44 Fresh Riddles Are Ultimate Test of Your Detective Mind

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[Music] indiana wanted to make her mom the best birthday present ever but had zero ideas so she decided to break into her mom's computer to see what she had in her online shopping cart her mom's computer required a password and indiana didn't know it luckily there was a hint nine one four four nine one one four one can you guess what the password is [Music] each letter is the number of a respective letter in the alphabet ninth letter is i letter number 14 is n number four is d ninth is i again the first one is a the 14th is n and then a again so the password is indiana [Music] emma maeve and david like apple juice anna layla and ava like orange juice following the same logic what kind of juice does atlas prefer [Music] emma mabe and david have just one letter a in their names so they're grouped together anna layla and ava have two a's in their names atlas has two a's in the name so she prefers orange juice william was on vacation in thailand one day he met a beautiful girl there and approached her he asked her on a date and the girl agreed to go out with him if william guessed her name since she really liked him too she gave him a hint my name is two-seventh of germany two-fifths of nepal two-ninths of singapore and one-fifth of spain can you guess what the girl's name is [Music] 2 7 of germany means 2 out of 7 letters in the word germany which are ge two-fifths of nepal gives us any two-ninths of singapore as up to s i and one-fifth of spain is s so the girl's name is genesis the police have been looking for the person who robbed the city bank they figured he'd try to leave the country so they arrived at the airport and started questioning the people one man bryce said that he was a geography teacher going on his vacation to germany poland and wonderland another suspect savannah said she was a model going to italy for a photo shoot max a student said that he was going home for the semester break can you tell who the robber is [Music] it's bryce wonderland is a fictional country if he really were a geography teacher he'd know that it doesn't exist annika woke up and found out that she wasn't in a room but in some dungeon she tried to open the door but it required a password the hint said smtwt can you guess the following two letters [Music] this is the sequence of the first letters of weekdays s for sunday m for monday and then tuesday wednesday thursday it means that the final two are f and s friday and saturday mrs lawrence had three teenage daughters serenity kennedy and autumn they were all grounded and couldn't leave the house however one of the neighbors reported that they've seen one of the girls at the mall but couldn't tell which one mrs lawrence came home and asked the girls what they were doing serenity said that she was reading all day kennedy said that she was watching a movie in her room and never left the house autumn said that she spent the day in the garden mrs lawrence immediately knew who lied can you tell [Music] look kennedy and autumn have dirty shoes that's okay for autumn because she said she'd been in the garden kennedy said that she'd never left her room so her shoes can't possibly be that dirty she must have lied dakota got in a car accident and was suffering from memory loss she was a popular girl at school and everyone wanted to be friends with her since dakota couldn't remember who her friends were one of the girls decided to pretend she was her bestie on monday three girls visited dakota ava brought her some snacks and chocolates nova got her earrings that dakota had wanted to buy arden made her a friendship bracelet and brought a movie can you tell which girl isn't dakota's friend [Music] it's nova she got her earrings but dakota's ears aren't even pierced so she couldn't have wanted to get them can you tell which werewolf is real here [Music] werewolves only turn from a person into a wolf at night and when it's the full moon on the left it's a day so the person can't turn into a werewolf it must be a costume on the right it's night but there's no full moon so the person should look like this as well in the middle everything seems normal it's night it's full moon and the person has turned into a werewolf it must be the one can you tell who's a real mermaid here the second one is a guy so he definitely isn't a mermaid the girl on the right is chilling in the sun and she's out of the water mermaids wouldn't do that because they dry out in the sun so the real mermaid must be the one on the left take a look at these three people can you recognize the real vampire [Music] if you look closely at the first one he's wearing a silver chain real vampires can't stand silver so this must be fake the girl in the middle is wearing a silver bracelet so she doesn't fit either but the third vampire seems to be valid at least at first sight oliver was attacked in his flat and taken to the hospital there are four suspects all of them oliver's neighbors wow i'd find another apartment amelia said she'd been walking in the park since early morning henry explained he had been painting in the studio and had heard nothing jacob said he had been repairing his car sophia answered she'd been taking a bath for the past three hours look at these people's hands and try to figure out who's lying it's a bit strange that jacob who was repairing his car and henry who was painting both have such clean hands but they could be wearing gloves on the other hand sophia's hands and fingers don't have wrinkles but it would be a natural skin reaction after three hours in a bathtub sophia you've been caught red i mean smooth-handed the police found out there was a new smuggler in town three people were under suspicion luna a school bus driver jackson a fire truck driver and daniel an ambulance driver all of them claim to have been busy with their work since the very morning can you figure out