live bookshelf reorganization

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hello hi everyone let me know if you can hear me let me know if the audio and everything is working this is my first time doing a live show or a stream um since youtube removed google hangouts so i am completely new to all of this so please um let me know if everything is working um and also give me one second i just have to post on my instagram and uh twitter that i'm live so i got a minute okay you can hear me i'm glad i'm so glad and the chat's working everything seems to be working i'm so happy give me one minute i had a very uh late start to my day and a very late start or a messy start to this live so um i'm a little bit frazzled at the moment so hold on i gotta post on instagram i'm live come hang out with me oh okay there we go um hello everyone how are you all doing um while i just like quickly do all of this stuff let me know how you're all doing let me know um how you've been what are you reading i'm very curious to know i so far this year i mentioned earlier in the chat i've read two and a half books so far this year which is pretty good but um i'm mostly sad about it because i want to be reading more i just have not had time um see okay post it on my story now time to tweet to do so many things i forgot what it's like to go live the last like the only time i ever go live now is like on instagram occasionally and still it's not the same as doing youtube live there are 800 people here hi hello everyone you're reading the fourth book in an ember in the ashes have fun i filmed a whole vlog about that it made me it didn't make me cry actually um but it made me very emotional in a very good way um oops join me okay cool i tweeted i did all the things all right everyone hello so um welcome to my live bookshelf reorganization basically the reason i decided to do this in the first place is because um i'm planning on filming a bookshelf tour um also before i get into all of this i have a bunch of like faqs in the description box of this video so if you want to know anything about my bookshelves how many books i have the lights on my bookshelves um whether i'll be saving this live which i will be um or i don't remember what the other things i wrote in the description box are but i have a bunch of like questions in there that i've answered already that i feel like i got a lot before i decided to do this live um and i just get a lot anyway so if you have any bookshelf related slash my bookshelf questions um they're all in the description box so you can read them there so they'll be saved so if anyone asks a bunch in the chat you can also refer them there um because i'm not gonna answer that a million times but uh one of the questions that i keep getting asked is if i'm gonna film a bookshelf tour and i'm definitely going to film a bookshelf tour and the reason i wanted to film this video in the first place is because i wanted to um reorganize my bookshelves so that i could like have them look nice so i can finally film my bookshelf tour and i was gonna just do it as like a regular video like i have in the past but um i've been so stressed out recently and i've had so much work to do and i really just needed some time to relax a little bit sometime to just like chill and um i don't know like hang out with you all cause i miss like talking to you i miss like the community aspect of my youtube channel it's literally my favorite thing about my youtube channel and i felt so disconnected from it for a really long time now and i like needed this and i also just needed a break so um i decided to film a live reorganization and i was so glad that so many of you uh were on board for doing this live and again like i mentioned this will be saved so you can watch it whenever you want to if it's like 4am or 2am for you i know a lot of you said it's super late for you um you don't have to stay up it's okay um you can go to sleep i will not be upset i promise um but anyway so yeah that's what i'm gonna be doing to be quite honest with you i literally have no plan i have no plan i was going to wake up earlier this morning i was going to do it yesterday but then i ran out of time um but then i was going to wake up early this morning and like come up with like a general idea of kind of what i want to do i think i have like a general idea of stuff i want to move around it's not actually too intensive but um i don't like know exactly what i want to do so this is gonna be a lot of me being super indecisive and it's mostly gonna be just me like answering questions while i shovel some books around um but yeah but um before we even get into any of that i mentioned again earlier in the chat while we were waiting that this video is um going to start out differently than i had planned in the first place and that is because i got something in the mail like five to ten minutes before i like came into the broadcast studio for this um that i was not expecting i was expecting to get this i just wasn't expecting it to get it today i thought it had gotten lost in the mail because i saw everyone else getting it like a couple days ago and i was like where is mine i need it um and it's a package that i'm going to open right now with you people are already guessing it i y'all i'm so excited okay it's literally the arc for chain of iron by cassandra clare the second i finish filming this video what do you think i'm gonna do i'm gonna start filming my reading vlog you know i'm gonna start filming my reading vlog so many of you are like i'm so excited for your chain of iron reading vlog i'm more excited than all of you i promise you i am so excited i could scream um yeah i'm gonna forget all about all of my other responsibilities and read this for the next several days um i don't have time for that but i'm still gonna do it i'm sorry to everyone who's expecting things from me but um yeah hold on let me cut the tape off of this to be careful not to show my address um cut the tape off this i'm so excited you guys don't understand i i was watching everyone else get their arcs and i knew i was getting it it wasn't like i didn't know if i would get it or not i knew i was getting it i've been told like it should be there already but it wasn't here so i was like where is it is it lost okay okay okay let's open it oh my god i'm so excited i'm so excited okay what do we have here first i know that this is not the video you were expecting immediately but this is what you're getting for now and then we'll get into reorganizing my shelves um we have this little card about how to share the stuff from this arc um from this box i mean uh by the way this is not sponsored at all uh this was sent to me for free so um just for like review um but yeah it's not sponsored by simon teen but thank you simon teen for sending this to me oh what is this oh my god it's like cordelia and it's like a bunch of her outfits look at this is like the aesthetic i want that green dress does this not kind of look like that one green dress i have like obviously the victorian version of that and i have like a more modern version i should cosplay cordelia i want to do it so bad i need to dye my hair red or get a red wig james oh my god i love it so much these are so cute these are adorable i love them okay what is this oh yeah i saw this too it's a um embroidery kit and you can make like the it says the quote all the stories are true and then it has the angelic rune on it um i don't know if i'm good at this type of stuff i've never actually tried but i feel like i'm not going to be great at it i'm still going to probably do it though i feel like it'd be it would be fun okay okay oh my god oh my god i could cry i could cry are we kidding are we kidding do you remember last july when i was on cassie's instagram with her and she revealed the cover of this book and i was like crying because i was like this is so pretty now i have it now i have it oh my god i'm so excited y'all i'm literally so excited this is so long how many pages is this oh my god it's 656 pages i cannot wait uh so expect this vlog um probably after the book comes out because i don't think i'm going to post it before the book comes out because then nobody can watch it anyway um but expect it like probably a couple days after the book's been released i'm going to read it immediately though because i have to anyway um this is not how i was planning to start the video like i said but it was a pleasant surprise and a um fun fun way to start out the day so i'm so excited about this i cannot wait to read it i cannot wait to film my reading vlog for it and cry i know it's going to kill me but it's what i want so oh also now we can add this to my bookshelf because i was like thinking about like where am i going to put um chain of iron on my shelves because i don't know if i have the space like i have to rearrange things once i get the book but um yeah i think now is a good time to get this actually because now i can rearrange it with this in mind but yes okay so um i have to think about how i want to do this i think i'm just going to probably like ask you all for any questions that you have so if you have any questions let me know and then i will probably just pick a few i'll try to like um pin them like again i haven't used this but i think you can pin comments onto the screen so that everyone knows what i'm talking about um and then i will just like go through and kind of explain to you what i'm thinking about doing with my shelves as well so um first let's actually start with that so let me move this so