He Reincarnated To Another World As An Overpowered Wizard

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Pharma was a depressed and overworked Doctor Who couch K ice Gade to a fantasy world giving him magical abilities he used to heal a bunch of people while creating a harem of thick baddies after dying from overwork he opened his eyes to see a pink-haired Beauty who probably won't be another Sakura she called him Master Pharma which made him sit up only for him to feel a brain melting headache that had her begging him not to move since he was just struck by lightning when he tried to talk his voice was that of a kid rather than a depressed overworked adult he was supposed to be and that's when he realized the weird [ __ ] going on he noticed his tiny arms hoping that was the only thing that shrunk and even fell when he got up but still he struggled to the window confirming a fantasy world that had him opening wider than my ex during Black Friday I don't think you have the facilities for that big man he soon saw his face in a mirror and was amazed while his Nanny wondered if the lightning fried his brain he then asked who Pharma was and she claimed his name was Pharma di Medicus he wondered why his name sounded like a local chemist and also realized he must have died from overwork seeing that he was looking clueless she decided to reintroduce herself as Charlotte or lot since that was his Kink he then asked for the bandages to be removed so she hurried away to make preparations surprisingly his last writings were still on his arm and for some reason it cleaned off when he rubbed it no seriously what was the point while cleaning his body lot noticed a mark on his arm and she looked amazed as she revealed it was the Holy Mark of the panic Theos he tried to explain that it Formed thanks to the lightning strike but the lowly started praying and giving thanks to panic Theos he thought she was referring to the god of chaos and fear but she freaked out on him saying that Panic Theos was a god of medicine at that point he decided to let her explain some basic knowledge to him around the house like how his family was a great aristocratic house that has always been a royal pharmacist she went on to say that his dad was an arch dukee and the president of the Imperial School of Pharmacy which he found fascinating she showed him a portrait of his dad his wife and his younger sister blanch as well as Master pal his elder brother who was overseas studying medicine she adds that he and his brother are supposed to be Elites of Pharmacy and the Divine Arts which she goes on to excitedly explain were miraculous Feats made possible with magic seeing his confusion At The Mention Of Magic she looked at him visibly terrified as she hoped he hadn't forgotten what he learned all his life she claimed that he could use Divine Arts of water so he asked what would happen if he actually forgot to which she told him he wouldn't be recognized as a noble and and likely kicked out like trash later on in his room the fear of being homeless made him brainstorm on how to regain his divine art using lot's vague instructions he got a clear image of the composition of water which caused his life to Glow before a spiral of water popped out of both hands he soon began to freak out as he couldn't make it stop so he ran to the window and turned into a human hos when he finally made it stop lot called from the garden and said he made her wet I don't think you have the facilities for that big man she however claimed his water was refreshing and felt wonderful but he tried not to give into his apparent thoughts back inside he wondered how fascinating it was to conjure stuffs so he tried Conjuring different elements which was a success however he couldn't conjure mixtures he also learned that his left hand could create substances while his right hand took them away when he heard lot on the door he removed everything he conjured before she came in excitedly happy that he remembered his divine art she then asked about his medicinal knowledge and claimed he had to be extra careful since the lord always springed up pop quizzes during meals she then took him to a library where there were a buttload of books he had already memorized but as he glanced through them he realized they contained human knowledge of medicine from centuries ago it was finally time for dinner and he walked to the the table while conscious of his family once seated everyone took turns to ask about his condition after which they went on like a normal magical family as they went on his dad asked how the geide bomb used to treat him was made so he began listing the components detailedly up to process very accurately his dad looked pleased and said he was glad the lightning didn't make him dumber than a stay he then announced that he would be resuming lessons with Elanor the following day unfortunately the overaged aqua immediately felt his 30 years old degenerate energy in a single glance she claimed he wasn't adorable anymore but he was more worried how she could be both visually and mentally impaired you idiot you're honestly an idiot I don't know what I don't know what's wrong with you she said he normally calls her a len since she was his personal tutor and seeing that she won't shut up he explained that the lightning strike was making his memories jumbled she quickly asked if he recalled his Divine Arts to which he said yes so she decided to skip pharmacology and review the basics of divine Arts she said every Aristocrat has a guardian deity and a divine art for his dad and brother it is panic Theos while hers is hydro Theos as usual there have always been five attributes of divine Arts which are further subdivided into positive and negative he noticed one attribute was called nun so she explained that none meant non-standard attributes but claimed it hadn't been seen for over 300 years he then asked what attribute could create any substance and she said anyone who could do such a thing would either be a God or a monster he couldn't freak out for long as they headed to a practice spot only for her to scold him for not having his wand on arrival she had to explain that wands help amplify and control Divine arts and that's when he remembered the stick he mistook for an swapper in his room she then gave him her big Rod sus dog meme she asked him to launch a spear or water but he seemed to have forgotten how to so she did a demonstration and yelled out an attack name like it was a freaking mid anime Pharma looked impressed so she handed it to him to try on his own he then stood by the lake and stretched a bit after which he prepared the spell in his mind only for it to go out of proportion forming what looked like a water dragon that just kept going until the wand fell off his hand elen who was also blown away said he was broken so she began checking his malfunctioning body as she claimed that Divine Arts weren't possible without incantations she then realized that his total divine power that was supposed to be fixed might have changed so she brought a wand for measuring and asked him to hold it when he did the gauge got full and even cracked while displaying a colorless capacity that made her freak out as he had both positive and negative attributes she also noticed his Panic Theos Mark and told him never to hold a measuring device in front of anyone including his father she then ended the lesson and started walking home however she couldn't see [ __ ] so Pharma grabbed her trembling hand and led her back slowly after resting a while the situation was looking awkward so to break the tension he did a funny pose and asked her to do it any time she didn't have her glasses on she thought he was clowning but she actually tried it and noticed she could see a lot better pharmo was also trying it out but noticed a glow in two places he then grabbed her hand which turned out to be injured and when he asked how he knew he said medical conditions glowed blue and turned white when he figured out the cause this had her terrified as she claimed only Panic Theo's Divine I could do such a thing she then retreated from him as it was beginning to feel like he wasn't human and to make matters worse she noticed he didn't have a shadow which got her screaming as she begged for him to spare her life promising not to tell anyone anything he even tried to help her up only for her to run away