OUR 100 DAY RUN STARTS NOW! | Project Zomboid

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our first run in Project zomboid could have gone better we learned a little true screwed up a lot definitely but in the end we paid the ultimate price with our lives luckily for you guys learning is half the battle the other half is picking yourself up and jumping right back in and that's exactly what we're doing spawning in a new location with what we learned from our last run we are determined to make it through we had a great start I thought everything was going to plan but anytime squirrels involved the plan is always subject to change even with my suggestions me trying my best to help squirrel learn he cannot help but screw it up despite that fact we managed to work out a plan we thought we found a good place for a base we decided it was a little too far away so we regrouped came up with a better course of action and now we have our sight set on a final home join us as we blaze a trail through these zombie infested streets we bash the skulls in of people we once called friends and we see if we can finally survive project zomboid welcome back squirrel we're back welcome back I SM Us in with a little bit of what I call starter kit I appreciate that I've got I like start what's in my bag I got a little baseball bat I already got that in my hand both hands wi also I spawned in a bar ooh grab some alcohol while you're in there ooh yes I'm grabing some food while I'm in here TV tortilla tip chips I like tortilla tips I like tortilla tips I got some darts some bur S I think I started underweight oh no I should eat I'm going need to eat I thought inside a damn mansion by the way cigarettes 100 cigarettes yes I got smoker that's amazing okay addiction will be handled listen I'm we're going to be able to throw a keger I got a gun case I'm getting bored [ __ ] I just got here damn cartoons my dude literally getting bored I got a I got so much alcohol my inventory is full of alcohol I got a nice rifle what while you're over there being an alcoholic and cigarettes and everything I got a gun I'm ready to survive and I got a lighter score you're [ __ ] okay you were [ __ ] Terri wait a minute how do I smoke a cigarette don't smoke a cigarette tudes you got to stop ah oh man that was itoo was it was it worth it it was it was worth it question is you got to stop Oho the cat is going to kill you that was a marbo red oh I was inside a huge house that was beautiful all right squ I like this new community we spawned in yeah spawned Us in uh river river side or Riv side I believe my assumption is just beside a river my first zombie my first three ZB he has a screwdriver in his back by first four zombies it's all right I need you to be careful I have an outline around him now it's beautiful love the outline SC I found a car already good I'm coming to find you I killed all my zombies I'm feeling I got a map of bville oh my God squir nothing up here is I have no idea where you could possibly be uh you ever see dead zombies in the middle of the tree that's on me you're so you're in like a neighborhood yeah yeah I'm going to try finding a main road [Music] baby I look awesome by the way with my backpack that me so it has a cat on it oh it's a little dog raccoon thing are you on white streets or black streets uh the street is black but it has a sidewalk okay oh my God driving without Sunday driver dude I'm [ __ ] fly you care I found a police station already squirrel what I want to find a police station don't worry about me squirrel just going to turn this off real quick you're going to go l no I already got a gun it doesn't matter I'll look for are you here to follow complaint [ __ ] there we go now the goddamn police station the [ __ ] yeah yeah but hello sir you got an axxe on your shoulder let me ask you a [ __ ] question the hell back the hell back I got a car I'm looking for you hey we're looking safe over here I know no you can't handle a police station by yourself I already know it were your streets white or black they were they were black streets black squirrel I almost got bit were you in a liquor store I think so no I was in a bar I was in a bar I found a whole shopping center oh the police shoes are good I'm wearing these thanks for the shoes [ __ ] black for the Underpants there you go those are your favorite all right squirrel I've be I've been deputized nice yep you're all suited up now [ __ ] I can't get in the evidence room I got to find a key found a furniture store I feel like I'm on the main road now I have no idea how to tell you to get where I am either cuz I don't even know where I'm at just know that there's a weird it's a police station and uh there's some Dead zombies out front I found the white roads keep going down this road I found the mail usually police is XML by the way this police station is so small oh this is the only can I beat this door down with a baseball bat probably not right imagine living in a hotel I am in the small town town right now I know this police station has to be somewhere in here is there a back door is it's locked oh no it wasn't well wait a minute you hear a car out front no I hear zombies [ __ ] squeaking on my windows [ __ ] damn I got I find you fast oh my God there's three zombies outside listen here you sons of [ __ ] off me [ __ ] I was really hoping that was going to be police station [ __ ] hey officer [ __ ] off me oh [ __ ] I might have got bit woo you didn't get bit I did not if you would have got bit already that would have been embarrassing might got a key on them holster where that nice got a revolver attach to holster I put a gun in my holster nice oh that's awesome attach this to my belt left I found a dead zombie do you hear a car now um no this is a huge jail if it is a jail it looks like a School actually I'm at a police station which is right across the street from a uh a gas station uh yeah I went into a school that's not good I'm trying to say there're zombie kids there's no dude we could live in this school there's not one zombie in here yeah but think about all the windows we'd have to yeah yeah you're right they pretty sick dude I can zoom out so far this is sick little 200% zoom out wow yeah that is nice I'm robbing a convenience store also a giant fence around the back of the school I'm getting a lifetime supply of cigarettes no good for you oh yeah that's right I'm supposed to eat I'm eating everything in this convenience store s if you see me I'm just be in here [ __ ] munching down eating meat sticks jelly beans hoos now I'm robbing a new car is what I'm doing you found a car lot I found a couple options another Dead zombie how big is your road is it just a single Lane is it dual it's got a yellow line going down it okay so I'm in the wrong place for sure it's an ambulance that I should L I'm going to lot the ambulance I got it I almost didn't it's going to be worth it I ate so much I can't eat it's red yeah also I'm carrying way too much way too much alcohol how do I investigate a trunk you look at it like it's on the ground oh and then you got to open it first yeah open it and it'll say bandages bottle of disinfectant a tote bag wait a minute squir I found a annotated map I found three trauma bags that will it you put them on oh my God I found a map that showed where I was in the city oh no no where they are who is careful oh this is I found a whole map of this hang on there's no shot hang on I look at my map now I just oh my God my map just cleared out the entire city I can see the whole city now what yeah I found a map at the gas station no I can't see you you sack of [ __ ] Edie must have some guns hidden here [ __ ] take him take over to town if he wasn't sick oo so now I don't know where some guns are how what you just read a note yeah I'm in a I'm in the um the gas station feel like I'm driving away from town I'm in like the bad part of town I think I know I'm in the top left of the town I'm about to eat some mayonnaise I uh I've left the town I was when you said manise I was just thinking man and then a and you got so distracted that you crashed yes into a tree hey there a g wait I hear something this is a gas station hello I hear a car oh no I heard you crash no I didn't crash that wasn't me squirrel are you in here my Taxi's arrived do you like my outfit and I turn the car off [ __ ] I'm sorry I'm sorry there was plenty of [ __ ] cat in my goddamn car squirel welcome what's up buddy listen I got you I got you some gifts you want some gifts you know you're looking a little skinny here you got me a holster maybe oh some red wine if you like that I'll grab all four of them I guess I'll carry all the way huh uh-huh that's all you get really I'm I'm not even going to grab here no no look at that there you go look at those sneakers if you want them and then how do I read the read map you'll see what I'm just talking about oh we're here no but it's it's we're here now that's where they went I thought that's where we were too but it's not oh but it opened up the whole map for you it's a nice town oh I bet if I find a pin in here you can Mark things it'll let me Mark like he'll copy over the annotations to his map you would think anyway my rifle in here I I didn't realize how heavy I was I'm probably damaged over here I was fat I'm loading up with cigarettes and stuff hold on I'm going to drop three of these medical bags on the ground maybe you wanted to grab some meds out of them did you look at what's in them what did I just hear hopefully not a zombie I thought I had three guess I only had one I hear radio ball I'm going to grab the bottle of disinfectants going to grab the painkillers wipes all right there we go oh all this food in here I'm eating candy are you still drinking I'm EA godamn eating some gummy bears I haven't eaten anything yet let me get let me get full this is a good this is a good breakfast lunch and dinner gummy bears jelly beans chocolate I'm going to skip the jelly beans I think I'm just going to get really fat I think right now get all these chips I'm stuffed all right I think I'm good I'm a little stuffed over here I am a burrit there's burritos in these fridges over here I know what burritos I'm too full to eat yet I'm going to drink this milk though you're too full of to drink where do you see a burrito did you pick it up no it's in this one oh I see it Fresh Burrito too I'm eating that do my guy he's eating so much food he's not look a skiny no more you are too full to eat we need to find a home yeah we need to find somewhere to sleep for the night it doesn't have to be a base but no yeah even though we can't sleep there's a police station over here I couldn't get in the Armory why not cuz it was locked remember last time we found a random key on the [ __ ] no keys on them no this was the only cop in here the other one was out patrolling still I guess yeah there's a pin on this deck pin on this deck pin on this desk B on this desk B on this desk this is hey do you still have those hey do you have those annotated maps still uh no you dropped them yeah okay I was going to read them again and see if my dude transferred over the markings I just dropped the Louisville m if you wanted it Where'd you drop him in the store no where was I right outside the store I believe I think over by this might be here yeah yeah think that is okay I'm going read Ed he must have hidden some guns here that is really nice that outlines the whole map now now let me see did it did he mark it no [ __ ] all right it's the third house okay third house this [Music] road curved Road in the third house okay so it's I'm guessing this curved Road curved road to third house it's right here let me Mark this um gun oh this so sick I drew I drew a little gun on there would you probably can't see but I can let me actually see if I can see no I cannot oh yeah okay lead the way if you want to drive there I think I took everything important um H I still weigh a lot right a gas station so I need to okay remember this okay right turn right turn left turn I'll remember you have full faith in me so my first right my first right my first left he right turn left turn right turn no God damn it really just don't remember anything squirrel just shut the hell up right turn right turn left turn yes [ __ ] out the way that's what I yeah get the [ __ ] out the way now it's the third house on the right got it one house two oh my god there a lot of zombies squirrel we're fine I got base this tiny ass house up here yep see how many of these hang on before you run in see how many of these zombies are coming I'm coming oh nice hit this kind of looks like you [ __ ] this