The Myth That Pushed Adam to His Breaking Point

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uh james dutrow wants to know was there any myth or testing scenario that the professional consultant said i'm assuming by a professional consultant you're talking about nick plushay who was our titular stunt coordinator he didn't spend a lot of time on set but every story got cross-checked with nick and angie and they worked with the insurance companies to uh make sure that we were following the directions that we had stayed in um but no oh sorry sorry was there ever a midfield testing scenario that the professional consultant nick lachey said whoa no we can't do it that way the answer is no i mean for the most part if we wanted to do it nick and angie's job was to help us figure out a way to do it and frequently actually more often the scenario would be like we'd go look here's what we want to do we're going to do this and this and this and what we'd really like is to grease me down and throw me into that thing but we probably won't get permission and nick would be like no we can totally do it that way that was more frequently we people have this image in their heads that we were like making mythbusters against something like oh was there something discovery didn't want you to do but you wanted to do it the fact was if it was spectacular or even if we were like obsessively fascinated by it discovery would free up the money and time for us to do that episode they were fantastic partners in that regard they weren't like keeping us down uh all right let's see here okay let's see here some live builds jordan clay asks did you ever consider the myth would your face stick that way if you held it long enough see now the first time this is a classic thing your mother says don't make that face your face will stay that way and that's an old wives tale that's that's not true your face doesn't stay that way however it's also true because when someone's older you can see evident on their face the way they have used their face because as we get older our skin gets less pliable the collagen disappears as the myelining myelination increases the collagen decreases and you know your skin starts to show more of the marks of your time here on this mortal plane and if you spend a lot of time throwing your brow you're going to have bigger marks here and spend a lot more time frowning your your your mouth is going to show that so it is sort of true but understand like so that's what i believe you might disagree with me that's fine but because i believe that i think that is an untestable myth what are you gonna do what are you gonna do you're gonna monitor someone for you these are these are changes to the face that occur on the scale of decades maybe years in the small aggregate i mean we've all seen the pictures of how much being president ages one those pictures of obama before and after those pictures of w before and after his presidency i mean they're intense you that is a that is a hard job that puts a lot of miles on its on its on the inhabitant of the white house and you can see it so i mean maybe we could maybe that was an episode we could have done with obama when the administration asked about a myth but i don't think that they would have accepted that one so i think of it as an unfilmable myth but thank you it is something we considered um [Music] ah silver defender wants to know was there any episodes that pushed you or jamie to the breaking point where you wished you could have wrapped on an episode right there and moved on to noon yeah totally um the one that comes to mind is the uh the squished vw so the myth is that there is two tractor-trailer trucks that have collided at full speed head-on and when they come to uh unpack the accident they pull the rigs apart and find a volkswagen beetle squished between the two trucks this was not new technology to us we utilized a steering yoke on both of the tractor trailer rigs and we actually nailed sheaves uh pulleys uh sheaves into the alameda runway with wire rope going from the sheaves to a central point back to two tow trucks that tow 18 wheelers and we were pulling them towards each other and i can't even tell you how many times that failed it failed so many times it failed enough that we had to come back on a weekend which we almost never did if and you know it's one of these things where it's an all-day setup and then you execute the myth while this you know it's like they're everyone's yelling because the sun is setting and you're losing light the high-speed camera won't get the shot it's like 4 15. you got to get it you got to get it you go for it and they go off track and you got to go rescue them it was awful oh my god we're and like this is early days on the alameda runway so it's not like i had a it's not like there were segways or fun tools you know one wheels to ride around on we're just like walking the full distance every single time or getting in a car it was a slog it was a real slog and i remember like losing my ah i specifically remember watching them fail and realizing at that moment at like five o'clock on this friday that i was not going to go home and get on a plane and go to la with my wife and kids as we had planned no i had to stay one more day and wrap this episode and then go to la and and meet up with my family down there and uh yeah that sucked that that absolutely sucked i do not i do not like those moments in time boy i was ready to put that thing away that whole episode um ah the atomic artist asks a really great great question i think it's a fine one to finish on this is a good last question atomic artist said did the testing of any myths ever lead to changes to products or industry practices as a result of what you discovered i know of one and there's probably others uh we were doing a story about an ancient torpedo like a surface torpedo which was hammered in the kind of clam shell out of two pieces of metal and it's it supposedly operationally it skipped along the water and delivered an explosive to the enemy and i hammered some lovely little brass ones that jamie and i experimented with and when it came time to make the big one the full-size one which was going to be about a meter long um i had this big sheet of brass and i was hammering it and hammering and hammering it and hammering a big piece of brass that big is an exhausting thing uh and while i was doing it jamie was playing around with this other methodology that ended up being the way in which we built all of these uh uh bubbles of metal uh and that