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[Music] so [Music] all right so we're at the rodeo and it's uh it's the day of starts tonight and i see my old buddy over here we're gonna go see what he's doing i don't know what's going on over here see if he answers oh hello oh hello hello how are you doing what are you doing oh man just getting ready for the big show let me fix the door the wind's blowing yeah it's a little windy out here in old beautiful hey utah we thought we would take a little tour yeah once your head you're a lot taller taller he was making long ones when they were making you man you're the big old guy there what do we have going on in here man this is like a big kid's uh play room this is my toy box yeah yes sir i like to have everything in its place where it blows so i run it out of the arena a lot as you well know and i learned in branson on the stage shows that you know every time someone would leave the stage then when they came back there's something different about them they changed their dress change their hat or changed their hat jacket or whatever so when i left branson i tried to bring it back to rodeo so so here's here's the door look and the arena's right right there so it's a very important part of the whole procedure just a few steps you got to get your dressing room close to the stage so you're not running across the parking lot and then you run out here and grab something and you go right back in so i can bother you some more awesome hey is there anything in here that you're still packing around that you never use ever oh yeah yeah yeah like i was looking at this earlier what's this thing that there is one of the first did you ever use this oh yeah yeah we'll probably use it here i use it in like the time to event stuff that's an apple computer it's one of the first ones ever made yeah yeah you got your apples to compute and you you know what that is that's a big apple that right there is your external hard drive that's got all the info in it right there you just download right into the big one and yeah oh yeah i got the dynamite act it's buried underneath here i use it very very soon it's just it's probably loaded yeah there it is yeah it's probably loaded and ready to go and then you never throw your old shoes away until they fall apart completely and then you wear them mismatched right and they will always do that yeah you know you you keep your old shoes around for muddy arenas and then you can you know put your old shoes on don't tear up your goodies how many hats have we got in here uh most all of them uh one two lots of them got my american hats got my pretty hat for the parade i got my floppy hat for the barrel and uh and this one here is fixing to resign so i just put in a new one a new new parade hat yes yes yeah and then when my girls was little there's a lot of memorabilia in here as you can see by the dust when my girls was little that was the size shoes that they wore when they started doing the axe with me and really i keep them up there with me what was that the last rodeo this here's the date she did the last rodeo what all they're gonna do and what all i'm gonna do and uh to remind me you know this yeah so you'll know when to come in yeah yeah stuff like that about stuff i'll put my hats in bags yeah because flies and dust and stuff and it kind of helps keep them clean i took some of them out already how about this that right there that's my chromium-plated buckle i wanted that caddy of them all uh-huh yeah yeah i'm going to have to do some maintenance on i blow a string the other day off the commodores and i just got two strings what was that called commodiolion camodiolium yes their songs relief been played through that little hummer right there and but probably one of the things that i keep that in here that is kind of stupid most people would think but it's just a simple reminder of one of the tragic things that happened is the old golf act there when we was in benson raleigh basically raleigh north carolina we did the golf bag and there's a lot of folks know i reached down and always carried a lot of people want to know how that happened well i always loaded my shotgun which is and fired i always loaded it in there like so when i put it down in there with the barrel sticking up because i make my shells kind of fragile so if the bouncing out there will break and my powder fall out i have to get up there to shoot my gun and then just go click so i always had it in there with the barrel sticking up so the powder would stay intact yeah yeah if it it would have fallen it wouldn't yeah which was a great safety measure for the powder not so much for me and one day in raleigh north carolina after using that old sawdust shotgun for years i reached in there like that and pulled it up out of there and the hammer hung in the bag and blew my hand and so i continued to carry this little horse that was in there when i got him a little powder burn got a little powder burn on his neck but he's been by me ever since and uh that's just kind of what it did to your hand blow the hole in it oh wow and uh blew off my artery almost blew off my thumb they wanted to take off this finger and my thumb and this skin right here come from my stomach my hand was sold in my stomach for three weeks how long ago was that uh 2 000. and uh every once in a while you know i say that's that's when i'm hungry and that's when i'm full that's what i'm hungry that's what i'm saying as far as i know reed and i know this is probably not really uh something to brag about but you know in my business you will brag about everything and so as far as i know i'm the only guy that i know of anyway that can kiss myself on the stomach and not get arrested and i'm there but that's pretty much it does that have any feelings to it oh yeah it's pressure i can feel pressure but i know that i can't feel the sensitivity or nothing they call it a blind hand because i can't feel my face you can't feel your finger at all i feel pressure yeah that's it heat uh how about how about these other stuff yeah i couldn't feel nothing and the lord restored all of that and my movement and everything and uh for you young clowns out there the way i make my shells i just caught a ball of black powder i just cut a bottle of fire i put a piece of paper over the end of it with fingernail polish that holds it in there which makes the fragile shell we were talking about but it i can't shoot nobody with anything it's it goes a few feet and it's it burns up so it makes it play with that so which way do you put it in now i put it in like