I cut a hole in our wall and tried making a cat door 😬

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so due to completely unforeseeable circumstances that no reasonable person could have possibly predicted we no longer have rocks underneath our stairs this is really embarrassing it didn't last long Nagi is usually a really really good boy he's never peed outside of the litter box but he decided this was a litter box and he could not be persuaded otherwise and we gave up our garden rocks have now been relocated to underneath our air conditioners outside where they can prevent weeds and fans for the AC and provide a nice fragrance for our yard of lemon and Cat pea so the rock actually became very handy it we needed to do something it was very helpful at least at least it's being use but Nagi has decided to be extra stubborn so we also had to get these motion activated noise and spray tubes and now we can't even walk in our genon to put on our shoes without turning it off temporarily which is why our shoes are just like randomly thrown all the way over on the other side of the Gen Con instead of lined up nicely I have no one to blame but myself I can't blame cats for this I did this I did this to us Haku po don't oh also some of you guys mentioned that the Benjamin cuting will just start growing roots and I can plant a whole new Benjamin tree and it's doing great it's been here for like a month and it's totally happy so that's cool also another good news we have a TV again which was paid for by our homeowners insurance it was a a month like this can you tell that this leg is more swollen kind of this leg has always been a little bit more swollen than my left one and turns out the appropriate response to noticing one of your legs gets more swollen than the other is not to go huh and just kind of ignore it for 10 years guess what my veins are not in the right order they're like this I took a photo of the textbook is squeezed between two arteries which is not great apparently that causes like your vein valves to stop working and then you get varicose veins and swollen leg and sometimes this leg just kind of gets sore so next week I have to go to a vascular clinic and they're going to use a laser to laser shut my vein because like the valves are not working and it's making my leg weird it's covered by insurance so that's kind of cool it's going to cost like $600 which I thought sounded like a lot of money for lasering something but it turns out they have to put me to sleep so it's like an actual thing it's been a month you so many doctor appointments pokey's got he's taking more medicine for his bump again P's very healthy she had a blood test and her teeth checked her teeth are are good okay anyway let's go let's go upstairs what I want to do for this project is Bash a hole through this wall and turn it into a cat door usually at night we have these doors shut but of course that means the cats have to scratch at things to wake us up multiple times throughout the night usually me cuz I'm a very light sleeper so I want to stop that we have all of the plans for our house that I can check to see like where things are in walls and also I asked our Builder specifically and he said the only thing is that above our Outlets that's where the wires go so our house is steel frame in order to tell what's in the walls we use this which has a magnet there it'll be tight but I think I can make it work yeah look that goes straight through so there's no board there's nothing apparently I'm not supposed to bend my legs like this because it's bad for my circulation I have a level Square 20x 20 this is a bit nerve rcking but guess I have to start [Music] somewhere oh that's easy oh this is kind of fun if I just ignore the fact that I'm destroying our house that we worked really really hard for you can see the aluminum bars on the S side straight down is more aluminum so actually I can literally just vacuum that out I know what I can do I can make a 20 X2 Square out of poster board and then at a 90° angle make sure the bottom plate is level and then Trace outside the square think I could do that I made a thing to measure the square on the other side I assume this is going to be good enough he it's pretty level level enough I forgot that I have to take into account the thickness of the board that's going to go in here so I actually have to saw this 1.5 CM wider on every side which is just barely going to fit in between the two bars so oh kind of Lucky unfortunately it is time for my least favorite thing which is going outside in Japan in the summer I need to cut my boards I decided not to have them do it at the store this time because I wanted to make things extra difficult and cut out the prettiest parts of the boards so I need to do I don't know impossible fancy cuts that I definitely do not have the the skill to complete one of my dreams now is to have an air conditioned Workshop that was a terrible cut that was really really horrible and the time it took me to free cut this really horrific line June has been bitten by mosquitoes like seven or eight times so I'm going to send him inside and I will sit out here and very slowly do actual Cuts like you're supposed to it