Oprah's 2020 Vision Tour Visionaries: Tina Fey Interview

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already already alrighty so when I started this very iti can't tell you what it means to me that so many brilliant influencers trailblazers people I really admire in the world said yes when we call to ask them to join them on the w w presents our vision tour for wellness and I mean Tina Fey packed her parka and came all the way to the Twin Cities y'all please welcome Tina [Applause] oh look at you yeah you left your parka at the back you looked at the park on the back it was a coal a little shocking I mean it was I walked out the hotel this morning and I went hey I did the same thing I did the same thing and I lived in Chicago all those years but you lose your tolerance yeah the difference is the difference is to that when I was in Chicago I literally went from garage to garage I worked 14-hour days I went from one he's aggression anyway we're welcoming you here thank you I'm so happy to be here so gene and I had some fun yesterday because we both love Minneapolis for the same reason we both love ourselves some Mary Tyler Moore Mary we do we do so we went to this we had to go to the Statue with her I was checking the Rattray little berets love that love that why did she mean so much to you I mean you know I think only in hindsight to do I appreciate what a new kind of show that was you know it was it was on it came on the year I was born right so I'm born in 1978 came I know and so that seeing that representation of a woman working a show about her at work and her work friends and all that stuff that was a given for me and I think that definitely influenced me of what I thought grown-up life was right we all wanted that apartment I drove by the house after I do it's so pretty yeah because she go there yeah there the exterior of the house somebody's house you should probably knock on the door I didn't but and yeah and just everything about it you know just like having that lit and so I definitely obviously from very young saw myself have like that I'm gonna live and I'm gonna work I'm gonna live in a big city those were the things I dreamed about and large part because of that show yeah I wanted an apartment like that I even had an oh what near my refrigerator like shedding yes yes yeah also her outfits were gorgeous her style was gorgeous yes I started wearing vest because Mary did yeah yeah the whole thing really important to have role models like that and then when I started in Chicago and people started writing ask me for money all the time I thought now who would I write to Mary did you write there who do I feel that I feel close enough to on television that I would say right Mary I'm having a problem could you help me with my rent but yeah yeah here's the deal I know that you have been a WWE member not just as I remember you are aaww lifetime I'm a lifetime member thank you I tell people what that means I joined in New York and I had gone I was a had lived in Chicago and really enjoyed the food in Chicago and the big coats yes and then I got to New York and I've we all took our coats off and I was like what happened what happened and I was sort of like oh I think it's time to sort of focus on this before I sort of Luke and gets out of hand so why did you choose it's been I think I chose event I went with my friend Paula my friend hopes I don't think she'll mind that I said my friend Paula pal who's the hilarious comedian we were both writer you know Paula pal and we joined together we were writers to the Sanel and we went we used to go to meetings you know when you talk about connection like it was old school days we would go to a meeting over a jewelry store in 86th and Broadway and the points were in books I still have the books you look up you know like in my bananas two points forever to me I can't like a banana can't be zero points I can't and I ended up we both succeeded on the program and I lost like 30 pounds that has mostly stayed off and in many ways kind of changed my career a little bit now it was like oh okay maybe now you can be on TV which is terrible yeah you know but also like okay I said yes yes worked out it worked out yeah and you went on TV not only that one of them but we were talking earlier and those of you who are on it know the best part about Weight Watchers is community and there's now an app yeah and there's something called Connect yeah where people are posting all the time I was saying it's the only place you can go and post your picture of yourself at 487 pounds a bikini and people say way to go girl yes yep fantastic we're with you yay I find going on I actually do go on there sometimes and people don't know you go in there yes and you don't know it's me I may have given your salad a thumbs up you don't know but I find it really rewarding like I do our unconnect yes ma'am not by my name but yes and your stuff looked it up and they're like we saw you you have three followers I was like yeah perfect perfect it's exactly how I want it but I don't do Twitter and stuff like that because I feel like it can be so toxic and