scared the following day his dad revealed to him that alen had a high fever and decided to quit tutoring him he was asked why but there was no way Pharma was going to reveal he traumatized the poor woman with his superhuman feet his dad Brun O then instructed him to deliver a portion and a letter to her however he later realized the potion was an energy drink and decided to prescribe an actual treatment for her when he got to her house elen came in wearing full body armor while asking if he had come to silence her for knowing his secret he had to show her he wasn't even carrying a wand before she calmed down and took off her helmet to hear him out he then explained that Bruno asked him to deliver a letter along with a post potion but alen thought it didn't make sense as she could easily make her own potion so she assumed it was poison he also handed her his prescription as well as a bomb for her finger but the traumatized simpleton still assumed they were all poisoned this time he begged her to listen for once as he wanted her to become his tutor again but she said there was no need since he was The Reincarnation of panic FS Pharma couldn't care less but aen straight up knelt down like his servant as though she was bound to do his bidding she swore to keep his secret as she begged for her life in all honesty however Pharma turned on his RL Lord mode and said he needed her in his life of course she readed meanings to it so he had to clarify that he needed her knowledge not her body he then revealed that she was the only one that could help him get his powers under control since there were no written books about the Divine arts in his family Library he said he wouldn't force her to consider his request and then proceeded to bring out a banquet of flowers to thank her for her service he then handed it to her before taking his leave while urging her to try getting over him later that day she couldn't use his drug since it was in powdered form and Medicine hadn't Advanced that much yet it then dawned on her that Panic Theos was a peaceful God so she decided to take a positive attitude the following day she met up with Pharma still wearing armor just in case he decided to to use her for target practice she revealed she'd continue to tutor him however it would only be because she might be blamed for neglecting him if he eventually loses control of his powers she also thanked him for the white powders that helped her recover and said it worked faster than Bruno's potions to begin their training they headed to an uninhabited Island just to be safe and there they spent the entire day Bond sorry training back in the castle Farms took his time learning how to use his Divine eye by practicing it on the house helps this allowed him to learn that the light disappears if permanent treatment is possible but only deems if it could be managed he also used the ey on lot as he planned to make himself indispensable just in case word gets out and they decide to burn a witch or two he began making treatment for each illness and using his special abilities allowed him to conjure some substances that would be hard to get a hold of in such an age age he went fast at work forgetting himself like it was his previous life until he finished the bomb for lot's eczema he immediately handed it to her which got her so excited that she wanted to share it with everyone else however he said medicine was one thing people don't share before heading off to hand each staff a cure for their problems when he asked lot why the laundry woman cried upon receiving his gift she explained that they never received gifts from their Noble Masters which meant that it was a first in addition Noble pharmacists weren't supposed to tend to commoners but this got Pharma conflicted like it was any different in the real world still he felt it was wrong and wanted to do something about it like making a readily available medicine the following morning during lunch he encountered a cold room with gloomy faces as Bruno told him blanch came down with chicken pox this Disturbed him as he knew the chicken merged with a pox wasn't because it was UN fortunately not a Canadian delicacy he wondered why a fantasy world would have chickenpox and thought blanch stood a chance since she was still very young Bruno then ordered everyone to stay away from blanch for 3 weeks to avoid spreading the virus however Pharma was an exception since he previously got infected and was now probably immune as Bruno prepared to head out Pharma noticed him coughing but said nothing he immediately headed to the laboratory and began preparing ing a chickenpox remedy this particular substance needed was very tricky so it took a while before The Conjuring worked he then went to blanche's room with the little girl looking sick with all the little umpalumpas on her face she told him to go away but he revealed he brought her medicine which had her protesting since she hated bitter drugs like every typical kid he then mixed it in macarons and had her eat it but the smart ass recalled that Bruno said there was no cure for chicken poox the idiot told her he found a cure in the library but she countered him asking how there could be a book in Bruno's library that he didn't know of you you idiot you're honestly an idiot I don't know what I don't know what's wrong with you seeing that she was on to something he simply said it was going to be their little secret which got her to shut up he also noticed her itchy so he asked her not to spread the virus but there wasn't a concept of virus in the world blanch wanted to learn more from him so likened a virus to a ghost and ended up scaring her as he stayed with her she noted how he had gotten a lot nicer and said it made her love him more and he ended up remembering his sister from his previous life few days passed and Bruno was shocked to see blanch had recovered quickly when he asked if anything special happened she said it was a secret later on in the lab Pharma finally concluded he was abnormal even for an ice Sky protagonist not only only could he create things out of nothing he was a walking MRI machine whose eyes could magnify things to Crown it all he had no Shadow which was honestly spooky he went ahead to casually invent a simple microscope and as he praised his genius the butler whose name was probably Sebastian summoned him to his dad's office on getting there Bruno told him to prepare his things as they were needed immediately by the empress meanwhile Bruno's cough was getting serious as he explained that the empress's condition suddenly got serious he wanted to use his Divine eye but couldn't so he asked what was wrong with the empress however Bruno said it was secret while urging him to get ready at the castle the head Court physician Claude was pacing around when Bruno came in with Pharma as they walked in all Aristocrats were in the room like it was a funeral while Bruno greeted the empress alongside Pharma it turned out she was rather young and named Queen Elizabeth II while Bruno did his thing Pharma acted as his assistant while staying out of the way he watched as Bruno took a sample of blood and used magic to examine it before meeting up with the other Physicians to deliberate he heard them talk about stars and how her life was coming to an end however Bruno still went on to create some numbing potions to get her so high she won't feel pain anymore the empress even begged him to tell the truth about her condition but he claimed she stood a chance at survival before making her smoke pot from everyone's actions it was beginning to seem like they'd given up and this got Pharma angry so he used his Divine eye to scan her allowing him to ascertain that she had lung cancer tuberculosis and a bunch of sicknesses that made people very very dead as he thought of how the medicinal compound to treat her was so complex that Conjuring it perfectly might be impossible the prince rushed inside begging for his mom to get better seeing him only made everyone saddened as they couldn't do [ __ ] however Pharma summoned the courage and stepped forward when he told the empress to allow him to treat her with a new medicine Bruno tried to stop his son from embarrassing the family but the empress stopped him she claimed she felt that she could trust him thanks to her Divine Arts so she gave him permission to treat her he immediately shut himself in a lab and