Ordinary Boy Reincarnated As Level 999 Demon Skeleton Lord With Cheat Leveling System

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einin gown an ordinary boy who found himself trapped inside a video game with SS Rank Powers luckily for Ein though but highly unfortunate for everyone else his player is already maxed out and decided to use his cheating skills to save the world yeah who am I kidding he's a complete Menace throughout the entire nations from bringing back the dead to Casting level 10 tier magic with a blink of an eye and you can't forget the squad of Minions that are more powerful than 99% of the entire world forces if you ever thought to yourself maybe that's going a bit too far don't worry ions will take it a step farther as a massively loser online roleplaying game takes place also known as the MMO RPG called igel which was released in 2126 it quickly gained popularity in Japan but after 12 years the game is nearing its end due to low player activity a group of Heroes faces an army of skeleton monsters and manages to defeat them however their Victory is shortlived when they encounter a group of opponents led by a powerful skeleton lord who easily defeats them with a single blow now Monga the skeleton lord who is at level 100 and resides in the great tomb of nazer he sits at a round table having a conversation with another loser player hero hero who has been away for 2 years hero hero expresses his admiration for monga's leadership in maintaining the guild and the tomb however he is too tired and decides to log out as the other players are unavailable due to their busy real lives even though I guess you couldn't relate to that as it is the last day of the server Monga decides to spend it alone hoping to meet the others somewhere else in the future he takes a moment to reminisce about the memories he made with all the players he picks up the guild weapon the staff of Iron's ool gown which was crafted by some of the players during their paid vacations sadly out of the 41 members everyone except this loser Monga quit the game choosing to focus on the real world while exploring Monga comes across the NPCs including sebas and the combat Maids of pades He commands them to follow him to the throne room where he instructs them to stand by Monga takes a seat on the throne accompanied by the strong EST NPC of the Tomb by his side he accesses the settings of the NPC which were created by tabula and his weird ass adds a feature to her that portrays her as deeply in love with himself using his administrative Powers he then commands all the NPCs to bow down reminiscent of the Past Times he had fun with his loser friends however Monger realizes that something is wrong when the server does not shut down as expected he is unable to access his console or use chat or GM calls my teammates I mean an NPC standing beside him asks what's wrong and starts calling his name which surprises Monga as NPC should not be able to talk he tries to use all the in-game functions and realizes that they still work but he cannot contact any admins or access his console my teammates in games I mean the NPCs respond to his orders leaving Monga in surprise to assess the situation Monga orders sebas to leave the tomb and confirm the surroundings he also instructs the pades to guard the ninth floor Monga becomes more confused as the NPCs follow his orders without specific command he even orders the strongest girl beside him to come closer and he can feel her presence smell her check her pulse and yes even his weird self had to touch to touch her these experiences make him realize that this is part of real life he then orders the NPCs to gather in the lightning Arena on the sixth floor Monga teleports there using his ring and searches for the twin Dark Elves Guardians which were set up by his friend chagama Oro arrives and calls May who is hesitant to jump but eventually joins Monga they inquire about the legendary item in monga's hand and he introduces it as a god artifact with power that surpasses God level Monga decides to test his magic and finds that he can summon a primal fire Elemental simply by speaking its name without needing to click any icons from the console you think his magic can summon my dad he instructs the twins to fight the elemental with AA using multiple attacks and may providing magical Shields Monga attempts to contact the guild members but fails to do so however he manages to connect with sebas who informs him of a slight problem bonga orders all the Guardians to gather and the twins successfully defeat the elemental the Guardians start introducing themselves to manga starting with shell tier bloodfallen cidus Oro and May demorge and the leader of all the Guardians albo they express their complete loyalty towards manga The Guild Leader by bowing their heads manga being a complete loser with no friends in the real world like yourself and nothing else to hold on to except work and sleep decides to embrace the situation and accept their loyalty later on MAR and Ora engage in an argument about manga but but their dispute is interrupted by cidus it becomes evident that all of them are acting in a way that reflects the personalities given to them by Mong as friends after the shutdown of the RPG egral the game under goes changes allowing magic to be used and altering various rules my teammates I mean the NPCs start moving and speaking on their own albo and the others pledge to work hard and live up to the expectations of their master and I'm pretty sure if some of my viewers were in this game they would be down bat bonga informs everyone that the great tomb has been caught up in an unknown situation and he has sent sebas on a survey sebas returns and reports that there are no buildings or creatures within a 1 km radius leading Monga to realize that the tomb has been transported to an unknown place he orders the creation of a stronger information system and fortification of defenses mayor suggests covering the walls with dirt and vegetation to conceal the great tomb which manga approves lastly Monga asks everyone what kind of person he is to them each expresses their gratitude describing him as merciful wise loving and caring albo in particular expresses her love for him why is this man's living my dream Monga leaves the room and the others discuss his kindness finding him amazing and an absolute ruler meanwhile sheler experiences a crisis of excitement causing her underwear to be affected however alido and sheler began in a heated argument over manga and was about to end the series right there and then to be honest the others discussed the future of nazarik considering the possibility of Monga having an heir casus contemplates being an uncle and eventually sheler and albo agrees that albo will be the head wife first albo then begins explaining her useless plans to the others manga attempts to swing a sword but begins to realize that it only fails due to his magic class stats and now 3 days have passed since he arrived in this new world and he realizes that he feels emotionally unstable at times however he doesn't experience hunger or the need to sleep he acquires a powerful suit of swordsman armor which allows him to easily attack with his sword he also discovers that whatever items he creates by Magic are pretty usable he decides to go for a walk alone on the first floor to breathe some fresh air suddenly he encounters demons named jealousy avarice and wraith demage arrives and the demons bow down recognizing Monga as the only one who can teleport through the floors Monga informs them that he is going to take a walk for a while demard suggests that he should at least take one of them with him and not to pull an Alo card on his walk if you know you know during his walk Monga is captivated by the clear sky adorned with numerous Stars he wears a bracelet of wings and flies towards the moon demard reverts to his original form Monga enjoys the breathtaking view of the moon and the glittering Stars which resemble a box of jewels he shares his intention of finding a box of treasures to Adorn nazarik and his friends from mes demier assures him that all forces will be mobilized to retrieve it Monga expresses his desire to conquer the world shocking demiurge he decides to spread the name of ir's O gown suddenly he notices dirt approaching the walls of Nazar as Mary uses his skills to conceal them Monga decides to go and appreciate Mar's work rewarding him with the Ring of Iron's gown granting him freedom to move within the limits of Nazar May expresses his determination to work even harder for Monga and asks about his attire albo arrives and begins extoling monga's greatness however being the Mena's alido becomes a bit jealous upon seeing the ring in Mar's hands manga gifts her with a ring as well and instructs demurs to prepare one for him on another day he leaves and albo shouts with excitement later a group of soldiers led by the head Warrior gazi head towards a village on Horseback The Village has been attacked by a group known as the baharuth knights and the King has ordered them to investigate and eliminate the attackers 50 soldiers have been dispatched for this Mission but one soldier identifies it as a trap and suggests returning to IR anle to avoid losing the most powerful Swordsmen the head Warrior however holds hope for powerful Nobles or adventurers to come and save them despite no one appearing previously Gaza expresses his dumb motivation to protect the weak but let's all be honest if we see ions we dipping like my father meanwhile in the Tomb of Nazar Monga watches the surroundings using a magic mirror and tries to figure out how to use it with the help of sebus they searched for areas where they might find people while observing manga Witnesses a group of Warriors brutally eliminating innocent people in a village he calmly watches the scenes unfold but feels no inclination to save the people however memories of his past friend touchan who saved him from online players resurface touchan had intervened to help someone in trouble after reconsidering the situation Monga decides to go to the Village to save it and test his own strength he orders sebas to raise the security level of nazarik and send skilled soldiers to assist he also instructs sebas to inform albo to join him fully armed as a soldier is about to eliminate a mother and her daughter a gate suddenly opens in front of them and Monga arrives he eliminates one of the soldiers using heart grasp magic a powerful ninth tier spell and another with Dragon Lightning a fifth tier magic Monga creates a soldier as a death Knight using magic and orders it to eliminate the attacking Knights he then runs towards them and albo arrives fully armored Monga offers a healing potion to the injured mother who initially resists mistaking