[다시봐야지][ENG] "글쎄요, 내가 내 자신을 알면 소크라테스겠죠." 휴먼여정체로 비정상회담에서 마라맛♨보여준 윤여정|JTBC 160509 방송

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(The Korean representative is here) Let me introduce today's "Non-summit" representative We've had many actresses as guests for our show, right? (Heart fluttering) Oh! Today's guest is the Queen of all actresses! (Heart fluttering) She rarely participates in variety shows I believe this is her second time (About to have a heart attack) Celebrating her 50th anniversary as an actress this year, she's the scene stealer and (Jaw-dropping) the best actress in Korea - Youn Yuh-jung! (Welcome) (97th Non-summit Korean representative, Youn Yuh-jung) (Incredible!) (Youn Yuh-jung, 68) (Nationality: South Korean Profession: Actor) (Clapping like seals) Wow! She's awesome! (The gentleman of China) - (Bowing intensely) - Welcome, please sit (All participants sit down with excitement) Nice to meet you (Self-introduction of the well-known actress) I'm sure you don't do this often, but please introduce yourself Oh, I... Youn Yuh-jung, South Korea's "elderly" actress (I've seen you in TV shows! Such an honor) As I've told the participants, you rarely do variety shows One of the reasons you decided to be a guest for our show is because you regularly enjoy watching our show and also because of one of the members, is that right? Not exactly "because" of that, but I did think I should apologize to Yoo Se-yoon today Why? I've been in a variety show before, for the first time (<The Knee-Drop Guru>*) In a variety show, with Kang Ho-dong** as the host, *A popular Korean variety show **A famous Korean comedian / MC (Variety show beginner) I thought I could only answer questions by Kang Ho-dong I was focusing on him so hard, and I realized later when I watched the show, that Yoo Se-yoon was sitting right next to him so still as a statue! (Felt bad a little too late) It's not like you didn't answer his questions, did you? - So still.. - I think Se-yoon never really (To think about it) asked me anything! (So still as a statue, by himself!) - (The expert comedian can fall off a tree, too) - It's been such a long time... (Wanted to apologize for such a long time) You felt sorry for Yoo Se-yoon, that's why you're here - No, don't be sorry - I wanted to apologize (Now that he's promoted) Are you apologizing, now that I'm sitting in the middle? - Are you going to focus on me from now on? - (Huh?) (LOL) - Ok, I heard you're a fan of our show - Yes! - (So cool) - Yes, I am (A regular viewer from the beginning) I've watched it since the beginning - when it first aired (Such a girly girl) I may be old, but I like trying out new things that's why I enjoyed watching the show (Can differentiate between the old G's and the new G's) The members changed, right? Some of them? (Let's see) This side has the new members - Guillaume was here from the start - (Thanks!) (So confident) Here we have Alberto, Sam, Sammy - Zhāng Yù'ān and Tyler - (Amazed) WOW - Nikolai's a newbie, right? - (Yes) (All but one member..) I know Andreas and Daniel, but there's one person that I have difficulty memorizing the name - Pr.....(Something) - (Aw) - Sorry, I apologize - No no, don't be - Polish name is a bit difficult - Right Prze...? (It's okay) You can call him Peu-soon-ie (Wearing her glasses) - You can just call him, “Prshabu-shabu” - I have a bad eyesight (So clearly) Przemysław Ohhhh It's a Korean reading Korean, what's there to "oh" about? (Emergency alert) Try not to "oh" as possible (Such a shame for the reaction machine) It’s so interesting Is there a particular G member you like? (Without halting) I thought Nikolai is really funny - (What an honor) - Because (So jealous!) it's a country that's a bit frightening for us We may be the same Koreans, but we can't go to North Korea (His trip to North Korea was very interesting) I thought it was so cool how he got there a multiple times (She really is a regular viewer!) - (The movie buff / SpongeBob reacting) - Oh, right! (Watched the "Woman of Fire" starring Youn Yuh-jung as the lead role, 1971) Oh, you watched the movie? He watched the original "Housemaid" Really? - There's "Woman of Fire" and the second movie called "Housemaid" - Yes, I was in the second movie as well I've starred in the series for the first time in 40 years It's your 50th anniversary as an actress this year (Long before he was born) You debuted in 1966 I may sound a bit typical, - but you really haven't changed - (What are you talking about) I've changed You haven't seen photos of me when I was younger (So confident) I was beautiful when I was young! (Back in the day, when she was blossoming) (So fresh) The producer probably is showing the viewers your old photos, is that alright? (Whatever) Of course I