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Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the world of  Tulsa King. The brand new series that took the   World by storm. Set in the Heart of the City of  Tulsa, this tale of power, corruption and family   Legacy follows the rise of Sylvester Stallone's  character, as he takes on the New York mafia,   the FBI, biker Rebels and much more. From  high-speed car chases to explosive confrontations,   the action never stops in Tulsa King. So sit  back, relax and get ready for a wild ride as   we take you through all the twists, turns  and thrills of Tulsa King's first season.  Tulsa King episode 1 begins from a prison cell. A convict by the name of Dwight Manfredi, AKA: The   General, was released today. He is picked up by a  blacked out car and is taken to a mansion. He is   instructed to enter the room and when he goes in,  he sees old as old mobster friends. "The Rock",   is the leader of the crime family, followed by his  son named, "Chicky". Dwight starts to immediately   mention that he wants compensation for spending 25  years in prison for a murder he took the raps for.   Instead, they tell Dwight that they are sending  him to Tulsa, Oklahoma instead. And they will be   giving him a wage, as well as some compensation.  Dwight feeling betrayed, starts arguing with them,   saying they're banishing him for all he has done  for the family. Vincent begins yelling at Dwight   which results in an elbow to his jaw knocking him  out. Then after everyone pulls out their guns,   The Rock tells them to stop and Dwight gets his  moment to exit before it escalates. Dwight then   takes a plane to Tulsa and upon arrival gets  help from a cab driver. Dwight tells him to go   to a hotel that won't draw any attention. On the  drive, the driver introduces himself as Tyson.   They have some laughs about how Dwight looks like  a mobster and then Dwight sees a marijuana store   and becomes confused. He realizes that weed is a  legal medical substance in Tulsa and gives Tyson   some cash to wait outside for him. As he explores  the shop, he walks in and says he wants to talk to   the owner. They tell him to beat it, which results  in a bottle getting thrown on the security guard's   face. The owner named Bodhi, walks out with  his hands up. Dwight says he wants to see some   journals or bookkeeping of his business. Inside  the office, Dwight cannot believe the numbers the   business is pulling in and then threatens Bodhi  to open up the safe. Half a million in cash is   in there and Dwight takes 40 Grand and tells bohdi  he is now his business partner and will be taking   20% off his profits in exchange for protection. He  walks out the store and gives Tyson the 40 Grand   and tells him to buy a blacked out Navigator.  He also tells him that he works for him now for   $2,000 a week. Tyson cannot believe his eyes and  goes to drop him off at a motel so he can buy   the Navigator. Dwight goes inside and unpacks his  suits and whatnot, then goes to the reception. The   lady calls him an Uber and Dwight gives her some  cash. He goes around town and meets some people.   Upon arrival at a food bar, he meets Mitch, an  ex-convict like Dwight, but only did five years.   The following day, Dwight is waiting for Tyson.  But when he rocks up with his mom's car, Dwight is   confused. Tyson says the dealership didn't believe  a man of his stature could have that amount of   cash without it being illegal. Dwight and Tyson  go to the store where Dwight walks into the main   office. He asks the man why he didn't accept the  cash, but Dwight isn't happy with his attitude   and smacks him. He beats him to a pulp, then  drives off with his new Navigator. They go to a   shopping center and get some ice cream. As Dwight  goes to clean up, a man eyes Dwight out and seems   like he knows him and rushes off. That night,  Dwight goes to see his new friend Mitch. He is   then approached by a woman named, Stacy. We jump  ahead sometime and see Dwight has upgraded his   hotel to a five-star. Stacy is there talking to  him and when he reveals that he is 75 years old,   she thanks him and walks out. In the last few  minutes we witnessed that Stacy is actually an   ATF agent and their friends from the FBI sent out  a warning of a known ex-gangster that has moved   to Tulsa. When she looks and sees Dwight there she  begins swearing at herself. We move on to the man   that eyed Dwight out from the mall and is on a  phone call asking someone if Dwight Manfredi has   been released from prison. The first episode comes  to an end as we see Dwight looking out his window   at Tulsa, the city he wishes to conquer. episode  2 begins with Dwight still in the Mayo Hotel he   is on his new laptop and is attempting to find the  location of his lost daughter after inputting the   information the website asks for a small fee he  doesn't have a card and gets frustrated he then   goes to the local coffee shop his order is ready  and as he walks he asks the waiter for a glass   cup she says we do not do that anymore he gets  irritated and annoyed at how the world changed   so fast elsewhere the FBI agent Stacy is calling  her friend in the office to ask about information   regarding Dwight her friend asks why she wants  the information to which she responds with   work-related activities her friend laughs as she  knows there is more to the story than that after   Dwight has his coffee he roams around the streets  of Tulsa and sees a kid playing with his mother   he feels jealousy as he wished he could have a  connection like that he keeps walking and a lady   screams from behind him saying that the circle  he is on is the center of the universe he stands   in the middle and to his surprise he sees a horse  walking on the street he feels as if he is seeing   things and he then walks up to the woman he offers  her some money she looks at him and disgust and   walks off elsewhere we see that Stacy is sitting  with her psychologist she is speaking to him about   how her current husband is dating another girl she  also illustrates how she saw someone he looks in   Surprise and asks about the guide to which she  responds with very old we also know that she is   currently in the middle of a divorce with her  current husband and is merely staying with him   for feudal reasons we then go back to New York  Vincent is not happy as he cannot speak properly   from Dwight hitting him so hard he asks chicky  that he'd be able to hurt Dwight back chicky says   that it's Father's friend and he cannot do that  he says he will arrange for something to be done   Vincent then storms out of the laundering store  in Rage Dwight sees his driver for the first time   this episode and asks Tyson a question he asks  that he needs a card to which Tyson says to him   let's go to the bank Dwight wants to pick up some  cash prior and walks into the marijuana store he   walks Bodhi into the office and simply makes him  open the safe he takes his 20 cut out and leaves   upon entering the bank he has stacks of money on  the counter he hands the banker his license in   which he begins to laugh the license is 20 years  out of date and is handed back to him he says he   needs one that is up to date to open an account  Tyson and Dwight then make a plan for him to