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Was just waiting for the subs to finally be up, glad it was just a day later. JaeJae and Baekhyun bounce off so well together.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/joesen_one 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

...where did the thread about Baekhyun's enlistment go...?

no proper promos for this album but at least we have YouTube content like this and other stuff (he didn't specify) that he filmed beforehand to look forward to ;;

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/lilfreaks 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Yes, the wolf appreciation I need! And we got another teaser. I was literary howling half of the time. What a fun show!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Vns312 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Genius Idol Baekhyun] Thirty Sexy~ Thirty Sexy Boy~ Their hands... Rather than grabbing it... What's wrong~ [Episode 177. Genius Idol Baekhyun who showed the real 30SEXY] [MMTG Spread the new culture] [2021 March xx @Seoul Gangnam] She got me going crazy~ Baekhyun is coming today~! (Excited) Got me feeling like~ Pop rocks strawberry bubble gum (Welcome) Please welcome Baekhyun! [Baekhyun: the singer of 'Bambi'] Got me feeling like Pop rocks strawberry bubble gum~ Welcome! - I love your outfit. - It's Bambi. So cute! Baekhyun, it's so nice to see you. I binge-watch MMTG. [(Thoroughly prepared)] - It's really entertaining. - Get your hopes up. [Let's review his song] I feel like a lot of EXO songs are strong and powerful. The songs sound as if they're going to break something. So we've ranked the songs based on how powerful they are. We've only picked the best ones. - The song for level 1 is, your sweet solo album. - Right. [Level 1: 1. Baekhyun - UN Village] You & me-e ye ah [(Jaejae falling into the R&B world)] You can easily get into the song. (Serious) When I listen to this song, I feel drunk even without a sip of alcohol(?) So this song is about a place called 'UN village', a place which you actually like, and your feelings looking at the night view. - (After the song got released) people were like 'You live in UN-village?' - Oh - But that's not the point. This song is about my desire to bring the girl to my favorite place and ask her out or something like that. - Your 'UN-village' MR-removed videos were hot. - Right, right. [MR-removed.mp4] Though MR was removed, it was still protected by copyright. His live performance was just as accurate as the real stream. It was my first performance, [('UN Village' first performance)] so I was really nervous and decided to sing every part of the song, even the ones that were not obligatory. (As I was nervous) I didn't know if I was good or not, but after watching this video, - I was also surprised. I sang really well. - Oh you knew as well haha. [(Mischievous boy)] [(It's me, Baekhyun)] He was also surprised at his great singing. I understand. I also saw a comment that says 'How can he say Dokseodang Children's Park and Hannam-dong with that vibe?' Navigation to Dokseodang Children’s Park and step on the gas I actually thought deeply about that part. It might sound childish, because of the name of the place so I thought a lot on how to put some vibe into the lyrics. - So I actually had to twist my tongue around. - To say "Dokseodang Children's Park"...? Without twisting my tongue would sound like 'Navigation Dokseodang Children's Park', but with a vibe, it would sound like 'Navigation Dokseodang Children's Park' like this. - 70% air and 30% sound. - Wow, I can see the difference. (On the comments) Some people said that they sound like they're reading a bible. - (70% of breath) 'Navigation' like this? - Breathe from your nose. - Dokseodaaang. I actually practiced this a lot even before recording the song. Yes, Baekhyun actually had vocal trainings since last year. (wow) (As an EXO member,) our parts were divided and were not too long. - So I found myself