it for blood albo attempts to eliminate them but Monga stops her and orders her to lower her weapon the mother eventually takes the healing potion quickly healing herself Monga introduces himself as a magic caster and creates a protective wall around them he gives them a pair of horns which can be blown to summon an army of goblins if they are attacked the mother and daughter Express their gratitude for saving them and Monger Reveals His name as ion's ool gown meanwhile the soldiers have taken control of the villagers and are attempting to eliminate them however the death knight arrives and starts slaughtering the soldiers with powerful blows it also eliminates Chief Blues the soldiers try various strategies to defeat the death knight but fail Monga appears with a mask on his face ordering the death knight to stop he introduces himself and instructs all the soldiers to run and inform their leader about him warning them to dismantle their Kingdom The Grateful villagers bow their heads in thanks later Monga gathers information about this world from the village Chief and his wife they provide details about the surrounding kingdoms including the reti kingdom the baharuth Empire and the slain theocracy Monga learns that the attacking soldiers were from the baharuth Empire aiming to create enmity between the retied kingdom and their empire the nearest city to the village is rantal where adventurers usually hunt goblins and monsters for rewards Monga decides to go to the city to gather more information while the villagers mourn the loss of their loved ones who died in the attack Monga contemplates using the wand of Resurrection to revive them all however he refrains from doing so to avoid unnecessary trouble he is satisfied with saving the village as he walks Monga considers Spreading the News of the village rescue under the name of A's o gown he wonders if there are any other igraal players in this world and where they might be as they prepare to leave Alo displays rudeness towards a human but Monga stops her and advises treating humans with both calamity and kindness Monga encounters another problem as the chief discusses a group of knights approaching the village once again Monga orders all the villagers to stay at home and positions himself with albo and the chief to face the knights suddenly a soldier brings news of unknown figures approaching the village the king of the slain Kingdom orders their head priest to eliminate Gaz of stroff the strongest Warrior of the reest Kingdom the head priest is given a treasured item containing the miracle of gods and mobilizes their units for the attack Monga and Gaz discuss the situation and realize that the monsters from igdrasil have also appeared Gaza offers his services to Monga but Monga refuses thanking Gaza for his gratitude and assuring him that he will protect the villagers Gaza heads towards the enemies leaving the village and planning to create an opening for the villagers to escape he attacks with his army of soldiers eliminating many angels but they continue to respond Gaza uses his Focus battle Aura and eliminates more Angels but they persist due to the magic casters the magic casters Focus their attention on Gaza and the Army returns to engage in the fight again they fight with multiple attacks but Gaza spots the head priest and targets him despite his efforts the head priest keeps spawning more Angels leaving Gaz of feeling frustrated the people of the village are scared witnessing Gaz of fighting against the overwhelming magic casters Gaza Falls after a direct attack but he stands back up with patriotism and motivation to protect his kingdom the head priest believes gaza's determination is foolish and assures him that his death will be painless Gaz smiles with a sense of irony revealing that someone stronger than him is in the village calling the head priest a fool the head priest prepares to eliminate Gaza but Monga intervenes suddenly gazi disappears and Monga takes his place the villagers and chief are shocked and gazi holding the item given by Monga becomes unconscious with a smile meanwhile Monga introduces himself as iron's o gown to the people of the slain Kingdom he declares his opposition to the entire Army of magic casters manga demonstrates a bit of his power by easily eliminating ating two angels that attack him directly with their swords leaving everyone in shock ions warns the people to offer their lives without resistance and threatens them with a painful death if they refuse the magic casters launch low-level magic attacks against D but he remains unfaced one magic Caster makes a direct hit but albo swiftly beheads him the head priest then attempts to use principality observation but ion stops the Angel's attack with his bare hands and destroys it with hell flame a powerful spell the head priest uses a IGG drassel item a Crystal that seals magic other than top tier spells eyes orders albo to protect him as the head priest spawns a big Angel their strongest trump card however e dismisses it his Child's Play and the battle continues the head priest commands the angel to use holy Smite a seventh tier magic attack against ions but ions remains unharmed ions counters by making the angel disappear using his black hole magic demonstrating his power surpassing even demons a glass breaks in the sky indicating someone had been watching the battle using information magic I activates his defense barrier knowing they haven't seen the full extent of his power the head priest starts begging for his life offering rewards to a but albo dismisses them as lower life forms a being fed up with the BS removes his mask like a menace and takes their lives on their way back albo is impressed by A's composure and asks him about saving the humans a explains that they must move forward considering the enemy stronger than themselves he used the humans as pawns to understand the strength of their enemies albo expresses her love towards a later in the Tomb of Nazar e apologizes to everyone for acting on his own and announces that his name is now Ein o gown he instructs everyone to call him mind albo and others pledge their loyalty to their leader ensuring that everyone in this world will know his greatness and calling him the ruler of death the overlord a aims to spread his name in the hope of reaching any friends who may come to this world later albo provides a with updates regarding the reports on their surroundings while they search for any igdrasil players Ora expands the area of surveillance to include the great Woodlands near Nazar it is revealed that the man they captured earlier was nigon the commander of the special ops unit for the sunlet scripture of the slain theocracy lines identifies the slain theocracy as a nation that believes humans must unite against all other races He commands alido not to contact them for now in order to avoid creating a negative image in K Village lines appreciates albo's work and albo expresses her love towards him Hines clarifies that the feelings albo has for him are a result of his influence and albo is content with that e reveals that he made a mistake with tabula settings the friend who created albo albo replies that her father will forgive a for marrying her once again showing her love suddenly sheler arrives in albo and sheler engage in an argument H intervenes and tells them to stop and sheler leaves mentioning her unavailability for a short time later in the Fortress City ental a and Nave arrive at a hotel bar and ask for a room for two the cost is seven pieces for one night as they head towards the room a man obstructs their path but I H easily surpasses him and accidentally throws him towards a girl holding a healing potion causing it to break the girl becomes angry and upset since she had saved up to buy the potion na tries to eliminate her but Ein compensates the girl with a red healing potion which satisfies her Na and Ein discuss staying in a lowprofile place I explains that they need to be undercover as young adventurers to gain knowledge about the world and gather information he instructs named to refer to him as m in the city to keep their identities hidden they also face the issue of running out of money so they decide to find a job first to earn money while using the gold they brought from IG grassel without revealing their Origins meanwhile the girl with the red potion goes to sell it to a pharmacist in E rental an old lady judges the potion and confirms its authenticity stating that no one has been able to make it until now the potion is equivalent to a second tier healing spell and is valued at eight gold pieces upon hearing this the girl becomes extremely happy and changes her mind about selling it due to its Rarity eyes looks at the job postings on the notice board and people continue to talk about his armor he selects a job but is informed by a servant that it is only for mythal plate adventurers while a is a copper plate Adventurer H tries to meet the requirements by introducing naab as a third tier magic caster and himself as a warrior on par with her but the servant declines their request a then requests the hardest quest available for a copper ranked Adventurer suddenly a group of guys approaches them and asks a and name to join their Clan called the swords of Darkness the clan members introduce themselves as Peter mock luck evolve dine wood wonder and N the spell Caster N is a talent holder a child born with an affinity for magic which impresses eyes they mention another famous Talent holder in the city named bayari the grandson of a famous pharmacist whose Talent allows him to use all magic items I finds this information dangerous the clan explains their job to eliminate monsters near the city of ental with a reward from The Guild the whole clan sees it as their daily routine in a win-win situation e agrees to join them and Reveals His illusionary Face one of the clan members expresses her love for naab but receives a rude reply and is stopped by their leader as they are about to leave a servant suddenly approaches with a job request from bayor n moves forward to protect a but he stops her and decides to consider the request after they finish the job with the clan bayor introduces himself and shares his plan to go to k Village to gather herbs asking a to guard him a finds it Troublesome but inquires why bayor specifically requested him as he had just arrived in town bayor explains that he heard about A's defeating higher ranked adventurers at the hotel and he wanted to try someone new and hire a cheaper copper plate ranked Adventurer they decide to go immediately in another scene a girl dressed unusually a past member of the black scripture enters a basement resembling a cave she meets kajet and buys him a crown of wisdom which is proof of a shaman princess it is