go   and renew his license meanwhile the man from the  previous episode that panicked inside the mall   is seen in a ranch he receives a phone call from a  friend he listens to the person saying to him that   Dwight has been released from prison that he is  also staying in Tulsa the man also tells him that   he would be living in the most expensive hotel in  that area which they conclude as the Mayo Hotel   Dwight has to do a test to renew his license  he does not know the answers and so grabs the   man sitting next to him and copies his answers  he passes and in doing so they go to take his   photo to our humorous surprise he turns his head  as though he is taking a mug shot the cameraman is   surprised and tells him what are you doing he goes  to the desk to get his license but is then told   that he has to do a driving test the lady says  there is a five-week wait he pulls out some cash   and she says there is a free booking next week  Dwight goes back to the bank and gives the man   his paper certifying his identity the banker fixes  his account and gets up to shake hands with Dwight   they walk out of the bank and Dwight receives a  phone call from chicky chicky tells Dwight that   amends have to be made Dwight is confused and  chicky clarifies saying that he broke Vincent's   jaw and that a 100 000 compensation will suffice  Dwight pretty much says that he is going to send   a bomb instead back in the hotel room Dwight was  catching up on some reading when a knock on his   door is hurt he goes up to the door and Stacy was  there waiting for him he is surprised that she   came back to his hotel and asks what she is doing  here Dwight walks her into his room she does not   hesitate in the slightest way and tells Dwight  that she is a FBI agent he looks in Surprise   and feels set up she tells him that she will not  and cannot help him if he does anything criminal   related he understands and tells her that he is  merely having a holiday in Tulsa and to that she   turns around and walks out of the hotel back at  home Tyson is cleaning the Navigator his dad walks   out and looks at his son he tells him that he  should be in college Tyson says that he is working   for a businessman and he could learn a lot from  the man his dad disagrees and gets into his car   later on the Navigator is driving on a highway  Tyson Dwight and body are all present in the car   they are making their way to the Weed Farmer so  Dwight can have a chat with him they arrive at   the farm they all get out of the car and look at  the astonishing view there were anchors of land of   wheat they are greeted by the cousin of the owner  the man is not friendly and is not happy with   uninvited guests on the land his name or nickname  for that matter is bad face but Dwight likes to   call him [ __ ] face instead white gets into  his face the man eyes Dwight and they are about   to start fighting with one another the owner runs  out of the house screaming telling them to stop he   tells them both to relax and to come inside after  everyone gets seated the owner of the house walks   in and offers them some THC infused lollies  he introduces himself to the group as Jimmy   Dwight declines the lollies and says he negotiates  with a clear head Jimmy replies with there will   be no negotiations Dwight says that he will buy in  bulk in the deal he has in mind is 1 200 for first   10 units bought 1100 for next 10 and 1000 for  next 10. the remaining 270 out of 300 units will   be 750 Jimmy tells him he drives a hard bargain  and they get up and shake hands on a done deal   Jimmy then tells Dwight that the syrup he is  eating is highly infused with THC he stops eating   and looks up he begins laughing as he realizes he  is stoned on the car ride home he is smoking and   is 100 stoned he starts acting like a toddler and  a noise body elsewhere the unknown man that wants   to find white picks up his phone he calls the  Mayo Hotel and asks for the room number of his   friend white the man says okay and goes to phone  Dwight's room to which the man says it's all good   don't worry about it and ends the call back in  the hotel Dwight receives a male that contains   his debit card he inputs the information online  and accesses the information on his daughter he   looks at the number and with fear picks up his  phone he puts the number in and calls it a man   picks up saying his name is emery Dwight then  tells the man he would like to speak to his   daughter the man was Starstruck and tells his wife  that her father is on the phone she does not want   to speak with him Dwight says he just wants to  hear her voice she talks and says there you heard   my voice and ends the call he is gutted inside  and goes for a walk as he is walking he sees the   supposed center of the universe he stands in the  middle of it and is in tears he says one of the   saddest quotes I stopped seeing her because it was  too hard on her no I stopped seeing her because it   was too hard on me episode 3 begins with a police  Siege being conducted on a man Stacy is there with   her many armed units and helicopter as well the  man is holding a gun and his boss approaches the   site to help the cops instead he tells him to  do as he pleases and is kicked off the property   after looking out the window he sees no way out so  instead he looks at the ground and activates the   explosives which blows up the building elsewhere  Dwight is hanging out at his local coffee shop   again as he is drinking his coffee he turns  his hat into his surprise sees the same horse   roaming the streets from the previous episode  The Barista then also looks at the horse and says   she's seen it before we finally know that Dwight  isn't seeing things or going crazy he continues   practice driving for his upcoming test and makes  his way to bodhi's shop there seems to be a party   that is ongoing and Dwight walks to the back of  the property and sees Bodhi sitting there someone   passes out as Dwight looks and trips out what  the hell these kids are doing it seems they are   inhaling balloons and looks at Bodhi to explain  and the answer was they are doing nitrous oxide   later that night white goes to speak to Mitch at  the bar he tells him that using the cover of the   bar that could bring 30 tanks of nitrous oxide  in Mitch agrees and goes toward of the tanks   the next day is the Day of Reckoning Dwight gets  into his navigator to go for the driving test but   they are being watched by the same paranoid man  from the previous episodes the instructor comes   out and gets into the car the test begins and  Dwight is just cruising through the course the   instructor likes Dwight and says the kids these  days are annoying to deal with they approach a set   of Lights a person next to them with a balaclava  pulls out a gun as Dwight gets undercover and gets   shot at repeatedly Dwight does not care as he is  an OG and follows the Assassin in the middle of a   driving test he puts the pedal down and manages to  go around to cut the car off at an intersection he   sees the car and Rams right into it the instructor  was squealing like a [ __ ] and Dwight tells him   too shut the [ __ ] up he puts his head back  down and both cars are still drivable and so   he begins chasing again the car in front pulls  in between a truck