guy somebody in green who's coming up behind us someone in red this lady wants wants a little kiss bad like that [ __ ] huh like that we're kind of pros at this game now okay give us the guns I love our backpacks by the way we look so cool TV this house TV oh look they're hidden in the floor oh yeah I'm watching the TV okay I'm putting this [ __ ] in my backpack oh there's a pistol yeah you got that right now that yeah you didn't grab okay there you go look there's pistols under the sink you can carry you can grab all that look at all that tuna I can't hold it all dude I'm pistol in here too there's I'm out of room without the pistols dude zombies on the way just say you up I'm going outside I'm going to go hold them off hey hey you knocking on our window it was a tough one by the way here we go I got my watch by the way now but on there we go 1940 I need to watch this dude had 9 mm rounds on him okay damn that might that must have been the guy that lived here yeah yep black digital watch there we go we're on left wrist yeah you got more info than me now oh look look I'm moist I'm going to try this for the first time dish towel let's see a moist boy dry self ah I'm dry I didn't even get to see you dry yourself off but I can imagine you're nice and dry now I'm not moist at all but I'm pretty I'm wearing a nice loose outfit oh there's a lot of zombies there I'm not very covered you're not you want to take this F these outlines yeah [ __ ] oh I felt like I was about to get bit by the way remember if they get close you can hit space push them away like if you miss your swing that was a good C watch out to your right [ __ ] I hate your stupid haircut I here somebody in this house they need help I just stand they just help themselves oh birthday boys it's a birthday party happy birthday to you all right who's next it is a birthday party look how many are in there we got to free the birthday party squirrel did you open that yes knap somebody brought a gun to the birthday party I know it h to the [ __ ] window all right let's see which whose birthday was C cake fresh M eat all oh he had it it was worth it this is I could have ate only half of it and Shar get out way see of these [ __ ] got ground I see them all over the ground there's one right there one right here look inside on the corners the my God squirrel we got invited to the birthday party yeah they got a lot they got food all in the back too oh I'm moist again I'm moist hang on a second oh you're a moist boy oh no I dropped it now it's bloody a fanny pack where on front I going to look so cool you got a fanny pack you see my fanny I how much does it hold um one one felt worth it though in the time I'm going take a vitamin I'm not going to lie after being here for a little bit it's party [ __ ] blue you don't like it anymore yeah no wonder why it was dead look how dead it was here hang I'm doing a cross word right quick ah there we go what the time that be doing a cross puzzle it's always time to be doing a [ __ ] cross word puzzle kidding me true you're right you're right H my bat's a little dirty I'm going wash it off ah I like the blood on my bat it makes me look cool intimidates the zombies I heard I'm putting all my medical stuff in my fanny pack by the way oh it's full okay I'm going to have a beer right quick you alcoholic did you smoke your cigarettes already too yeah I smoked one earlier today I only need one a day are we going back to the car are we going to the next house over um but whatever whatever whatever you want to do I wouldn't mind trying to find a base and start our neat storage well I don't want to do it here no that's why the car would be the right option yeah but we can still loot remember we can squir I didn't I didn't push them it just choke don't swing at me hey [ __ ] purple it does it's satisfying it is especially when you got two people yeah we can load the trunk up too by the way yeah but I don't know if we want that taxi to be we need to find a better car than the taxi we're going to load a trunk we need a truck or something but we can do it for now cuz I'm already full I'm going to load it up I zoomed out to see if there's any garage doors that may have a truck nearby but didn't see them take out whatever's back there it's just a tire pump we might might need it did I just shut the Chunk on you you did Apologize putting all everything in my backpack I'm putting over there I'm going to put the I'm not using the pistols or anything right now yeah wow I take forever to put a pistol in the trunk I got Nimble so it's actually pretty quick it's taking me forever I had three pistols I have a rifle on me is there a milk base in this game where we get like military bat backs uh probably sitick I can loot now okay oh I'm feeling light look how F I'm running so damn fast now zoom in did you already loot this house or no uh no I don't think so the door's open so maybe a zombie came out oh there's zom sleeping back here hey buddy oops he missed work oops I hear a lot of ass whooping going on back there whoops he's he's a dead a satchel that's not going to be y there's all kinds of dish towels in here if you need to dry your little you know what I've never been wet yet I'm not a wet man like you I think it's cuz I'm sweating so I'm wearing this jacket mhm I I my arms are showing which is dangerous if you think I'm eating in here you are you'd be correct I'm going to eat some crack while while I'm at it too I'm eating the fresh food stuff that can go bad I would like to oh Auto drinks water that's right d play me a show or something I'm bored I'm going to go pull the car just forward in this town so we don't need to run all the way back for it we are way better at turning some zombies turning some zombie killing some zombies fill in my Waters good you looted the rest of this place I believe so it's small okay I'm leaving the best of squirrel could just going to pull this to the corner up here yeah you you hit the left side of the road I'll hit the right side all right you got two houses I got one I think my houses are big on this side yeah this house is pretty big me make sure a no zombies ah home run the front door the front door is locked I don't like that you climb through a window I am but someone is in here banging or someone's having sex one of the two maybe maybe I should have Disturbed honey I'm home he's outside he's outside oh yeah whoever's in here moved out there's nothing in this just got no no you didn't I may have oh no I'm bleeding cartoons I'm checking just scratched you need to antiseptic I got to fast but I got to close these doors there's another zombie let me just go into this room I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming where's the zombie right uh I think he's outside uh my fanny pack has it uh dis affect Band-Aid one on quick quick quick Qui quick quick quick where'd he go where'd he go where'd he go kill the zombie bandage left forearm I'm here okay I sterilize all right all right bandage and sterilize yeah yeah with a with a bandage not a rag either high quality stuff I brought you got peanut butter you know you get scratched a little bit and you got to consume some peanut butter see as soon as we split up for one second you get bit one cuz open up the back door to kill that thing and my guy was facing the wrong way I panicked I swung and then he bit it was my fault of course uh I'm just going to eat till I can't eat again these are all caned foods and I don't even have a can opener yet or a screwdriver there's a can opener but I don't even need it actually I'll take it I'll take it I'm eating a cabbage it was delicious taste any other in there I am stuck G I leave the milk yeah you can have it how long is this a pooc going on for that milk is still my favorite thing is that you got the taxi up here still running [ __ ] I know I do as soon as you said it pisses me off did you turn it off yeah no oh you're in it I'm a little scared to split up now with no good armor on I was super scared when that zombie got to me I'm a little moist again I'm a moist boy you are all right this house is all broken I'm going to avoid that one that one feels not safe at all I went through there one I said was empty I'm not moist now is any time I exert myself after we fight and stuff oh I'm moist again already I'm going to go to this house you go to this house oh it's loed somebody just locked well you know people usually lick this one wasn't yeah too bad I'm jumping through your [ __ ] windows I found trapping volume 1 and two oh nice metal work in volume one oh we're taking that I'm going to start reading right now CU can I read my TV's on my TV's on there's a there's a show playing there's a I'm going to read and watch the show oh no no no it's not a show it's radio it's radio mine's about pancakes mine's a cooking show cooking show show all right you watched that I'm going to read remember I got read turned up fast yeah I'm also reading while watching I'm watching my skills go up um actually looks like nothing's going up on the TV show I wonder if you can't read and watch TV at the same time you can it just you got to make sure it's on the right channel I don't know how to make sure now he's talking about some other [ __ ] and now he's talking about politics I'm getting at this show sucks [ __ ] is so much more interesting if I start looting in a [ __ ] zombies in one of these rooms while I'm reading I think you can swing out of your book okay you can't loot out of your book I don't really need anything I'll just you search yes it's really cool being able to walk and read yeah cuz otherwise this time is spent is wasted wish I knew how many calories these things were is this thing on the tabley as I expected no gun in the kitchen I'm going to go oh [ __ ] going back in the h no I'm coming to your house why what's going on maybe just a couple zombies I just want to finish my book it's almost done I just can't stop reading this book it's so goddamn good I've at the best part oh I forgot your door's locked I'm going around the other side maybe the back door is unlocked whoa why was it so dark right there I'm done reading you read already the whole book yeah I could I could start reading volume two skill level too low I can't stop reading it's only an XP boost I get what is it yeah it's an XP boost that lasts that whole bubble like your whole first bubble oh I'm never going to do any trapping I'm never going to be able to read can I play the piano squirel I see what you're talking about with this book this is amazing right it's riveting it's a good ass book hey go out there and beat his ass beat his ass right here the back door too they at the back door I'm coming okay I'm a scared here think up doors are so scary it's intimidating it's a real page turner oh son of a bit this is why you don't break Windows this is why you don't break the windows yeah they come in and you can't even hear them she was sneaky about it did you finish your book or did you just have to cancel your read I finished it why have this watch on I did I wish when you finish the book it just deleted out of your [ __ ] yes it's on the ground if you want it it's metal working no no I'll let you be the metal worker this house I lo did I yeah I was reading while looting it's nothing in important we are experienced one of us has to go back and gra that goddamn what the [ __ ] dude that jump scared the [ __ ] out of me I pulled out my [ __ ] flashlight I would have I pulled out a flashlight that's that scared I go uh how do I dude that God damn that got me why did it do that look me swing got me a little lie headed now you're coming now you're coming through with your [ __ ] over your shoulder holy [ __ ] I'm reading a comic book right quick okay oh that was sick it's the newest episode of Hellboy trapping volume one wow like I just read that I'm eating a cabbage again okay yeah anything in their fridge for me mhm I'm also going to f all right yeah you left me [ __ ] sodas thanks do you drink sodas I don't yeah but I wanted some food cartoons I want I wanted some cabbage some raw cabbage can we walk and drink squirrel why do I bet you've never eaten cabbage in your [ __ ] life I hate cabbage yeah that's what I thought um I'm also I'm going to no I'm not going to wash myself because I'm going to get wet I don't want to be moist like you yeah you do don't I'm going to go grab the taxi while we're doing this okay I'm reading toring fast by the way this character is way better than our other characters yeah your other one was a piece of [ __ ] yeah the random one that got created yeah we okay I dude I looting and reading a book at the same time is