Organizing My Bookshelves | Bookshelf Organization

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hello how are y'all doin I'm doing great I am so happy that this room is done it is done so yes this is my bookshop organization video I am very excited to finally have this going up I just had to finally force myself to put on makeup so I could create this intro you're welcome that the first thing you're seeing is me with a lot of makeup on because who I know sometimes it's a little little shocking my interest to my videos but this one I planned it I planned it for once I planned it this is just a kind of vlog style really chill bookshelf organization I talked to you about all the genres I haven't talked to you about my plans I showed me failing at my plans I show me creating new plans and then I just overall the rest of the shelves and at the very end there will be a nice little panning moment of my shelves and yeah I'm very happy with all they turned out I already have outgrown them not because I had I bought a bunch of new books but because I found boxes of books after the fact of filming this that I hadn't accounted for so we are going to have livingroom bookshelves I do touch on that in the video the idea of it in the future but it's in the now so as soon as I can opens we're getting those and I won't make a video for those but I'll definitely show them in my vlog and probably clips of me setting them up because they're gonna be all my book of the month books and then some classics and books that my partner has so without further ado let's get into love a rhyme scheme the book shop organization I hope you guys enjoy ok ha large so aren't you glad that I decided to film a nice intro with my face painted on me too cuz it also helped me get the thumbnail so let's just do a little moment where I show you what we're working with here we close this door so we got a dog these are all the shelves that go into them these are all the boxes we got quite a bit tour but these are all bookish box so it's either books candles that go with books that kind of thing and then these are the shelf so as you can see let me see think it in this corner and really show you I have five Billy bookcases that are the six shelf ones and then I have one little half guide and then where this box is over here I'm hoping to put a chair it's a it's a really nice looking rocking chair it looks like a normal just seat for a living room but it is also a rocking chair it's got that mechanism in it and mom gave it to me she gave us two so Elijah has one in his office and I have one and then this will be my desk area and then I'm gonna put storage always in the closet but yeah I'm currently I'm just starting to unbox put them into genres I do not have my tripod unfortunately so I don't know how much did that I'll be able to film for you guys like I definitely am going to show you how much I have a beach genre I think I'm going to I was going to organize them I'm gonna just go through my thought process throughout the entire thing so this is definitely gonna be a vlog style video but I can't drill holes into the wall because we have decided probably for the next two to three years we're gonna rent a house hopefully we can stay in this one I don't see how I wouldn't but you know jobs or anything if that changes it but for now probably this house for two to three years and since we're renting it we can't put screws in the wall which is okay because the majority of the stuff I need to hang other than that can be hung up with the Scotch little hook things or really tiny nails because it's just like tapestry so that's like not a problem for the majority but we just can't like have curtains we can't have screws to hold these up so I was I consulted my father and he said basically to put all the heavy books at the bottom lighter books at the top so I think what's gonna happen is instead of it being organized by shelf like bookcase it'll be organized by shelf row which is different and I have seeing that before so I don't know how to make that dream work but I'm going to try because I think that it would look really nice but I think what's gonna happen is I'm gonna have a lot of my manga and whatnot at the top and if I have like paperback series and then my middle grade will actually be that small shelf that I should just showed y'all only because middle grade tend to be printed on very nice paper so they're actually heavier in bulk and I'm gonna collect all the rick riordan books and hardback so I just know going into this that's gonna be heavy I'm also taking into account that I sit down when I film and that the lighting is gonna be better when I sit down in this room because I can angle the lines so I want to make sure the first two shelves probably the first three shelves like just this bottom half our books that I really like but what I like about that is I can I have 1 2 3 I have 5 bookcases where I can just change where I'm sitting in front of so it'll change up the background which is really nice but the top is just gonna have to be honestly I think when I'm what I'm picturing is I don't know if you all remember but I have all put pictures if I can find them but I had my anchor shelf so in a billy bookcase this is the anchor shelf and it's really what I would put my shoulder under to pick it up and use cuz it's just the it's just the most sturdy part so I put a bunch of my series on that because I was afraid you know that they might get ruined I think what I'm gonna do is shift that down one and put all of like my throne of glass of my Cassandra Clare books my sergej mass books some adult books like that kind of thing with actual adult fantasy though because of how long they are like Brandon Sanderson and whatnot those are probably gonna be on the actual bottom shelf just because I'm not trying to take that chance you know cuz I don't know if that would work out or if that would that could be the thing that look totally takes it so we're just I'm gonna take the chance yeah that's how that's gonna go and then I think that these top parts are probably gonna be a lot of why a books and maybe if I just want to have some nice kind of decorative looking shelves will do that but I just don't want to I don't know my mom and Elijah are both laughing I mean I've never rented I've never moved out for my parents house before I moved out my parents are divorced so I used to split half the week at my dad's half the week at my mom's because they lived so close and it was a very whoa Jake it was a very amicable situation so was it weird to do that although