and car and when Dwight goes   to do it the Gap closes in and the driver pulls  away he sees a partial plate and uses the blood   of the instructor to write the letters down cops  immediately arrive on the scene and Dwight tells   the instructor not to say a word as they are taken  back to the station at the station white plays the   dumb card he says it was a random attack and he  has no clue why it happened elsewhere the man   that shot a Dwight is seen exiting his car he puts  Fuel and uses a match to set fire to it and leave   no evidence behind Dwight is hanging out at the  station as Stacy walks into the room she pretty   much jumps at the occasion to see Dwight she tells  him that he is free to leave he thanks her and   walks out of the station the following day Dwight  is hanging out in his room when he decides to give   chicky a call he was not happy in suspects that  Vincent set the shooting up chicky assures him   that Vincent would not have done anything as they  have an agreement with one another Dwight doesn't   believe him and ends the call meanwhile while  at the FBI headquarters Stacy and her team are   looking into the bombing earlier that day and know  that the boss Colin Waltrip is The Mastermind and   is arming the local bikers up the man has done  jail time and has many murder charges under his   belt his right-hand man or woman for that matter  is Roxy they are a dangerous gang and the FBI is   scared of them at the hospital the driving  instructor is sitting in his bed minding his   business when Dwight comes in the man is paranoid  from Dwight but holds it together white gives him   an envelope the man opens it and trips out there  is 10K in there and Dwight tells him that is his   compensation for giving him a pass he gives him  a note that his number plates on it and tells him   to call up his friends and get him a location  or ID of that car Dwight also gives out more   money to Tyson and tells him to buy another  car he also tells him that if he stays as the   driver then it's his choice and on him if anyone  close gets injured Stacy goes back to the site of   the explosion she starts looking for Clues into  what type of explosives or weapons the man had   she instead sees a lonely dog scared and wandering  around she feels bad for it and opens up her car   door deciding to keep the dog she drives off the  property and goes back home Dwight gets lucky as   the instructor found in the location for the car  he has a look and gets even luckier the idiot that   put fire to the car had the windows closed and  that doesn't work he starts finding items and gets   Tyson to look them up he finds a weird item that  has her seven on it it was a local horse ranch a   few kilometers away Dwight takes Tyson home and  goes alone he gets down and is instructed that   the manager is at the back he goes to the back  and sees a woman riding a horse she comes off it   and walks towards Dwight he greets her and decides  to make a lie and say he is a private investigator   that one of his investigations led him here and  he would like to ask around she tells him unless   he has a warrant he can pretty much [ __ ] off he  sits in his car and Stakes out the ranch he waits   till late at night and sees a car pulling out  he believes this is the shooter and turns his   car on and starts to follow him the driver then  pulls in into a quiet street the man pulls his   car into a driveway as Dwight stops his car on the  other side of the road he has a gun in the holster   and is ready for anything he looks back and sees  the man hugging and playing with his kids Dwight   feels bad for the moment and lets him be episode  4 starts off with Dwight's shooter and how there   is dog [ __ ] in his yard his neighbor's dog once  again has done its business as his neighbor drives   past and gives him a finger he walks to his car  and starts getting the shovel out as he's looking   Dwight walks up behind him and sticks a gun to  his back he takes him inside and throws him on the   ground he clocks the gun and tells him who sent  you to kill me the man starts pleading and says   his name is Armand truazi that he left New York  because he was forced to orchestrate the stabbing   and killing of Dwight in jail Dwight gives him  a big smack and says he doesn't believe that his   friend Pete would set him up Armand swears on his  children's lives that Pete tried to kill Dwight   and that after it failed he left New York and  came to Tulsa he says that when he saw Dwight   he thought he was looking for Revenge but it  turns out it was just a misunderstanding Dwight   leaves him but doesn't forgive him he says that  he wants a starting 300 a week rent from Armand   his wife walks in and trips out she sees Armand  and runs to help as Dwight leaves the house later   on in the day Tyson is driving Dwight to a tailor  to fix him up some nice suits Dwight looks like a   proper OG now as he instructs the tailor to make  some more suits for him at the FBI headquarters   Stacy is still being a silent stalker she keeps  constantly checking in on Dwight and looks into   his records once more her friend even notices  and somewhat laughs at her the nitrous oxide   tanks managed to pull through and come in Mitch  bought 30 tanks under the disguise of his food   business he slaps Dwight's back because he knows  there is going to be some good money being made   Dwight invites Bodhi Fred and Tyson to the bar he  tells them go take 10 tanks to a festival and sell   them at ten dollars per balloon they were making a  killing at the festival but two biker looking men   walk up to Bodie and Tyson and tell them who gave  them permission to sell here Tyson says we didn't   ask both the men then walk off later that night  Armand as having a chat with his wife he breaks   the gangster code and snitches on himself and his  boys he tells her everything about his past and   all the men he used to hang around his wife looks  at him in disgust and walks off the next day Tyson   picks up Dwight they get in the car and he pulls  out a paper bag to give him Dwight looks inside   and is pleased with the amount made and gives  some free cash to Tyson Tyson says he's going to   buy a pinky ring but instead Dwight takes us off  and gives it to him for free elsewhere the local   bikers were having a meeting their boss colon and  right hand Roxy were speaking to the two bikers   at the party Roxy says their weaklings for not  stopping them on the spot and so Colin gives the   signal and those two bikers get beaten up Armand  is scared shitless of Dwight and so instead of   giving him cash he steals him a metal horse worth  20 grand Armand says if he sells it he will get   caught Dwight looks at him and says that if he  sells it they're going to think that he stole   it Dwight tells Armand to take it back later on  Dwight calls up his sister she keeps putting it on   him and is not that happy to hear his voice she  says that their younger brother is very sick   and Dwight cannot speak to him she sounds very  [ __ ] and tells Dwight she'll speak to him later   and ends the call no gangster series is complete  without family problems Tyson's dad Mark doesn't   like that Tyson is a chauffeur he believes that  he is working for a mobster and Tyson disagrees   with him and lies