that you can see me if i stand up can you see me can you you can okay also let me know if you can hear me from this far away i think it should be fine but i just want to check so let me know let me know if you can hear me um i want to be sure okay nobody's saying anything about hearing me yet the comments on here are also a bit slower than the ones i think on the app so i'm gonna try doing this on the app too to look at the comments oh my god why are we getting ads okay you can hear me cool great um all right so let me explain my shelves a little bit for a second so over here is that something in my pocket no okay i thought there was something else in my pocket so over here we have all of my series and we've basically had all of my series on this side of my shelf since i started like booktube since i like got these shelves in the first place so um yeah i actually think i'm gonna leave most of this stuff alone because i like i might shift stuff around but i like having my series separated from my standalones and everything so um yeah i'm gonna leave this here for the most part but probably move a couple of series around or switch up some shelves a little bit um and then here stand this way i feel like i'm presenting things um here and a bit of over here this is the section that's like so unbelievably miscellaneous that i don't even know what to do about it so here we have a shelf that's kind of like adult fantasy slash fantastical slash i don't even really know what a lot of these books would be categorized as because i haven't read most of them um but yeah i think they're mostly just adult fantasy books and a little bit and here's historical fiction so these kind of like have a theme but like not too much um and then here is another shelf i'm stepping on things hold on um here is another shelf right here is another shelf that is kind of like it had a theme when i first arranged it like this and now it's just become a little bit like weirdly miscellaneous but this shelf is basically like my adult contemporaries shelf it literally has like all my taylor jenkins read books on it um and also red white and royal blue and what else is on here i have um carmen marie machado on this shelf so it has like mostly adult like literary fiction or um contemporary stuff like that or romance i guess too since um taylor jenkins read and casey mcquiston are romance authors but um yeah those are the shelves that like kind of have a little bit of a theme this shelf is kind of some of my favorite ya contemporaries but then i also put other things on here because i was running out of room um over here i don't know if you can see yeah you can um that's my harry potter shelf so that one's staying there because that one is like fine this is just like some why a fantasy this is why contemporary this is why a contemporary that's why a fantasy down there um this is more yeah fantasy i don't even know what this is this is also why a fantasy plus some y contemporary so it's mostly like this section that we're going to be working with because i don't know what to do with it i like to have no idea how i want to rearrange it um and i've also like toyed with the idea of like adding more like decoration and stuff to my shelves so we'll see if i end up doing that too i don't know it depends on um what i'm feeling and again i'll probably change this at some point too because i get tired of the way my shelves look so easily and i switch them around all the time anyway um yeah so these are the shelves that we're gonna start with and i'm probably just gonna start by like moving random things around and seeing what i like um but we can start off with some questions first if you all have any questions definitely let me know hold on my chat is super slow and it's not catching up so i do not know what people are actually asking um let's see you can also ask me questions about like literally anything it doesn't have to be book related it can be about literally whatever you guys feel like talking about um yeah whatever you're in the mood to have a chat about let me know and i will talk about it do i love you yeah i love you guys you're the best you literally make me happy literally when i don't feel happy i'm like i have my whole community here of people who care about me and who want me to be happy and i need to be happy for me first but also because you want to see me happy and that genuinely motivates me um for people asking if i got the chain of iron arc yet yes we literally just went over that i just got it i just opened it okay um do i have a hair routine yeah i made a whole video about it if you want to watch my video um it's on my channel um whoa okay comments are going faster than i thought hi hannah how are you doing how can i can i pin that how do i pin comments i'm sorry give me a minute i'm still trying to figure things out this is all very new to me okay my comments on here are going faster than my comments on here so i don't know if i can pin everything but i'll try and look at this since this is going a bit faster so i'll keep up with the most um recent comments what's my aesthetic um this is like an interesting question i actually kind of want to talk about this for a little bit um so a little bit of a spoiler i actually filmed an entire video about this that you will see eventually i filmed it like almost a year ago but you will see it eventually um i feel like the internet currently is like super obsessed with the idea of aesthetics as we all know and um i always feel like it's so i mean i'm sure everyone feels like this it's just so hard to like categorize yourself into like one aesthetic because no person is just like one thing obviously but like i always just want to try out so many different aesthetics because i feel like i never got the opportunity to like try out different things um like either fashion wise or like interest-wise or personality-wise or whatever and like decorating my room and stuff like that i feel like it was so hard for me to like find my style or my aesthetic or whatever but um i think in the past a year or so it's been a lot um i've developed my own style a lot more and i feel like more comfortable now um like experimenting with things and like pointing at something and saying like yeah that's my i'm talking about like clothes and stuff specifically but like i'm i can point at something and be like yeah that's my style and i think that like just comes with experimenting a little bit which i got to do for the first time which was like super nice and now i feel more comfortable in my own aesthetic so if you want to like label me into one of like the main core aesthetics that everyone online talks about i don't know you can tell me um i feel like i'm a little bit of dark academia or light academia obviously clearly um and yeah i don't know i i feel like that's the one i probably align with the most and that's pretty obvious um but yeah anyway i feel like that didn't make much sense it'll make more sense i think after you watch the video that i've made about it um can i give sarah j maas another chance you know i've actually thought about doing this that was a really loud truck i've actually thought about doing this because i have a friend who really loves the acotar series and no i don't think i will like those books personally and she even says she doesn't think that i would necessarily like them but i've considered just like trying them out again like i don't think i'm going to read throne of glass again because i just don't think that um i would enjoy it personally i'm trying to find my other like sci-fi-ish books i can't find them um yeah i don't think i would enjoy it personally all that much but i kind of want to try out what's the other one called that she just wrote crescent city i think that's what it's called i don't remember um you know what i'm talking about the new adult one that she wrote that like everyone's super into that's like 900 pages or something um i really do have i really have considered trying that one out i feel like i would maybe like that so yeah let me grab these i need to buy the next book in hank green's series and read it i still don't have it i really need to um okay let me find like my sci-fi dystopian books do i want to do it that way though no because then i have to separate series okay i don't know this video is going to be me being super indecisive by the way i hope you don't mind let me find another question um is she organizing by genre yes i'm organizing by genre that is typically how i organize my books um how do you resist fomo oh my god the question went away it was how do you resist fomo with all the like pretty special editions of books i mentioned this in a recent video um but i think that like i used to really care about special editions of books and stuff and i do still sometimes like if i see one that's really really nice but lately i think this is just like a shift in my mindset and my priorities in general um i just feel like less of a need for things um and like i mentioned before having this many books honestly overwhelms me sometimes so i just like i i think about like i look at something and i'm like do i need this in like two three years am i going to still be super excited about this and if the answer is yes then i will typically get that thing and i'm not saying you have to do this and if you buy special editions just because in that moment you felt the need or the want for it you're not wrong um i'm just saying this is like the way that my priorities have shifted um i just like look at something and i'm like am