Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications—Secure, Extensible: Larry Ellison Keynote at OpenWorld 2018

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen please welcome Larry Ellison [Music] hi everybody let's see uh Oracle has two very large cloud businesses on Monday I talked about our infrastructure business and today I'm going to talk about our applications business the interesting thing is that the technology that underlies the infrastructure business by definition also underlies the application business because our applications are built on top of our generation to infrastructure and the most dramatic new technology to arrive on the scene for many many years is machine learning so we exploit that technology in the underlying infrastructure which again I discussed at length may be too long at length on Monday where we talked about how we used machine learning to build a completely autonomous database the Oracle autonomist a data warehouse and the Oracle autonomous database for transaction processing so we automated we automated a lot of the functions inside of the database using machine learning the other thing we did using machine learning is we built a bunch of autonomous robots all these advanced Star Wars like cyber security features including autonomous robots that would search the infrastructure and look for threats and when they found threats they'd kill them so again those things those advances in our infrastructure is based on machine learning well guess what our our applications that sit on top of our gen 2 infrastructure also fully exploit machine learning we're able not only to automate things like the administration of the data we're able to automate things like closing your books we're able to automate things like comparing your actual results to your planned results we're able to automate these enormous ly complex business processes there by taking a labor out of closing the books and when you eliminate human labor you eliminate human error so we get you the information in a more timely fashion through automation will you get you higher quality information more immediate information the latest information and we do it at the lowest possible cost because the computer is doing it not a lot of human beings so one of the biggest reasons people will be interested in moving to Fusion Applications is because of all of this business automation from enormous Lea complicated manual processes like closing your books to tedious horrible processes like submitting your expense reports that impacts so many of your employees nothing like having your top engineers and top salespeople spending a couple hours a day submitting their expense reports and then checking about what about what have they been paid or not and then getting all the approvals we make that we automate those tedious processes we automate those complex processes giving you huge productivity gains by adopting our next generation cloud applications fusion in the cloud ok we also use machine learning in our Fusion Applications not only to automate complicated processes but to simply make the applications much easier to use when we built the autonomous database the Oracle database much much easier to use through automation similarly it's going to be easier to use our fusion applications because we automatically close the books I'll give you a demonstration of how easy it is to submit expense reports or get information out of the system and we make it easy because we have developed a revolutionary new voice interface to our fusion applications you just ask for things like you say Alexa ask Oracle assistant what were sales last night at Nobu Palo Alto and I'll tell you it's it really is a new generation of interface that will for the first time allow everyone in our organization to actually use the system directly people are gonna fill out their own expense reports you'll see me fill out an expense report in a few minutes executives are going to be able to use the system get the latest sales forecasts and compare it with you know with their plan and then if the executive has a question about well wow it looks like we're not going to make make the quarter in this one region the executive can simply talk to the system and say hey Bob is that your latest forecast so it's going to help not only by providing this up-to-date information we also provide you with a set of tools where people can collaborate together and ask questions work together as teams and solve problems it is a whole new generation of applications okay Oracle's been in this cloud application business cloud enterprise cloud application business for a fairly long period of time I'm not sure how many people know but we are by far in a the largest provider of cloud ERP systems on the planet Earth nobody remotely close we have in Fusion Applications alone we have 6000 customers 4000 of whom are live in using the system and that's not including our mid market product offering NetSuite which has another 15,000 customers when looking at cloud ERP systems our closest competitor our closest competitor in terms of market leadership claims to have a few hundred customers that's what that's their claim those are their statistics so we have a complete suite we have a complete suite for everything we have more SAS applications than any other cloud provider we have a complete suite for ERP where we are the leader in the marketplace we have a complete suite for supply chain and manufacturing where as far as I know we're the only cloud supplier of supply chain manufacturing systems in the world other people have tried the