to his family later that night  Tyson and Bodhi are back at the festival selling   more balloons the bikers from the previous night  were spotted and immediately start smashing Tyson   up they stole both the tanks the money and gave  the boys an ass whooping Dwight is one calm man   as he smokes his cigar Tyson apologizes for losing  the money Dwight and Mitch say there is nothing   to apologize for and that he has a plan to sort  this out he tells everyone to return to the bar   at night time Armand also gets a call from Dwight  he says that he is to go to the bar tonight as   well when Tyson goes home he cops a mad scolding  from his dad his dad starts screaming at Tyson   and tells him to look in his mother's face and lie  to her that he is not working for a mobster Tyson   feels insulted and starts talking back saying  he earns more money than his dad he then starts   the throwing money at his parents and gets kicked  out of the house it's night time and time to get   ready for war everyone is there they also managed  to get bad face to help them Tyson walks in and   tells Dwight that everything is ready they start  walking out the bar but Tyson sees his dad walking   in he says Ah [ __ ] fuzzy knows this isn't going  to be fun Dwight then tells Tyson to wrap it up   Mark turns around and things get heated between  them Dwight says Tyson is a man and can make his   own decisions Mark says he is joining them for  the night as he doesn't want his son to get beat   up again Dwight says whatever and they all leave  the bar together they get to the festival and hang   out in the car park they counted 12 bikers and  Bodhi says there better be a plan that doesn't   involve me getting bashed again Dwight tells him  to relax and starts walking to the car and says   to them it's time to grow some balls they grab  some baseball bats and start walking towards the   festival the shops close and the team is walking  together they see the first biker and make him   their first victim it's all chaos as everyone  is just brawling and smashing anything in sight   Bodhi gets pinned down but bad face saves him  Bodhi gets up and cleans up after bad face   Tyson is also getting cornered but his dad came  from behind and saved his ass a good father-son   bonding time Armand is on a different level and  is just swinging at anything they are victorious   and manage to get the tanks and the cash back from  the bikers they return back to home base and are   all on adrenaline highs Dwight gives Armand some  money for his help in Tyson and his dad are having   some good bonding time with each other back at  the hotel Dwight is washing up and gets a call   from his sister she facetimes him and says she  is at the hospital she tells Dwight that their   younger brother is dying and to say your last few  words to him before he is gone Dwight Begins by   saying sorry to his brother sorry that he wasn't  around sorry that he isn't feeling well and sorry   for not being an older brother he immediately gets  emotional as he begins Reminiscing on stories of   them as children he says he loves him and will  see him in the next world he ends the call and   sits there looking back at his decisions in his  life Armand gets back home after a long night he   walks toward his house and steps on dog [ __ ]  he turns around and sees his neighbor he is fed   up and tells his wife get inside as he walks  across the road he grabs his Boot and smudges   the [ __ ] right into his neighbor's face he  gets him on the ground and starts laying into   him as his wife stands there in disbelief episode  5 begins with Dwight putting on some mad looking   crocodile scaled belt and shoes he does his tie  and grabs his suitcase and walks off he ends up   in New York at a funeral home from his recently  deceased brother he attends the family gathering   his sister Joanne runs up to him and hugs him she  is excited to see him after 25 years and tells   him let's go pay respects to our brother after  they make a prayer for him Dwight looks around   and spots his daughter out Tina is not happy and  immediately gives him the cold shoulder he walks   out and joins his sister for a smoke he asks her  to tell him about his grandkids it turns out that   Dwight has two grandchildren that are twins they  are named Cody and Ryan back in Tulsa two Marshals   are having lunch with a biker member he nods his  head and we once again see the boss of of the   biker gang sitting on his bike the man then gives  the cops a paper with information regarding Dwight   and his crew in the hotel at New York Dwight gets  a phone call from chicky chicky tells him that he   didn't ask permission to come back to New York he  also tells him that tomorrow he wants to see him   at the hospital because his father isn't doing so  well in Tulsa Tyson is bored and is just driving   around as he's driving he gets pulled over and two  cops get out of the car and go on each side the   cop asks for registration and as he goes to get  it he has to see his hands Tyson is confused and   just gets the paper anyways they play dirty and  immediately arrest him on site for suspicion they   do not have any body cams on and coincidentally  find drugs in the car making Tyson eligible for   jail he calls Dwight but he does not answer and  is then forced to go into holding with many other   people he sits in the corner and just waits in New  York Dwight goes to the family dinner and gives   the waiter a nice amount of cash to keep the food  and drinks flowing Hina gives him a dirty as he   says he wants everyone to introduce themselves to  him as he has not met some of them the first two   are introduced as Stella and Denise he then looks  at his daughter's husband and says he remembers   his name as Emery from the call a few days ago he  said he is a bit disappointed that Emery didn't   ask his Blessing to marry his daughter Tina  gets cut and starts being foul with her dad   saying that he can't just buy his way into the  family that Emery is more of a man than he will   ever be she gets up and leaves at the hospital  the Mobsters are playing cards Dwight walks in   and greets everyone Vincent's misses has a bit  of a sneeze attack and white being a gentleman   gives her some tissues Vincent once again loses  it and stands up to Dwight just barking off   chicky tells him to calm down as they're in  a hospital he walks Dwight in the hallway and   tells him to stop annoying Vincent and that his  dad is sleeping and can't be seen now Tyson is   struggling in jail he asks the two coppers if he  can use the bathroom they point to a drain in the   middle of the room and he starts pleading they run  a muck on him and tell him give us the password to   your phone and we'll let you out he gives them  the code and they let him out Stacy is seen at   the park answering a phone call Dwight called  her and says he wants to hear a familiar voice   she laughs and then goes to a serious tone and  tells him that the bikers he smashed at the   festival are more than what they seem she tells  him she wants to talk to him in person Dwight gets   another call from Tyson and answers he talks  to Tyson but no one responds and the call has   ended it seems the bikers called Dwight and when  he spoke they ended it in bagged Bodhi Tyson is   finally