Oregon Trip // Mennonite wedding

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it's the morning of the wedding and I pulled such a Janine move so frustrated and angry I will say hello from Denver Airport in this vlog I'm going to be taking you guys along on our little family trip out to Oregon Nolan's sister got married so we all flew out to go celebrate with them I know different ones that you are curious about the Mennonite culture and so if you come along for the ride you'll get to see a little sneak peek into a Mennonite wedding Before we jump into our trip I just wanted to say that today I'm collaborating with blood net Yoder which is super exciting she's another Mennonite mom her channel mostly revolves around cleaning decorating and so on she was a huge reason that I started by a channel I've been rolling around in my mind of her time as I was just kind of shy to be starting a YouTube channel as a Mennonite guys remember I ran across her channel by happenstance I'm like hey there's another Bennet eye on you too but I just remember she kind of gave me the courage to start my own channel as well so I'm really excited to be collaborating with her she's doing a day-in-the-life and so make sure to go and check the links in the channel after you watch this blog and if you're coming over from Lynette's channel welcome my name is Janine I'm a Mennonite mom that just kind of enjoys documenting life getting into various projects talking about faith and so on so we'd love to have you subscribe and join us and woman for the journey with all that said join us as we take off for Oregon sander what are we going to do I'm Martin right airplane somebody has been talking about this airplane ride for weeks now we're finally headed off to the airport to fly out to Noah's family for a wedding probably fun having another family trip you think you're pretty okay you better run and catch up with daddy run run hey you can't steady [Music] their plane ride yeah [Music] [Music] yeah just cameras [Music] yeah [Music] good morning right now we are in Denver or just outside of Denver actually we picked cheap cheaper tickets the head like a 19 hour layover here in Denver my brother lives outside of Denver so we are staying with him we came here for the night we get to spend half a day with them it's a lot of fun to hang out with them again I haven't been here for quite a long time so we're just having a good family time and then later tonight we're gonna jump on the next airplane and head off to Boise Idaho [Music] that's refuel why [Music] yeah you're okay so my brother is a bat house company they make bat houses for people that are into bats or that want to decrease the mosquito bug population in the yard bats are actually really good for that so they build bat houses right here in their garage there's a lot of fun to see their work space they also do get bat houses shipped in from a factory and I we thought a shipment was coming in today but it isn't we were gonna help them unload but it was fun to see him working getting bat houses ready to ship out and so yeah if you want to order a bat house from one of my family members I'll have links below to his bat houses they are really good for helping with all the bugs in your backyard so yeah do a little bit of research and maybe you might what about health [Music] [Music] it's gonna be a fun relaxing day and I hopefully learned bullying tonight we will be in Boise Idaho where's Jack the Indian [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we came hiking up on an overlook out of report Collins it's really really pretty and there's a reservoir that we're looking at as well a cup top here it's really nice like Colorado is so beautiful [Applause] [Music] blow it [Music] getting mom comes in to bring it over here Hey let's sit in here Bubba sit here should we sit in here oh there's a drill so you're not good luck with this outline watch your spell hello how are you good thank you I have a medium how about yours that's good what makes it fun anything all right thank you can I sing to you thank you very much yes I have a personal pepperoni thank you good day I am okay fine awesome okay yeah also so are you from alright perfect well I'll see you then again sorry I should have [Music] [Music] did you wait so we're just beat in time and there it is riding up and down the escalators time the fun thing it is to ride up and down these escalators right Bubba sketchy isn't it sorry excuse us this is probably the seventh time going up the escalators or eight or nine to ten [Music] every year I know you can't get that way Bubba need me to make a new friend [Music] combine mine in Apple's look at that we have arrived we're in Oregon tomorrow's the wedding so right now I am actually here at the house we're staying at we got an extra house for some of us family I'm actually here up on myself I'm it's mid-morning and haven't been feeling the best so I'm just staying here a little bit too I feel better Nolan has ender they're out having fun somewhere and then here in a few hours were probably gonna head north to where the wedding's going to be it's in cascade Idaho really beautiful up there so right now I'm just making use of time editing some more videos yeah it's a gorgeous day starting to feel a little better so hopefully that's a good sign and hopefully the trip continues to go well off to cascade in a few hours oh hello what were you eating he ice cream did daddy get you ice cream looks like he had fun yeah thanks babe they're amazing we are in the land of Dutch brothers whoop [Music] [Music] so we have made it we're here it is a beautiful wedding menu and now we're gonna go in and see how the reception is coming along it's like two o'clock Thursday afternoon after two hour drives so we're gonna go ahead and see how everything's coming along [Music] [Music] [Music] was bred to be thinking snervous [Music] [Music] and there's 20 other tables for them survivors - so the reception is all set up we actually didn't do that much but it's all finished we are headed off to a rehearsal if you're not used to Mennonites and weddings we don't film at the wedding most of us just kind of out of reverence for the ceremony so I might take a few videos tomorrow the reception I'm not sure but you won't actually see actual ceremony videos I mean they'll take some footage here of their rehearsal anyway since we're headed off doing right now it's the morning of the wedding and I pulled such a Janine move so frustrated and angry I will say so I was ironing this dress my mother-in-law had bought an iron and an ironing board at the reception we were setting up and it looked like there was like lastic Bert onto the iron that I had missed and I went to iron my sleeve and when I was finished I noticed there was like burnt marks on it and it looked dirty and filthy and brown and I was like oh you've got to be kidding me I tried scrubbing it out wouldn't work it looks really dirty and gross like I just rolled in the dirt so I got the iron from the hotel turned it to hot I've never done this to a dress before this is like a different I don't know what it is don't you know I fried my sleeve completely fried it it shriveled up turn a different color wrinkled thankfully didn't burn a hole completely through it still wearable but man now I feel like a slob headed to a wedding why did these things happen to me anyway so we were ready to head off our family pictures let's do this [Music] but y'all ready for church you wanna air plagiarize [Music] Josh any last words as a single man [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] appreciate everyone that came here today to sit at this table army and I talked about this the fact that they all need to have time out of their schedules out of your lives to accommodate this neighborhood specialist and a long and happy life together I guess you consider yourselves dismissed after this please take your time visit drink all the talking you want at least I get some more coffee just take your time you all came here and no one's rush to leave yeah just happy day thank you very much for us whatever that good feeling of just piecing out I hope you all enjoyed this sneak peek into a Mennonite wedding this video is getting way too long so I'm gonna split it into two parts so make sure you subscribe hit the little bow button so you don't miss when I upload the next video thanks a lot for watching guys have a good day god bless Congrats guys [Applause]
Channel: the Mennonite Mom
Views: 58,379
Rating: 4.9337382 out of 5
Keywords: oregon family trip, oregon trip, oregon, oregon road trip, cascade idaho, cascade, mennonite wedding, mennonite mom, mennonite life, family vlogger, family travels, family journalists, flying with a toddler
Id: lOmrIzVopXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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