the best [ __ ] in the world well not looting but like searching I've had a lot of good shits guess what I'm not going to do forget to turn off the car I'm going to go pull it up to the next Corner watch this this guy's thinking he's sneaking up on me while I'm reading over [ __ ] [ __ ] ran over a cop sorry officer never mind he's just neighborhood watch don't worry about it ooh there's ambulance there's a dead zombie here so I'm thinking you already looted this that may have been the one that I found there's a trauma bag here if it's on the ground then it's probably really the one I found all these doors are open in these houses is this the houses we just looted am I an idiot yes you're an idiot reduces Panic I'm about to eat some of this hurry up we go all right [ __ ] I woke on Wheels wait what I woke on rolls I walk rolls those the taxi service where are you squ are you [ __ ] zoom out [ __ ] if you can't see me you're clearly an idiot like how far zoomed in were [Laughter] you zom behind me are we still looted right yeah we might as well loot throughout the night the car a little further then just a little bit further I'm going to come backwards we can loot through the night and then in the morning we can figure out we're a good base you know you can talk to your chat I I got out of the car without turning that [ __ ] off I had to turn myself around and go turn it off that would have been embarrassing what's what's the best base location in Riverside not you chat get to it yeah I know ah squirel you want to watch a movie yes what movie It's called The Janitor ooh what are we got learn I don't know I found a I found a VH VHS tape how do I put it in how do I put it in hang on VHS the janitor I'll just bend over oh there we go I click play yeah we taken down armed terrorist God damn some janitor you defuse a nuclear warhead holy [ __ ] and now you've called the president a jackass my B went down yeah this is good oh yeah might as well read oh [ __ ] I can't read there's nothing for me to read ah get down that Cake's going to blow I was lucky I was here to clean up this mess what a show this is should be animated the janitor quality film quality I can see re playing him mhm s there's a CD in here if you can find a radio you love me too excuse me what I picked out my favorite song for us so listen to when we find one stop eating the fresh food you can't I'm reading the book shter [ __ ] yeah that's right that's right this uncooked Patty eating I'm kidding I didn't eat hey cheese you're never going to [ __ ] ah finish my book I look a little bloody I got to wash myself I think now I'm looking at this fast reading [ __ ] is amazing it is way better quality of life change for sure it's a bathroom going straight to the fridge got a first a some crops get the [ __ ] out of my fridge okay I left you the rest of the I ate one thing oh my God there's a fresh cooked pork chop in the stove what yeah you can have the fridge all day woo they cooked din it before leaving I appreciate that that is [ __ ] up I'm not on the bone at this point oh guess what I'm eating chocolate and marshmallows I'm making a [ __ ] s'more over here damn I that I'm a little jealous of I love s'mores how do I look at how much my dude weighs 71 see how much I weigh let's see if I weigh more 80 I think yeah why is the zero so tiny so I weigh more than you still you did come in underway did I also come in underway I forget I heard there's a factory in town there's a [ __ ] sleeping on the floor in your Gans I know she's not dead it won't let me hit her if she wakes up at some point I'm going to be pissed SC I'm doing some push-ups I'm getting fat I got to do some push-ups damn you're really getting to work on those push-ups yep just right in the kitchen you know sometimes you just got to do it do it when you can I'm too full to eat any more food what my only food I kind of can't wait for us to get a whole bunch of guns and just go out spraying zombies y where's my [ __ ] backpack you dropped your backpack when I was doing push-ups I guess I took it off he didn't want to use the people didn't want to do weighted push-ups oh I got a cool new shirt should I put on a jacket to protect my arms I think I'm going to I got to start protecting the arms a little bit SC did you kill this [ __ ] in here no she she was sleeping when I got in there I promise she actually was so you already loaded the next door house uh yes there's food in the fridge that you can eat I was to stuff to eat I don't need to eat anymore I'm like I've got over overweight now good what is this guy what is this who that was Scarecrow my weapon out he was it broke it broke oh God run I [ __ ] took off did you see how fast I just ran I need a new weapon I I haven't picked up any I'm going to drop this broken baseball bat there's a blue building over here I'm going to go [ __ ] there not going to any weap did we put any weapons in the back of the truck no [ __ ] guns that's it yeah I don't want that I'm going to check this house there's no zombies baseball bat o it's not looking good it is not looking good get yourself a new weapon I can't find one though none of these houses have anything we're just in a neighborhood they don't even have baseball bats what about the kids this is like a sub like parents nowadays ain't worth a [ __ ] they don't take their kids to baseball PR they just sitting in front of a TV you know I I'm going to take my uh my rifle not a good idea I need it rather than no gun right I don't think so cuz if you're fighting one zombie and you shoot you're going to miss and then a billion zombies are going to come to you see now that you said that now I'm a little mad I would not miss girlo I watched you yesterday Miss every single bullet not me no way I had to take off this jacket by the way cuz this shit's hot now I'm moist see I'm I'm little mo I dropped that [ __ ] on the ground I may rip it up actually I'm going to rip it up to get myself a little uh can I drive myself with the rags or no the ri Rags I don't know know no waste of goddamn time that's what that was what house are you in uh I could hard it's hard to say tell me when you hear a car I hear one I'm going pull a little bit more for forward forward a little bit more forward to the next corner it's almost morning which is good then we can go do whatever you want to do I want a goddamn weapon or anything now a zomie a zomie Mambi can I hit people with a hammer no it's not a weapon zomie didn't even see me I'm so sneaky forging level one I'm going to grab that damn the music is so good girl can you punch a zombie to death girl yeah anti-depressants hell yeah here you little [ __ ] stop cartoons I hope you're in this house nope there's a guy in there there you are for a fight I don't have a weapon find one I haven't found hey cartoons fight fight cartoons get in the [ __ ] car I left the [ __ ] car on you have a nice stick of course I do I have a weapon s I'm a police officer you see this of course I got a night stick what's this big building right here it's the school I think damn it they wouldn't have a baseball bat would they probably not let's go find me a baseball B we need to find a fire station all right let's go find the yeah a fire ax would be sick I'm look at the man uh yeah yeah I'm just going to drive you tell me I'm going to make rights and lefts take a no no no turn around this is all neighborhood take a right and then a left and then a left remember that yeah so on the I what's on the right right now it's a purple building what does it look like trying to see what the key is like what color means what I think those are like government buildings but this is definitely not post office it's huge Courthouse maybe let me go around it it's really pretty looks like a church yep it is a church okay so maybe purple buildings what we're after because they're big just because they're um like commercial almost this is another purple building this looks like could be another church definitely not take a [Music] left this is like a strip mall maybe yeah I think I've been down this road this is just a whole bunch of businesses and then there's a yellow building after this mall on the left there's a yellow building I don't know what it is I see what you're talking about right there I think it's a diner yeah it's a restaurant of some some sort so food is like that bright yellow this light blue sweet so hotels figure out purple purple was government this should be yeah some purple up here post office yeah this is a post office you see what's in there see what people are sending yeah you didn't turn the car off I knew that I didn't want it yet oh that's right you don't have a weapon yeah I knew I was going to get back into the car so this is all you I'm not even going into the building I don't want to risk in bit I even take a knife and I'll feel fine I hear that zomb I hear oh he's under the car I parked a car on him I did that first of that sh the [ __ ] front door I'm in danger you came in last no I did where the V6 must be off because on my screen I didn't oh squirrel there's no shot there's nothing back here for you come here look at this I haven't even looked we just wait till this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh newspaper a book oh my God so many books oh my God so many books yeah all volume two is in threes I'm not going to take them foring volume one I don't think there's going to be a weapon for me back here met volume one first aid volume one I'm going to grab farming level one I'm going to grab the only reason why no it just looks like all book it does look like all books but holy [ __ ] it's the books yeah think I'm going to grab the cooking level oh volume level two for farming too nice yeah this is all books yeah okay now let me check the big boxes back here it was all books all cabinets ain't nothing with the [ __ ] in here dude this is weird like the other part of the building I went into did not look like this bleach dirty brags a walkie-talkie if we had the voice chat break room an actual walkie-talkie okay come on give me a letter opener you trying to tell me anyone could have robbed this I don't know why you would want to rob a post office all the Christmas gifts could have got [ __ ] stolen right zombies in here come on all right I went upstairs to see that zombie got [ __ ] on by the way the upstairs isn't even done being made yet all right Post Office sucks not for books but it makes sense all right I'm leaving oh this [ __ ] was hiding a tree you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] is it a squirrel squirrel zombie squir I think I put all my goddamn cigarettes in the trunk well the car's right here I know I just that was just a bad idea be careful of the that zombie button your ankles down there though I can hear you puffing away having a little Sig having just a little Siggy cartoons bad habit cartoons bad habit I went from Panic his shoes look how cool his shoes are in front of us he's wearing some damn some blue ad the [ __ ] man yeah fight as hell I like that I just have to wait for you to do it all kind of like yesterday you don't think I could yeah I can help with the down [ __ ] you going to put his shoes on or what um where are they at where I'm look cool as [ __ ] watch this damn I look sick oh blueberry footsteps over here don't call me don't call me Mr blueberry Mr blueberry footstep you know somebody was hiding the baseball band in the motel yeah for beating hookers my bad I always hit e instead of hold I shut it instantly there's bath towels in here I'm going to grab one so I can drrive myself off how damn BS are in this hotel room nicest Motel ever there zombies down there H that damn noise again oh it jump scared you mhm a little bit somebody's licking Windows yeah surprise [ __ ] I'm barely heavy load what am I doing get the books in my napsack I don't like people that call a napsack you just called a napsack yeah but I did it out of like making fun of the people that do it you know now do you call a napsack I don't even know how to a napsack is so no I think older people call a napsack so I should know yeah that's why I thought maybe you would awkward SC we got to find sit here yeah whoever sits spawning Riverside you suck like we have guns where's the melee weapons the school should have a fire acccident probably not actually a fire accident a fire axe in it oh got it fire ax in it is that just a fire a I would have had her can I go swimming no if you started drowning dude oh my God this place sucks who would ever come here nobody get out of let's leave no wonder why they're out of business right Spitfire what's that oh it's a