?' 'I can start with small things'. So I purchase all of my clothes myself which is why I should be working hard. To buy clothes. Wow, that's exactly the life we live. [(Sympathy)] The motivation to work is similar to ours~ Did you know that the sales of this eco bag has increased 30 times after you carried? Well, I got it as a gift from 10 Corso Como. She's very influential like this so I don't see why she's not sponsored by many brands. I'm not sure whether they know what they're doing or not. That's why you're just doing YouTube at the back. Hey, doing YouTube at the back?! We've never! [(Don't get me wrong)] - No, I mean.. - We're not a group of that kind! it's not like public TV networks. [(Absolute idiomatic expression)] Yeah, the directors wouldn't like us. You are brilliant cause you're doing what others don't. [(Thank you)] [(What I felt lately)] All the people, I love that trot is in the spotlight, it's our own music genre but do they really have to be all copycats like that? Without pride? It's just copying someone's idea. Doing something new like you do is a brilliant thing. Wow, she complimented us! I mean it! [Bonus legend, a legendary life mentor] [Didn't you have a hang up about your voice when you made a debut?] When you just made your debut, some directors said "She's can't be an actress due to her voice" "Apart from her face" "I'll eat my hat if she becomes a famous actress" The ones who told you those things, "By the way, they are all deceased now" [(YEOJUNG's become an actress despite of all the biases)] There's this thing young people say these days. It's called 'withstanding it no matter what'. As a matter of fact, I believe you wouldn't have been able to achieve all the things if you hadn't withstood it back then. True. Life is all about withstanding, really. Yeah, like you mentioned earlier, there was a time you were ranked No. 1 as a nonpreferred actress. Yes, that's what I heard. I was shocked by hearing this, to the person who was on night duty at Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation, [Mysterious viewer : "Please make sure the actress Youn Yuh-jung doesn't appear on TV"] That guy who used to be on night duty is still alive. So he chose to impart the viewer's opinion. It's odd that he chose to impart that~ When you were on an escalator at a department store, across from the escalator, someone was like [Mysterious passerby] "She's too skinny" in your face. [Friend next to the mysterious passerby] "How could you say that in her face?" "Who cares? She's a celebrity~" I was passing by with LIM YEJIN at that time. That person should be ashamed of herself. I think that still happens nowadays. Yeah? It does? You guys shouldn't be doing that. Back then our generation was old-fashioned but you are not like, it's a sense of inferiority. You know, feeling superior and feeling inferior coexist. Just don't do that. So when that happened to you, you thought 'You don't want to appear on TV if you have no problem making a living' I heard that. I won't do this if I have no problem making a living. I appeared on TV and felt like I was meat on a cutting board. Getting all hacked. You were very perceptive about this. Unlike movies and plays, movies and plays are something I choose to go to but television is like we'd watch it lying down and go 'Who's that? Why does that person keep appearing?' Right, it's not that I'm perceptive... Who doesn't know that? Hey~ most people are now aware of that. It's not like all the people in the world are clever as you think. As far as I know, television is called 'cool media' in a sophisticated way. And 'hot media' is something I participate in. TV is perceived as 'cool media'. 'Cool media' sounds kind of nice but means that the viewers can be harsh when watching TV while lying down. [(People cursing at others)] Seems like it's their only pleasure. Yes, I think so. It's so outdated. We're doing the same thing that people were doing decades ago. One day, KIM HYEJA told me that I tried to watch TV while lying down. We usually monitor what we did [(very tense)] so we're like this when watching TV, the program we were on. And HYEJA said [comfortable] "I tried to watch it while lying down" [(The actress KIM HYEJA tried to watch TV while lying down)] "It felt really good" "that I could badmouth others" It feels good to be lying down and watching it~ I'd like to hear your comment on this one. So you deliberately chose to play ordinary roles so you could become more approachable. To put it in a nice way, they gave me unique roles like a woman who used to live in the States, who got divorced. But those characters are not universally valid so I attempted to make a smart move. Okay, then, let's play some friendly characters. It was my strategy~ However you played some chic roles again after. Times change and the viewers like the chic characters. Well, it's so strange, isn't it? People say the world is so strange, you know. The world is so strange~ She's a good singer~ She can turn things into music~ [(saying without thinking)] It's a musical interview. [respects that] [Subscribe, Like] [The famous place for a premiere, the prep