Original Xbox Retrospective

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March 2nd 1999 Sony announces the PS2 Bill Gates panics and demands that Microsoft does something before the big black Menace replaces the PC in the living room and the answer was this launched on November 15th 2001 what you're seeing here is 8 and2 lb of Juicy early 2000s gaming goodness I first picked an Xbox up from e games when they were a few years old and pretty much bargain B material I remember dad actually got into an argument with the guy behind the counter because he could sell him Grand Theft Auto San Andreas since I was a minor problem was the sale had already been made and dad was a little less H docile back then so needless to say I was another imprisonable kid whose mind was apparently warped by perhaps the mac daddy of violent video games at the time but more importantly I was introduced to the world of Xbox [Music] out [Music] around quite frankly I shouldn't be more excited the Xbox is everything the rock is Cutting Edge powerful exhilarating and like the rock it will be the most electrifying thing coming out this year rock as much as I love your humility now God you a fun back then I won't bore you with technical specs as I feel that's what Google's for but to break this Beast Down it is a built-in hard drive so throw away your memory cards and enjoy quicker load times as you're presented with crisp imagery ranging from 480p minimum all the way up to 1080i resolution on certain games and thanks to Dolby we have surround sound for the moving 3D imagery H I just love this thing so much I want to get behind it and plug its hole with an ethernet cable that's right an ethernet cable to support broadband connected internet now this was back when only about 5% of us households had Broadband but Xbox owners that did enjoyed land parties you know little Johnny who screams through his headset of how hard he your mom last night well imagine like 16 of him in the same house each with their own TV and Xbox plugged into the modem making a racket over a game of Star Wars Battlefront Crimson Skies or of course Halo now I'm not a Halo fan when Halo 2 first came out I'd watch my neighbor play it bored out of my fraking mind but I can appreciate what Halo did for the firstperson shooter genre earlier console titles like golden eye and middle of Honor were fine but they lacked precision and their low frame rates couldn't cope with the constant view changes developer Bungie basically took everything that at the time was only possible on a PC with a mouse and keyboard and brought it to the Xbox with combat evolve that one free Halo 2 would be the bestselling game on the system and helped push online multiplayer into the mainstream with the Xbox Live subscription service let's play anyone else remember how spiky blonde hair was back then you nailed the marketing Microsoft instead of having to manually search for a lobby Xbox Live let players automatically find people to play with and it allowed parties to stay together even after a match almost sounds like I'm describing online gaming today right on closer inspection we have a disc drive obviously for games but also DVDs if you bought a playback remote big sales mistake Microsoft and Ethan Port we've been over that and four controller ports originally for this hunky dory known as The Duke not so user friendly but later released was the smaller Type S controller the size of which is near perfect and it feels just right in your hands that's what she said and these Breakaway cables are ingenious I tell you the amount of times my console was saved from being pulled onto the floor and shaking the whole house with how much of a tank it is which may make you wonder why so big we're Microsoft compensating for something well you know Bill Gates does have a pretty small Pair of Hands but they also needed to fit what's essentially a toned down PC inside and so as cool as their Chrome x-shaped prototype was it was never going to be practical so while the size might have been too big for your girlfriend to handle Xbox's technology allowed for gorgeous looking games with multiplates usually looking a ton better than they did on the PS2 or GameCube and sometimes had extra content exclusive to the Xbox version a couple I've come across a Silent Hill 2 offering like an hourlong Side Story where you play as Maria before she meets James as well as the Spider-Man first movie game having an additional boss fight with Craven the hunter good too cuz I sure was craving some [Music] Craven oh baby you're just a gift that keeps on given the Xbox actually allowed you to rip your CDs onto its hard drive then add the music to soundtracks on games that allowed it the grand Theft Auto trilogy being among these I mean I love the Vice City soundtrack as much as the next person but come on Rockstar where was jump for my love by the pointer [Music] syst ah now that's fitting you know what's not so fitting the tight outfit on Tina here from De alive 2 ultimate me and my brother were jamming this on multiplayer the other day and he goes this character is Ops I responded yeah she is overly perverted isn't she apparently that's not what he meant but I stand by what I said did alive is one among a few game series originally developed for Sega systems that after the Dreamcast said demise in 2001 sought Refuge by being continued on the Xbox and while developer team ninja would have de alive published by techmo a lot of ips published by Sega themselves that left off on the dream would be continued on Xbox some standout what I call zombie Dreamcast games a Crazy Taxi 3 jet Radio Future and Panza draon uto these tight controls and the amazing colors man you really can't go wrong with these arcadey kind of games sigw would also published titles for the PS2 and GameCube but seeing their games like Sonic Heroes and amazing Island it's clear they wanted to give the crimm stuff to Microsoft mean it makes sense Microsoft had rapport with sigga from when they developed the Windows CE operating system for the Dreamcast with the two never being in direct competition with each other now the Sega stuff is great Halo to most people is great but there's a [ __ ] ton of other exclusive games on the Xbox that are also well worth platform screw you doom 3 I was going to nominate you but now you can forget it lost my train of thought now where was I all right game's worth playing it's got Fable Fusion frenzy Forza Project Gotham Racing ninja giden meas salt Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and my personal favorite stubs the zombie sitting a satirical take on futuristic 50s America we're eating people's brains and pissing in the water supply to poison the pop population are two of your main objectives and having the same game