Bulls VS Steers | How We OPERATE

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a couple of those bulls I don't think you're gonna like read so I think we might castrate them so this one came in the suit a bull and he's leaving a spear [Music] hey everybody good morning it is horse feeding time it's cattle check-in time let's get the day rolling [Music] [Music] a little bit of Bioman for my phony little bit rolled oats a little bit of dry cough they're here waiting on me moonshine what's up spider here you're always a little timid so you get a little bite of it before we dump it in the buckets or in the pails for you okay yeah hey come on don't act that way [Music] I know you go fellers we are going to try a little something here I've always had Sean coming unload my pay with his squeeze you guys have all seen him do it before he picks up six of those at a time I'm gonna see if I can do it with my tractor by stabbing them and getting them down off there and then taking them over here and putting them in my barn it'll take a little bit longer it'll take 36 trips to get this truck unloaded but we're gonna see if we can do it ourselves everything started and warmed up let's do it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've been in and out of this driveway or this little alley way around the top side of my arena 16 times now I think and it's getting pretty powdery it's making lots of dust the ground is getting soft and kind of starting to give a little so I fired up the water truck I'm gonna run over here and grab a load of water and I'm gonna wet all of this down just so it's not so dusty because when you own a water truck I guess you can do stuff like that right [Music] this is the last bell I'm gonna unload for just a second that should be half and Keith is down at the ranch Carell on some cattle so I'm gonna load a four-wheeler and run down there and help him real quick [Music] I had a four-wheeler all loaded and was headed down there to help Keith into the corral with the cattle Oh ramp back to help Keith into the Krell with the cattle that are in that pasture and he said I didn't need to bring a four-wheeler so I'm still gonna go down there and help him but real quick I'm gonna grab one of these big Bill's a hey and I am going to take it down there whether I feed it to the cattle that he gathered or if I feed it to one of those other pastures of cattle before I come home at least I won't be wasting the trip Keith called me today and or no he text me when he was leaving town said he was coming down here together and I was unloading Hey and I kept unload and kept unloading he said come in an hour and the hour was kind of long at two hours well at two hours I text or I called him and he said hey no need to bring a four-wheeler I'm already in the corral so he came in and he three bunches got em all here percent he's pretty handy that way those cattle you've already put through the chute and the bands are digging in it's winter and I guess that's the reason it seems to me like it's taken too long for their horns to fall off but I've seen three of them fall off today well that brought a man and these are all cutting in there that horns that are left are still solid but the bands are I haven't put one I thought I'd put several bands on to replace bands that is roped off so these cattle over here their horns are already off with exception of a couple of bulls that we've put in there and then these cattle back here behind us we still need to put them through the chute and a couple of those bulls I don't think you're gonna like greed so I think we might castrate them do you want to go ahead and castrate them yeah it today we can do it today here's what these bands look like when they start getting into the horn [Music] all right these Bulls right here we left them Bulls this long to see if we like them and we don't so they're gonna get the operation and they're gonna get their horns banded and they will become a steer in the split in a split second and then they'll go to the feedlot with the rest of the steers that's why our Bulls are worth so much because they are only 1% or less stay as Bulls sometimes they look good when they're less than a year but at this point you can tell you know what he's not he's not bad this one looking at him right there you want to keep him yeah he's not bad really the only thing I would fault him on is he's got some white up underneath his girth area which you know a lot of guys that are picky on buying Bulls they don't want any white on him anywhere and he does have a little white these other two bulls are solid black but we don't like the way they look and then there's a brindle bull here push on in there hey there we go like following [Music] well we had a brindle bull one time that I sure liked I thought maybe this had begun like him but he didn't turn out as good so this one came in the suit of bull and he's leaving us here and we're gonna take care of his cosmetic look - with his horns they'll be gone as well might take just a little while but they will be gone whoa that one broke it broke then went to bucks rope for bucks we keep a little hang-up in the nose of these trailers occasionally so that if we need a little hanging to get something in the curl or whatever and apparently a bird got up in here and didn't realize this was a trailer and it wouldn't be staying there forever and made a little nest in the hay and actually laid some eggs the mama she's she's a long gone who knows where she's at but the eggs are still up in here anybody care for scrambled eggs we could whip some up there real quick [Music] hey that was kind of nice having somebody help me feed so I don't have to pull up and get out and pull up and get out and pull up and get out and he even gets the gate [Music] those are the three bulls right there that we decided to keep and that little steer that's in there with him he belongs in the next pasture over so we're gonna put that steer and those three bulls all in the same pasture for now all right well I am cold and tired and dirty and dusty because those pins down there were we were sorting most cattle we're really dusty I'm done all right so good night everybody I'm done thanks for joining us it's like yeah hey everybody good morning I've already been up to Shumway checked on the horses fed them a little hay and I've been by the store and got a cup of hot chocolate it's consumed I've already drank it my truck is running and I'm headed to over by a Shiprock New Mexico to get a load of big bales so let's get rolling
Channel: RodeoReed.
Views: 36,230
Rating: 4.8994284 out of 5
Keywords: Rodeo Video, Reed Flake, Vlog, Flake out, Bulls VS Steers | How We OPERATE, bulls vs steers, how we operate, operate, bulls, steers, making steers out of bulls, castration, castrating bulls, horn bands, dehorning, dehorning cattle, catrating bulls, bull castration, steer, dehorning bands, cow, cows, how to dehorn bulls, how to castrate bulls, why we castrate, why we dehorn, why we cut so close, rodeo, video, country, lifestyle, reed, keith, making them steer, how and why, vs, verses, versus
Id: gte6eeTERiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2018
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