building but as far as I know we're the only one that's delivering supply chain and manufacturing systems in the cloud we're the number one there we're number one in enterprise performance management in the cloud we're number one there we now have more HCM customers than workday and in the front office and sales and service where we compete with Salesforce our business and sales obviously they've been at that for a very long time they are the clear leader in sales but that's the only place where we're really trailing and enterprise applications we have a very strong service offering we're a very competitive or either you know tied for first or a very close number to very very close and same thing is true in marketing where we compete with both Salesforce in Adobe but we have a comprehensive suite of SAS out occasion that spans the front office and the back office and were competitive and one of the market leaders in virtually every space but we're fundamentally different than all of our SAS competitors because our SAS competitors don't have an underlying infrastructure of business they don't have a foundation upon which to build their SAS applications the I mean it's it's very interesting so let's say you want to extend your SAS applications do you want to add an analytic data warehouse to your your SAS applications or some new UI to uh to your SAS applications you want to do that well you have to have an underlying platform you have to these applications have to be extensible not oracle has more SAS applications than anybody certainly can't do all the things you wanted the the applications to do we're not the only one in town with good ideas people will build custom custom extensions to the applications there will be other vendors that build a series of extension there's around our applications and we want to make that as easy as possible well because we're built on top of our generation to cloud you get a powerful set of tools whereby you can extend me at these applications there are no limits there are no limits and and you run so you run when you run these your SAS applications you run on the oracle autonomous database you get to use the oracle analytics cloud for reporting and data visualization and and an analysis you get to extend the applications using the same tools we use including machine learning and a new digital voice interface okay your data is safe in Fusion Applications and by the way NetSuite applications because that data is stored in an Oracle autonomous database in the Oracle generation 2 cloud you get all of the security that's in the underlying database and generation to cloud so if there's a threat to someone to the to your data if someone's patrolling around and trying to steal data the autonomous cyber robots find the threat and the database automatically patches itself while it's still running that's underlying your Fusion Applications you get all of that you get data theft protection built into the applications because it's built on a powerful foundation and the second the threat is detected we patch that threat it's not a matter of our people and try to schedule a certain amount of downtime and say the next time we do a fusion upgrade we'll patch this particular thread will be a couple of months but we'll probably be okay for a few months we'll just keep our fingers crossed no it doesn't work that way threat is detected the database is automatically patched and the threat is remediated and it's done because all that process is fully automated it's our robots versus their other robots it's not our people versus their people we guarantee we guarantee that the availability the availability of that database of that Oracle autonomous database is 99.995% available that's the platform availability you get the bet all the benefits of that in the SAS applications all the things I talked about on Monday impenetrable barriers an architecture that has separate cloud control computers forming a barrier around the applications computers I mean that's important for a lot of reasons but it's very important it's law it's very important in terms of stopping threats from getting into the cloud or threats spreading from one user to another user but it's also very important because it guarantees that we can't look at your data your fusion applications data and that other fusion users can't see your fusion application data that we get you know we guarantee that privacy the other SAS SAS companies can't do that they don't do that use the same tools we use Fusion Applications are built by a tool set called you know called visual builder I you use visual builder to do to make extensions to our applications you can build reports you can build analytics and I'm going to demonstrate here today you can even add a separate data warehouse to your Fusion Applications you can push a button pull all of your data out of the fusion database put it in a separate data warehouse pre populate that warehouse with with visualizations with reports with KPIs with dashboards and immediately start to use that data in the data warehouse if you want more than just fusion data fusion application did in the data warehouse you can have other sources you can connect it but Salesforce data in there you can connect and put s AP data in there or any other kind of data you can expand that data warehouse there are no limits because these applications are built on top of a powerful platform there are no limits to what you can do with those applications and if you want to build we've actually had customers already use our mobile capabilities our chat pod capabilities on our new voice