an item that emits highlevel magic she asks kajet for help in accessing the item to capture a talent holder in the city who can use any magic item in exchange she offers to help kajet with his ritual and he agrees as Z name and the others continue their Journey towards K Village while protecting bayar they take a break near a lake to drink water and refresh the horses Peter warns I that things will get dangerous ahead and I realizes that he cannot use a lot of magic while inside his armor so he plans to fight as a warrior May will use fifth tier magic if necessary and if that's not enough ions will take the situation more seriously the area they are in is known as the wise king of the forest and bayar explains that it is inhabited by a mighty creature a silver four being with a snake like tail who is wise and capable of using magic which intrigues eyes meanwhile in the Tomb of nazarik demage visits A's room and finds albo enjoying herself with a body pillow she made for a it turns out that she has been knitting pillows and socks for their future child as well while L finds the Clan's magic interesting he also notices that their technology is of a medieval level and the sophistication of their magic astonishes him luck starts teasing na again calling irons and na lovers which excites Na and leav her to talk about albo hes interrupts her and tells Luckett not to interfere in their personal lives Peter apologizes on luckett's behalf and suddenly they hear sounds of monsters approaching Peter points out the direction from where they are coming and a orders bayar to stay in the cart while the others prepare to fight I decides to take on all the monsters himself instructing the others to take care of bayor everyone joins the battle with I using his twin big swords to deliver powerful blows leaving everyone in shock the others fight goblins and other monsters and when the bigger monsters try to escape a orders name to stop them which she does with a lightning attack the monsters are easily defeated and one of the clan members starts collecting some of their parts to submit to the guild for rewards the clan is impressed with a and na skills considering them to be as skilled as Royal head Warriors I being the nice Soul he is appreciates their teamwork during dinner that night ions contemplates how to escape the situation since he cannot eat or sleep due to his skeletal body he shares a pre-made religious Theory with everyone stating that they should eat for a few days after eliminating someone to escape suspicion he then asks about the origin of the name swords of Darkness for their team Peter explains that it comes from the 13 Heroes and the swords of Darkness are four of those Heroes their ultimate goal as a clan is to find those swords each member shows a symbol of a small sword to represent their allegiance eyes reflects on his past when he was weak and alone until a white Holy Knight saved him and led him to his comrades he considers them to be wonderful allies and friends and cannot forget the days he spent with them many resigns that he will find those allies again somewhere but Ein responds with disappointment believing that day will never come he leaves the conversation with naab and N feels a bit saddened by his response Dane suggests that n should paint over what he said knowing the pain of losing loved ones as well they shift the conversation towards discussing A's strengths and his battle against the monsters the conversation then turns to bayar who Reveals His interest in a woman from K Village on the other side Clementine the girl from the black scripture continues to eliminate people in her search for a pharmacist with a rare Talent she tortures information Sellers and KET uses his Undead magic to revive the soldiers they eliminated KET has been preparing for years to turn the city of ental into a city of death using a spiral of death which would transform the entire city into a pit of Undead he plans to become immortal through this process and warns Clementine that if she causes more trouble he will eliminate her Clementine attempts a non-serious sword attack but kajet easily defends against it M's team arrived at K Village and encoun enry emot along with her group of goblins the Goblins initially tried to attack them but enry intervened and informed them that M's team were her friends enry explained to enir the reason behind the village strong defenses and mentioned her encounter with a who had given her a magical red liquid that healed her she also mentioned albo which led in fire to deduce that M was actually a the scene shifted to who stood with naral observing how the people of the village had grown stronger with the help of the Goblins inir approached a and asked if he was manga expressing his gratitude for the red potion ions had given them he requested ions to teach him how to make it so he could help others ions agreed to teach him the magic but needed some time to consider as the magic could also be used for evil purposes and apologized to a for tricking him and I advised him not to reveal his true identity to anyone narbal arrived after en left and overheard the conversation she asked for forgiveness feeling responsible for revealing I's true identity and even considered taking her own life as a result however ion stopped her and assured her that there was no need for such drastic measures the scene shifted to the forest where the wise King recited and the group prepared to go there I decided to take only naral with him because of her strong magic abilities they ventured into the forest to gather herbs and I planed to tame the wise king of the forest with the assistance of Aura however I felt disappointed when they discovered that the wise King was actually a massive hamster surprisingly eyes managed to tame the hamster easily without much effort after successfully taming the giant h hamster and F expressed his desire to join M's Adventurer team however M politely declined the offer instead M proposed that he would take on the responsibility of protecting the village once their tasks in the village were complete M and the group returned to IR anle Anda and the swords of Darkness began unpacking the herbs at barrier's house while M and N went to the adventurers Guild to register huk meanwhile inside barrier's house a surprising encounter awaited an as Clementine appeared before him with the intention to kidnap him in a shocking turn of events Clementine abruptly appears before enra preparing to abduct him the members of the swords of Darkness realize the imminent danger and try to create a distraction allowing an and Nya an opportunity to escape unfortunately their Escape Route is blocked by kajet resulting in a tragic outcome where all the members of the swords of Darkness lose their lives after successfully registering huk at the adventurer's guild M's group encounters Lizzie who offers to guide them to her house however upon arrival they are met with a horrifying sight the swords of Darkness have been transformed into zombies acting swiftly M and the others eliminate the zombified members with the immediate threat neutralized M begins to investigate the true motives behind this incident focusing on infir as a potential Target M suggests to Lizzy that she should hire his services to rescue her grandson recognizing the urgency and sincerity in his request Lizzy agrees to employ M's assistance in order to locate in Fire's whereabouts M instructs na to use locator scroll a powerful magical item that can track a specific person while investigating the situation M discovers a formidable Undead Army gathered at the cemetery realizing the immense danger it poses M understands the need to warn the town's people and the adventurers Guild about the impending threat he urgently tasks Lizzie with informing the residents and Guild members emphasizing the importance of preparing for the approaching Undead Peril the undead Army launches a Relentless assault on the gates of rantal the City Guards valiantly attempt to defend the entrance but they soon find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of the advancing Undead The Defenders struggle to hold their ground as the enemy's forces continue to overpower them M's group arrives and fights their way through the undead horde along the way they encounter the members of xuror who are in the midst of performing a dangerous ritual known as the death spiral within the city M decides to leave naab to confront kajet while he and Clementine move to a different location to continue their confrontation M reassures Clementine that he doesn't need to fight her with full seriousness and their duel commences kajet insults naab calling her a fool and summons a skeletal dragon that is resistant to Magic naab unchi her sword and effortlessly defeats the dragon with a single strike leaving kajet completely shocked he recreates the dragon and uses multiple spells on it he then attempts to attack na directly with a spell but she had already cast a shield spell frustrating him in response kajet channels negative energy to empower the dragon even further the dragon becomes stronger and launches an attack on naab kajet is astounded when na stops the dragon's assault with her bare hands revealing her incredible physical strength Nave informs him that she was created by Supreme Beings who surpass even Gods the scene shifts to the Babel between M and Clementine which intensifies Clementine's speed poses a challenge for M but he gradually learns to anticipate her fighting style however due to time constraints M realizes he can no longer hold back he shouts naral gamma show them the power of nazarik the scene shifts back to naab who hears her master's command to unleash the power of nazarik and transforms from naab to narural gamma kajet is shocked as na utilizes flying magic and Dawn a beautiful armor the skeletal Dragon which can resist magic of level six or lower is unable to nullify her attacks using a seventh tier spell called twin maximize magic chain Dragon Lightning she effortlessly defeats both dragons and ciat meanwhile Clementine launches a strong and direct strike at M imbued with elemental power and manages to stab him in both eyes however M swiftly grabs her tightly with one arm revealing his true identity as an Overlord he taunts Clementine for being defeated by a magic Caster who didn't even use his magic against her tormenting her further M decides to give her a nice happy hug between his wonderful arms but it somehow ends her life in a slow and such a non-painful way hes proceeds to rescue in and destroys the crown of wisdom M returns triumphantly with naab huk and Ina having successfully resolved the cemetery incident in rantal at the Inn a feels a sense of disappointment regarding his recent promotion alongside naab he