Oticon More Update

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Hi there I'm emma from Value Hearing i'm  a clinical audiologist and today's video   is just a very quick video to let you guys  know how we're tracking with the Oticon More.   So i did post a video in December telling  you how we at Value Hearing had found out   that oticon were about to sneakily release a new  hearing aid after almost five years and that it   looked very very exciting because they were doing  something really quite different from the other   manufacturers in the sense that they're using  artificial intelligence and machine learning in   a different way so artificial intelligence and  machine learning have been in our industry in   some form for a long time but what they're doing  is using a deep neural network that's actually   onboard in the hearing aids now what that means  in real language is just they're going to have a   particularly powerful accurate hearing aid that  is not necessarily going to rely on traditional   directional microphones and noise reduction like  all the others are in the industry and what we've   been using for decades now in order to help people  hear speech in background noise so we have only   had the hearing aids available for a couple of  weeks we have had a bit of training on them and   some insight into them but we've really only had  them in the field for a very short period of time   on a few trial people a few guinea pigs of ours  that have used other hearing aid manufacturers   some of the premium ones and are experienced  users so can give us some really good feedback   and so far we've had some really positive  comments such as they sound more natural   a bit more sharp and clear we've heard that this  streaming sound quality is considerably better,   generally the clients are saying that they  prefer them to the other hearing aids.   How they're going in background noise, the jury  is still out in terms of how well they're hearing   speech we've still got some more appointments  that we need to do some fine tuning and honestly   we really do need to get more clients and  more opportunities for these clients to try   the hearing aids in more challenging environments  which is not that easy in the middle of a pandemic   here in australia we're definitely being probably  a lot more social than we are in the US and the UK   unfortunately but we're still not quite in noisy  environments as often as we used to be but we will   keep you informed of how that's going i have  been told by a client that he does think   he heard better in a very noisy situation  than he did with some of their competitors   but he still thinks the background noise was  pretty loud he could hear the conversation but he   was quite surprised how loud the noise was but we  still got some fine tuning to do or a bit of time   to get used to the new processing with him there. For usIn the clinic we are doing a little test   ourselves it's a very small sample size with our  clients that we're fitting with the oticon more   we're just testing how well they process the  speech and noise for them when they're wearing   the oticon more it's not a great test for  other hearing aids because other hearing aids   are relying more on directional  microphones and in this particular setup   the speech and the noise is coming from one  direction whereas directional microphones like   it when it is coming from a different direction  obviously with oticon they've obviously claimed   look we don't necessarily need to rely on  directional microphones to do that anymore   because we've got this highly trained deep neural  network that knows pretty much what your client   wants to hear and what they don't want to hear and  we can you know play with that contrast for them   so we thought well it would be interesting to see  how Oticon More copes with that test that we know   that other hearing aids doesn't cope well with and  we have to say the numbers are looking positive   that there's definitely an improvement they're  definitely doing what they say they're doing when   it comes to not just relying on directional  microphones and classic noise reduction to   improve the signal to noise ratio so it'll be  interesting to see, we do need to have more data   and a much bigger sample size there we obviously  want to do more testing where the speech and noise   is coming from different directions in the clinic  as well so we will definitely keep you updated but   it looks like it isn't just hype that it wasn't  just marketing from Oticon but i don't want to   say for sure yet i need more clients and more  opportunities more types of hearing loss etc   etc to try it out for you but we will definitely  keep you informed and really excitingly we have   someone from Oticon who is going to be allowing me  to interview him and ask questions on our clients   behalf so if you have any questions for oticon  about Oticon in general about the Oticon More   please leave a little comment in the box below  with your questions and we will definitely pass   those along so thank you so much for watching if  you like this content like and share the video   and definitely subscribe to our youtube channel it  really helps increase our reach thank you so much
Channel: Value Hearing
Views: 6,961
Rating: 4.9120879 out of 5
Keywords: hearing aids, oticon, oticon more, hearing aid AI, hearing aid machine learning, hearing aid deep neural network, latest hearing aid, latest Oticon hearing aid, yt:cc=on
Id: 6-ke5XunvgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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