Failed Hero Accidentally Transforms Into SS-Rank Monster After Eating Alien Parasyte | New Anime

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a failed hero turns into a monster after getting attacked by a parasite but pretends to be normal kfka lives in a world where monsters named kaijas are a constant threat to humanity but mankind has learned to live with this issue and have created a special force to deal with these monsters one day another Kaiju appears out of nowhere from the sea and attacks the port threatening the city with floods while an emergency announcement is released for people to get in the underground shelters for their safety the monster turns out to be a 60 M tall Behemoth who causes destruction in the entire city as he walks through the building while the people of the area could do nothing but watch helplessly the government immediately sends in the Defense Force who surround a Kaiju from all sides and shoot missiles at it after making sure the area has been evacuated this entire sequence is televised all over the country where people watch it online and wonder which division will fight the monster this time it's the special forces from the third division that get mobilized this time and a couple coup of soldiers emerge from the chopper with special weapons and dive down on the nearby buildings the Kaiju continues to destroy anything that comes in his way but now the third division lays down suppressing fire distracting the monster and injuring it while some of them run directly at the Beast shooting at it while dodging its deadly attacks with ease taking advantage of this distraction their team leader who was ready with a hand Cannon shoots a blast at the Kaiju hitting it directly in the heart taking its life in an instant the Kaiju bubbl Ls up and explodes into a bloody mess while the team leader watches as Blood Falls all around her later that day Kafka looks at the mess through a binoculars while eating his lunch thinking about how much work they will have to do to clean everything up meanwhile the citizens are cheering for the third division as they eliminated the Kaiju with zero casualties and in a very small amount of time Kafka arrived at the location looking at the giant crowd as they cheer for the defense group while no one pays any attention to him as he walks pass them towards the dead monster this is because he is a cleaner whose job begins after the battles are over and they do all the dirty work while the people who create all this mess are celebrated as Heroes he climbs on top of the carcass and starts dissecting the Beast into smaller pieces to clean everything up while a drone comes over to collect some of the samples he asks his fellow maides to get him a heated chainsaw when he notices that one of the newbies was trying to hoist up the intestine of the monster which is very dangerous he shouts at the man to back off immediately but it was too late as the intestine ends up bursting and the man ends up getting hurt in the process Kafka immediately comes down and runs towards him and applies first aid as he has seen these injuries before and knows how to deal with them he then looks at the remaining carcass and wonders about how the hell are they going to clean everything within a week but before he could do anything his supervisor tells him that he is needed to attend a different part of the Kaiju which turns out to be the intestines which is the most dangerous and dirty part of the job regardless of how much he hates this work Kafka gives his all and Dives head first into the intestines to clean it up later that night he returns back to his room which is pretty dirty for a guy whose entire job is cleaning things up he tries to get the smell of the intestines out of his nose but after failing to do so he notices the program on the TV showing the leader of the third division known as Mina who is so incredibly talented that just at the age of 27 not only did she become the captain of her division but has also slayed close to a 100 kaijas this makes Kafka remember his past as it turns out that Mina and him were childhood friends who once made a promise to each other that they will eliminate the kaijas from the earth as they Overlook the death and destruction caused by them he snaps back to reality as the reporter claims that her popularity has made her a very strong candidate to become a future commander of the Defense Forces he shuts the television as it was getting too depressing but he reminds himself that cleaning is also a very important job and because of his job he is able to live in a decent apartment and eat whatever he wants to eat the next morning he heads back to work when his colleagues call him over to introduce a new part-time student that is going to intern with them he tells Kafka that this kid is named ikai and has the dream of becoming the member of the Defense Force which is coincidentally the same dream that kka had when he was younger but he eventually gave up on his dream and is now a veteran in the cleaning industry Kafka turns around embarrassed and starts shuffling through his locker when eai asks why did he abandon his dream Kafka replies that he tried his best but there is always someone that will be better and one step ahead and also claims that eai will understand that as he grows older to his surprise eai straight up tells him that he will never give up on his dream and moves away to get changed while Kafka thinks about how he would have looked bad no matter how he replied to that question later that day they get back to the site and the supervisor starts assigning them their duties for the day and puts eai in the group to clean the intestines which makes Kafka happy for a moment as this will teach ikai how difficult their job is but the supervisor tells Kafka that he will also be working on the intestines as he is the best at that job Kafka cries at his bad fortune but immediately gets to work while the supervisor tells ikai that Kafka complains a lot but he is an excellent worker and that he would have made an excellent officer if he was able to clear the exam later that day they all have their lunch break where eai has totally lost his appetite which makes Kafka happy but he had it just as bad and tries not to puke he notices that eai is not eating anything so he throws a vitamin drink at his face and tells him to drink it while also offering him a pair of nose plugs to keep out the stench IAI refuses to follow his advice but Kafka ends up forcing him to do as he says later that day everyone finishes up their work and leaves while Kafka does one final check noticing that the worst Parts have been cleaned eai arrives behind him and thanks him for helping him throughout the day as without him the day would have been much harder moreover he tells Kafka that the age limit for the Defense Force exams have been relaxed to 33 years and even though it is none of his business he thinks that Kafka should try reappearing in the exam after that IAI begins leaving but Kafka stops him to say that he is a good kid embarrassing IAI but suddenly a Kaiju appears right behind him from the ground and would have killed IAI if not for Kafka who risked his life to push him out of the way they both fall over to the ground injured when IAI tries to get up but is swatted aside by the monster Kafka shouts at him to run away as fast as possible and call the Defense Force but ikai refuses to leave him alone Kafka tells him that he can never be in the force if he dies here which convinces IAI to call for help while Kafka grabs a rod and