losing the ability to be responsible for one whole-length song. - Oh, I see. So I decided to start from the beginning, and that is why I'm still getting lessons and trainings. Shall we go over there on the Ferris wheel made for you I don't understand why my mind says I was tired because I couldn't believe it People say 'Baekhyun is an artist worth listening to', and I can see why there's a reason for that. - (Plus) You even modify your own fanchant. - Yes yes yes. [Yes we are [Byun.Baek.Hyun]] At first, your last name was included, but you decided to leave it out [proud] because it sounded too formal. So it's now 'Baek.Hyun.E'. [(Byun Baekhyun X Baekhyun E O)] Yes we are (w/o the last name) Baek.Hyun.E (no no) I don't like being called with my last name. - Me too. - (agree) Right. - To the people who are going to call us, please be careful. - Be careful please. - Then shall we move on to the next level? [Level 2: 1. EXO - LOVE ME RIGHT] Just love me right Aha Baby love me right Aha - LOVE ME RIGHT! It's a fresh and bright EXO song. - (right) yes yes. Your shoulder is bigger than a mountain. Those clothes are very uncomfortable. - (in LOVE ME RIGHT) You were in charge of the beginning and the end vocals. -Yes x2 You start with 'Take your time' [(BaekHyun TIME)] And ends with 'My whole universe is you' [My whole universe is you] [(Appears the Ending Fairy)] You were being all cutesy and stuff. (Shyly) I think I pulled out a heart from my pocket when I was singing 'is you'. (Amused) I feel shy about it since I did that when I was much younger. Actually we are planning a big event of [Classics Even if you Re-comeback] = (CER), E: If EXO comes back again, XO: LOVE ME RIGHT unconditionally (Worried) So I was... [(Heart beating faster)] I was thinking it would be nice if we try this again. Try what?! [BaekHyun said he wants to comeback again with LOVE ME RIGHT' Somebody said [SM... If LOVE ME RIGHT is difficult, could you comeback with LOVE ME LEFT....?] People are as desperate as you see here. - (For real) Will you be able to organize this? - Yes for sure! - Oh my... We will help you organize it! -(OK) Yes please do so. Now let's hear the two board-breaking song! [2. EXO - Ko Ko Bop] We going Ko Ko Bop - You had a mullet cut during this time. - Yes I did. Before the trend (for mullet) came back, you expected this style to be popular, and so you were brave to try this. - However, the fans didn't like it so much. - Yeah... they didn't like it so much. (Joking) The bad thing about being too close with your fans is that they become so clear about what they hate. I honestly thought this trend will come back. Because you know, there's a single highlight, the tail hair. (Popular back then) I had this (Masuri) style when I was really young. *Masuri: Magic Kid Masuri, a kid's show in 2002. I consulted my hairstylist before getting this mullet cut. - It wasn't so great.... - (No) You went too far ahead.. (No) - Are you planning to do it again? - (Spoiler) I'm doing it again for this album. [(Return of the mullet)] - Do you think the fans will like it now? - (Yes yes) It will be fine. I was too.. [Went too far ahead with mullet] - Absolutely. I realized you shouldn't make the first move. - You gotta follow the trend. [BaekHyun said: It's better to follow the trend] I heard you are very involed in the styling. The face chain during 'Obsession' too. [(He proposed the use of this accessory)] Right. Even during the styling of the hair and makeup. (Curious) What do you usually refer to? Mmm, I think I try to draw an image in my head. My face line is sharp, however the features inside my face are very round, I thought a sharp accessory would match better with the face. (WOW) This is the result of delicate monitoring. And I have been working with my hair and makeup stylists for more than 10 years now. - (For real) It's so lucky to have such a team. - Yeah I mean it. (Precious) I don't want to lose them. - You wouldn't want to lose them. Let's move on to the 3-board breaking song. What song is it? [EXO - Wolf] I'm a wolf, and you are a beauty Yes I'm a wolf, I'm a wolf, Awoooo I'm a wolf, and you are a beauty I'm a wolf, and you are a beauty! 