wrote down the four drugs to go hand in hand as he conjured them one after the other using just his mind Bruno broke in violently urging him to stop the madness but he refused he went on to say that tuberculosis didn't have a cure and this shocked Pharma as Bruno could diagnose accurately without any special help Bruno on the other hand still thought he was capping and would end up getting the empress hopes up however Pharma told him he had to take the drug too before turning to continue his work at that point he attacked Pharma from behind and was ready to make him stop using violence still Pharma refused to stop which made Bruno attack again but this time he blocked the icicles before creating a thick wall of ice that separated the room in half Bruno noticed he didn't use a wand or incantation so he asked who the heck he was but Pharma said nothing he then noticed pharma's notebook of new medicines which he glanced at so Pharma made up [ __ ] about seeing them in a dream when lightning struck him the old man also noticed his holy Mark and decided to attribute everything as a blessing from Panic Theos which made him surprisingly pleased Pharma then asked him to take credit for the medicine he' created to push his political Ambitions but Bruno refused saying he must take responsibility for his words and live up to the empress's expectations on hearing these words he undid the ice wall which was another shocker but he couldn't say anything as he watched the difference between the Pharma he knew before and the one before him he dared to ask if he was really his son and Fara only said he thought of him as a father he then returned to the crowd while covering his face like a sketchy surgeon while he went to present the drug to the empress Claude asked Bruno to stop his insane son only to be told that Pharma might have already surpassed them moving on Pharma used his microscope to show the empress the little creature dancing inside her lungs she in turn ordered Claude to see for himself and everyone in the room took turns witnessing the new discovery Pharma then explained that the organisms are called bacterias and how most illnesses were mostly caused by microorganisms after his explanation he added that he'd have to observe her every day for 6 months and even staked his life on the Testament he went ahead to drink his dosage before the empress followed suit after which boldly declared that tuberculosis would no longer be an incurable disease as they headed home in the carriage the awkward silence made Bruno nostalgic as he recalled when Pharma was little and how he only treated him as a soon to be physician with no care about his normal life until the gods used him for target practice despite not being close to Pharma in the past he knew instinctively that that wasn't his son when they got down from the carriage Pharma handed him the same medicine and he accepted since it was the will of panic Theos Pharma then went on about how he didn't know [ __ ] about being an actual pharmacist and was simply blessed with a cheat skill so he wished Bruno would guide him for as long as possible and they shook on it like gentlemen 3 months passed that allowed Pharma and Bruno Bond as pharmacists allowing them to share their ideas and knowledge as equals Bruno revealed that a renowned doctor had been inquiring about the cure for tuberculosis but Pharma told him only he could make it at the moment Bruno then said he already sent the man away since the Cure was thanks to panic Theos and his Divine Arts Pharma had to stop him there revealing that he planned to make the recipe for the drug available in the future once he learns how to make it without magic Bruno assumed he was being led by the will of panic Theos and he just accepted it since that was the old man's soft spot Bruno then added that his ways might seem like heresy which would surely put his life in danger both from Pharmacists and Nobles moving on he also told Fara how they discovered the empress might have been intentionally infected with her Illness but Pharma thought it was unlikely since the possibility of getting sick after exposure was 10% again Bruno took his word as Divine knowledge and he too found a way to make himself scarce once he left Bruno glimpsed over pharma's detailed analysis causing him to recall a heretic that almost ran mad from research at the castle he encountered Lord Noah who drew him to the corner to reveal that the empress was planning to reward him for saving her life he asked if there was anything in particular he'd like but man said he was cool however Noah wouldn't take such crap as he made him realize he was now a pretty big deal he gave him the option of money or Herms of cat-eared girls but pharma's head was totally blank after after much pressure he said he'd like to open his own Pharmacy that would be open to all classes of people and Noah just stared at him stupidly since he just tossed away a blank check emotional damn it at the empress's chambers she told him his medicine was working since she was recovering fine however he said she shouldn't Bank on the miraculous drugs as there could be sudden complications she understood that he was simply telling her to be careful so she teased him about how he boasted about the Cure in front of the best physicians in the Kingdom she then went on about how everyone was planning her funeral after she broke down and how her Authority as a ruler wasn't paid attention to anymore she thought she didn't deserve to rule again after being worthless and useless for a while but Pharma disagreed reminding her that her son Louie still needed her mother and so did everyone in the Kingdom he somehow rised her into believing in herself and as he left he claimed that both he and her had come close to death once so they should strive to live a more fulfilling life few months after the empress had gone from Lady dread to a baddy who summoned Bruno and wrote him a letter the following day Bruno made Pharma accompany him while dressed like a proper Noble Pharma thought he was out of place but he was reminded he is the son of an arch duuke once in the Royal Hall the queen was introduced after which she summoned Bruno to bestow a new territory rich in medicine herbs to him next pharmo was called out but the idiot thought it was a mistake he then knelt down as he was promoted from an apprentice to an actual Royal Physician as he looked confused Bruno had to snap him back to reality he was also handed a badge to make it official and the empress also permitted him to open a pharmacy in the Royal Capital that afternoon a bunch of Engineers gathered at his house to ask for the specs of the farm Pharmacy he wanted although he said he wasn't ready they claimed he had to direct them immediately or it'll be off with their heads fortunately alen showed up to help out and this made him realize he had no choice so he drew a blueprint he always had in mind in a few months the building was done and the chief engineer had to ask what name should be on the sign they began brainstorming for suitable names but the old man heard him thinking out loud and decided to go with parallel World Pharmacy when it was done alen thought it was pretty nice but he argued that it was all a miscommunication she also claimed a mellow name won't stop the pharmacist Guild from picking a fight with him and as they talked a constipated businessman showed up asking for the owner of the establishment when Pharma said he was the owner he introduced himself as Veron The pharmaceutist Guild Master and Pharma he proceeded to suggest that Pharma was going to sell candies given his age but Pharma calmed alen and entertained veron's provocations he stylishly asked if his prices would be expensive but Pharma said he planned to make drugs affordable which had the constipated fool fuming but then alen cut in and insulted the annoying probably bald in the- Middle head Punk until he vanished when they went in to do a final check on the shop Pharma discovered how there was no one to handle accounting lot then volunteered to do it but Pharma wore a Bland looks since she was a kid when he refused her request she started crying as she begged him to allow her help out he then promised to allow her run errands an honor she took better than a Nobel Prize when he arrived home later that evening he noticed everyone tearing up as Cedric revealed he had been asked