restaurant Spitfire fashion oh [ __ ] s I'm going to get some new clothes no I'm going to get some new clothes I'm going into this building it looks cool oh God squirrel yeah you don't have a weapon you can't go without me I'm coming back to you I'm going to go get some new clo I had him back up B it's up damn I saw my light on the road I thought a car with headlights was coming down the road I got excited haven't little AIS that went around and like would shoot at us and stuff would be so cool not really cuz one [ __ ] oh my cartoons you're going to love this what is it it's a Hawaiian shirt it doesn't look very Hawaiian though no I kind of look like a Pokemon character when I zoom in I'm going to get sucks this this clo my big pants I'm a different man than what I spawned in as I don't think these clothes suck okay seems like they suck aviator glasses do they still suck tudes I keep Chang oh I'm just grabbing them I'm not wearing them oh I'm coo as [ __ ] now woo woo hey turn yeah go in front oh [ __ ] you do look cool I look like a cop stop resisting squirrel no I'm not I promise counting you look cool your favorite store nails and nuts yes there's going to be a bad in there for sure or something keep them out a lot of tool a lot of tools can a rake be a weapon yes a r can be a weapon equip in both hands ah I find me a better weapon still though I would love to get a baseball bat I would love an axe yeah we both need axes that's our thing Travel Garden saw compost bag not seeing a lot of weapons yeah The Rake The Rake is a weapon that I will use for now oh yes a crowbar yeah that's my favorite weapon here I'll drop my night stick I don't need it what's wrong with a rake I want to try it I'll dropped in case it sucks ass look it's a metal rake this [ __ ] is going to there's a metal pipe right here it's on the ground now it's a weapon no it's not it's crafting and metal working metal pipe's not a weapon it's a [ __ ] weapon it says crafting and metal working not weapon next to it what do you want me to tell you I didn't try to equip it with both hands though let me go try beating up a zombie real quick and I'll see if I need to even pick up anything else watch I get bit first zombie fight ass Eden lucky why I'm excited for the fight now I didn't find one zombie crowbar most OP weapon there is there's one zames where you see a oh you probably play zoomed in too much this thing really doesn't kill him very it's broken to go grab your ni s that is so stupid ah it's what I always wanted was a nice you didn't give me a nice stick I dropped it on the ground [ __ ] I don't see it on the ground I only see a metal pipe on the ground well let I don't I don't know what to tell you it's wherever the Crowbar was it's on the ground right in front of the thing don't worry about it I don't want your nice stick I have a hand axe now oh God my favorite my favorite weapon short melee squirr squirrel squirrel oh cartoons cartoons cartoons cartoons cartoons this what are you doing just walk backwards don't walk towards walk backwards I am walking back chit back [ __ ] I'm bit in the neck I think I'm bit squir you didn't walk backwards I short melee I don't give a [ __ ] I told you to walk backwards you stupid [ __ ] idiot squirrel are you bit no save shut the door ass I'm medical checking see if you're lying shut the damn door scratch bleeding all right all right we got to we got to uh disaffect one okay now you see we're fine I'm strong I'm a strong man bro I thought I knew for sure you were dead I saw that thing bit my neck I thought I was a goner cartoons okay I'm only slightly damaged I'm still good on health yeah overall I'm fine okay God that was scary by the way I did not enjoy sorry [ __ ] oo double kill I feel like were not as powerful as last run but I feel way more in control right I feel pretty powerful we had a lot of gun last round on a base but we never used it that's I got my crowbar that's all I need this crowbar is [ __ ] insane what is this building I have no clue Furniture Store don't think we're going to need any of this [ __ ] excuse me ladies the safe I hear some damn zombies you hear that some Zam dambies was this door uh not uh not being rented out at the moment it looks like it's a break room ooh fresh apple pie ooh Some empty notebooks is what I found I'm have a little pop I'm in the waiting room I'm too full somebody a window I don't know who there someone we have been staying very full at least I have mhm more cigarettes don't mind I guess because we're just moving yeah okay I'm I'm going to leave at the back of this place this place sucked this whole town sucked did anyone ever tell you where the hell we're supposed to go and a factory someone said a factory a factory is a good place to live in Riverside where the [ __ ] is the factory I don't know look at your map and tell them to tell you where it is protect me yeah I got you what building's the factory you would think it's huge which isn't great what building is the factory carts to Southwest Southwest all right this looks like residential and just so you know if you're looking at your map you can either look straight up and down or like at a weird angle looking at weird angle how do I there's a button on the bottom there we go all right so Southwest would be I hear zombie scamed me K you scamed me wrong way what where is it right now bottom left what building these all look so tiny what color building yeah what color is the building that's a good question cuz that's the school is that big blue that one yes thank you can you mark it uh needs Pence on there do you have a pencil on you wow I accept steal your offer wow thanks thank you best trade honestly I've ever made all right I'm just going to do a big old I can oh I can't draw my own things s we're just going to they said Southwest so I'm going to say like [Music] that I got to listen better when you say squirrel okay our taxi this way you're going to have to drive it oh God me giving you directions is never good do you remember where the taxi is why you getting in the back of that van I got candy squirrel I'm in all right I got the map open I mean it's clear which way we came from yeah we almost transfer the guns into the van oh what happened I forgot where the hell we are we forgot where we came from we came out this way yeah okay yeah yeah I remember we should be to the left right the left yeah I think so I think I parked right at the start of this hotel see how much see how much the van has he got out from underneath the car finally oh Dam you should have stayed under there [ __ ] finish him squirrel the B the trunk has 91 one yes yes we are transferring all of the actually go ahead and transfer my [ __ ] in there now yeah everything here over there we honestly before we go we we should just live the van life we need a house wait a minute what the [ __ ] have I put this in I put this in the plastic bag that's in the trunk oh that's on the ground yeah yeah I threw that that [ __ ] out of the trunk my bad and I put everything in it so now we got groceries the [ __ ] are you taking me out of the trunk right now maybe we can only be in there one at a time no it just kind of went down I see you put stuff in there now I'm going to keep I'm going to start reading volume one of this I didn't actually have much loot to put in there what is uh what's wrong with get everything out of the um trun hold up something something's wrong with me hold up bandage and nothing why is it do I have a flashlight on I feel like I look blurry hope it's it's not me in real life that's why you're reading you look blurry oh mhm their way to stop reading is there button I can hit to stop reading you can just swing your weapon or Sprint that's what I was looking for uh transfer all where's that button grabbing all I can where's the should be a to Mo the rest there's still [ __ ] in there oh I can tell you I'm not very hold lot did I grab anything I'm just going to drag him over on time I think you dragged them all all as I was dragging them all and it just gave me nothing we should back up to the tool store and go get all the tools before we leave don't you think like at least one of each all yeah yeah since we can all the why not it takes me forever to transfer [ __ ] so it's definitely better you did it let me just make sure my inventory is clear clean out uh that sure the backpack's pretty empty are you in not yet transferring a few more things don't want to be carrying this heavy ass of wine on me all day one pound each two the tools Tim the Tool Man Taylor what's that from squirrel uh Bob the Builder oh my God squirrel I what's the other one Handy Mandy who isn't that his name Handy Mandy am I wrong or is that just what you get is Handy mandies squir like the amount of disappointment I have in you is immeasurable not knowing what a handy mandy is we not knowing what where Tim the Tool Man Taylor's from like I'm so pissed off at you this the machete how do we do this that I was coming back to get it no no it's all mine oh I never looked up here you looted the top part [ __ ] well that's would explain a lot wouldn't it I'm grabbing one of like everything that I'm seeing screws yeah be sure to get nails too besides nails and stuff now I'm grabbing all box of screws I'm going to grab I already got a hammer now I already grabbed the Crowbar you should use the Crowbar as a weapon it's it's as far as I've seen it's the best weapon in the game I have a machete now what I'm telling you it's the best weapon in the game not better than a machete bladed weapons break not my machete don't ask how s I've already go to the other I'm you're about to piss me off these are Metal Sheets right here that you left behind you weren't going to grab this metal pipe I'm out of [ __ ] space we're getting tools we're grabbing everything I thought there's another crowbar [ __ ] I'm grabbing that don't need every crowbar you see the crowbar is the best weapon in the [ __ ] game an addiction you need help Tunes you need help I shut the TRU we drove with the trunk open bro what do we doing he transfer all that [ __ ] does not work oh it's going transfer and all who would have guessed it's not it works almost yeah I'm going to always keep my backpack empty so I can always transfer all my backpacks let that's that's all right a good way to live I'm living our trunk is more than halfway full by the way now that's awesome our van is going to run out of gas dude this van is amazing glad I found it I transfer so fast I can hold open the the map for you Club Hammer broken baseball B I'm sure you can fix weapons you could favorite items so they won't transfer no so you or me but I just figured it out and I'm going to do it to my weapon dude this van is I'm surprised that somebody ain't doing a [ __ ] a wheelie yeah I'm going to put a hand axe in the driver seat also just for Extra Protection so when I sit so you sit down you're sitting in the [ __ ] seat [ __ ] look look what side I'm on see occupied there's one seat in the sand what you just wrote over here no it's did you take the fire axe maybe out I don't know taking the SE off is it yes yes it is I'm G put this [ __ ] take I will try no I still can't I put it in the glove box there's an axe in the glove box that's better than in the sea see a you sat down and you're like o all right I'm going to try to get there why am I I have like zero frames that's weird uh you can make this next left oh when you zoom in like zoom out your frame rates get ass that's all right I think it looks weird with the light though yeah maybe that's it's just an optical illusion yeah and then you're going to make this right and now we're basically in the bottom left of the Town yeah I'm going go straight and then make the next left on this white row that you're going to see ahead of us that's a driveway that's a driveway my keep going keep going keep going now it should be right here you just passed it that was it like that leads off into its own little like there's like five houses back here I don't know if one of them is a factory is what I'm hoping not the right place get out of here not the right place try I don't know where else to try I don't know so to the bottom of the map where the road Forks where the road Forks oh this is just the south of the goddamn map everyone um I'm guessing there I go all the way down this road to keep going to pass the school make the right when you see the school like pass the school I hope the left Road you mean this one go down I can't there's no more no keep going keep going I guess make it right on the next Road you see after that yeah I think it's down this road I think