so sometimes on a day where I'm feeling very stressed or like I feel like the urge I wish I could go on Twitter and like say something back to someone or whatever I go and connect and I just spend like 15 minutes saying positive things to people and I feel so like refilled and good as opposed to like leaving a mean thing on Twitter yeah people get into some personal stuff on connect they do yes I've seen people talking up likes you can put videos on there now too and I one time I spent quite a while watching a lady older lady talking about her weight lesson and I was talking about like how her like she was facing an illness her mother had was telling her like you've never gonna do it and like community was rallying around her like it gets deep yeah see but you don't go deep you're just on there I just some like you can put Cool Whip on bananas guys that kind of stuff I also I heard you posted a strawberry something like it's way I take strawberries and bananas and I put frozen Cool Whip on it and and and it's a little chocolate syrup and I tell myself it's a banana split sometimes yeah only seven points tell me this does it doesn't Mehcad does it does it excite youth will you please you or we are reward you or all of them that there's so many millions of young Liz Lemon's out there in the world who look up to all the strong women that you've created through your characters oh that's very kind of you to say yes I I'm always thrilled to meet somebody who who says that they you know were inspired to become a writer or an actor or something because they saw me and Amy on SNL or they saw a 30 rock I think it's great I can see them coming sometimes I still come in I'm like you look exactly like me at 22 and yes hello like it's always like a lady it looks like glasses it's like they look at like like but yeah I think it's great you think it's great and I have to say I heard that you really like the poster that we shared announcing I guess line up the poster for the tour tell myself hi well one I'm so like I'm like this I would like this to be how we repopulate the world just we go to an island these women in the rock just start society over [Applause] the thing good poster so I hear you're in a reboot stage now yes at me well it was interesting cuz I was doing the workbook on my way here and stuff on the plane and and I'm 49 I'll be 50 next May how you feeling about that I think I feel okay I feel fine yeah I'm trying to keep I'm trying to make myself say I'm 49 and not be like I'm 50 like because I'm not yet you know yeah but you know it's only gonna get better I hope so I think though no no it is yeah it is and I will tell you the only number that actually gave me pause was 60 but when I turned 50 my dear friend Maya Angelou is still alive and Maya said to me babe the 50s or everything you've been meaning to be it's everything you thought you might do this is that this is it it's coming in you're not even there yet great okay I agree [Applause] [Laughter] but it wasn't because the the book is asking you like your intention and stuff and I was like you know I feel like I am at an age where all the things I ever thought I wanted to do I did them I always wanted to work at Saturday Night Live I wanted to have a TV show I wanted to have children you know and so I I feel like I'm kind of trying to be quiet and take things in read listen what and just I'm waiting for something inside me to tell me what the next thing is I want to do yeah wait for that yeah actually I would say don't tell it let it tell you that's what I'm trying to do okay yeah you're doing okay thank yes okay okay so that's what the reboot is for you that's the reboot I that and um you know my husband and I are both eating better like we go back my husband it was his back was bothering him and they told him to lose weight and so like in that very male way he was like okay and lost 15 pounds in like two weeks yeah it happens with guys yeah he does most of the cooking in our house and so like it's good that he's on a health kick because now everyone's like eating well and stuff and exercise oh are you conscious of it are you still tracking you track it was way when they said you have an account I was like someone's gonna be able to tell that I'm not tracking that's what I think but I just know it's there for me I go in and out like I know it's there when I need it you know like when I need to track it'll be there but no I'm not tracking right this second and all my exercise I'm finding now like exercise used to be about like I want to look cute or whatever now it's like I took like five or six years ago I took a exercise class at a gym and they were like okay never one to get down here we can do this like you need to be able to get up off the floor ladies and I was like that's where it's at [Applause] need to be able to get off the and I now I do a thing called Turkish getup so you know what it's like a thing where you get up off the floor in stages and sometimes you hold a weight I was with this was 14 I was with my I've to I have a 14 year old in an 8 year old and I don't feel like an older mom I had my 