to retire everyone thought it was strange since he diligently handled the estate's finances however Cedric said the Lord was probably concerned for his failing knee Pharma then promised to fix his knees if he'd work in his Pharmacy and they both agreed to it he then went to discuss the situation with Bruno who claimed he could do as pleased since he already sacked Cedric Bruno also gifted him a chest full of gold to start his business claiming he wanted to do something grand for his son as he talked farmer realized that Bruno made Cedric available for him to hire although everyone tried to avoid the subject but he still thank them for their thoughtfulness weeks passed but pharma's Pharmacy was as empty as my heart was after the breakup he wondered what he could do to improve the situation but alen told him it was completely normal since the commoners usually shopped at local pharmacies while the Nobles called the pharmacist home meanwhile it seemed people were curious however no one wanted to step into the lions then first during a roundt meeting with the staff Pharma said he was more interested in helping ERS but they were treating his establishment like it was a psych ward just then lot came in with some papers she called a survey she recently carried out with a 100 towns folk she then began reading it like a formal report which got everyone clapping for her 50% of the responses said that the Royal seal at the entrance terrified them another group claimed that they didn't know how to act around Nobles so they'd rather stay clear to avoid being punished for something ridiculous like breathing too loudly some said the nights at the entrance were terrifying and lastly some were skeptical about a child running an establishment these looked like simple problems that'll be solved once the store gained some street cred so they decided to rest strategize by updating their prizes at the show glass that afternoon Mr Jean came to purchase some candies and used the opportunity to drink their mineral water of course they didn't care and wished more people would visit like the old man Pharma then asked if Jean was a sailor and tried to sell him some vitamin C candies to prevent scurvy however he found an excuse to leave the store when Pharma followed him outside he noticed Jean talking to some businessmen and before he put one or two together he noticed two traveling clowns who turned out to be his parents poor excuse for a disguise once inside his NPC mom said something other than ARA ARA but he ignored her and asked why they were sneaking around she said they just wanted to check how he was doing in Bruno then requested for a tour of the place he began by showing them the first floor that had Goods on display as well as a lab and a waiting room the next floor was an examination room and space for patients to chill the third floor was a space for the workers to do basic things and had a kitchen while the last floor was his personal research space to develop new drugs at after the tour Bruno asked about customer traffic noting that he saw a bunch of nobles but not a single commoner patronize him he sadly revealed that he had no luck with commoners so his mom suggested he add Cosmetics to his products since it'll be an instant hit and probably attract commoners too since ugly insecure people are the easiest to manipulate emotion no damn it Pharma thought about how he barely did anything Cosmetics related in his previous life however he decided to give it a try and even asked what she'd suggest he go for she said she'd like a skin product with some fragrance but Bruno quickly cut in telling not to make white face powder this got his wife nagging as she had been avoiding the white powder on his request however Bruno strongly believed ladies who used such dye quickly from his experience Pharma was impressed by his observations since the white powder in question was usually made with lead and Mercury chloride which are all heavy metals toxic when absorbed into the body Bruno added that the ladies in the city had even resulted in blood letting just to get pale skin like a doll this was total foolishness and to make sure his naive wife didn't try such he told her she was more beautiful than beon and this got the woman and her ugly hair blushing suddenly a Man rushed in looking for the person in charge as he reported that his lady had collapsed and was in a critical State immediately Pharma took his leave and accompanied the young man to the site where they almost didn't let him through until they noticed his Royal badge once inside the carriage he met a pale looking girl who looked like her last relationship did a number on her he used his eyes to examine her entirely but couldn't find any sickness in her body all he noticed was a few cuts on her veins which indicated bloodletting by a professional he told her she was anemic thanks to draining herself of the much needed blood her body craved she argued that it was done by a professional however Pharma explained that the multiple Cuts had also gotten infected so she needed to be treated at his Pharmacy once there she went on about how her Crush rejected her feelings because she wasn't pale enough so she had to win his love by making herself pale despite almost dying she still wanted to become a baby doll to be accepted Pharma then prescribed some drugs for her to take and begged her to stop using white powder but she said she'd never stop as she had to be desirable to men or she'd be as useless as an iPhone box to her family lot then urged Pharma to help the diluted girl so he thought about an alternative and told her to return in a week's time few days later Pharma tested a prototype on himself that made him look like a clown however the girls seemed to love the look elen was more concerned about the safety of the product but Pharma put her mind at ease revealing that unlike Mercury that was a little less toxic than my ex his product had completely safe components she then suggested they placed a ban on the white powder and Pharma said he already intended to talk to the empress the following week The Pale Lady returned for her cosmetics and honestly she needed it given her ugly face Pharma went ahead to demonstrate how to use sunscreen and moisturizers to the dull girl elen soon finished dolling her up and she confessed that she had gone from a 3 to 9 over 10 baddy she also shed tears of joy as she thanked Pharma for saving her from ugliness and anemia the following day lot went out to market the new product to more ugly and insecure women who took interest immediately even an old Crone wanted to try it out but said she couldn't read however lot gave her a visual manual for illiterates soon the pharmacy started booming with which meant that people cared more about their faces than their health however the next complaint was that Khloe had gotten ugly again since the new batch sold out before she could purchase for herself Pharma had to apologize and claimed he didn't have enough Workforce to meet the needs of a City full of insecure brats to salvage the situation she proposed he create a subsidiary with her family and would even finance and provide the Manpower he looked up to Cedric who said it was a good deal for him so he accepted the deal in just a week she had set up a cosmetic Branch for him and employed more ugly women who would gladly slave away for a lifetime supply of Cosmetics to hide their troll faces few weeks passed and lot came to report her latest survey to the team this time the reports were friendlier in all aspects and they celebrated themselves for getting past the first hurdle few days passed and pharma's family took a vacation to inspect the the new domain that the empress rewarded Bruno a while back inside the Mansion Bruno applauded the caretaker for running things and demanded a full report of his activities which he began listing immediately this town was known as a prominent Port that opened the Empire to other nations while also serving as the top producers of medicinal herbs the adults soon started talking about complicated business like tax evasion and Bruno who noticed pharmas was useless there told him to go out and play in the ocean he then met up with lot and blanch who had made an impressive sand castle blanch wanted to play in the water but he reminded them they can't swim which got them all grumpy however they used their charm