i gonna be excited about this a year two three years down the line and if the answer is no then i typically don't get it if the answer is yes then i typically do so that's kind of like how i look at things i've already been talking too much okay i gotta take a second to figure out what i want to do here hold on there's some more books that i feel like i can categorize here i don't know what to do i think i'm probably i think what i'm probably gonna do oh right i have like all these extra books down here too that you can you even see that yeah you can see that this bottom shelf right here has like all these extra books that were recently sent to me and stuff that i still don't have you can't see me but i still don't have a place for so um yeah i think i'm going to [Music] move hmm i don't know it's just these are like these are just so haphazard like this one makes sense this is historical fiction this one even makes sense it's like adult fantasy it's like these over here that are just so haphazard that i'm like i don't know what to do with you maybe i'll move this shelf down and then put my other contemporaries here and then figure out what to do with these bottom ones i think that's what i'm gonna do okay we have a plan now we have a plan one sec okay let me find new questions um okay i'm gonna answer this because i keep getting this question over and over again and i keep getting it all the time um which is are you still friends with haley and zoe everyone always wants to know i've mentioned it so many times in videos there is no t i don't know why everyone wants like some like drama or something like that there's no drama um we are friends i literally texted haley right before i started this live i um to be honestly i don't really talk to zoey very much so um that is true but there's no drama around it i know everyone constantly wants drama but there isn't so i'm just answering that now because i keep getting that question um shadow and bone netflix thoughts i'm cautiously optimistic which is i feel how i go into most um most of my like what am i saying which is the way that i usually like go into most book to movie or tv adaptations especially if i love the book because putting your expectations too high on like an adaptation of your favorite series it's only gonna leave you disappointed i mean i hope i'm not disappointed but like i expect to be at least a little bit disappointed um but i am still like excited about it i haven't seen the whole cast i've really only seen the darkling um kaz and dinesh and i feel like i haven't seen anyone else to be honest i haven't looked too much into it but um one sec what did i say that i was going to do why do i have no memory oh move my contemporaries here and then move this where do i want to move this actually yes no move that down move my contemporaries up here okay got it um yeah so i feel cautiously optimistic about it i'm not like super super excited but at the same time like i don't know i feel like it's gonna be it's going to be very different from the um books is what i'm getting from it especially since they're combining at least from what i understand about it they're combining um the here let me turn this a little bit so you can see me a bit better um they're combining what's it called shadow and bone bat series with the six of crow series from what i get um i don't know if that's a hundred percent true or not but um oh actually wait some of these i do want to keep up there hmm let's see oh no no nevermind um okay yeah i think they're combining them so i'm not a hundred percent sure um on what's going to happen with that exactly oh my god this stuff is too tall um but yeah i think i think i'm gonna watch the whole thing i might make a video about it like i might talk about it or something um i thought about rereading the whole series but i don't i don't know that i necessarily will to be honest with you like i'm as much as i love six of crows i'm not the biggest um grisha trilogy fan i haven't even finished it i've never read the third book because i just found it kind of boring honestly but um yeah so we'll see hopefully it's good hopefully it's not shadowhunter i mean i don't think it's going to be shadowhunters but like hopefully it's called shadowhunters okay let's put these here i have a lot of shuffling to do within the books on each shelf too because they're just thrown on here at this point um and again there are like more books i want to unhaul but i probably won't do that now um but yeah i don't know let's see those are series okay okay let's see how does that look that's a little bit better okay so now i'm gonna move contemporaries up here i think or i'll make actually yeah hold on give me a second i'm sorry i'm being super indecisive um let's see actually i think i might move some of these like series and stuff here up there and then rearrange okay i know what i'm doing in my head i'm sure that made literally no sense to you um oh i'm sorry i'm trying to figure out what's going on in the comments if someone's spamming let me figure out i do something about it on my phone okay yeah i know you need a stream yard to pin comments i'm on streamyard on my laptop but um it's not the comments aren't going as quickly as it is on the chat on my phone when i'm on youtube um let's see where do i buy my clothes from um my clothes i get from like a bunch of different places i actually recently bought a bunch of new stuff i'm going to show you my shoes really quick one second i'm so excited about these i just bought these the other day and i'm literally obsessed with them do you see these shoes look at them this is so irrelevant to everything i'm sorry but like look at them they are so cute they're literally so cute and look at these heels they're like round i love them my friend called them ice cream shop shoes and they literally do look like ice cream shop shoes i don't know why that's like so exactly what they are but they are anyway um these are from jeffrey campbell but um yeah i get most of my clothes from like different places it kind of just depends i don't really stick to one place i kind of just um try to find things that like i genuinely like like instead of trying to like stick to brands if that makes sense like i will like look at something like for example i saw those shoes and i was like i love these i would wear them i can picture outfits with them um and that's why i got them so i typically try and just find things that i'm like drawn towards and then um buy things like that way instead of trying to stick to a brand i feel like i used to when i was younger just like always buy from the same brand because i knew that like their clothes fit me so i'm just gonna buy from them but i found that doing that isn't actually that helpful so yeah um that's what i try to do okay let me see my brain is trying to do too many things at one time so you gotta give me a second [Music] um these are also kind of historical fiction i think i'm going to move these up here and see how i like this by the way if any of you need to reorganize your bookshelves feel free to do so while you watch this video it might be motivating or a good thing to do while you're just chilling here i know a lot of you were saying that you need to reorganize your bookshelves too so hopefully you can do that now um [Music] so many books how did we get here let me find another comment let's see if i can actually pin something here if there's anything i feel like talking about you're reading evelyn hugo yay one of the best one of my favorites okay the comments like go super slow and then they go really fast um a lot of people are asking if i'm in school um i'll talk about this a little bit since i haven't every time someone asks me this i kind of just like mentioned that i don't really want to talk about it but it's not for any like specific reason other than i just don't really feel like talking about it um but no i'm not in school i've mentioned before that well i guess you would really only know if you watched that one video i don't think i've talked about it really since then but um i ended up dropping out of school because i was really sick when i was in school and i couldn't stay so i left and i um have not gone back since and to answer your question i don't know if slash when i will go back um or if i will go back to the same school or not we shall see me do this but yeah so for all those asking how i balance school and reading or work or youtube i do not anymore since i'm not in school i have too many ve schwab books and too many celebs to hear books and they don't all fit on one shelf anymore i finally got my copy of sky beyond the storm and i ordered paperback copy but they sent me a hardback copy so now i just have this hardback copy that does not match my paperback books for the rest of the series so i need to get the paperback one but let's see if these all fit here hopefully they do it's going to be a tight squeeze but we can do it there we go oh no hold on am i the only one who's super meticulous about making sure that all your books are like lined up in the same place on your shelf they always have to be like perfectly straight okay there we go that's good that's done we can we can work with that what was i doing here before ah trying to put all these historical fiction esque books together to see oh i don't know um do i have anything else that would work on that shelf i don't know about these let me try and find more questions where is my bts shelf my bts shelf is over here in a built-in bookshelf that i have on my um like in a