being released from prison the guard gives  him some items back and tells Tyson that the car   is in an impound lot Tyson asks for his phone and  the guard said it was not listed these cops were   playing real dirty and Tyson knew it back at the  ranch Armand is going about his daily life when   one of his workers starts laughing at what he'd  done the previous night at the festival he walks   up to her and asks how she knew she says her uncle  is a sergeant at the biker club that he smashed   up and that he was going to get revenge on the  people who done it Armand is very nervous as his   name is already spread around Tulsa in a few days  [ __ ] is getting serious as they unveil the bag   from Bodhi and put a knife to his neck he looks  scared as hell as he is a nobody without Dwight   the biker leader sits down and tells Bodhi how is  he involved with Dwight Bodhi becomes a snitch and   rat he says he is being extorted and he cannot  do anything about it the bikers want to send a   message across to Dwight's crew and so go to the  bar and walk Bodhi in the dirty coppers then tell   Mitch does this mutt belong to you they want to  ask him questions to which he says no thanks they   threaten him and Mitch loses his [ __ ] and says  get the [ __ ] out of my joint excuse me you want   him [ __ ] sign language and I suggest since this  establishment is situated on Cherokee land where   you have absolutely no Authority that you get your  fat sorry [ __ ] cottage cheese asses out of here   Bodhi puts his hands up and they uncuff him and  walk out Mitch walks Bodhi in the back and asks   what the hell happened in New York Dwight walks  into his daughter's shop he asks her is there   any way to move past what happened she says no she  has cut at him for leaving her and her mother with   nothing no credit card no car absolutely nothing  Dwight pretty much says he made sure that his   old crew protected and provided for both her and  her mother Hina gets emotional and starts saying   that worked out so well sarcastically she starts  talking about the man nicknamed the package and   accidentally says well let's just say one Tuesday  night well I learned the hard way why he's called she stops halfway and white also realizes  why the man is named the package she gets   scared and Dwight tells her to finish the  story she refuses and makes him promise   not to do anything he agrees and just sits  there fuming with rage he immediately goes   to the hospital and walks to see if they  were still playing cards no one is there   though so instead he walks into Pete's  room and sits next to his bed he gives   Pete a photo of his dead brother and tells  him that family is everything he asks if   Pete knew Pete looks at him confused Dwight  asks again but this time he gets up with rage Dwight tells him that he was supposed to protect  his family that he promised to be there for them   but instead he sent someone else he walks out of  the hospital with the devil in his eyes he makes   his way to where the boys were playing cards he  sees the package and smacks him with a crowbar   he breaks the TV kicks the man punches him then  puts his face onto the stove an excruciating pain   he slams his head through a table then ties a rope  around his neck he drags him across the floor and   chickie tells him where are you going he looks at  the boys then Stomps his boot into the package's   face then stops again killing him he then walks  out in Fury episode 6 of Tulsa King begins with   Route 66 like Stallone Route 66 is quite old but  still is amazing to watch a man on a stable looks   inside his barn and sees his horse pilot missing  once again and once again it is just cruising in   the middle of Tulsa with no care in the world  Stacy and her partner at the ATF have a mole in   Waltrip's crew Roxy the redhead has information  on a new Italian mafia running around town   Stacy immediately tries to get her back on point  about the biker gang but her partner is hooked his   name is Dwight she says and Stacy's partner is now  going to report this to the FBI back in New York   Pete is enraged at his son chicky for failure  to stop the package from assaulting Dwight's   daughter Tina he said if he knew what he'd done  he would skin him alive himself chicky tells his   dad Dwight is out of control and both him and his  daughter need to die he gets a mad slap from his   dad in return and is embarrassed as his dad tells  him that's a lie no one will ever cross meanwhile   Dwight goes to Tina's store and closes the door  he reveals that he killed the package Tina is   in shock and cannot believe what he has done he  tells her that in this game there are lines and   the package crossed them Hina tells Dwight he  just ruined her life he tells her that no one   will come after her that only he is in danger  Dwight returns back to Tulsa and sees Tyson   his first question is what happened to the car  Tyson told him what happened to him when Dwight   was gone and that he got locked up they take  off and immediately go to bodhi's store they   see a sign that says they are currently closed  down as Bodhi does not answer his phone as well   back at the stable Roxy walks up to Armand and  tells him that her boss wants to sort out the   drama between the two Crews Armand looks at  her and says that he'll deliver the message   and cannot promise anything more than that Dwight  finally makes his way into his crew's home base   and walks in he is beyond happy to see Mitch and  tells him what the hell happened when he was at   New York Mitch explains to him how the bikey shook  Bodhi and Tyson up later on his daughter Tina gets   a call from her dad he tells her is checking up  on her she says that she is getting phone calls   and no one is talking on the other line he tells  her that he'll call her back he then calls one of   the men that works with Pete he tells him that he  wants everything to cool down and so Dwight tells   him to come out to Tulsa and meet the man says  he will ask Pete first and see if he allows it   Dwight tells him okay and we cut scenes to the  following day where we see the pothead of all   potheads Bodhi is meditating after a stressful  week and gets a loud knock on his door he gets   up and sees FBI agents telling him they want  to talk to which he tells them okay meanwhile   they decide to raid a shop and destroy the place  inside out they cannot find any weed or money then   an officer tells them there is a safe in the back  the Mobsters then decide to have a meeting about   Dwight's proposal chicky reckons it is a setup  and Pete once again tells him to shut up and   that seeing him will be a good idea at the same  time Dwight has a sit-down with Waltrip it goes   the way you would think Dwight tells him off and  tells him that there will be no negotiations as   he is Mitch by his side they go back to home base  and eat dinner when Armand points to the door they   turn around and see Bodhi Dwight tells him where  the hell he has been and Bodhi tells him the FBI   came knocking this warns him a pat down and Dwight  continues the questions and tells him what did he   tell the FBI he said to Dwight that he declared  that they are business partners and that they can   [ __ ] off Dwight is impressed and points to Mitch  Mitch then comes