Operation Relentless - Sea Shepherd's 10th Antarctic Whale Defence Campaign

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[Music] [Music] I think that the the ninth district court injunction emboldened the Whalers and they were much more aggressive this year I think that they felt they could do whatever they wanted and they had the backing of both the Japanese government and the US courts in the past initial Maru has tried to hit us but we've been able to get certainly get out of their way but this time we were holding our positions to prevent the refueling and so you know they I think they were initially they probably thought they could Bluff us and we just move aside and then when we didn't they were in a position where they just carried on and hit hit the bestest [Music] I think that uh an 8000 ton vessel striking a 500 ton vessel and pushing it into a five thousand ton vessel creates a very dangerous situation the Bob Barker was almost capsized because the Nisshin Maru was pushing it over to such a degree a few more minutes to probably would have capsized a little bit an extremely serious situation I don't think the Japanese captain really cared and all of these campaigns the crew are under the understanding that there are inherent dangers that we're not just saying we're coming down here to risk our lives to protect the whales we actually are risking our lives to protect the whales and when putting our ships in a position to block their operations we mean that we're there to block their operations now there's no point in saying you're going to stand fast if you move out of the way at the last moment if you're gonna say you're gonna stand fast then you stand fast [Music] you
Channel: Sea Shepherd
Views: 191,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sea Shepherd
Id: xPZQccmUVTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2013
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