oh let me see if i can turn yeah i can't show it to you because there's like too much um stuff over there but it's in a built-in bookshelf over here so that's where my bts shelf is um [Music] can i speak persian yes i can speak farsi i'm not going to do it though i can speak it i can understand it i can't read or write hold on let me clip my hair up i can speak it i can understand it i can't read or write um but yes i don't know why i constantly get this question i feel like anytime someone mentions they speak another language everyone's always just like speaking that language they like speak farsi i'm like i don't want to you're not going to be able to speak it back to me i mean unless you are also persian but when you just speak farsi like you're not going to be able to speak it back to me why do you want me to say something to you like i get it i get it but at the same time i just like hang on let me fix my hair does that look okay i can't tell um what's the globe for it's just for decoration i've had it for a really long time so um do i watch anime i do i have recently been watching um what's it called attack on titan because my friend recommended it to me so i started watching that um i'm also re-watching death note with my sister because she's never seen it uh my sister's watching haikyuu i think that's how you say that show haiku um and i've watched a couple episodes of that so far uh what else my like second favorite show of all time is full metal alchemist brotherhood so there's that um yeah i love anime oh i recently watched erased with my mom and sister and mom also likes anime so yeah we all kind of watch anime together um let me see i'm gonna put no actually no these oh the plant is in the way can you even see the plant i don't know if you can [Music] trying to find a good way of balancing talking and answering questions while also productively moving things around um everyone's saying hi to the plant that one's not actually mine that one's my mom's but i brought it in here for a video the other day or a picture the other day because i wanted to be able to see it so yeah um let me see do i do youtube full-time i do it is my job at the moment um what k-pop songs am i currently listening to um i don't know to be honest with you all i'm really listening to right now is driver's license and uh taylor swift oh my god speaking of taylor swift her releasing fearless and we get love story tonight i'm so excited fearless the fearless tour was the first concert i ever went to i think i was 11 or 12. i can't remember i was so young um it was the first concert i ever went to and i was so excited and now i'm so excited it was like my favorite album like ever and then speak now came out and when she releases the recording of speak now prepare yourselves because i'm gonna die like it's gonna be so good i can't wait seeing that was my favorite taylor swift album evermore has come for that title but i think speak now because of nostalgic reasons will always be my favorite taylor swift album but oh my god i cannot wait for fearless it's gonna be so good um what are the songs that i am so excited for white horse absolutely love story definitely you belong with me 15. are we kidding um is you is could have said no on that album i think could have said no is on that album i can't wait i really can't wait plus six i think she said six new songs oh my god we are being spoiled and i can't wait it's gonna be so good so so good um besides okay dropping things um besides that i have been listening to i recently discovered and i didn't discover everyone knows about her but um i started listening to uh rina sawayama oh my god i'm obsessed with her music it's so good it makes me feel like i am living in the 90s walking down a runway it sounds like the lizzie mcguire movie soundtrack honestly that's what that um that's what that uh her music makes me think of it makes me feel like i'm walking down a runway it's so good i literally love it so yeah i've actually been finding like a lot of new music lately that i'm getting super into which is so nice but yeah i've been listening to a lot which is great i love music so much so it makes me very happy um let's see where do i want to move these things i don't know yeah i don't know i have to think about this let's take a quick answering questions break and hannah eats a uh tangerine break because um i brought snacks for myself because i knew i'd get hungry in the middle of doing this um [Music] my favorite taylor swift song my favorite taylor swift song is so hard to decide uh currently it's champagne problems because i just keep listening to that song but it's probably enchanted or all too well those are the ones that i think i listen to the most enchanted it's like always gonna be one of my all-time favorites just because i'm in love with that song um and it's just so good but um all too well also i listen to like religiously it's so good so yeah um do i have a tick tock oh let's talk about tick tock for a second so i downloaded tick tock finally um last week maybe i avoided it for so long because i knew i know myself and i knew that i would just spend an endless amount of hours on there scrolling and um sorry one sec oh dropping everything scrolling and not being able to get off which surprise ended up happening um but i finally downloaded it and the algorithm figured me out in like five seconds my take talk by the way is clockwork underscore reads because someone took a clockwork reader and my full name so it's clockwork underscore reads um don't mind me eating but yeah i um downloaded it i don't have any tick tocks yet but i literally have a jake talk planned has nothing to do with books i think i've decided because i actually tweeted about this the other day how like i missed tumblr because i feel like on take talk on twitter on instagram you have to be this is literally what i tweeted you have to be some combination of hot funny and creative and on tumblr you didn't have to be anything because all you had to do was be like sad and reblog other people's posts and that's what i liked about it so much because like you could create things but you didn't have to you know and like i mean i guess it's kind of the same for like for all of the other ones i almost said titter for twitter tick tock and um instagram but like unless you're creating things on there i feel like it's less fun to use um but ever since i started like using tik tok more over the past week to be fair i've only been on that app for maybe a total of like six hours um but ever since i was on i've been on there more i think i've decided i'm just gonna start using it like a personal blog um i just went from two to forty followers oh my god wait let me find my chick talk um i'm following like no one except a couple of my like real-life friends on there and like paint green i think but yeah i um i have decided i'm just gonna use it as like a personal blog like the way that my tumblr used to be just like my personal blog i think i'm gonna do that with take talk because oh hi there are so many of you yeah i i'm gonna use it as a personal blog because like i realized i have no space on the internet that i just use for me at this point anymore like everything is to create content that is like monetized or that is for other people or you know what i mean like youtube as much as i love it like it is also my job so like the content i make on here like i mean this is fun and for me but like the content i make on here is like for my job typically um but i don't have any space on the internet that's just like a place for me to post whatever i feel like posting and i was scrolling through tick tock and there were so many people just posting random like whatever they wanted and i was like i want to do this like i just want to make stupid dumb content for absolutely no reason just because it's fun so yeah i think i'm going to do that so i'm just going to use my take talk it's my own personal blog post about literally whatever i feel like posting about and not trying like make it into something because that's not what i want it to be so anyway that's um me and tiktok i'm glad i finally got it it is genuinely fun it's honestly a great app once you like get off of the main side of tick tock and find like your space but um yeah i'm enjoying myself oh my god have i seen true beauty the comment went away right as i saw it have i seen true beauty don't get me started on true beauty i literally just mentioned this actually in a video that um we'll be up tomorrow but um i talked about it for like a minute but um i if you don't know what true beauty is it's a k drama and it is one of the greatest shows i've ever seen it's pure perfection i don't know what to tell you it's so good it's so good i'm literally obsessed with true beauty i have planned out an entire video about true beauty that will probably never see the light of day but it's called true beauty is pure shakespeare because true beauty is pure shakespeare if you watch that show and you read shakespeare like it's the parallels it's literally just shakespeare it's so shakespearean every single thing about it is shakespearean and i love it it's so entertaining yes my tech talk is clockwork underscore reads sorry um i haven't read the webtoon for take for for take talk for true beauty i started it i read like nine chapters or something i was like i don't like this much of the show so i stopped uh reading it yes meeting a tangerine story from my childhood i don't know [Music] this isn't that entertaining but one time when i was a kid i was on a