8 year old I was 41 but I delivered my field I'm hanging in with her but last night before I left we were like goofing around at the table and she like was joking like she was gonna kick me like that and I was joking with her and I like turned sideways like come on yeah and then she kicked me and as soon as I did it I was like oh wait a minute and she took me and knocked me fully on my back like all right your mom's your mom's 49 come on come on what is it you most I mean do you find it more challenging now to raise girls in this age well the Internet is hard that's what I mean with the internet and social media you're not on it yourself I'm not a public stuff I love using technology to connect with people I actually know you know like I have a group of SNL lady friends that we like it's like Amy Poehler Maya Rudolph Rachel Dratch on I guess are we talk every day with Paula Pell and we we talk a hundred times a day there you're Gail's there at my Gail's yeah yes until I can lure Gail away from you which has long been the plan and listen they're not gonna and my kids you know my older daughter has a phone she's on it she's talking to her friends yeah how do you you you to protect them from what's so terrible out there I think the kids growing up like this so do you have rules about it yeah well my little one does not have a phone and what does the age you think you should have a phone well I think it depends on the kid I feel my older kid was like 12 and that was okay my younger one I want to say 38 she's trouble she's trouble but they think kit kids not young they're like we know when they get the whole thing of like it's forever it's for everyone it's for you know because that's what I think my generation struggles the most with the going like oh I said that online and that now anyone can see that and that's forever we don't get that not at all no you're like I think speaking extemporaneously is like the most dangerous thing a person can do in 2020 is just like talk without a script because you get in trouble maybe trouble somebody so let's talk about all of this incredible you know one of the things that amazed me one of the times I think I was going to interview you you were in the middle of literally creating you were gonna do for the first time that night the Sarah Palin routine and there was something going on with your daughter it was yeah it was I spent what was probably the apex probably the craziest day of a crazy time in my life when we made the show 30 rock we worked 60 70 hours a week and an Oprah had very very kindly agreed to be on the show so we were gonna shoot film all day on the Saturday and also that it had come to pass in the days before that that that Saturday night I was going to go play Sarah Palin the first time and the first time or the first time and then the next day was my daughter's third birthday party and I was like I was like I'm gonna make the cake you know like yeah everybody here's one thing if you're a young mom I will tell you they literally don't remember all the things the birthday party is they don't remember don't start til their legs end I guess I was going to say don't even started blitz at least about six or seven you start doing it yes but all that stuff you're doing when they're two and three and yeah you're doing it for yourself yeah you're doing it for yourself so it doesn't matter how good the cake is doesn't matter if you made the cake it's fine I mean so you weren't you didn't even seem to be nervous that first that you were doing that that first night were you really nervous I think i weirdly was not I was probably more nervous that you were there and we needed to get the the show you in the can I did have an episode earlier in the morning that you were there where I I started laughing uncontrollably and I had to shoot one little thing without you yeah and I started laughing uncontrollably at a very stupid joke where I was supposed to be asleep yeah and the guy next to me in the plane and that I I get woken up and in my sleep I say no grandma no and we never know why I'm anyway and I started I had the giggles and they were like they couldn't I couldn't stop and they were like listen Oprah's coming in like an hour you got okay oh good and we were in the dressing room and I was looking at news tapes of Sarah Palin trying to sound like her and Oprah said to me like I'm concerned for you like this might be too much like when Oprah Winfrey tells you it might be too much sit down sit down and I in hinds now that that time in my life is over where I was like we can do everything we can go and we'll do the show and then I'll be a I I can remember of like a feeling that now I know was just cortisol just spiking at all times like I like a tight chest front and back and cortisol cuz that show was a dirty rock was a lot of challenging people challenging circumstances and I think that it there would be days where I'm like I feel it eating my heart like a cortisol the cortisol is burning away my heart and so I I don't feel that anymore I have other shows now but I'm not in them and I feel that that's good you know what I love