out with bags of cash on him and   Dwight laughs when we see that he took the cash  out of the safe and Body store and replaced it   with a cigar Bodhi is so happy and goes in for  a hug when Dwight puts his fists up as a joke   his crew laugh and he tells Bodhi he has his back  and gives him a hug the next day Dwight goes to   his local coffee shop once again he looks at his  watch and the waitress asks him what's wrong to   which he tells her the horse pilot is not out  today she tells him they are going to put it   down for escaping so much Dwight then asks her  for her name and she tells him Spencer she also   says it's her last day working at the shop  Dwight has an idea and asks her if she likes   horses which she does he takes her to the stable  where Pilot is he goes straight to the owner and   tells him that he wants the horse and gives him  some cash meanwhile at the bar where the bikers   hang out Waltrip talks to his number two groom  and goes over their plan from and Freddy that's   when the red-headed mole comes in asking too many  questions this is groom's girl and Waltrip tells   him she must learn manners groom then walks up to  her and tells her to shut her mouth after buying   the horse from its owner Dwight brings pilot to  the finario ranch he makes a deal with Margaret   to train pilot and house him in her stable however  Margaret agrees only on the condition that Dwight   makes Prof upper arrangements for the horse in  a week's time the next few scenes are the main   point of the episode Dwight goes up to Mitch and  tells him that if he is interested he wants to go   into business with him at the bar Mitch tells him  he'll think about it we then cut to a scene where   Tina is walking her kids out of the car when  her husband Emery goes to park his car he comes   walking home and then from behind him chicky comes  out of nowhere and belts Emery up he even breaks   his arm in the process he then gives him a few  kicks while casually walking off back at the bar   Dwight and Mitch are closing up when bullets come  through breaking the window Mitch and Dwight get   down and as Dwight goes to look he gets shot  at immediately he tells Mitch to grab his gun   Mitch crawls and grabs his gun and they both  go around the house to see the biker shooting   at the bar they both then open fire and instantly  kill him Dwight double checks he is dead and then   Mitch looks at him and tells him that he would be  pleased to be business partners with Dwight and   shakes his hand the episode 7 breakdown and recap  begins with Mitch and Dwight digging a grave for   the biker from the previous episode they take  off the man's jacket and toss him into the hole   we immediately go back to New York and see Pete  having a conversation with his doctor telling him   that Pete should live another 15 years just take  it easy with cigars and screaming he tells him he   will meanwhile Tina gives her dad a call informing  him that her husband was jumped the previous night   he cannot believe that Pete and his family lied  to him and offers his daughter a stay in Tulsa   to which she refuses after he ends the call Mitch  asks him if he should put a fish with a delivery   and Dwight tells him no we move our attention to  Tyson and Armand at the train station when goody   karangi arrives in town he remembers Armand from  his past and asks him what the hell he is doing   in Tulsa Armand says coincidence and walks him  out to the car in the ride towards the home base   goody notices Tyson's ring and says how did he  get it Tyson merely suggests that he bought it   goody then turns around and tells Armand to  be serious about his association with Dwight   turns out it is exactly as Armand says and it  was purely coincidental elsewhere Waltrip and   the black McAdams receive a package they cut open  the box and see a blood smothered jacket Waltrip   is immediately consumed with revenge and Pike's  girlfriend Roxy is devastated and forced to leave   later she meets Stacy and begs the ATF officer  to free her from their Arrangement however Stacy   convinces Roxy to try and get some evidence  against Waltrip that will help her incriminate   the biker gangs leader instead and be freed  forever Roxy informs her of a laptop she will   get her and meet tomorrow 10 a.m sharp Bodhi and  his crew finally go back to their shop and see   a dump yard they agree to start cleaning his body  goes to the back and starts loosening some screws   which reveals a hidden USB he looks Shifty as he  goes through multiple passwords and looks around   making sure no one is watching back at home  base goody and White's men arrive and as he   walks in expecting a warm welcoming he receives  this instead you tell that weak women [ __ ] he   comes around my daughter again I will chop his  [ __ ] head off he is speechless and swears by   everything he knows he doesn't have a clue about  any attack on Tina's husband and he never heard   anything about Tina and Nico either Dwight accepts  his answers from knowing him well as a kid and   tells him to sit down and have a drink later on  that night goody reports back to Chickie and his   dad and starts babbling about Dwight's operation  he starts off with his men and says he gets his   weed from the Indians some Cowboy runs the bar  and the black kid drives him around it's like   the [ __ ] Village People however while reporting  to Chickie he expresses his doubts about Dwight's   loyalty to the crime family as he even gave his  ring away to Tyson after comforting Roxy Stacy   confronts Dwight by Smashing on his door and  demands an answer about Pike's death however   Dwight refuses to acknowledge his involvement and  in doing so this enrages Stacey who threatens to   arrest him and walks off swearing her lungs out  the following day Roxy decides to grow some balls   but loses some brain cells when she decides to  break into Waltrip's office and start snooping   around she finds a lock draw and breaks it open  with a knife which reveals a hidden laptop she   starts going through it when the door behind her  opens up Waltrip then speaks and startles Roxy he   has a calm and laughable expression as he closes  the laptop and politely asks her to start talking   she rats herself out again and explains how she  is a rat he is still very calm and goes to give   her the knife as a necklace as he puts it around  her neck she is immediately strangled and we don't   need to say what happens to her next a few hours  later Stacy is waiting for Roxy as she is late so   Stacy decides to call her and a man answers Stacy  Says can she speak to Roxy and the man implies   that she will no longer be taking phone calls  anymore who is this he dialed the number for him she then gets teary as she knows Roxy is dead  meanwhile Dwight meets Bodhi he proposes his   new business plan he wants to renovate Mitch's  restaurant and open a casino within it while Bodhi   feels the business requires substantial Capital  he is impressed with the possibility of using it   to launder money he then asks a random question  and says are you familiar with nfts crypto yeah   I don't like it Bodie laughs and says this might  change your mind as he turns his laptop around   revealing millions of dollars of crypto that  he stole did you really think you were