swing in um a park or something with my dad and my sister and i somehow managed to do a back flip off of this swing like while seated i was like three four three i don't know really young um and i did a back flip out of the swing and i fell and i got like the wind knocked out of me but i like couldn't breathe so my parents thought i was like dying and then they took me to the hospital and i was fine no ribs nothing broken um but it like loki scarred me and i'm afraid of swings for a while i'm not afraid of them now though that's a really boring story i'm sorry thank you for telling me i don't need to be entertaining that genuinely means a lot to me i constantly feel like i have to be entertaining and then i'm like but you're so boring you're not funny and then i get like down on myself but it's fine i don't need to be entertaining i'm just gonna sit here and eat my tangerine like i understand i understand the other perspective don't get me wrong i get it but team suho um i have not um read addie liver yet i haven't finished it i started reading it so long ago and like i said i've only read two and a half books so far this year and addie's not one of them yet so yeah i will um read it eventually i promise uh i've not watched grey's anatomy i don't touch doctor shows i can't do stuff like that i really can't um who's my txt bias my tx device is yunjin okay those were my little break questions my eating a tangerine and taking a quick break questions um oh current what was oh it went away no the questions keep going away um do i watch friends no i don't i've never seen friends i've seen like maybe one episode not my thing my favorite avatar the last airbender episode is my water probably the southern raiders just because that episode's pure perfection or the western air temple basically all of book three um what's another one i love everyone is so mean to the ember island players but like the emperor island players is one of the best episodes of avatar fight me i'm not wrong um it's so good oh the beach is another great episode again like i said the entirety of book three um so yeah current book boyfriend i don't have one um oh sorry i'm trying to it it's so distracting to read the comments and try and answer them have i seen uh cindy's video on addie larue i have i loved that video it was so good um which is obviously now something i'm definitely gonna keep in the forefront of my mind as i'm reading this book the entire time and probably have a lot of the same questions that she did um but yeah i love that video um am i on spotify premium yes i i can i have a tab on my instagram that has me it says like music and i've posted a couple playlists on there i don't think i have my spotify specifically linked anywhere but um i have like some of the stories on there have playlists link on linked on there so if you want to find my spotify you can um find it there like you can find it through those playlists i don't know how else to like send you my spotify account right now um i honestly don't use spotify i i was like very new to spotify when i started using it so i don't like know fully how to share it um how was my day today i can start answering that question while i go back to organizing some of these shelves my day today one sec let me sit with some more water my day today has been a little bit hectic um like i mentioned earlier i'm super super busy i've been super busy for quite some time now um and today i woke up a lot later than i was planning to wake up so i have had um hold on one second i'm gonna switch some of these around i don't know uh i don't know anyway so i um had way more to do in like less time than i'd planned for um so i woke up a little bit like stressed um but now i'm feeling a lot better i um took like my time to do what i needed to do i took like long enough breaks i was really anxious before this life because i always get really anxious whenever i do anything like this like super anxious like my heart is beating really fast for no reason but now i'm fine now i'm chill because i know you guys are just chill and we're just gonna like hang out and talk for a little bit um but it's always weird to do these things on your own so yeah i feel a bit less stressed out now which is good um but besides that my day's been pretty good i still have a lot of work to do after this i have a video that's going up tomorrow and i have to make the thumbnail and stuff for it but i haven't done that yet so i've got to do that later today and then i have some instagram uh content i have to plan i now have to read chain of iron so i have to do that um what else yeah i just have a lot to do today i have a lot to do tomorrow i have so much to do y'all like i'm i want to talk about it so bad and i have been given permission to like talk about little things but i can't talk about everything in detail but i have like a lot i'm gonna come over here for a second so i can like talk about this more clearly i have so many like exciting things happening um both exciting for me and hopefully exciting for all of you happening in like the next in this whole year basically but especially in like these next couple of months um there are lots of things that i get to announce uh lots of things that will literally just happen um and i can't wait to talk about all of them i'm so excited about it the reason i keep mentioning that i'm like really busy is because i am and like i'm busy with youtube itself obviously but i'm busy with like a lot of things that are not youtube related like they're kind of related to my channel and me obviously but they're not like creating content for youtube so i've been super busy with stuff that i've been working on like i have this really big project that you all will get to see by the end of this year and it's a lot of work and i just can't like explain how excited i am and how like much of myself i've been pouring into this and how hard it is to not talk about it because i want to share it so badly and i haven't given permission to share like little things obviously like i said um without giving anything away but i'm i'm so excited about it and i know i'm being really vague and i know that's really annoying but i can't wait to share this with you like i really just can't wait to share it with you just know that i've been spending the past almost year working on something by the time it comes out it'll be over a year but working on something that means a lot to me that i put my heart and soul into and that you will get to one day hold and yeah that's all i can say anyway that's why i'm so busy and that's why i'm so stressed out um everyone asking me if i'm writing a book i'm not writing a book so it's not like a book that i wrote like it's not a story before you start saying that i'm not writing a book i can say that much um but it is still something that you will be able to get to hold maybe in a book form but i will tease that much but it's not a story i wrote so um anyway i'm so excited about it and that's why i've been so so busy it's why i've been so stressed out it's why if i end up taking some like youtube break and i'm unable to upload for like the months of april and march it's because i'm going to be doing or it may it's because i'm going to be doing an incredible amount of work and it's gonna be a lot on me so i don't know if i'll have enough time to upload like consistently but i will try my best um but yeah it's because i've been doing so much stuff so anyway i can't wait i'm so excited about it but i'm also so tired i am so tired i am up so late every single night either thinking about this or working on this or thinking about working on this or answering emails about this or having meetings about it and one day it'll happen and one day you will be able to um use it so yeah anyway um i have to figure out what to do with these jobs i keep getting really distracted and i just like don't feel like doing this anymore this always happens to me like halfway through reorganizing my shelves i get bored and then i'm like let's not do this anymore let's just not do this anymore but um i will i will continue to do it i just need to figure out like what like where i want every single shelf to be because like that's the problem because like i used to have my contemporary shelves like in the middle here and i liked it that way it's just those shelves are so colorful that i felt like it made my shelves look so bright in a way that like i just didn't like aesthetically um the sun is coming out hello um in a way that i just like didn't like so now i prefer having like like where the starless c is i prefer having like my adult fiction or fantasy books like more in the center of my shelf because i feel like it balances out the colors a little bit more the colors of my bookshelf are very important to me this like visual aesthetic is very important to the whole design of my room um so i give it probably too much thought but um yeah i i am now trying to like this is why it's so hard for me i'm trying to figure out like where i want these contemporary shelves to be because i feel like if they're split up it looks a bit better because then it's less like color concentrated in one area like bright color concentrated in one area but then at the same time the contemporaries are like separated from each other so that's a little bit weird so i don't know um we'll figure that out i now just now i'm realizing that i had that top shelf with like random series on it because i was trying to make my series go across the top and i didn't think about that when i moved them so i might