on him explaining that it'll just be for a bit and since he couldn't resist kids he gave in to their demands what a [ __ ] as they headed to hopefully not their demise farman noticed a len chilling under a tree but that's when she stood up and said she wanted to go for a swim too she then took off her belt and started fooling around which had Pharma hoping this wasn't a beach episode she then asked if he was going to join in but one glance at blanch dampened his mood as she reminded him of his actual sister he recalled how he used to play with his jovial sister on the beach and how she wanted to grow up so fast however the animators killed her off for character development what a [ __ ] as the memories made him tear up he heard the girl screaming as blanch had been swept away by the waves he immediately dived in without hesitation despite the current pulling alen back however blanch was being pulled in so fast that she started drowning as he watched her sink down he screamed her name so much that his Crest created a bright light that literally created an apartment in the middle of the ocean elen soon woke up to farm up as he held the water back while while working slowly to the beach and she could only watch in awe once things calmed down elen asked what he did and he said it was probably his negative water divine art at work she however argued that the negative water attribute couldn't have annihilated water from an area down to the sand he noticed lot freaking out and was about to curse himself before alen told him he was incredible to be able to save blanch on his own later that night he recalled how he literally eliminated salt from the seafloor which meant that was only lucky he didn't harm blanch and alen he noticed how lot was hiding how terrified she was of him and as she tried to talk to him he quickly said he won't use his powers again so she shouldn't be scared on the contrary said she wasn't scared but rather astonished by his powers she begged for forgiveness for not going after blanch which was her duty but Pharma said it was expected since she couldn't swim when he added that he considered her family she broke down in Joy before heading out elsewhere that night reports reached the church about a boy who erased a part of the sea in a port Town unfortunately their information Source was from an orphanage kid and they almost dismissed the rumor until the priest added that they found an accumulation of divine power on the site some days after on hearing this the leader ordered everyone to find the child without a shadow who must be eliminated as a heretic back at the capital business was in Full Throttle even more than before and alen jokingly warned him not to die from overwork he also noticed some shady priests mumbling in the corner so he went to ask what they wanted only for them to give him a killer gaze before leaving that afternoon they talked about the Shady men and lot reported that they didn't buy anything elen added that their robes looked foreign and lot suggested they informed the guards to keep a lookout that night the nights at the pharmacy were just changing shifts when a loaded wagon charged through the front gate when the news got to Bruno he was incredibly pissed and promised to catch the perpetrators after instructing the Knight to report back to his station pharmo was about to rush to the pharmacy when Bruno stopped him and asked if he had a suspect in mind Pharma thought of Veron and the men in robes but decided it'll be best not to do anything Hasty however Bruno told him to stay vigilant when Pharma arrived at the site Cedric explained that although no one was injured the carriage loaded with sediments did a number on the store including the goods in front Cedric then used his little Divine Arts to get rid of the putrid smell from the sediments later on Cedric revealed they moved important drugs to their Cosmetics Branch where they'd operate until the damage was fixed as they talked old man Jean showed up with a bunch of Giga Chads to help him clean up in in town everyone cheered Pharma up and assisted in any way they could few moments later a girl came in looking troubled as she asked for Pharma when he asked what was wrong she claimed her dad passed out due to the Heat and wasn't waking up he didn't want to live but everyone told him to go ahead so he rode on a horse with the lady out of town as they headed to the remote location he thought about how he'd handle the case of dehydration but before he realized where he was the lady vanished and he was totally surrounded by the men in white robes the leader then asked if he was the one that erased the sea while introducing his crew to be inquisitors from the Holy Kingdom this had him remembering how alen explained the importance of the temple how they helped infants use Divine arts and also bestow aristocratic ranks to them she added that the temple was responsible for choosing every nation's rulers which meant that they were sitting at the Pinnacle of power and could do do anything one group notorious for their power were the inquisitors whose duties were to eliminate evil spirits and Heretics he recalled her saying they were a band of unhinged Elites and when the leader introduced himself as Salomon from the grand Temple pharmo wore a serious face they called him an evil spirit and asked him to Pace backwards which he did reluctantly allowing them to activate a spell to bind him in place however it didn't take much resistance for the spell to come undone next they surrounded him on horses and one of them attacked with fire so Pharma made a shield to protect himself before eliminating oxygen from the surrounding to put out the fire the next Shameless man attacked with swords of ice which he also countered and as he tried to calmly talk to them Solomon ordered them to eliminate the overpowered freak as he freaked out they all rushed towards him as they simultaneously attacked from all angles the tax raised a lot of dust that soon cleared to reveal he had protected himself with an ice wall he then pulled a Madara move by summoning a massive ice Boulder and as his body glowed brightly he asked them to stop their attacks as he would rather use his powers for healing than fighting Salomon soon noticed Panic Theo's mark on him and from the little Feats Pharma pulled he announced that he was the god Panic Theos himself Pharma was like what the hell but the dude went on about how he had already been dealt Divine punishment since he sustained a serious injury when his horse fell bro decided to beg for forgiveness by offering his life but as he moved to unlock his neck Pharma stopped him at the last moment he then scanned salomon's leg and ascertained it would have to be amputated but it glowed red so he went for a reducing treatment and the glow disappeared meaning it was the right option however the next problem was that he didn't know who could operate on the leg since he was a pharmacist he thought of all the possibilities and arrived at a conclusion that he had to do it himself he then conjured a stone bed out of nothing and made the priests set up a tent once that was done he went into the tent to explain the procedure he was about to carry out after gaining the permission of the patient he got dressed and began by injecting the dude's spinal cord to administer anesthesia once he finished the procedure the band bullies treated him like a god which he was but he only asked one thing that they keep whatever they saw a secret one day several months later Salomon now the new bishop paid a visit to pharma's pharmacy even bringing candies like he was cosplaying for Halloween Pharma had to ask how he went from the leader of a the gang of bullies to a bishop so he explained that he went through countless trials to make himself useful to him this was basically him saying he devoted devote his life to making sure pharma's secret stayed hidden but the poor boy was slightly terrified by his sus love he also noticed a bunch of boys parading around so Salomon took him to a room to present him with a wand known as The Treasure of the Guardian deity Temple he explained that the wand had all attributes including healing and could even change shape like The Monkey King's staff Pharma thought he didn't deserve such a holy Relic but Salomon urged him to pick it up once he did it glowed brightly and had everyone present in awe including