interface to build new features and functions into their applications again if we can build voice interfaces on top of our applications so can you machine learning again this very very important technology we talked about it last year in open world we're talking about it more this year again at the application layer this is hugely important why should you move from s AP to fusion why should you move from ebusiness suite Oracle e-business suite to fusion what's in it for you well very very complicated machine learning has let us take very complicated business processes and fully automate them they're faster they're cheaper and they're more reliable and we have this all throughout the systems so it's a much more productive system than the previous generation of applications ok a little bit about machine learning machine learning kind of learns like people learn just just like a little kid is constantly looking around constantly looking around and eventually he's trying to find patterns in the data and eventually notices hey that's a cat you got to see a lot of cats little kids got to see a lot of cats before it knows that's a cat interestingly enough the first thing machine learning ever discovered the first big visual pattern and data machine learning ever discovered was a cat so the more data the more the more you look around the more you think about it the more you'll the more you know that's a cat that's a dog that's a ball that's a horse that's how machine learning works it is constantly looking around it's constantly scanning data a lot of data logs databases is constantly scanning and trying to find patterns and clusters and say they you know this cube is you know hey this cluster of data is this this is similar like that black hat is kind of looks a lot like that brown cat it's just a cut one one this has one attributes and slightly different but basically it's the same thing the cluster around that so exactly how machine learning works it finds clusters cats balls but it also finds anomalies it suddenly finds hey I've never seen anything like that before you see nothing like that before so it finds patterns in the data and then it finds exceptions or anomalies and the data like you're looking at a lot of cell a lot of blood cells and all of a sudden you say whoa I've never seen anything like that before and maybe it's a cancer cell you know our you know our chief financial officer you know lives in Palo Alto and a nice a nice house and within walking distance of Nobu Palo Alto sensible place to live but when he logged on in the from the Ukraine at 4:30 a.m. on Christmas we thought well he's never done that before it made me maybe that's not him so the same thing that's what machine learning does allows us to find unusual spot unusual events sometimes the unusual events just an error you accidentally you type in a tip you're filling out an expense report and rather than $10 you to mistakenly type in a thousand dollars so we catch you know a thousand dollars would be a lot of tip for a lemonade you know so we discover a lot of errors but we also did discover fraud by looking for a long anomalies in the data I'm not going to spend a lot of time trying to explain underlying how machine learning work is it's it's you know it's it's very interesting but it's not essential for you to understand the details of how machine learning works to understand that machine learning applications are indeed revolutionary everything from autonomous self-driving cars to autonomous self-driving databases facial recognition voice much better voice recognition that allow and that's what allows us to have these new voice interfaces that voice recognition has gotten so much better what allows us to do a much better job on expense reporting is you can just take a picture of your bill take a picture and you're done just take a picture of your hotel bill take a picture of your restaurant bill and that's it because optical character recognition is so much better we can do that with a hundred percent accuracy so all that all that is based on all that's based on machine learning and as I said helped us with cyber defense helped us with the autonomous database Center infrastructure business in our application business fancy new UI much easier to use UID with get everyone to use the system and the ability to manage and automate enormous Lea complex business processes ok I'm going to demo I'm now going to demo the loose kind of try on now that a demo our new Oracle digital assistant and go over here let's say my glasses Oh this is Alexa if you don't have one at home at this at this stage I have one of these in almost every room of my house and all right so first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make sure I want to make sure that we're yeah we're having a product launch meeting and I want to let Steve Mirada who's head of our application development I want to make sure that he's coming to the meeting so let me make just double check and make sure Steve Moran is coming in the meeting [Music] Alexa asked Oracle assistant to call Steve Miranda Steve Miranda is currently traveling to Munich Germany would you like to call him or send an email email what would you like the email to say Steve when you wake up please call me to discuss the upcoming upcoming product launch email sent yeah whenever I used to call Steve when he was in Germany but it's the middle of the night you wake him up and you say Stevie you come to the product launch and they'd be a long pause and he'd say yeah I am okay okay then I was just checking get some rest and I'll be at the launch you know