had hoped they would be promoted to the orachalcum rank however he finds solace in the knowledge that as long as his heroic name spreads far and wide he can find satisfaction L contacts alido who urgently informs him of Shel tier blood fallin's betrayal against nazarik in the town of UR anle a young woman staying at an in causes a scene when she expresses diss satisfaction with her meal little does anyone know that the young lady is actually solution Epsilon and she and sebas Chan are posing as members of a family from the baharuth Empire however their hired helper Zach betrays them and leads them into an ambush by a group of mercenaries waiting outside the city while traveling in a carriage towards reest Eyes solution Epsilon Sebastian and Shel tier bloodfallen accompanied by her two vampire Brides engage in a brief conversation about their creators and IMS their discussion is abruptly interrupted by a commotion outside the death spreading Brigade has surrounded them and becomes both excited and terrified upon recognizing sheler however their excitement quickly turns to horror as sheler and her vampire companions ruthlessly Slaughter the bandits solution manages to capture Zach absorbing him into her form afterwards sheler and her minions bid farewell to the group and set off to pursue the remaining Bandits and uncover their Hideout at the bandits Hideout sheler encounters brain on glouse who challenges her to a fight despite brain's impressive skills and efforts he struggles to land even a single blow on sheler Shel tier's comments on his martial arts prowess deeply wound brain's ego causing him to flee realizing that the time for games is over sheler reveals her true vampire form and resumes her merciless Massacre of the bandits sensing the presence of individuals outside the base she investigates and discovers a group of adventurers sheler mercilessly eliminates all of them except for breida who manages to save herself from certain death by using a potion provided by m sheler employs her mind control abilities on breida to extract information about the source of the potion however upon hearing Brea's explanation sheler becomes perplexed and decides to spare her suspecting that this turn of events may be part of A's grand plan furthermore sheler is shocked to learn that an adventurer has been sent back to IR anle fueled by anger and a sense of neglect she takes flight and summons several vampire wolves to track down the adventurer however all the wolves are swiftly eliminated prompting sheler to investigate the cause she discovers a new group lying in weight and faced with this new adversary Shel tier launches a fierce assault transforming into her monstrous form with her her powerful spew Lance in hand she initiates an attack only to be skillfully blocked by the leader of the group seizing the opportunity the leader commands an elderly woman among them to activate her dress the magic of the dress glows and a beam of light shoots directly at sheler as sheler feels her thoughts being manipulated she quickly counterattacks eliminating the person attempting to control her and their bodyguard in the throne room of the great tomb of nazer e utilizes powerful magic to observe Shel tier bloodfen from a distance he expresses frustration at having to rely on such potent items to address this problem unexpectedly he receives a brief message from narural gamma informing him that he has been summoned by the rantal adventurers Guild regarding the discovery of Shel tier in rantal disguised as m e attends a meeting organized by The Guild Master plut net the meeting is attended by three other mithral ranked Adventurer teams rainbow skywolf and KRA they have all been assembled to address the vampire issue a aiming to minimize the impact of shelers appearance Fab rates a story in which he claims to be familiar with the Vampire referring to her as hanoko and asserts that he has been actively pursuing her additionally he reveals possession of a cealing crystal containing a powerful eighth tier spell which he plans to employ M insists that Darkness will confront hop miyoko alone emphasizing that involving additional individuals will only result in more casualties most participants in the room agree to 's conditions except for igar from KRA who insists that his team must join m in the battle against the the vampire reluctantly e accepts Ivar's demand however during their journey to Shel tier's location Ivar is defeated and eliminated by May Bellow f one of A's friends I and albo continue their Advance towards sheler with a revealing his magical ring named shooting star he hopes that the wish granting power of the Ring will reverse the mind control on sheler to his surprise the magic of the Ring fails to work leaving I to panic and order a retreat he teleports himself and albo to a safer location albo tries to Quire about the situation but a experiences a fit of rage however his Undead nature helps him regain control and he calms down explaining to alido that the Divine items magic had no effect on Shel tier's mind control he reveals that only World items possess the power to counter it initially believing there were no world items in the new world Ein urgently instructs alido to accompany him to the treasury to retrieve the world items stored there in the treasury I and albo are accompanied by Yuri Alpha as they reach the entrance to the inner sanctum I opens the gate and they encounter a humanoid octopus-like creature albo mistakes it for her Creator tabula smaragd but quickly corrects herself upon realizing it is an impostor this impostor is revealed to be Pandora's actor a doppelganger serving as the area guardian of the treasury Pandora's actor introduces himself and deduces their purpose offering his assistance in retrieving the world items feeling embarrassed by Pandora's actor's playful Behavior Ein privately requests him to act seriously and refrain from unnecessary Antics to emphasize his point a presents Pandora's actor with his own ring of a ool gown a then instructs alido to give her ring to Yuri and directs both of them to accompany him to the mosum within the mosum I reveals the presence of the avatara Golem statues crafted in the likeness of each of the Supreme Beings he explains that these statues serve as a tribute and Memorial to his fellow comrades as well as a secure storage space for their belongings eyes informs albo that one day there will be a statue of himself among them albo fearing that ions might leave them pleads for him to stay with Nazar indefinitely I cannot make that promise and instead entrust salido with the responsibility of leading nazarik and the other floor Guardians if he is gone eyes informs alido of his decision to confront Shel tier alone despite her objections he states that it is his duty and expresses his desire to prevent his subordinates from fighting amongst themselves witnessing his unwavering determination albo insists that he make one promise to her to return safely upon reaching the designated location a commands orabella Fiora and may Bellow fure to split up and search the area using their respective World items the depiction of Nature and society and avarice and generosity he instructs them to scout for any unwelcome Intruders meanwhile Demir returns to the great tomb of nazarik and meets with cadus and albo curious about the situation demage learns that a intends to confront Shel tier bloodfallen alone albo firmly expresses her belief in A's inevitable Victory while demage expresses concern for his master's safety he reminds alido of her past CRI criticism when I went to - anle to become an adventurer demier desires to support I but is stopped by cidus who received direct orders from ions to prevent any interference demurs reluctantly agrees to cidus decision but not without asserting that if ions were to fall he expects albo to step down from her position as overseer Guardian surprisingly albo accepts this demand still maintaining her unwavering faith in A's abilities and his safe return a arrives at the location where sheler is in standby mode sensing the perfect opportunity to engage in battle he enhances his abilities by casting spells that boost his stats and equips quick change items to adapt swiftly to various situations finally he readies himself to unleash the devastating power of super tier magic falling down as the spell nears completion its tremendous Force inflicts massive damage leaving behind a vast Crater where the floor Guardian once stood however Shel tier reveals that she is not only equipped with spew Lance but also wearing her resilient Valkyrie armor though seemingly undamaged she ack knowledges that A's attack did cause some harm now she prepares to retaliate against her master readying herself for an offensive assault a fierce battle ensues accompanied by verbal taunts and Powerful attacks from both sides initially Shel tier gains the upper hand but Ein utilizes his experience to strategically turn the tide unwilling to be outdone sheler summons her ironer jar a physical double that adds complexity to the fight yet Ein cleverly counters the Combined Assault and manages to defeat the duplicate the surroundings brighten only only to reveal a vast Sandy expanse however to A's surprise sheler Remains unharmed by this devastating attack she taunts him asking if he has any last words refusing to admit defeat e maintains his confidence and declares that Shel tier was careless in her actions he boldly claims that everything is proceeding according to his grand plan as Ein calmly faces sheler he expresses gratitude towards her overconfidence which allows him to execute his plan sheler begins to suspect that I has been deceiving her all along realizing that he possessed knowledge of her abilities from the start H adorned in shiny silver armor recognized as touch Mees counterattacks and inflicts a deep wound on Shel tier with his Katana take mikazuchi mk8 boasting that he possesses the combined power of all 41 Supreme Beings Ein overwhelms sheler with a series of attacks using various Divine weapons when sheler manages to pierce IR with her spew Lance she believes Victory is Within Reach but she is surprised by a voice coming from E's watch E declares the battle over enraging Shel tier who continues her assault however she is caught off guard by a skill activated by an unknown source as ions prepares to unleash his powerful super tier Magic Shell tier charges forward aiming for a fatal blow however her attention is diverted by the activation of a skill allowing a to complete his spell Shel tier is consumed by Oblivion admitting defeat to her master in her final moments Ein then informs mayor bellor about Shel tier's situation and returns to nazarik to revive her the other floor Guardians remain cautious fearing that sheler may