with a smile on his face distracts the monster while running away he runs through the deserted streets littered with broken buildings from the last attack while the Kaiju follows at full speed and would have killed him but Kafka enters a narrow doorway where the Kaiju is unable to follow kafer runs straight ahead without looking back and jumps out of the window getting slashed on his face when he suddenly remembers how Mina was sad because a cat she knew died in the attack but Kafka tries to cheer her up and later they both make a promise with each other to join the Defense Forces together and eliminate all the kaijus from the face of the Earth he snaps back to reality and wonders where it all went wrong while the monster starts gaining up on him Kafka decides to take a stand and makes a plan to attack the legs but the Kaiju is way too fast and Strikes at him before he could react throwing up in the air as his entire life flashes in front of him he falls to the ground while the Kaiju smashes his leg with its hand leaving Kafka no choice but to accept his fate and die just as the Kaiju was about to delete Kafka from this planet eai arrives out of nowhere with an iron rod and hits it in the face saving kafka's life Kafka shouts at him to run away but eai claims that he has notified the defense group already and claims that he could never become an officer if he can't even save someone's life the kidu starts attacking the young man while Kafka wonders why the hell is he so weak and useless he realizes that nothing has changed in his life and even now he cannot save a single person even though he dreamed of being an officer just as the kij was about to end both Kafka and iai's life a white tiger appears out of nowhere and starts attacking the monster causing it to explode and die on the spot suddenly Kafka hears Mina's voice as she assigns her teammates different roles telling them to secure the parameter and take care of the injured people While She searches the area for any other monsters Kafka ends up losing Consciousness and wakes up in the hospital at night where he thinks about how Mina has achieved her goal and reached at a position where Kafka can never even think to follow her he was feeling miserable when eai calls his name and he realizes that he is not alone eai thanks him for saving his life and telling him to run away before claiming that he thinks Kafka should really try to be a Defense Force officer as he would be really good at that job Kafka thinks about it and with a new sense of inspiration he decides to appear in the next exam for the Defense Force when he suddenly notices something weird flying around before he could scream about the Kaiju in his compartment the monster rushes in and lodges himself deep into his throat muffling his screams as eai realizes that something is wrong and rushes to check up on him to his absolute horror hifa looks at himself in the window only to realize that he has been turned into a Kaiju himself he screams at IAI that he is Kafka while IAI is too stunned to say a word but an old man from the hospital spots them and immediately starts calling the Defense Forces while Kafka worries about how to save his life the Defense Forces are immediate alerted and Mina assembles a team of Kaiju Hunters while an alert is sounded for everyone to stay indoors and lock their doors as a small Kaiju has been cited back at the hospital IAI can't believe what he is witnessing and wonders whether Kafka got devoured by a Kaiju but it becomes immediately apparent that the Kaiju is none other than Kafka the old man who saw everything starts freaking out while eai tells kfka that they need to make her the old guy understand that they will not harm him to do this Kafka decides to try and smile but the old man gets a heart attack just looking at his hideous face and lies down on the ground shaking with fear Kafka quickly goes over to check whether the old hag is okay but to his surprise he is so strong that he breaks the wall of the room just by touching it he gets scared himself and realizes that he is totally becoming a Kaiju this arouses the other patients who come over to check only to be scared by Kafka in his hideous monster form eai tells Kafka that they don't have a lot of time as the Defense Forces must be on their way to the hospital so they both decide to flee the scene Kafka immediately heads out to the window and tries to open it unfortunately because of his strength he completely destroys the window in the process he gets really impressed by his own strength but eai tells him this is not the time for that and he jumps out the window Kafka tries to jump out as well but his jump is so strong that he falls somewhere far away eai starts running down the street to try and find Kafka when he suddenly spots him following him down the street to his horror Kafka doesn't even look like the normal Kaiju now and has gotten even uglier with weird tentacles coming out of his body IAI asks whether he knows how to control them but he claims that he can't control anything just then his tongue shoots out of his mouth and catches a bird before eating it alive which really impresses Kafka as he always wanted to be Venom but IAI finds it disgusting and tells him to get a hold of himself somehow he manages to revert back to the normal Kaiju form and they start running to find a place to hide when Kafka tells eai that he really wants to pee eai tells him to hold it in as they don't have the time but Kafka is unable to hold it and ends up peeing out of his chest this really embarrasses Kafka who realizes that he is never going to get married and will die a virgin if anyone gets to know about it eai tells him that they have other stuff to worry about and tries to drag him kfka stays on the ground and asks IAI whether he thinks he can join the Defense Force even now immediately shakes his head claiming it's impossible as they will kill him on sight Kafka starts going through a midlife crisis realizing that his dream will always stay a dream and that he can never catch up to mina eai ends up finding an abandoned construction site and tells Kafka that they should be safe here if they hide but just then Kafka gets a weird feeling about something coming from below the ground and suddenly there is a huge explosion on the other side of the city IAI tells him that this is lucky for them as now the Defense Forces will have to deal with the other explosion first giving them extra time to hide and figure this out it turns out that another Kaiju has emerged from the ground completely destroying a house trapping a woman while her daughter cries as she tries to free her from the Fallen debris the mother tells her to run away but the child is adamant and tries to move the items trapping her mother but fails to do anything just then the Kaiju appears behind them and breaks through the remaining wall to claim its food but just as it opens its mouth to Devour the the poor girl Kafka appears out of nowhere and punches him straight in the face blasting it away he surprises even himself with his power but immediately turns his attention towards the little girl asking whether she is okay the girl starts crying out of fear so he tries to lighten up the Mood by making funny faces but it all goes to waste as his ugly face can make even Donald Trump cry thankfully eai comes to save the day and Comforts the girl while Kafka removes the Fallen debris from her mother Kai quickly checks on the mother and thankfully realizes that she is still alive and is just unconscious right now before they can feel