those are brilliant you know you hang up and you say maybe maybe I shouldn't shouldn't have called him it was his jet lagged in Germany probably not real happy that I reminded him to come to a product launch okay but Alexa knew but Alexa knew where he was she knew she reminded me that he was in Germany you know maybe we should enhance this and where Alexis said he's in Germany hey idiot that it's the middle of the night in Germany don't call him so that would be the kind of like the next little optimization weep I don't want to put in that because some people will just say oh Germany yeah yeah call him call him so we can make the digital assistant one release but that's a very I mean that's a very very simple transaction let me let me do another one Alexa asked Oracle assistant to confirm all quarterly sales forecasts have been updated four of the six forecasts have been updated should I remind the other sales managers yes emails sent to Louise Miller and Richard Roth oh yeah Louise and rich were out late last night when a one of the restaurants and they were with Steve who was really tired because of the call in Germany the I don't know if you're noticing but let me go back on these dialogues that once I engage once I engage the Oracle assistant I don't have to constantly say Alexa ask Oracle assistant or Alexa once once I started up it says you know do you want me to do you want me to email the rich and and Louise and all I have to say is yes because it's keeping context so I can have an ongoing have a very actually a fairly long and elaborate conversation with the Oracle assistant to get certain things done so we've got these transactions from these very simple examples I've given you two very complicated examples throughout Fusion Applications then obviously you can you can add your own so I'm going to do another one Alexa asked Oracle assistant how many offers campus recruiting has made in 2018 Alexa Algie Jeff Bezos is watching this demo and just shut it down sorry sorry Alexa I'm gonna I'm gonna try again Alexa ask Oracle assistant how many offers campus recruiting has made in 2018 1835 offers were made Alexa ask Oracle assistant what percentage were accepted 86% were accepted awesome alright so so again it's gonna be you can get very complicated transactions very complicated dialogues but it also can do some of the simple you know simple tedious things that you hate duty doing what looks like track down this person because I need to talk to them now and they'll you know they know their office for him you're you write these out but get you give you provide the rules I can try I can try their office phone number I can try their home phone number if they if they ever give it to you again and and so on you can then text them or email them and you'll be able to do this while looking at analytics you just have a question you know about analytic data you can immediately interact with the people who are responsible for the data you're looking at so the ability to collaborate throughout the company the ease of which you can use the system and talk to other people and ask questions is a radical change as to how these systems have been used before the usually and financial accounting during the you know the financial accounting system is used by accounting professionals who really know and understand the system all of a sudden the output of that accounting system the sales results are going to be used by sales managers by senior executives questions are going to be asked and it's going to be easy to get a hold of people who have the answers all right let me go to my next demo which is nothing as complicated as closing the books but I think one of the most tedious things that we do at Oracle and and a lot of companies do which is the submission of expenses and then the approval of those expenses going through all of that it's actually there's just a tremendous tremely annoying let me show you how effective is a separate company Expensify that is designed which which is trying to attack this problem because the current generation the ERP systems have done such a bad job such a common and tedious but important process inside your company okay here here I'm not going to be talking to anything here I'm going to be using I'm using an iPad because it's easier to see but this is this is a matter of the probably using a using my I don't carry my iPad to dinner with me so I got my iPhone I'm gonna simply go to slack okay and I've just finished a delightful dinner at Nobu Palo Alto the best restaurant in the Bay Area and I'm gonna take a picture of the bill oh boy okay I got my water bottle in front of that so I can take another picture okay now that's a good picture and I'll use that photograph all right and I will send it okay so it's figured out because of the time of day it's kind of early for dinner for me but you know it says it's figured out by the time of day at least in the demo that it wasn't lunch but it was it was dinner there were two people the amount is four hundred and eighteen dollars totally reasonable Safa is shaking your head Jeff Henley's crying maybe not as really well you know I know I think it's totally reasonable yellow yellow tail Hal opinio was fabulous so okay and and it's so easy to submit the expense report I mean that's what's important and so I'm gonna so yes it was two people for dinner in Palo Alto way it was Nobu 418 bucks obviously a business dinner I mean it's Oracle OpenWorld week so I'm just going to confirm this and [Laughter] this never would have happened when I was CEO I mean it's very automated but kind of annoying isn't it