'Wolf' is a song about the love between a wolf and a human, - which couldn't be found in previous K-pop songs. - (Admits) That's right. It was so far-out and fresh that I replayed the video so many times (A shocked JaeJae from the past) to see what it was about. You guys dived deep into the theme of the song. You suddenly introduce oneself. 'Yes I'm a wolf, I'm a wolf'. Yes I'm a wolf, I'm a wolf (Lyrics) I will eat you up in at once like a piece of cheese. Ah but I'm losing strengths in my claws. 'Ah but' is part of the lyrics. (Raps fast) AhbutI'mlosingstrengthsinmyclaws. You have to express how puzzled you are about this situation going on. Ah but I'm losing strengths in my claws until I'm losing my ugh appetite. - Is 'ugh' part of the lyrics? - Yes it is x2 losing my 'ugh' (indeed part of lyrics) appetite! 'Get yourself together'. Well, there a 'Hey' in front of 'Get yourself together'. Yes, it's 'Hey get yourself together' - And you appear right on. - She's only a mouthful She's only a mouthful Come on, tell me. (Curious) How did you feel when you first saw the theme and the lyrics? (Hazy memory of that day) EXO must be successful, but with this... actually, there was a discussion in the office ['Wolf vs. 'Growl'] to decide which song should be released first. [(The secret is now revealed)] ['Wolf vs. 'Growl'] - (To the managers) You remember that right? That we voted? - For real?! (Lee Soo-Man) He said No. [Producer Lee Soo-Man: You need to show the performance aspect first] We followed his decision, and (as a result), it went well. But seriously, as you said, - The performance of 'Wolf' is imprinted in my head. - Yes x3 The choreography of the 'Tree of life' [Choreography that expresses the 'Tree of life'] (Seriously) It's an art, truly. (At the time) I was very exhausted and wondered how this will turn out. But as we came together well in the (choreography), the expression of a tree shaking gently in the wind was expressed in a really dramatic way. - Have you ever been confused? - We do get confused if we don't practice for too long. So we have to talk about which way to start from, is this right, etc.. Ok x2. I got it. We had an experience where we didn't discuss about where to start, and it made the tree split into half. [(A split-up Tree of Life] - A broken life. - Yeah. We were looking at each other like this, right? - (Whispers) "Hey what are you doing?" "What is going on?" - "It's not that way" (WTH) What are you doing.... Some people say this. The closest comparison to 'Wolf' is us falling in love with a live octopus. You see a live octopus (Head shaking) Oh I don't think I will like this person. (Concerned) Should I eat it? (Get yourself together) Ah no I can't. The inner conflict regarding this kind of situation was portrayed (through the lyrics). So now the people around them are trying to stop them. [Friend 1] [What do we do if you like raw octopus] But?!?! While you were singing 'If you're gonna say something else then go away' [If you're gonna say something else then go away] [If I need to, I'll change myself] This really is, in the history of K-POP, the most incredible storyline we've ever heard in a song, there will never be another song like that in my opinion. The content of the song was well delivered through those lyrics so (Now that I think about it), it's not that bad. But this ♬ Awoo↗oo↗oo Who did this part? All of our members did it. Awoo↗oo↗oo!! Then what about ♬ Ah I love you this one?! (Altogether) Ah I love you (At first) We just did ♬ Ah I love you! Just like that But that part needed to stand out more. [Producer at the time] [Do it more strangely!!!] This is too normal!!!!! (So) ♬ Ah I luv youu was how we did it I think. But the directing you're talking about right now you remember all of them clearly right? (Huhu) It was all our voices. Shall we move on to the second song then? The second song with 3 pine boards. [2. EXO - Growl] ♬ Everyone get away from her side ♬ Because I'm getting more ferocious now As soon as the teaser was out, all hell broke loose. [EXO hat] [EXO taken hat] [EXO the one with the taken hat] [Breath keeps] [Breath keeps stopping] [The one who sang breath keeps stopping] (Remembers) Ahahaha lol To the public, 'Ah so the one whose hat was taken is called BaekHyun.' That exact moment was imprinted in their minds. 