completely safe though the Kaiju arrives once again looking uglier than ever to claim its prey Kafka tells ikaya to take the mother and the child to safety while he deals with the monster IAI asks what is he planning to do and Kafka replies that he is going to punch the monster as hard as possible hoping for the best IAI immediately runs away with the victims while C charges his punch that start glowing with electricity and delivers an uppercut so strong that it rocks the monster completely blasting it in the air as it completely explodes into nothingness Kafka is beyond shocked as a bloody rain starts as the remains of the monster falls to the ground while hiding behind cover eai asks whether Kafka is still in control of his body and he claims that it's all right and everything is fine he walks up to the little girl who hides behind IAI and tells her that she doesn't have to worry anymore more as she is safe and soon the Defense Forces will arrive to help her IAI tells Kafka that he has called an ambulance and urges him that they should leave before anyone arrives Kafka however was still stuck on the dream about becoming a Defense Force member and standing alongside Mina as an equal he turns towards IAI and removes his face mask before telling him that his dream about becoming a Defense Force member is still alive and he will give the exam later that night Mina arrives with her team only to find the Kaiju already eliminated she is unable to understand who can destroy a big monster like that but turns around to comfort the little girl telling her not to worry as she will destroy every single Kaiju the little girl nods but tells her to spare the good Kaiju who saved her and her mother from the monster this really surprises her but she doesn't say anything about it meanwhile cfar returns back to normal and alongside ikai they return back to the hospital lying to the other patients that they ended up hiding after the Kaiju appeared in the room but are completely safe 3 months pass by after that without much incident during with Kafka learns how to better control his powers but the media is still looking for kafka's Kaiju form which they have named Kaiju 8 who is the only Kaiju who was able to escape from the Defense Force eai watches this news from the cleaning office when another senior hands him some mail which turns out to be the results for the Defense Force exams he checks his results only to see that he has passed the first round and needs needs to appear for the second one the senior hands him another envelope containing kafka's results and asks him to take it to him as Kafka is on the site cleaning a body up eai takes the results and starts walking but checks it on the way only to see that Kafka has passed as well he takes the results to the site where Kafka is having lunch at top the body in his Kaiju form eai immediately drop kicks him claiming that the Defense Force will exterminate him on site if they saw him and Kafka apologizes claiming that he still ends up slipping up once in a while after rubbing his face he asks eai whether he is fine now but he still has his fangs and IAI shouts at him to quickly take care of it and shouts at him for being so careless as he is all over the news Kafka finally reverts back to normal and eai hands him his results which he looks at and is glad but eai asks why isn't he happier Kafka then explains that he always passes the first round but fails in the second he then tries to open a bottle but ends up crushing it completely as he transforms into the monster which makes IAI tell him that he shouldn't give the exam but Kafka begs him to not abandon him and eai agrees before leaving 10 days later they head to the exam Stadium which is huge and crawling with security they look around at all the different examinees when a blonde girl heads over to them and asks Kafka to move his van somewhere else as she wants to park there when Kafka refuses she takes her Overcoat out and uses her special power to literally move grab and throw the van aside like a toy this really shocks IAI who asks about her identity and she claims that she is examin number 2016 and her favorite pastime is to kill a Kaiju she then moves towards Kafka menacingly and sniffs him before asking why the hell does he smell like a Kaiju this really scares him as he wonders how to escape this predicament without blowing his cover and getting killed the girl introduces herself as Kiko who seems to be pretty rich and talks down to IAI about how they should have given her the parking space just then to their surprise cfco walks up to the flipped van and puts it back up by picking it like a toy this really shocks Kiko who wonders whether this guy also has a special suit like her he tells her not to scratch the van as it is company property but before he could take the space back her Butler rolls up in the Jeep wagon taking the parking space all for himself Kafka gets mad at this but he has no other options left while Kiko starts walking away with her Butler and her guards showing how much of a baller she is Kafka was ranting about her when he noticed that IAI looks super mad he knows that Kafka used his Kaiju powers and reminds him that if anyone saw it Kafka would be killed and IAI would be imprisioned as well for not disclosing this information kfka tries to defend himself and claims that he was being smart about it and only transformed his hands to pick the van up but ikai is not in the mood of hearing anything and tells Kafka that if he uses his powers for no reason once again he will send him back home meanwhile inside the headquarters the members of the Defense Force take a look at all the new talent that they have got they realize that this batch looks very promising as students from the best universities are taking part to become field agents this time they notice that some of the talent surpasses the others like the green-haired boy with the calm attitude named ISU the short yellow-haired guy called aoi and the red-haired knucklehead called furu but even after all of them the most promising of these students are Kiko who is only 16 years old but graduated from California's best university after skipping a lot of grades because of her innate Talent everyone's eyes seem to be at her as she walks up to Kafka and asks whether he even knows who she is or how strong she is Kafka is a who doesn't know anything but ends up challenging her claiming that he will get a better score in the tests both IAI and Kafka discuss a game plan for the exam as none of them are particularly good at the written tests so they need to score as many marks as possible in the physical exam the exam starts in Kafka who thought it would be a cakewalk for him considering he does hard physical labor every single day finally realizes why people hate working out as he is forced to do Soldier crawls pull-ups running circuits and Etc which totally drains him out and he falls to the ground exhausted by the end of it the results arrive and he only gets a measly 219 rank out of 225 examinees making him bottom of the barrel meanwhile Kiko walks up to him and shows him that she got rank five and asks whether he still wants to keep his bet he tells her that he will never back down against a spoiled brat which pisses her bodyguards out and they beat out of him immediately later they all head towards the next phase of the exam which kofka is very excited about because eai told him that phase two of the exam has been cleaning and disposing of Kaiju bodies for the last 2 years continuously this makes him really happy because he is