about you is that first of all did you you didn't know particularly that first day that the Sarah Palin gig the SIP that that thing was going to turn into a thing and the thing and the thing I did at night you know all I knew was people thought I look like her and I was like I don't even work there anymore and I don't think people realize that and they're like and I've joked and said that it was I felt like it was my prayer for Owen Meany moment that was like everything in my life had been leading up to me be able to do that and and I one thing I was thinking about that and about balance in general and the reason why I wasn't that scared was I think because other parts of my life were in balance I felt like if it goes terribly I'll just go home and my family's there that's right you know I was able to have perspective of like I will say that is the reason why Gael and I and if you were gonna Steelers your best friend why she is the best friend because she always actually loved her life and so never wanted any parts of mine you can only have friends who are truly your friends who are not jealous of you who don't want what you have who only want with what they have and they are happy for what you have and that's why I have I also would be remiss if I didn't mention my best friend from my home growing up best friend Marlene Kimball who is very much that she's a teacher in Pennsylvania and she we are celebrate each other and and yet I never feel like yeah that she's like wow I wish old this weekend I might have blown it I probably should have brought her this week probably should've brought your shoes yeah yeah so do you have lots of girlfriend cuz you have a Saturday Night Live group that you talk to all of it yeah I have my Senate live friends who now now that's old friends you know that's over yeah 20 years ago I have my you know my old like hometown summer theater friends I have all my work friends my friend AZ who I used to work with flew in from LA because not because of me but yeah yes I wanted to ask first of all you are gonna be hosting the Golden Globes yeah Amy and I are gonna go back maybe going back next year yeah so here's what I'll be tracking next December I'll be tracking those points yes back to tracking for the big event do you think as a comedian that there are some jokes some things that shouldn't be joked about is there anything off-limits I my honest answer as a comedian is sort of know there if you're a good enough comedian and if it's true and you find the way to get at the truth of something like technically no but it's also like you have to think of who you're speaking to and who and I think what people getting pushback is that people again cuz when you speak now you're speaking to everyone in the whole world and so you get more pushback of like yeah I didn't I can hear you and I didn't like that and so it's harder to write jokes but in theory like so I wouldn't you say like is there no topic and I think like in my mind I'm like I don't think there's any topic that I wouldn't want to hear what Chris Rock had to say about it right now I was like I would feel safe in his thoughtfulness and his skills mm-hmm I'd be like what's your take on whatever but I also think part of my reboot is as a person in comedy it's we're all sort of like not all of us me and my peers are kind of like alright let's take a minute let's figure out how to make comedy with hurting anyone cuz we don't want to hurt anyone you know how to make things make shows that are more inclusive and diverse but you were doing diversity and inclusion long before it became the code word that everybody now uses the popular word because you had a theory about diversity and creating chemistry in a room based upon lots of different kinds of people correct oh yeah I mean I do think the more the more the more diverse the room the better everything is because it's just yeah it's just it's just truly better cuz you don't want to be a bunch of you want to be a bunch of Caucasian people trying to guess what's okay you know for a Latino person how about just have some Latino people in the room and come up with things together and it just yeah it's like you wouldn't you wouldn't make a soup with like one thing in it and expect it to be good soup no you were done so you've been doing that for a very long time I'll try stew you thank you for doing that so when you reboot it Mean Girls yes and now in Chicago yes now in Chicago so when you rebooted Mean Girls you had an idea behind it that just wasn't about Mean Girls yeah the story I mean this the Mean Girls story it came from this sociology book called queen bees and wannabes which we probably talked about online there's gonna show and it's a it's about how to help girls navigate the they call it the relational aggression now I feel like ozone what it's called called relational aggression mean girls are relational aggression aggressors yeah aggressors but now I feel like partly because of the internet and the anonymity of the internet and our climate and our culture that it's actually kind of metastasized this behavior of just like I'm just gonna