though it's you know the trouble with AI is a little you know too much I all right so okay I'm gonna I'm gonna have to edit these expenses and so I'm going to little try to explain why why this is a good deal [Applause] that should do it [Laughter] you know I have zero chance of seeing any of that money but at least I didn't waste a lot of times too many the stupid expense report so there's some good came out of that okay so again this is really different than the way it used to be it is now so much easier to capture expenses so much more accurate people aren't wasting time if I'm you know I want to find out when I'm gonna get paid when I'm gonna be in be reimburse for a trip that I'm on or for a trip that I've completed or a business dinner I had I can just ask Alexa you know when you know when am I going to be in reimbursed have I been reimbursed and so on so it makes the system accessible for all your employees with basically with almost no training really no training and that's very important if you want everyone to use these systems I don't know how many of you ever took the class on Kindle to learn how to use your Kindle or your class on your iPhone to learn how to use Siri in you know modern computer systems have to be intuitive and have graceful human human comprehensible UIs and that's what we brought you know we're bringing to these enterprise level applications we think it's very important all right again I mentioned the other huge advantage of machine learning in fusion applications that may be the biggest reason that the migration from your current generation of the e-business suite to fusion applications you know pays off big time is all of this all of this automation throughout the system closing the books is not easy it is not easy we do the consolidations automatically continuously new consolidations across all your subsidiaries in all your different currencies this is not just for a little pie shop in Florida it's for big companies and we'll give you a close every day so we'll give you because we the computers doing the clothes rather than a lot of people we can close your books every day let you see how the results were what did you sell today what did you spend today what's what are the latest but you know what are the latest results we give you budget versus actuals compare it every day one of the things I wanted to do before I looked at budgets work versus actuals I wanted to make sure that our sales executives updated their forecasts or their their budget you know for you know what they think we're gonna sell this quarter you know I want to be in before I go and go in and look at that data I want to make sure it's updated so these things kind of work together the document capture I mean once I moved my bottle that was not their intentional Ellison those are you kind of funny I'm glad I noticed because it would have wouldn't have worked very very well and I might not have understood why but thank God I saw it there okay so the documents now are scanned with near 100% accuracy that was not a case before voice recognition is so much better facial recognition is so much better document you know document capture is so much better than it used to be we should change the processes that we've been using to these more modern processes enabled by machine learning technology we scan these expenses for anomalies no I don't see why $400 for a three o'clock lunch is an anomaly but it didn't it didn't like the amount and it didn't like the amount of the tip and I gave my best possible explanation the it will find error it will find any kind of anomaly from an error to outright fraud it will optimize an Accounts Payable a lot of times people are trying to figure out which vendor do I pay which vendor do I wait another 10 to 8 another 10 days I'm trying to balance my use of cash yeah so who do I pay who do I not pay all of this stuff is now automated it's all automated with fusion ERP well I'm going to show you the data warehouse in a few minutes we're gonna create a data warehouse in a few minutes and you'll see how we can find our best performers we could find our best is so you know we can identify who they are it's actually built-in you don't even need the data warehouse to do this you can do this right in the fusion application so you can identify your employees who are your best performers so you can properly reward them and and keep them around you can event identify the pipeline of people that you're interviewing and predict who are going to be your best performance you can identify your best candidates and make sure they get attractive offers to join your company all of this stuff is made possible via machine learning we've exploited all of that in our latest version of Fusion Applications ok so we have all this stuff built into Fusion but what if you wanted to do more analytics and and I said that yeah sometimes the trickiest thing is well yeah I'm running fusion but let's say for historic reasons you know I've got Salesforce sales and I've got few you know fusion ERP and I want to take the data from Salesforce sales or some to map location or wherever doesn't matter oh I got data that I want to mash up with my fusion data and I want to analyze the combination of that data so and I you know and I want and so I want to extend the data model I want I want to build a larger database why don't move the fusion data in then I want to bring more you know other data end and do these more complicated analyses we can do that we we can do that very easily because our applications Fusion applications are built on top of a very powerful generation to cloud