Op Milagro V Episode 8 - GHOSTBUSTERS

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for the fifth year we've been the only ones here the only reason the vaquita is here at all the only reason that there's twenty two left I'm not zero is because we've been doing this for the last five years and now we have another ship coming the white Holly that's gonna help us in the off season to go up and down this entire stretch of water uninsured that every net is taken out that's been abandoned that's been left it's just gonna be left there to kill things yes the white Holly will be joining us on Thursday the captain has wrote to us they left for this morning they are coming as you know mostly towards the end of the active season but they're gonna be extremely useful for the rest of the Milagro campaign which is mainly gonna consist in to try to pick up then toda the nets that may have been left behind to everybody who's been part of Milagro for all these months and you've obviously covered like the whole part of the active season and did an amazing incredible job I think you guys I've done yet and we will welcome the bright Holly hoping to have some sort of ceremony you know that is arriving she's on route and we're gonna try and give her some sort of marine welcome that may involve fire hoses there's been a lot of hard work over the last few months it isn't over we'll still find net and we'll be concentrating on if we're not finding active total our Burnett's will be looking for ghost nets as you use your this time of year when the total other season dies off a little bit there it is alright deck let's go ahead and drop that hook please looks like we have a ghost that we're getting a taste for what the white Holly is in for in the next couple months ghost nets are a lot of work there are big balls of nut left abandoned on the bottom of the ocean floor ghost nets are the hardest nets to pull up because they are unpredictable you never know exactly what you're gonna get sometimes you get a ghost net that's just been laying on the seafloor sometimes you get a ghost net that is a ball I just hope it's a rather easy net to pull up well actually let me see if we can tie off one of the other hooks that we used for a ghost net all right Roger that releasing roots okay both wicks are on the ground again we're gonna happen Roger no worries I'm pretty satisfied with our try sharpie sharpie farley farley yeah as much as we try it we tried eight times to get this ghost net and we just could not get it and seen if you wanted to drive the Ray and see if you could catch it actually guys the truth all right we just received a call from Farley they found themselves a ghost net that they're not quite able to get it up with the grapple we're gonna go over it with our Ray and with any luck we should be able to get it for them hey folly we found that guys now to cue the music okay copy that see you guys are better zumba shop is actually in retrieving a ghost net that is really heavy mikhalych we have everything but Jacqueline that was impressively tangled and it was a big ol lump of plastic when the white Holly arrives we have a little bit of a surprise for them we're gonna actually give them what's called a water salute to welcome them to sample event today's a big day for a for Sea Shepherd operation Milagro v we are getting us those in position because the white Holly has finally arrived here Malaga here comes the white Holly Cory let's go ahead and get those fire pumps on fire pops off [Music] [Music] [Music] the white Hollies arrival signifies that we're going to keep patrolling the vaquita reserve and now there are officially on Milagro it's really great to be back in San Felipe I see the progress that we've made over the years three boats here at the same time we can pull small nets and hopefully give the vaquita a better chance of survival this year the poachers adopted new strategies to try get us out to try kick us out of the refuge to try open it up so that if they could exploit the ocean here the only thing that this violence tells me is that the poachers are getting increasingly desperate we're being so effective here that they're out of ideas and we just won't leave we have got a decline in wildlife in the last 40 years never seen before the next thing to go if it goes is the vaquita this is the world's most endangered marine mammal this is a symbol for the entire planet if we lose the vaquita what hope do we have for the planet that's why this campaign is so important for Sea Shepherd that's why this campaign is so important for everyone what does it say about humanity if we let the poachers win here because this is a symbol for the future of our species for the future of the planet this is the symbol for
Channel: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Views: 229,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sea Shepherd USA, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society USA, SSCS, SSCS USA, Sea Shepherd
Id: gO7BlNHkud0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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