throw a punch over here on someone's Instagram account or tweet something at someone and walk away like wasn't that amazing wasn't it wasn't it so badass how I said that terrible thing to that person who doesn't know I I am and in the core of the Mean Girls message of the show is this simple notion of like saying calling someone else ugly does not make you better looking calling someone else stupid does not make you any smarter and just trying to encourage people to walk away from that behavior and so that felt why it was partly why it felt okay to me like oh yeah I'll revisit this property or whatever because I feel like it's still a valid thing to be talking about I loved when you wrote in your book Bossypants it was a great book thank you you wrote if you if you retain nothing else always remember the most important rule of beauty which is who cares no one cares okay still gonna die [Laughter] and you say you reached a point where you loved everything about yourself and you you actually talked about your thin lips and make you look like your nephew yeah I look just like mine ah I did that like changing face change I'm up yep my nephew I think it actually is a very much a blessing did I I think it's good to not be pretty as a teenager or you know II mean like why because I think if you're a very attractive young person the world treats you differently it expects different things of you and you may not develop other aspects of yourself and then you will eventually unless you're Christie Brinkley you will eventually lose that beauty and then you don't know who the rest of your self is yeah but Christie Brinkley is just she's born Christie Brinkley now than she yeah she looks beautiful yeah she is she is she is but it never was an issue for you I mean I feel like I what being too beautiful no it's never been an issue never been a problem but you know everybody talked about this like you but I think it's interesting I've moved through my life in a couple different body shapes and it's interesting to go from having been kind of like just like a like I said just Chicago style comfy comedy person and then I lost weight when I was like 27 28 and people who I had definitely met before introduced themselves to me and treated me differently and I felt like I was mature enough to be like okay thank you don't hit on me yeah you saw me before and I think Anna because people treat you differently they treat beautiful people differently we do we can't help it and I think we all do do we know yeah yeah and this is why I have punched my daughters in the face every morning [Applause] and I love I love it what you just said is true I think I remember reading there's a bossy pants you the reason you're so secure with yourself is because you've moved through life in a few different bodies yeah you know it's it's so true yeah you just you it's I think we save ice melts like every what you should try being in your life is try being a little heavy once try being really really skinny once you can't stay there you know you gets up what are you losing weight and you're like then it just becomes a game yeah of like how much weight can I lose and that you don't you don't want to you don't want to reside there you want to live your life want to live your life yeah now I just want to uh my goal now is I want to I see like old ladies in Manhattan like bustling down the street and that's like my goal is like I want to be walking around town probably yelling at people when I'm 85 when you're 85 yeah I want to be moving that's it it's going to be moving you seem to be so so literally normal calm and balanced what's the lesson that's taking you the longest to learn I think I'm at the age where I'm starting to learn that I don't have to be so obedient I'm a very obedient person a very obedient child growing up I'm a pleaser I want to hear that I got an a you know and I feel like you get to the age that will you get past that and now I don't feel the need to please others as much as much as you've completely lost it do you say still say yes a lot of times when you mean no no I think I don't I think I don't say yes what I mean no yeah I think I'm chief word it was a vision door yeah so since you're in that state of reboot are you comfortable being in that place where you're just waiting for the next to show up yes I'm comfortable I keep saying around the house I'd be like well you know I'm retired and then my husband's like you know you're not retired I'm like just look just let me say it yeah I'm comfortable I'm trying to read more I'm trying to beep I'm you know present and enjoying my kids more than you know my second kid has no understanding of how hard my older daughter had it when you're shooting in a lake I would say goodbye to her at five in the morning and come home at 9:00 at night you know that was terrible and you know now my little one if I go for 10 minutes where are you going like she's she has no idea how bad it could be I other thing I'm trying to learn is to as we all are to be more present to put the devices away and to be with my family in a way and not be caught up in the idea