one of the best at this job and can score really highly in this exam giving him a Fighting Chance against these talented people soon the vice captain of the third division arrives in front of them styling a bold cut hairstyle and introduces himself as hasha he tells them that the next part of the exam is going to be very fun and opens a gate behind him Kafka watches with eager eyes as he waits for the announcement to wear Kaiju disposal suits and clean some bodies but to his absolute horror the next test turns out to be Kaiju elimination he looks at IAI annoyed but IAI claims that they must have changed changed it this year recently and he can do nothing about it HOSA explains how the test is going to operate while one of the kaijas runs up at him from behind scaring Kafka Who falls to the ground but before it could reach hash the barriers come down and blocks him while the guards aim their guns at the monster ready to shoot Kiko starts laughing at Kafka for being such a coward and moves inside they are taken inside a room where they are given a special suit that all Kaiju Hunters wear they all start putting the suits on while hasha explains that this suit is their best weapon against the monsters as it is made by the materials obtained from a dead Kaiju it also has a special property of boosting the strength of the person wearing it which is very important in a combat situation eai puts his suit on and to his surprise the suit immediately gets fitted to each and every muscle of his body as if it was the Venom he realizes that he is not only wearing the suit but the suit has basically become integrated with his body hasha announces that the suit can take out the latent power of a person known as the combat power which shows them how much strength they have and how synchronized they are with the suits he announces some of the best numbers of this batch and eai is the first one with 8% combat power ISU with 18% aoi with 15% and furu with 14% combat power hosha tells them not to worry as even after rigorous training it is only around 20% and usually they are lucky only to get one student that has over 10% combat power suddenly the girl wearing the glasses gets shocked and tells HHA that Kiko has 46% combat power this really surprises hosha as he realizes she is already on the level of a platoon leader right now and has set a record for having the highest combat power that they have ever seen in a newbie IAI seems to be bothered by his low power but HOSA tells him not to worry as even 8% is impressive and they only need to worry if they get 0% which he has personally never seen before suddenly the four eyes claim that Kafka has 0% combat power this totally cracks hasha up as he watches Kafka trying his hardest to draw out any combat Powers he starts rolling on the floor laughing asking Kafka whether he has constipation while a red-faced Kafka starts sweating the thought that he is probably going to fail the moment the test starts Kiko seems to be annoyed as she wants to see the power Kafka showed her in the parking lot but there is no time for it as the final test starts they all stand at top a ridge while posa tells them that these kaijas have killed over 16 people last year but were captured alive as they wanted to train the newbies with it he tells them to fight them with all they have got while the drone camera will follow them and if anyone gets seriously injured or looks like they can't continue the lab will deploy their shield and they will immediately fail the test the test starts and all the participants jump into the area while Kiko shows them how it's done as she jumps up to a building and starts running on it to overtake everyone she runs around the area and spots a Kaiju sitting out in the open which she blasts to shreds without even stopping and moves on to the next area she jumps on a building and kills another Kaiju that two trainees were fighting and keeps running while Kafka tells eai to keep up as they will fall behind IAI looks back and tells Kafka that he is the one lagging but Kafka tells him that without the power of the suit the guns are really heavy and hard to operate eai asks what should they do as they clearly don't have much Firepower to match the the stronger participants just then hasha announces that the captain of the third division Mina will also be watching the exam this reminds him of the promise he made to her all those years ago and he decides to keep trying no matter what he tells ikai that they are being followed by drones individually which means that apart from killing Kaiju the force is also looking for adaptability and teamwork which they can show by being good supports he throws away his rifle and takes out his handgun and starts running towards the action he finds isu's group struggling to kill a Kaiju when suddenly Kafka notices the Hooves on its fingers this reminds him that he has cleaned and disposed of this Kaiju before and knows its weaknesses he immediately takes out his flashbang and decides to play some csgo as he throws the grenade without warning his teammates the flashbang explodes and it immediately causes a lot of pain to the monster and stuns it Kafka explains that this Kaiju can't see well but has excellent hearing he then turns towards isu's group who is also confused and tells them to Target its belly as it is the weak spot of this monster ISU seems a bit skeptical but follows the advice and shoots it down in the belly killing it immediately he thanks Kafka for his help who starts running towards the other end to find some more action when suddenly another Kaiju emerges and hits him Square in the body injuring him as he falls down to the ground IAI has no idea what to do while the Four Eyes in the lab tells hasha that kafka's internal organs have been damaged and he has multiple fractures hosha tells him to ready The Shield but kfka is not ready to give up as he tries his best to get up and face the Beast the Kaiju runs up to him and gets ready to finish him off when suddenly it gets shot at and is destroyed immediately the shooter turns out to be Kiko who tells him that she wants to see his true strength and walks away IAI immediately goes near Kafka who realizes that his leg is completely fractured hosha tells him that his vitals are damaged and that he should drop out of the test for his own safety but Kafka is not done yet and manages to somehow stand up as he thinks about how everyone else always surpasses him he screams that he is not going to lose this time and to everyone's surprise his combat power goes up by 0o 0 1% which makes them realize that maybe this guy can still pull it off everyone is surprised that Kafka stood up despite a broken foot and hosana warns him that he is allowed to continue but if it looks like his life is in danger he will forcibly make him drop out the next time Kafka tells IAI to ignore him and head on ahead but he says he will support him because they make a good team Kafka takes his hand and climbs on his shoulders so that they can move forward everyone stares at the weird Duo and hosha can't stop laughing he even suggests that they should pass these guys already because they need comic reliefs like them in the Defense Force Kafka tells IAI to not worry about anything else and follow Kiko as fast as he can he runs like the wind while the other people are also hunting down the kais in in teams Kiko speeds through the entire test site as if she is playing she blasts through the kais faster than others and doesn't even let anyone help her she shows her gunslinging skills first and then picks up