M/V Farley Mowat Crew Prepares for Operation Milagro II

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I'm Katie Adams ship manager with the Farley Mowat Sea Shepherd's newest addition to our fleet here we are in Tampa Florida in a dry dock where we're undergoing operations to give the ship ready for sea our main jobs are painting the whole of the ship repairing the hole in the fuel tank mounting our radar and our winless and then checking all of the systems to make sure they're working properly my name is EB and I'm the bosun here on the Farley Mowat I'm from Durango Colorado and my wife Sarah and I are both here working on the same ship we have crew members from all around the world who dedicate their time and effort to protect you and marine wildlife my name is woody Henderson I grew up in Southern California so they got me onboard and I was very lucky to chosen for this particular fun project of moving when we were brand new cutters from Florida around through the canal and up to Sea of Cortez a route that I've done on other yachts many many times and combining my passion for the ocean with my passion for the environment this is really unbelievable opportunity for me I couldn't be more excited my name is Jose I'm from Bogota in Colombia we are gonna be working along with the government of Mexico who recently passed two-year ban on gill net fishing on the Sea of Cortez to protect the vaquita I'm Logan Kanan and I'm from Florida and I am a deckhand it's been a great experience so far I love everybody on board and I love our ship everybody from around the world has been great to work with my name is Fernando I'm from Puerto Rico I work as a deckhand here on the Farley Mowat I was very much motivated by the direct action Sea Shepherd employs and like as soon as I can I'm gonna volunteer and so I I did and two-and-a-half years later I was called becoming a volunteer and I just quit my jobs move out of my apartment I just came here my name is Katya Walter I'm from Vancouver Island Canada and I'm a deckhand Farley Mowat well-known Canadian writer and a world-renowned activist a champion of environmental and animal rights and that really showed in his books and it's incredible to be working on a ship named after him this is actually the second vessel that sea Shepherd has that was named after Farley Mowat I was bosun on the original Farley and we crossed the Pacific we transited the Panama Canal we went on to Antarctica and fought with the Whalers down there yeah no I'm on the new Farley my name's CONUS I'm the Coxon on the Farley and I'm from the UK my name is Roy I'm the communications officer and a deckhand I am from Victoria BC Canada our plan is to get a speed sensor in there speed over water sensor which will do a few things but most importantly give our radar a little more capability a little better clear reading we most always feel good about what we're doing we get what the Buddhists call the the feeling of Right Livelihood and so even if I'm cleaning toilets or I'm up to my elbows in oil generally I'm quite happy because I know what I'm doing is for the right reasons a lot of little chores my favorite things about being a part of this organization and being in the middle of the action is it's inspirational just seeing everything come together we noticed that we needed to install a new windlass and anchoring system we're on the bow of the ship now we just got our windlass installed this is a really important moment for us because it's been delaying our campaign for about six weeks now Bradley's our chief engineer and he just installed the whole thing I'm wired it up and he has a temporary switch for me right now so right back there we have the shot for the windlass and that's what we'll see turning if it all works so here I go it works all right that was forward we'll try reverse that's really really exciting for us and that's my favorite thing about all of this it's heartwarming most every day and we couldn't do it without the donations the time put in from every angle on short volunteers that work and help us when we're in port the people that work on the ship the people at higher levels in the organization and without their help we wouldn't be able to do anything that we're doing it really all comes down to that just every individual supporting us every penny that we save on these kind of expenses is stuff that goes to purchase supplies food fuel stuff that will be really applied on the field once we are on campaign everyone is so passionate and so ready to go out and fight for our ocean and that wouldn't have been possible without Farley Mowat and without you from all of our own short valent ears all of the donors everybody we couldn't do this without you it's really awesome what you guys do the purchase of the wingless set us back quite a bit so what we plan to do now that we're here in Tampa is head over to the Tampa Convention Center and give some public tours to reach the public and get the community active within Sea Shepherd and it's a really good opportunity to do some fundraising right before the campaign so the father and a crew are off South down Pass Cuba into Panama and we're gonna transit the canal and up the west coast of Mexico into the Sea of Cortez the last count estimated less than 95 makita's in the whole world and they are endemic of the Sea of Cortez so they're there that's the only place they can be found and they are just getting wrapped up on these gill nets that are not targeting them and just drowning two dead the radar we installed is very important because it will allow us to detect and identify poachers that range is far greater than what we could see visually the original father was a lot bigger than this one it helped more people but it was older and a lot slower this one's newer faster straight from service straight from the Coast Guard it's a lot cleaner and a lot easier to work on but also it's a pursuit vessel is what the Coast Guard referred to it as so very fast and it's gonna be extremely effective we will be basically working along with the local authorities to stop any vessel laying these already illegal Nets and hopefully retrieving some of them we will be talking to the locals on and try to raise awareness about the problem the fishermen there are targeting a species of fish that is called a to tava fish hopefully we'll be helping the recovery of two species during this whole campaign so if you want to stay in touch with Sea Shepherd and follow our upcoming campaigns and operations you can follow us on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and make sure you stop by our webpage at sea Shepherd org
Channel: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Views: 46,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sea Shepherd USA, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society USA, SSCS, SSCS USA, Sea Shepherd, Farley Mowat, oceans, ship, coast guard, coast guard cutter, Tampa, Florida, Ocean, Boat
Id: 1skgRtxWV2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2015
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