actually have to put that back or i'll move this series shelf down here up there actually that's what i'm gonna do let's do that before i change my mind and forget um one of the questions i just saw is do i play video games and i do i love video games i'm a huge i'm a huge zelda fan i have played not all of them but like the majority oh my god heavy i've played the majority of the zelda games since i was like i don't even know five really young the first zelda game i ever played was wind waker um and i've played ocarina of time i've played twilight princess which was my favorite for a really long time um what else what else did i play after that i can't remember but um now obviously breath of the wild and oh my god am i excited for the new breath of the wild hold on where do i want to put these then oh no oh actually i'm going to put them on the end here yeah these are going to go somewhere here we'll deal with that um what was i saying i'm so excited for the new world of the wild um but it's supposed to come out this year i think correct me if i'm wrong i genuinely do not remember um but yeah i love zelda games i love animal crossing like everyone else i've also played animal crossing since the first animal crossing game um i think that was my first video game ever actually the original one on gamecube i still have it but like i don't know where it is we lost it a while ago um and like i have my gamecube like i could play it on my gamecube but i don't know where it is i'm so sad does anyone else remember like the gamecube did anyone else have their game cue am i just getting really old at this point um that's the other thing about take talk it makes me remember that like i am not a teen anymore and people talk about things i'm like wow i don't relate now it reminds me that i'm 24. um but yeah besides animal crossing and zelda there aren't many video games that i play oh i love pikmin i'm a nintendo girl okay like i love nintendo so yeah um i love pikmin i play that a lot i like playing pikmin when i'm stressed out uh because it requires literally like no thought and the pikmin are just so cute so yeah those are the video games i play um i don't really play much else besides that i know a lot of people love things like stardew valley i haven't played stardew valley yet um i also haven't played a mongoose yet i want to but yeah um let me see what else can i put up there this is also a series what other series do i have but um an absolutely remarkable thing up there the second one can go next to that and oh these two y'all i think i'm making progress oh my god yes that works i'm actually pretty pleased with that hold on and then i think oh i'm sorry my head was cut off and then i think we may be able to move that shelf back up there and then make a piece three contemporary i don't know uh why are those so hard it's not actually hard why do i make this so hard on myself let's let's take a question break okay um did i ever think i would reach the point that i'm at now with my channel no i literally had no intention of um ever like doing anything with youtube i literally it was i made my channel after i graduated high school because i had been watching booktube like all through my senior year of high school and i was obsessed with it and i was like oh my god i just want to talk about books and so i did um and it ended up with this so yeah that's now my channel i did not expect any of this um i watched queen's gambit i have i love queen's gambit it was really good i actually liked it more than i thought i would i really didn't think i would care that much [Music] [Music] um am i excited about fearless yes i mentioned i'm super excited about it thoughts on bridgeton you don't want to get me started on my thoughts on bridget i will just say that i don't like it um which makes me sad because i thought i would because um it's exactly the type of thing that i should like not a fan not a fan um i'm super excited for malibu rising um i'm sorry guys i can't i don't know what to do about people spamming i don't have a moderator so [Music] trying to report this man i don't know how well that'll work um i'm getting a bunch of the same questions again so that's why it's taking me a second i feel like it's just also my thing is lagging so it's like repeating a lot of the same stuff what type of bender would i be i would be a water bender easily like super easy for me to answer that one i'd easily be a water bender have i seen the dragon prince i have i love the dragon prince um i lowkey despised the animation because it's a lot to be fair it's a lot um better now like i'm more used to it i think than i was before but um yeah it's it's not my favorite um [Music] favorite fast food i don't know i don't eat a lot of fast food does i mean in-n-out burger i guess i can't eat their burgers because i don't eat meat but um i get grilled cheese from there um what else does shake shack count as fast food because if it does shake shack shake shack like too expensive to be fast food but if it counts then shake shack is my answer um thoughts on nicki minaj did you mean the queen of rap didn't know i didn't eat meat yeah i've been a vegetarian for well pescetarian i still eat fish um but i have been pescetarian for i don't even know how many since like 2009 10 like over 10 years at this point um oh sorry um hi hannah what's a hobby that you picked up recently that you were surprised you liked hmm what is a hobby i picked up recently that i was surprised i liked i don't know i feel like i haven't really picked up many new hobbies recently because i've been um working within so many of my regular hobbies um i guess drawing like art um i'm not surprised that i like it and actually to say that i like it it's kind of a stretch because i get so frustrated every single time i do it but um i do i think i'm better at it than i thought i was um or at least i believe more in my ability to draw and just like do art in general than um i used to so i'm kind of surprised by um how much i think i'm more surprised by how much i don't hate on myself like for my own art if that makes sense um i saw another question that was like uh would you ever consider going vegan um yes and no um in part because of my own like disordered like relationship with food and my eating disorder uh going vegan is like too restrictive for me um i can't like put that type of like no dairy no animal products whatsoever like i can't put that on myself because it becomes too similar to some of like my um disordered behaviors um but i pretty much eat almost vegan most of the time anyway so yeah um i don't like put like rules or restrictions on myself like that um i i personally can't but um yeah i i do essentially eat vegan most of the time anyway because that's just what i eat and that's how my family eats and how we have for a long time anyway um plus i'm like a little bit lactose intolerant i'm becoming lactose intolerant which is really sad because i love cheese um but yeah it's starting to really upset my stomach which makes me very sad so yeah um what countries have i visited i've been to the us obviously since i live here uh canada i've been to mexico i've been to italy i've been to paris or paris not a country france um i've been to the uk i think that's it yeah those are all the places i've been to there's so many more places i want to go though whoever said i'm sorry to make you uncomfy before i don't know what you're referring to but you did not make me uncomfy it's okay i'm totally fine i i will if i see a question i that makes me uncomfortable and i don't want to answer it i promise you i read over it and then i don't answer it everything i answer is something i'm okay with answering where did i go in the uk i just went to london pretty much we didn't really go anywhere else we weren't there for very long so i didn't get to like see too much of it i went to the globe um i went to pretty much all the museums um because i love museums specifically art museums um what else we do we just walked around a lot went to a lot of bookstores so yeah um would i come back to italy yeah absolutely i love italy i've been italy twice um and i mean i have family who lives there which is why i've been twice um and i would absolutely love to go back um what other countries would i love to see i really want to go to asia um so i'd love to go to japan especially um i'd love to go to south korea i'd love to go to uh thailand um where else do i want to go i'd like to go to vietnam um outside of asia i would love to go to prague that's one place i really want to go um every time i see pictures of prague i'm like i want to go to prague um i really want to go to sweden and switzerland um where else do i want to go i want to go to brazil uh yeah i want to go everywhere basically i just really want to travel but we can't do that right now so do i read manga i don't read manga i want to um i just don't have i ever been to iran i have not i've literally never been but i mean one day i would like to go and see all of the places that my parents talk about and see where they grew up and everything but i've never been and i do not plan on going at the moment so okay let's move around another shelf before i decide to take another break because i get tired of this okay um what do i want to do let's figure this out this also makes no sense oh i forgot about these god hold on okay where is oh it's right here never mind i was gonna say where's my copy of if we were villains it's right in front of me let's see what else can i put i think that's a squat um like this