a steel pole to Pummel the kais with it she soon hunts down all the smaller kaijas and heads to the boss and immediately throws a grenade at it the Kaiju takes some damage and loses its balance because of the explosion and Kiko does some Parker to reach a high spot and jumps towards it she does a split over the Kaiju Open Jaw and shoots its insides the monster's body bubbles up and explodes and Kiko gets back to the ground before the Kaiju demolished body falls down the Proctors are impressed and four eyes tells everyone that the test is complete and they can begin heading back now kavka is shocked to hear this and complains that Kiko is unfairly fast both he and eai fall to the ground and catch their breath meanwhile hosha and Mina are impressed by Kiko's abilities because no one retired and casualties were kept to a minimum thanks to her HOSA says that this was to be expected of their director's only daughter and she will surely become a ray of Hope for the country in the future meanwhile Kiko is satisfied with her Flawless performance and after catching her breath she decides to return to rub her achievements on kafka's face however just as she turns around a mysterious figure appears behind the smoke screen it turns out to be a human-sized Kaiju and before Kiko can react to it it shoots her through the heart on the other hand Kafka and eai think they only have to wait for results now when suddenly they hear other participants screaming they turn around and see the kais they just killed rising up and mutating into something much more powerful everyone panics and eai suggests Kafka to get out of the place but he suddenly hears the voice of Kiko groaning from pain and bleeding out she somehow managed to save her life by focusing the entire Shield over her heart but her troubles are far from over as the large Kaiju she just defeated has also come back to life thanks to the mysterious mushroom Kaiju she wonders what kind of Kaiju it is when it suddenly asks her if she can still move Kiko freezes on hearing the Kaiju talk because there has been no record of them talking yet not only can the mushroom Kaiju talk he is also intelligent and sympathetic enough to let the healing Kaiju deal with Kiko to get his revenge Kiko gets up and takes aim but the mushroom bastard shoots her arms and legs causing her to fall to her knees she screams in pain and The Voice voice signal reaches the monitoring Station Four Eyes tries getting a visual on her but the drones are not working well now still she can sense abnormalities in Kiko's body because of the sensors in the suit HOSA asks what is going on and she shows him the visuals of the minor kais coming back to life everyone is confused by what is happening because this has never been recorded before For Eyes gets a reading of the revived large Kaiju and says that it has a fortitude rating of 6'4 which means it has gotten stronger after the the Revival Mina immediately orders her crew to deploy the shields on all the participants and tells for eyes to send drones to Kiko to get her the live footage she tells hasha to follow her because they are the only people here who can deal with the revived Kaiju the participants are told to evacuate immediately and they run to the shelter but Kiko is still struggling to get up she doesn't plan on evacuating either she knows that if she doesn't stop the huge Kaiju a lot of people will die she uses the special features of the suit to repair her injuries temporarily and gets back on her feet she thinks that since she can still move she can still fight she yells that she needs to be perfect and takes aim but the Kaiju just slaps her away Kiko suffers some serious injuries and then suddenly she sees a flashback of her childhood she had scored the perfect score in her school examination and her friend was happy for her Kiko herself was proud of her achievement but then her friend's father came to pick her up on seeing the bond between the father and daughter she felt envious she heard the parents of all the students who had come to receive them and cheer them on and felt lonely only her Butler came to greet her and told her that her dad would be pleased with her results Kiko put on a cheerful face in response to the butler's words but at night her dad said that no one cares that she got a perfect score because taking time to celebrate small victories makes one complacent he told her to immediately start working towards her next goal if she achieves something because she needs to be perfect for the sake of her family and her country those words of her Stern and emotionally distant father motivate Kiko to keep moving and fighting despite her injuries but she gets [ __ ] slapped by the Kaiju yet again she tries to get up once again but this time she cannot manage to do that Kiko drops her gun because her arm has been broken and twisted into Tetris shapes she screams in pain while the Kaiju regrows its destroyed horns and begins charging energy in them Four Eyes in the control sees this through the Drone and she immediately informs Mina and hosha that the Kaiju has regrown its offensive body parts that they cut out hosha panics and hopes that they make it in time meanwhile the Kaiju gathers its energy between its horns to attack Kiko who has accepted her fate she apologizes to her dad for not being perfect till the end and starts crying in the meantime the Kaiju has fully charged his energy ball and he shoots it towards Kiko however before it can hit her Kafka comes before Kiko and tells her that she did a great job she is flabbergasted on seeing him there and the very next moment the energy ball hits them it causes huge destruction in the area surrounding them but Kiko is completely safe because Kafka blocked the impact by turning his arms into Kaiju form he transforms his whole body into Kaiju form and tells Kiko to leave the rest to him on the other hand the rest of the participants are evacuating the test zone and eai is worried about Kafka who disappeared when the kaijas began to revive IAI knows that kafco will transform into a Kaiju to save Kiko even if it means that he will risk getting killed by the Defense Forces back at kafka's location Kiko can't comprehend what she is seeing and then Kafka leaps towards her she freaks out but he just wants to beg her to not rat him out to anyone in the background the giant Kaiju has begun charging another energy ball and it shoots it towards Kafka who simply flicks it away to the border of the test zone Kafka tells Kiko that he will explain the details to her later and she should just relax right now because it won't take him more than a couple seconds to deal with the Kaiju he begins channeling his strength and the readings are recorded by the drones Four Eyes can't believe that a new Kaiju has appeared on the scene and on top of that its fortitude ranking is an unbelievable 98 she can't confirm it with visuals but reports it to hasha who thinks that the sensors malfunctioned because of the explosion because if there is a Kaiju with a fortitude rating of 98 then it is the strongest Kaiju Humanity has ever seen back at the battle site Kafka is ready to destroy the giant Kaiju in one hit his body modifies to give him extra traction and Jet boost behind his arms to maximize the impact of his punch the giant Kaiju runs towards him and tries punching him but Kafka meets its punch with his own kafka's punch overwhelms the Kaiju sending its arm muscles flying first and then the muscles from its entire body the Kaiju is blown to smithin and when the dust clears only it's too hind legs