am, I look better when I was younger! What? Why? In case you weren't that beautiful... (Dangerous boy..) (Not okay) I wasn't beautiful! I'm fine, it doesn't matter! This is the first time we talk making eye contact (Push and pull expert!) People call you, Youn Yuh-jung, Gently charismatic, to-the-point, girly smile, savage boss and fashionista... There's a lot of expressions to describe you - which one do you think fits you the most? People call me I'm savage a lot (What can I say?) I think to myself, "Well, I guess I am" - What do you see yourself as? - I... If I had known myself, I would be Socrates! - (My type of joke) - I don't know (So cool) I guess people see the side of me that's visible to them (Rather than "savage") You speak in a way that's to-the-point and instead, you don't talk behind people's back, don't you? I do occasionally talk behind people's back, these days (Heehee) (The savage boss is so attractive) (Occasionally) You participate in a lot of foreign film festivals Do you get to meet actors you personally like as well? (A regular guest to the Cannes) Oh, who have you met? When I first got to the Cannes, I went to this big party I got to see Catherine Deneuve, a beautiful actress of our generation I think she's my age or a bit older than me I got to the party, and told her, "I'm a big fan" "and Koreans love you so much" (Nod) (Wow, that crossed the line) French people are always like that French people definitely do that - (You’re being mean because he’s not here!) - Not that they’re being intentionally rude, but (Don't get me wrong) It’s like a habit They do the nod thing whenever they talk (Maybe it’s a cultural difference?) They’re not being rude? They don’t mean to be rude (So hurt) I felt so embarrassed She felt embarrassed - (Americans do that a lot, too) - Still, she can be like “You are?” as a polite gesture, if someone is a fan (Nodding the head) All she did was this (So full of regret) I was like, “I shouldn’t have talked to her” afterwards (LOL) - We are a debate program, though - I know Rhyu Si-min* is a great speaker *A Korean politician Chin Jung-kwon* as well *A Korean critic and professor (King of logic) They should be the guests for this show You’re here as the female Chin Jung-kwon today Really? (Remembers everything) Gosh, I haven’t studied in Germany or anything... It’s okay, I expect a great deal from you as today’s debator Oh, really? What do I do? - (High expectations) - Ok, now... (Laying the bill on the table) Let’s begin the 97th Non-summit Youn Yuh-jung, please tell us the agenda of the youth I’m 6 years into my job, with a lot of newbies by my side I’m an office worker in my mid 30’s When I first started working here, I met a senior who would take advantage of the age and rank to have the upper hand over me I promised to never be like that as an office worker But I realized that these days, I’m judging people I try to give newbies some lessons, and find myself being stubborn about my views when I talk with my coworkers I would be surprised at myself and then try to talk it out with the newbies by having a couple drinks But then I would be upset again when I see the newbies being uncomfortable around me Now that I look back at it, I feel bad because I already resemble the senior that I hated so much “I’m becoming like the senior kkondae* who I once hated so much” *A condescending person “Is this abnormal?” This is the agenda we’re going to talk about today The term, “kkondae,” is actually a slang we should try not to use, but it’s a term that cannot be replaced Have you ever felt like, “Am I a kkondae?” - Oh my, is that why you invited me? - (Surprised) No, not at all (That can’t be true) (In the midst of the scene) Shhh!!! (Feeling uncomfortable from the side) (Everyone feels the same) No, you’re here as the female Chin Jung-kwon We wanted to invite an elderly who is a non-kkondae (King of logic) How do you know how I am in real life? (With honesty) How would a real kkondae participate in a debate? No, reminiscing on the old days (So straightforward) that itself is a kkondae - (Right, right) - We were so poor back then I was born in 1947, so I experienced wartime when I was a child When I was 3~4, we were all so poor If someone is from a wealthy family, maybe they would have a piano or something The income gap between the poor and the rich wasn’t big The feeling of deprivation, that you experience these days - Feeling like you’re deprived of something others have? - We didn’t have that back then - Everyone was so poor - Yes, everyone was poor That’s why I feel like those days were better, happier - On the contrary? - On the contrary Thinking the old days were better, on the contrary - that’s what being kkondae is about You just reminisce on the old