all my friends parents who got divorced they're like that's weird to do that and I'm like no that's that's an emotional stability and capability to talk about your feelings moved off of my dad's - my mom's full-time but it wasn't as very because I'm still with a parent but now I've completely moved out for my parents it's just me and Elijah you know Jake ginger living our lives and I don't I'm such a rule follower to the point that it's probably laughable so I could probably find a small enough screw I don't even think that these screws are that big like it's yeah they're not that big I mean but I'm just so paranoid because I don't know what it's like to interact with the landlord I don't know what it's like to get in trouble like I don't get in trouble so I just I was that kid in class that would cry my teacher looked at me kind of Angry you know so I'm just not gonna take the risk and I think that if I weigh them down with the big books on the bottom and lighter books on top it should be safe tan to me filming in front of them and then just crashing down on my body I'm probably not gonna film me actually I guess I could fill me actually putting the shelves in if you just till I give a kind of montage moment I don't know this portion honestly is sponsored by Boston's books it sponsored by her love and acceptance of me because she said that if I don't film it all she'll kill me and honestly pretty good threat because I actually like to live so this is really just for her if you want to speed forward like don't even worry about it I'll literally put a time stamp to where I start showing my genres that I've separated man I just think it'd be very interesting to see how much of each genre I have but for now I'm just gonna go put all of these little things do you have Billy bookcases you know how fun me guys are you want to see one once let's duel oh yeah love to see it these hurt so bad to take out of your bookcases let me just tell you so let me you how much of my body can you see so we're gonna just put this on and get her started oh it connected to my echo dot which means ginger is napping in there and not just screamed into her ear [Music] [Music] wish that I could stay in this moment forever so I can hold you in my bar okay hi guys so I am back after unboxing all my books the only thing I didn't unbox is a couple boxes that are strictly manga and books leaves cuz I don't know where I'm gonna put those yet and then all my like little trinkets and things like that but uh you want to see the mess I know what genre I have the most versa here we are here we go so let's let's talk about the genres so up here is gonna be my middle grade area I think middle grade graphic novels they're typically pretty light then I'm gonna have my horror and true crime I got something contemporary middle grade contemporary Harry Potter and Cassandra Clare just a corner to be honest didn't that some more middle grade and thrillers have more thrillers back there is adult sci-fi fantasy middle grade romance historical fiction like it's all historical fiction but it's typically books that are fantasy but set in historical times I don't even know then this is more that's the sake of Jack the Ripper series ve Schwab this is fantasy but it's set in a real world and then this is fantasy and sci-fi yeah isn't that that's something and then we have my little adult fantasy collection happening and in that box I cannot get you I don't remember what's in it but yeah this is all the fantasy it's that not that's crazy I can't Lord O Lord but yeah that's what is happening so I have to get Elijah to help me because if you can see right here this crack I want to move this shelf up so it leans better but I have to stick some cardboard under that and as you can see I attempted and it did not work so what happying said I will see you it's hopefully later when I'm actually setting some things up I have set up one Harry Potter shelf and one Cassandra Clare shelf just because I wanted to test out if those books would fit and they do so those ones I will open up showing you guys but other than that my Cassandra Clare shelf would like all my special editions and everything else we are gonna be setting up together and I have a feeling that there's gonna be a lot of fantasy shelves like that's where we gonna be two or three bookcases just for fantasy and then everything else I'm gonna we're gonna be playing some jigsaw puzzles like it's gonna be it's gonna be a trip for sure okay so I am sorry if you can hear Jake in the background he refuses to leave my side and he his nails on this Harvard for click-clack but anyways this is day two of the books up bookshelf organization Elijah and I shoved some cardboard under one side of one of the bookcases to try and get it to lean a little bit more but I honestly think looking at it that one of them is just a little wonky which is fine because I'm gonna try to get some lights that I can hang up over the shelves anyway so it'll cover it but it's I am going to pick a book out to listen to I think I'm gonna try to finish the animals at Lockwood manner while I'm doing this and I don't even I honestly don't know where to start because my fantasy stack pretty much almost takes up 1/4 of this room right now so you would think I would start there but I'm not so I did already set up the Cassandra Clare and the Harry Potter shelves and my third of glass shelves although my Center J mass isn't really done because I don't really know what I want to do with it since she's now bleeding into some adult books so I don't really want to take up I took up two shelves for Cassandra Clare to find water I don't want to take up to four Saturday Mass as well although they are my heaviest book so technically that would be smart but listen this Maur what we're going for note we're going for aesthetics this is not the best view of this but this is kind of what I'm going with we're gonna arrange this this is gonna be the first shelf that we arranged together and then this is my Harry Potter setup I know it will change when I get some Funko's on there but for now that's just looking like an internal glass and then we have all of these this is all fantasy and sci-fi and then up there is some contemporary my thing is I'm really trying to space out my contemporary so that it brings color to my shelves but they have to stay up high because I'm not securing the shelves to the wall but I am gonna secure all the shelves to each other so we'll just see well just this is gonna be a little trip but what's what's organized that one right there shall we