is uh pressure forming using water pressure so actually i'm gonna i'm gonna get a visual aid for this answer give me just a second screw sticking through i'm going to reach right behind you right there and grab a sharpie okay so uh water pressure water pressure forming let's say that what you wanted yeah this will work let's say i feel like i'm joe pie at the beginning of one of his videos all right everybody let's uh get down to it that's a terrible joe by impression i apologize for it um so what we wanted to build was something like this with like a tail fin if i remember correctly and this was about one meter um and what jamie i was sitting there trying to hammer these clam shells out of a big piece of brass and it was taking forever what jamie did was he took he used a technique called water forming in which he took two pieces of steel with a hole cut out of them that was the profile of the piece he wanted to form and he had this laser plasma cut with both the exact dimension of the form and then uh like one-inch holes all the way around the perimeter like this so that he could bolt he made two pieces of steel like this times two and bolted them together with a couple of pieces of sheet steel in between them and a uh a way to introduce water uh into this uh so he welded a little valve onto the side now when you oh by the way this steel is like one inch thick yeah this is like this is a big heavy mother of a thing but what happens when you do this when you sandwich two pieces of like 20 gauge steel between two pieces of one-inch steel and you add water eve just from your house so to be clear the water pressure coming out of your sink is coming out at about 60 pounds per square inch of pressure at 60 pounds per square inch of pressure you can actually form a full bubble out of steel using this technique it's amazing to watch because when you think about it the combined amount of square inches of this is probably like 1500 i'm just going off the top of my head so 60 pounds per square inch of pressure times a thousand is 60 000 pounds of pressure on this piece of steel yeah it's more than enough to move it um one more thing before i go on to where this led to which is when jamie was first doing this he had the pieces delivered from bayshore metals the plasma cut pieces with the holes he bolted it together and he tried it and it didn't work and he came up to my office and he's like come on downstairs i want to show you something and he showed me these two pieces still bolted together and this piece of steel all torn apart right this whole side of the wall was wet because the water like sprayed out and he said just look at it and i looked at it for a while and i realized that the reason it had split was because where the two pieces of steel uh met so we have two pieces of steel we have a one inch bolt going between them right so this is our bolt and then we have the void that the two pieces of plate still go between what i realized was it had failed because this corner that corner was too sharp and it was cause it was acting like a sheer and causing the steel to tear rather than move and i looked at that and i went wow i've looked at it for about two solid minutes and then i was like wow i fundamentally understand steel in a way i didn't five minutes ago and jamie was like i know that's why i brought you down however there is a type of musical instrument that is like a miniature steel drum um and i wish i could remember what it is called uh and forever these have been hammered like steel drums but when the people that make those instruments saw this episode and they saw this technique they shifted the manufacturing of this type of instrument and i'm really so lame for not having this cued up in my head when we separate this video out i'll make sure i figure out what it is so we can include it in the comments below um but we fundamentally changed how an industry makes their product that's pretty stunning that's pretty far out to me um and you know on one hand you could think of it as like uh we're combing the world for interesting techniques but on the other hand it really was just like five people farting around in their garage seeing what works um jimmy wasn't positive that that was going to work when he set out to do that he was just really interested he was actually i think if you asked him and he would tell you the truth he's more interested in seeing what happens than making sure it actually fits our needs which is totally valid like that's the way he approached things it's like he wants to answer a question he's going to figure out a way to answer that damn question um yeah fundamentally changed how that industry makes the musical instrument um everybody these questions have been so delightful thank you guys so much for joining me for this live stream i hope your holidays are awesome i hope your families behave themselves and that you find respite and peace among the chaos of the holidays i hope you don't get sick uh even with the dumb cold uh let alone all the other ways we can get sick these days um i send you big holiday hugs and if am i doing another live stream before the end of the year i'm doing one more live stream before the end of the year so i'll use that to say happy new year thank you guys so much um all right i'm gonna put my cockpit and my fart catcher away have a good day you guys adam out thank you so much for watching if you'd like to support us even further you can by becoming a tested member details are of course below but it includes all sorts of perks and we're building them all the time you get advanced word and behind the scenes photos of some of our projects questions you get to ask direct questions during my live streams and we have some members only videos including the adam real time series of unbroken unedited shots of me working here in the shop they are weirdly meditative thank you guys so much i'll see you on the next one
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 1,718,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, adam savage, ask adam savage, adam savage mythbusters, adam savage mythbusters questions, adam savage tested, ask adam savage mythbusters, behind the scenes mythbusters, compact compact, mythbusters compact compact, mythbusters compact compact episode, mythbusters risk assessment, adam savage questions, mythbusters behind the scenes, adam savage jamie hyneman, mythbusters dangerous moments
Id: AoXNSquNsbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 01 2022
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