a len who Pharma tried to give only for the wand to phase through her Salomon then explained that the wand was otherworldly and therefore only otherworldly deities could hold it when he grabbed it again he asked Salomon if it could float and he responded that there were records of the possibility he actually tried it out and it truly floated which got alen and Solomon excited before Solomon left he promised Pharma that the temple would leave him be but claimed the carriage incident wasn't there doing so he still had enemies to deal with he also handed Pharma a Talisman to suppress his Divine powers and this brought back his shadow making him more happy than when he received the wand he then went to town with blanch and lot and while they walked around town he thought of how hiring more workers would be difficult just then he heard a customer asking a pharmacy staff why they don't sell pH products the man then claimed the place sold strange medicines at rock bottom prices which was fishy the boss also showed up and explained that the guild had to approve pharma's products before they would be allowed to sell back at the shop he thought of an idea to create a new Guild since Veron was being a piece of trash he hoped it'll all work out as he didn't want to overwork himself again but alen thought it was just a funny joke meanwhile at the pharmacist Guild the Shameless bunch of old men were busy plotting how to sabotage Pharma after he recovered from their attack Veron thought he probably cleared the sediments and renovated the place thanks to his Divine arts or his dad's money as he ranted on some folks laughed at him so he reminded them that Pharma was ruining business so they had to handle him he also banned all Guild members from going close to the pharmacy or risk having their license seized later in town a man was banging on a doctor's door while carrying his sick daughter fortunately Pharma was passing by and introduced himself but since he was a guild member he didn't want to engage with Pharma however he changed his mind and accompanied Pharma to his Pharmacy who then led him through a side entrance causing him to assume it was the commoner's passage once inside he handed the man a nose mask which made him realize Pharma was protecting his customers from his daughter's disease he began by asking basic information like his daughter's name and age what she ate and more details that had him astonished he also took their measurements since she was unconscious and when the man asked the significance Pharma explained that he needed it to allocate the right dosage after a while he also used his Divine eye on the girl which had the man curious Pharma then revealed his daughter Marie was only suffering from a severe cold the local pharmacist could believe it since he witnessed a bunch of symptoms but Pharma assured him it was actually a cold but one caused by a virus he didn't catch most of the words Pharma used but understood his instructions to administer the drug through inhalation and rather than swallowing he then left them to rest a bit before leaving and by evening Marie's Health had already improved as he walked them home he even promised to attend to her if the symptoms got worse at the gate the man was expecting an outrageous bill but got shocked when Pharma said it was roughly the price of a big loaf of bread back at home his wife got worried when she learned that he visited the parallel world Pharmacy however he said he had no choice before going on to praise Pharma and how he genuinely cared about Marie he confessed that as a pharmacist if he could learn a few things from Pharma it would help a lot but that would mean going up against the guilt his wife REM reminded him of the debts from the shop he opened but she realized his mind was already set so she began to sob during the next Guild meeting Veron revealed how he destroyed all the Cosmetics his wife bought from Pharma and the others even whispered how the bishop frequents the shop suddenly Veron asked Pierre what he thought of the situation since his shop was closest to the devil's Nest Pierre then took a deep breath and spoke boldly asking if anyone present had ever seen the medicine Pharma makes and of course they said no he added that they needed to see the competition with their eyes as he did he confessed to seeking their help and claimed they treated everyone equally and cheaply but Veron went nuts as he looked for excuses to label Pharma a devil incarnate soon he started spitting about how a noble neglected him in his time of need claiming that their Divine powers are limited so he had to bury his child Veron continued to push for to be eliminated one way or the other but Pierre tried to convince everyone to learn from the competition instead of relying on flukes and vague knowledge he was beginning to make sense until Veron shut him up and drove him away that afternoon Fara stumbled on Pierre sitting in front of his vandalized shop as he explained how he stood up to the guild only to be punished as a result he explained how he'd have to leave the country if he was to continue practicing Pharmacy but but Pharma said he won't have to leave since he recently established a guild he then invited Pierre to join his new Guild and the man was moved to Tears by the turn of events he soon set up his shop now with some of pharma's products and before he opened up Marie encouraged him to give it his all which he did and was shocked to find a crowd of people waiting outside some years ago a genius named cus was arrested by the temple despite contributing greatly to the Kingdom's medical growth in his last moments a young Bruno wanted to know why he performed human experiments but the man went on about the circle of life and how people die and are born every day as he tried to explain the significance of experimentation Bruno woke up from The Nightmare during lunch farman noticed he looked Disturbed so he asked what was wrong however Bruno decided not to bring up cus during breakfast just then a letter was brought in from pal his first son and Bruno read that his visit home would be delayed much to their mother's worry as she was excitedly expecting him lot and blanch then went on about how pal was a genius and it was a no-brainer Pharma was incredible too immediately after Pharma and Bruno went to the office where he reminded Pharma about the upcoming sa flu Fair a one-month event where Merchants from around the world Gather in the capital he told Pharma to be careful explaining that there had been report reports of a strange epidemic that broke out on a neighboring country island he claimed Pal's letter detailed how over 1,000 colonists were wiped out this had pharmo worried as he wanted to know more details but Bruno added that the research team that took samples also died recently which meant that it was contagious he then revealed that although the epidemic had ended goods from the island were coming to the fair so there was a possibility that the goods would be contaminated to make matters worse they had to be dropped off at the port in his new domain the fact that everything about the epidemic was burnt to Ash made Pharma scared since it was clearly unmanageable in Pal's report the first researcher developed high fever followed by vomiting and headache before growing lumps on his neck after which he died on the seventh day the second researcher died faster but with different symptoms like skin turning black and that's when they knew they were screwed the symptoms had Pharma dreading the obvious but he asked for more details so Bruno read out how a new device was invented by an unknown individual and the subject in question was Pharma and his microscope it turned out researchers used his microscope and were able to get a view of the virus so Pharma asked that pal send in some sketches meanwhile at the palace a meeting was being held where they learned how the death rate in the Kingdom had decreased by over 20% since Pharma established lished his Pharmacy everyone all had good things to say about pharma's influence in the Kingdom so the empress thought it was wise to reward him for his role she suggested making him an arch duuke but Mary pointed out such a rank couldn't be given to a minor while the meeting went on the empress thought about how Pharma was probably possessed by a being and she wanted to find ways to help him act freely