Orphan boy who was often bullied ended up becoming the most respected Hooligans leader

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Cas pennant was a Jamaican black man who grew up in South London in 1993 when he was working as a nightclub security guard Cass who had just come to work was suddenly approached by a group of people he didn't know one of them shot him back in 1974 when Cass was just a 14-year-old boy he was on his way to watch West Ham United's match the main English football club in his City when he saw three West Ham supporters being beaten up the three of them immediately treated and were met by a group of West Ham supporters from a group called southbag crew they were considered foreigners and almost got beaten up but then they informed that some fellow West Ham supporters were being beaten up by the opposing supporters the leader of the Southbank crew Hogan immediately asked Cass to show him at that moment Cass didn't understand the world of cooligans and had never clashed between football club supporters however as a teenager he saw it as very cool and since also idolized Hogan Cass and his friends were determined to join the brawl he really enjoyed the sensation of beating up people unfortunately Cass and Hogan were both taken into custody by the police after the incident flashback to 1958 Cass was barely 1y old when he was adopted by a 49-year-old husband and wife named Cecil and D Cass had the birth name Carol pennant since being adopted he lived in South London in a lower middleclass neighborhood where there were only white people there since he was a child he had always been the object of racist ridicule not only by his school friends but grown-up neighbors also looked at him with a condescending impression this made him less confident and even one to be a white boy he often rubbed his skin with soap in the hope that it would whiten a little But as time went by he realized that his efforts were in vain not only thanks to his skin color his birth name also made him the object of ridicule because Carol was a name for girls fortunately Cass still had two friends who didn't see their differences they were Freeman and Apprentice at the age of 10 when casking home with his face and body all battered doll rushed to treat him at this moment Cass finally explained why he didn't want to be called Carol because it resembled a girl's name the 10-year-old boy preferred the name case which he took from his favorite boxer Cassie clay or Muhammad Ali do said that she couldn't do much about his name because it was recorded on his birth certificate however she agreed to call them by the name Cass he was 10 when he first time got to know more about West Ham and became its supporter at first he was invited by his father to go to a pub that was often used as a place for the West Ham supporters to gather the first time he was there his skin color almost made him get kicked out by one of the people there but Cecil managed to prevent this since then Cass and Cecil watch football together more and more often he then started coming there with Freeman and Apprentice when Cass was 14 years old a few days after he had his first brawl with the Southbank Crew The Experience made him feel like he was part of the group so he was determined to go to the Southbank crew Pub but he was blocked by a man because of his skin color the man was then beaten by Hogan who immediately invited Cass and his friends to come in 10 years had passed and Cass apprentice and Freeman had become seniors of the crew replacing Hogan one day while hanging out at the pub they met a senior who used to be active in the same group a convict named Ray who said that he was no longer interested in being a hooligan and preferred watching boxing he also could no longer act carelessly because even a small mistake could bring him back to prison Cass finally moved out from his parents' house to live in an apartment in eastan he worked as a construction worker with frema however because their Foreman knew that both were Hooligans they were not really liked on the other hand Apprentice was more fortunate because he had an office job though busy with their jobs the three usually gathered at weekends to support West Ham in the ' 80s hooliganism in England was getting more extreme local newspapers incessantly covered the actions of the Hooligans most of whom clashed with each other the Southbank crew finally rebranded itself as inter city firm or ICF to be a more structured firm as chairman of ICF cats was obsessed with making ICF become increasingly well-known and recognized as the most feared hooligan Group West Ham's mortal rival is Leeds United so every time West Ham had a match against Leeds Cass would plan to disrupt the opposing fans one time Cass split the crew into two the first was tasked with attacking while the second was tasked with sneaking in Cass led the first team and brawled with lead supporters in a park behind a pub at the same time the second team entered the empty Pub and started messing up the place as a result they succeeded in humiliating lead's United supporters the day after Freeman and prce gathered a C's apartment prantis brought a newspaper that made news about the actions of hooligans but the main headline of the newspaper made cases angry because it published Chelsea supporters while ICF was only published on page four this made Cass and his friends even more obsessed with becoming more famous they even made business cards that they would hand out and plan more increasingly bizarre attacks to be published on the front pages of newspapers in England not long after Cass was contacted by a television station that was covering the hooliganism case Cass Freeman and Apprentice were invited to be Source persons for an interview session during interview a cast stated that Hooligans were not criminals they were just supporters of the club they liked he also emphasized that cooligans would never attack innocent people Rob or cause random trouble he was asked about racism in football and answered firmly that ICF was the only place that accepted him as he was Cecil and D also watched the interview so they called him to come his mother was