will stay the same except oh maybe this can go here [Applause] move things off and figure out what to do which there's so many things on the ground now i'm like i don't know what i want to do with you let's see i don't know i don't know i always get to this point where i'm just like let's move stuff around it'll be nice it'll be fun and then i look at it i'm like never mind let's forget all of it just throw all of the books off the shelf [Music] okay oh right these okay rebecca can go here there's my other copy of her back oh it's up there well this reminder can go here i really need to do another unhaul i have way too many books that i do not plan to read i also now have a second copy of chain of gold don't ask me why maybe i'll do a giveaway or something with this um is there other okay okay i think i am gonna separate my contemporaries or i'll switch those two back and put my contemporaries here and here and these can be other and then here's like favorite contemporaries and then like other series yeah yeah that works okay okay i think we sorted it out oh this is coming up i think i figured it out we can work with this all right i feel like my shelves used to be so much more organized and now i'm just like you know whatever i feel that's what we're going with um [Music] oh okay okay okay oh no everything is falling yeah all right all right hang on i'm afraid i might end up with i'm not on i'm not even in frame love that i'm afraid i might end up with an empty shelf if i do it this way hold on hmm i have all these i'm sorry i'm tossing my books around bamboos right okay i don't know all right we're gonna answer a couple more questions um yeah empty shelf more room room for more books is a good idea but um i don't think i have the space for that though my favorite shakespeare play hamlet i think uh my favorite comedy is 12th night though um i have not read the pretty little liars series i was in love with that show though when i was a kid so um can you recommend some good books for mental health like ocd depression or anxiety fiction or non-fiction um for non-fiction a good recommendation i would give is the happiness trap who is that by i don't remember do i still have my coffee i don't think so i don't think i have it here um the happiness trap is a really good book um it's really helpful in helping you understand why we get stuck in this quote unquote happiness trap where you feel like you have to be happy all the time and if you're not happy then you're not living life correctly and it talks obviously a lot about mental health mental illness um i think that's a really good one um i read that when i was in therapy uh for non-fiction i mean for fiction i mean i always recommend turtles all the way down but also like you have to be in the right headspace to read turtles all the way down um i think they're not like ones that i would say like help necessarily other than like giving you a um like a person giving you like a character who like maybe experiences the same things which i find personally really helpful so uh turtles all the way down radio silence um what's another one okay i think i'm looking at my shelf of like my favorite contemporaries and most of them deal with something like that um yeah i feel like i would say radio silence and turtles all the way to oh and eliza and her monsters for anxiety for sure those are three that i would definitely recommend [Music] um a lot of people asked if i listened to twice i do listen to twice i love twice um book that destroyed me the most most recently definitely chain of gold but like actually destroyed me in like a very personal way is turtles all the way down what bookstore do i visit the most i don't think i have a bookstore that i visit the most i think like there aren't really a lot around me um so i don't really go to bookstores around me but i do love city lights in san francisco that's a great bookstore um number four thoughts i did a whole reading vlog on it it's on my channel so you can watch it if you want to okay let's put the rest of these books on my shelves so that i can stop stressing about this and be done all right let's figure this out sorry there's a suspicious sound coming from outside hang on let me turn this so you guys can see me can you see me you can see me okay cool um yeah what was i saying i do not remember my memory just like just doesn't exist anymore pretty much um i feel i actually feel a lot better about this now i think that this will turn out pretty decently it was actually a pretty good idea to do this live because it kind of puts like pressure on me to not like get tired halfway through and just give up which is nice so um okay all right and then these can go oh ouch now i'm stepping on everything okay hang on i like loki really like this one sec don't speak too soon but like i like kind of really like it so far except now i don't know what to do with these oh hold on so oh wait there is enough room all right wait there are only like a few books on the floor hold on i might actually be able to do this i might actually be able to do this where do i want to put these though he's back here and this up here put this there at some point there's another shelf forgotten help oh okay what on earth do i do you know i think the solution is unhaul because i don't need slash want a lot of this but actually for the most part i think this is pretty okay you know what i actually think i'm gonna leave this for now oh there's that empty space there hold on what can go there and no okay this is not bad this is not bad who is tapping outside they will fit oh my gosh okay and then i have these which i think i just have to switch out for some other books but you know what i don't want to do that right now so they are not i'm just gonna put them all here oh no so if they're not on the floor i'm gonna have to figure out what to do with chain of iron i have no idea i will probably have to expand one of those shelves out at some point but not now i think that's good enough i feel comfortable and happy with the way that i rearranged um the main shelves i have to like shuffle the books around on some of these shelves um because they're not like in any order at all but besides that i like the look of it a lot more the colors are way better like spread out so i think it looks a lot nicer okay i'm done oh my god hold on i dropped my things on the ground okay all right i feel much better about this um how long have i been doing this an hour and 31 minutes oh my god okay so um i was going to end this like now but i'll probably stick around and answer a few more questions if that's what you all want um if you're okay with that let me know um yeah if you want me to stick around just for a little while longer i can do that but i do have to go relatively soonish this is also getting very long and i feel like a lot of people are gonna get tired so um uh what did i study when i was in university um my major was gender studies favorite holiday my favorite holiday is christmas only because my birthday is on christmas eve i feel like that makes me sound narcissistic best hunger games book in my opinion catching fire it's been a really long time since i've read them so kind of don't really remember enough i think to have like a very definite answer to that question but how long have i played the piano um to say i like play the piano is like a stretch i like took lessons for like about a year i think and before that that was like when i was in community college so i was like 19 18 or something like that but actually no maybe it was two years two years um yeah cause i was in my senior year of high school so 18 to 19 i think is when i played took lessons but um which i feel like should make me much better at it than i am now but it i'm not that great but before that i just like taught myself how to play the piano so like i didn't know how to read music um i didn't know anything about music other than just playing things by ear which is how i always did stuff so um i don't know basically my entire life i've had a keyboard so i've been like playing it since then but yeah never like properly and to this day i still can't like properly like classically play the piano but i can teach myself pretty much any song so i can play what i feel like playing um did i learn to sing uh no i mean i was in choir for a while like in elementary school and middle school but um and i like i did like choir competitions and stuff but like i don't know if i was ever taught to sing i did take singing lessons for like maybe a couple of months once but like i didn't learn anything if that makes sense um not because like i'm above learning it not because of that i just like we didn't like cover anything new she was just having me sing some songs so and actually just sing one song because i really wasn't doing it for very long at all um i would like to like actually take singing lessons though do i have a p.o box i do not have a p.o box i'm very sorry i know a lot of you ask me this um but i do not um what book talk book is the most over hyped honestly i'm not on book talk like i have seen i like i said earlier i've only been on tik tok for like a week but um i haven't interacted with many book book talk videos but um i feel like the only books i've ever seen anyone talk about on there are sarah j maas books and sometimes shadowhunter books but mostly sarah j maas books harry potter and then sometimes shadowhunter books um so i would say throne of glass since that's the only one i've read that i don't like like so um sorry i'm trying to just report spam