people are saying make this right oh [ __ ] I think the uh the van drives differently full of weight All the Way South does it it like turns more have you already looted this you think we need to I don't think I have it probably has medical bags I'm leaving it running for you I came out with you he [ __ ] this a first responder you f I'm looting uh I can't open up the trunk there we go there's a lot of [ __ ] crab tell me if something's on me no you're good you're safe uh painkillers I'm going to grab the trauma bag I'm going to grab sleeping tablets I'm not going to grab yep all right let me just I didn't even open up the medical bag I'm just going to transfer it over I'm going to get the empty gas can cuz we probably need that some point hold why not we should probably find that damn gas station to fill it up yeah let's find this goddamn Factory first toste of you hear [ __ ] that noise the [ __ ] this a goddamn machine the [ __ ] is happening what was that yeah keep going down this curve and then the next right and then it should be down there somewhere even though I don't see a building thinking it maybe off the map a little bit I need some drink I'll be right back all right there zombies coming I'm just going to hurry is there a way to transfer seats okay whatever I'll just sit in the car I'm waiting for you in the car drink there we go fill bottles why can't I fill my bottles whatever this Factory is going to be huge and be a terrible place to live probably by the way uh zombies yeah bye [ __ ] oh look at that [ __ ] van oh that van looks sick remember that we may bring that back eventually yeah this right find the Home yeah and then you're going to go make either right or left they both kind of curve to looks like the same place you'll understand oo this thing is heavy and now we're going off the map I don't know what's down here but supposedly it's over here we were supposed to go to the other side squirrel you're never allowed to use the map again it's it's unmade I can't see you know we were just getting some of the the atmosphere we're trying to find the machine guns there he is it's crazy oh my God holy [ __ ] D we are slow if I was driving this thing be even slower we're going fast half oh you're we're hauling ass we're going [ __ ] 80 with a truck full of [ __ ] yeah is that top speed 80 yeah it's top speed to this [ __ ] thing I bet you weight doesn't slow it down then cuz we're pretty much full um hopefully we hit a factory soon oops hey this looks like a factory Road right why is there so much blood in the road you saw that no I was looking at my map this is a nice peaceful ride even if we don't find a factory may find a new town right maybe a whole city but Waits us over here oh wait hold up what's happening I don't know what's happening maybe this is the factory yeah go down that road right here yeah yeah try I can't see it's not filled in yet for me looks like don't like I'm not going that it looks like a trap keep going keep going keep going yeah yeah keep yeah keep going the way we were going this looks like it could be a cool Farmhouse to maybe live in just a thought it's a low fence I don't like the low fence and a lot of zombies how much gas over do we got we still got a full tank oh [ __ ] they really don't want you to run over zombies no what's that to our left is that it I can't see that looks like a factory but there's no [ __ ] fence this looks awful this looks like an awful place to live we're not living here is this it I think this is it this is awful there's no fence around it we have no safety in this place but there is no windows I will give them that I like this there is no windows this isn't barricade the doors yeah wait and just clear at the the zombies over time and I like the duffel bag on that one though it's a lot of Windows maybe not use this section of it we may be able to just use a different wing and block off one door right oh my god with these windows holy [ __ ] maybe cuz we probably just used the factory part of it not like who said this was a good base this was chat's idea like who the [ __ ] thought we need to live in an abandoned small like this is so big we're going somewhere else we can check it out while we're here but we don't have to live here I also want to kill all these [ __ ] zombies cuz I'm pissed pretend each one of them is one of your chat members all right [ __ ] [ __ ] idiot [ __ ] I'm I'm bit I'm bit I'm bit again car squirr how are you so bad at this game I'm like I don't understand they got me cartoons I'm scared to check [Music] no scoll you're bitten you're dead you're such a [ __ ] idiot like I don't understand how you're so bad I'm not bad I have a short weapon you have a crowbar you're just not using it I have a machete I got bit again I got bit again just makeing why isn't I pushing her the machete sucks by the way machete is awful weapon you got bit twice no I got it once I'm okay though I'm okay it didn't take any damage right I'm not okay carto I'm very un okay by the way God Dam God damn it squirrel it's fine I'll just come back all right I'll come back to save me back better than ever off me [ __ ] off me uh-huh like that [ __ ] huh like that [ __ ] shut your [ __ ] ass down shut your ass now the hell off me [ __ ] [ __ ] bit oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they're standing up well they're standing up well let him stand up back up don't know me back off me [ __ ] uh-huh How You Like Me Now killed them all squirrel you killed them all I'm still here why I'm just set out my character I can just hear you beating ass in the background cuz I didn't save the preset and I will do it this time what was the last thing where's your body underneath all those zombies I think I see a a Hawaiian shirt right here did you have any food on you uh I actually don't think so you have some chips see what you're holding back what was our expensive thing that we were running on our people what were you holding back from me squirrel huh bath towel I'm trying myself off squirrel you had three water bottles on you and you know I'm thirsty I didn't know you were thirsty hey SC it's a nice machete on the ground maybe I should pick it up no leave it there that thing [ __ ] sucks absolutely sucks but I one point now I'm scared cuz I'm out here all alone oh my [ __ ] I'll be with you as soon as I figure out what I'm missing on my build some skill probably what item did I have how do I turn these [ __ ] lights on metal sheet sandbags oh my God yeah there is so much [ __ ] in here going get another crowbar I'm picking up every crowbar I see you know why because the best weapon in the game right you going to listen to me this time I told I mean I don't know how many times I told you well first of all the baseball bat was great basb B suck ass it broke so fast basball B was good I enjoyed the baseball bat propane torch oh hell yeah oh it was weak stomach that I was missing there we go I wonder do you have to uh wear like a um like you have to find a welder's mask to be able to weld there's no way there's squirrel there's no way did you find a wers mask I found a welder's mask in the book in the Box while I'm asking that question that is insane that's funny sh I just set up my person and then I hit random by accident I'm just not having a good time over here you're bad you're even bad at the menu somehow it it doesn't even make sense it does like you have to be like this [ __ ] on purpose right no no no you think it's fun to just die a million times to not know what's going on [ __ ] shut up you [ __ ] it all up God damn it there at least I saved it first that time oh God I'm loading in I'm in the house one of was good I have a a baseball bat what's good is you also your map will show should already be un uncovered oh right should be able to get here yeah working my way to cartoons running fast oh pickaxe first time I've seen that that was a good weapon I want that one on my firefighter pickax that's right I got fire yeah yeah fireman if you find another one look for another one in that building TR this little bit of bop bop oh this this [ __ ] looks disgusting oh this is going to destroy people we got a shovel right yeah I had a shovel it's in the back of the truck there's a lot of loot to build in this place by the way what do we do with all the goddamn cars you know squirrel there's no light switches in this whole Factory like I can't find any I don't care about lights when I got zombies chasing me and I don't have a [ __ ] car I care about lights s oh my goodness I just got us the coolest car did you get bit what I was sure I don't know that reaction was very similar to how you sound when you get bit no I got this the coolest car and I got in right in time I almost got bit there's a difference now I have to try figuring out how to get to you I want to take a shortcut through the woods that's a bad idea like it's going to be possible oh found another pickaxe now I got a backup pickaxe I crashed into a tree wait what no give me the other pickaxe what you mean you got a backup pickaxe I need one I got myself a little like what I like to call backup pickaxe that is just straight [ __ ] why don't you use a I'm sure there's a machete around here somewhere you can use no don't want that thing probably the worst weapon in the game oh I got myself a tertiary pickaxe I can't believe I got bidden dude yeah you can no I can't making my way down driving fast try to get to cartoons ass I oh God I hear probably should have grabbed the oh God there's a zombie in here 60 mil hour it does it only goes 50 m it CS dude y this pickaxe [ __ ] right like one to two shots as a firefighter and you just level up so so fast of it but no it took me like four shots but he had a hard hat on o yeah that makes sense my van caps at 50 m hour this is awful but it looks so cool we're transferring the engine out of yours there's so much stuff I mean I see why people want to come here cuz there's so much storage but [ __ ] dude like in this place I don't know how you would do it and it's really out of the way of anything think about how far this drive is time yeah like where we lived in that other Town we're going to drive our ass back over there um was such a nice building right in town another pickaxe squirrel yeah now now I can almost get a backup pickaxe uh-huh and now you have a backup of a backup pickaxe can I say all right I'll be there in another three business days with your Amazon package cool can zombies break down garage doors you think probably we can but they seem pretty strong as long as we clear out the area come when they spawn we should be fine oh a little slice of cake how far away am I from I just hit that road that we turned on and the turn around I'm getting close there's no it doesn't seem like there's a water supply I need to find a bathroom oh here's some water fountains nice squir it's so there's zombies all in this room and it's dark I can't see squir squir squir squir squir get out of the room I turn the lights on hey [ __ ] surprise surprise three shotted oh this is what I'm talking about yeah squirrel y I got to take a [ __ ] in real life I need you to get here so you can protect me I'm here what door did you go through there's zombies everywhere huh squ I I went in where you died the [ __ ] you mean I'm in the front I'm going through the building to you it is dark I think I hear you running hang on trying to get myself a little little pickaxe hey this door's open I hear you I hear you no that's a zombie I heard a zombie I'm out in the back now whoa your we Master is sick you like that yeah where's my dead body here here here take this drop this stupid thing on the ground hold up drop leaving you to protect me sounds like the most terrifying thing in the world I think you should should stay outside too no all right what what should I go to my body first where is it at welcome back squirrel it's it was it's right here somewhere you'll see I think it's I think this I think I'm standing on it uh okay but I'm not protecting you I'm going inside I'm going inside and find a closet I need you to come in here and protect me I will I will come do not come oh squir is so dark in here I'm I'm grabbing my stuffs you came in a door up there and you left it open no I didn't you should read while you're peeing pooping that's true should right I don't want to be in there well this is the worst all I'm trying to I forgot my fanny pack but whatever I don't have it all right where are you at oh the goddamn zombie I can't see [ __ ] do I have a flashlight like I can't see literally anything I got to find that Lit room again I'm inside a lit room okay I'm inside