still be under the influence of Mind Control even after Resurrection preparations are made to restrain her if necessary when sheler is successfully revived she discovers a gap in her memory and realizes her breast pads are missing much to the annoyance of her colleagues ions assumes responsibility for the events that transpired and reflects on the time he spent with his comrades recognizing the need to enhance their power in the face of potential threats Ein learns from albo that nazarik has discovered the Great Lake the domain of the Li men months later darkness is promoted within the adventurous Guild and enir and Lizzy settle in K Village receiving a warm welcome from enri OT and lupus Regina beta elsewhere Gaz of stronoff encounters a despondent brain on glow in the city and in the slain theocracy the leader of the black scripture reports their encounters with a powerful vampire to the six Cardinals although concerned they emphasize the importance of being cautious towards anyone capable of defeating such a formidable creature realizing their reduced strength the Cardinals propos sending a team to gather information and monitor the area they believe that caution and knowledge can compensate for their weaken State as M ions prepares for another adventure asking sheler to activate garganta before leaving the guild now the captain of the black scripture is walking down a hallway after a meeting when he comes across a tiny strongl looking girl they discuss the recent Mission the black scripture returned from and how they encountered a mysterious Undead in a cave a dragon awakens from its Slumber after detecting someone nearby the dragon is revealed to be platinum dragon lord and the person he detected was his old friend rigrit bur Coral the two discuss how rigrit passed on the magic item she received from the dragon lord to a young one in the reest Kingdom the king and the Nobles are discussing some important Kingdom matters they are greeted by the appearance of the King's Daughter princess rener and her guard climb after exchanging a few words of affection the two pair is separate the King asks Gaz of the character of the man who saved him iol gown gazi vouches for I declaring him an ally meanwhile Monga and na are confronted an approaching dust storm the storm as it turns out as a gigantic basilisk being driven by huk just as the Basilisk is about to run over the pear Monga beheads it and decides to return to nazarik now Dawning his eyes oool gown appearance Monga hovers above nazarik concealed with magic he is greeted by May who returns his ring of ir old gown which he uses to teleport to the ninth floor albo greets her master in a seductive manner causing I to momentarily become shocked before his nervousness around women kicks in I then orders to discuss with him new information that he acquired from The Adventurous guilt a discusses what he has learned about the location of where Nazar is situated in the surrounding locations and Nations hin questions the whereabouts of sheler bloodfallen and the scene switches to a drunk vampire in Sue Chef's bar on the ninth floor she has been depressed by her Rebellion though involuntarily believes it brings her loyalty to a in question they are greeted by a clair who attempts to cheer sheler but sinks her into a deeper depression back with h although sheler has repented Ed her time from being brainwashed by the enemy albo still believes she deserves to be punished Lions considers her opinion before turning his attention to a new area of Interest the Great Lake where kadus is stationed at the Great Lake zaryusu shash arrives at his fish farm where he finds his brother shasu Shasha the two share a few words of discussion zaryusu thanking his brother for his help in making this Farm possible shasu turns to the topic on zaryusu settling down though zaryusu is unsure due to his status as a traveler just as his brother leaves the village of green claw he is visited by an undead that blots out the sky it declares they're doomed to the lizard men below the lizard men of green claw discuss what their response should be to the Declaration of their extermination after some debate zaryusu proclaims that because the messenger specified them as the second sacrifice it implied that the other tribes were threatened as well in the past the lizard men were at war with one another due to overpopulation and food shortages green claw formed an alliance with razor tail and small Fang against the alliance of yellow speckle and sharp edge green claw and its allies were victorious while yellow speckle and sharp edge were wiped out the five tribes could ally with one another to form a large enough Army to defeat there would be destroyers many in the tribe do not believe it to be possible as several of the surviving lizard men from the defeated tribes were absorbed by the other tribes and may still hold a grudge against Green claw and its allies shasu Shasha concurs with Zar usu's wisdom and appoints him as an emissary of green claw to gather the tribes of red eye and dragon Tusk in a private meeting between zaryusu and and his brother it's revealed that one of Zar usu's motivations for uniting the tribes to fight their new adversary is to reduce the population of the lizard men in the wetlands years ago there was a massive war among the lizard men over resources due to their growing population the war that caused two of the tribes to disband and zaryusu feels there is no way to avoid Another War like that when asked what he will do should the tribes refuse to join their Alliance zaryusu replies that he will eliminate them first before riding off with roral the scene switches to the great tomb of Nazar where demier asks where iion is to which aair replies that ions would be spending time at a human Village since sebastan is away eair has taken up all the butler's duties to compensate the penguin does not mind as he is motivated to work harder so that he may one day sit on the throne of nazer zaryusu arrives at Red ion is given an audience with the acting Chieftain much to his surprise the chief is an albino female who introduces herself as kru Lulu kush's exoticism arouses him to the point he proposes to her on the spot her attraction to him also comes out however the two regain enough of their sense to address the more pressing matter the threat of extermination Kush explains rede plans to evacuate the wetlands those are USU advises against it he warns that the other tribes will retaliate should one of the other tribes tries to escape to a new habitat and possibly might start another intertribal War taking note of the Veiled Threat Cru reluctantly agrees to Ally her tribe with green claw in face of Extinction when zaru asks how her tribe managed to survive the shortage of food during the previous war kru is hesitant to say in the end she tells him in anguish of her tribe's desperate Story of Survival resorting to cannibalism Cru is ashamed of the past though is comforted by zaryusu at the site of construction the great Forest of top inoma Zeta gives cetus a series of Scrolls to use for his upcoming campaign inoma herself has been ordered to monitor casas's progress at A's orders with the alliance with red eyes secured zaryusu next destination is Dragon Tusk he is Jo joined by Cru and after arriving at Dragon tusk's Village are met with hostility sarug gugu approaches them and Demands a duel with saru zarug gugu orders his tribe that he will duel zaryusu Shasha should the latter win he would be Dragon tusk's new Chieftain zenberu is eager to fight against zaryusu seeing him as a top grade Warrior zaru agrees on the condition that kru Lulu be spared should he fall as the duel between the two progresses over time zenberu manages to land a blow on zaryusu but he eventually loses due to exhaustion from one of frost Pains of abilities after the match zenberu later hosts A Feast for the two at the feast zenberu pledges to have his tribe join the war against the Supreme one but asks if they can win suu doesn't know yet he feels as if the enemy possessing overwhelming strength were arrogant enough to deliver the warnings to the tribes zaru plans to exploit that arrogance when their forces Clash though kru believes it's better to surrender and risk enslavement zaru counters that if they choose enslavement they may risk losing much more but kru believes it to be the best course despite their different views Kush asks zusu not to die to which he complies not until she gives him her answer 4 days before the undead Invasion the trio then arrive at the Village of Razer tale where the other remaining tribes have gathered at the chieftain meeting the Chiefs decide to create a small Elite unit composed of the chieftans to compensate for the lack of leadership in the field they designate the head Warriors of each tribe to be the commanders cadus orders his army to advance whilst ste's oo gown has been informed of the development back at the Great Lake the undead Army composed of skeletons zombie beasts ET march to attack Razer Tal's Village chass us Shasha tells the gathered lizard men not to waver and attack the two armies engage and thanks to the lizard men's morale and preparation they are gaining the upper hand cidus seeing that he has underestimated his opponents calls demiurge for advice so as not to disgrace A's o gown demiurge instead asks codus to think of the various disadvantages that Ein oo gown set him up with in leading this Army he proposes that perhaps winning is not the goal of Ein but instead reminds him that I wishes to test cetus in thinking for himself before he could elaborate further demier apologizes and cuts the call faced with little options cidus deploys igua the Elder lick easily defeats the head Warriors causing the lizard men in the battlefield to withdraw The Chieftains seeing this obstacle from afar deduce igua to be the commander using roro as a shield zaryusu zenberu and Cru Engage The Undead close enough for them to attack him the Elder lick summons skeleton Warriors to combat his oppon opponents while zenberu fought against the skeletons zaryusu and kru faces off against igua after freeing zaryusu from UA's fear spell kru was attacked by the Furious lick zusu engages the lick one-on-one unwilling to use Frost Pain's area effect ability as his comrades were too close zaryusu instead creates a Mist around him igua unable to see him lowers his guard allowing the Lizardman to stab him in the skull igua attempts to choke zaryusu but succumbs to his wound the death of igua signals the undead Army's defeat in a victory for the lizard men codus looks on in disbelief but also in admiration of the display inoma then informs him that ions wishes to speak to him the Lizardman tribes are celebrating their victory over igua and the undead Army The