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buddy Jimmy are you on something you rope off very good Shawn take care of me treetop tall everybody good morning let's get the day started I started a voice-over project in the office last night I'm gonna go in and wrap that up this morning and then we'll come back and get that big load of hay off of that truck that I went and got down in Phoenix last week last week at the end of the week all right let's go [Music] they came town and he came by and picked up the capital that were here at my house let's look and see yep they're gone you must have done that this morning before I got up but Keith Issa you should go get him kind of a guy got the old hot chocolate going on okay I can't stay here very long because John who wrote with us is also coming today to unload that load of hay and he's gonna be to my house at 8 o'clock and I need to have I get that door open I need to have that hay unstrapped in my truck sitting around on the street for him when he gets there so I have about 30 minutes that I can be right here and do a little voiceover and then we've got us get out and get back to the house here's what it looks like coming into rodeo video anybody know who these guys are how about her that's in the entryway coming into our offices okay let's go work on a little voiceover for about 25 minutes or so I was all the way through this project and I am too the short round and then we have a little knot tying that goes on right at the end of it and then this project should be wrapped up I better get home and then we'll come back and finish this up just a little bit later on today let's go let's get these straps off [Music] [Music] [Music] John take care of me Shawn such a good guy he welded a handle on there for me here we go treetop tall [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's not looking good I don't know if he's gonna get those in there I'm gonna start my tractor because I might have to push those bales around a little bit and even them up so if you'll pull that right out here a second let me pull a few bells off onto this other stack you can set it right on top of it we're going to move that little stack right back in there out here we're going to build this stack just a little bit then we're just going to set that one on top of it that's stacked right back there that he's picking up it's been tucked back in that barn for I'm gonna say five years the protein content probably is not as high as it was when I bought it but it is still really good hey that's what happens when you keep stuff dry and out of the weather yeah just about forgot that my truck was sitting in the middle of the street over here I'll better go move it loaded up and ready hey so we are over in a neighborhood that borders where we run our cattle and we've had reports from one of the neighbors over here that we've had a steer that keeps getting out and he's put him back several times and thought he had the hole found in the fence but he continues to get out every day so we're gonna go see if we can find him if we can we'll maybe pitch a rope on him and load him in this trailer ready Jimmy yes sir are you on something in rope on not very good lot see I am laying under a tree right there now [Music] no sign of him yet Drax this is some pretty rough country in here awesome alle pies better have a shot horse if you're gonna be up in here he's got to be going back someplace to get a drink water [Music] okay so we're riding right up here on a entryway I'm gonna show you it's a two thousand world champion bull rider Kody Hancock he lives right here in our town and in 2000 he went to the NFR in the 15th place and came all the way from 15th to first to win the world and here's his entry way right here going up to his house ass world champions house back in 2000 lived right here in our community he's a shirttail cousin there's tracked all down through those fields huh still in search of the steer we have not found him yeah all right if this works this is how you this is how you get off that's one way of doing it right there well we were foiled with the steer we didn't find him hopefully he's up on top and when we gather those cattle and take them down the other side he'll be there hey so I'm sitting at the edge of the property where we run these steers up on this big Mesa and right down below me here is where that one steer was that we were looking for that we never found I'm hoping he's up here on top and that we get him when we finished riding this pasture but here's a little here's a little view of where I'm sitting right now I wonder if there's a steer down there my horse my horse is acting like he sees something I better go back and check this out over here we're moving some cattle out of the way so we can bring those other cattle down through [Music] here's the cattle right here that we pushed off the top of that mountain right there and I hope that the black steer that keeps getting out is in here with these guys if you want to follow those down that way I'll go back around this other way [Music] [Music] hey we got part of them in the curl and then they started coming back out so we had to ride up in there and pinch them off and put those others up a little tighter and then open the gate back up all right we have no safety barrier so cuz that gates open right there if they get back they go all the way to that other gate I know you guys won't let them back hi there's a bale of hay in there okay not really but we're telling them there is hurt [Music] you guys the Cowboys aren't you trying to keep cattle with yellow tags inside here [Music] what do you think is red a little weak let's put him out hold the black one hold those hold those hold those you Cowboys look like you got in the mud Amy's had a busy day read yeah we always have busy days but we're gonna end it right here and tomorrow when you join us we'll be somewhere in New Mexico so good night everybody thanks for joining us flake out [Music] here's a question for you how many of you have horse pens that you try to keep clean
Channel: RodeoReed.
Views: 190,172
Rating: 4.8545456 out of 5
Keywords: Rodeo Video, Reed Flake, Vlog, Flake out, ouch, ouch..., owie, pain, painful, fail, funny, funny fail, horse, horse trailer, falling off a horse, falling, fall, fail fall, laugh, silly, vlogs, video, rodeo bloopers, rodeo, blooper, bloopers, rodeo blooper, fun, fun stuff, riding horses, horses, horseback, horseback riding, gathering cattle, cattle, cattle haul, hauling
Id: Y3pzoBHAk-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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