a lit room too I'm shutting this door actually okay yeah yeah yeah I'm in this closet with the door shut it's light okay I'm overweight too so I'm going to I'm going to drop some stuff on the ground I I will protect you don't you worry there's one person you could trust it's me 3 hours later I'm back squirrel I'm back I'm starving I'm depressed I don't know if I can help with that stuff but if we did want to live in this area which I don't feel like we really want to this smaller Factory is the better choice way better choice oh we we didn't even look over here it's so like this is the building we just had to wall off a couple doors mhm I see you've over here been killing things yeah yeah my sprinting just leveled up which is kind of sick I'm pretty sure zombies saw us no they didn't this this reminds me of kind of old home right so now the only thing we have to box off off as you see no windows over here if we just do these windows we don't even need to use the little bit that's over here there's some maybe food here though for you and we have a working sink in here too it's in the on the other side of the wall not on this section in the main room and there's a lot of planks we could board up these windows there's enough planks to board up these windows that's if we wanted to live here but it's really far away from everything oh squ I need to smoke a Sig that's my problem I need a little sigy why you're not happy now it makes sense I left them in the truck damn I'm going through withdrawal squirrel did you already look through most of the stuff yeah it's what the other place has yeah okay everything you would ever need to build anything yeah no excuse me man are you hey did you trying to steal my cigarettes huh oh damn you just hit her for so far away on my screen I one shotted her she's across the damn oh here comes another one need you protect me I need to get a little Siggy action you hyped up this crowbar so much let's see it in action I can't find my cigarettes safe at least S I can't find my cigarettes they're in there godam I just saw him too now I'm pissed I see him I see him you 538 of them you're not running out anytime soon where are they at though I just saw them and I don't see them I see him right here go ahead and I can't smoke cuz I don't have my lighter is your lighter in there I'm sure it is there probably lighter here but I got to find it there's so much [ __ ] in here there's a lighter grab one there we go don't your goddamn cigarette SC I'm just feeling a little bit stressed yeah just a little stressed ah was a good bathroom was it yeah I need to take a smoke break after okay I remember I dropped everything on the floor uh why cuz I was overweight oh so now I'm going to pick up everything off the floor and be overweight again yeah but then I'm going to take it to the truck how fast I am you were fast right there you took all that you picked that all all up so fast look at that Red Jumpsuit you could wear nah looks bloody looks like it's snakes we to now I don't know I don't know that I want to live here I don't like how far away it is yes but do we cuz I don't know the way zombies work like do zombies respawn if you're near a city oh my God this [ __ ] is full in the back oh no I'm just dropping stuff now um I'm underway though St I'm fine I'm starving though is there a break room here with food in it fine that's the problem like we're so far out here like we don't have food anything throughout the rest of the factory important like the break room was this way go ahead and get a little drink little drinky you found your way to that sink uhhuh there we go little snacky room hey hey a little fresh grapefruit oh [ __ ] she's in here duffel bag's bigger by the way so if you kill her am I safe I just got done reading damn you killed her from a distance too [ __ ] one shot has I think three more spaces in the back pack okay I'm grab that CRA to my window [ __ ] how do you what's the best way to um hang on transfer backpack stuff over probably throw the backpack on the ground so it's its own inventory thing watch this equip primary so I'm holding the backpack ah you like that uhhuh I'm holding the backpack then I'm putting this stuff in it so the backpack holds 15 and the duffel bag holds how much I thought the duffel bag held 15 duffel bag holds 18 there you go yeah okay it's three more that's what now we drop that off my back equip this on back I didn't tell you but these fridges are loaded with food that was Che [ __ ] I was trying to eat it I wasn't full I'm getting pissed off squirrel this is look how longest Tak me to eat this thing it's is a big meal I'm a little bit depressed I'm drink drink it I stood I stood in a closet for like 15 minutes my dude is going through it let me tell you I couldn't manage another single solitary bite full to bursting is what I am um SC do you want a pickaxe uh no I think I like the Crowbar better here do you like the Crowbar better I mean I think overall the CR bar seems to take no damage like when you're using it but the pickaxe like the last two zombies I fought I one shotted both of them yeah it's pretty amazing but dude I'm like 2 lbs overweight I need to drop something I'm over here underweight feeling good run a laps you want to carry something for me here carry uh carry here carry this cuz we might need it okay car that must you kidding an empty gas did we even run out of gas I don't think I've ever seen our gas meter go down but it will eventually you think uh-huh can you carry more cuz I'm still over well now I'm getting close the full how many nails do we need a lot we need a lot we don't even know where we're going have a home yet all right where's somewhere with a fence around it that's what I care about I just want to have to block off one small little area N I don't know we're going to have to drive till we find it I think we did a good job at the factory though yeah I mean there's all kinds of [ __ ] here left to loot but we can only carry so much [Music] wolf so SC you got no that's still he I was going to check out that Farmhouse uh-huh but it's still way out here it is really far out here even that that town that we were in isn't even that good no I actually hated Riverside where's the little city we need to see the city a little [Music] bit that's a Woods I'm just trying to think which way oh [ __ ] I don't have time to look the map this will bring us back to Riverside but then you can go that other curve that we turned around on I miss our old house we can find that town that's way out there some damn where but even that town don't you feel like we fully looted it by the like I think we looted a lot of that town the police station yeah but we as soon as we looted the police station we died it's true you have Sunday driver huh yes like I would love for you to drive so I could you're reading a book oh my goodness yeah oh you absolute [ __ ] can I read while driving wait a minute can I text and drive that would be insane I don't have a book hang on look let me look in the back we have some in the trunk yeah let me look at I can only look in the glove box I can read a magazine read is it letting you I'm not sure read if you don't have the bar no I'm not reading goodbye zombie that we never been down here we cannot afford for this van to die no cuz it is full like it's 100 lb of [ __ ] in here not a lot of food no but food's easy to find any house we can stop at I'm almost halfway done with my book long ride mhm what is wrong with me up here fairly heavy load oh I just saw my B pack yeah the way the lighting works makes it look like the game is running like [ __ ] yeah look like you zoom in when you're yeah I got the nice view yeah I zoomed in but then you're going to CR I'm going to crash into something I can't see I'm not ding this is nice oh [ __ ] see that's a tree oh it's night time and I don't have my [ __ ] headlights on that's why I can't see [ __ ] wait a minute it's not night time yeah it's not at all it's 1 p.m. one just what is that this looks like could be something kind of cool imagine a little Mansion back here big go this looks like a setup now mhm this is actually a scary road to go down it's a little creepy that's a farm that's a farm I don't like that it's a short little fence no no and we're in the middle of nowhere still so why would we I think we just keep we probably should have stayed on the main road oh oh there's a main road take this road oh that it must lead to a no that may live back to Riverdale or wherever we just were that maybe there's another town in between who knows looks like these two roads are going to connect maybe I mean if we can just find a little something up here with a big fence around it like that's fine with me yeah lot tiny fences in this area cuz we can build it but it takes so long that guy tried to kill himself you saw that no and we ride we get close to the town there should be a row to our left now we just need a nice big old house with the nice old walls there really ain't [ __ ] out here huh yeah more zombies than you would expect oh my God look at that cornfield yeah there is a lot more zombies than I would expect yeah I kind of want to drop through the cornfield do it don't break the van not worth it I don't want to drive through this grass field I'm keeping the road in sight but I'm just trying to see further north we're right back in town so we been here oh [ __ ] yeah this is going to be the whole oh look at this gate though yeah these are kind of like but there's a whole oh yeah yeah like it's a whole neighborhood that is a good gate I wonder could you gate could you close off the whole neighborhood and clean it out and that would be sick but they would probably spawn in there right I don't know AB there may be a house that's almost walled off absolutely not we're not going down there oops am I dragging that zombie we can't drive there go slow as hell there we go I think a div van has got injured too bad that building to the right wasn't on that looks nice you see I love all this fence and like you said maybe there's one that's got a better fence around it yeah one of the corner properties dude I'm they don't have anything in the front they're all not one I think they can crawl over the bushes yeah crawl through the bushes that wait this one right here oh that's aazebo oh but we could build in there yeah we could and wall that off and just put crates down one two probably four entrances then yeah it's not bad it's not bad at all it's a lot of building though but we can just have a temporary like like this house right here or some [ __ ] like while we work on it yeah you take how long does I don't know how long it takes it looks like three entrances Maybe just pull over here which the green house or the yellow house let's go this one this green one whoa whoa whoa this Z got squirly on me a little hard to reverse all right kill this thing and then oh [ __ ] I don't have a weapon you get ready to back this in the garage never mind you open the door can't we have to go through the house dead man in the kitchen this a tight fit Jesus Christ it is two dead people in the kitchen we got to get them bodies out of here I forgot to turn the car off don't forget about your food I ha okay yeah I got to eat you're right oh nice zucchini I'mma eat this hole watch I've seen you do that delicious nice let me equip this don't mind if I do eat a fresh cherry you know they used to call me cherry pop and Daddy I didn't know that mhm no one's in the kids room I'm just oh wait the floorboards are lifted up here what's going on here oh little something special hidden No Loot under the floor that I saw yeah we need to close close all the uh curtains in the house I do I just found a briefcase I just picked up I'm closing all the curtains there wasn't [ __ ] in the briefcase I thought it'd be something cool nice closing these curtains so apparently if you close the curtains the zombies don't know you're in here at all oh okay house is clear upstairs we don't have a lot of storage are you closing the curtains upstairs oh I didn't think about upstairs curtains um how does one close a curtain right click close curtain close I need that mhm okay I don't mind this we got some good storage out here in the garage when I say good we got like two little shelves isn't bad it holds 100 oh yeah that's good I'm going put everything on this shelf from from my pockets curtain I'm still closing curtain up here do we got separate bedrooms or do we have to sleep together no we we got separate beds nice definely got some separate beds plenty of bedrooms four bedrooms ah get some more friends I'm a little moist let