Chieftains discuss Frost Pain's abilities and its wielders are Yu Shasha zenberu decides to go wake zaryusu who is resting after the battle inside a Hut zaryusu awakens and notices kru wanting some sexy time with him but is interrupted by zenberu who decides to leave the couple alone and allows them to get frisky with each other meanwhile in the great tomb of nazarik I holds a meeting with his Guardians he opens the meeting by welcoming and introducing victim guardian of the eighth floor to the rest of the other Guardians ions tells victim that he intends to use his special ability should a person attack them with a world item next he turns to demorge he asks about the sheep used to make scrolls demerge gives them the name aelan sheep and describes them as two-legged sheep beasts eyes turning to sheler who is still still depressed over her Rebellion Shel tier begs for a punishment over it which ions accepts and tells her that he will give her one later lastly he turns to cus who apologizes for his defeat against the lizard men a asks him why he lost and cetus admits that he had underestimated his foes and lacked information on them as well as the land topography he also states that the undead Army lacked commanders to give orders on the battlefield eyes is impressed and delighted at what he said but that he still needs to be punished for his defeat Lion's orders cidus to exterminate the Lizardman alone as is punishment however he makes a request that the Lizardman be shown Mercy for which albo yells at him I orders her to be silent and caus states that the lizard men are more beneficial to nazer Alive rather than dead he says that they are capable Warriors and is against killing them for that reason the idea is rejected at first initially but Dem suggests an idea to ions that they can keep the lizard men alive as an experiment to see if they can govern them without the use of fear lies then accepts the idea and orders that garganta be activated and then he calls the meeting to a close after the meeting with their master came to an end cetus thanks demiurge for his idea ions returns to his Chambers happily and realizes that someone has sprayed perfume on his bed back at the Lizardman Village another undead Army is spotted across the Great Lake and they notice the magical equipment that they carry kru then notices that a six tier spell called control weather which zaryusu suggests is the power of the great one when the Army clears a path for a skeleton wrapped in a black cloak they notice him casting a powerful spell that freezes the Wetland solid forcing the Lizardman to retreat to Higher Ground zenberu theorizes that he is the great one based on his overwhelming power they then watch a giant Golem throw a cubed Rock in the middle of the frozen lake then the skeletons form a staircase with their own bodies and a royal procession being formed as ir and his Guardians walk up to the top of the cubed Rock and he sits on his throne he sends Messengers to the lizard men asking them to send out a delegate to speak with him chasu and zarus who go out to meet them they introduce themselves and albo orders demor to make them bow down which he uses his skills to force them to bow down eyes then informs them that if they manage to defeat cadus in 4 hours in battle he will leave them alone sharu attempts to surrender but I rejects it and leaves them after telling them that the ice will melt he and his Guardians exit by using a gate after bidding them farewell after the meeting the tribal Chieftains meet and decide to call their Warriors to arms but zusu wants only the five of them to fight so the last leader alive can represent the tribes after they die when they decide Cruz should be the one to stay behind she objects but zaryusu talks her into it he Embraces her once more before she then asks him to impregnate her what after teleporting from the Great Lake victim takes his leave from his master and the rest of the floor Guardians to return to guard nazarik at the newly built base in the great Forest of tab or apologizes for its shabin but a oool gown thinks it is satisfactory a also takes notice of a throne constructed out of Bones learning that it is a gift from demier who offers it to him eyes is hesitant to accept it and instead orders sheler to come forth and kneel to act as a chair for him although this act is supposed to serve as a punishment for her Rebellion the vampire however feels ecstasy and joy while the other Guardians except albo who wanted to be the chair for a praise A's decision while so a decides to observe how the Lizardman reacted to his ultimatum he uses the mirror of remote viewing to observe their preparations while shifting through the images he comes across zusu Shasha and Kush Lulu making love with each other eyes is shocked and quickly cancels the magic despite the rest of the Guardians being discusted Ed at their actions I quickly gives an explanation that the lizard men are doing it to keep one's race alive from facing extinction at dawn cus awaits the lizard men to start the impending duel the nazer Elder guarders start clanging their weapons and feed in a rhythmic beat zaryusu the chieftain and several lizard men Warriors watch as cadus easily slashes several trees as the lizard men charge at cadus the floor Guardian uses Frost AA to encase most of the Warriors in ice the only ones left are the chieftain Saku Juju and Kuku Uzu lead the attack Saku shoots at kidus with his slingshot while Kuku continues the charge kidus is protected by a shield and thus is immune to long range attacks when Kuku attempts to spear cadus he is bisected by the god slaying Emperor blade on the other hand zenu attempts to use his martial arts against kadus but his attacks are easily deflected zaryusu attempts to stab him with frost pain but the guardian catches the blade between his fingers afterwards suku tries attacking cetus again but to no avail seeing seeing his attacks annoying cadus uses piercing icicles and kills him the next to fall is zenu when he tries to rush towards the guardian only to succeed in decapitating himself kid is seeing that only sharu and zaru are left parsing them to survive for as long as they have kidus respecting his opponent asks them to declare their names to him after the introductions are done sharu uses magic to manipulate the mud to attack him but are rebuffed by cis' defenses later zaryusu uses icy burst to cloak the area and Mist the older brother attempts to strike cetus with his blade and is killed saru is the last one to attack to which cetus easily catches his blade once again however the blade begins slipping from cis's grasp Frost pain had been coated with blood and as it slides closer to cis's chest he declares the tactic to be magnificent unfortunately the blade is blocked by cis's passive ability and zaryusu is later slain cidus is praised by his master who designates him as the ruler of the lizard men cidus asks what will be done with the slain Lizardman to which I responds that they will be used to create Undead however cus states that would be a waste as the Lizardman possess A Warrior's spirit that can contribute to Nazar I'm surprised that cis's input decides to accept it later kadus then brings the last remaining Chief and Cru Lulu before a being the lizard men's representative Kush declares the trib's official surrender and allegiance to their ruler a offers Cru a chance to bring zaryusu from the dead but in return the albino must act as nazar's spy among amongst her people and be on the lookout for possible Rebellion zaryusu awakens to find Cru hugging him and A's oown commenting on his successful return from the dead zusu is weak yet In Awe by the Revelation that a possesses such power zaru and Kush prostrate themselves before a acknowledging him as a Supreme Being just as I leaves thusu makes a request that his comrades be resurrected ions considers the request and tells him to preserve the body zaryusu eventually succumbs to his ordeal and collapses inu's arms sebastan enters the mag Guild inside the city of reest he asks the clerk about a spell in the directory and the clerk tells him that it is a first tier spell called floating board which is used to transport items interested in the spell sebastan leaves after buying a magic scroll for that spell and walks outside the building as he is walking through the Alleyways he spots a man throwing a sack out the door of his establishment the man walks back into his house so sebas has Shadow Demon cut open the sacks notot to determine if it is dangerous finding no danger he begins to walk by it but a badly bruised injured person grabs his ankle forcing his attention Sebastian sees that it is a woman that is inside the sack the man who threw the sack out comes back and asks sebas what he is doing irritated sebas Pockets his scroll to then grab the man by the shirt demanding to know who the woman is the man states that she is one of his employees sebas decides to take her with him but the man protests by saying that if sebas can takes her then he'll be killed by the criminal organization called Eight fingers remembering his Creator's motto sebas gives the man money to flee the country before taking the woman with him back to the mansion back at the Mansion solution greets sebas and notices that he is carrying a human she asks sebas about the severely injured woman and he says that he found her and asks solution to assess her condition solution inquires why he did not simply leave her for the temples he makes an excuse and still has her treated sometime later solution returns and tells sebas that the woman has syphilis and two other diseases several cracked ribs and fingers tendons in her arm and leg torn her teeth had been forcefully pulled an anal Fisher seems like she really loves some rough love making time sebas asks her to heal her to which she hesitates at first but ultimately complies sebas leaves to go buy food while solution heals the woman when sebas returns with food the woman is awake and fully healed sebba serves her the food which she thanks him for and eats quickly sebas informs the woman that he will protect her and Comforts her when she cries he then asks for her name she says her name is T and sebas gives her his name sebas leaves to give to her time to rest meanwhile brain and glouse wakes up from a nightmare about Shel tier bloodfallen he goes downstairs to meet Gaza stronoff who found him and brought him back to his house brain then tells Gaza that there are things stronger than both of them at night guards are patrolling a field when they are stabbed and turned into Undead by Tia and Tina and then they burn the field that is filled with drugs meanwhile the eight fingers hold a meeting and discuss their business HMA signus leader of the drug trade department is