'The one whose breath keeps stopping.' The one whose breath keeps stopping. (↑ The one whose breath keeps stopping.) As you were singing 'You walk towards me' you walk towards us right. He's a very polite guy. (↑ A very polite guy.) Also the school uniform concept was very nice. We were at the age where we could pull that off. That's right. Refreshing high-teen concept initiator 'Growl' (After this era), school uniform concepts started popping up more and more. So during this time, (Concept-wise) you were in an academy and a lot of students would write made-up scenarios. Ah I saw this before in the past. There's a place called EXO High where our EXO friends are in a high school background setting and they would make up scenarios like this (via Kakaotalk). [- Who are you?] [- Byun Baekhyun: We're the 6 people who rule EXO High?] [- Kim Minseok: It's amazing that you don't know who we are lol] (↑ Byun Baekhyun, student of EXO High) [It's amazing that you don't know who we are lol] To think that you don't know us that's amazing Kek (Getting dizzy from the Coolness) You don't know me? Baekhyun? - -^ Heheh ♥ (Regaining his Coolness) [I'm Byun Baekhyun] We are the ★Mighty 6★ of EXO High and you don't know who we are. (Snappy) You're really something huh? To think that you don't know us That's amazing? 'We are the Mighty 6 who rule EXO High' Please say this once for us. (Focused) We are the Mighty 6 who rule EXO High (Breathes) and you don't know us... that's quite amazing? (Dizzy from the appearance of the Mighty 6) Did you just transfer here? (You don't know me?) (Blazing adlib from EXO High's Byun Baekhyun) (Laughter) Did you just transfer here ? (That's not the end) And then [They must've all left right? hehe] [Nobody knows that I like Baekhyun so it should be fine right?] [I'm in the same group as Baekhyun!! Wahoo!] [...] [Let's (Kakao)talk...] [Oh? Um...] [Byun Baekhyun has left the group chat.] [Invite to the group chat] [Ah... What do I do...] [Let's just send him a text first..] They're talking to themselves this much lol (Sharp) From my perspective I think this is all done by one person. Usually in these types of scenarios, there's a female lead and a male lead right? They use a very common surname Kim and add a name to it. (Already knows) Kim female lead, Kim male lead You're Kim female lead's every single... male lead. Right now, Baekhyun. (Nods) That's right. (Male lead ratio) Almost 90% and more of the male lead parts were taken by you, without exaggeration. Do you remember? [- Why didn't you come to school today] [- I was sick so I couldn't go] [Then should I go to you?] (This is cheating) (Exploding coughs) [Laughter] (What an eventful EXO High) (Time) Hold on. The one who wrote 'Then should I go to you' and erases it afterwards (Reconfirming) is Baekhyun right? [Then should I go to you?] As I'm thinking 'Is that crossing a line..' [Then should I go to you?] while worrying about it. [Then should I go to you?] I think about it once more (Sighhhh) (Delete.. tap tap) Aaaaahhhh ↗ Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. (Defeated) Ah I don't know anymore!!!!! [Laughter] [Laughter] Ah yes, this made up scenario was really something back then. It was sweeping the nation. This type of true love story (the 10s culture back then) Oh what to do! This is too fun! The one who wrote this (Definitely) please leave a comment. Anyway, this is how EXO High was made and it was no joke that it was so huge that it stole everyone's hearts since then. Back