platform so when you want to take that fusion data and do some entry and mix it up with some other data that's very easy to do very very easy to do using the Oracle autonomous data warehouse you had a powerful repository they can take the fusion data take the Salesforce data load it in there you have this incredible suite of analytic tools that sits on top of that because it's all part of the underlying platform you don't have to design the database when you when you're moving the data from fusion into the autonomous into the fusion analytics data warehouse you don't have to define the tables or defined a data model or all of that that's already in the fusion database the system knows how to do that already the system pre pre populates the tables and the views and all of those things for you you don't have to set up scripts to blow the data from the fusion database in the autonomous data warehouse system will do that for you automatically it's all in the cloud it's all the cloud it's all automated so we automate a lot of stuff so we automate the creation of the data model in the warehouse we automate the migration of the data in the data warehouse we then automatically tune its the autonomous data where else it automatically Tunes itself that adds in debt that adds whatever it needs to run efficiently it does all of that automatically you just press a button you just press a button and as I said bring in whatever other data you have bring in historic data from for the last 10 years you've been running your business you know bring in as I say bring in Salesforce bring an essay P bring in what you can bought by data you can buy demographic data you can do buy all sorts of stuff you can put it in the fusion analytics data warehouse okay so I'm gonna now go and try to create one of these data warehouses okay pretty simple thing and right here right here let me see it's highlighting it okay great I'm just gonna click on wow that's a great that's a great icon create fusion analytics warehouse all right so it's saying oh here it's giving me the choice there are a lot of there's a lot of different areas of the fusion you know fusions got a lot of applications does that got sales is about service it's got a counting procurement manufacturing it's got all of this different data and maybe I only want the sales data maybe I only want the accounting data the financial financial data in this case I'm gonna take it all I'm gonna keep very simple yeah now you know I'm you know I don't know what I want I'm going to be looking around in this database doing all sorts of drills and pivots and analyses and I'd like all the HCM data I'd like all the financial data I think it's gonna help me by having all the data in one place and then I probably want to add some data to that so I'm gonna just take it all okay and confirm that I wasn't kidding so it's creating the data warehouse that's just and deploying analytics and now it's actually moving the sales data the service data the HCM data the financial data supply chain data manufacturing data it's all moved okay and now I'm gonna go ahead and do do some analysis I think I'll do some HCM analysis hope okay that was a live demo that was a live demo we actually we actually created an autonomous database deployed deployed in autonomous database deployed our analytics cloud tools moved the data did all of that and now that's exactly how hard it is to create the Fusion Analytics data warehouse again no schema definition or no model definition no create tables no ETL to load the data you know no whoa you know getting someone help me tune this thing so it runs fast create indexes it all happens automatically it's all automated okay so I'm gonna look at our campus hiring as I say it is live all right okay and this is our this is our campus hiring and let me get a little more room on the screen and you can see we've been had this campus hiring program since I'll use my mouse dukkha since 2014 through 2018 we've had five classes so it shows the number of people we've hired in each one of our class of programs and we started out with 500 back in 2014 now we're closing it we're on our way to hiring 1,500 2018 the this this has got by the way these these are said this bigger project is for sales we're hiring people for sales directly out of college and along in the upper right hand corner you've got their performance as per quota attainment now this is remember this is these kids first job directly out of college directly out of college so the good news is we have a lot more high performers than low performers though my guess is the low performers will have you know you know you know less tenure you know when we trying to analyze these classes we'll find out yeah we do have low performers but the low performers will tend to be the people to here for a shorter period of time and the high performers are here for a longer period of time but those are the kinds of questions we can ask you know we can ask for this data warehouse we can drill down and look at one class and the plas of hires and and we got this result right here and you can see low to high performers in the class of 2017 and note that again if you were hired in 2017 the longest you could have been here is two years so we get the we get these clusters and it's very interesting I'm not going to I'm gonna stop stop here but we can now do all sorts of analytics one of the things we can do is find out correlations between sales success and your major I mean our computer scientists better at selling or our liberal arts majors better at selling is there is there a correlation your personal