How to clean hearing aids by Oticon

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hi this is dr tony kovacs at sound relief hearing center in fort collins colorado and today we're going to cover how to clean your oticon over the ear device so the first thing that i like to do is just brush the microphone ports the microphone ports are these little holes you can see one here one here and one on the other side here now if you have a little brush that your device came with you can use that if not just a toothbrush that you buy that you designate specifically for your devices it's just fine and in some cases it works it works much better and you can just brush these little microphone ports a little bit this is the dome this part here the little part on the end that sticks into your ear and we're going to go ahead and remove that and the way we're going to do that first of all if this ear grip may or may not be on your device if it is you can just kind of pull that out of the way while you're doing that so what i'm going to do is put a fingertip right on the end of here fingertip goes there pinch your fingers and you get a thumb underneath this material and then you can just pull it right off so here at sound relief we use audio wipes which are specifically designed for devices if you're in a pinch you can use an alcohol prep wipe but it is recommended that you use audio wipes if possible they're just designed specifically for electronics so here's my alcohol wipe or in this case the audio wipe and i put that dome right in there and just mash it around and that'll clean out any wax that has accumulated in the dome itself we'll put that off to the side you know you can also use this wipe to just kind of wipe down the whole thing the next thing we're going to want to do is change the wax filter so you can see this little white part in the end here how it has a little white tip to it after we take off the dome there's this white tip underneath what we'll do is we'll get some wax filters open that up and there's your little turtle shell here so you pull out one of these tabs and you can see on this tab that there's two prongs here one side has a little white piece and the other side is empty that little white piece is the new wax filter and the empty side is where the old one is going to go so we take this device you hold the speaker that's this part right here is called the speaker and you want to line up the empty side directly into the hole and you might even hear it snap it'll it'll stick in there if you let it it'll stick right in there when you get it in right then when you pull this out it will take the wax filter with it and you just want to pop the new one in so we're gonna stick that right in there again it'll it'll hold if you get it incorrectly now when we pull it out it releases the new wax filter you can throw this away you no longer need that and now you have to put the dome back on so i like to grab it just like this and then look underneath there's a little grommet right in the middle of that bell there and so you have to line it up just about perfectly and then wedge it onto there if you have done it correctly you should be able to do a slight tug test just to make sure it's not going to fall off in your ear canal we recommend that you do this approximately once a month or for general troubleshooting if your devices are not working or one of your devices is not working chances are it's either the battery or the wax filter so if you need help with either of those things please give us a call have a great day thanks you
Channel: Sound Relief Tinnitus And Hearing Center
Views: 12,491
Rating: 4.8867927 out of 5
Keywords: how to clean hearing aids, hearing aids, hearing aid repair, oticon hearing aid, oticon hearing aids, sound relief, sound relief hearing center
Id: lI93mSeia5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 42sec (282 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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