the only   criminal in Tulsa Dwight is over the moon and is  impressed with Bodhi back at the hospital Tina   asks her bashed up husband if he would consider  moving to Tulsa her husband does not agree that   moving towards her gangster father would help  them get away from gangsters and Promises her   that it'll be better in New York it's back to  good old father-son bonding time when chicky   helps his father to bath but once again Dwight is  mentioned in their conversation and chicky becomes   annoyed as his dad tells him stop being a suck  chicky then tells his dad that he is steering the   family the wrong way and grabs his father's head  and sinks it in the water after a couple minutes   of struggling the arms drop and chickie walks off  looking in the mirror symbolizing being the new   head of the family when new spreads at Pete's  death their family and fellow Mobsters come to   pay their respects Vincent is among them as he  walks up to Chickie and gives him a hug he asks   if there is anything he can do and chicky says  can help me get this family back on [ __ ] track   we then move on to the last scene of the movie  Dwight sees goodies still in Tulsa and asks him   what he is doing here he is then informed that  Pete died from a heart attack and a funeral will   be soon Dwight mentions that he will not be  attending no matter how bad it looks we know   from here on out things are going to be spicy  between the New York mafia and the new Tulsa   King Mobsters episode 8 begins with Mitch teaching  his Squad how to properly shoot they all give it   a go but miss horribly come Tyson's turn he turns  the pistol acting like a gangster until he misses   Mitch then shows him how to properly use a pistol  and expertly shoots all the bottles showing off   his skills Grace then gives it a go and somehow  manages to cleanly shoot the bottles Dwight is   impressed and applauds her skills elsewhere Stacy  is waiting for wall trip at the McAdams hangout   as he pulls in she ferociously walks out of the  car and goes in his face asking where he buried   Roxy he acts dumbfounded and surprised and says  he does not know who that is Stacy threatens him   as he arrogantly walks off at home base Dwight  Bodie and Mitch met Jimmy and pitched in the   idea of opening a casino they told him that his  involvement and it would be hidden by a trust   fund that meant that Jimmy would be able to gain  the benefits while being protected from any legal   problems Dwight also asks him if he could arrange  for some tough guys like bad face to help him back   in New York chicky is having a meeting with other  mobster families and tells them that they need to   take out Dwight the men can't believe what chicky  just said but after making a remark chicky throws   him on the wall and after getting pulled off he  tells everyone go home Dwight and Tyson then go   to stake out the McAdams Hideout while waiting two  police officers walk out this is when Tyson points   them out as the two dirty coppers that arrested  him at the ATF headquarters the FBI and Stacy's   partner once again mentioned white Stacy does not  want to hear it and gets aggravated announcing to   the FBI that her informant was just murdered but  before she died she told Stacey of a laptop with   millions of dollars on it the FBI then agree that  Waltrip is a threat and they go to get a warrant   Dwight also agrees that Waltrip is a threat and so  meets up with some of Mitch's buddies from jail he   asks if they know how to shoot and if they have  the guts to do what is necessary they tell them   there shouldn't be a problem Dwight then makes his  way home and decides to give Tina a call when she   answers he tells her that maybe she should hold on  coming to Tulsa for the time being she knows that   things are getting heated down there and tells  him that she will wait until Dwight gives her   the okay the FBI and ADF execute their warrant and  raid the bar where the McAdams are located the do   not find Waltrip or his right hand man but they  do manage to find the laptop Roxy was speaking   about they make their way back to headquarters and  after opening the laptop they see over 8 million   dollars in cash the FBI agree that Waltrip is  no small timer and start making phone calls to   frieza's assets Walter appears of the raid and  calls up his policemen they said it was an FBI   raid and they couldn't have known Waltrip then  starts screaming and tells them to get Dwight in   a Cell so he can end him they tell him that  they'll do it right away then we move on to   a scene where Bodhi is convincing Jimmy to join  their businesses together that all he has to do   is sign a few things and lay back while the cash  flow comes in Jimmy pretty much tells Bodhi that   that is likely to happen later on Tyson is driving  Dwight when suddenly they get pulled over Dwight   recognizes the two dirty cops and tells Tyson to  stay in the car and he'll handle it he walks out   of the car with his hand in his jacket and tells  the two officers my hand is wrapped around him   [ __ ] 357 Magnum with a 158 grain hollow points  they then threaten and tell him they know where   he lives to which he replies likewise they  slowly back off and get into their car Dwight   then gets into his car and begins laughing as  he forgot his gun at home and it was all a bluff   come my favorite part of the episode is when  chicky gives Dwight a call he tells him that   since his father died he wants no more beef with  Dwight and that he is coming down to Tulsa to   break bread and make sure there are no grudges  Dwight tells him okay and awaits his appearance   he puts down the phone and Vincent has a lot to  say and the Oscar goes through chicken venezi we then move over to a scene where once again  Waltrip screams at the coppers on his payroll he   tells them they are useless and that he'll handle  Dwight on his own it's not a mafia show without   family drama and as seen here Armand's wife says  she wants to move out of Tulsa he tells her stop   bringing it up but she insists and Armand loses  it and smacks the food away she tells him to go   away for the night or her and the kids will he  just sits there fuming and the last scene of the   episode always brings us a cliffhanger ending once  again Dwight is randomly approached by Stacy she   goes up to him and starts lecturing him and what  he stands for he keeps his calm and still manages   to make her laugh they are having some small talk  when suddenly we see two bikers in an Alleyway   Stacy sees them and pulls her gun out and White  follows they start shooting each other and they   manage to hit wall trips second in command but  Stacy then gets shot as Waltrip speeds Off Dwight   goes to help stacius Tyson pulls back into the  street hearing the shots Dwight sees him and hands   him the gun and tells him to dump it Tyson speeds  off only to see an army of officers arriving on   the scene we see a frantic and revengeful looking  Dwight as the episode comes to a halt We Begin   by going over 25 years ago where both chicky and  Vincent are causing trouble a man owes them money   and they took it upon themselves to torture him  for the fun of it Armand pleads for them to stop   as they just ignore him and continue after he goes  out and makes a call to Dwight