Oticon More Hearing Aids review (Patient Experience) #Oticon

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with regard to the oticon more one rechargeable hearing aid you've probably heard a lot about deep neural networks and brain hearing but a question that i'm asked a lot is that all sounds really interesting but do they actually work so to answer that question what i'd like to do is share with you my first experience demonstrating this fantastic new hearing aid coming next hi my name is matthew pearson from zone one hearing in london and over the last 16 years i've had the pleasure and privilege of helping thousands of people from all over the world hear better so if you'd like to learn all about ears hearing aids assistive devices apps on all those kind of things please remember to like share comment subscribe and press the bell for notifications so you get to learn when our next video is released thank you very much so recently i had an opportunity to learn more about the otakon more one rechargeable hearing aid by providing a demonstration for one of my patients and his wife also helped with this so let me explain what we did so i visited him in his home and the setup there was there was a dinner table in the dining area off to my left there was the kitchen area and then further behind him was his land so a big sort of open plan area so when we set the hearing aids up we did the the usual things we did an examination of his ears to make sure they were free of wax we did a full hearing assessment and then set the hearing aids up using real ear measurements to ensure that if his ear was on the large side he was getting sufficient amplification and if his ears were on the small side we weren't providing too much amplification so from there the first thing of course was to switch on the hearing aids oh and incidentally there is a new feature within the genie programming software which is to look at how difficult the patient finds certain listening situations which then further tailors the hearing aids performance to their requirements so we got the hearing aids and turned them on and i think it was it was difficult for the gentleman to to not use um words sort of within the if you like the oticon vocabulary so the first thing he said is just there is more sound more sound than he was used to receiving from his previous hearing aids which were the oticon open s8 which is actually very happy with the second thing he noticed apart from being more sounds he just said it felt more open he felt more sort of attached and involved with his environment so from there i thought we would switch things up a little bit i brought a sound system along with me and i got onto youtube premium and downloaded quite a number of different listening situations so first of all we started with some cafe noise i mean just to point out as well which is maybe fairly obvious in this current time both myself the gentleman concerned and his wife were all wearing masks so we started off with some cafe noise and had a general conversation and he heard me really well and then we thought we'd switch it up a little bit more and we put the restaurant noise on and he was still able to hear me and what was interesting at this stage is he got up from the table and walked quite some distance back from me into his lounge area now bear in mind at this point his backs to the window so i can't see his face he's wearing a mask and let alone hearing him i couldn't even tell if he was speaking or not so when he came back and sat down i asked him how how that went and he could actually hear me from all that distance and with me sitting wearing a mask with restaurant noise playing over me so that was a very impressive first real-life introduction to the hearing aid so to make it a bit more complicated still the gentleman invited his wife to come and speak with us so she stood in the kitchen while he sat at the the dinner table in the dining area and again we carried on with the restaurant noise um she was again wearing a mask and you know a sort of a longer distance you would be normally um to converse with somebody but he was able to ask her sort of questions and get the responses back and understood what she said which to me was very impressive because often ladies voices are more challenging than men's voices to hear and also the nature of the gents lost where his clarity was worse than his volume that's often something that people find difficult especially in background noise and the gen then asked us to sort of talk over each other so we were both talking but he still was able to go between us and pick out what we were saying and it wasn't until we took it to sort of ludicrous levels when none of us could hear that he found it sort of uh and you know he was unable to hear his wife so very impressive for me that initial introduction the next thing we did is look at the hearing aids from a musical perspective the gents very into his classical music and particularly likes the cello so he read about this recent update to the oticon on app where you've got a graphic equalizer where you can change the base the mid and the treble so he connected the hearing aids up and found a piece of music he liked and started to stream it through the hearing aids and then adjusted the bass and just said that that made the cello sound much much better to the point where he said ordinarily he would use his apple air pod pros to listen to music which were programmed with his hearing loss but he found they couldn't match his prescription also um he