segment, 'MINARI', the story of a Korean family] The movie that people are talking about. Before the domestic release, it's received incredible reviews in other countries. It's impossible to follow up on this now. ['Minari''s Chances of Winning in Academy Awards Are Getting Higher] You've won even more as of today. You had won 14 awards by the time we were getting ready for this interview, but then, you've won three more and it's 17 now. I have? [(She has won 26 awards as of 23rd February)] Not just for your acting, we even have... [('Minari' is a nominee for 157 awards and already has won 74 awards as of 23rd February)] Would you like to tell us about your movie? What kind of movie is it, 'Minari'? It is minari. One of the vegetables we eat. Why is it specifically minari? [Director Lee Isaac Chung] [The story of a Korean immigrant family who are in search of the American dream] The story says that the grandma has brought some minari seeds and has planted them. ['Jacob', the dad with a big dream of having his own farm] The family's farm doesn't really go well but... [The only thing that survives is the grandma's minari] So, I guess the story of the director and minari is basically the story of his grandma and him. So, it's like the story from the time when they were trying to settle in America after they had immigrated. And he has written the story based on - his own experience? - Yes. I mean, the details in the script felt so real when I first read it. I have actually asked my team if this is based on a true story, and they have told me it is. So, I said I would do it. There's just something about stories from your own experience. It's his own story. Yes, it's from his life. And who did you exactly play from that story? I played the grandma. What kind of grandma is she? What kind of character is she? She's the grandma from Isaac’s memory, and what I really liked was, he actually asked me to describe her as I would like to. So, she is pretty much how I have interpreted the character. I found that you once said "I don't want to play the character of typical mom/grandma figure." I think what makes the character typical or atypical is the way how actors approach it. And the thing about this grandma is, I didn't want her to be a typical grandma. The family in this film, they are going through hard times. They live in this mobile house. It's a trailer house. It's where people in need usually live. And there's this line that Han Ye-ri says. "I'm so sorry, mom." [Monica (Han Ye-ri)] Now you know how we actually live... Sorry. And I go like, "Well, it's just so much fun to see the house on wheels." [Soonja (Youn Yuh-jung)] Why? Because the house has wheels? It's fun. [(I get it)] A typical grandma would be worried about how poor they are and even might say "This is what you have left for?” That would have made her a typical grandma, I think. What you're saying is true. Normally, grandmas would say something like “Let's go back to Korea." Yes, but that's not what Isaac has written, and also, I would say that interpretation on film characters is up to actors. It's what I'm allowed to do. I've also heard that you actually have put so much work into this character. Everyone did. Steven Yeun, Han Ye-ri and I. When I got the script, it came to me in Korean, translated, and it was in literary style. It wasn't verbal conversation, so we all worked on it everyday. To change it. So, you all lived together and constantly talked about characters after reading. Yes, with Isaac as well. It also sounds like you didn't really have much choice. I didn't. It's not like I want to brag about what I am capable of. You know, the first award that we have won is like... ['Minari' Wins the Ensemble Cast Spotlight Award at Middleburg Film Festival] So, my reaction was like 'yeah, this one really found the right winner.' I mean, you couldn't find the better ensemble when our casts literally lived all together and all we did was talk about the script. We were like, "Should I go like this after your line?" That's how we have worked on it, so, of course, we are the best ensemble. There's no doubt about it. I guess that's why your character stood out as well. I don't know about that but.. [(26 awards at the moment)] Come on. There's a reason why you've won 17 awards! [(So true)] Everyone can see that. I bet you get many congratulations these days? One thing that I cannot forget from them is, well, all my friends are hilarious because I don't hang out with boring people. So, there is funny friend of mine. She called me one day, and suddenly she told me that she's sorry. So I asked her what she's sorry for. And she was like, "I feel like I've been underrating you." "You were on the news, and all they're saying was just how amazing you are." [(Great)] "So I want to treat you." I was busy so I told her that we might need to change the date to see each other. I was like, "I think we need to see on Sunday instead of Monday." and she was like, "Yes, I will wait." [(She's always available for Yuh-jung)] Even before you could finish what you were saying, she was like "Yes, I will wait." "Whenever you want." "I will make time for