What's Your Hidden Superpower? | Personality Test

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keep track of your points and check your results at the end of the test do you like playing tricks on people a yes but only my close friends they know i don't mean it b everyone all the time c never i'm afraid to hurt their feelings d only if they play tricks on me [Music] if you picked option a you just earned 20 points if you went with b add 40 points to your basket those who chose c earned 10 points d is worth 30 points which of these animals do you associate yourself with a panther i'm also posh fast and can always protect myself b cute puppy i wouldn't survive a day without my family c kangaroo i'm one of a kind and you can't approach me easily d chameleon i can fit into any surroundings all panthers out there get 20 points puppies at heart can add 10 points to their score kangaroos scored 30 and chameleons got 40 points if you turned into a superhero what would you do first a save the world b travel the world being a superhero involves flying right c meet my favorite celebrity d use my superpowers to produce as much money as i've always wanted [Music] option a brings you 30 points b is worth 20. c is worth 10 points d gives you 40 points it's your birthday and your friends surprise you with your dream car how long will you be happy about it a a week perhaps until the joy fades away b forever it's the gift of a lifetime c it's no big deal it takes way more than that to make me happy d i won't accept it it's too much and they know it if you picked a add 20 points to your score if you went with b it's worth 10 points c brings you 40 points and d 30 points what's your favorite kind of weather a beach weather sunshine no clouds heat b i love snow playing outside or staying at home on a snowy day makes me happy c rainy weather the sound of it helps calm me down d extreme weather thunderstorms tornadoes sandstorms they make life more interesting [Music] if you prefer sunshine add 20 points to your basket snow fans earn 10 points rain fans get 40 points those who love extreme weather earn 30 points what movie would you choose to star in a drama i know how to play it because i live it b my sense of humor and irony will help c superhero movie i even know what my superhero costume will look like d i want to star in a detective movie and solve mysteries option a brings you 20 points b is worth 10 points c brings you 30 points and d is worth 40 points how do you feel before an important event a nervous and scared i don't want to let anyone down b excited i love to test myself and triumph c calm and focused that's what helps me always win d useless i always feel like others are putting more in it if option a is your choice you get 10 points would you rather go with b it's worth 30 points c brings you 40 points d is worth 20 points what activity would you like to exclude from your routine for good a washing drying and brushing my hair it's a waste of time b having to pick my outfits let a robot do it for me c cooking it's definitely not my thing d cleaning things turn into a mess again too soon if option a sounds like the way to go give yourself 10 points if b is your choice you just scored 30 points in case you went with c add 40 points to your basket finally d brings you 20 points which sense do you rely on the most a smell i could create my own perfumes b hearing i can hear someone whisper across the street c sight they say i have eyes on my back d taste it has never let me down if you went for a sense of smell you get 40 points those who trust their hearing get 10 points if you have an eagle eye award yourself with 20 points your sense of taste brings you 30 points you're arranging a first date with someone you really like what is it going to be a i'll rent a movie theater or a planetarium just for the two of us b i'll cook some fancy food and learn to play some musical instrument see i'll take them to an escape room and let them show how smart and brave they are d huh i don't arrange dates others try their best to impress me option a brings you 10 points b gives you 30 points option c is worth 20 points if you chose option d here are your 40 points what do you do when you're angry a ignore everything and everyone i need some time to cool down b read my favorite book or listen to some music c cry my heart out it helps me restart my system d think it over i gotta understand what made me so angry and how to avoid it option a adds 40 points to your basket option b gives you 30 points c is worth 10 points and d is worth 20 points your friends having a housewarming party what do you bring to it a some food or something else practical will do b i'll write a poem or make a fun collage and frame it to make it memorable c i'll just ask them what they need for the new house d hmm nothing my presence is the best gift in case you chose option a give yourself 10 points b adds 30 points to your score c is worth 20 and d is a 40 point option what time do you usually go to bed a 10 pm 11 pm at latest i keep it healthy b 2 a.m or so and then i wake up around 2 p.m see what is sleep i never get any d 8 pm i need my beauty sleep healthy sleepers get 40 points night owls get 30 points those who never sleep win 20 points those who go to bed early get 10 points which of the following sounds like the absolute worst idea to you a never leaving my hometown for the rest of my life b doing all the work and watching others get promoted c have someone else pick my hairstyle for me d never knowing my schedule i can't live without a good plan those who went with option a get 30 points option b is worth 40 points c brings you 20 points d is worth 10 points pick a color combination you'd never get tired of wearing a black and white i'm classy b gray and pink official with a playful twist c orange purple emerald with a sprinkle of blue i dress brightly d stripes polka dot paisley it's not about colors it's about patterns case you chose option a add 40 points to your score b brings you 10 points c brings you 30 points d is worth 20 points time to sum up your points if you ended up with 150 to 230 points your hidden superpower is invisibility you can always disappear from an event you don't like smoothly if you don't want anyone to notice you at a lecture or a business meeting they never will did you get 240 to 330 points congrats you have the superpower of flying you're doing things way faster than other people sometimes they ask you to share your secret of being here and there at the same time you fly from place to place and are never late you're always the first to try out a new trend and visit a new place in case you scored 340 to 420 points you're a super brain you're one of the smartest people around you can figure out the solution to any problem in a matter of seconds when life gets too easy your brain gets bored you have an excellent sense of humor and irony you like to plan things and your plan always works out those who got 430 to 510 points you have the superpower of reading minds you have a lot of friends and make new ones easily you always feel when something's wrong with them and know exactly how to help you can also make others change their mind if it's in your interest if your final score is 510 points or more you're a money magnet you never run out of it the second you realize you could use some more cash opportunities make it float your way you know how to save and how to spend money
Views: 2,679,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, Brightside, bright side video, your personality, personality test, personality quiz, personality types, personality traits, character, your personality and your brain, test your brain, test your personality, reveals the truth, personality test psychology, personality test questions, psychology tricks, psychological tips, hidden power, my biggest strength, superpower, secret superpower, what's my superpower
Id: BMRlr2DE0Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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