did say that the sound of the oticons was much more sort of high fidelity in its nature and he said he'd be retiring his apple airpods and using these from now on so for me that was very impressive because i actually have a pair of airpod pros and i've been pleasantly surprised how good they are so that was high praise indeed in my opinion um and then the next thing we did is we played some birdsong now i'd put that on deliberately very softly and first of all ask the gent can you hear that there's something playing at the moment he could and i said well what is it he said well it's bird's song and it sounds like a robin that's playing and i was kind of impressed because one yes it was um bird song and two it was a robin and for some demonstrations i've done historically not only have the people not been able to identify the bird they've not even heard that bird songs playing or if they have heard it not been able to identify that's what it is because with some hearing aids when it hears something that isn't speech what it will do is not treat that as a priority and something to sort of zoom away from or to minimize or you know try and get rid of so it's just very interesting the way the hearing aids treated the sound and how accurately he was able to pinpoint what it was now in terms of being connected with his environment the gentleman could pick out the i think is the refrigerator sound he was also able to pick out the sound of the um the central heating system so he said he felt very connected to everything but nothing was disturbing him and to the point where when the restaurant noise was on i was answering questions from his wife and just hoping i was answering the right question i wasn't quite sure if i was and it was quite a relief for me to turn the noise off but i just noticed it didn't seem um to be sort of a thing that fatigued by patients so again tying into this whole thing of getting more sound but being able to remember more and having access to more clarity so um we've had incredible amounts of interest with this hearing aid which is is crazy locked down probably more than i've ever had for any hearing aid during you know my whole 16 years in the industry and um you know we've we've taken orders for a lot of these hearing aids might should be arriving tomorrow so really looking forward to carrying out those fittings i'll try and keep everybody posted on how that's going now another sort of aspect something i've experienced myself is using them to treat tinnitus so with the fact you get access to all the sounds i find that they are particularly good for reducing down the perception of tinnitus but just to give that extra little bit of performance what i do is use an environmental sound called ocean sound three now on my oticon on app i'm able to the way i've configured it within the software split the ears if you like and if one ear is giving more tinnitus than the other i can simply go in and dial up a little bit more ocean sound so they're then balanced and that puts the tinnitus even more into the background so highly recommended for hearing in complex environments for helping to suppress tinnitus for just giving a more natural sound and easy first time user acceptance up to now i've not had anybody say they've sounded harsh tinny or metallic just that things sound like they're in their rightful place so please remember though any hearing aid is gonna have some limiting factors factor one is gonna be the severity of your loss and ability to process sound and then also remember the hearing aid is just the equipment at the end of the day so let's think of this analogy you could give myself and sir lewis hamilton the same car and we go around a track although we've got the same equipment what we put into that and the result we get out is going to be highly highly different i would suggest therefore make sure when you get equipped with the hearing aid you have a full assessment carried out and including quicksin just to see if you're actually a suitable candidate for an aide and to see if you need any additional equipment also make sure really measurements are carried out because otherwise you're relying on averages and of course probably no one really is that average here so just so you know overall under amplifying getting just the precise amount make sure really a measurements are carried out and if you need any help finding someone who does these very important setups and tests please come and ask us i'll pop my email information below and since 2016 when we first started the youtube channel for zone 1 hearing we've been able to find many patients from around the world high quality audiology professionals to help them hear better so this is matthew pearson from zone 1 hearing like i was saying if you like the information please like share comment subscribe and press the bell for notifications and we look forward speaking with you soon
Channel: zone1hearing
Views: 7,761
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Keywords: Oticon, Oticon More, Oticon More 1, Oticon More Review, Oticon More 1 Review, Oticon More Hearing Aid Review, zone1hearing, zone 1 hearing, tinnitus, tinnitus treatment, is there a cure for tinnitus?, Best hearing aids, Best hearing aids 2021, Best hearing aids in noise, Best hearing aids for tinnitus, Oticon More 1 price, Best rics 2021, Oticon More 2, Oticon More 3, Oticon More 2 price, Oticon More 3 price, Oticon More price
Id: jnNSSZvSp_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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