who's the smuggler look at the car daniel drives on such vehicles the word ambulance is normally written backward it's done so that other drivers can instantly read the inverted word in their rear view mirrors well it seems daniel has given himself away it was the day when jacob was supposed to be discharged from the hospital he had spent a couple of months there and underwent several surgeries his doctor told him he was going to be fine it was safe for jacob to leave the hospital but the guy didn't believe these promises in low spirits he walked home on the way he accidentally bumps into an elderly lady she gets furious and started to shout at jacob but instead of arguing back he hugged the woman and ran home why [Music] jacob had hearing loss he didn't believe his problem could be helped but when he heard the woman shouting at him he realized the doctor had told him the truth maybe the doctor should have shouted chloe stayed late at the office that day when she was driving home the woman was worn out and one moment she even started to doze off that's when it happened she spun off the road and crashed through the fence that was on her way she couldn't control the car anymore it slipped down a steep hill and ended up in a lake chloe couldn't move her arms they were stuck she couldn't undo her seatbelt or open the door the car sank to the bottom of the lake was chloe doomed rescuers arrived three hours later the woman was still in the car but she was alive how did she survive after the car hit the bottom of the lake the water only came up to chloe's throat it was a very shallow lake good thing huh it was jack's birthday and the fellow got a present he had been dreaming about for ages a motorbike the next morning he rode his bike to college and left it at the parking lot during lunch time jack decided to check on his motorbike imagine his horror when he found out someone had broken the mirrors the security guard told jack only three other people had left his building in the afternoon they were owen and sam two best friends and layla the girl who once liked jack but got turned down by him owen said he and sam had gone to the campus cafe to get sandwiches for lunch sam confirmed this he then added the bike could have been damaged by layla out of revenge but layla told jack her mother had visited her and they had spent two hours together so who's lying owen has a paper bag with food delivery written on it it means the guys ordered their lunch not bought it in the cafe they broke jack's mirrors and tried to frame layla not a good reflection on them huh detective taylor was chasing a dangerous criminal suddenly the man entered a hospital oh no there are hundreds of rooms there luckily it was raining and the criminal left footprints on the hospital floor the detective followed them and got into a small room there were three people there all covered in bandages from head to toe but one of them was a fake patient who it was the dude in the middle he didn't even have a medical chart next to his bed very quick job on the bandages though the ceo of a large company called the police he was sure that one of his employees victoria had stolen a memory card with secret information she was going to sell it to their competitors the police arrived at victoria's house but the woman didn't let them in without a warrant the officers had to leave to get all the necessary papers by the time they were back victoria had already been sitting in her car ready to drive off the police officers arrested the woman they searched her car and clothes but found nothing and then when they were about to give up one of the detectives realized where victoria kept the memory card can you figure it out when the police first came to her the woman had her hair down but after that victoria changed her hairstyle the memory card is in her bun yup victoria and her sticky bun dennis is a talented architect he's designed a unique skyscraper and right now the construction works are starting his boss asked dennis to show around a group of specialists from a competitor company the only condition was that they weren't allowed to take any photos dennis did as he was told but when the group was going to leave he asked security to detain one man the architect claimed he had been taking photos during the tour around the site how did he understand it [Music] the man was carrying an umbrella he kept pointing it at different objects asking lots of questions but the sky is cloudless what does he need an umbrella for a camera must be hidden there nathan came to his friend zachary who worked in the museum look what i've got a priceless manuscript that was written more than a thousand years ago zachary looked through the manuscript and realized his friend had been fooled does anything in this text strike you as strange [Music] if we talk about the dates before the common era they should be in reverse order the original text would read king alfred v ruled the country from 1320 to 1290 bce detective aaron jones got a call late at night it was his neighbor i've heard a very loud noise coming from the house next door i'm afraid to go there to investigate alone but what if something has happened when aaron and his neighbor arrived at the place they saw the entrance door open they ran inside and found the house owner mr anderson on the floor of his bedroom tied and moaning in pain he said he had been in bed reading a book and then a man in a black mask broke into his room and hit him on the head then he tied mr anderson took all his money and other valuables and disappeared detective jones didn't believe the man why [Music] look at his bed there isn't even a wrinkle on the cover it's unlikely that the thief made the bed after tying mr anderson which means the man is lying look at this group of people and try to figure out who the man's wife is [Music] it's the woman in purple both she and the biker are wearing matching wedding rings joan took part in an experiment