then, our twenty-two year old ♡ Baekhyunee ♥ Gasp I was so young. Twenty-eight year old BaekHyun right here. (Realized) I lost a lot of baby fat. Ohh look at this (?) Squishy cute little thing. Squishy squishy If you suddenly do that while calling it squishy. [Squeeze] (Again) Squishy ♡ The feeling is kinda strange. If it makes you feel bad please let me know. No x3 It's okay. (No problem) Since it's just a picture. Because I know that a lot of people who are at home do that too. ♬ Step on the gas~ [Rolling] (Step on the gas~) (Main job: Genius Idol) [Subscribe & Like!] Now, let's move on to the four pine boards. What do you think will be four pine boards? [1. EXO - Overdose] ♬ Hey~~~~~~ ♬ Love is a disease ♬ Addicted ♬ Overdose (Slowly falling deeper into the song) ♬ Aye↗oh↘ ♬ I drew you in closer ♬ with everything I had singing that as your hips almost (Intense) Broke it. So during this time you were given the nickname (A very suggestive nickname at the time) 'Byun Hips' (Hi) ♬ I drew you in closer (ps) (Hi) ♬ With everything I had (ps) (Byun Hips that show great skill) At first I didn't really do it that excessively. But because I was given the nickname 'Byun Hips' Everytime I go on stage there's this kind of expectation (from the fans). [Laughter] So to not let any single moment go to waste I do it harder! And even harder! And after that since I kept doing that part harder, my neck started to hurt. My hips were fine but (I know I know) It hurts. Because the neck and hips are connected. That's right. (It hurts just thinking about it) My neck started to hurt instead. The second song for four pine boards. [2. EXO - Love Shot] [2 EXO - Love Shot] ♬ Na~ ♬ Na~ ♬ Na Na ♬ Na Na Na ♬ Na~~~ na na na na na na ♬Hooooo ♬ It's the Love Shot EXO-L, are you guys alright? (Heart) attack ♥ It's deadly. It was overloaded. (↑His pelvis) This (choreography) is from Ku-young, Baek Ku-young. [Baek Ku-young the choreographer] [Let's be obvious since you are young men now] [When the teacher played the song, students who are not a fan of EXO smiled like Yoo Hui-yeol when watching the music video...] (Let's watch the music video~) (EXO...?) (It's nice....) (Baekhyun...) [Subscribe and like] For the finale, what was the last song? [1 EXO - MAMA] ♬ Why won't we communicate? ♬ Why won't we love? ♬ (We could) change things! ♬ if you wanted! ♬ Mama~ Mama~ ♬ Careless careless ♬ Shoot anonymous anonymous ♬ Mama ♬ Mama~ You really know everything. Does it make sense that it's a debut song? Right. It was a typical SMP. (SM Music Performance) [SMP] [Abbreviation of "SM Music Performance". It features orchestra, social critical lyrics, and shouting rap. Lyricist Yoo Young-jin was the first to lead] I don't know who they are mad at. They are extremely mad. (If you look at the lyrics) At some point, we have voluntarily trapped ourselves in a smart prison. [We base our personalities from a digital world made of 0's and 1's] [Just garbage language, a desolately rolling meadow] Is it about the dark side of reckless internet usage? Yes. When I was young, I had more time (to play with my friends) or use the collect call (a reverse charge call in other areas) when there were no smartphones. 'I will be waiting for you here at what time.' Then I wait there till my friends come. I had to say within 5 seconds. I had to say within 5 seconds using the collect call. (Urgent) Hey, hey, hey (I'm Baekhyun) Pick up, pick up. x2 (Memory) Ahahaha that's true. (Hold on) Mom, it's me. x3 (I'm Baekhyun) Mom, mom Wait, wait We used to have that analog feeling. You are trapped in a digital world of 0's and 1's. Just throwing out garbage language. Yeah, some garbage language. (Then) Baekhyun will be like ♬ Though they see the end, they're still hungry. ♬ Now are you satisfied? (MAMA Baekhyun high note part) I saw this comment. [I'm still amazed by Baekhyun's 6 months of training] [MAMA is a difficult song, especially Baekhyun's parts] [He was born-to-be an idol] This is a very well-known fact, if you search up 