of what it should be when we're together when you work a lot working moms can tell you like you spent a fair amount of time at work being like I'm gonna go on Pinterest and look at like crafts I'm gonna make when I get home some day some day folders and folders of pins crafts and and I had this thing where as like I'm gonna take my 8 year old to this part of Central Park this special garden and we're gonna go and we're gonna take drawing supplies and we're gonna have a day and I took her and she was like it just it just went to hell like it just it was and we ended up like in a fight with each other like and I was like maybe let's just be together and not try to plant it and not try to you know are you glad that you're not or would you want to be on Saturday Night Live during this volatile political time I'm glad to not be I think it's a it's a tricky time to write about politics it's tricky tricky tricky because you still you are still obligated to make it funny you you can't just be mad yeah it has to be funny yeah but glad you most want to play now who would I want to play now as a character oh I'm thinking through them all they're so beautiful I'm not yet I don't I don't think anybody I mean what's that you got one amy klobuchar Rachel Rachel Dratch plays Amy Klobuchar and does an amazing job and and looks just like her nancy pelosi the two pillows you could play nancy pelosi but marianne williamson you know the improv there's a whole thing when you're doing improv shows which is where i came from which are these scenes that everyone makes up together on stage and there's a rule in improv is when do you enter a scene if people two people are doing a scene and when are you supposed to enter yeah and they asked in class I said like when do you learn like oh when I have a good idea or when I think of something funny and they're always like no the answer is you enter the scene when you are needed that's when you enter oh so I will not enter as I am needed but if you felt you were needed you got the call oh sure yeah you're doing yeah what is exciting you the most exciting I mean being here with you thank you the most I don't know we I'm I'm dead inside Oprah I'm dead I like my house I like being inside my house so you I know also did the workbook right yeah yeah and what did you get get and learn anything about yourself yeah well this is actually ties to what I just said yes the one the the emotion and and learning learning was one of those things I circled that I wanted to work on because I feel like I I I feel like I lack a curiosity like I should be more curious about things outside my realm are you one of those people who have literally learns from your life mistakes I hope so yes so that doesn't show up wearing a different pair of pants or skirt oh yeah I think so I think I think I learn from life mistakes yeah but even just in terms of like I don't know like taking in new doing new things trying new things I think I'm a person who needs to be pulled because I I was obsessed with comedy it's what I always wanted to do I dove into that now I feel like I know about that and so I need to find what the next thing makes you laugh oh my gosh who makes me laugh Maya Rudolph Amy Poehler Kenan Thompson David Sedaris a lot of people think this thing with you and Amy Poehler seems like it's so natural do you all have to work at that being so natural we have known each other since 1992-93 and we've been working together and I I think I love about our friendship it is it is a work based friendship like we that's the tight the only time almost the only time we see each other is if we work on something together which is probably why we're like okay we'll do the globe's again we were on an hour first improv team together we toured for the second city together we did weekend update' together and so that was that's my love language is working with people I work with my husband I you know and so going in to do something like the Globes and sitting there with a packet of jokes and going through it with her it's so natural and so easy because it's 2530 years in practice yeah and that vibe just just happens so naturally yes so when you did your workbook yeah what was your 20/20 vision for yourself well I I think I I was a little confused of whether it was supposed to be a whole sentence or like how ethereal it should be or if it should be like eight more carats but I said I I think it's I think it's about listening and being present and and like listening to try to hear what I'm supposed to do next and and when you know one of the practices that is actually a part of my daily spiritual practice is gratitude and when you look back at your life your career just what you're saying earlier all the things that you wanted to do you're 49 you think you've done those what are the things that really make your heart swell with gratitude I mean everything the the the people I have gotten to meet the people have gotten to to work with being able to not that I didn't run out of time to have children you know being able to do what I love and have financial success in it I have gratitude for