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goats one of the rarest units in all of toilet Tower Defense just got upgraded the corrupted cameraman was the rarest unit you could get back in Halloween of 20123 he was strong at the time but as the game continued he got weaker and weaker finally he got a buff he went from doing 25,000 DPS all the way to 65,000 let's see just how strong he really is and how far he can make it on endless mode with Autos skip enabled comment down below how many waves you think he can beat it's been nearly a year melon but finally the care corupted cameraman got buffed bro he does 655,000 DPS now he's actually pretty good and I hope that means it works with the DJ TV man now as well well we're going to put that to the test sunny in Endless mode Let's go just how far do you goats think we're going to get on endless mode using only the boosted up corrupted make sure you comment your prediction down below let's go first things first as always son we need to make our money yes quite my good sir inup I shall place my money makers with you over here oh my goodness you're so annoying bro what's wrong with that I just want to be close to you you're my brother dude we're going to get confused nah I'll put mine on this side and you keep yours on this side plus you freaking ruined my Santa spot bro nah I think I made it look cooler it's a bigger party also melon did they increase the price I swear he used to be 500 now it's 600 to spawn in I don't know I never had him pretty sure it used to be 500 I've deployed all the Santas and now I need to continue to skip and then eventually I'll place down my corrupted exactly and you goats might be wondering Sunny why do you have a large clockman Mythic unit it's because in case push comes to shove I could spawn it in and activate the time stop but I don't want him to actually damage toilets he's just for the time freeze I think we should probably place our corruptor down after this wave skip yeah that's a pretty good idea bang oh you think that's cool well watch this [Music] one bang wow Sunny that's a pretty mid spot hey hey chill we'll see when I Max him out with some range boost what happens oh wait the DJ doesn't do range boost it's just damage yeah you big old fart idiot hey don't call me a fart idiot it's too late it already happened well then fine I'm just going to embrace it and I'm going to fart right now I might even soil myself okay I don't know why you're so proud of that it's a little embarrassing uh I mean each to their own I think it's kind of cool sometimes you just got to poop yourself I don't think so I don't think that's very cool melon don't talk to me about cool you literally eat poo You're a watermelon bro we going to talk about this forever about how I eat poo Sunny you're literally the sun you eat everything including poop yeah but it's not like I do it on purpose I just absorb all energy in the world yeah poop pee shush this is just getting weird stop stop stop no it's every everything you do everything man so we got to talk about all the things you do eat yeah I eat pizza donuts hamburgers with with poop on them fruit salad watermelon smoothies with poop on them stop nobody nobody does that it's not a well you do it you're the only thing who does that cuz you eat compost compost and poop two very different things Sunny very distinct very different okay sure whatever I I just want to upgrade my money makers in peace now can you please stop talking don't bring up my eating habits I won't bring up your eating habits deal deal deal there we go some juicy upgrades on my money money yeah it's time we put in some work on our corrupted though we could or I could just do this I suppose you could do that yeah I'm softening up these little dj toilets and then I will destroy oh no I'm getting slept okay let's see melon the first upgrade is $400 the second upgrade is $750 and the third upgrade is $1,500 bro they have so many weird bugs on his cool down it says -25 but that's still red they updated that to be green so long ago oh you're right that is weird whatever I'm going to buy it yeah my boy's popping off look at you level three oh poor little baby oh wow you're level four congratulations then I upgrade this and I save up that money you don't even have a Santa standing up oh poor boy oh yeah watch this I have one congratulations sunny I don't need your congratulations because I'm the goat and I shall do the most damage in the entire game we shall see about that cuz I've got the Ultimate Upgrade ATT 10 clock man but you can't use that we're doing the corrupted only I know I just wanted to show him off a little bit yeah yeah yeah if we need to you could pop off his super time stop ability and then sell him anyhow I almost got my Santa all to level seven there we go melon are you really still not going to upgrade this to level four you do realize it gives a huge AOE boost yes I just did it chill brother it's about darn to time I think we're kind of chilling bro we could just max out our money I think yeah actually though I want to place some corrupted in some optimal locations we're going to need to figure out where the real optimal location is based on the DJ man placements think right here's another good spot oh we actually going to need more damage soon melon but first I get another maxed out Santa Claus oh yeah we got problems bro these things have a lot of Health I'm leveling up I'm doubling my attack speed all right there you go sunny I got my guy at level six it's fine okay that's nice well I'll max out my last Santa on the next wave skip then thank you for that one melon I appreciate it you're are welcome yeah your guys popping off I wonder if your dude over here is badly placed I'll sell him off at some point yeah we'll see how it plays out with the DJ I'm thinking I'm going to put a DJ right about here cuz that should leave space for us to spawn more corrupted like this it does oh this this is good melon I'm building my Army and then I shall max out this DJ for us there we go you can see the AOE ring now let's go and then I'll go back to maxing out my first corrupted he's level six I think you should sell this one that I'm standing on you could get this a little tighter if you want I don't think I can sunny I was trying for a while wait I can I can actually do it yeah just rotate him a bit boom boom and melon I got my first corrupted maxed out that is 65,000 damage per second there that is awesome Sunny oh that guy's out of the the ring I got to I got to adjust this a little bit actually it's even more than that because I got the DJ man on him it's 50% stronger