do i like being a capricorn i love being a capricorn i love the memes they're great i relate to a lot of them i don't relate to some of them because so many of them are like willing to step on anyone for money and i'm like not really but the other memes the ones that aren't like financially motivated i feel like are very relatable to me my hair routine i have a whole video on it it's on my channel um capricorns are underrated i agree i feel like a lot of people hate us and i don't know why um do i like stranger things um i loved the first season and i kind of like liked the second season but i didn't like really care too much after the first season i just think it should have been one season and it would have been golden um after that it wasn't my favorite anymore do i keep in touch with my high school friends i do my high school friends are still some of my best friends in the world um i love them so much um [Music] yeah friendships are weird i've dealt with a lot of like friendship stuff in the past year while we're coming up on a year um that's been really challenging and interesting to deal with so um my sister is a capricorn and i think y'all are funny thank you my sister doesn't think i'm funny she's a libra for anyone who wanted to know um song i'm most excited to hear off of fearless i don't know i really don't know it's probably 15 though 15 or white horse or should have said no which i still can't remember if it's from that album or not but i think it's from that album maybe um do i like shira i love shira i was captured for halloween in case you didn't know i did i had a whole costume and everything um oh sorry um song you would play at your funeral um i don't know i have to think about that oh i have to think about that low-key part of me feels like it would have to it would i think it would actually have to be a taylor swift song you would i don't have to be a taylor swift song or you know you know what i can't like narrow it down to one song you have to have a whole playlist my funeral has more than one song okay it needs its own whole playlist it starts with it starts with like my early like stages of life my heart will go on by celine dion and then we go into hillary dove okay because like she was my everything come clean for sure has to play and then we go into taylor swift fearless and then speak now and then we're gonna have to play i don't know so many other things like through my angsty phase and everything after that and then until now the last song that plays is probably spring day by bts that's that's my the playlist for my funeral you know this playlist of my life videos that elle or whoever does on youtube um they should do playlist of my funeral please give me the credit for that thank you why are we talking about funerals now i'm let's let's not my favorite character from shira is katra hence why it was her for halloween because i love her what's my opinion on libras my sister's a libra and my best friend is libra so i like libras my hot take on um what are they called zodiacs forgot the word um my hot take on zodiacs which this is gonna sound i'm so sorry if you are this zodiac sign i can't stand virgos i can't stand for a ghost i'm sorry i have friends who are virgos so like it's not all of you and also like all of my favorite celebrities are virgos which makes no sense i only like celebrity virgos i guess but oh my god every other like virgo that i mean i'm like can you just stop you guys are like okay but sometimes you're a lot but i can say this because i'm pretty sure i don't know that much about the zodiac i don't know why i'm talking about sodium but um i'm pretty sure my rising i'm a virgo rising so i can say this because i understand it i'm allowed to hate on virgos a little bit favorite august d song um so far away favorite august d2 song people or dear my friend people dear my friend is too sad sometimes but people i can listen to on repeat um my myers-briggs type i haven't taken it in such a long time i barely remember anything about the myers-briggs but the la every time i took it before i'm an enfj not an infj an enfj a lot of people are asking me if i'm excited for court of silver flames what is that that sounds like a uh sarah j maas novel is it i don't know so i'm not excited for it because i don't know what it is and if it's a sarah j maas novel no because i don't really read her books um what new language would i like to learn um i took french in high school and i would like to actually learn french i would also like to learn italian so if i go to italy i can speak italian because my uncle speaks italian so i would like to speak it with him title for your biography she tried that's the title of my biography um favorite cassandra clare character uh magnus bane who will probably forever remain my favorite cassandra clare character but slowly but surely coming from my top spot is cordelia carstairs so yeah the two of them are like my favorites and then it's will well sometimes will is still above cordelia because we've only had cordelia in one book but we have so many books with will so okay i think i will just take a couple more questions and then i will go because i am also getting very tired but before i do that i just gonna show you my bookshelves one last time so you can see the semi-finished product it's not 100 done let's go back to my game show host spot i don't know what to call myself um yeah they're pretty much finished i like i mentioned i'm gonna have to rearrange stuff on like these shelves here like rearrange the order of the books and stuff and maybe move a couple of them around but besides that this is pretty much i think the look that we're gonna go for it's pretty much separated by genre um so obviously here we still have like i mentioned all my fantasy or not fantasy well yeah pretty much all fantasy but all of my series and then um this is like graphic novels poetry this bottom shelf is still empty i'll figure out what to do with that eventually um and then here more series and then we have the adult contemporary adult fiction and then here we have some like um non-fiction and classics and then at the end they're some like psychological thriller um this bottom shelf will also need to be fixed because that's just extra books and stuff that need to be like put in other places um here we have series um which continues all the way across the top and then historical fiction fantasy adult fantasy some of my favorite y contemporaries which again needs a little bit of shuffling and adjustment then down the bottom here and here we have uh just series like first books in series pretty much where i don't have the other books basically and then contemporary um this is more of this adult fantasy-ish series this one's a little bit more miscellaneous and then more contemporary so yeah um it's pretty decent i think it's okay i think i'm pretty happy with it and i don't think i'm gonna like rearrange it too much at this point but yeah all right so thank you all so much for joining me thank you so much for hanging out with me while i do this live this was a lot of fun it was really nice to be able to spend this time reorganizing these while also like answering some questions this was very like de-stressing which i really needed um and i feel much better than i did uh earlier today so i'm really glad that i ended up doing this um if you guys would like to see more live streams let me know uh maybe that's something i can do on a semi-regular basis maybe um once i don't know if i can say once a month for sure but maybe every other month or something or maybe once a month i can just like do a random live where we just hang out answer some questions or just pick a subject i don't know uh or every time i rearrange my bookshelves i'll do this who knows um let me know if it's something you would enjoy um if there's any other video ideas or any content ideas or literally anything you feel like talking to me about feel free to message me on um instagram mostly is where i will answer things i don't really look at my twitter dms or anything but you can tweet at me too um i'll be on instagram though so and now apparently on tick tock so you can follow me there if you'd like to um and yeah i love you all so much thank you so much for hanging out with me thank you so much for being so supportive of me i hope you stick around for all the really exciting things that i'm so so excited to share with you in the coming months um i love you all so dearly you mean the world to me and you truly like allow me to get better and be the person i want to be and again i every time i talk about this stuff i feel like people are going to be like oh she's so insincere but i'm not being insincere i genuinely mean it you mean the world to me and you literally change my life for the better because you make me want to be a better person and that means a lot to me and i love our community here so thank you all so much um for being supportive of me always i am supportive of you always i want you to be happy and i want you to do your best this is me giving you a hug through the screen um so yeah thank you again now i gotta figure out how to end this live but yeah i love you all so much and i will see you actually tomorrow in a new video so yeah not book related but still a video all right i love you all bye
Channel: A Clockwork Reader
Views: 76,072
Rating: 4.9668369 out of 5
Id: 25qR9z4DqN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 28sec (6508 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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