vanquish Oh can I tell you what's been on my sick and tired of the okay so I think I like this I am gonna be taking inspiration from how Brittany from Brittany the bibliophile does hurt like tetra Singh of her bookshelves just because I am going to need that room for sure which is why some of these are so much taller than some of the other ones but yeah I think these first two shows they're looking they're looking good so let's let's get you on a tripod and we will start on some middle grade [Music] we could get out of town see the beautiful world around wanna see it now pack our bags and get in that car label don't drive real far let's get our can [Music] there the countryside is so pretty wind blowing you're we can look back someday baby don't you we only [Music] love awareness me on the road with a couple of turns in a coffee too [Music] hey darling you know what girl have a really good [Music] middle of the night when the stars are bright [Music] X again [Music] leave a little note and we'll drive real fine desk strive to the [Music] yeah the countryside is so pretty this open [Music] we can look back someday baby don't you understand now we only get one love I wanna make it count [Music] let's get out we can leave this city strive to the open air yeah the countryside is so pretty but the wind blowing in your hair [Music] don't you understand [Music] [Music] we wake here the birds and see you son Savas I did our face a gun oh the good times just begun [Music] we're not but we have let's hold tight found what we're looking call us crazy but things are finally right [Music] [Music] we got it we don't need no [Music] tell mother before I sleep here the bread gets see the moon salve aside and limit we can do [Music] well you know but we have us hold on tight from where come bus crazy birthday if you and I have a future as bride [Music] we don't need [Music] whether any star [Music] we go they are mean [Music] [Music] I haven't won about you they said that just one look and I'd card [Music] something about [Music] think about you [Music] your eyes you sent you touch solidream [Music] now I can't live without you [Music] [Music] [Music] obsess about things [Music] love you [Music] because [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] you heard that all I do is obsess about you [Music] you can see our men [Music] [Music] in California the Sun is always shining [Music] people smiling lakum plans kinda shapes and you're doing knowing no flowers and nothing's growing with your this fire babe Abbot's your coat even when it's 90 without way and that IUD sleep in the bed lying away that you come [Music] rains in California the Sun that's always shining right [Music] you don't get it you always used to love the but early changed him no way no flowers nothing's growing Waker how does fire I bet your home [Music] um it's nice the Dudley better you feel Oh that's your call [Music] don't we know flowers nothing's crawling away your hottest fire but baby a bit your cold without me even when it's 90 [Music] I'd rather you didn't lying [Music] [Music] rings in California the Sun is always shining right [Music] you [Music] I get a little bit breathless my thoughts are too big can I get some comfort I guess should have been it breaks in my heart it's raining down babe I'm like a river that super floods the Lester we are let me speak the truth I know you don't want to face it you think it's you me but I can see pastor brain won't you [Music] turn the page and burning let's make on fire on the beach with this since our line and throw our problems in the face our problems in the fan okay so hi guys day three all my books are up so that goal was met we got a lot of trash and I got a lot of hopes and dreams some of these shelves I did finish off camera just use my camera kept dying and I hung a couple things up and I moved the desk in so I'm going to show you guys that and at the end of this I'll have like hopefully a fairly aesthetic me showing you the shelves but let me show you the the trash pile so this is what I need to clean up today although I'm taking my mom to her wrist surgery and I'm taking allows you to get blood drawn because I am a mother apparently write it down so yeah but this is what I hung up it is a tapestry from faerie loot I have a beauty and a beast one that I want to put there that um someone sent me but it's also from very late so this is what it looks like when you walk into the room so obviously need something back there so that might be a good place to do a Chapas tree but it is very backlit right there and then I have my desk which is not done and then where are the shelves I think they turned out pretty good so I decided to do something different that I haven't done before and adjust the top shelf so I put books loose here and then after that I realized that this these two were leaning forward so much that we just had to secure it to the wall because it would cost more damage if we did it and then I had lowered this shelf as well for manga and they have some more monk up there but I think ya know I think it looks pretty nice not gonna lie but I have no room for other books so what we're gonna do is get a bookcase for the living room and then all of my thrillers from write these two shelves and then all my book of the month books are getting go out there so yeah I'm also gonna have to list some of books like these special editions I don't love like the fairy Luke queen of nothing for sale because I don't have room for her and she's not pretty enough to move anything else but yeah I just wanted to show y'all this cuz I don't think you wanna a cleaning montage of this so I won't do that I'll just give you this aesthetic [Music] and that is my bookshelf organization video I'm going to close it out with a little pan over of the finished product and I'm gonna play my favorite music and no one else seems to like but is the yeehaw Green Mountains Cracker Barrel song I love this song I hope you guys enjoy this video and I'll catch you guys in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: oliviareadsalatte
Views: 111,382
Rating: 4.9501224 out of 5
Keywords: booktube, booktuber, romance, contemporary, young adult, haul, reader, reading, review, recommendation, bibliophile, bookworm, bookish, unbox, unboxing, manga, book haul, thriller, graphic novel, high fantasy, bookshelf, bookshelves, bookshelf organization, bookshelf tour, reorganization, organization, aesthetic, huge book haul
Id: R7OQzxX5Pyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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