which means it's almost 100,000 DPS sonny can you uh get rid of your level seven there your max that one no no why would I do that it's in a bad spot bro shut up it's not we could have fit another one in there that's all I'm saying oh also melon bad news it looks like the DJ doesn't work on these guys I just realized are you kidding me why sell that now we got more space bro these devs why didn't they update it properly it's time to just upgrade these corrupted I know bro it makes no sense how do they forget to do that you go back and you boost up this unit but you don't include the tags for the DJ it would be so easy to fix oh well it's time to level up these corrupted Sunny wellan if I was a developer of TTD I would fix these things in 5 minutes yeah also would have made the corrupted uh significantly stronger than this why the heck doesn't he have piercing or something yeah he needs a level eight upgrade that does something cool I think he should throw a grenade or maybe one of his shoulders gets a rocket launcher that would be cool anyways yeah it's almost time to level up I'm just waiting till I have more money dang how many level UPS you got melon you're cleaning up I'm just chilling you got to do what you got to do sometimes hny here I will put a repair drone for us and I will find a spot to squeeze it like a pimple why do you have $54,000 because I'm saving up what I don't know corrupted you are a strange son just you wait melon I will deploy an army the likes of which you have never seen yeah I'll just put a couple more over here melon you're in the way oh that's nice right over The Lava pit oh very good clean that's 15 units can I get a 16th one in here let me squeeze them squeeze them this is my commander well that's my squad now I just need to save up enough money so I can Max them all out in one go what do you think melon is that a good plan I think that's a genius plan that's probably going to get us killed fine I'll level up the commander now there you go I got one more at max level it's fine sunny I think I can deal with all the toilets for now how much does it cost to max level one of these things let's search Wiki toilet Tower Defense corrupted well melon according to my calculations it says that this unit costs a whopping 20,000 to max level cuz you just double the sell price hey that's not too bad could be worse it could be worse which means I can max out three of them right now but I need more I need much more how can you only max out three of them I feel like I have five or six maxed out I don't know I'm a broy I got 880,000 melon that's four of them I just got to wait for the wave Skipper you know what I think I should probably Max them out I'm starting to get nervous our damage is about to double let's go some of these are yours by the way just so you know yeah I know I'm still working on my upgrades all right I'm just checking cuz you got this guy right here who's like sandwich in between my soldiers uh no sun don't you worry I've been clicking on every corrupted good keep clicking on every corrupted until they're all absolutely cursed and wretched hey oh the wave 40 boss is getting destroyed bro even though these are single Target they attack so fast they're actually cooking the toilets now melon I got bad news to think about for one second yeah imagine me right now okay but picture me colored in red with giant rocket launcher missiles on me and I'm coming down this track Like and then I go like this off the track boom boom boom and I explode and our whole arm is asleep well that's why we have shoulder pads sty we can absorb some stuns oh I forgot about that you're actually right you're a genius yes I know I think every corrupted I've placed down is maxed I've got to place some more now you must expand the Armada oh this is getting closer than I like this getting way closer than I like it's okay sunny I have one backup contingency plan we may need to activate a contingency plan very very soon how badly do you think we need to activate this contingency plan ah I'm thinking we need to activate said contingency plan any moment now any moment now I got it nice you activated the ultimate time stop yes and I sold him off right away so he's not doing damage that's perfect we would never want to cheese this strategy we want to prove the true strength of the corrupted uh it's looking pretty scary though they barely even annihilated them with that time freeze it's okay we're still frozen in time we're taking out the laser scientist which is very important before it stuns us we're doing good work here melon we're doing good work you just have to believe in yourself I believe in myself I don't know if I believe in this Army of corrupted though you should you should they're very very goated with the sauce oh that convinced me thly yes they have sauce on them it's ketchup with a little bit of sriracha and a small bit of habanero pepper that sounds good I'm doing everything I can melon I'm making sure all my corrupted are doing a little bit of DPS at least none of them are afking Mel I'm going to test the theory large clock I have too many troops I would have to sell one well that's rather unfortunate do I have any of these that are really low level my lowest levels are five looks like we're about to die again can I glitch the game oh the contingency plans on cool down for another 100 seconds don't worry melon large clock I can use this ability let's go cell replace my squad upgrade them can I afford upgrades any upgrade I can buy is worth it right now we're on Wave 51 bro we're actually doing bits I think on Wave 52 I'm selling off my Santas we need extra money yeah I think we're about to die here Sunny hold on hold that thought hold that thought and Skip wave any day now skip wave come on skip the wave any moment now we need this money sell sell sell Maxim maximizing damage potential REM maximizing more damage potential and we're dead son no a we tried bro we really did oh we're alive no way can we take out these rocket toilets though we have a lot of damage flowing through oh we're dead we are dead dang it we clipped them a bit though and we beat 46 waves with only corrupted and we mythbusted something bro all of the time stops are separate powerups so if we had all three time stop abilities we could actually use bro that is crazy almost as crazy as pressing the like button to support our Channel and subscribing if you're new
Channel: Sunny and Melon
Views: 156,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tWfh5hCdSCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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