took me a lot longer than it should have because I had to keep killing mosquitoes hands are baked in blood so I ended up having to do freehand for most of them because none of my lines or Cuts were straight enough for me to be able to use a guide so I just went really slowly and I'll spend all day tomorrow standing I'm back from the doctor actually I was back from the doctor yesterday but I was kind of loopy and sore and I just rested a bunch so today I'm back to work I had my vein lasered everything worked out according to plan it stopped my reverse blood flow and now I'm just a little bit sore and I have to wear this for 2 to 3 weeks but then all should be good my next step will be making my box I'm all set up here in my little corner got all my tools cool all nice and I feel I feel very cozy right [Music] here this is the side that'll be shown in the bedroom and this is going to be the door I'm only doing one door on the bedroom side first question is do you think it should go this way or this way based on the pattern oh the pattern yeah well this is what we'll see in the corner of our bedroom show that way I have once again dawned all of my outdoor power tool gear people on the internet always look so pretty and everything goes so well when they do this stuff and here I have to have a hazmat suit on and cooling things so I don't overheat I just washed this but it still smells like sweat real life is not what it looks like on the internet you guys these are the not super great angles that I hands some but then I figured out I can clamp them to this tool and then hand sand them and get them way better hopefully this will fit through here oh no it's not going to dang it I was so excited for this moment a shoot a little later let's try this again that looks pretty level good job I'd say I did an okay job get this in here J So eventually it's going to look kind of like this we will have a door here that swings open how's it look I can only imagine cats pushing there pushing the door by sticking their faces in [Music] oh the Moment of Truth June it's the most important part of the project will it catch on the sides or is it going to work I hear it catching I think on the top a little bit oh no ah okay I need to cut more off the side just a little bit other than that it'll work it's just a little I just need to cut off a little bit yeah yay it's so cool I'm so happy I made a thing I'm proud of you honey I'm just going to sand them down and get them even before I put some filler in time to make some filler matching the color of the frame maybe that was too much glue this is probably the worst corner I'm sealing this the outside has been roughly sealed and the inside has been roughly sanded so I think I can finally stick this in the wall truth so smooth there we go I'll be right back no no no no no no no no it's not in the wall this is so fun oh my God dick oh my God I made a cat door oops I mean I still need to put the frame on the other side and I think I'm going to seal this with like a layer or two as well [Music] hi poy so poy finally went back to the vet again and now he's on allergy meds which is helping his bump get a little bit smaller I wanted to see if we could do allergy shots for Pokey since we know the types of things he's allergic to now and guess what Japan doesn't do allergy shots for cats at all just not at all so that's not even an option here apparently they have like very limited allergy shots for dogs like one type of dust smite poor little cats like Pokey look at this do you want your cat to end up like this also we have new mics people have been asking us for a little while now if we might look into getting better mics this is the type of audio equipment we had been using until now I hate it I cannot tell you how much I hate it it's look at this look at this it's just gigantic if we wanted a lav mic each one had to have two of these things and and like no matter where I put the lav mic on my body it never worked right it was always muffled and quiet I hated it so much it it the it flam Flames flames on the side of my face every time we recorded something with them and then got home and then I was trying to edit the video I was like I can't use half of this like the audio is so horrible I got so frustrated with using all of our old mic stuff that for a while I just stopped using mics entirely because they're so annoying but now they have these just like tiny look yeah yeah copy over I know they're gigantic and everything had to have like cables this is not sponsored this part I'm just really excited about this and like since people have been asking us was listening I got something hopefully the audio on this video is a little bit better better than anything I ever got from all this stupid expensive complicated stuff anyway thank you to sakuro for sponsoring today's video sakuro is a monthly Japanese snackbox subscription every month they provide 20 authentic and Artisan Japanese snack items including one table wear item and tea this month's theme is kyto's Crimson leaves this season in Japan is called coyo when the leaves change color it's a huge deal here it looks better than this picture actually in real life yeah it's that Vivid