Power outage in Texas

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all right here we go 8 o'clock the next morning holy fudge nuggets oh my gosh wow this is insane cora what do you think oh she she doesn't like it she's just got to go fast baby go fast man it was blowing because it's all over the cushions and stuff too it's all over the porch this is nuts wow oh it's cold you can hear his little feet cracking up he doesn't know what is it bubba is there snow he's never seen it before uh uh breaking the snow barrier there what is it gentlemen you got cold feet look at his foot johnny what is it what is that cold stuff right now it's 14 degrees fahrenheit 14. let's see what it looks like out front very eager to see this oh my gosh wow wow oh my gosh i'm going to put on some shoes so i can come out and play with this is insane look at this i don't believe i'm in houston right now this is insane and it's still snowing guys that is snow coming down look at this johnny you're getting snowed around by guys that wind is brutal too gosh that's cold so it's 14 degrees with a windchill of four oh i'm sorry we're negative four so yeah it's cold look at him he's just he's such an outdoors dog he's like i got this now that i know what this is i got this so i made my little palette look at my baby stay hey so i made my little palette in front of the fire and i'm going to be working on some videos cory and i are staying inside because we're smart right until until lunchtime that mommy's gonna put on warm stuff cool like a snowman don't think she's being adorable for me she's watching i played beautiful girl are you sweet baby come on bob it's cold out there look at you covered in snow covered in snow you gonna get by get by the fire and get warm come sit by the fire and get warm yeah what you doing oh my gosh i'm gonna go put on a really warm fuzzy disneyland spirit jersey in a little bit i'll put mascara on just so i don't scare you guys but it has been great just being in my rope and my bj's and we don't have anywhere to go was that you really jon is watching he likes to hold my hand what's she doing give me shakes well these are pitiful doggies right now what do you guys want i just fed you i just fed you yes i did yes i did look at you're so handsome corey my pretty girl cory you want to hang out with mama hmm you want to hang out with mama by the fireplace somebody's got static cora [Laughter] oh this is entertaining this is my current situation johnny is checking out the outside because i've got a perfect beautiful view of the backyard yes i said your name cora is under the blanket right here with me laying on a blanket in front of the fireplace [Music] things to do on a snowy icy you can't go anywhere a day you're all cozy on a blow up mattress yes yes we did so we could see the beautiful snow outside and sit by our fire comfortably because the blanket on the floor i mean was nice but my tushie was going to sleep [Music] good days okay it's one o'clock actually 107. and we've been looking at this beautiful snow long enough and it's it's still like 15 16 degrees but the sun is out so we're worried that the snow is gonna get like so we're gonna go try to build a snowman wishes look come with us let's see how this goes let's have a sudden stops adventure yeah i need gloves that's cool okay here we go puppies you're going to stay inside oh crud doodle i need sunglasses it's going to be snow blindness got my cute little ponytail hanging out snow is going to blimey so i put on my sunglasses let's go do this what's the friends whoa it's cold look at you've already got a ball started so where do you want to put him probably under the tree yeah i think we can get a bigger ball though so we can get all we can use all this snow and all this snow it's already getting pretty slushy which means we don't have much time okay let's do this let's set up our time lapse all right we've been working hard yeah that's what we did to our driveway we wanted our front yard to stay more intact look how cute jess is oh look here little snowman now we're making his snow lady getting her head all set i'll show you what she looks like when she's done look how good we're good snowflake it's no people makers just to make sure jeff's really good hat doesn't get ruined we're taking it inside just giving him some ice jeff snowman jana snowman the little baby sun is up here yeah you're good okay yeah and the dismount this is the fun part yeah hey that's a good one like my snow angel's wearing shorts it has a belly button there you go wiggle your head in there you go oh yours is good there you go yours looks like a big smiley face yeah that is our snowmaking day hope you guys enjoyed it we're sure enjoying the snow well at least i am jeff grew up in this so it's no biggie to him okay this just doesn't happen in texas i know for you guys up north you're like yeah whatever okay but this does not happen in houston just saying last time this happened it was like a little over 10 years ago i think and it still wasn't like this much this is very exciting uh merry christmas in february if you are without power right now lots of people without power still like all look at night puppies well this doesn't look like a postcard from hallmark okay well we just lost power we were watching uh day after tomorrow which is that's in my book a very appropriate book a movie to watch right now and it was getting to a good part and we lost power we've been out of power for about a half hour now uh cora and johnny keep insisting on going outside to go potty but when we put them out there they come right back inside we're hungry oh yeah so we've got all of our produce and anything that's gonna go bad outside in an ice chest since it's how cold honey probably about 14 degrees 14 degrees plus wind chill negative four winds negative four wind chill thank goodness we have a gas stove sticking my by candlelight just making sausage which i think that's the bubbles part and then making cabbage which is the squeak part i guess they call that sweet because when our power is still out going on two hours now so we'll see if it lasts all night or not but we're comfortable we're not cold at all so we're good jeff is eating by the light of his headlamp and candlelight we are pretty toasty we're good we're not cold i can feel a little chill but we're fine got the rest of our squeak done bubble and squeak is delicious [Music] jeff me and i had no pie pieces and jeff had all of them and he's in such a good mood about it so we actually blew up the air mattress in the front room right next to the fire so we gonna be alright i hope everyone else is good and staying warm and hopefully this will be behind us soon
Channel: Sutton Stops
Views: 9,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Texas, Power outage, Winter storm, Cold, Freeze, Freezing, No power, Snow, Ice, Icy, Bad roads, Snowman, Snowwoman, Snow people, Making, Snow angel
Id: IIwyWn0C_ME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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