me dry off we go it's all dark in here keep them lights turned on do we got a TV how do we pick a house with no TV yeah right how did we do that that actually sucks that sucks so bad actually Maybe not maybe we watch TV next door we don't need to hear it all the time well so that we don't have to worry about the zombies you know oh yeah hearing it let's go see if the neighbor have a TV hello neighbors they of course they have a [ __ ] TV they do yep turn this [ __ ] on I'll turn the volume down is actually stupid yep that's the worst oh I see the different Channel now mhm there's another VHS here the moderators I'm going to read a book I'm feeling good now read a book e their food their food is our food their food is now my food I'm going eat a jalapeno let see if it's hot hot pepper challenge you get handle it come on woo woo you handled it yeah it's not too bad not too bad M got a good flavor good Lord with the canned food they got in that one can't believe they had a TV wait a minute I can't believe they have a whole [ __ ] pot of chili right but it's uncooked H I don't know it matters wait a minute squirrel oh what get into the garage I put it on the stove can I cook this [ __ ] are you cooking it I turned it on C cooking the goddamn soup really maybe I just have the oven on well that's not going to cook the soup all right let me put the soup in my pocket and then I'm going to put the soup in the oven oh yeah ah now it's in there cooking cooking I'll eat half you eat half cooking yeah I can hear I hear bubbling wow it's cooking you can see it going up I don't see that hover over it oh yeah oh my god well that's going on I'm going see if I can steal their TV steal it yeah see if I can't move it to our house oh pick up pick up not dark purple rub TV squ I'm carrying the TV you got the TV I'm TV hell yeah keep keep an eye keep an eye on that soup I'll make sure the soup doesn't burn oh squ breaking my knees oh it's heavy what's do it it's heavy the soup's coming along great oh [ __ ] how do I place it he it's cooked it down now we're going to turn off oh SC we got a TV yeah I drank all the soup did you it was delicious you better drank half of it I Dr half I Dr half right I was about to be so pissed I hope I drank half I um squirrel no you're fine you're good you're good nothing get it before it burns fresh cooked it's only half of it left it was delicious tell me I thought it was great could have used a spoon take your mask off it's hot oh but it's delicious pouring it on your well this is not getting you're not getting anything in your mouth I'm full to bursting I am so full I'm just stuffed I need a cigarette where's this TV I'm thinking I'm going move a table to put it on cuz I don't like how it's just kind of chilling yeah what the hell what are we poor there a table right there go move that table right in front of the fireplace pick up oh I can't pick up the table for some reason oh there we go we're supposed to be building a whole base we're just working on a TV we're designing the house now actually wait wait wait do you think we can put build a fire in there eventually fire and wear the house now in the fireplace [Music] [ __ ] uh yeah yeah ad fuel feel all five oh yes that's amazing squir yeah nothing never mind I don't know how to do you have a lighter I don't have a lighter yeah I have a lighter burn for 53 minutes I click place on the table look where it's making me walk what the [ __ ] are you where you going I'm not even doing this this [ __ ] is I think it's putting it outside it's I see the table in front of the window yeah but you we're trying to place the TV on it oh I should be able to do there we go I got it I had to face it toward the fireplace which is fine that's fine what the [ __ ] how are you going to sit on the couch and watch it wouldn't let me put it facing the other way I'm pissed off I'm just going to sit on the ground yeah we can't even sit on the couch so you at least put where the carpet is let's go shut the hell up okay do we have wood planks how do we make these walls that we need that's our question first off let me look at my skill look at yours yeah my carpentry is at zero so we can't do anything my carpentry is also at zero so we need to get like empty out your inventory those boxes you can or we can just go and disassemble Furniture in all these houses around us I think what do you need to disassemble disassemble what item do I need a hammer is that what does it yeah just a hammer yeah and it needs to be in your hand um no I think you'll pull it out of your bag when you need to use it let's see if we got a hammer in this TR I got a hammer on me I got a hammer on my tool belt now I'm going to go next door and you know we already took the TV time to take some furniture SC feeling kind of safe yeah there's like no zombies here I don't even know if this's a zombie game anymore oh there's definitely five zombies up there disassemble I can't disassemble to a garden saw okay oh you need a saw too all all the wood stuff seems like you need saws you got any of the yeah it all says Garden saw and all this wood [ __ ] okay so you need a saw and a hammer I think or maybe it's just saw just assemble to disassemble the hammer to assemble did you leave the garage door open um I don't think so so it's just open Metal stuff you need a blow torch I believe to disassemble yeah but then you need a propane tank also I'll take a screwdriver too just in case I'm going back to go grab a guard and saw yeah I got a saw screwdriver and a hammer I'm going to leave the garage door open so you can go in I'm going across the street right here where was the saws and stuff they in the in the truck where literally everything is I wasn't sure you grabb out the thing uh grab one uh squirrel did you just kick open a door no what the [ __ ] squirrel did you just kick open the door oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I scared the [ __ ] out of me don't you give me that goddamn [ __ ] you survived yes [ __ ] that was it was so calm for so long and then there's no need for that oh my God assemble so slow let assemble what do we get we get wood from this uh maybe but you're really just leveling up your um like watch your carpentry skill what level do you need to build fence do you have any [ __ ] clue no one or two maybe yeah I just assemble that I didn't see my carpentry go up at all yep I got 5.69 XP for that I got 2.8 wow this going to take a while how much did the boxes give you they were given like 15 should we go drive to like a I don't know if there's any more boxes closer than that no the drive there and the drive back there so much time you could just do this too bad I didn't have a carpentry uh but to boost it you're right here's a damn bookshelf right here carpentry carpentry I I think I might have one in the truck I'm going to go look I found one right here you look in the book too cuz carpentry is something it'd be nice for us both to know yeah this you failed to produce any I got no useful materials in that I'm going head back home watch some TV while I read this book I'm going to head back home to check the back of the vanand for carpentry I'm pretty sure there was one in there going to be uh a [ __ ] you can sort by category you click the top right I see that we have trapping blah blah blah now I just hit that I got to refind it the literature uh under skill we only have electrician farming first aid damn it we don't have it all right I'm halfway done with it you can just read it after me I'll just disable some of our stuff in here don't be taking apart our furniture I didn't like that table either way it's a nice table you rebuilding it are you don't take aart the chair how many chairs there's two of us squirrel oh I'm getting pissed off where the zombie apocalypse who else is going to come here these book shelves behind me if they had the book me here I got the book for you right here I'm done reading read that pretry volume one there look how much more room we have now yeah great job ah I'm reading now oh [ __ ] I'm going take apart this table never lit what inside the house let's see what this gives me I went from 11.3 to 19 oh hell yeah that was did I get that much from taken apart well you didn't read the book so I doubt it yeah I don't know if that's a did or if it was bigger items yeah no my book is taking forever to read let me know if a show good show comes on to watch I'll let you know I think you'll be able to see it that a long bck you learn anything I'm learning a lot I had to deconstruct furniture nice it's great that both of us haven't died yet this run yep y it's great that neither one of us have died at all neither one of us almost done you took apart the hole living room what was [ __ ] reading we don't need this for anything right how long does it take me to read maybe I can read and deconstruct at the same time I didn't even try nope don't you dare touch anything else do you need this bookshelf no you need this chair oh oh I'm going upstairs to destroy [ __ ] where we don't stay yeah just destroy if don't destroy any container all right good idea Che much carpentry level one I'm pretty close [ __ ] walk game you know I like the hammer noise are you trying to get carbage to level two now yeah I guess I can see what I can build with level one yeah wall I think is carry wall carpentry one of two no wooden wallframe takes carpentry 2 all right we have something to grind towards we like that and we're hammering a lot of hammering going on in this house yeah lot of banging a lot of banging you wait till we're done with this night too yeah 11: p.m. that's what it's time for banging this is assembled a large wooden table assembling an office Des that probably you can store stuff in so what are you doing all right start I leave the other half of it once the D if you do one half it the whole thing dies damn I might as well do the whole thing I guess screw you're pissing me off okay I see what you mean like the whole thing dies dies level up my carpentry off it though wasn't worth it wasn't worth it we didn't need that storage either way and also make sure not to destroy the beds what just in case we ever got to sleep I think we have to share a bed now but I save the king siiz bed at least nice so now we're sharing a bed you should have started with that all right the diner room is disassembled pretty much disassembled yeah you know what's disgusting I have to be at the airport in Raleigh uh in 11 hours oo why is that disgusting that's not that bad you're not a excited no cuz I have to like pack still sleep Drive the Raleigh which is 2 hours like that's and we got to get off at 8 pm either way a little bit of football going on you know yeah we don't watch that what yeah we don't watch that you're not watching this football game no why Who's playing um oh yeah you're really excited I am excited think I'm going to the next door neighbor's house to actually destroy everything they own yeah I'm bleeding I must be I'm not overweight scratched SL beding what did you do when did I get scratched when did you slash bleeding car you have Bandits on you I know there's some in the back of the truck I don't know when this happened be more careful okay I am I was being all types of careful all types of careful as I'm bleeding out but ad Hees said bandaid can't oh alcohol wipes is not equivalent to that I'm over here about to die oh you can disassemble the doors yeah we're going to be disassembling ain't nobody here need their doors anymore you went across the street right mhm getting bored occupy yourself fairly heavy without caring too much nice the damn TV started playing right as soon as I was starting to get bored and uh what house you took the damn TV out of this house now I'm coming to yours m is this one or at least there the TV in here if it's not this one I'm feeling good I can hear the TV I can hear you I may have heard Mickey Mouse when I came in here on the wrong side my stress my unhappiness is leave those bookshelves alone they have items in there I [Music] can't okay I listened enough I boredom went up I let you continue to downstairs I'll go up the kitchen table still I got a radio up here either way oh wait medical tool draws hold up nothing good in here yo to build doors items on the floor real quick is there way just drag them all that's kind of annoying yeah assemble this door disassem doors this is what I call grinding yeah you said you could disassem yeah you need like hinges and door knobs and [ __ ] so I'm doing it pick up off the floor after you do it oh cuz you're going to need that to build doors in the base yeah I failed to produce anything