worried because with his appearance on TV his son would definitely become a target of the opposing supporters or the police who had been trying to arrest iate The Hooligans Cass reassured them that you would be fine because he didn't admit to having done anything wrong he explained that being a hooligan was his way of making his life more meaningful he was tired of always being oppressed and humiliated his mother just silently listened to him the increasingly extreme and uncontrolled hooliganism activities meant that the British government could not remain silent prime minister Margaret Thatcher asked that holigans who violated the rules should be eradicated one day West Ham would play against Newcastle a few days before the match Cass himself chose the crew who would come with him to brawl against newcastle's supporters and what weapon was allowed to be brought on Match Day ICF went on two cars to transport all its members throughout the trip Cass continuously sang their Victory chance and encourag all his subordinates after arriving at their destination Cass entered alone Then followed by his friends as a result of the Clash Cass was arrested by the police and was sentenced to 4 years in prison which was the longest sentence in British history for a case of hooliganism as a black person the warden initially humiliated him but after finding out that he was a hooligan the warden became reluctant and complied with his request who at that time asked for larger sized clothes at first Cass was paired in his cell with other black prisoners but the man didn't like him because he thought he was close to white people they fought which led Cass to be transferred to another cell and shared a room with someone more relaxed the only downside was that the guy was a drug addict and often used it in their cell after a month in prison Cass found out that Ry was also a prisoner in the same prison Cass was asked to meet him and was even a job offer but because he was worried that Ray's offer was related to a crime he politely refused the offer cass's good relationship with Ry made his life in prison more comfortable that was because Ry was a respected prisoner who had power there Cass spent his time writing about his life experiences because he wanted to publish a book about it the drug addict cass's cellmate was the first to read his writings he said that the content was amazing and worth reading while reading the man persuaded him to look for his real family but Cass firmly said that he did did not want to do that considering Cecil and D as his only family even though Cass was sentenced to 4 years in 1986 he was freed and sered only 3 years of sentence he seemed eager to live life because he had his writing which was going to be made into a book but his dream was destroyed by the prison guard because all his writings were confiscated before he left prison cass's release was welcomed with a party by ICF and several residents who knew him during the party Cass couldn't get her sight off a girl named Elaine and that same day Cass finally got to know her after dared himself to approach her and offer her a drink the next day Cass visited his parents and his mother looked very happy when she saw her son was healthy and fine during dinner Cass was asked to look for a job and a wife his mother hoped that he would get out of his bad life and live the Family Life Cass just smiled and then said that at the moment he had not thought about looking for a job but for a partner he admitted that he had met one at the end of dinner Cecil revealed that sometime before there was a letter sent to the orphanage and a letter came from cass's biological parents do hesitated to give the letter because she was afraid that Cass would leave her but Cass assured her that they were his only family Cass just held the letter without any intention of opening it doll smiled happily to hear that but Cecil advised him several times to think twice about opening the letters a few days later Cass finally dared to ask Elaine for a date during dinner Cass seemed awkward and tense fortunately elain was calmer elain said that if he really loved her he had to stop his activities as Hooligans because her parents were the old-fashioned generation who wouldn't accept Hooligans C C looked a little in a dilemma when he heard that but he still agreed to it so that Elaine wouldn't leave him day after day went by Cass and Elaine had been together for a year in 1987 Cass had pretty much reduced his activities as a julan he spent more time with his girlfriend but one incident caused him to experience a big dilemma one day Cass was in his apartment with a lan when Freeman came in panic he immediately told him that Prentice had just attacked on his way home from work he was attacked by three Arsenal fans and they were all carrying knives causing serious injuries for Apprentice even his face had many Cuts hearing the news Cass became Furious and seemed to want revenge the lane was irritated to see the change in Cass and chose to leave this made Cass confused because on the other hand his identity as a hooligan could not accept that his friend was attacked but did not immediately take revenge after considering it for a few moments Cass finally decided to avenge Apprentice from the information obtained by Freeman the attacker came from Islington in another location Elaine confided in her friend Linda about this problem Linda thought that cass's anger was normal because his friend was attacked for no reason and not during a match thanks to Linda's explanation Elaine softened a little so she decided to return to cass's apartment Cass and ICF arrived at a small restaurant in Islington and found the attacker they immediately attacked and beat up the three people who attacked Prentice Cass looked very angry and beat the men several times with an iron bat but during the attack Cass was careless and his right thigh was pierced by a knife meanwhile Elaine came to cass's apartment and immediately went inside initially intended to just clean the house while waiting for Cass to come home but when she heard Cass coming with his friends she hid and listened to what they were talking about and immediately became