asked about one of her Fields being attacked she says that it might affect her distribution zero head of the security department offers to help guard the field but hillmer refuses cocko doll head of the slave trade asks zero to do a task for him he asks zero to retrieve a woman who was supposed to be disposed of which zero accepts Ein wolg and his Monga disguise is busy counting his pay earned from the adventurer quests he completed naral gamma arrives to report she has acquired the samples of War which a plans to test using The Exchange box clim is joined by Gaz of stronoff who offers to spar with him the two Parry blades with each other however climb is no match for the warrior Captain become exhausted in the end clim is told he lacks talent but should continue to gain experience for his hard work Gaza gives clim a potion to heal himself as clim leaves gazi tells his Vice Captain that Kim's power is capped at Gold thus limiting how much stronger he could be going forward clim returns to the palace and encounters Marquee Ren and Prince zanak zanak sarcastically greets Kim asking if he is going to see his sister who he refers to as a monster clim is annoyed by zanic insulting his girl he respectfully declares rener to be compassionate xanic still asks clim to pass on a message to rener he warns that their older brother barbar plans on using rener as a political marriage ship whereas zanak offers if rener comes to his side he will allow her to retire to the frontier once he becomes king clim arrives at Rena's Chambers where he finds her drinking tea with her friend Laius who introduces him to Tina there rener is shown the document blue roses retriev from the raid on eight fingers drug Plantation and easily deciphers the message determining it is a list of various locations throughout the capital city it's believed that the locations are eight fingers Affiliates but Laius notices the underground brothel isn't on the list she proposes that blue roses targeted and asks climb to inform Tia evil eye and Gagarin of their findings meanwhile sebas Chan returns to the mansion and is greeted by tour serving as a maid seeing her nervousness sebas assures her that her cooking is delicious causing her to blush solution asks sebas if they should inform eyes that they have accepted a human as a maid at the end of their conversation the mansion's front door is knocked on by two strangers the two enter the mansion and introduce themselves as Stephan haish a patrol officer of the law and succulent who is a representative filing a complaint against lady saluan saluan nonchalantly retires and orders her Butler to handle it during the talks it's learned that succulent is a representative of the brothel that claims that sebas kidnapped one of their employees Stefan warns sebas that he will one day return the girl to succulent after they leave solution asks how he wishes to proceed sebas replies that he wishes to take a stroll once sebas leaves the mansion solution decides to call lines she reports that sebastan may have gone Rogue and confirms she has evidence to prove it climb heads to the in where Gagarin and evi are staying he informs the duo that Laius wants both of them to mobilize for a raid on a brothel housing slaves they discuss power as they note Kim's training and mention Laius kinam which once belonged to the Black Knight of the 13 Heroes which is demonic in nature Gagarin also remembers the moments she walked in on Laius debating with the blade as she was fighting the dark influence to maintain control over it but was more than strong enough to be responsible with it as the conversation goes on evi informs the both of them of the new Adventurer team Warrior Mong and Caster naab with the wise King of the Forest as a pet leaving gagger and astounded by their reported Feats clim wishes to be capable of such strength someday but evii advises him to go at his own pace and not to lose his Humanity in pursuit of power meanwhile brain andl is still living in the Attic of gazi's home and goes out to runs erands for him and goes past a crowd watching a group of drunk men assaulting a boy for simply bumping into them clim also goes by the crowd and moves to stop the matter whereas brain walks away viewing it is not his problem he turns when he notices seba's incredible movements and goes to see the incident both Witnesses seba's move with skill and speed to resolve the matter in one punch clim moves into to give a healing potion to the boy and sees sebas walking away they separately follow the butler into an Alleyway where clim enthusiastically asks sebas for a quick lesson and strength after witnessing him recently sebas examines his hands and sword noting it as the young man's Reserve weapon due to a slight ding on the blade Edge he sees climb as trustworthy and decides to give him a lesson how to overcome fear of death by flooding clim senses with killing intent clim Dodges at the last possible instance by overcoming his fear by thinking of rener sebas congratulates Kim for surviving as the shock alone would have killed him when Kim asked who sebas was he merely said he was an old man who knew how to handle himself sebas wanting to give another lesson is interrupted by a panicked brain who having witnessed this arest around the corner is moved by Kim's ability to overcome intense fear and asks to also learn from sebas however the trio are beset by five assassins sent by succulent sebas Downs three of them alone leaving the last two to be handled by brain and climb the young Duo notes that sebba strength is incredible maybe even beyond the power of brain and gazi combined sebas uses their fight as a teaching moment to instruct clim to be aware of his fear to keep himself alive and the boy muster his strength to use the martial art SL to incapacitate the last standing assassin wherea brain finished moments earlier with their attackers down sebas uses a skill to easily interrogate one of them on where to find succulent and at fingers clim is sickened to learn criminals are finding loopholes in the law to keep slaves and wishes to Aid his new comrades in storming the hide out the trio move together out of a grown respect for each other and they head for succulent brole which happens to be exactly the same place sebba rescued to a from sebba brain and climb arrive at the brole and use two entryways the front door to the main brole and the side entrance to the underground storage area climb and brain take the ladder door while sebus charges the front sebus forewarns the duo that if needed he will kill the opposition inside they both understand only asking that the leaders of eight fingers cocko doll and succulent must be captured alive sebas easily removes the steel door knocks away the guards and comes across staff and hies mercilessly assaulting a slave girl for pleasure upon seeing the gruesome sight sebas intensely slaps staffen into a bloody State and after the Constable pleads for for Mercy with money sebus concludes that he is Unworthy of life and kicks him in half brain and climb locate a trapo leading to the underground storage while brain Scouts further climb stands watch but encounters Coco doll and succulent arrive by a hidden passage in front of him succulent uses his illusion magic to Gravely injure climb until brain returns and defeats him with his God slash technique the trior successful in apprehending the two members of eight fingers and return to their respective Homes brain returns to gaza's home and the two have dinner discussing climbs progress and shell tier bloodfallen sebas returns to the manor only for solution to be in her Pet's attire yeah baby that's what I've been waiting for telling him that I is waiting for him inside clim returns to princess rener who is pleased that he is safe after Kim retires for the night rener calls in the maid that she knows is spying on her to tell her about how amazing clim was only for her to actually plan on killing the maid for disrespecting climb within her ears late at night zero gathers the remaining members of six arms to search the perpetrators of the raid on the brole for opposing the eight fingers sebastan is called before Ian oo gown who has brought with him Demi urge victim and cidus seeing sebba sweating a tosses a handkerchief to his feet solution Epsilon brings two air per A's orders demier readies to use controller Magic on her but a permits her to stand of her own will as she is brave enough to look a straight in the face given that sebas was ordered to be discreet in his information gathering but has brought unwanted attention ions will forgive him if he kills two air stun by this order at first he seriously attacks her as she readies herself for death and fully trusts him mid attack cidus blocks him as this was a test confirming to a that the attack was unquestionably a killing blow is ordered proving seba's loyalty is unfeigned determining that enough information was gathered I declares the mission complete and leaves with victim to Nazar sebas does not offer an apology to TU instead offering to petition his master for memory alteration magic for her to live peacefully among humans however she does not wish to leave as her life was small and difficult even growing up she was always hungry as the feudal Lord of her land took most of the crops grown leaving her people with necks to nothing but serving under him and his kindness she wants to continue as a maid so long as she can still be with him sebas then decides to ask a to allow Tu to continue in his care as a maiden Nazar but only if she has no human world attachments tu's only attachment is her little sister sebas goes to petition a and before he goes Tu kisses him sebas returns to the meeting room teased by Dem for his flushed face lines returns asking if Dem is Satisfied by the test as sebas wanted to override her memories demur proposes killing her for making certain no knowledge of them is leaked which is rejected by a not wanting to kill needlessly with nothing to gain from it when discussing where to have her sebas opts to have her serve as his maid stunning the others in the room as sebas pleads his case demiurge is quick to point out the negatives of his decision and as they argue Monger remembers touch me and Albert Elaine OT arguing over which Mission with the best drop rate to take on returning to the present cidus interjects that the both of them stop arguing in front of Vin but he is happy for this nostalgic bickering as he laughs the same aura that quells him asserts and he calmly asks for t to return to pass his decision when seeing her resemblance and hearing her full name e asks if she desires to move to the great tomb she would if sebas were there e decides she will be a provisional made removing Seas as the pades leader and activating Oriol Omega to