are on the ground while everything else falls from the sky as the rain of blood and body tissues Kiko watches this flabbergasted at the destruction in front of her Kafka confidently tells the Kaiju to return to life from that and the organs immediately begin to show movement again he panics and takes it back begging the Kaiju to not come back to life and it surprisingly Falls dead for good Kafka then suddenly turns around and rushes to Kiko saving her from a Kaiju that was going to attack her from behind he Reveals His Face from within his transformation and smiles at Kiko saying that he is glad that she is fine he tells her to not put herself in Reckless situations like that again and suddenly eai arrives there and hits him with a karate chop to the head saying that he should try to engrain that advice in his life as well as ikai lectures Kafka about being Reckless and transforming into a Kaiju when officers of the Defense Force are present nearby Kiko collapses they Evacuate the site and soon Mina and hasha arrive at at the scene of Carnage it reminds them of the demolished Kaiju that they saw 3 months ago there are a lot of strange things that happen this time and Mina tells everyone to focus on cleanup while she goes to clean up the remaining mutated kais meanwhile Kafka is back in the hospital with some fractures and IAI is looking after him Mina pays them a visit and thanks them for bringing Kiko back to the rescue center safely she salutes them and leaves and Kafka can't bring himself to call her because he wants to wait till he becomes an officer on the other hand Kiko is receiving treatment using the most advanced Medical Equipment and when she wakes up she finds hasha there for her he thanks her for defeating the revived huge Kaiju that kept casualties to a minimum Kiko hesitates on hearing that but she remembers that she must keep Kafka secret so she declares that she was the one who killed the huge Kaiju on the other hand the mushroom bastard is in a public toilet listening to news about how there were no fatalities in the exam despite kaija Reviving he can't believe that and wonders if the captains are so strong that they can save everyone so quickly suddenly he gets a call telling him that break time is over and the Kaiju transforms into a man complaining that humans are so fussy about time he wears his clothes and goes out telling his co-workers that he just had a bad stomach coincidentally he works in the same monster cleaning company as Kafka and ikai and no one suspects anything about him being a Kaiju despite him being lousy at controlling his body a few days have passed and the results for the Defense Force exams are going to be declared soon Kafka is panicking amidst fears of flunking this time too and as eai tells him to calm down they suddenly receive their results VIA mail both of them are overcome with nerves CFA nervously pulls out the letter and his eyes widen in surprise when he reads its contents the next day all the past students are gathered in the headquarters of the Defense Force ISU and AOE have passed along with all the other favorites but kfka is missing Kiko enters the room late and a girl rushes to congratulate her because she topped the exam results the redhead furu collides with IAI and immediately recognizes him as the guy with the uncle like guy they introduce themselves to each other and quickly become friends furu asks him what happened to Kafka and eai is nervous about what to tell him soon Captain Mina enters the room and the induction ceremony begins Kiko is called to the stage as the representative of the incoming class and Mina gives her the oath while declaring that all the 27 people selected in the test are now officers working for the Defense Force Kiko takes the papers and salutes Mina swearing that they will lay down their lives to protect their country Mina thanks her for handling the situation so well during the test and Kiko is taken aback on hearing this as she feels guilty for taking credit for kafka's actions she looks at the people gathered below and wonders why is KFAN not among them suddenly kfun nervously walks into the room apologizing to everyone for coming late much to everyone's Amusement it turns out that initially Kafka had failed the test when Mina and the rest of the officers were gathered to evaluate the candidates everyone agreed that Kafka lacked the physical abilities to be an officer and he could not even draw the power from his suit Mina was about to pass her verdict when suddenly ha declared that he would take Kafka he said that even though Kafka is weak by himself in the test he was a great support for everyone else he could pinpoint point the weakness of the kaijas and assisted everyone without worrying about his kill count though Kafka might never become a full-time officer after getting a promotion he still deserves a fair chance to be trained as a Cadet as Mina recalls this she softly Smiles at him she announces that Kafka is being enrolled only as a Cadet so she made him sit out during the officer induction ceremony all the major players are surprised by this exception but they knew that Kafka would make it after that Mina addresses everyone and thanks them for passing the hard test to become a Defense Force officer she asks everyone to entrust their lives to her as she is going to lead them from the front into the battlefield Kafka suddenly declares that he will also be standing by Mina's side soon and the entire room is thunderstuck they wonder what is the deal with this guy and how did he let his intrusive thoughts win in such a serious situation Kafka also realizes this a few seconds later and then it is turn for mina to discipline him as his senior officer for speaking out of turn and disrespecting his senior she punishes him to do 100 push-ups Kafka freaks out but hasha bursts laughing saying this was the main reason he selected this guy he tells Mina that she is going soft on the cadet but she leaves with a subtle smile on her face hosha then looks at kfka on the floor and thinks that there is more than one reason he wanted him when the kaijas revived during the test there was a Kaiju whose fortitude reading was 98 HOSA thinks that it was probably a faulty sensor but apparently at the exact time the Monstrous Kaiju appeared kafka's suit stopped sending any signals HOSA suspects that there is something strange with Kafka and that is why he plans to keep him close so that he can find out what it is on the floor Kafka has expended all his energy in doing just 100 push-ups and he falls down as everyone cheers on him Kiko comes to him and asks him to follow her to talk in private but everyone starts asking her if she plans to confess her love to Kafka she is grossed out just by the idea and Kafka doesn't even understand what she means luckily eai has enough brain cells to compensate for him and he takes him to talk with Kiko outside the campus there Kafka tells her that he ate a Kaiju and became one and she can't believe it she calls him a glutton and he replies that he didn't eat it on purpose Kafka says that maybe if he informs the Defense Force they might cure him but Kiko tells him that will be impossible even if he is not killed immediately he will be subjected to experim day in and day out and never be allowed to work as a Defense Force member not only that Kiko believes that once the Kaiju as strong as kfka is killed his body parts will be used to make special weapons he freaks out on hearing all this and begs her to keep his secret she kicks him away before agreeing to his request because