you." So, I met two friends who are older than me, Hong-ja and Suk-young. [(Getting even more interesting)] Yes. As soon as I entered the room, Hong-ja stood up from her seat, so I asked her, "Is something wrong with your seat?" and she said "No," "Why are you still on your seat, Suk-young?" [(All hail, the queen, Yuh-jung.)] "I only stood up because you earned my respect." [(Hilarious friends of Yuh-jung)] Hong-ja and Suk-young were like, [Standing] Oh, you are here, Yuh-jung. Suk-young, why aren't you standing up in her presence? [(Re-enacting on point)] Our great Yuh-jung is here to see us, you'd better stand up. I honestly enjoyed that so much more than winning awards. You and your friends are so bubbly. Yes, and that's just how I want to live my life. [(Hilarious friends and the great Yuh-jung)] Alright, and obviously this is what Han Ye-ri cannot forget. She said that you had told her to always stay alert. In what context did you say this? It was on our first day of shooting. The first day on the set, if it was in Korea, I wouldn't have made an appearance there. We all know it's going to be a mess there. For an old female actresses like me would never go there. I would rather ask them to postpone my scene or something. But I was in Tulsa, Oklahoma and nobody knew who I was so they put me on the first scene. I couldn't say anything when I made it there. What more could I say. The air conditioning was broken and it was a mess. Just an absolute mess. I asked the stylist there "This isn't what I tried on before" "Is this what the director wanted" "Or you decided to change" I tried to talk to them with my English then they would go "What?' There are some of them that did that even when they understood me. It would let you down. So I told Ye-ri, "Get yourself together" If you don't you're going to be so lost at the scene. They know our English is not the best, but if they say "What?' [(Uncomfortable)] 'Ugh... Wait a minute' 'How do I say this?' It already puts me down So that's why you told her to think straight and to be strong the whole time. Maybe that's how you guys look like a family like this. Another thing we've found out is that, I guess it's one of the staff there and he posted on Instagram saying [The actress Youn Yuh-jung was in such bad condition before she left to the states for the movie 'Minari'!] [I'm so worried about her, I don't get why she keeps putting her in those harsh environments] [She told us 'I want to challenge myself! Don't stop me from adventures' and left but I really wanted to stop her.] Is this true? I didn't exactly say that but [(They were concerned about Youn Yuh-jung's health)] my company didn't really like it. It's not profitable and I actually spent a lot of my own money on this movie. [(I see)] To try and pay for the staff that helped us and stuff. They need to pay me a little if the movie makes it big~ I deserve it~ I invested a lot on this movie 'Minari'~ [(Back to the story)] I was also struggling with my health at the time. But then I told them. Hey, if I stay here and do the TV shows here in Korea and do more movies here no directors in Korea would try to create something with me. They would just say "Do whatever you want, ma'am" If I stay in that environment I could become a monster if I wanted to. That's what mannerism really is, you know I should be able to switch up my environment and go to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Hear "What?" and stuff from Americans that way I could say 'Oh, I'm seriously a nobody here' and think 'I have to act so well and show them what I have' This is what challenge is. What else is? I would be happy to work in comfortable environment. But here, I could tell any directors "Joonbai, come here. This is taking too long" [(No hesitation in telling directors what to do)] "If you take any longer here, I'm going home" [(Youn Yuh-jung could do anything on the set)] I could do whatever I want now~ [(Scary)] "Joonbai, come here" Exactly, if I get stuck in those environments [(Respect)] I will never be able to grow. So from your challenges with the movie 'Minari' do you have the most memorable scene? Rather than the most memorable scenes, I'm a realistic person, you know. After I finished filming for the movie, the director Isaac Chung came to the Airbnb I was staying at with the cinematographer, the lighting director he taught all of the staff of how to bow and they all bowed to me there I think that was the most memorable moment for me. I don't have a picture so I asked them "Why didn't you guys take a picture?" they said they were busy bowing for me. Oh so they were all bowing and nobody could take a picture! [(Disappointed)] I couldn't leave a picture~ If it was me, I would've [Click] still taken a picture like this [(Joking)] They are so behind~ [(Joking)] Seriously~ They can never hang out with Youn Yuh-jung ever~ Right, seriously~ There is no evidence~ They didn't leave an evidence! [(Disappointed)] Oh no~ Ugh~ It drives me crazy~ But it was the most memorable moment for me. The director knows how it's done~ He is very wise. So I think there will be more directors like that in Korea. There