meanwhile over at the pharmacy Pharma explained the Fatal disease outbreak break to aen who suggested they stop the fair lot also showed up carrying a letter from pal and as soon as he saw the sketch he looked like he saw a ghost from what he saw it was something called Yia pesties immediately he sent some Personnel to the port town to prepare it for quarantine and they promised to do their best once they left Pharma and alen approached Bruno and said the epidemic was most likely the Black Death Bruno already had the same thoughts after reading a few books and farmer recalled how it was known as the Bubonic plague that had a 70% death rate in the 17th century they explained the precautionary measures they'd already taken to prevent an outbreak however Bruno had to emphasize the Empire's Doom if an outbreak was to occur as there wasn't a way to fight the disease Pharma then revealed that he had already made a new drug and had sent it out for packaging just in case although Bruno was impressed by his work rate Pharma said they still had to prevent an outbreak since he is the only one that can make the drug with that said they reached out to the empress to allow Goods inspection at the Capitol gate in addition he asked that they eliminate the disease vectors which are fleas and rats so the empress immediately moved to make his request possible Bruno thanked her for listening to them and responding swiftly but she said she absolutely trusts Pharma later that day Pharma showed Pierre the compound microscope he made so they wouldn't have to get close to bacterias anymore he also reported that the medicine he made had been packaged and distributed accordingly for free when needed after making arrangements he left the capital in Pierre's Care at the same time the empress was given a rundown of the preparation of the fair and how the checkpoints weren't obstructing their plans Bishop Salamon had also dispatched priests in case purification was needed she asked them to keep the matter of the epidemic hush as their enemies might take advantage of the situation and create chaos meanwhile alen and Pharma were about to head out and when she noticed he was scared he encouraged him by making him notice lot rooting for him on getting to the port town they took a glance at the ships waiting to be inspected and how just one could destroy the nation's Prosperity they soon met up with the team they sent ahead who reported that every ship was already anchored before handing them the do documents from their inspection so far they reported that even the ships who passed the inspection had their caros purified just in case they also joined the inspection team and arrived on a boat that had an impatient Merchant they had to talk with the ship's physician who cooperated with them as they carried on their duties below deck after inspection Pharma didn't find issues with their cargo however he handed them some prescription and said their crew members were suffering from scurvy as they moved to the next ship the sailors started fighting for the next spot since they had already been delayed enough the old men continued to throw baby Tantrums which got a len drawing her wand only for them to be startled by cannon shots from the Empire's Scarlet Navy it also turned out old man Jean was a freaking Navy Commander Mr Jean then announced that Pharma was a royal pharmacist and the son of an arch dukee which shocked the sailors so he promised to sink any ship that insult Pharma pharma's team also met up with Mr Jean who simply wanted his Shop's candy more than anything else the crew claimed they stopped going down with scurvy ever since they started taking his candies and Pharma was happy it helped them out after their inspection elen was still scared of the possibility of a black death outbreak so she urged everyone to be diligent just then Adam the acting Governor came in to report that a bunch of people from estac Village were reported dead after showing symptoms of high fevers The Village was west of their location and some Sailors reportedly avoided the inspection and fled there illegally he reported that the outbreak was spreading rapidly so Pharma prepared to go there much to alen's displeasure but he made her understand the weight of the situation elen tried to stop him but he encouraged her to make herself useful instead of whining when she had adequate personnel and tools at her disposal he then lost punched on his Divine Arts wand and flew away in haste as he flew he got lost in thoughts and collided with a bird which had him crashing down but he stayed afloat before he crashed down as he headed for a big tree he shut his eyes in fear and somehow phased through it thanks to his W's ability when he got to the Village a bunch of villagers were leaving and he asked them to stay behind of course they told him to buzz off as they didn't want to die they soon began into panic and labeled him the evil spirit that cursed them since he showed up out of thin air as they drew their weapons on him he used his wand to create a dome of ice around the village and their jaws dropped faster than a hose skirt he then explained that he planned on saving them as a royal pharmacist and when they noticed his badge they calmed down and asked him to save them once inside he explained that the village will be split into three zones for the severely infected mildly infected and uninfected the men thought he planned to burn the infected however he said it was simply a method to prioritize the most important people back at the Port the Navy noticed a strange ship approaching and soon established that it was probably the ship that escaped inspection they had flags up asking for help which meant that they had been infected and even as they got closer the kid Scout reported that everyone on board was already dead Mr Jean then thought it'll be unwise to bother searching the ship so he made them prepare to sink the ship and its contaminants as they prepared their cannons old man Jean remembered how Pharma wanted to save everyone but they had to skip inspection he said a prayer formed them after which they shop their shots and didn't miss unlike you at an institution some men complained about how they needed more hands to help out with their work but when a woman volunteered to help out they took a glance at her and said no thank you it turned out she was known as Professor black mold and was going to retire soon so there was no need getting her involved in her office her assistant referred to her as Casper but she cut her shut adding that Not only was she an old Crone her specialty on molds and microorganisms were of no importance to modern medicine as she resigned herself to being useless someone came in to summon her to the president's office meanwhile at esac Pharma went into the first isolation building but when he opened the door the men asked what a kid was doing there however another guy stopped their hostility while revealing to Pharma that he was with Salomon a while back so he knew Pharma was Panic Theos once it was established who's the boss they reported that they couldn't establish who was infected and who wasn't Pharma then instructed them to administer drugs to everyone present while he examined the patients one after the other he then used his Divine eye to diagnose them one after the other and saw that treatment was possible when the light faded he told one lucky man all he had was a cold so he was free to leave the isolation Center he even used his wand to speed up healing but it was becoming apparent that he couldn't handle the situation himself even as the contaminated cargo was making its way to the capital after administering the drugs they asked Pharma the next line of action and he told them they should move out and make sure to stop the contaminated cargo heading for the capital over at the port elen and her team had just finished their inspection rounds but she still warned her subordinate not to get complacent elen thought Pharma handled the situation better and wished she learned more from him adding that she didn't have any special powers like him she quickly shut her mouth but her assistant disagreed by explaining that although Pharma was more accurate she inspected cargo faster than him on hearing this she thanked God she wasn't yet another Secura back at The Institute the president who happened to be Bruno asked Casper about