she owes him for saving her life however she also warns Kafka that if he ever becomes a threat to the humankind she will immediately kill him later their training begins and eai goes into the training site he hides behind a pile of rubble and shoots a Target that pops up next to him there are more targets hidden throughout the training site and he shoots them all down one by one the supervisor declares that eai completed his training in 2 and a half minutes and Unleashed about 18% of his combat suits power everyone is impressed because eai has been growing rapidly ever since the training started and he has been beating his personal records each time this ignites Fu's competitive spirit and when he charges into the training area he quickly takes down all the targets he gets a time of 2 minutes and 15 seconds and a combat power of 20% furu is happy to hear that and smugly tells IAI that he won again however in the time he was bickering with IAI Kiko has already cleared the training regime with a 55% combat power rating she teases the boys saying that their combin scores are less than her on the other hand ISU and aoi are competing with each other because they are very close in terms of their physical and overall abilities while all the big shots are basking in the spirit of competition Kafka has also completed his training he took over 6 minutes and 40 seconds for that and Unleashed only 1% of his combat power despite being completely out of breath he celebrates that he succeeded in completing the training and even bothers Kiko asking if she saw how quickly he is making progress hosha tells him to stop fooling around because at this rate he will be fired in 3 months and Kafka panics hhaa then orders everyone to run 10 laps around the training area and calls it a day with that everyone hits the showers after that and Kafka is dead exhausted because of the extra lapse IAI and furu are competing about their physique and Kafka decides to show them what the body of a real man looks like furu is impressed by his bulky muscles but as soon as Kafka lets go of his breath his well-toned abs turned into a beer belly furu starts laughing at him for having a baby bump even though he is a man and Kafka tells him that his comment is offensive for all the trans people out there they keep bickering tills aoi arrives on the scene and puts them all to shame with his muscles everyone jumps into the pool to hide their scrawny bodies and Kafka thinks that living like this is quite fun on the other hand Kiko and other girls are also returning from shower and they find Nina drinking some milk at the laundry Zone she tells them that there is no need to be formal so the girls get busy doing their chores Kiko puts her clothes in the washing machines but she can't stop staring at Mina's well-toned muscles Mina notices her and the flustered Kiko asks her what kind of training she did she gets up and decides to show Kiko the basics of her training routine back in the boy's bath furu reveals that he always wanted to join the Defense Force ever since the day Mina saved him from a Kaiju during his middle school era he claims that she has been his Idol ever since and he wants to become like her everyone else says the same and when Kafka tells them that he is Mina's childhood friend and they promised to join the Defense Force together the boys freak out he is nervous and wants to go back to his room but the boys latch on to him and menacingly ask him to share the details their training continues after that comprising both physical exercises and strategy training regarding how to fight kaijas they bicker with each other and compete to become better Kafka puts his all into becoming stronger but despite that he is still the weakest in the group however everyone reports him to do his best one night as everyone is sleeping Kafka gets out of his room to study because he knows he needs to work harder than others HOSA finds him there and though Kafka is initially shocked he tells him that he can't afford to get fired hhaa knows that Mina is the reason behind kafka's motivation and he doesn't hesitate in affirming it he says that he promised he would fight by Mina's side and hos asks if he wants to take his position as her Vice Captain Kafka says that he will try his best to do that and though hosha is pissed he gives him the key to the study room so that he can try his best Kafka thanks him but hash suddenly advises him to stop being so close to his fellow officers because anything can happen to anyone here suddenly an emergency alarm sounds and everyone wakes up realizing it is not a drill hosha tells Kafka that this is what he was talking about and then asks him to get ready because it is time for his first mission it is 3:00 in the morning and Mina has called an emergency meeting to discuss just the threat at hand the four eyes tells her that the evacuation of the citizens began 15 minutes ago the epicenter of the Kaiju attack is in the sagamihara area and the Defense Force and Military are helping the panicky citizens Evacuate the military has also set up a temporary base at a local supermarket and they are constantly keeping eyes on things for eyes tells Mina that the Kaiju has probably entered its breeding phase which must be the reason it emerged from the ground so abruptly not only that a large number of smaller kaijas have popped up all around it Mina comes up with a strategy to defeat the big Kaiju herself while leaving the smaller ones to her team she also sets up a sniper post from which they can easily keep track of the Kaiju movements and neutralize them from a distance she wishes her teammates all the best and salutes them and they salute her in return soon armored trucks are deployed with hasha personally leading the new recruits into the battle while everyone is a little nervous Kafka is worse off than everyone and he starts vomiting because of his anxiousness grossing everyone out meanwhile the anti- Kaiju artillery Battalion has stationed themselves and aimed missiles at the giant Kaiju H's team is at Point e which is the designated sniper post Kafka is feeling better now but the sight of the gigantic walking mushroom like Kaiju makes him quite worried the giant Kaiju spews out its spores and then generates tons of smaller mushroom kaijas hosha tells his team that their role is to deal with the tinier monsters moners and make sure that they don't go out of the neutralization Zone and enter important facilities since his team is made up entirely of new recruits they are positioned at last and thus they are also the last line of defense he tells everyone that their scores in the Practical training don't matter here and asks them to show what they are made of furu loudly yells to let out his excitement and that creates a wave of all the boys yelling in unison IAI calls Kafka saying that it is the moment of truth and he agrees because this is his chance to prove his abilities in the battlefield and avoid getting fired he is nervous but also equally excited and eai tells him that they will make sure that their first mission is a grand success soon the smaller kais enter z e and all the recruits jump from the building to face them well everyone except Kafka who cautiously climbs down to avoid breaking his bones even before the mission starts on the other hand Mina has also reached sniper point and for eyes instructs all the teams to lure the giant Kaiju in her line of fire the artillery unit fires its rockets at the giant Kaiju first and then the aerial forces open fire too that causes the Kaiju to change its direction