take over all centries with straw and tour is granted the protection of A's name before their departure demier requests grain for the omnivore AEL and sheep and a has sebas procure the supply from the capital alone demier asks if H knew the girl replying he knew her sister and has her diary which provided him with a greater knowledge of the new world feeling indebted and wanting to repay her kindness by protecting two a demage lastly requests signs to examine a location under the belief it will bring benefit to nazarik the next morning sebas and saluan are off to acquire the grain for demiurge leaving Tu alone to tend to the mansion elsewhere princess rener holds a meeting on the eight fingers with the blue roses as clim helped capture cocko doll head of the slave trade division due to such a blow to The Syndicate the raids are scheduled for the same day to attack eight fingers while they're still vulnerable by day's end sebba and solution returned to the manor finding a note by six arms that states that they took tour to their base demanding sebas come alone solution reminds sebas of A's decree and the PES message their Master as is preoccupied he relays to albo to send support to sebas while she questions saving an inferior being like a human ions had promised her his protection in his name and demands support albo relents and moves to send reinforcements for demiurge to command onsite after Communications to A's end albo privately remarks her thoughts that his renaming of himself after the guild is ridiculous The Guild flag lies on the floor having been replaced on the wall by the original Monga Banner Dem gathers the pades mayor and sheler SE the room for them to discuss their mission to destroy eight fingers limits to all in the Squadron especially Shel tier due to her bloodlust and habit of playing with her prey concluding his plan Dem receives contact from a Shadow Demon that an eighth base has been located and sends Mar with Ina to go there fearing that IR might grow weary of the floor Guardians should they fail him again demiurge finalizes the operation and vows that failure is not an option in the Royal encampment due to six arms being present the group believes they should fall back but stop as they see sebas arriving both parties explain their situations and adjust the plan sebas will directly handle six arms and focus the security to the front door while climb brain and lochmire covertly Infiltrate The stronghold as sebas enters the front gate he misinterpreting this gesture States it will do him no good as they will make him suffer whereas sebus counters that if they attack him at all once they may survive at least 10 seconds as they introduce themselves sebas is Undead and instantly blows his head off following with decapitating edong and punch punching Pan's head clean offing inoma with her true form into a blood lust Gagarin knocks inoma away but the clash between her armor and the ma uniform causes her concern the trio then uses an onslaught of their strongest attacks and spells to wear inoma down with the maid out of stamina and no more bugs in her Arsenal Tia Moves In For the Kill but jalab bof appears to save inoma and has her flown away by a carrier bug evii warns her comrades to flee with the utmost haste but jalo attacks and withstands each of ev's magic using his Hellfire wall he hits Tia and Gagarin Landing in between her and jalab off and asks which one of them is his foe as Monga demands to know who his enemy is evii States her name and rank to identify herself as an ally and requests a team up the two powerhouses Clash which stir a heartbeat in evi a small parasite breaches his shoulder plate but M brushes it off as insignificant M takes evi life ferling in his arms to safety elsewhere in the Royal Capital brain climb and lockme escort two from the holding cell when they round a corner they are trapped by zero himself who Downs lochmire with a punch to his chest seeing brain and person zero offers Mercy if brain kneels and serves six arms brain deals with zero but informs clim and lochmire that t is succulent using illusion casting as brain fights zero his blade is deflected by Zero's fists with succulent using illusion clones lockme uses an item to reveal the real one so clim can attack clim uses his own martial art he learned from his training with sebas and overpowers succulent with a powerful kick to his groin zero offers a more powered battle with brain both use their strongest techniques as they dialogue sebas arrives shocking zero who is in disbelief that his subordinates could have lost against an old gizer clim informs sebba the tour they found was a fake but the real tour is behind sebas enraged zero pauses his battle with brain to fight sebas using his strongest monk attack to strike seas' Center Mass sebas nonchalantly counters with a drop heel kick caving Zero's head in his dying breath and asking who sebas really is after Nave arrives at the Manor evii gives a report of their encounter with the insect made and how she nearly killed her evii then internally has the first girlish thoughts she had in centuries since being a vampire thinking over the recent events M concludes evi is not simply a child with an Adamantite ranking M offers to help carry her Fallen friends but evii mentions that her team leader Laius will be here shortly with her fifth tier Resurrection magic raised dead but the magic would cause her comrades to be unfit for combat for a Time as M would like to meet laus evil eye gets flustered over the idea he diffuses the problem that he would like to meet a senior Adventurer leaving evi life flushed as sebba and the group exit the eight fingers base Victorious clim asks what seba's next move is the butler will take T to a safe location to prevent a repeat of recent events in the distance clim also sees the wall of flames everyone in the city of riest eyes can see the flames and Princess rener calls for an emergency Summit of adventurers Laius reports the fires to cause no damage and there are demons on the other side rener informs the adventurers of jalo and his power using one attack to kill two Adamantite adventurers making the battle against him all the more difficult evil eye presents Monga to the summit as he was able to fight jalo on a relatively equal footing brain Kim and lochmire join a group to rescue civilians after the summit Gaza fans climb his ring with the power to boost his abilities that he was given by rigd in the hopes he will return alive zanak and ran are with rener looking at her plan impressed bu it but the two point out that clim is likely to die rener is aware of this as if he does Laius can resurrect him and in his weakened State rener can keep him close and in her Loving Care in affirmation rener shows her true face disturbing both her brother and the Marquee as Prince zanak rallies the citizens Monga is dropped in by naab and evi and gets rid of the monsters brain clim and lochmire use the battle of the adventurers and demons to investigate the warehouse area for captured civilians sheler is unable to remember brain due to her Resurrection but brain takes it as she can't remember him since she views him as insignificant brain uses his field martial art and sheler walks into it but this time brain aims for and cuts her fingernail with four-fold Slash of light a weakened version of gaze of stoff six-fold Slash of light while sheler is mildly impressed calling him a nail clipper brain is Overjoyed realizing he has reached a new level of strength from having his friends in his heart he then runs but sheler notices climb and lochmire remembering the order demier gave her so she lets them run away away as Monga naab and evii reach jalab off they see his five mask demon Maids while the female adventurers handle the maids Monga battles jalab Bay off evii fights Alpha and Delta while na fights beta Epsilon and Zeta deploying a mini Sandstorm evil ey is surprised that the demon Maids know how to team up and reinforce each other Alpha unfazed by the sand finds and attacks evii cracking her mask evil eye seeing the two Maids she fights are resistant to all her stun attacks gets Airborne to rethink her strategy elsewhere demiurge and a speak in private in an abandoned building to discuss Demi's four-part plan the plan involved covertly stealing goods and raw materials from reti masking retaliation against eight fingers by Framing them for summoning jalab off with a prototype of the Armageddon evil statue taking captured humans for experimentation and placing blame on jalo to boost M's reputation as an adventurer eyes orders demier to Grant respectful captives a merciful end evii regroups with naab and jalo is thrust into to the scene Monga now finally getting to fight seriously battles the demon while Airborne Monga uses a fire item and attacks right at the demon but his right-handed blade is destroyed by hell Flames seeing a chance to use a new weapon Monga deploys his Frost pain modified and nullifies Jal deo's hell Flames jalo calls for a retreat and wishes to end their battle evil eye is against it but Monga agrees the demon takes his leave and with that the disturbance comes to an end Overjoyed evii jumps and hugs Monga for defeating and repelling jalab Bay off the next day M and na depart for E rantal with Marquee rean thanking them for their service elsewhere Ora decrees that the remaining eight fingers operatives are now servants to I's o gown at night blue rose and brain are having a meal together in the tavern while ev's friends recount how rigrit humiliated her in combat to make her join Gagarin then remembers that evil eye can teleport and if she had gone with Monga in the morning to ER anle she could have established a fast travel point and visit him whenever she wanted evil ey realized es this and freaks out back in nazarik ponia introduces t to the homunculus Maids as a recruit e returns to nazarik and sits on his throne meanwhile in the baharuth Empire flutter paradig informs Emperor jerk N Run farl lord El Nick that on his investigation of Iron's ool gown he concludes the magic Caster is greater than or equal to his level of magical power while wishing to meet Ein personally flutter is also ordered by the emperor to investigate Adamantite Adventure Monga that concludes the anime recap of Overlord if you enjoyed let me know if you'll like me to continue this series I'm out
Channel: AniVisor
Views: 71,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime recap, anime, anime summary, aniclimax, recap animes, recap anime, anime recap overpowered, animerecapped, anirecap, anime recap isekai, anime recap demon
Id: a2nWZuemE9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 29sec (4649 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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