her research but she cut him short thinking he wanted to cancel the funding for her research she thanked him for putting up with her for so long and resigned herself to be forced into retirement however Bruno stopped her he said he wasn't firing her and in fact he had an important job for for her to do she freaked out on hearing that she could potentially save the world but Bruno calmly handed her a note instructing her to extract a medicinal substance from a microorganism when she asked what genius wrote the note Bruno said it was confidential and simply asked if she could handle the task fortunately she revealed she already had one of the organisms cultured in her lab for years and truly she showed him the sample she thought was useless like her he then Ann announced that all resources will be poured into producing a new medicine with her in charge and she promised to try her best back at estac Pharma explained to the mayor that they couldn't save some of the critically ill patients but he still thanked Pharma for keeping casualty to the minimum falma added that to be safe he'd need the cooperation of the villagers so they had to stay quarantined inside the wall of ice for 2 weeks before leaving he asked them not to touch any animal no matter the case he also parted ways with the priest and flew on his wand he didn't travel far before he noticed a fire from afar so he went down to find the priests he sent ahead burning a cart the merchants captured didn't want to cooperate at first but he assured them the Black Death was coming for them and they had to confess that they had four carts with them and one was loaded with squirrels they confirmed that the squirrels were shipped from the island wiped out by the epidemic which further confirmed confirmed that the dirt bags were responsible for spreading the plague they also confessed that they had 24 workers with five holy Knights which was pretty suspicious so the priests asked why they'd be accompanied by nobles with that information Pharma concluded that the holy Knights intentionally forced the epidemic into the Empire he also recalled how the empress's infection was speculated to be an intentional act which meant that there was a mastermind in play the scum Merchant started to demanding to be treated like it was their rights the priest wanted to barbecue them but Pharma said he'd treat them regardless of their sins meanwhile Bruno reported the news of the outbreak to the empress and said the Rogue crew were probably heading for the capital and would arrive in a day or two she then ordered the ministers to strengthen security at the gates when she could just stop the fair the following day lot sold the mask to every Merchant she could find and had them purchase using her charms meanwhile Pierre got new samples from the gate which he was to inspect and one of them had the stain of the Black Death just then an attack broke out from outside the gate so they had the gate closed immediately however the holy Knights destroyed the gate and began bodying the guards despite the danger Pierre hurried to make sure the dosages in the tent were safe once there Pierre watched as the holy Knights brought in a cage filled with white squirrels which he Unleashed in the capital he went as far as tossing them around using his wind abilities on seeing the squirrels Pierre knew what it meant so he immediately made the guards sound the alarm to signal that trouble had arrived as the bell rang someone reported to the Royal Hall that Holy knights from Netherland had invaded the city she asked how many and when he said five she sat down asking why they haven't been dealt with Bruno then suggested they might have come to infect the capital the empress wondered why Netherland would ruin their long-standing Alliance only to attack with Five Knights adding that their ruler just died so it can't be a national effort Bruno argued that it had to be someone who had special knowledge about medicine and even suggested that it might be the work of a brilliant pharmacist they once expelled from the kingdom due to his heretical human experiments he had to be captured by the inquisitors and cast out as a commoner after they sealed his Divine powers Bruno added that cus before his capture was experimenting on poisons that could be transferred from person to person he revealed cis' name to the empress while cursing himself for not killing him despite knowing his evil intentions meanwhile the holy Knights had barricaded themselves with an ice wall to avoid the fire attacks before looking for an opening to spring up on guards successfully before they could flee Solomon showed up to immobilize the rampaging holy Knights he then used his Divine authority to strip them of their Divine Powers since they were unworthy at the same time lot was scared to death but wanted to help out but Cedric made her calm down Pharma soon arrived and the first thing he did was stand at the bell tower to check how far the infection had spread using his Divine eye he also saw the white squirrels flying casually to spread the disease and as he left he encountered Bruno so they walked together to the scene where captured Knight was being interrogated they claimed they had no idea what the Black Death was and simply did as they were told since cus held their population hostage ready to kill thousands in a single move they boldly said he was possessed by an evil spirit and when Bruno showed up they gave up the ghost as they burnt the bodies Pharma was thinking about producing more drugs when he noticed an ominous figure lurking on top of his Pharmacy meanwhile lot headed to the far phy since the alarm stopped ringing but on arrival the alarms went off again as Cedric led her in he noticed the doors weren't locked however lot had already gone upstairs there she noticed something weird so she looked around only to get startled when Cedric walked in she breathed a sigh of relief which ended up premature as cus stabbed Cedric before approaching her Pharma and Bruno then hurried to the scene to find lot and Cedric bleeding to death immediately Bruno attacked to draw his attention but his ice magic did nothing as cus revealed his hideous face as they began fighting Pharma couldn't identify the poison C used so he started guessing as there was no time Bruno had all his spells blocked and cus finally attacked with his evil Powers Pharma finally realized it was aconite but then he realized it was a multiple poison compound by the time he identified the second poison Bruno was having his ass handed to him for free he then took a jar of dangerous chemicals and began giving a speech about how only strong humans had to survive he was about to test out the chemical but Pharma eliminated it at that point he was visibly pissed and landed a super fast brain numbing punch on cus seeing his powers he wanted Pharma to join him to commit a genocide but farmer refused and used his right hand to pull a Superman punch as he eated him away he still followed through with another punch that incapacitated him on the ground before he used his wand to exercise the evil spirit in him which was evident by the rainbow light the wand emitted in the sky when Salomon Saw The Light he knew that the rainbow light meant purification of whatever disease was in the air and land meanwhile lot and Cedric also gained Consciousness and she went to hug him from behind after the battle they treated the few people that caught the infection while alen managed to prevent an outbreak from the port he even had the drug distributed to everyone just in case but Veron rejected it from Pierre only to secretly hand it to his wife since he was just a prideful bastard 2 months later the empress officially declared the end of the Black Death pandemic which meant that the parallel world Pharmacy was free to open again their first customers were old man Jean and Bishop Salomon along with a bunch of other people if you watched up to this point let's confuse the fake fans by commenting rip Pharma don't forget to like And subscribe see you next time
Channel: AniRoll
Views: 189,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime recap, anicapped, ani plot, aniroll, recap animes, anime summary
Id: 0ffZJ39RUI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 5sec (4205 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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