testing her logical thinking and analytical skills she had to crack riddles to get to the next level right now the girl is locked in a small room the door will open automatically once she figures out the riddle written on a piece of paper which principle is the sequence based on 8549-176320 the numbers are lined up based on the alphabetical order of the first and second letters of their name eight five four nine and so on joan managed to get out of the room and is ready for the next task this time the girl needs to join all the blue points on the screen but she's allowed to use only three lines how can she do it [Music] she's drawn a triangle his three sides include all the dots the next level is rather scary joan is locked in a room that's slowly filling with water this process will only stop when the girl figures out how this equation can be true 29 minus 1 equals 30. even under these stressful conditions joan managed to crack the puzzle she replaced the numbers with the roman numerals xxix minus i equals xxx then she removed the one i from 29 xxix and got 30 xxx wow this was a riddle with a lot of excess and finally joan is given the last test she needs to figure out which object is the odd one and doesn't belong to the group can you do the same it's the first object it's the only one that doesn't have any individual traits the second object is uniquely round the third doesn't have a red line around it the four shape is a different color and the fifth one is smaller than the rest two cars are driving through the city they both started their journey at the same time the green one is moving at a speed of 30 miles per hour the yellow one is faster its speed is 50 miles per hour and still at one point the green car comes across the yellow car how is it possible well the cars were traveling in opposite directions look at this teenager and two women behind his back who is his real teacher the answer is in the reflection behind their backs you can see that both women are holding pointers but in the mirror only one of them has it she is the real teacher [Music] jack works in a hat store a hat there cost ten dollars a customer liked the hat and wanted to buy it he handed a twenty dollar bill to jack jack didn't have the change so he asked another shop assistant mary to go and make change in a nearby store mary went back and brought three bills a ten dollar bill and two five dollar bills jack handed the change to the customer some time later the shop assistant from the nearby store ellen came to the hat store and said the money mary had given her was fake and insisted on giving her the money back jack had to return the money to ellen how much money did jack lose including the price of the hat [Music] jack lost twenty dollars he gave ten dollars as a change and the hat cost ten dollars you don't need to count twenty dollars he gave back to ellen he took that money first and then gave it back which makes it zero loss for him a red apple costs one dollar a green one costs two dollars and a blue one costs three dollars what apples and how many of them did jamie buy if we know he spent three dollars and two bills only [Music] jamie bought a green and a red one he paid a one dollar bill for the red one and a two dollar bill for the green one yeah he could have grabbed the blue one and given the same two bills but have you ever seen blue apples harry loves different kinds of bets every time he meets his friends he has a new one last weekend he suggested a challenge he said that he could place a cup in the middle of a room and easily crawl into it nobody believed that he could do that so harry's friends were sure they would win still harry won the bet how did he do that he said he could place a cup in a room and crawl into it he didn't mention whether it was a cup or a room though so he crawled into a room and won the bet anna left a shopping list for her husband jeff there were only two items but she decided to prank jeff a bit so she didn't write exactly what he needed to buy but wrote two riddles the first item in her list was full of holes but still could hold water and the second item had four fingers in the thumb but it wasn't alive what was jeff supposed to buy jeff needed to grab a sponge and a pair of gloves andrew went hiking to the mountains but all of a sudden an earthquake started he fell through a narrow tunnel into a large pit where zombies live luckily andrew has three different elixirs that could help him the first elixir can make him grow in size the second elixir can make him fly and the third elixir can make him invisible he only can drink one elixir which one should he choose he doesn't need to grow in size because he won't make it through the tunnel if he does the zombies living in the pit can hear and smell so they'll find him even if he's invisible he should choose the ability to fly it'll help him get back a notorious bad guy caught william a wealthy businessman and locked him in a room i won't let you out until you double the money i leave for you and the criminal put three thousand dollars on the table by the time he returned william had already doubled the money but he hadn't left the room or talked to anyone how did he do that he put the money in front of the mirror two friends eric and angus decided to play on the table there was a plate with 11 green apples and seven red apples eric was blindfolded and he needed to grab some apples without seeing them how many apples should he take to make sure he has two apples of the same color [Music] total quantity of apples on the plate doesn't matter the main thing is that there are only two colors so if eric takes three apples there will be at least two apples of the same color for sure three students amanda lisa and mark were having a party the night before an important exam so they weren't ready for it the following day they called the professor and asked him to reschedule the exam they said they got a flat tire on their way to the