away from the Rockets meanwhile Kafka and others are waiting for the smaller kaijus to show up Kafka feels confident and thinks that he can manage to unleash significant combat power from his suit but while he is doing that AK Kaiju comes there and sends him flying into a garbage dump Kiko yells at him to stay behind because he can only command 1% of the suit's power suddenly their seniors begin cursing their luck because they are stuck taking care of the newbies this pisses Kiko off and she instantly blows the head of one Kaiju with one shot she begins her Onslaught absolutely demolishing the kaijas much to the shock of the Arrogant senior Kafka also gives her a thumbs up and while Kiko tries to act like it doesn't matter to her her suit clearly detects an abnormal increase in her heartbeat on another location team f manages is to bring a Kaiju down to its feet and furu blasts its head off he tries showing it off to IAI but when he turns around he is shocked to find that IAI defeated a Kaiju by himself IAI reveals that he changed the blast rounds for freezing rounds in his gun which helped him stop the Kaiju from moving and he believes that this is the unique hunting style he must perfect in zone J AOE is facing a Kaiju by himself he Dodges its attack and then starts shooting it rapidly destroying its entire body ISU also tries to shoot down some smaller kais but either they are too fast or he has learned shooting from Stormtroopers he decides to improvise and shoots an electric pole causing it to fall down and block the path of the kaijas with that he easily blasts all the kaijas the seniors are shocked by the performance the newbies are showing and even the platoon leader remarks that they exceed even her expectations however ISU and aoi are just competing with each other to see who can hunt more monsters other recruits also perform well and soon Zone J is cleared of all the small kaijas Kafka can only be amazed as he hears this report and then he hears that even Zone F has been cleared thanks to IAI and furu he feels that he is getting left behind and wonders if there is something he can do he suddenly gets an idea as he recalls the senior talking about how they don't know the weak point of the kai just yet Kafka notices the body of a dead Kaiju behind him and determines to contribute to the fight in the way only he can he begins tearing apart the Kaiju body with ease thanks to the 1% power of the suit he has managed to draw out he is Amazed by the suit's performance and wishes that they gave some of these to the guys who do the cleanup he cuts the Interiors of the Kaiju and finds that it is a pretty standard fungal type monster but the core is not where it usually is he looks around for the core and immediately contacts hasha about his Discovery Kafka tells hasha that the Kaiju core is located at the base of its neck but it is protected by hard muscles so hitting it from the sides will be most effective hosha is impressed but then Kafka reveals a surprising fact to him he says that even the smaller Kaiju have reproductive organs and if they don't destroy them they may keep on responding HOSA tells kfka that he did a damn good job and then asks four eyes to relay the information to everyone Kafka feels proud that he really helped the Defense Force and then he immediately heads to neutralize the reproductive parts of the defeated kais determined to do do what it takes till he can stand by Mina's side suddenly he hears a huge explosion behind him and turns around to find that the artillery and helicopters have led the giant Kaiju to the designated combat zone the helicopters withdraw and then all the teams in the combat zone shoot the legs of the Kaiju to immobilize it it is Mina's chance to shine and she points a giant ass sniper cannon at the Kaiju she locks the Target and calibrates her gun for all the variables and then gets ready to fire while thinking about Kafka she begins loading the gun and her Unleashed combat power reaches a whopping 96% before she presses the trigger the energy shot flies towards the Kaiju and blows a gigantic hole through its body clearly exposing its core all the recruits are flabbergasted by this Display of Power but none more than Kafka Mina loads the second round and fires it at the Kaiju head completely demolishing it the Kaiju Falls rattling the Earth for a few seconds but Mina is not yet done with it she loads a third round and shoots the Kaiju dead body four eyes exclaims that the Kaiju has stopped moving completely but Mina loads a fifth round as well everyone is shocked and four eyes tells her that there is no need for that but Mina simply asks her to give her the green signal once she receives it she fires again Kafka is truly amazed and then hasha comes there asking if he plans to give up on standing by Mina's side now Kafka asks him if he himself can match Mina's power and he clearly it stating that he is not good at dealing with the big ones just as he is about to talk about the smaller monsters aaiu jumps behind him Kafka points his gun at it but hosena simply draws out his blade and un sheaths it and the next moment baiu is split neatly into 20 pieces Kafka is astonished and then henus shows his blade to him saying that he comes from a long line of Kaiju Hunters so he is probably the best at dealing with midsized and small kaijas suddenly another energy shot flies towards the giant Kaiju and then Mina tells hasha that she is done now however for HHA and others the show is just starting because the thousands of tiny kists inside the body of the main one have started to awaken now their massive Army floods the streets and Hasa tells his underlings that they should quickly clean up the small fries and return to the base in time for breakfast ISU and aoi thinks it is easy for him to say and this is the chance for their seniors to show them that stamina is as important as Firepower in this line of work while the seniors rush to action the platoon Commander comes up behind the two boys telling them that they are free to retire now they are not going to give up but all the new recruits are tired and four eyes can see that on her screen however HOSA believes that only those who can endure this situation and press forward will reach the next level most people who join the Defense Force retire as their combat power reaches 20 to 30% but those who can cross that barrier reach the captain rank hosan knows that Kiko has already crossed that barrier and according to him the next to do that will be IAI who has been neutralizing kais without anyone's help however eai is really exhausted now but despite that he rushes to the main combat area along with furu who is jealous of his progress on the way they notice a guy wearing the coat of the cleaning company looking at the Kaiju corpses furu tells him to get out of the area since it is dangerous but the man keeps rambling about how the reproductive organs he put in the kais have been destroyed he says that maybe someone in the Defense Force knows all about Kaiju and then turns around to ask the two boys if they know anything while his face starts to morph spontaneously if you liked this video make sure to subscribe for part seven and make sure to check out this brand new anime about the strongest hero who pretends to be normal to live a quiet life
Channel: AniRoll
Views: 303,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DIN8Kwj4CRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 48sec (3468 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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