interests are people who or extracurricular activities are people who are athletes better at selling than people who do a lot of charitable work for example we can do all our people at USC better at selling than people from MIT we can ask all of you we can ask all of these questions we can drill it you know we can drill around and look and try to find correlations that will help us strategize and do a better job of predicting who we should be hiring for sales and what the right profile is for sales versus hiring for let's say consulting versus hiring for development engineering and we can see who are the people have been successful it could have a lot to do with their managers tenure I mean they're all of these questions you'd like to know a lot of you know one of the things we found it founded Oracle if you have a good miss is your first job directly out of college and one of the most important ones one of the real keys to success is do you have a good match sure yeah if you get a good manager that can outweigh whether you were an athlete or whether you know you do it you know you do a lot of charity work or whether you're majored in Liberal Arts or majored in music but that you're properly measured early on can be a most important thing so we can then do all of this stuff all of these analyses on the on this data warehouse but I don't know I I mean I used to set up data warehouses for customers a long time ago you know I go in and do some consulting but you know I did install the Oracle database and the easiest thing believe it or not it I used to do that a long time ago and you install it and you set up a first application for them to kind of play with with it you know with their own data was almost always the data warehouse and it wasn't this fast I was there for a week it was a long time it wasn't like you pressed this button that button that button you get your data model so you get your everything's populated then you get all these powerful analytic tools to use and again the these analytic tools are are quite spectacular they have all the things you'd expect you know with you know reporting and dashboards and KPI KPIs but you can press a button and look at a data cluster and get an English language explanation of what that data cluster means and it's really quite remarkable yeah you can say well okay I'm gonna do this and that's it ah no let the Machine you know kind of tell me sitting you know there's this great line tell me something and tell me a joke Alexa and Alexa will tell you a joke well this is you know hey machine learning you're so smart tell me something interesting about the data I don't know basically is the question and it will it will look for correlations and that you know and it could discover something like hey it's interesting you're looking at major and you're looking you know you're looking at extracurricular activities why don't you look at the tenure of their manager you know that that's the most that's more correlated to their success than anything else I can find so if you don't know the right question to ask the machine learning part of our analytic tools will help you find the correlations and help you ask the questions and then give you English language you know explanations as to what they find this is a very different world than when I flew to Hawaii for Hawaiian electorate and set up their data warehouse we weren't doing any of that back in those days but this is this is radically different from what we have you know with ebusiness suite the e-business suite is or for that matter s AP or PeopleSoft financials right you know this is a whole new world using radical new technology machine learning that automates complicated processes and helps us understand the information we can get out of our systems helps us easily interact with the systems we now have or everyone everyone's a user okay a lot of reasons to adopt something like Fusion Applications easy UI lots of machine learning lots of process automation lots of cost savings security reliability so what does it take what does it take to get from let's say ebusiness suite to fusion well a few months ago we announced this project called soar or this process called soar in our in our North American consulting group and we really convert it we really now have taken the migration from ebusiness suite to fusion ERP from a migration to an upgrade it really is now an upgrade not quite a push-button upgrade where it was slug you did where you push one button and you're done but a lot of it is automated an awful lot of is automate is it's a medium complexity upgrade by the way in the old days you upgrade from version 7 2 version A to B business suite I mean it wasn't it was an upgrade required some here was some work it wasn't completely automated this is this is more automated than that so it's actually easier to move from ebusiness suite diffusion than it was to move between fusion 7 infusion 8 between fusion 8 oaks we ebusiness suite seventies the business we date ebusiness suite 8 to e-business week 9 it really is an upgrade we find your customizations well most important one of the issues with most of these on-premise applications is they've been heavily customized so we identify those customizations we find them all for you we extrav al you ater configuration analyzer takes all it takes your chart of accounts your cost centers your employee harkat hierarchy extracts all of that and rebuilds that infusion auto configurator you know configures the fusion system for you again automatically and the data is automatically extracted out of e-business suite or peoplesoft