this now even though it's fragile still even though uh i do not load my blood in my shell when i'm talking to you or one of the other oh then you put it in i have this little bag here put my shell in it and i put my when i'm talking to you about what i'm going to do i get my shell out i pull it out and i load my gun out there which would have been a wonderful idea about 20 seconds but i remember laying in the hospital that night talking to some friends and and uh man i just i don't i don't understand how that could have happened and mandy her oldest daughter she says well daddy i know how it happened he said you had lost respect for that gun and it was just a prop well if you're playing with a gun and you're in your axe and stuff it's a gun it's not just a problem yeah she was she was spot on there yeah well you know we homeschooled our children and they're pretty bright sometimes the truth hurts yes it does hey so there's a big old thing taking up a lot of room in here yes yes ah let's see if i can get by it i see your ambulance check this out can i sit in here yeah you can sit in there just don't touch any of the switches it's ready to go and all right switches is up there by the windshield whoa right up here do not touch none of that stuff she's loaded for bear what's that a cb radio no that's it that's yeah yeah yeah i can touch that switch because that turns the power on to everything did you build this yes this is the entire thing the fourth one i built welded it up everything the first car first ambulance i built it was in uh 78 or not can you delete that out can you not say how long it's been no it's 78.79 in high school it was the first car i built and i built it out of an old opel cadet station wagon and it was a piece of junk but it got this all started what's this built on a golf cart a golf cart i do everything on electric golf carts i don't have this so is this electric huh yeah yeah yeah yeah do you have to do anything i mean because well most of us electric golf carts have enough power to go through a deeper room i put four-wheeler tires on the back i had my wheels uh fixed where i could put uh four-wheeler tires so that you get a little traction yeah yeah but you know the electric golf cart don't have a whole lot of guts yeah so uh but that's why i have a 30-foot toy box here if it's nasty and rainy tonight or muddy and i can't do the car i always have something else i can do yeah huh pretty cool let's see if you push this button you get those kind of noises so it's pretty loud in here cool you got the black glass so they can just see in they can't see or i can see out but i can't see in oh you can't see in at all well not much yeah it deters a little bit so they can't see my patient oh yeah yeah yeah you can see your hand in there i mean it's like you know what from looking from the inside out it doesn't look like that at all no it's you see out of it okay but it uh and then i got my hood up here where i have a couple different ways i can do the car where we can work on that don't get over that plate but um is that loaded yep you need a radiator cap i know where the guy is i got a pretty good radiator cap just duct tape just put a little masking tape on it yeah we got the old uh lincoln mercury grille on there and uh as most folks know if you're hauling anything uh it's harder getting up and down the road in this stuff than it is doing it and yeah so most of the damage it's done to our cars and our axes is done on these marvelous roads that the uh the folks that you usually have to pay to drive on yeah you know you have to pay your gas tax and then you got to pay maybe a little toll you know because it's such a wonderful road and that's usually when you throw everything out of the dishes all out on the floor and car comes undone and gets into everything back here then got the old barrel picture wipe it off there and get it ready to go that's my cover down there in the bottom [Music] okay so the bottom let's show everybody what what the bottom of a barrel looks like it's got a it's got a square hole in it yeah round hole ain't it no square so you can put your little feet down through there yeah and take little bitty baby steps and you get a little walk along get a hold of those blue ropes there which is pick it up cable with some plastic around us they make it a little stiffer to stand up if you uh if you take two biggest steps that thing's gonna bark at you on the back of your foot yeah it'll it'll bang the oceans a little bit okay we are at the rodeo that doesn't look like rodeo stuff right there my eyebrows whoo that's a brand new what's a brandon that's a brandy so jared brought us here hey jared jeff hey i told you we were having bacon today you guys want to see me do that no no can i try that i'm just kidding do it one more time and then maybe i'll do it that was cool stuff did you do that no i'd have to practice first before when i felt hey yeah buddy no i don't want anything get into that no what's the matter with you what's in there lots of worms yeah worms and all kinds of coming out salmon salmon raw salmon yeah you mentioned i know i don't know what's hair on your chest hey look yeah you're all right yeah hey there you go that was cool wait are you eating raw stuff was that raw kiss me baby get away oh hey check it out you gotta eat with these [Music] me [Music] wow [Music] when you're in the circus yeah yeah i didn't actually do this i thought danny when i was little but you wouldn't think mustard would do that oh misfire [Applause] good [Music] did you have fun i did that was fun did you get full yeah i have it to go bucks yeah it was really good but it was very filling how about you did you get full i got full and did you enjoy your sushi yeah because it was cooked you didn't even eat it i hate some of it i didn't i had a pizza it's in my toggle box no i i ate a piece of sushi yes i did okay one grain of rice doesn't really count goodnight everybody flake out [Music] you
Channel: RodeoReed.
Views: 5,464
Rating: 4.9405203 out of 5
Keywords: the rodeo video, flake out, rodeo video, cowboy, cattle, cattle farming, ranching, ranching cattle, family, trucker, roping, roping cattle, roping pen, resistol, resistol hats, resistol cowboy hat, wrangler, wrangler jeans, cactus ropes, horse, horse video, riding, horses, blue rooster cattle co, roping steers, boot, arizona, snowflake, cowpunchers, liberty safe, national ropers supply, bio mane, Reed Flake, Amy Flake, RodeoReed.
Id: PkbWo8kNW2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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