'Genius Idol' on G**gle, Baekhyun will appear. I saw it, too. (↑The following search) 'If you just search for 'Genius Idol', he comes up. Is that what you asked for? No, no. Hahahaha I called the headquarters? Ah yes hahahaha Please make my name come out when you search 'Genius Idol'. LOL That shows how many times people mentioned Baekhyun when it comes to the keyword 'Genius Idol'. The algorithm in the digital world made of 0's and 1's. It wasn't that desolated. LOL Just beautiful. Yes, it was beautiful. There were beautiful times~ Look how cute he was. Oh my~ (Soft cheeks) Hahahahaha This is so cute. HAHAHA! EXO-L please follow me. (Soft) Oh my~ You are cute~ Try this. Anyways, you went to try out for "Applied Music" and got scouted right away, then Mr. Lee said that you'll become a main vocalist, and that you will debut in 6 months. When I joined the company, the EXO members were almost set up. I was so greedy. The members were so cool and handsome, and I wanted to join them. I wanted to join them. Yes. There was a day when Mr. Lee visited the company. And I happened to be taking lessons. (Interesting) Oh~ [Producer Lee Soo-man] [You are new here, right? Can you sing?] And I started to sing. ♬ (Baekhyun at the time) Whoa! Ahahahaha ♬ (Powerful) Whoahoa~ Hahahaha And he went out with the training team and the team leader, [Mr. Lee] [(Satisfied) You did a great job~] And then I thought I'm good now. (Amazing) Wow~! That's the classic case of success. It's said that only three chances will be given to each person. And I knew at that moment, it was my chance. That chance! (Amazing) Wow~ The day I entered the company, and the day Mr. Lee saw me taking a lesson, I knew that was the right chance. I just felt it. (Wondering) Why can't we feel it? Hahahaha Anyways, you got that chance and you got to debut. Hahahaha You got to debut~ Yes, that's right. Shall we listen to the last song? [2. EXO - Monster] ♬ I'll flip you over, break you down and swallow you up ♬ I'll steal you and indulge in you! ♬ I'm gonna mess you up (Getting too immersed) Hahahahaha (Monster) It's my favorite song. I used to sing this song all the time that other people thought I'm a monster. (Really sings it all the time) The concept was really clear. Right. It's dark, and there's explosions, flames, then the accessories and the makeup -- all of you seem injured in some way. (The members) must have rolled over. It's full of blood and wounds. (They got injured somehow) Especially on their faces. (The wounds) on their faces. LOL Strangely, it's not swollen. Hahahahaha. They got hit, but their faces are not swollen. The wounds are so pretty. It just grazed our faces. (Right) Uh~ Uh-ch~ (Example of Martial Arts ) HAHAHAHAHAHA It grazed. It grazed. (Hehe) LOL You were a spy in the music video. That's right. (When you take off the mask) there's the chain. - This is actually a NG scene. - Oh, is it? - I didn't pierce my ear. - Right you were wearing an ear cuff. So the ear cuff fell off since it got tangled with the mask. - But that itself, - Gave out a good vibe? it looked all powerful and cool, so we just used that shot. - We thought you did it on purpose. - No, I didn't. It's because I was so powerful~ - Yeah, powerful~ - I'm PowerfulByun. - (Correction) PowerfulByun! PowerfulByun! - Since I'm PowerfulByun. You also were in charge of both the beginning and the end of this song. At the very beginning, She got me gone crazy~ [(Killing Verse in the beginning of 'Monster')] You expressed the concept very well. What I realized from working quite long in SM is that, you first think about the whole scene. They don't teach you how to move like this and like that for the choreography, but 'what kind of image you got to have'. A character you need to show is this. At first it was very awkward and uncomfortable. But the choreographer tried to convince me many times, until I became like so. And during this time, he lost a lot of weight, and was 58kg. - A very fit and muscular 58kg. - You were satisfied