engine as Halo makes for smooth gameplay both on foot and when you're driving Vehicles now I know it's not an exclusive but I can't not mention Burnout 3 takedown kind of a racer demo derby hybrid where you race while gaining points based on how well you can smash people out of commission though I spend most of my time in road rage mode where you have to take down a certain amount of cars before the other players it's super addicting on multiplayer and the game looks gorgeous at 60 frames per second with a nice set of component cables did I mention the cheeky ass radio host whose dumbass idea was this anyway probably my ex-girlfriend's crash God I missed the 2000s sadly the party would be cut short when Xbox Hardware production ceased in August 2005 in favor of the 360 that would launch not long after which Microsoft clearly wanted to focus on pushing fewer and fewer games were released as the years went by I remember visiting my local warehouse store in 2006 and I swear there must have been like eight or less original Xbox titles on the Shelf the lucky last title was released in 2008 being Madden NFL 2009 with the Xbox Live service continuing on until April of 2010 when the server was finally shut down so no I admire the commitment of the group that came to be known as the noble 14 who actually left their consoles on and hooked up to the server continuing to play Halo 2 online for almost a month after the Network's official close all right wipe that Dorito dust off your fingers and listen good cuz I got some stats for you Sony's PS2 sold 156 million systems worldwide Nintendo's GameCube would sell 21 million and the winner is not the Xbox while 24 million systems were sold worldwide out selling the GameCube both were obliterated by the PS2 considering it could play DVDs right out the box and was cheaper than most DVD players themselves thus attracting a lot of non-gamers had a library more than 2 and a half times the size of the Xbox and GameCube combined and perhaps the best selling point singer but seriously the PS2 was of course native to Japan the Xbox was not the truth is Japanese people aren't usually too keen on systems that aren't from home and with only about 2% of total Xbox sales being in Japan this becomes pretty clear people might debate whether the Dreamcast should be included when discussing the sixth console generation I wouldn't deem it a competitor in the race given the plug was pulled so early no pun intended but I think I'll give it an honorable mention have having sold 9.6 million systems worldwide if you've made it this far into the video thanking you you're a legend now as much as I'd kill to be back in 2004 when the sixth generation was arguably at its peak it's fun to be able to look back at these older systems and see how well they' held up at the time of this video's recording we're approaching Xbox's 22nd birthday so I posed the question is it worth buying and collecting for in 2023 yes oh yes I will I will sorry Xbox just proposed to me after all these years of seeing each other I said yes to Xbox and I say yes to you too the systems themselves are cheap so long as you don't want a special colored one but those are a whole different ballpark the games are mostly cheap with a few desirable ones having Creed up a bit over the last few years but still nowhere near some of the popular GameCube and PS2 titles especially multiplats take Mortal Kombat deception for example it's about 90 on the GameCube get about 15 on the Xbox or Silent Hill 2 for the PS2 it can be between $1 120 and $150 depending on condition the Xbox version is anywhere between $40 and $50 and honestly the fog difference ain't that bad people chill you know I could relate to James sunderland's guilt of being directly responsible for his wife's death I never removed the clock capacitor for my exwife and she die for those who don't know rather than using rechargeable batteries for its clock the Xbox used a clock capacitor which over time became prone to leaking acid onto the motherboard meaning bye-bye Xbox but all you do is crack your Xbox open take off the hard drive exposing the motherboard and if it's still in there just give her a few twists with your fingers until she breaks free as I'm sure you've got better things to do than desolder it from beneath the motherboard there's a bit of talk about early models having dodgy DVD drives and solder joints that crack in the power supply but honestly I've owned a few of these over the years and I've never come across any such problem it's more the controllers you should watch out for make sure they don't have signs of having been wrapped up a million times it's it put strain on the wires inside see just look at my controller graveyard D Microsoft and their weak red cables youone want to resold of these for me I'll pay you in back rubs the Xbox actually lost Microsoft over 4 billion dollars throughout its lifespan but it was a price they were willing to pay to get their foot in the market and set themselves up for the [Music] future and with their little taste tester we got something great something that represents the last time in gaming history where there was no [ __ ] no patches no half-baked games requiring DLCs to finish them no endless add-ons being shoved down your throat call me the get off my lawn type but back then when a game was released it was done there was no second chance to patch [ __ ] up that they ran out of time to do and while there were a few games that offered the live service they still had to have a complete offline single player campaign or story mode because a lot of people who bought the game still didn't have internet at the time bit of a ranty tangent there so I'll cut it short or we'll be here all night with a lowcost entry barrier while easily being the most powerful system of its generation allowing its Kickass games to look absolutely gorgeous even by today's standard I highly recommend the Xbox to anyone pondering getting into it after all there certainly worse things you could be spending your money on anyway That's all folks if you've made it this far thanking you again and if you enjoyed my video please share your Xbox experiences in the comments below and consider subscribing because I actually really enjoy making this kind of content and if I know there's an audience for it then well I'll keep on delivering but alas thank you all so much for watching and I'll catch you next time
Channel: Zapata Zim
Views: 31,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Original Xbox, OG Xbox, Xbox, Xbox Retrospective, Microsoft, Bill Gates Xbox, 6th console generation, Xbox vs Ps2, Microsofts Xbox, Xbox Live, 2000's gaming
Id: udCL0WfDzmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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