and moved into fusion ok what about those configurations so that that's the tree there's customizations that's the trickiest thing to deal with and first part the first part of the quote customizations are the things we had to do to connect up with other systems either custom systems or as we said we have s AP for let's say what would I use s AP for well that's a complete list okay let's let's theoretically you said you you wonder your divisions was running sa P and another one of your divisions was running Oracle and you had you had this integration you had to glue them together because when you announced your financial results you had to had consolidate the results from your SI p managed division with your Oracle e-business suite managed division and we've got in our cloud we have a large library of these integrations we have connectors to sa p we have connectors to salesforce we have connectors you know to everything pretty much so these things that had been custom integrations now become reach into the library pull out the integration use that thing so we're able to redo these integrations without writing a lot of code that's a good thing because the more code you write that the more errors you're going to make the more expensive it's going to be the longer it's going to take the less reliable the less secure it's gonna be all of those things so so custom integrations are a bad idea you want a library of standard integrations and we have built those also Fusion has a lot more features than ebusiness suite or peoplesoft so a lot of these customizations aren't necessary anymore we have bunches of examples of our customers who moved to fusion who've gotten rid of all or almost all of their customizations the they've gotten rid of the vast majority of their customizations that's for sure and if you keep a few our consulting team which will give you a bid for how long it will take usually something like eighteen months how much it will cost very aggressive pricing they'll tell you upfront fixed price fixed time I can move you from ebusiness suite to fusion we'll give you thirty customizations I will give you thirty custom report it's all built-in to the fixed price so you know how long it's gonna take and you know how long it's gonna cost and its costs more it's on us lots of customers have done this Western Digital went from lots and lots of ERP systems just checking my time Western Digital went from lots and lots of ERP systems to to just fusion orange big company had lots of customizations down to zero it's amazing by the way let me be clear there's a customization where you change our code and there is an extension where you add clever new things extensions are great we love extensions we preserve your extensions as we upgrade from version to version to version we love we provide this powerful set of tools for you to add things to fusion what we don't want you doing is going in and changing the fusion code we think we won't let you do that we used to let you do that on premise we don't let you do that we don't think you should have your own unique untested version of e-business suite or PeopleSoft or anything else we think it's a bad idea so you run the standard code and then if their features and functions you'd like to add add away but don't customize don't change anything orange got rid of all their customizations OfficeMax eliminated all of their customizations the people same thing the upgrade to HCM in the cloud also an automated process lots of people going Emerson Emerson went live in HCM and 44 countries in six months so well the 18 months is kind of a big financial makeover where you get rid of you business suite and plug-in fusion and probably redo your chart of accounts and get rid of most your customizations so on you know that's probably an 18-month process depending on the size of your company but sometimes we can get this thing done and very very short order Emerson's a big company put in a new HCM system you know did it in 44 countries in six months okay so fusion so much easier to use because of the Oracle digital assistant and the revolutionary new voice user interface everyone can use it you have a camera interface to Oracle you have a voice interface to Oracle you can ask theory you can ask Alexa the process automation everything from enormous lis complicated processes like closed in your books or comparing actual to plan done for you every day fully automated the latest information done with the fewest errors and at the lowest cost easy to extend built on the generation about generation to infrastructure cloud that protects your data and gives you the same toolset to add features and functions to fusion so by working together your good ideas are good ideas we can deliver the next generation of SAS applications in the cloud thank you very much [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Oracle
Views: 34,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oracle Open World, Oracle OpenWorld 2018, modern cloud platform, OOW2018, oow2018-gallery, OOW, CTO, Oracle Open World 2018, security, English, Oracle Fusion Cloud, Keynote Presentation, Cloud, OpenWorld Keynotes (Full), Fusion, OW-18-08, Executive Chairman, 30726506, retire-2018, Cloud Apps, Larry Ellison, Executive Chairman and Chief Technology Officer, Cloud Applications, Cheif Technology Officer, Fusion Cloud Apps, Keynotes and Presentations, Fusion Cloud Applications, search-gallery
Id: YwN_q5g9HKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 37sec (3697 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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