with it, huh? Showering was so fun back then. (Unexpected charm from a Genius Idol) - (Playing Innocent) Oh come on~ - (BaekHyun at the time) Things to do today? Take a shower! - Shall I take a shower? - I'm the one and only BaekHyun. We have reviewed until the final song. - To be honest, this isn't enough, but let's just move on. - Thank you. [Comeback preview time!] [BaekHyun came back with a song called 'Bambi'] [Songs of Civilization Express] [MC of Songs of Civilization Express, JaeJae] - Introducing, BaekHyun! - Hello, I'm BaekHyun. You were impatient to give a spoiler on your new song. - It's driving me crazy! - It's driving you crazy. - Yes, I hope you are ready for this. - What song is it about? You call your loved one 'Bambi' and hoping this 'Bam bi night rain)' could make the relationship closer. [(Title of the song: Bambi)] I am now 30 years old. 30 years old... Thirty Sexy. Thirty Sexy. S.e.x.y Boy~ Thirty Sexy~ - A moist Bambi - Getting rid of micro dusts. (Then) in what situation would this song fit better? [Bonus segment: Best fit situation Q&A] - First, what time should I listen to it? -(Thinking) (Early morning) Midnight to 1~2AM? [When to listen to 'Bambi'? In between 1~2AM] Second question. Where should I listen? Somewhere you can see the entire scenery. [Where to listen to 'Bambi'? Indoor where you can see outside] Third question, who should I listen with? You lover or someone you have a crush on. [Whom to listen 'Bambi' with? Someone you have a crush on] - What should I do if I don't have a lover? - Then listen to it alone - And please sit like this. (Modest) - Okay~ Alright, fourth question. What should I be doing when I'm listening to the song? [(Contemplating)] You hold each other's hands... and softly caress them. OH MY GOSH! Softly grazing! [In what situation should I listen to 'Bambi'? When you are about to hold each other's hands] AWWWW I think I know exactly what kind of song this is. Do you have a choreography in this song as well? You hold a fedora, close your lips tight, and dance like this. Shaking like that? [(Shaking)] Please teach me. Please teach me. [Heavy] I don't remember what I put in my pocket, but this is so heavy. - (Suspicious) Do you have a warming pad inside? - It's as hot as one for sure. Move (your hips) like you are using a hula hoop. [Hula Hoop] (Choreography) Turn it around like this. Bambi Bambi Bambi. (Choreography) Bambi Bambi Bambi. Uhm.. it's a little.. is your nose okay? I'm fine. I'm fine. (Dancing together) Let's give it a shot. [(2 hips starting up)] (Choreography) Bambi Bambi Bambi. This time we have a lot of moves using the hips. This ain't a joke! This song is amazing! I really wanna let them hear it. Their reactions are great. The teaser is on fire! I get soaking wet from the rain. And I dance. [('Bambi' Releasing in March 30)] Can I hear from you how the show was? It was so fun, and JwaeJwae JwaeJwae~ I think my fans will really like this. There's actually not a lot of people to ask about the Behind the Scenes stuff. But when I'm on the show, JwaeJwae asks about *in cutesy way* every single details. Every single details You will be on the stage with 'LOVE ME LEFT' anyways. Please shout BaekHyun Card EXO Card for us. [Gold Card BaekHyun Gold Card EXO] Thirty Sexy 'Bambi'! Wish you best of luck! (Applause) Thank you~ [See you again, Genuis Idol BaekHyun~!] [Spread the new culture! Subscribe to & Like MMTG]
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Keywords: 문명특급, 스브스뉴스, 재재, SBS, 문특, mmtg, 엑소, exo, 백현, baekhyun, 으르렁, 늑대와미녀, 수호, 찬열, 카이, 디오, 세훈, 시우민, 첸, 레이, 첸백시, suho, chanyeol, kai, d.o., sehun, xiumin, chen, lay, exo-k, exo-l, exo-m, 밤비, bambi, mama, 마마, sm, 에스엠, 이수만, 변백현, 백현이씨, 천재아이돌, 스포장인, 김준면, 김민석, 도경수, 김종인, 오세훈, 카스썰, 중독, overdose, love me right, 재컴백, call me baby, love shot, 럽미라잇, 러브샷, 코코밥, 몬스터, exo-cbx, 엑소 콘서트, 밀리언셀러, candy, 유엔빌리지, un village, 큥튜브, 큥이, 앙글
Id: J_sPEzOsixE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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