Ships Collide in Final Confrontation | Whale Wars

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hello yes yes I can hear you Japan has fired their first shot they got the ninth district court in the United States to issue an injunction against us I've resigned from Sea Shepherd USA from the Board of Directors and I'm no longer the executive director of Sea Shepherd USA [Music] [Music] right now the Nisshin Maru is heading towards the Sun Laurel to refuel we need to stop this refueling from taking place Nisshin Maru this is Bob Barker I will not move I will not move you'll have to sink me right here next to the Sun morale I am NOT going to move for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Steve Irwin we've regained propulsion I have power I am not backing down [Music] all right let me speak to Tom Araya Bob Barker go ahead well I never had any doubt that Peter hammarstedt would not stand his ground there so that act actually saved quite a few whales I always told Paulette I wouldn't back down and to be able to live up [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Animal Planet
Views: 2,911,389
Rating: 4.4616165 out of 5
Keywords: reality tv series, whale wars, paul watson, sea shepherds, japanese whalers, ship collision, paul watson resigns, peter hammerstedt, discovery channel, whale, wars, whaling, animal planet, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (Organization)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 48sec (168 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2014
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