days This person is contemplating This person is trying not to become a kkondae Thinking, “Am I really doing that?” that itself makes this person a non-kkondae You are so on-point about things that’s why you’re called the female Chin Jung-kwon (Shy) (So amazed) You can’t be like, “If you cross here, you’re a kkondae” as if there’s a vivid line, from books You can’t be like, this side isn’t kkondae, and this side is kkondae We’re human Sometimes we are kkondaes Sometimes you’re a wise elderly That’s how things are, so I thought all you had to do is answer to the question It gets pretty complicated (Cheer up) Now you have to talk about it for the next 3 hours on this Oh, really? Anyway, most kkondaes don’t have that sense of realization Most don’t know they are kkondaes, but this person... - The real kkondae don’t have that sense - Nope (So furious, all of a sudden) The true kkondae would even like the situation There are those people who actually enjoy that! That’s really abnormal (Proud) I’ve met a lot of those people (All of a sudden) When did Norway start to be so prosperous? I think it was back in 1970 I went to Sweden and I was going to stop by Norway, because it’s close They told me not to go The country is so poor, they told me not to go (Really? It’s a welfare heaven!) It was back in late 70’s Oil was discovered in 1970’s That’s when the country... - Oh, oil - Yes I’m telling you, I’m all about the old days (My type) It’s so fun (Youn Yuh-jung’s <Back to the Old Days>) I apologize (So cute) Kkondaes are not kkondaes because of their age (It’s not a generation gap, but an individual’s problem) (Don’t even realize they’re kkondaes) Don’t you think that’s a really healthy mindset? In Korea, we keep using the term, “kkondae” - We tend to make judgements about everything - We tend to define things in some way Old people are like this, young people are like this Someone who looks like this would act a certain way We tend to be judgemental a lot (Murmuring) That’s why you think I’m kkondae, I shouldn’t have come out as a guest... Do you have a problem with that? (So chic) Yes Didn’t we have that in news a while ago? Adults would tell the young students not to smoke, and get into a fight When I first came to Korea, a female college student was smoking - in front of McDonald’s - An adult? She got hit! By an adult? Like, “How dare you smoke!” (A kkondae slapped a smoker, just because she’s a woman) We don’t have that these days - it was back in early 2000’s If I date a 30-year-old man, (40 years younger) that’s a big deal, isn’t it? Yuh-jung, why don’t you come to Ghana? (So gentle) I can’t go, it’s too far Wouldn’t that be a big controversy though? (No way) Things have changed a bit, hasn’t it? (A great example of someone who loves a younger guy) Madonna keeps dating younger guys Jennifer Lopez as well If it’s a minor, then that’s a problem Why would it be a problem if you were to date Zhāng Yù'ān, when you both are adults Oh, really? (A sudden realization) I didn’t date him yet because it might be a problem (Yuh-jung♥ Yù'ān) (Congrats! Beginning of a new love) One thing I want to ask Yuh-jung - Do you try to talk to a lot of youngsters? I just like goofing around with youngsters - Ohhh - Because, I it’s not that I like a certain age group or something, but I’ve been around for a long time, that my friends are all retired... (Coughs) (Youngsters replaced old friends) Everywhere I go, most are younger than me I didn’t know I would still be an actress at the age of 70 I know it sounds typical, but you really don’t look 70 at all - (Smiles) Oh, really? - You look like you’re in your 50’s I’m 69 by American age, or... “Sixty eight, going up sixty nine”, right? (Here you go) I’m sixty eight (Here I go) Going up sixty nine Youn Yuh-jung is around the same age as my mother My mother’s friends aren’t exactly “womanly” to me - They’re like mothers - They’re like mothers - And Youn Yuh-jung is womanly? - Yes! And I think it's so cool (So shy) (Our Oppa) Do you want to listen to his “Good night” - (Immune to it) I heard it too much! - She heard it too much! HAHA - Stop telling people, “good night” - She overslept (The Sleeping Yuh-jung)
Channel: JTBC Voyage
Views: 613,622
Rating: 4.8905897 out of 5
Keywords: JTBC, JTBC봐야지, 다시봐야지, 미나리, Minari, 비정상회담, 순자, 미나리 순자, 순자 윤여정, voyage, 예능, minari oscar, minari golden globe, minari clip, minari Yuh-Jung Youn, 미나리 오스카, Yuh-Jung Youn, 미나리 아카데미, 윤여정 말투, 윤여정 비정상회담, 휴먼여정체, 토론, 꼰대, 어르신, 젊은이, 세대차이, 공감, 소크라테스, 진상, 노미네이트, 윤여정 노미네이트, 윤여정 미나리, 미나리 윤여정, 미나리 수상, 윤여정 수상, 여우조연상, 윤여정 수상소감, 윤여정 출국, 파이널 무대, 한국 영화계 최초, Yuh-Jung Youn interview, 윤여정 할리우드, 윤여정 소감, 아카데미 시상식
Id: ysuKPA_o_G4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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