there are a lot of places that do light up at night I've said this so many times on our channels this month's box is in partnership with kto so kto is an amazing spot for coo gon is a district in F where sometimes you can see Michael walking around Michael sign you see during the day is probably tourista we've uh eaten at a fancy restaurant there once it was only because we didn't have to pay for it soone we were invited yes got cheap the table wear oh what it's a whole Bowl the table wear this month is huge so this month's tea isona I have to let it seep for 1 minute they also highlight snack makers that they work with every month this is from seisa the first factory that June went to visit I still love all of their stuff I'm so glad we still get them oo I don't think I've ever had hicha like this I think I like this so much because this does have an Umami flavor right June here try tell me they always tell me it tastes like SBE sorry it's really hot does this one have a stronger Umami taste to you am I making it up I don't trust my taste as much as Jun I have nothing to compare to so I don't know but it tastes good I like it I think this has a stronger mommy flavor than normal H chop but what do I know nothing so okay I want this Yuzu daki white chocolate banana I want to eat all of these right now this is doraki it looks like two two pancakes with a white bean paste flavored white bean paste inside this one is Yuzu which is a Japanese Citrus of course it's delicious Japan has a lot of citrus fruits and I like them in moderation with other things this one is amazing they also have white chocolate fruits banana oh my God m wow this is very similar to the white chocolate strawberry they had last month June tried making this on his Vlog Channel if you want to go watch that it was I liked both for different reasons I'm very excited about this box there's so much in here that's super delicious if you're interested in trying sakur Co you can use our code and Link in the description box for $5 off off your first box it's not done but we're at a spot where the cats contest it and I really want to see I can't wait so kitties I'm so bad at Whistling June I need you to whistle for me oh he discovered it J hi Nuggie oh boy got to push there you go Pokey come here come here Pokey come here come here good boy hi Pokey Po's good he's food motivated [Music] [Music] enough Pokey understand s yep clearly the other two kitties Haku [Music] naggi I'm going to go on the other side [Music] H oh oh I mean that's one way June take them farther come on one more step I'm going to have to do something else it's because he tried to reach the food yeah they can get caught in it this way so I need to reconceive the door part of this design obviously any risk toward our cats is UN acceptable if they stick something in and then pull it back they could get stuck there was their head they could like strangle themselves that's super scary also if they Let It Slam on their tail it seems like that could hurt so I think I'm going to try to like cut my board into slots and then connect them so that it becomes somewhat flexible so I to go off to the side crap my board broke I guess since it's already broken I can go ahead and just pull this out I think I can fix it just use some wood glue but for now I need to oh no that's not even whatever for now I need to go cut the rest of these pieces a few minutes later this wood was not meant to be cut in thin slices in this direction I need to do something else I'm about 65% stop everything and cry for a while and 30 5% figure out what else I can do get those so this is where we're ending our project for now I think this is a broken escalator situation where it's not what I wanted but it still works for the base function of what it's supposed to be the cats can still go in and out of our bedroom so it's not a complete failure it's just not what I intended I'll take some time to brainstorm and see if I can come up with uh another type of door I guess we started this video with a little failure and ended it with a little failure so this video is a failure sandwich but you know what I always have failures with all of my projects most of them I'm able to figure out at some point while I'm working on it so I can still complete the project this time maybe it's just going to take a little bit more time but I will come up with something still think it's kind of cool that I made a a cat tunnel through our wall it's pretty cool and it looks really nice without a door too and you already come up with some ideas for the door okay our cats haven't been allowed upstairs in like 3 weeks they're so excited to be back on the carpet again anyway thank you for watching okay bye n's purring can you hear him why are you so happy Bud he's he's so cute Haku is laying right on the other side of this door I don't know why they're all so happy to be here in this one spot but it works out well
Channel: Rachel & Jun's Adventures!
Views: 370,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan, japanese, rachel, jun, rachel and jun, rachel & jun, vlog, blog, daily, life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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