university which was a lie the professor agreed to reschedule the exam but he said that if he finds out they were lying all of them will get an f the students agreed some days later when amanda lisa and mark came to the university to pass the exam the professor gave them an exam sheet with one question only the students were sitting far away from each other so that they couldn't cheat when the professor collected the sheets all the students got an f what question was it [Music] [Music] the professor asked the students which tire got flat they weren't ready for it and all of them had different answers uh-oh someone stole expensive jewelry from mrs doris's hotel room it happened at around 6 am when the police came the hotel owner told them that there was a heavy snowfall early in the morning it destroyed all the evidence suddenly one of the police officers spotted an infamous criminal he had been accused of committing several burglaries but always managed to get away with it the man denied being at the hotel at that time i only came a half hour ago he claimed the police officers immediately understood he was lying how [Music] there's a thick layer of snow on the criminal's car if he had been driving to the hotel there would be no snow on the hood it would have melted or got blown away by the wind and since it's sunny now it can't be new snow you are wandering through the forest trying to find the way to a bus station suddenly you meet a man he tells you that soon you'll see a crossroads there will be a post with several sign boards the right signboard will lie and the left one will tell the truth a bit later you indeed see this post the right sign on it says to the bus station and the left one reads to the forest where is the station [Music] if the right sign lies and the left sign will lead you back to the forest go straight and you'll get to the station damien is an artist recently he has had problems with money that's why he had to sell the only valuable thing he had an expensive painting of a 17th century artist the man who bought it showed the canvas to his friend matthew a police detective after looking at the picture carefully matthew asked for damian's address he visited the artist and asked him where he had gotten the painting from the man said my granddad left it to me you're lying the detective said you painted it yourself how did he figure it out there are electrical power lines in the picture but they didn't exist in the 17th century the police found out a diamond smuggler was going to leave the country through the largest airport in the city they didn't know who it was and where this person was flying that's why they searched the baggage of everyone who was departing on that day most people were angry and nervous but one man was calm and polite the airport security officers didn't find anything suspicious in his suitcase but after the man got the sticker checked on his baggage police asked him to come with him they suspected he was the smuggler they were looking for how did they understand it while the security officer was putting the sticker on his suitcase the man surreptitiously put his coat inside the diamonds must be hidden in this coat mr carter a rich man who collected antiques asked detective morris to visit him when the detective arrived the collector said i've just got a precious statuette but i need to go away on business for a week and i'm afraid someone will break into my house my neighbors are so suspicious of course the statuette is insured but still detective morris had some other urgent things to do he promised to come back in the evening to figure out how to deal with the situation but when he arrived several hours later mr carter rushed to him i was away for an hour no more i drove my sister to the doctor but when i came back the statuette was gone detective morris didn't believe the collector why he left the house in the afternoon he noticed an apple lying in front of the left part of the gate it's still there but for a car to drive through both parts of the gate have to be open this means that mr carter lied about leaving his home by car a man with a bandage around his head came to a police station i was hitchhiking when the car stopped the driver asked me to check if one of the tires was flat i bent over to look and he hit me on the head when i came to my senses i found out he had taken all my money and cell phone i remember he had a big car large eyebrows and a mustache the police had a suspect they found him in a cafe but the man said it couldn't be him he changed the tires on his car two weeks ago and since then the car had been parked near the cafe the detective realized the man was lying right away how there's a no parking sign near the cafe no car could be staying there for two weeks mr and mrs williams had to go on a business trip it was a sudden and urgent matter they didn't have time to take the money they had to the bank that's why they decided to hide it under the doormat when they returned the money was gone three people visited the apartment while the owners were away the williams neighbor he helped them fix the tv a housekeeper came to clean the apartment and an electrician visited to deal with some lighting problems who took the money [Music] [Music] it was the housekeeper she was the only person who had any reason to look under the doormat
Views: 1,793,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side videos, optical illusions, optical illusions personality test, spot the difference, spot the difference test, find odd one out, optical illusions game, test your eyes, riddles and puzzles, logical thinking, logical riddles, logical puzzles, brainteasers, brain exercises, brain riddles, brain puzzles, solve riddles, 7 second riddles, test your brainpower
Id: bvvzWK2-ttU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 20sec (1880 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2022
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