angry when she heard Cass return after brawling with his leg stabbed seeing this the two friends immediately left Cass tried to calm her down and explain that this brawl would be the last while crying alen said that she loved him and didn't want anything bad to happen to him she also said that she didn't want the baby in her womb born without a father Cass was shocked to hear that before leing elen asked Cass to immediately look for a proper job as a black person and an ex-convict it was quite difficult for Cass to find a job he then remembered Ry who was now free and had a nightclub he tried to come to Ry and made an offer to provide security at his clubs luckily Ray seemed interested and soon after contacted him to accept the offer Cass immediately recruited his two best friends as the first two security guards he hired as time went by Cass recruited many former icfs as security guards while Cass and his friends were busy working hooliganism in England began to experience a decline in popularity until finally in the early '90s hooliganism was no longer popular Cass and his friends performance as security was excellent and Ray was happy with it the nightclub could run smoothly and the guests felt safe the stable income made Cass able to build a happy family for Elaine and her son in 1992 Cass and his family moved to a new house in pen South London at this time elain was also pregnant with her second child at Christmas Cass invited his adoptive parents to celebrate in the new house even though they were getting old they looked very happy because they could see Cass succeeding in becoming a successful person and having a happy family amid a happy life a real danger was lurking behind their back the Arsenal supporter who was once attacked by Cass saw Cass working in a pub in Islington and planned something bad against him even though he was being scouted at the beginning of 1993 Cass and his family had a happy life his work was still running smoothly as usual until that day at the end of Mark Case had just arrived at the club and was going to guard when he was talking to another security guard a group of men approached and shot him with a gun luckily case survived after being immediately rushed to the hospital by the two security guards who were with him due to the injuries Cass had to be treated in hospital and take complete rest for approximately 2 months after he was allowed to go home his friends came to visit him including Cass who offered an aid if he wanted Revenge Ray promised that the perpetrator would be immediately traced Cass was confused and still couldn't give a definite answer a few weeks later cass's condition had recovered significantly but he still had to rest he was visited by his father alone and this made Cass curious about where his mother was the father with a heavy heart told him that his mother had passed away this of course made Cass devastated not long after Cass receiv a delivery of condolence flowers but what made him upset was that the flowers were given a mocking message and a picture of three bullets cass's anger filled his mind with the desire for Revenge after the funeral Ray came to Cass and asked again about the revenge this time Cass agreed as long as everything was done in his way Ry asked him to wait for news from him Not only was he terrorized by the flowers Cass was also terrorized by the telephone this made Cass angry and his mind became eager for Revenge because his anger had not been vented he became silent and irritable several days later two policemen knocked on the door and asked Cass about the characteristics or information about the shooter which Cass answer that he didn't know anything about the shooter the confusion harmed the harmony of his family his son who was having fun playing with toy cars was suddenly shouted at because Cass was disturbed by the sound of the cars Elaine had enough of it and asked Cass to think straight this actually angered Cass and in the end elain decided to take her children to flee to Linda's house he warned Cass that if he was determined to do things that would endanger his life she would ask for a divorce being alone at home with an unstable emotional condition worse than cass's condition he started hallucinating and seeing the man who shot him in the mirror so he broke it in his room after a few days of being left by his wife raid finally contacted Cass and they rushed to find the man who shot Cass Cass brought a Harris complete with a coffin at the same time elay had finally forgiven Cass and asked his two children to go home when she entered she found the house empty and in a mess in another location Cass and his group arrived at a pub where cass's shooter was Ray's man immediately took out a coffin and Cass took a flower bouquet Ray went in and scared the people there with his gun so that everyone that was silent in fear Cass then went in and gave the flower bouquet to the guy who shot him not long after Ray gave him the gun so that Cass could end that guy's life he could end everything with just a pull on the trigger but he was silent for a long time until he finally decided to abandon his intention he felt that even though he was ready to go to prison for this he realized that his wife and two children would never be ready the book that had been confiscated in prison was finally published in April 2000 Cass continued his hobby of writing until he wrote eight books and was successful in opening a Publishing Company Cass and Elaine remained happy marry after the incident
Channel: StoryLine Movie
Views: 14,946
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Keywords: film recap, story recap, storyline movie, mystery recap, mystery recapped, based on true story movie, motivational movie recap, inspirational movie recap, sad movie recap, movie recapped, movie recaps, story recapped, movie review, movie summary, movie explained, recapped movie, movie recapped channel, film recap movies, movie story recapped, movies under 10 minutes, film recap movie review, gangster story recap, action movie recap, drama movie recap
Id: TmzU7h-MumA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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