was a time when Jewish people flooded the cultural or the entertainments world. Right, yes. I think Koreans will eventually get to that point. [(Impressive)] With the sacrifice of the parents the kids will grow up to be something big. [Subscribe and Like] [Bonus session: Situational Q&A] You can tell us what you would have done as a grandma in Minari and what you would've done as who I am. First, [Situation 1] While travelling abroad, you've arrived at an unfamiliar place and your cell phone just turned off. What would you do? What would Soonja do in this situation? She would have gone "Hello? Hello?" [(Please)] "Hello..." [(Help me)] "Help me" Help me What about Youn Yuh-jung? [Fluent] Excuse me Do you have a phone? Can I borrow? [(Awesome)] Wow, I get the character. Okay, the second situation. This is a trendy one among the younger crowds this one is based on the MBTI. [Situation 2] If someone says "I'm in a bad mood, I ended up ordering chicken", what would you say? If it was Soonja? If it were Soonja Right now... They're testing the chicks But the chicken... Yeah. On the other hand, what about Yuh-jung? If it makes you feel better, eat up~ Eat it If you want fried chicken, have fried chicken. What do I say then? [EIther T or F type] The F types ask 'why did it make you feel bad? [(Amazed] [F Type: I ordered chicken because 'I'm so tired'] [Type T: 'I ordered chicken' because I was having a hard time.] It's the third. [Scenario 2] If there's a crime going around the whole neighborhood, what would you do? Soonja now can't speak English so she wouldn't know that a crime has occurred. Doesn't even know it happened~ Right. On the other hand, if it was Yuh-jung You'll understand it no matter what~ I think I would just stay there. What can I do against a crime that's already happened? [(Type N versus Type S)] You're a S. The S types are [Type S: Very committed to reality] I'm a type N. Ns are full of imaginations. [Type N: Wonders what type of crime] That's not me. I'm about what do I do. The response of S is 'Let's not go out' and 'I'm not going out'. You are a S and then a T. So I think we can guess Yuh-jung's MBTI type. Are you comfortable talking to people you've just met? Not really. You're an I then. You're IST. So when you travel, planning where you want to go per hour, I never do that. So you don't really like planning. I don't. [(MBTI test complete!] It's ISTP! [Curious/ Jaejae vouches that Yuh-jung's MBTI is ISTP] What kind of a person is that? [(ISTP)] Is quiet, and observes the world with restricted curiosity and has a great ability to make sense of the situation, and sensitivity and ability to use tools. They have a very acute awareness of the situation. And they really dislike people who are unable to sense the mood. [The results fit so well] It's a type that observes life very objectively [(Admits)] Yeah, I tend to be. Does not show oneself off more than necessary and unless it has to do with work, they rarely involve themselves in personal matters. Yuna Kim has the same MBTI. So Yuna Kim and Yuh-jung Youn have the same MBTI, it seems. Yuna and I featured in a commercial together. We shot it all day. I remember that now that I think of it. Hello. It's a great honor to meet you. Mee too [(End of conversation)] [(Based on analyzing this conversation)] [(ISTP rarely involves themselves in drama.)] That was it~ [Understands] It's the meeting of ISTPs, so we're not very interested in each other. [So calm] And she would just be like 'me too'. Okay, so you are ISTP~ Lastly, I prepared a pretty drawing. Very good~ Yes. 'Minari' premiers on March 3rd and Yuh-jung plays Nobody in it and she worked very hard. Please go watch it and thank you for being on the show. How was I today? [(Means it)] You were good. [(Touched)] That was the best compliment. Thank you for making this so fun. I can't say things that aren't true~ That's why I can't be big. No, that's the new normal. That's the new courtesy these days. [(Surprised)] Oh, really? I should live long then. With you guys. Live life like Yuh-jung Youn. You have to see me again. [(Promise) Of course, I will. I've done a lot of interviews, and you studied a lot. You've watched 'Canola' and 'Fire Woman'. Some interviewers, without doing any research, would be like 'When's your birthday?' 'What year did you debut?'. I once said to an interviewer, 'Are you here to do a demographic census?' [(Yuhjung so honest)] That's what I dislike. I don't dislike and not want to see everyone. I love everyone who does their job right. Inheriting the Nobody spirit, we'll let Yuh-jung Youn go now. 'Minari' I hope it's a hit~!! Thank you. It's a gift. [Thank you, Yuh-jung Youn of 'Minari' for being on the show] [Spreading new civilization! Like&Subscribe @MMTG)
Channel: 문명특급 - MMTG
Views: 3,797,077
Rating: 4.9215412 out of 5
Keywords: 문명특급, 스브스뉴스, 재재, SBS, 문특, mmtg, 윤여정, 미나리, minari, Youn Yuh-jung, 스티븐연, Steven Yeun, 한예리, Han Ye-ri, 하녀, 계춘할망, 김고은, 전도연, 배두나, 정이삭, mbti, 윤스테이
Id: csuCT6OtAZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 24sec (2064 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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