I would I know for sure I would be doing it anyway even if I was still doing it in Chicago for free and working a day job I know I would say that you know what you're supposed to do and you would do it for you do it for nothing I would do it for nothing and I have so in the beginning for a long time yeah yeah for nothing yeah and if you were still well we're glad you're not still doing it for nothing it meets you meets you yeah and so what do you have a spiritual practice um I was raised Greek Orthodox but now I would refer to myself as like an Ann Lamont Christian just read some Anne Lamott try to be a good person try to impart ethics to my children that's about it and that's it but what do you do since you know we're talking about wellness yeah okay what do you do to keep yourself in that wellness space that you are working to be more whole yes and not perfect because you taught us that we don't have to do that you can't be I'm what do I do to pee well I I eat well I move around I try to I try to sleep now that I spent so many years sleep deprived and that sleep deprived sleep deprivation is no joke I know the reason they use it as Roger I'm amazed they're still awake I'm awake because when I asked a question earlier today that's the number one question everybody could have read there and they're not getting enough rest or sleep yeah and that's the it's it's so hard to prioritize it for yourself but you should try I love going to sleep I'm my favorite part of the day I drink some natural calm magnesium and I go to sleep I'm finding that I really need to be outside every day like I need to make time to go walk and be in nature or as close as I can get to nature in the city looks to the city go to park I'm trying to read more I'm trying to read more for a couple reasons because I'm looking to reboot but also I think I know my friends and I were all we're all very stressed by the news every day and the daily events and like fire in Australia so many things like do you take it in because I was talking to friend the other night who's like said I gotta go watch the evening news I never watch the evening news I know I try not to yeah before bed are you kidding you know I took I watched the morning a little bit and then do watch Gayle it I loved it I'm MBC forever it's tricky it's tricky so it's my watch NBC in the morning sorry but by the way that was just a chess move to prevent me from getting Gail to be my friend that was a relational aggression [Applause] i watch everything on girls Instagram I lurk on Instagram and watch gals but I also like to read stuff because I feel like it helps me remember that the world's been around a long time and will continue to be around and so like read things that were written a while ago and have a connection to things that are more permanent than like the news cycle but you don't take all that stuff in on a daily no I try not you might think my friends do it my friends need talk down like every night yeah it's a lot of like are you watching this and like nope not a bit nope walk away yeah don't even take it in I can't even tell you what it meant to me that you said yes that you would come here and talk to all of our I would say yes to anything in the world that you ever asked me to do and by the way like if you ask me what my like spiritual beliefs are like the closest I come is my love of you since I was a child coming home from high school I would come home every day and make a Jiffy Pop and watch you every day and eat that whole Jiffy Pop and I feel like there are so many things but I'd say all the time that I got from watching your show I always say always be the only person who can sign your checks yeah I always say never go with someone to a second location which actually I used to say it's so much stuff like that in the room at 30 rock that he became like a famous joke on 30 rock of with Carrie Fisher's character Jack Barnett wrote like never go with a hippie to a second location and it's because I wouldn't shut up about things I learned from The Oprah Show I went to a book club show once when I was living in Chicago with me and I probably Rachel Dratch like a bunch of us we had read The Book of Ruth was the book oh wow and we went to that show like it was a midterm I don't know what we be like we thought you were gonna give us a test like we were took it so so you you are my church you were my church at my light thank you for coming to Twin Cities you for having me thank you for being here and let me a little yourself your soul with us thank you thank you dear boy Oh
Channel: WW formerly Weight Watchers
Views: 469,929
Rating: 4.7873268 out of 5
Keywords: ww, myww, wellness, oprah, oprahsvisiontour2020, resolutions, oprah tour, oprah 2020 tour, weight watchers, oprah interview, 2020 vision tour highlights, oprah tour highlights, oprah mental health, oprah minneapolis, oprah minnesota, oprah interviews tina fey, tina fey interview, tina fey
Id: AiuLzhbvKs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 12sec (2532 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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