and gives him the   address he goes back inside to see a horrific  scene they are treating the man as if he is a   horse and burning a sign on him whilst doing  it Dwight enters the room in both chicky and   Vincent [ __ ] themselves when they see him he  tells them to back off and to give him the keys   they start looking for them but they seem to have  lost it simultaneously the rod with fire on it was   thrown onto a newspaper and as they go to stomp  it out it starts blaring out of control Dwight   goes to rescue the man and when he can't rip the  chains off chickie screams at him to leave and   runs off Dwight then shoots the Cuffs twice still  not breaking them as Armand and everyone leaves he   looks at the man and apologizes the man pleads for  Mercy but to Dwight this is killing he pulls the   trigger and walks out of the building where the  police were waiting for him and arrest him which   leads to him getting 25 years come to the current  day he is still having headaches with the police   as they question him on who shot Stacy and himself  he as usual didn't hear and didn't see nothing a   man then walks in stating he is Dwight's lawyer  and immediately tells the cops what Dwight's   charges are they said they were still thinking and  to that he tells Dwight let's go as they walk out   like the gentleman he is he goes straight to  the hospital and sees Stacey on the bed he   simply tells her that he owes her his life  and cannot ever repay what she did for him   she just sits there and takes the compliments  as he leaves the flowers and goes as usual it's   time for another enraged Waltrip therapeutical  session and as the bikers hide their bikes he   does not disappoint he begins with saying that  there shall be no hiding and that no one will   rest until every man and Dwight's crew is dead  one of his men say there is too much heat and he   is immediately dealt with the rest of them just  stand there in disbelief after Dwight's release   he is pissed and decides to put up a bounty on  wall trip he then tells Armand that [ __ ] is   about to hit the fan and after this there is no  turning back Armand says he will never chicken out   ever again and that he just found out chicky is in  town and he'll prove he is now a fighter arman's   intel was on point and as chicky complains  about the weather to his boys he immediately   gets up as he seized white walking towards him  Dwight might be 76 but he doesn't care one bit   about conflict he tells chicky that he didn't  tell him he landed in Tulsa and straight away   gets to the point chicky banished him to Tulsa to  die so he can buzz off and leave him here alone   Vincent tells him to respect the new leader of the  family and Dwight tells him to shut up he walks to   goody and tells him that he has three seconds  to decide whether he wants to be with him or   working under a [ __ ] goody immediately chooses  Dwight and to that Dwight points to two shooters   then another two he tells chicky that he will be  escorted to the airport and can get out of his   town he turns his back as a sign of disrespect in  him and his boys leave later on he has a meeting   with his crew and introduces goodie to them saying  he is now a member he looks at his crew and tells   them they have two decisions one that they can  turn around and walk away without an issue or two   they can stay and fight fight fear from within  and then wait for their enemies to strike and   make sure to hit them back twice as hard everyone  agrees to stay and walk towards Dwight this has   to be one of the best scenes so far this series  Dwight walks into bodies Abode and asks him if   he can use his Tech with skills to somehow siphon  out Waltrip's cash he says he'll give it a shot   he cracks his neck and does some mad work using  binance metamask and a few hacker tools he manages   to lock onto the laptop that some FBI were looking  at and sees eight plus million dollars he laughs   and says that's a lot of money no that was a lot  of money he siphons out the funds as the officers   call their boss telling him they have a problem  this man needs some immediate angry issue therapy   as he completely loses it he sees his account at  zero dollars and throws his laptop in a tantrum   back at the hospital Stacy gets a get well soon  card she opens internets from Dwight it has a USB   inside and she fires up her laptop and puts the  USB inside to her shock it has one million dollars   inside and she cannot believe it after Dwight's  long day he goes to kick back and play cards with   the boys but then they hear Harley's outside  everyone looks at Dwight and he simply says go   everyone Sprints into action as they set up some  trip wire on the door and get behind the counter   as the bikers outside get locked and loaded  Waltrip is at the front and they go inside the   front of the building as they slowly begin walking  in the first few men trip the wire and as it blows   up to white and as men pop up from the counter and  start firing Waltrip uses his man as a shield and   manages to get behind cover Tyson gets shot at his  Dwight takes a few out Armand also gets shot as   his crew keeps firing Dwight is officially pissed  off and goes after Waltrip he smacks him and runs   him into the wall he uses his own gun and fires  the bullet finally finishing him off he looks back   and sees the rest of his men standing and all the  bikers dead he just looks at the blood and chaos   and just stands there soaking it all in three  months go by and Tina has moved to Tulsa with   her dad both his grandsons are there and we can  see pure happiness and Dwight for the first time   he decides to ride the horse to show off in  front of his family as they have a great time   with pilot Stacy has recovered very well in three  months and her fellow officers command her for her   previous policing history they tell her she will  be reinstated even after conversing with a known   felon but they have just one condition we move on  to the last scene of this action-packed episode   where they rebuilt bred 2 Buck everyone is there  and they all survived Mitch is leading a band and   just hanging out with the new Gambling License  they just secured Dwight is hanging out when Fred   walks up to him and Whispers that there is a girl  asking for you outside as he opens the door he   is happy to see Stacy there but all she says is  I'm sorry I just want to say I hope she doesn't   survive the remainder of the series this new red  hair look in this attitude will not be dealt with   lightly by Dwight the coppers then hold up the  USB and say he is trying to bribe an officer   they go to put him in the car when Tina Runs Out  she runs to Dwight and is once again living her   trauma of her dad going away in cuffs they drive  off and Dwight just sits there fueled by Rage of   betrayal I want to thank you for watching the  Season 1 recap of Tulsa King this took me a   lot of time and effort and I would be grateful  for your support thank you until the next one foreign
Channel: Movies Outpost
Views: 2,603,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mVIfhmu3GhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 37sec (2977 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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