so I didn't get us anything I don't I don't produce much yeah you ain't worth the [ __ ] to be honest that's a little [ __ ] rude cartoons I'm just saying sounds like we're goddamn building ass next epis yes I can't wait till next episode oh there's something on the ground what is it it door knob a dude I'm I'm I'm amazing it being a caring oh I'm creaming that's always good what's my Carpenter skill at I'm almost level two actually this chair is going to get me to level two I'm halfway through level one uh level two now I'm actually going to be sad if this character dies mhm now there's some some plus one [Music] carpentry ah my ax is about to get leveled up too it kind of makes me want to reuse the picka oh I have a pickaxe that's right I didn't know they had a skill for my penis short blunt object I come here often D they had lots of bras in this you come here often with your short blunt object do we have planks in the truck or no we probably didn't pick those up there so in that small Factory building there was stats of them yeah so we'll remember that when we're ready to build to make that trip I guess probably be worth the trip doing that squirrel I got graham crackers and marshmallows over here I'm eating where's the choc that is true I don't have any oh I hear you running over here don't be running over here I'm downstairs I mean I'm upstairs this house had a second living room who would have guessed this towel wo myself off I'm a little moist and hungry and I'm a little too heavy we've been hard working you know one dish towel wasn't enough I was that moist damn yeah sweaty boy I'm use this bleach see if I can use a bath towel my back there we go what about your bag idiot but I want to be able to like pull it out fast now I can just hit one to pull it out it has my bag and my backpack back there I didn't put my backpack on the ground oh he there's two planks right here uh uh uh oh Liv a life Liv knife I'm still not even carpentry level two you're kind of an idiot huh I got a plank from the ground I'm starting to get loot we're not yeah we're going to have enough planks to do it ourselves just by doing this I bet no out of all that [ __ ] I got hardly any planks yeah but now you're level two carpentry now you're going to get more and more that's true yeah yeah that's true there's a plank on the floor here yeah yeah yeah yeah what what are you [ __ ] what's her name pink pink doll nobody knows what you're talking about it's Kyle's favorite AI streamer what is an AI streamer when they go thank you for the heart oh cowboy riding like a cowboy [Laughter] what ice cream so good yes yes really Kyle that doesn't ring a bell no I'm mad that you said that [ __ ] like it's some [ __ ] I should know it's some [ __ ] that you should know squ me as a 41y old man if I knew that I feel like I should be on some kind of watch list or something like you should know it because of how bad it is you know no there's a lot of AI streamers are you mean are you talking about like vtubers no idiot old man you wouldn't understand oh yeah do who that's her name pinky doll pinky doll it's a Tik Tock thing who the [ __ ] makes these people famous you people like you squirrel watch that [ __ ] I think it's stupid do you cuz I remember you saying it a bunch of times just now so good yum yumy see sometimes I will sit there and I'll just watch for like a half an hour and just be depressed that people watch it as I'm watching it watching people GI stuff I'm just like what is wrong with them a double wooden door door hinge carpentry two of six I'm carpentry two of six I'm working on getting it level three what do you think about that squirrel squirrel I got a zombie on me kill it I'mma kill it with a hammer like that [ __ ] with your ham it's my ham with your ham yeah [ __ ] boy come here you like that huh yeah I need a whole damn loaf of bread squ build two wall frames wait that's what we need right mhm some wall frames squirrel yeah um we are going to need some hella planks like hella hella hella planks well that warehouse has a lot yeah yeah we're going to have to make a trip there so we're going to have to unload the van yep is that what we're working towards now or should I keep deconstructing just might as well get your carpentry to two it's already two you [ __ ] I was I was working towards level three cartoons I can read carpentry level three now though that's sick oh that is kind of sick I don't know where it is but I'm disassembling a TV why it does it help a carpenter no really why the [ __ ] screwdriver I don't know it's using a [ __ ] screwdriver what's it help with electronics probably oh electrical you think yeah maybe I got 3.98 of it now yeah it's probably electronic okay have not a bad thing to learn cartoons not a oh I'm overweight I'm going to start bleeding again let me get my PIN is there still pin in this trunk I think that I want to transfer really fast goes in my backpack that's the deal here I should be on my backpack so everything I pick up goes instantly in there there's only yeah pen in the [ __ ] cabinet I knew it yeah pen penis awesome I love a good penis all right should I start on the loaded the truck is that what you want me to do Captain uh whatever you want to do I'm going to Mark where we are I'm going to unload the van all over this [ __ ] house this is our current house right here these kitchen cabinets are getting used today transfer all what's in my B so much 50 in each we did not need to hold anything upstairs we have so much room oh yeah 50 yep yep yep I'm even taking the planks I have and just throwing them in there for now but I'll try counting up all the planks before we leave just so we have a number we don't need to count because there's so many like we're going to need we're going to need hundreds try we should try putting them all in the same thing though at least right put them over here plank door hinge door knob right there oh I got a load of duffel bag worth of [ __ ] right here you know I'm actually starting to get a little scarily good at this game I think sh am I crazy you're crazy oh this one pitching [ __ ] is going to hold everything it's going to be great well no cuz there's 88 there was 88 [ __ ] pounds of [ __ ] in here well you're grabbing some of it and then the one I'm throwing up going to be you don't get the [ __ ] out of my way uh I'm looting squ move hold up I'm almost full I I squeak by you put books over here I'm not organizing like I said I'll do it in a second you didn't understand all right you just don't understand yeah but how hard is it to not drag books over there that's pretty [ __ ] easy cuz I'm hitting transfer all in my backpack back and forth back and forth back and forth so I'm not dragging anything right now oh my God and then I'll go through this one thing and I'll sort it and then I'll hit KAG all the books out of it I think that would be a little easier cartoons uh we don't need that map all right electronics and farming book oh oh yeah this trunk's about empty yeah this is this is nice that's all I can carry you should be you should be able to finish off yeah I'm not going to grab this plastic bag I will grab bag full it's full of stuff don't throw it on the ground [ __ ] sh I didn't know it's full of [ __ ] I'm going to take everything out of the plastic bag and then I'm going to leave it on the ground even your TW we don't need these 20 cigarettes I'm dropping them on ground I need them no you have 500 somewhere else yeah I need 520 [ __ ] they're on the [ __ ] ground by the van if you want to take them off the ground all right SC if you leave this stuff in a bag it takes up less weight in the container yeah but we don't want to stupid i' rather just take up the weight in the container for now my damn cigarettes I'm actually going to smoke one stressed out stressing me out in here damn smoking helps my dude out so I smoked one cigarette I got rid of depression and boredom both gone from one cigarette and little dry myself off with a towel um did they have clothes anywhere probably upstairs dude I'm so can you drop a towel for me till I drop myself off no now they're both wet I got a wet bath towel and a wet dish towel well hopefully there's a towel in the bathroom upstairs this just smell like mold and me d all right S I think we're uh prepared for our next our next mission which which is we we're not going to do it right now oh we don't have time I know on the next episode of project zomboid I just wanted to go over to the goddamn Factory I was excited yeah but look how hit the map and look how far away that [ __ ] is I know and the the game starts in 30 minutes it's kind of far kind of far you know it was a good day it was a good day of project z boy we did good yeah oh yeah come look come look come look come look oh did you build up one of the oh look at that our first build oh [ __ ] that is actually sick and you're going to be able to put a door right here let me just see the look of our land it's out of curiosity yeah three entrances oh yeah this amazing this amazing this is we're going to have so much room can zombies climb this fence we were able to but I don't think they can yeah this is nice it's it's a little foggy in here though at night we need to um oh damn the fog God going to kill all the zombies and wait we should not kill them in here TR out don't need to up yep yep yep this is our last mission of the day clear our plot of land out oh God there's six zombies on the road it is should we lead them a little bit away from our gate or just right here to ward off other zombies just leave him here as a warning yeah he CRA through the wall you saw that the framing oops ax skill leveled up [ __ ] oh you want to give me some skill where's my axe damn I think I dropped my damn axe remember you said do you want my pickaxe and you gave it to me yeah but I had four oh my goodness they're in the thing in there yeah oh hey [ __ ] oops goodbye [ __ ] whoops I'm move this guy out of here yeah there you go I would also like to grab my dead body when we go to the factory so we can start a graveyard ooh right and we can have a comparison on who has more deaths yeah that's where the [ __ ] is corpse is it in my bag squirrel I don't see corpse just right click and then right drop y y yeah yeah I've dropped off the cors in my my day time now I'm I'm moist again is my towels dry yeah Dr me off right quick you're really using those towels up huh you sweaty Yeah we actually have a nice housing situation going on I like that we're building a base that's kind of exciting you know yeah and we got got a place to to hide out until we're done yeah this is nice this is nice it is foggy though yeah we're going inside it's a little creepy out there today do we have a VHS movie to watch right quick and can you light the fireplace with your lighter please what if it burns the house down no it has 50 35 minutes worth of fuel it's not going to burn the house down I don't know how to light it you have a lighter on you I would imagine right click right click the lighter no right click the fire place no it's not working I have the add fuel option still I'm thinking do you have a like a can you rip up it's only wood in there maybe it needs a piece of cloth that you can actually light I know I could have added cloth when I had it I just don't have any clothes to rip up anymore we'll figure it out but not right now do we have a VHS tape do we have anything God damn it I am [ __ ] bored you just want me to sit here this all this time while you're on your trip food alcohol lit no [ __ ] show on at least for me here all weaken by myself in this house I just got to wait for something to come on huh yeah wow what channel we tuned in to that's [ __ ] up this show sucks device options we're watching life and living TV which we love come on let's get a good let's get a good show I don't think we have connection yeah [ __ ] zombie apocalypse happens this is awkward yeah all peace out cartoons guess it's time to take our pants off yeah watching cartoons up in my room watching cartoons up in my room yeah watching cartoons up in my room watching cartoons up in my room yeah watching cartoons up in my room watching cartoons up in my room yeah watching cartoons up in my room
Channel: CaRtOoNz
Views: 634,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cart0onz, cartoonz, cartoons, funny moments, let's play, cartoonz face reveal, cartoonz crew, cartoonz crew song, cartoonz crew junior, toonz
Id: Z21coVAIxBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 45sec (8985 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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